Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Web Applications Using Visual Studio .NET Automated Classroom Setup Guide

Page created by Jim Fitzgerald
Developing Microsoft ASP.NET ®

Web Applications Using
Visual Studio .NET       ®

Automated Classroom
Setup Guide
Course Number: 2310B

Part Number: X08-90701
Released: 07/2002
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Course Number: 2310B
Part Number: X08-90701
Released: 07/2002
Automated Classroom Setup Guide                         iii

           Classroom Requirements.........................................................................................1
           Classroom Configuration.........................................................................................3
           Setup Instructions ....................................................................................................4
           Automated Classroom Setup ...................................................................................6
           Classroom Setup Checklist....................................................................................19
           Customization Information....................................................................................36
Automated Classroom Setup Guide           1

Classroom Requirements
            This course requires a classroom with a minimum of one computer for the
            instructor and one computer for each student. Before class begins, install and
            configure all computers by using the following information and instructions.
            All hardware must be on the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) for
            Microsoft® Windows® XP.

            Instructor Computer
            The instructor computer requires the following hardware and software

            Hardware Level 3
            The following hardware is the minimum required for the instructor computer:
            „   Pentium III or personal computer with processor speed greater than or equal
                to 700 megahertz (MHz)
            „   System bus (PCI bus must meet 2.1 specs)
            „   At least 768 megabytes (MB) of RAM
            „   16-gigabyte (GB) hard disk
            „   512-kilobyte (KB) L2 cache
            „   CD-ROM/DVD player
            „   Non-ISA network adapter (10/100 megabits per second [Mbps] required full
            „   4-MB video adapter
            „   Super VGA (SVGA) monitor (17 inch)
            „   Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
            „   Sound card with amplified speakers
            „   Projection display device that supports SVGA 800x600, 256-colors

            Please note that unless otherwise indicated, this software is not included on the
            Trainer Materials compact disc. The following software is required for the
            instructor computer:
            „   Microsoft Windows XP Professional
            „   Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 Developer Edition (Included in Microsoft
                Visual Studio® .NET Enterprise Developer Edition)
            „   Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2
            „   Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Developer Edition, including the Windows
                Component Update
            „   Microsoft Office XP Professional with Microsoft FrontPage® (Included in
                Microsoft Office XP Developer)
2   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                      Student Computer
                      Each student computer requires the following hardware and software

                      Hardware Level 3
                      The following hardware is required for each student computer:
                      „   Pentium III or personal computer with processor speed greater than or equal
                          to 700 MHz
                      „   System bus (PCI bus must meet 2.1 specs)
                      „   At least 768 MB of RAM
                      „   16-GB hard disk
                      „   512-KB L2 cache
                      „   CD-ROM/DVD player
                      „   Non-ISA network adapter (10/100 Mbps required full duplex)
                      „   4-MB video adapter
                      „   SVGA monitor (17 inch)
                      „   Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
                      „   Sound card with headphones or speakers

                      Please note that unless otherwise indicated, this software is not included on the
                      Trainer Materials compact disc. The following software is required for each
                      student computer:
                      „   Windows XP Professional
                      „   SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition (Included in Microsoft Visual Studio
                          .NET Enterprise Developer Edition)
                      „   SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2
                      „   Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Developer Edition, including the Windows
                          Component Update
Automated Classroom Setup Guide       3

Classroom Configuration
             The following configuration and naming conventions are suggested for this
             course, but are not required:
             „   The instructor computer is named London.
             „   The student computers are named according to the following table.

             The following table shows the names and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of the
             student computers. The instructor computer must be installed first, and then the
             student computers can be installed in any order or concurrently. In the IP
             address, x is the classroom number.
             Computer name                            IP address

             Vancouver                                192.168.x.1
             Denver                                   192.168.x.2
             Perth                                    192.168.x.3
             Brisbane                                 192.168.x.4
             Lisbon                                   192.168.x.5
             Bonn                                     192.168.x.6
             Lima                                     192.168.x.7
             Santiago                                 192.168.x.8
             Bangalore                                192.168.x.9
             Singapore                                192.168.x.10
             Casablanca                               192.168.x.11
             Tunis                                    192.168.x.12
             Acapulco                                 192.168.x.13
             Miami                                    192.168.x.14
             Auckland                                 192.168.x.15
             Suva                                     192.168.x.16
             Stockholm                                192.168.x.17
             Moscow                                   192.168.x.18
             Caracas                                  192.168.x.19
             Montevideo                               192.168.x.20
             Manila                                   192.168.x.21
             Tokyo                                    192.168.x.22
             Khartoum                                 192.168.x.23
             Nairobi                                  192.168.x.24

             Single Domain/Workgroup Model
             Each student computer in the classroom has Windows XP Professional installed
             as a stand-alone workstation in a workgroup.
4   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

Setup Instructions
                      Use the following procedures to prepare each computer for class.

