Presentation resources - Ciob

Page created by Darrell Logan
Presentation resources - Ciob
Presentation resources

      This template presentation is designed to help you to
     structure and guide your Construction Careers Session.

  Each part can be edited fully and simply so you can adapt and
     scale it to your own needs and those of your audience.

Each slide has automated timings to keep things running smoothly
   and they can be adapted (or stopped) to suit each scenario.
Presentation resources - Ciob
This deck contains slides on:

Tips for Presenters

Introducing yourself (6 slides)

Example of short (40 min) session agenda (1 slide)

Activity Slides ( 5 slides to match activities in the guide)

Key messages to bring out in your presentation (3 slides)

Short videos you may want to use in your presentation
(requires an internet connection to access this playlist)

Tailor these slides for use in your presentation- Good Luck!
Presentation resources - Ciob
Tips for Presenters

            Do                                      Don’t

 Be sparing with text                     x Read out your slides

 Use images and props                     x Use jargon or acronyms
  where possible                             without explanation

 Eyeball your audience                    x Use inappropriate images,
                                             jokes or props
 Make it honest, passionate,
  funny                                    x Rush
 Encourage questions
Presentation resources - Ciob
Presentation resources - Ciob


                                         [Job title]


                                  [How many] years working
                                       in construction
Use a typical image of yourself
to give a sense of who you are
Presentation resources - Ciob
Say what your role involves (use non technical language)

               Describe your day-to-day

             What you love about your job

                 Rewards and benefits

           What are the biggest challenges?

      Bring your story to life with photos!
Presentation resources - Ciob
Why I chose construction

What sparked my interest        What qualifications     What does my career
   in construction?                 did I get?            path look like?

      How did I get          What experience prepared     Where do I see
   into the industry?         me for my current role?    my career going?
Presentation resources - Ciob

What my role involves

My day-to-day

What I love about my job

Rewards and benefits

The biggest challenges?
Presentation resources - Ciob
What kinds of people would enjoy my job?

     What are the main skills and qualities needed to succeed in my job?

What advice would I give to someone looking to start a career in construction?
Presentation resources - Ciob
Eg of a short session

       Icebreaker: 5-10 minutes

   Your presentation : 15 minutes

        Questions : 10 minutes

If time: more involved group activity
How much do you know about famous buildings?

 From the cards on your table                    Each building has 3-4 cards.
match the name of the building
   with the correct picture
     and fact card(s) and                          First Group to make all
  arrange them side by side.                       correct matches wins!

     You have                    Work in pairs              When you have
    10 minutes                       or in                   finished raise
                                   a group                     your hands
You are going to try to guess each other’s careers by interrogation!

     You each have                Card A holders              Continue until all
two career profile cards.          answer first.                 10 careers
                                                                are guessed.
    Take 5 minutes               Others ask them
     to read them.             one question each in
                                  turns to guess
Don’t share with others!            the career.

  You have 10 minutes                Work in                    Try to guess
      to question                    groups                   in 5 goes or less

                 What has surprised you about the different roles?
Each group will design a new secondary school.
              The class will vote for the best one.

 Draw any aspect            There are         What will you say
   of your idea         no design limits –    about your design
                           so let your          to the class?
  e.g. floor plan         imaginations
    or exterior,            run wild!
whatever gets your
design across best.

    You have                Work in          Identify one person
    5 minutes               groups              to feed back
Each team has one theme to consider for their design:

   Logistics           Users         Sustainability       Community
  How will you      Who will use           What           How will your
choose a site for   your school?     environmentally     building benefit
  your school?                       friendly features   the community?
                    What will they       will your
How will you get    need from the     building have?       How will you
 access without     new building?                         minimise any
   disruption?                                           negative effects?

   You have            Work in        Identify one          Notes or
  10 minutes           groups            person           sketches may
                                      to feed back          help you
Build a tower
  using the materials provided.

         The highest tower wins!

Think about how you will go about the task.

           You have 10 minutes

             Work in groups

         Can your tower support
       the weight of a small object?
Slides for
Key Messages to bring out
   in your presentation
Whatever your role you’ll play a part in constructing
buildings and infrastructure for people to enjoy for years to come.

               Each construction project is unique.
            You’ll develop transferable skills and use
          cutting edge tech and innovative techniques.

          Over 2 million people work in UK construction
  and its high quality professionals come from all walks of life.

      Construction professionals are in demand worldwide!
Some details on the sector…

£90bn construction contribution to the UK Economy
  280k                        2.93 million
                businesses covering some                               jobs

10% contribution to UK employment
       Over                      construction related jobs to be created in
       the UK over the next 5 years.
Pathways into Construction

Degree                On the job   Apprenticeships
• Built Environment   • NVQ        • Higher or
• Construction                       degree
• Other

More information on Insta: @meconstruction
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