Alleluia! The Lord is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! - Grace ...

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Alleluia! The Lord is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! - Grace ...
     SALM SIXTY is an oddball. There are two sections that are wildly different,
     and probably got spliced together by some ancient editor. The first section
     seems to reflect an occasion of military defeat or danger for the Israelite
nation. The people turn to God in fear and dismay; they beg for help from the God
who holds them dear. The second section is an unabashed nationalistic rant. Some
of the imagery is obscure, but it obviously says some pretty uncomplimentary
things about neighboring nations; there’s no mistaking the flagrant jingoism of
“Moab is my washbasin.” Maybe the best thing about this psalm is that it looks to
God for help in a time of crisis. We can certainly relate to that!     —Ed Greene

                  The Lord is risen!
                The Lord is risen indeed!
                           Worship Opportunities
 Following latest diocesan guidelines, there will be no services or gatherings,
                    and very limited access to the buildings
                               until about May 16th.
  We will re-evaluate this plan as conditions changeThere are online “virtual”
  services, even a Morning Prayer service that you can virtually attend via an
                           online program—see inside.
Alleluia! The Lord is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! - Grace ...
Grace Episcopal Church
                        1100 Washington Street
                            Bath, ME 04530
                             Our Mission Statement
     Grace Church strives to love and serve God through worship and ministry
                  in our church, the community and the world.
                               Remember in our Prayers
                   In our parish family, let us pray for: Martha Mayo,
                      Fred Kahrl, Hannah Cataloni, Gordon White,
                  Marnie Hackenberg, Dean Batterman, Mitch Miller,
             Ben Miller, Margaret Beaven, Ethan Stanley,
                 Frances Pinney, Lois Hart, and Al Ferguson.
    Let us pray for family and friends: Beirne Lovely, Laura Fielding,
Ned & Terry, Ru and family, Brian Brandt, Thomas Sawyer, Kim Coleman,
    the family of Diane & David Butler, Len Barker, Deborah Beal,
  Margaret Intonti, Todd Schlapfer, Bruce, Diane Engler, Gerry Pepin,
       Patricia White, Larry Ferguson, Joan Dixon and Timothy.
We pray for those many children of God who are suffering in any way and
         who have died as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed.
 Alleluia. We pray for new life in our homes, our families, and our communities.
      In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and
                     the People of the Land of the Holy One.
WASH YOUR HANDS!          DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE!           Keep your distance
Alleluia! The Lord is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! - Grace ...
Happy Birthday to You!
                  David Teale          04/12                Edward Lovely               04/13
               Dianne Smith            04/15               Harper Steenstra             04/18
O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as
they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and
strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP 830)
                           Happy Anniversary to You!
O God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented
the spiritual unity between Christ and his Church: Send therefore your blessing upon
your servants, that they may so love, honor, and cherish each other in faithfulness
and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, that their home may be a haven of
blessing and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and
the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (BCP 431)
            services for holy week on Zoom
Starting with this week, the Zoom services will use the same link, same password, same phone
number and same meeting ID as follows:
   • Invitation link:
   • Password: 798671
   • Or call: 646-876-9923 (audio only)
   • ID: 577-263-0207

Wednesday, April 8 – Morning Prayer -10 am – Zoom with Grace
Morning Prayer at Grace, led by volunteers
Thursday, April 9 - Maundy Thursday - 5:30 pm - Zoom with Grace
The Night Before Jesus Died for Us.
Agape Meal, Prayer and reflection – The Rev Stephanie Batterman
      7:00 pm - At the National Cathedral: Holy Eucharist with Stripping of the Altar