                      Important The instructor computer (London) must be set up completely before
                      you begin setting up the student computers. Student computer setup occurs over
                      the network by using shared folders that are created on the instructor computer.

                      Before You Begin
                      Before you set up the classroom, you will need to do the following:
                      „   Read through all setup procedures.
                      „   Make sure that you have the Trainer Materials compact disc that is provided
                          with the course materials.
                      „   Prepare a Windows 98 system disk and a network boot disk.

                      Windows 98 System Disk
                      To set up the instructor computer, you must have a Windows 98 system disk.
                      This disk must include the following:
                      „   Windows 98 system files.
                      „   MS-DOS® drivers for the CD-ROM drive of the instructor computer.
                      „   The following files: Xcopy.exe, Xcopy32.exe, and Xcopy32.mod. These
                          files must be located either in the root directory of the system disk or in a
                          location that is specified in the MS-DOS path statement in the Autoexec.bat
                      „   The files Smartdrv.exe and Himem.sys. Running Smartdrv.exe dramatically
                          increases the performance of the file-copying process that occurs during the
                          initial phase of setup. With Smartdrv loaded, this process generally takes 30
                          minutes or less. Without Smartdrv, it may take several hours.

                      Network Boot Disk
                      Set up of the student computers takes place over the network. As a result, you
                      must have an MS-DOS system disk that includes drivers for network adapters
                      in the student computers. In addition, the network boot disk must include the
                      files Xcopy.exe, Xcopy32.exe, and Xcopy32.mod, either in the root directory of
                      the network boot disk or in a location that is specified in the MS-DOS path
                      statement in the Autoexec.bat file.

                      Important This setup does not include a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
                      (DHCP) server. To connect to the instructor computer by using a network boot
                      disk, a static IP address must be specified. An unsupported network boot disk
                      with this option is available for download on the Microsoft Certified Trainer
                      (MCT) Web site.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide         5

The batch files that are used to set up the student computers require a large
amount of MS-DOS environment space. Therefore, it is recommended that you
include the following line in the Config.sys file on the boot disk:
        Shell = a:\ /p /e:1024

Note Windows XP does not include a utility for creating network boot disks.

Setup Overview
Read this section before you begin configuring the computers. Failure to follow
the instructions in this Automated Classroom Setup Guide will cause the labs to
These setup instructions provide you with both automated and manual
installation procedures and automated configuration procedures. If you
complete the automated installation, the configuration is also completed
automatically. If you cannot complete an automated installation of the software,
you can follow the manual procedures in the Manual Classroom Setup Guide
on the Trainer Materials compact disc. Following a manual installation, you
must complete the post-installation configuration procedure. It is very important
that you allocate enough time for a manual installation if you are not sure that
the automated installation will work in your environment.

Important Verify that the classroom is set up correctly by referring to the
Classroom Setup Checklist section in this guide.

Estimated time to set up the classroom: 8 hours
6   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

Automated Classroom Setup
                      Use the following instructions to perform an automated setup of the classroom.

Instructor Computer
                      Use the following instructions to set up the instructor computer.

                      Ç To set up the hardware
                      1. Set up the hardware according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (Refer to
                         the hardware requirements.)
                      2. Configure the hard disk as follows:
                          • Drive C: 12 GB formatted as FAT32 (file allocation table)

                      Ç To install and configure Windows XP Professional on the instructor
                          computer and install the courseware files
                      1. Start the computer by using the Windows 98 system disk.
                      2. Insert the Trainer Materials compact disc into the CD-ROM drive.
                      3. Type x:\setup\lonset (where x is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive),
                         and then press ENTER.
                      4. At the Course Title screen, press SPACEBAR to continue.
                      5. At the Welcome screen, press SPACEBAR to continue.
                      6. At the Selecting Classroom Number screen, type the number that
                         corresponds to the IP network number to be used for this classroom.
                          Ensure that the trainer delivering this class is aware of the network number
                          that is used. The students will require this number during the installation

                          Note Unless the classrooms on your network are isolated from one another,
                          you will need to choose a unique network number for each classroom to
                          avoid possible IP address conflicts.

