February 6th, 2021 Annual Fall Show - Poultry Show Central

Page created by Brandon Edwards
February 6th, 2021 Annual Fall Show - Poultry Show Central
Annual Fall Show
                                    1st Saturday in February
                              February 6th, 2021
                              DeKalb County VFW Fairgrounds
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club

1711 Pleasant Valley Road
 Rainbow City, AL 35906

                                    151 18th Street NE , Fort Payne AL 35968
        Sonja Oden

                                **Face Coverings/Mask will be required while
                               in show building as well as social distancing per
                                          order of VFW Fairgrounds.
                                 Tempertaure Checks will be preformed at the
                                   door prior to enrty into the show building.
February 6th, 2021 Annual Fall Show - Poultry Show Central
- Judges-
             Jeff Halbach
             Payton Igou
            David Johnston
              Jim Crain
             Bob Bridges
           No birds will be allowed to
      coop in after judging has started.
      All birds are to remain cooped in
      till final judging has taken place.
            Host Hotel Information
                 Econo Lodge
            1412 Glen Blvd. S.W.,
            Fort Payne, AL, 35967
   Ask For The Heart of Dixie Poultry Show
 Room RateSingle/Double Only $55.00 plus tax
 **Face Coverings/Mask will be required
  while in show building as well as social     Total Birds      __________ x $6.00* = $________
                                               Total Jr. Birds __________ x $2.00* = $________
 distancing per order of VFW Fairgrounds.      Sale Cages       __________ x $2.00 = $________
                                               Double Coop __________ x $12.00* = $________
Tempertaure Checks will be preformed at the    Clean Up Fee                        = $_1.00___
 door prior to enrty into the show building.   *Prices are for both shows
                                                                   Total Enclosed $ _________
-Open Show Awards-
                                          Double Show Saturday
                                            Saturday Awards
                                          Grand Champion Show - $60
                                        Res. Grand Champion Show - $45
                                               3rd Best Bird - $20
                                             Champion Display - $35
                                              Reserve Display - $25
        Club Officers                      Champion Bantam - $20.00
 Danny Beason - President                Res. Champion Bantam - 10.00
Brian Buffington - Vice Pres.                 Champion LF - $20.00
   Sonja Oden - Secretary                   Res. Champion LF - 10.00
Stephen Whited & Brandon Pruitt -         Double Show Saturday
  - Show Superintendents -
                                             Junior Awards
   Jerry Couch & Allan Scott                YEPA SHOWMANSHIP
                                      Ribbons, Certificates, Cash, Giftt cards
 A Big Thanks to all Heart of Dixie   More awards and prizes to be added!!
members for all your hard work and
help through out the years helping
      get ready for the shows.
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club
         Entry Deadline                           HEART OF DIXIE
       January 30th, 2021                         POULTRY CLUB
                                                 REMEMBERS OUR
   Mail, Call & Facebook Entries Accepted
                Sonja Oden
          1711 Pleasant Valley Road               PAST MEMBERS
                                                WHO ARE DECEASED
           Rainbow City, AL 35906
      Brian Buffington 256-601-1882                 Jesse Morton
        Jason Rains 256-266-4248
                                                     Frank Rains
    Entry Fee is $3.00 per Bird each show             Glen Hood
  Jr. Entry Fee is $1.00 per Bird each show
       Clean up fee $1.00 per exhibitor
                                                   Marlon Moon
   Club sell cages available for $2.00 each         James Cooley
             Max 3 birds to cage
Covered Area Sell Spaces Available for $10.00
                                                    Steve Reagan
         -Show Barn Hours-                         Glen Woodriff
      Friday 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm                    Frank Woodham
   Saturday Barn $2.00
                  Open At 6:00 am
    Judging will begin at 9:00 am
- Show Rules -                                                - Show Rules -
1. Competition is open to large foul chickens, bantam        8. The HODPC reserves the right substitute and/or add
chickens & bantam ducks.                                     judges if necessary. All judges decisions are final.

2. Bird may be cooped in Friday 4:00 pm -9:00 pm and         9. Only judges and show officials will be permitted in the
Saturday morning 6:00am - 8:30 am. All birds must be         aisles during judging.
cooped by 8:30am. Judging begins at 9:00 am.
                                                             10. HODPC will not be responsible for loss or accident to
3. No birds will be allowed to coop in after judging has     persons or their birds although all responsible care will be
started. All birds are to remain cooped in till final        taken to try and prevent loss or accident.
judging has taken place and awards given out.
                                                             11. Alcoholic beverages will not be permitted in the show
4. Birds will be judged under the rules of the APA and       building or on the grounds.
                                                             12. No adults will be allowed to coop or groom the
5. All birds must be NPIP and AI tested. You must have       juniors birds, HODPC member will be happy to assist
your paperwork with you when you check in or you             them in any way.
will not be allowed to coop your birds for the show.
Officials with the ADA will be testing on Friday from        13. Any bird(s) in the show or sale area that appear sick
4:00 pm - 9:00 pm and Saturday from 6:00 am - 8:00 am.       will be removed from the show grounds.

6. Entry fee is $3.00 per bird per show and $6.00 per bird   14. Any matter that is not covered by the show rules will
for double cooping per show. Make checks payable to          be settled by the club officers, and all decesions are final.
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club.
                                                             15. The term cock, hen, cockerel and pullet are defined as
7. All entries must be paid before cooping in.
                                                             in the APA and ABA Standard.
APA/ABA Meets                        The Heart Of Dixie Poultry Club
             Meets                         wants to thank our sponsors of
  Brahma Special Meet (Blue Card)
                                                 the show this year.
 Other Meets Pending
                                             Tyler Farms
See Our Facebook Page
                                            Collinsville, AL
     for Updates!!
                                              Li Gen for Leg bands (Juniors)
                                                  Tucker Milling
Concessions will be Availble!!!
Hot Breakfast & Lunch Items
                                                  Cackle Hatchery
              50/50 Raffle
         Tickets are 1 for $1.00,
 6 for $5.00 or Arms Length for $10.00.

     Silent Auction Items Available
          Proceeds Benefit Our
              Junior Show
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