WASH YOUR HANDS!             DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE!               Keep your distance
Friday, April 10 - Good Friday - 11am – Zoom with Grace
Stations of the Cross - We pray together as Jesus makes his way to the cross.
      Noon - At the National Cathedral: Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday
Saturday, April 11 - Holy Saturday - 1:00 pm - Zoom with Grace
Liturgy with Reflection – The Rev Ed Greene
Sunday, April 12 – Easter Day - 10:15 am – Zoom with Grace
Service of Holy Eucharist - The Rev Frank Strasburger, celebrant and preacher
Virtual coffee hour follows the service
             From the Vestry:
The Vestry is now “checking in” weekly via Zoom in additional to our usual monthly meetings.
We have been focusing on how we can help our community - both the Grace Church
community, and the community in which we live - to weather these very difficult times. In
particular, we have discussed reaching out with pastoral care, worship, spiritual guidance, and
helping those in distress.
We have heard updates on how the Worship Committee has quickly enabled worship options
through Zoom (video conferencing), a Wednesday morning prayer service, and a Sunday “get
together”. We are thankful to our deacon, Stephanie Batterman, and our supply priests Ed
Greene and Frank Strasburger for stepping up to provide spiritual guidance, pastoral care, and
weekly epistolary sermons. The Worship Committee has also maintained a list of services
available online on our website.
The Pastoral Care Committee, under Elena Vandervoort’s leadership, is reaching out to all parish
members to see how people are doing, and who needs assistance. We are also announcing in
Grace Notes opportunities for those who wish to donate to various community groups, including
the Food Bank. Please think about how you might reach out and support others affected by the
Finally, we have decided that working with a Priest in Charge for two years will best meet our
needs, and we have shared this with Canon Ambler (who is our resource from the Diocese in this
process). We will update you about the timeline for this as soon as possible.
And remember - please mail in your pledges!
                              Pledges and Finances
     In this time of crisis, several parishioners have asked about our financial health
and wondered about how to pay their pledges.

WASH YOUR HANDS!               DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE!                Keep your distance
On the one hand, expenses have been less than projected in the budget because
we are not paying salaries for a rector and a music director. By keeping the church
campus closed, we have reduced utility costs. But we have ongoing costs for other part
time staff who are still working, and we do have minimum utility and other
administrative expenses. And we know that our trust fund has taken a beating in the
stock market.
      Pledge income is by far the main source of our income, however. We expect to
see plate income fall as services have now stopped. We expect to see some impact on
giving because of the dramatic fluctuations in the stock market. We also cannot do
special collections at the moment (for example, for the Food Bank).
      It is very important that all parishioners who have pledged support for 2020
should, so far they are able to, send in their pledge payments by mailing in
checks. Please put a large “P” on the envelope, and we will know to put aside the
envelopes for the counters. If you donate in the offering plate, please consider sending
in a check (also marked “P” so it can be put aside). For those who are able, prepaying
some or all your pledge for the year would be enormously helpful.
      We are exploring setting up a PayPal account so that people can pay directly
online. We recommend that donations for the Food Bank be sent directly to the Food
Bank - sending them through Grace will mean a delay, as we will not necessarily be
counting each week.
      Thank you for your support of Grace.

                                Mid Coast Babies Need Your Help!
       United Way’s Diaper Project was on track this year to distribute over 120,000 diapers to
help keep over 500 area children clean and dry. We distribute them through food pantries, Head
Start, WIC, home visitors, and other agencies serving low-income children and families. Right
now, with the strains caused by the coronavirus pandemic, local families need our assistance more
than ever.
       Unfortunately, in this environment, we have found it impossible to purchase the bulk
amount of diapers that we need to keep the Diaper Project running. What can you do to help?
We need diapers size 3-6.
If you have access to diapers, or can find some available for purchase, please consider donating
them to the Diaper Project. They can be mailed to United Way of Mid Coast Maine, 34 Wing
Farm Parkway, Bath ME 04530, or they can be dropped off in the collection bin outside the
building by the main entrance.