                          The Installing Configuration Files screen appears, and the classroom setup
                          files and course lab files are copied to the hard disk.
                      7. When the file copying process is complete, press SPACEBAR to continue.
                      8. Insert the Windows XP Professional compact disc into the
                         CD-ROM drive, and then press SPACEBAR to continue.
                          Set up copies the I386 folder, which is on the Windows XP Professional
                          compact disc, to the hard disk.

                          Note If Smartdrv is loaded, this process should take less than 30 minutes.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide          7

9. After the file copy process is complete, you will be prompted to enter your
   Windows XP Professional Product Key.
10. After you have entered your Product Key and have confirmed that it is
   correct, remove the startup disk and the Windows XP Professional compact
   An automated setup of Windows XP Professional begins. When the
   automated setup process is complete, Setup restarts the computer, logs you
   on as Administrator, and runs a batch file to begin the customized setup of
   the instructor computer (London).

   Note If the autologon fails to work, log on as Administrator with a
   password of P@ssw0rd. The setup batch file will then continue.

11. You will then be prompted to insert the SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition
    and the SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 compact discs in to the CD-ROM
    drive. Setup will copy the files to drive C.

Ç Creating an Administrative Install Point for Microsoft Office XP
   Professional With Front Page
1. When prompted, insert the Office XP Developer Edition compact disc into
   the CD-ROM drive.

Important Administrative Installs are only supported in the Enterprise and
Developer (Office XP Professional with Front Page) Editions.

2. On the Administrative Installation page, verify that Northwind Traders
   is in the Organization box. Type it in if necessary
3. Verify that c:\OfficeXP is in the Install Location box. Type it in, if
4. Enter the 25 character Product Key and click Next.
5. On the End User License Agreement page, accept the terms of the
   agreement and click Install. Setup will copy all of the files needed for
   installing Office XP.
6. Click OK when Setup displays a message that the set up has completed
   You will be prompted to insert the Visual Studio .NET Windows
   Component Update and all four Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Developer
   compact discs into the CD-ROM drive. Setup will copy all of the files that
   are needed for installation to the hard drive.
   Setup will then install the courseware files and configure the system for the
   class. Setup will then install SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition, SQL
   Server 2000 Service Pack 2, Office XP Professional with Front Page,
   Visual Studio .NET Windows Component Update, and Visual Studio .NET
   Enterprise Developer Edition.
8   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                          When all of the items in the checklist are marked as complete, automated
                          setup of the instructor computer is complete.

                          Important To verify that the instructor computer is set up correctly, refer to
                          the Classroom Setup Checklist section of this guide.

                      Post-Installation Tasks for the Instructor Computer
                      Use the following instructions to complete the set up of the instructor computer.

                      Ç Install the Microsoft .NET Framework Service Pack 1
                      1. Download the Microsoft .NET Framework Service Pack 1
                         (NDP10SP317396.exe) from the following Web address:
                      2. Follow the directions on the page to download the file in the appropriate
                      3. When prompted to download the file, click Open.
                      4. When you are prompted to install the Microsoft .NET Framework Service
                         Pack 1, click OK.
                      5. When prompted with the license agreement, click I accept.
                      6. When installation is complete, click OK.
                      7. Click Yes when prompted to restart system.

                      Configure the Final Solution
                      Important This section must be completed on the Instructor computer only.
                      When setting up student computers, do not perform this step.

                      Ç Create the Visual Studio .NET lab solution
                      1. Using Visual Studio .NET, create a new blank solution named
                          a. On the File menu, click New, and then click Blank Solution.
                          b. In the New Project dialog box, enter 2310LabApplication in the Name
                             text box, and then click OK.

