Small is beautiful but big is necessary

Page created by Jaime Collins
Small is beautiful but big is necessary

           “Small is beautiful but big is necessary”
                           Scaling-up of effective pilot measures
                            - food for thought & lessons learnt -
                                                   Daniel Brumund
                            GIZ Inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention (VCP) Programme
                                         VPA Meeting, Cape Town, 07.09.2016

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Small is beautiful but big is necessary
“All people in South Africa are and feel safe”
                                                      (National Development Plan)

Active youth for safer                                                                  Closing the
    communities:                                                                    implementation gap:
Youth resilience and active                                                         Integration of community
 citizenship with a specific                                                       safety & violence and crime
      focus on gender                                                              prevention into policies and
                                          VCP – Objective:                         governmental programmes
                                         Conditions for building
                                        safer communities with
                                        a focus on violence and
                                          crime prevention are
                                         improved at local level

                               Collaborative thinking and action:
                                      Networking and exchange

    07/09/2016                    VPA Meeting | Cape Town | Daniel Brumund (GIZ)                    Slide 2
Small is beautiful but big is necessary
Vision > SaferSpaces aims to become:

    (1) South Africa’s key      (2) a central network for          (3) an effective support
        knowledge hub                  practitioners                to SA’s safety agenda
•    to find information        • to showcase them & their work   • to inform about relevant news,
•    to share knowledge &       • to share their publications,      processes, events…
     resources                    research etc.                   • as knowledge hub for e.g. new
                                                                    ‘National Centre for Safety,
•    to learn from each other   • to announce events
                                                                    Crime and Violence Prevention’
                                • to connect with each other

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Small is beautiful but big is necessary
“Small is beautiful but big is necessary” – WHY though?

• SDGs call for eradicating global poverty and sustainable development
  (economic, social and environmental)
        Global challenges require broad-impact solutions
• Stagnating budget (OECD DAC-ODA: >= 0.32% of GNI since 2000)
        more effective use of available funds to achieve broad impact

       ‘Islands of excellence’                    ‘Broad-impact approaches’
26/09/2016                VPA Meeting | Cape Town
                                    company       | Daniel2012
                                             presentation  Brumund (GIZ)      Slide 4
Small is beautiful but big is necessary
Scaling-up: WHAT are we talking about?

• ‘Scaling-up’ = increasing measures/interventions proportionally
        both in terms of funding and impact/capacities

                              Policy development


             horizontal            Micro-level                             horizontal
                                   Pilot projects

26/09/2016                VPA Meeting | Cape Town
                                    company       | Daniel2012
                                             presentation  Brumund (GIZ)                Slide 5
Small is beautiful but big is necessary
HOW can we achieve scaling-up?

    • Analysis of over 25 GIZ projects and programmes
            Eight factors identified as particularly relevant for successful scaling up

(1) THINK BIG: the vision of                            (2) Ownership and involving key
scaling up as an integral part of                       stakeholders
programme planning
•    What is to be scaled up to what degree?            •   What are the needs / interests of
•    What capacities do (potential) key                     partners?
     stakeholders have?                                 •   Will the partners assume a leadership
•    What is the planned scaling-up                         role in the scaling-up process?
     strategy?                                          •   How can key actors be involved?
•    What financing options are available?

    26/09/2016                 VPA Meeting | Cape Town
                                         company       | Daniel 2012
                                                  presentation   Brumund (GIZ)              Slide 6
Small is beautiful but big is necessary
HOW can we achieve scaling-up? – cont’d (2)

(3) Multi-level approach                                (4) Good evaluation of pilot
                                                        project/measures’ results
•    At which level does the programme /                •    Is the pilot demand-driven, adapted to
     project operate?                                        the sociocultural and political context
•    Are the levels interlinked in terms of                  and replicable?
     topic and strategy in a way that is                •    Did the proven results convince
     conducive to scaling up results?                        decision-makers?

    26/09/2016                  VPA Meeting | Cape Town
                                          company       | Daniel2012
                                                   presentation  Brumund (GIZ)                 Slide 7
Small is beautiful but big is necessary
HOW can we achieve scaling-up? – cont’d (3)

(5) Standards and manuals                              (6) Effective scaling-up struc-
                                                       tures and incentive mechanisms
•    Which standards underpin the quality of           •    Which strategy can ensure effective
     the scaling-up process?                                scaling-up? Do key actors have
•    How is compliance with these standards                 necessary capacities?
     monitored?                                        •    Do key actors / population groups have
•    Do the actors involved in the scaling-up               interests that can be harnessed for
     process have manuals that lay out                      scaling up?
     clearly the necessary processes etc.?             •    Which incentives can be used to
                                                            stimulate the willingness to embrace
                                                            change and scale up?

    26/09/2016                 VPA Meeting | Cape Town
                                         company       | Daniel2012
                                                  presentation  Brumund (GIZ)              Slide 8
Small is beautiful but big is necessary
HOW can we achieve scaling-up? – cont’d (4)

(7) Communication and                                (8) Generous timescale and
networking                                           budget
•    Which actors need what information?             •    Does a long-term financing concept
•    Have all stakeholders been informed                  exist for the scaling-up process?
     about the background, benefits and              •    Are the objectives of the scaling up
     course of the scaling-up processes?                  process realistic in the timescale
•    How can existing networks be involved                envisaged?
     in the communication and dialogue

    26/09/2016               VPA Meeting | Cape Town
                                       company       | Daniel2012
                                                presentation  Brumund (GIZ)               Slide 9
Small is beautiful but big is necessary
Conclusion: Key issues / challenges to bear in mind

•     Vertical & horizontal up-scaling > and how those interlink
•     Capacities, processes and infrastructure for scaling-up
•     Incentives for & oversight of up-scaling
•     Quality assurance > packaging, standards, manuals
•     Monitoring & evaluation > impact & uptake
•     Bridging gaps > sectoral, funding & academia/practice

26/09/2016                VPA Meeting | Cape Town
                                    company       | Daniel 2012
                                             presentation   Brumund (GIZ)   Slide 10
Thank you for your attention

 & for supporting the creation of
safer communities in South Africa
          and beyond!

Daniel Brumund
GIZ Inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention
(VCP) Programme
 +27 (0)78 120 5620


                                              Slide 11
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