G20 Leaders' Summit G20 COMCAR Workforce Frequently Asked Questions

Page created by Alfred Barrett
G20 Leaders’ Summit
G20 COMCAR Workforce
Frequently Asked Questions

The G20 Leaders’ Summit (G20) will be held in Brisbane on 15 and 16
November 2014 and will be an important showcase for Brisbane, Queensland
and Australia. A G20 Taskforce has been established within the Department
of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to oversee the policy and operational
arrangements for the Australian G20 agenda. The G20 Taskforce has engaged
COMCAR to deliver car-with-driver services for the G20.
COMCAR is a Branch within the Commonwealth Department of Finance, which
provides car-with-driver and other ground transport services to the Prime
Minister, Governor General, members of parliament, members of the Federal
Judiciary and international guests of government. Some of the major events
that COMCAR has provided services for include the Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting (CHOGM), the Sydney Olympic Games, the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum and G20.
COMCAR will primarily provide car-with-driver transport services for
delegates of the G20 including senior Australian Government officials.
COMCAR’s delivery of these services will be supplemented by Queensland
Government employees deployed to assist with the Summit.
It is really exciting to host the G20 in Brisbane in 2014 and a once in a lifetime
opportunity to be part of something big, that will help shape the global
economic future. We need you to join us in helping make the G20 successful.
COMCAR approached the Australian Defence Force seeking cooperation to
recruit Regular and Reserve Defence members and they wholly support this
important initiative.
G20 Duties

What type of role could I play in the              What do the duties of a driver involve?
Brisbane G20 Leaders Summit for                    Operating as a pool driver, vehicles will be
COMCAR?                                            allocated in response to transport requests
The main roles to be undertaken with               from G20 delegates or the G20 Taskforce.
COMCAR will be event support officers and
vehicle drivers. COMCAR is performing a            You will drive a wide range of G20 delegates
range of essential functions for the Brisbane      which may include members of country
G20 meeting as follows:                            delegations, Australian officials and G20 event
                                                   organisers. Taking turns with other drivers,
•   Pool and shuttle driving (this role makes     you will pick up or set down passengers in
    up the bulk of our need);                      accordance with the instruction given to you
•   Kerbside hotel duties;                         by COMCAR. This could involve, for instance,
                                                   driving from the airport to a hotel or from a
•   Airport kerbside duties;                       hotel to a venue. You may be required to drive
•   Transport depot duties; and                    vehicles including:
•   Administrative duties.                         •   Luxury sedans; and
                                                   •   People movers.
What do the duties of an event support
officer involve?                                   You will be provided with familiarisation
Operating as an event support officer, vehicles    training for these vehicles. You will be
will be allocated in response to transport         required to use various pieces of technology,
requests from G20 delegates or the G20             for example, radios and in vehicle Mobile Data
Taskforce. The duties may include, but are not     Terminals. You will be provided with training
limited to:                                        for all pieces of technology you use and the
                                                   systems/processes that you have to follow.
•   Airport kerbside support including meet       You will also carry out other duties associated
    and greet for arriving and departing           with the delivery of driving duties.
    delegates, opening doors and baggage
    transport facilitation;                        There may also be a need for higher level
                                                   drivers to take part in various Leaders’
•   Venue kerbside support at hotels and          Motorcades in support vehicles and these
    points of interest around Brisbane;            roles will require a more specific driver
•   Social event support including facilitating   training course to be successfully undertaken.
    directions for attendees, escorting
    arrivals to and from the point of drop off     Please note: Due to the ad hoc nature of pool
    to entry, and guidance of arriving vehicles    driving services, a strong knowledge of the
    to point of drop off; and                      Brisbane CBD and surrounds is essential.

•   Administrative duties to support
    depot operations.
When will I be required for duty at the       Who will I report to while I am performing duties
G20 Leaders’ Summit?                          associated with the G20 Leaders’ Summit?
You will be required for service delivery     You will report to a member of the COMCAR Event
from Wednesday 5 November 2014 up             Management team who will have been delegated the
to and including Tuesday 18 November          appropriate authority. During your event training you
2014. Final training and induction will be    will be introduced to key members of the team who
completed at the beginning of this period.    will explain their role.