                      Ç Create the Visual Basic .NET Benefits Web application
                      1. Create a new ASP.NET Web Application project, named BenefitsVB, in the
                         2310LabApplication solution:
                          a. On the File menu, click New, and then click Project.
                          b. In the New Project dialog box, click Visual Basic Projects in the
                             Project Types list, click ASP.NET Web Application in the Templates
                             list, set the Location to http://localhost/BenefitsVB, click Add to
                             Solution, and then click OK.

                          Caution Verify that you have capitalized the BenefitsVB project as shown.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide       9

Ç Update the BenefitsVB project
1. In Visual Studio .NET, open the 2310LabApplication solution file.
2. In Solution Explorer, right-click BenefitsVB, point to Add, and then click
   Add Existing Item.
3. Browse to the C:\Program Files\msdntrain\2310\Labfiles\Lab16\VB\
   Solution\BenefitsVB folder.
4. In the Files of type box of the Add Existing Item – BenefitsVB dialog box,
   choose All Files (*.*).
5. Select all of the files in this folder, and then click Open.
6. Click Yes to replace any existing files and to create new files.

Ç Create the Visual Basic .NET BenefitsListVB class library
1. Create a new Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET Class Library project, name it
   BenefitsListVB, and then add it to the 2310LabApplication solution:
   a. On the File menu, click New, and then click Project.
   b. In the New Project dialog box, click Visual Basic Projects in the
      Project Types list, click Class Library in the Templates list, set the
      Name to BenefitsListVB, click Add to Solution, and then click OK.

   Caution Verify that you have capitalized the BenefitsListVB project as

Ç Update the BenefitsListVB project
1. In Visual Studio .NET, open the 2310LabApplication solution file.
2. In Solution Explorer, right-click BenefitsListVB, point to Add, and then
   click Add Existing Item.
3. Browse to the C:\Program
   Files\msdntrain\2310\Labfiles\Lab16\VB\Solution\BenefitsListVB folder.
4. In the Files of type box of the Add Existing Item – BenefitsListVB dialog
   box, choose All Files (*.*).
5. Select all of the files in this folder, and then click Open.
6. Click Yes to replace any existing files and to create new files, and then click
   Yes when asked if you want to reload the Class1.vb file.
10   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                      Ç Create a reference to the BenefitsListVB component in the BenefitsVB
                      1. In the BenefitsVB project in the 2310LabApplication solution, complete the
                         following steps to add a reference to the BenefitsListVB component that
                         you just created:
                          a. Right-click the BenefitsVB project in Solution Explorer and then click
                             Add Reference.
                          b. In the Add Reference dialog box, on the Projects tab, double-click the
                             BenefitsListVB project.
                          c. In the Selected Components list, select the BenefitsListVB component,
                             and then click OK.
                             The component is added to the References folder in Solution Explorer.

                      Ç Create the Visual Basic .NET Dental XML Web Service
                      1. Create a new Visual Basic .NET ASP.NET Web Service project, named
                         DentalServiceVB, and then add it to the 2310LabApplication solution:
                          a. On the File menu, click New, and then click Project.
                          b. In the New Project dialog box, click Visual Basic Projects in the
                             Project Types list, click ASP.NET Web Service in the Templates list,
                             set the Location to http://localhost/DentalServiceVB, click Add to
                             Solution, and then click OK.

                          Caution Verify that you have capitalized the DentalServiceVB project as

                      Ç Update the DentalServiceVB project
                      1. In Visual Studio .NET, open the 2310LabApplication solution file.
                      2. In Solution Explorer, right-click DentalServiceVB, point to Add, and then
                         click Add Existing Item.
                      3. Browse to the C:\Program Files\msdntrain\2310\Labfiles\Lab16\VB\
                         Solution\DentalServiceVB folder.
                      4. In the Files of type box of the Add Existing Item – DentalServiceVB
                         dialog box, choose All Files (*.*).
                      5. Select all of the files in this folder, and then click Open.
                      6. Click Yes to replace any existing files and to create new files, and then click
                         Yes to reload any open files.
                      7. Build the DentalService XML Web service by right-clicking the
                         DentalServiceVB project in Solution Explorer and clicking Build.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide       11

Ç Add a Web reference in the BenefitsVB project to the DentalServiceVB
   Web service
1. In the BenefitsVB project in the 2310LabApplication solution, complete the
   following steps to add a Web reference to the DentalServiceVB XML Web
   a. In Solution Explorer, right-click BenefitsVB and then click Add Web
   b. In the Address text box, type
      http://localhost/DentalServiceVB/DentalService1.asmx and then press
       The DentalService1 Web reference will then be displayed.
   c. Click Add Reference.
       The Web reference is added to the project in the Web References folder.
2. In Solution Explorer, expand Web References, right-click localhost and
   then choose Rename.
3. Type DentalWebRef and then press ENTER.
4. Build the solution by clicking Build Solution on the Build menu.