WASH YOUR HANDS!              DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE!               Keep your distance
Also, if you know of someone who might be able to help The Diaper Project find a more
reliable and steadier source of diapers, or if you have other suggestions or ideas please contact
Mary Gaul Wallace at
Thank you in advance for your help. We are all in this together!!
                                  BIBLE STUDY
Dear Friends —
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN of the Acts of the Apostles tells about Paul’s adventures in
Greece. He went to the synagogue in Thessalonica with the message of Jesus as
Messiah. While some responded positively, others were hostile. The disturbance
reached such intensity that Paul and his companions fled to the town of Beroea, 50
miles to the southeast. The Jews of Beroea were more receptive, but trouble-makers
soon arrived from Thessalonica. Paul fled to Athens, the major city of Greece, and
began an intellectual conversation with pagan Greek philosophers of varying beliefs.
The conversation took place on a hill named the Areopagus (“Mars Hill”) next to the
Acropolis. Paul won only a couple of converts; the others either regarded him with
contempt or were politely dismissive.
Questions for reflection: How are Christians regarded in America today?
How difficult is it for you to express your deepest beliefs?

                                 Tedford Meals
Grace Church participates in the Meal a Month program at Tedford Housing’s
emergency shelter in Brunswick. We supply a meal for twenty to twenty-five clients on
fifth Tuesdays and fifth Thursdays of the month. In this month, April 30th is a
fifth Thursday; consider helping and contact Debby Hayden at 729-9707 or email for more information.
To support Tedford Housing’s new COVID-19 policies and the opening of our shelter
for 24 hours/day, they are asking for the following donations, which can be left outside
our admin office (ring the bell) at 14 Middle Street in Brunswick between 9am and 4pm
Monday through Friday:
   • Cleaning supplies and paper products (including antibacterial wipes or sprays,
      paper towels, toilet paper, etc.)
   • Safety supplies (including masks, non-latex gloves, hand sanitizer)
   • Food (including pantry items; call 207-729-1161 #101 to find out about preparing a
      dinner for the shelter)
    • Cash donations can be made online at or mailed to
       Tedford Housing, PO Box 958, Brunswick, ME 04011
WASH YOUR HANDS!               DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE!                Keep your distance

                             Pastoral Care Committee Update
As we are going to have to be practicing social distancing for another month at least, the Pastoral
Care Committee won't be able to provide rides, etc. for the foreseeable future. Because of this,
members of the committee are going to divide up our parish directory and just check in with
members of our Grace family over the next week or two. So expect a phone call just to say hello
and see how you are doing the meantime if you need anything specifically you can still call
Leah Zartarian who is the coordinator for April (774-392-2438) or Elena Vandervoort, chair of
the Pastoral Care Committee (443-3113 or 798-1311).
                         Bath Area Food Bank
Grace Church has suspended its collection of canned and non-perishable food items at
this time. However, more families are seeking help, and the Bath Area Food Bank still
needs our support.
Please consider sending a donation – food, money – directly to Bath Area Food Bank,
807 Middle Street, Bath, ME 04530-2401. For more information, go to
Also, there is an urgent need for Pasta Sauce (any variety) at the Bath Area Food
Bank, 807 Middle Street. They have a safe drop-off location inside the first set of double
doors in a large plastic bin with lid. This is open 24/7.
Thanks as always for your continued support of this most worthy ministry.

Grace Church is suspending the collection of non-food items for the Little Flock Program. The
program is closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.


WASH YOUR HANDS!               DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE!                Keep your distance
Grace Church Calendar of Events
                   ALL SERVICES & GATHERINGS AT
                      UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
                           Worship during the Pandemic
Sunday: 10:15 Grace Conversation
  Via internet and Zoom app:
  Via Phone: 646-876-9923 with meeting ID 566-263-0207
Wednesday: 10:00 am Morning Prayer
  Via internet and Zoom app: –
  Via Phone: 646-876-9923 with meeting ID 325-643-908

+++++     +++++       +++++      +++++       +++++      +++++      +++++       +++++
    April 30th         Tedford Meal – FMI contact Debby Hayden – 729-9707 or email

WASH YOUR HANDS!           DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE!            Keep your distance
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