Will I be required to undertake shift         How will I get to work during the G20 for
work for the G20 Leaders’ Summit?             my duties?
Yes. Given the nature of the event,           Staff transport options are currently being
service will need to be provided 24 hours     investigated and will be advised at a later date.
a day during the period of time you will
be deployed to perform duties associated
with the G20 Leaders’ Summit. The             What will an average day of work consist of?
COMCAR Event Management team will             Your day will commence when you arrive at your
advise you of the rostering arrangements      designated sign on location. You will then pass
as they are finalised.                        through a security checkpoint before commencing
                                              work within the secure location.
What are the expected hours of duty           For driving staff, once you pass through the check
when deployed on G20 duties?                  point you will be directed to the depot to collect the
Hours of duty will vary according to your     keys for your assigned car and the job logs for your
role and the specific requirements of the     shift. Driving duties may include driving delegates
event, but the standard shift for driving     to and from the airport to hotels and other various
staff will be approximately 10 hours long,    locations in the city.
with relevant shifts including an unpaid      Once your shift is over, you will return to the depot
meal break and time allowed for security      and sign off your timesheet.
checks at the start of each shift. You will
be assigned a standard shift starting time
for the duration of the event.
It is likely you will also be required to
work on weekends and public holidays
when deployed to perform duties
associated with the G20.
                                                   What will my rate of pay be like
Will I have any say in the hours of work           for this event?
I will be expected to perform?                     You will be paid at a casual rate
Your hours of work whilst performing               according to the following:
duties associated with the G20 will be set
                                                   Special Duties rate
by a roster determined by COMCAR.
                                                   Monday-Friday			$44.04
You will be rostered on morning, afternoon
                                                   Special Duties rate weekend
or night shifts, and you will be asked for
                                                   and public holiday			                 $57.44
your preference. Of course, demand for
car-with-driver services will dictate the
number of drivers who are rostered on              Amount is per hour
each shift so not all preferences will be          (incorporating casual loading)
able to be accommodated.
Eligibility criteria

I hold a P plate drivers licence can I still        Will I have to undergo any
apply for a driver’s role?                          background checks?
No. An unrestricted driver’s licence is             Yes. Whilst it is a condition of your Defence
mandatory. Both manual and automatic                Employment that you hold a current National
licences will be accepted.                          Security Clearance, you will be required to
                                                    undertake an accreditation process for the
Please note: You will be required to sign           Brisbane meeting.
a statutory declaration stating that your licence
is current, and has not been suspended or           The accreditation process consists of a
revoked.                                            number of stages including gathering an
                                                    individual’s information, verification and
                                                    approvals. The G20 Taskforce has a dedicated
Do I have to be an Australian Citizen to            Accreditation team who are responsible for
participate?                                        developing and managing the accreditation
Yes. Due to event requirements you must             process for all G20 host year events.
be an Australian Citizen to participate in
                                                    Please note: The time taken to complete the
this opportunity.
                                                    accreditation process will be paid time at the
                                                    Special Duties rate. The checks will be at no cost
Do I need specific qualifications and               and little inconvenience to you.
experience to participate to the G20
temporary workforce?
                                                    Do I need to undertake a medical
No. No specific qualifications or prior             assessment?
experience are necessary, although a strong
                                                    No. Given that Defence Force personnel must
knowledge of the Brisbane CBD, inner
                                                    maintain fitness, health and medical standard
metropolitan areas and major landmarks is
                                                    to continue their ongoing employment; which
highly desirable.
                                                    is reviewed regularly, this requirement may
                                                    not be needed.
                                                    Instead, we may request a declaration of
                                                    fitness to attest to your health and fitness,
                                                    which would require you to disclose any
                                                    potential health issues. This will follow the
                                                    accreditation process.
Do I need to obtain approval from my                          Training
employer before I apply?
Defence Reserves: Generally no, however
you should follow Defence Reserves protocols
and procedures that are in place in order to
participate in the required training activities
                                                  If I’m approved for deployment to perform
and temporary workforce in connection with
                                                  G20 summit duties will I receive any
the G20 Leaders’ Summit. The temporary
                                                  training prior to undertaking official duties?
employment arrangements will be between
Department of Finance (COMCAR) and you as         Yes. All Defence personnel approved for
an individual.                                    deployment for G20 Summit duties will be
                                                  required to undertake and satisfactorily
Current Serving Members: We would                 complete specified training activities prior to
welcome current serving Defence Regular           the commencement of their official duties.
Members who would like to be involved,
however you should seek pre-approval and          For those employees who will be required
given the direct temporary employment             to perform driving related duties, pre-event
nature of the offer, would likely need to apply   training activities will include:
for leave through normal Regular Defence
                                                  •    wo day driver training course leading up
approvals process.
                                                      to the G20 summit; and
                                                  •    further two days of event training
If I live or work outside of Brisbane am I            to familiarise you with the COMCAR
able to participate?                                  processes prior to commencement of the
Yes. Please keep in mind you will be required;        G20 summit.