Ç Create the C# Benefits Web application
1. Create a new ASP.NET Web Application project, named BenefitsCS, in the
   2310LabApplication solution:
   a. On the File menu, click New, and then click Project.
   b. In the New Project dialog box, click Visual C# Projects in the Project
      Types list, click ASP.NET Web Application in the Templates list, set
      the Location to http://localhost/BenefitsCS, click Add to Solution,
      and then click OK.

   Caution Verify that you have capitalized the BenefitsCS project as shown.

Ç Update the BenefitsCS project
1. In Visual Studio .NET, open the 2310LabApplication solution file.
2. In Solution Explorer, right-click BenefitsCS, point to Add, and then click
   Add Existing Item.
3. Browse to the C:\Program Files\msdntrain\2310\Labfiles\Lab16\CS\
   Solution\BenefitsCS folder.
4. In the Files of type box of the Add Existing Item – BenefitsCS dialog box,
   choose All Files (*.*).
5. Select all of the files in this folder, and then click Open.
6. Click Yes to replace any existing files and to create new files.
12   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                      Ç Create the Visual C# .NET BenefitsListCS class library
                      1. Create a new C#™ Class Library project, name it BenefitsListCS, and then
                         add it to the 2310LabApplication solution:
                          a. On the File menu, click New, and then click Project.
                          b. In the New Project dialog box, click Visual C# Projects in the Project
                             Types list, click Class Library in the Templates list, set the Name to
                             BenefitsListCS, click Add to Solution, and then click OK.

                          Caution Verify that you have capitalized the BenefitsListCS project as

                      Ç Update the BenefitsListCS project
                      1. In Visual Studio .NET, open the 2310LabApplication solution file.
                      2. In Solution Explorer, right-click BenefitsListCS, point to Add, and then
                         click Add Existing Item.
                      3. Browse to the C:\Program Files\msdntrain\2310\Labfiles\Lab16\CS\
                         Solution\BenefitsListCS folder.
                      4. In the Files of type box of the Add Existing Item – BenefitsListCS dialog
                         box, choose All Files (*.*).
                      5. Select all of the files in this folder, and then click Open.
                      6. Click Yes to replace any existing files and to create new files, and then click
                         Yes when asked if you want to reload the Class1.cs file.

                      Ç Create a reference to the BenefitsListCS component in the BenefitsCS
                      1. In the BenefitsCS project in the 2310LabApplication solution, complete the
                         following steps to add a reference to the BenefitsListCS component that you
                         just created:
                          a. Right-click the BenefitsCS project in Solution Explorer and then click
                             Add Reference.
                          b. In the Add Reference dialog box, on the Projects tab, double-click the
                             BenefitsListCS project.
                          c. In the Selected Components list, select the BenefitsListCS component,
                             and then click OK.
                             The component is added to the References folder in Solution Explorer.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide       13

Ç Create the Visual C# .NET Dental XML Web Service
1. Create a new Visual C# .NET ASP.NET Web Service project, named
   DentalServiceCS, and then add it to the 2310LabApplication solution:
   a. On the File menu, click New, and then click Project.
   b. In the New Project dialog box, click Visual C# Projects in the Project
      Types list, click ASP.NET Web Service in the Templates list, set the
      Location to http://localhost/DentalServiceCS, click Add to Solution,
      and then click OK.

   Caution Verify that you have capitalized the DentalServiceCS project as

Ç Update the DentalServiceCS project
1. In Visual Studio .NET, open the 2310LabApplication solution file.
2. In Solution Explorer, right-click DentalServiceCS, point to Add, and then
   click Add Existing Item.
3. Browse to the C:\Program Files\msdntrain\2310\Labfiles\Lab16\CS\
   Solution\DentalServiceCS folder.
4. In the Files of type box of the Add Existing Item – DentalServiceCS
   dialog box, choose All Files (*.*).
5. Select all of the files in this folder, and then click Open.
6. Click Yes to replace any existing files and to create new files, and then click
   Yes to reload any open files.
7. Build the DentalService XML Web service by right-clicking the
   DentalServiceCS project in Solution Explorer and clicking Build.

