GROUPON Eliminates Workload Automation Downtime Immediately by Switching to Stonebranch - HubSpot

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GROUPON Eliminates Workload Automation Downtime Immediately by Switching to Stonebranch - HubSpot

Eliminates Workload Automation
Downtime Immediately by
Switching to Stonebranch

GROUPON Eliminates Workload Automation Downtime Immediately by Switching to Stonebranch - HubSpot
Marco Caesar
                                                                                          Data Warehouse Manager,

                                                                                          “Stonebranch makes
                                                                                          workflows highly visual
                                                                                          and easy to understand.

The global leader of local commerce and                                                   With Universal Automation
                                                                                          Center we are able to create
merchant solutions replaces SOS Berlin with                                               workflows 10 times faster,
Stonebranch Universal Automation Center to                                                and we can include everyone
                                                                                          in the process. Coding or
increase reliability and efficiency.                                                      scipt experience is no longer
                                                                                          needed, a huge advantage
                                                                                          for us.“

Background                                  Challenges
Groupon is a worldwide leader in local      Ever since Groupon began operations
commerce and merchant solutions. It         in Germany, it had used open-source
enables local businesses in more than       software from SOS Berlin for job
500 markets to offer specially targeted     scheduling. However, the solution had         n 10 times faster
deals to consumers in various categories.   become unstable and was beginning to            deployment, no training
                                            miss key deadlines. It failed at least once     time needed
The company has more than 10,000            every two weeks, sometimes as often as
employees in 48 countries, and is serving   three times a week.                           n 30 hours average annual
more than 53 million active users and                                                       unplanned downtime
more than 260 million global subscribers.   Each time, an administrator had to spend        eliminated to date
                                            20 minutes finding and fixing the problem
In Germany, Austria and Switzerland,        before operations could re-start. In
Groupon is one of the most successful       addition, the IT team could not schedule
                                                                                          n $11,000 in reduced
e-commerce businesses. To support           or run a task on a server unless SOS            hardware costs
German operations, Groupon runs at least    Berlin was already installed on it.
10,000 jobs a day on servers in multiple                                                  n Significantly improved
locations, with 2,000 defined tasks         Therefore, Groupon wanted a solution            resilience and ease of
launched by 1,900 triggers.                 that could schedule and run tasks on a          use
                                            remote system without having to install
                                            workload automation software first.

© Copyright Stonebranch, Inc. 2020                                                     
GROUPON Eliminates Workload Automation Downtime Immediately by Switching to Stonebranch - HubSpot
                                                                                               * Return on Automation (RoA):
Groupon evaluated workload automation          Stonebranch is a 64-bit solution, with          the investment in automation and the
                                                                                               right automation tool pays off in a
solutions from major vendors such as           greater processing bandwidth, whereas
                                                                                               short time and returns many benefits.
BMC and Automic, but chose Stonebranch         SOS Berlin was 32-bit. Reliability and          These include higher efficiency, faster
Universal Automation Center (UAC)              performance have therefore been                 processes, greater process reliability,
because of its ease of use and reliability.    transformed.                                    higher data throughput, seamless
                                                                                               integration, and higher production.
                                                                                               Theoverall result is an increase in profits.
“Stonebranch implementation was fast           “In our prior environment, workload
and smooth,” says Marco Caesar, a data         automation system failures occurred about
warehouse manager at Groupon.                  90 times a year and took about 20 minutes
                                               to fix each time,” says Tibelius.
“It took the experienced Stonebranch team
                                                                                                  Mikhail Tibelius
only three days to deploy the solution,        “Stonebranch has eliminated failures to
                                                                                                  Data Warehouse Manager,
compared to 1 month for SOS Berlin. The        date. That saves us more than 30 hours
solution is highly intuitive, and we did       a year in unplanned downtime and staff
not need training. With a 10 times faster      remediation work.”
                                                                                                  “In our prior environment,
deployment and less training than our prior
                                                                                                  workload automation system
solution, we avoided significant costs.“       Key processes now execute as needed.
                                                                                                  failures occurred about 90
                                               “Our performance is optimal,” Caesar
                                                                                                  times a year. Stonebranch has
                                               explains. “We have fraud detection
Results: Return on                             processes that are time-sensitive, and as
                                                                                                  eliminated failures to date.
                                                                                                  That saves us 30 hours a year
Automation*                                    a public company, we have to gather and
                                                                                                  in unplanned downtime and
                                               exchange sensitive data in our month-end
                                                                                                  staff remediation work.“
Groupon now uses Stonebranch UAC to            closing. We count on the resilience of UAC
automate, integrate and manage workflows       and its ability to execute modified reruns to
from any web-enabled device.                   protect us against bottlenecks.”
“The Stonebranch interface makes               Groupon was also very impressed with the           STONEBRANCH
workflows highly visual and easy to            fast, professional support provided by the
understand, so that they are much easier to    Stonebranch team, Caesar adds. Both the
create without having to use XML, as in our    support and the solution have transformed          Stonebranch builds
prior solution,” says Caesar.                  Groupon for the better: “At our company,           dynamic IT automation
                                               Stonebranch Universal Automation Center            solutions that transform
“We are able to create workflows 10 times      has become essential and irreplaceable,”           business IT environments
faster now, and we can include everyone        he says.                                           from simple IT task
in the process. Coding or scipt experience                                                        automation into
is no longer needed, a huge advantage for                                                         sophisticated, real-
us.“                                                                                              time business service
                                                                                                  automation, helping
In addition, says Mikhail Tibelius, Groupon                                                       organizations achieve the
was able to save approx. $11,000                                                                  highest possible Return
on hardware costs by switching to                                                                 on Automation.
Stonebranch, and now uses five fewer
servers, due to the intelligent architecture                                                      Using Stonebranch’s
of the solution.                                                                                  simple, modern and
                                                                                                  secure IT automation
                                                                                                  platform, enterprises can
                                                                                                  seamlessly orchestrate
                                                                                                  workloads and data
                                                                                                  across technology stacks
                                                                                                  and ecosystems.

© Copyright Stonebranch, Inc. 2020                                                                    
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