•   To arrange and pay for any travel
    expenses you incur in transporting            Please note: The time taken to complete
    yourself to and from your place of            the training will be paid time at the
    residence;                                    Special Duties rate.

•   Expenses associated with any travel to
    specified training and work locations; and    Will this training be useful?
•    ou will also be required to arrange and
    Y                                             Yes. The training you will receive is industry
    pay for any accommodation expenses you        standard and will stand you in good stead
    incur whilst participating in the required    for any future opportunities to drive for the
    training or temporary workforce.              Government or commercial organisations. It
                                                  will also provide you with further skills and
                                                  experience to be a safe and responsible driver.
Please note: Due to the ad hoc nature of pool
driving services, a strong knowledge of the
Brisbane CBD and surrounds is essential.
When will the required training activities      Please note: If you pass the accreditation but
take place?                                     do not pass the driver training component you
                                                may still be eligible to perform in an Event
There are two components to the training,
                                                Staff role. This will be discussed with you
these are driver training and event training:
                                                by the COMCAR Event Management Team if
•   Driver training will take place            required. If you do not pass the accreditation,
    sometime between 1 September to 31          then you will be notified and unfortunately
    October 2014; and                           unable to participate in the G20.
•   Event training will take place between
    6 October and 9 November 2014.
You will train for two full days within each
of these blocks. Notional start and finish
times will be 8:30am to 5:00pm, with a
scheduled morning and afternoon tea
break as well as a 30 minute lunch break.
Training will take place on weekdays.

                                                Your involvement in the G20 Brisbane
Where will the required training                Leaders meeting will be an appropriate
activities take place?                          agreement between us (Department of
Training locations for both drivers and         Finance) and you as an individual.
any event staff will be advised after you
have been notified of your approval for
deployment for G20 Summit duties.
Transport will be provided to the
training location.
                                                           How to apply
Please note: The location of this training is
to be determined and details regarding the
provision of transport will be communicated
to you by COMCAR closer to the training         To apply, or for further information,
dates.                                          please contact the COMCAR Event
                                                Management team.
Do I have to meet all of the eligibility        COMCAR.G20@finance.gov.au
criteria and satisfactorily complete the
required training activities in order to be     Frank Smallwood: 0413 994 190
deployed to perform duties at the G20           Register your interest today
Yes. You will be required to pass each of the
checks associated with the accreditation
requirements process and all of the
required training activities before you will
be allowed to perform duties associated
with the G20.
For those employees who will be
performing driving duties as part of the
G20, professional driving instructors and
assessors will deliver your driving training
and will assess your competency at the
completion of the training. You will be
assessed broadly on your ability to retain
information and perform basic skills.
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