January 23, 2022 - Mamaroneck-Larchmont PTA ...

Page created by Vernon Ramsey
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                                                                              Suzie Granata 

         TigerBytes 1/23/2022
         1 message

         Mamaroneck High School PTSA                               Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 12:00 PM
         Reply-To: mhstigerbytes@gmail.com
         To: suziegranata@gmail.com

                                               January 23, 2022

                                                  Dear Parent Community,

                            We want to pause for a moment of gratitude this week for our school
                        leadership and administration, particularly Nora Mazzone, Lisa Ferraro, Dina
                       Murphy and the entire Nursing staff. They are all working tirelessly at present,
                       supporting families and staff with the single focused goal of keeping the doors
                            open so that our children can continue to come to school in person.

                       Let's do our best to support their efforts by reinforcing mask wearing, opting in
                       to testing, and keeping your child home if they demonstrate symptoms. We're
                                    all in this together and we so appreciate your support.

                                                       Melisa & Kerry

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                                             Click here for the MHS Daily Schedule
                                                 Click here for the Bell Schedule

                         Questions for the PTSA? Email mamkhsptsa@gmail.com

                      Spread some love
                      with MHS merch for
                      Valentine's Day!
                          • crewneck
                          • hoodies
                          • hats & more!

                      Check out the full
                      catalog here.

                                  Freshman and Sophomore Parents! Last Chance!
                                Each class raises funds throughout their high school career
                                     for events such as Junior Prom and Senior Year.
                                   One of those fundraisers is a class shirt designed by their
                                               classmates. (See photos below!)
                               Your student will have opportunities to wear their shirt for upcoming
                                spirit events. On behalf of Student Council, the PTSA is helping to
                                           spread the word to support sale of the shirts.
                                            Click HERE to purchase the $12 T-shirt.
                                         Note: limited sizes remain, get yours today!

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                                    Freshman Class Shirt                       Sophomore Class Shirt

                                             ACT/SAT Test Prep
                          Is your child planning on taking the March 12th SAT, the
                      April 2nd ACT, or maybe they're unsure which test to take at all?
                      The PTSA has partnered with Zoffness College Prep to offer both prep classes
                      and diagnostic testing for our students. If you choose to work with Zoffness for
                               your child’s test prep, there are several options available.

                        My child is planning on taking the SAT on March 12th 2022 or ACT on April
                                                         2nd 2022:
                                 Please click HERE for further information and registration

                                          My child isn’t sure which test to take:
                      Please click HERE for further information regarding diagnostic test options and

                                Scholarships are available, please contact your counselor or Cathy
                                      Quackenbush. Any questions, contact Stacey D’Arcy.

                                      JOIN THE PTA & GET THE MHS DIRECTORY
                         When you join the PTSA, for only $15 per family, your household will have
                                 access to the directory for the 2021-2022 school year!

                        Join the PTSA here or click on “Join & Donate” from the AtoZ website menu.
                       *Please make sure to verify your information for the new MHS directory here.*

                               If you need financial assistance, contact Greg Cuddy. If you have any
                                             questions please email the Directory chairs.

                      Did you know that we have a professional photographer at many
                       of our school events? You can view photos and purchase any
                                                you like!

                                          Log onto: https://legacystudios.com/purchase/
                                   Use this access code to view and purchase photos: 3515E22

                                     Student Support Committee Upcoming Events

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                                     Road to College for Students with IEPs and 504s
                                              Monday, 1/24 at 7:00pm (Zoom)
                          This event is dedicated to the college search for students with learning
                       challenges. Whether it's dyslexia or ADHD, 504 or IEP, the information shared
                        during this program will help you understand what you should be looking for
                         with regard to your child's college search & all of the questions you should
                                 Please RSVP by clicking here to receive the Zoom link.

                                 Student Support Committee Meeting -- all are invited
                                           Thursday, 1/27 at 10:00am (Zoom)
                       Come join us for our first meeting of 2022. All district parents are welcome to
                        attend to hear Dr. Nora Mazzone and the Student Support Services team
                                   update us on their work and answer your questions.
                               Please RSVP by clicking here to receive the Zoom link.

                                                     Parent Connection
                                             Wednesday, 2/2 at 7:00pm (Zoom)
                          Come meet other parents of students with learning differences or other
                       challenges. It's a great way to get support and information from other parents
                                in the community. Please RSVP by sending an email to
                                 SEPTAMUFSD@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link.

                      If you have questions about support services at MHS, please reach out to
                                   our Student Support Committee representatives,
                                           Michele Metsch or Lisa Collins.

                                                    Upcoming BOE Meetings
                        All Board of Education meetings will now be held in McLain Auditorium at
                      Mamaroneck High School. LMC Media Center will continue to air the meetings
                                Live HERE. Face masks and social distancing required.

                         *Board of Education Business Meeting, 7 pm Tuesday, Feb. 1/Tiered
                                          Classroom, Mamaroneck High School
                                                 Televised by LMC Media
                      Click Here to view the meeting on LMC Media’s website OR watch the meeting
                                        on Optimum Channel 76/FiOS Channel 35

                          *Board of Education Study Session, 7 pm Tuesday, Feb. 15/Tiered
                                          Classroom, Mamaroneck High School
                                            Topic: Leadership Structure Review
                                                 Televised by LMC Media
                      Click Here to view the meeting on LMC Media’s website OR watch the meeting
                                        on Optimum Channel 76/FiOS Channel 35

                           MHS Tiger Bytes is a weekly PTSA email update for parents and school personnel. Tiger Bytes

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                        submission requests should be sent to MHSTigerBytes@gmail.com by Wednesday for publication on

                         Sunday. Tiger Bytes publication is at the sole discretion of the PTSA presidents and must adhere to

                                                              established guidelines.

                         If you have questions about a posted item and no contact info is listed, send an email to PTSA co-

                                                     presidents Melisa Prevost & Kerry Sneyd

                      Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care?
                      (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

                      Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense
                      of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time
                      only" or "only 7 remaining!"

                           Mamaroneck High School PTSA | 1000 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543

                                                       Unsubscribe suziegranata@gmail.com
                                                   Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
                                                 Sent by mhstigerbytes@gmail.com powered by

                                                             Try email marketing for free today!

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