Ç Add a Web reference in the BenefitsCS project to the DentalServiceCS
   Web service
1. In the BenefitsCS project in the 2310LabApplication solution, complete the
   following steps to add a Web reference to the DentalServiceCS XML Web
   a. In Solution Explorer, right-click BenefitsCS and then click Add Web
   b. In the Address text box, type
      http://localhost/DentalServiceCS/DentalService1.asmx and then press
       The DentalService1 Web reference will then be displayed.
   c. Click Add Reference.
       The Web reference is added to the project in the Web References folder.
2. In Solution Explorer, expand Web References, right-click localhost, and
   then choose Rename.
3. Type DentalWebRef and then press ENTER.
4. Build the solution by clicking Build Solution on the Build menu.
14   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                      Ç Install and configure the session state databases
                      1. From the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and
                         then click Command Prompt.
                          A Command window opens.
                      2. At the command prompt, type the following command, where version is the
                         latest version of the.NET Framework that is installed on your computer, and
                         then press ENTER:

                          The Command prompt changes to the new directory.
                      3. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press
                          OSQL –S localhost –E
Automated Classroom Setup Guide          15

Test the Setup
Ç Verify database installation
1. From the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL
   Server, and then click Enterprise Manager.
2. Expand Microsoft SQL Servers, expand SQL Server Group, expand
   (local) (Windows NT), and then expand Databases.
3. Verify that the databases in the following table are listed in the Databases
   Instructor computer                      Student computers

   ASPState                                 Coho
   Coho                                     dentists
   dentists                                 doctors
   doctors                                  Northwind
   Northwind                                pubs
   pubs                                     None
   tempdb                                   None

   Note Additional databases may be installed. Installing additional databases
   is not a problem as long as the databases listed in the preceding table are

4. Expand Doctors, and then select Users.
5. Verify that the webuser account exists and has a login name of
6. Close Enterprise Manager.

Ç Test the Visual Basic .NET Final Solution
Important This section must be completed on the Instructor computer only.
When setting up student computers, do not perform these steps.

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Type the following Web address in the address box, and then press ENTER:
   You should see the default page for the Web application.
3. Close Internet Explorer.
16   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                      Ç Test the Visual C# .NET Final Solution
                      Important This section must be completed on the Instructor computer only.
                      When setting up student computers, do not perform these steps.

                      1. Open Internet Explorer.
                      2. Type the following Web address in the address box, and then press ENTER:
                          You should see the default page for the Web application.
                      3. Close Internet Explorer.

                      Ç Rebuild the Demonstrations Solution
                      Important This section must be completed on the Instructor computer only.
                      When setting up student computers, do not perform these steps.

                      1. From the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual
                         Studio .NET, and then click Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
                      2. From the File menu, choose Open Solution.
                      3. In the My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\2310Demos folder, open the
                         2310Demos.sln file.
                      4. In Solution Explorer, right-click Solution ‘2310Demos’, and then choose
                         Rebuild Solution.
                          All of the projects in the solution are rebuilt.
                      5. Verify there are no errors in the Task List window.
                      6. Close Visual Studio .NET.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide         17

Student Computers
              Use the following instructions to set up each student computer.

              Important To complete an automated setup of the student computers, you must
              first complete an automated setup of the instructor computer.

              Ç To set up the hardware
              1. Set up the hardware according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (Refer to
                 the hardware requirements.)
              2. Configure the hard disk as follows:
                 • Drive C: 12 GB formatted as FAT32

              Ç To install and configure Windows XP Professional on each student
                 computer in each domain
              1. Start the student computer by using the network boot disk.

                 Note When prompted, connect to London as Administrator with a
                 password of P@ssw0rd.

              2. At a command prompt, type net use x: \\london\setup and then press
                 ENTER to map drive x (where x represents the next available drive letter) to
                 the Setup folder on the instructor computer (London).
              3. At the command prompt, type x:\mocset.bat and then press ENTER.

                 Note You must include the file extension in this command because the
                 Setup folder also includes a subfolder called Mocset.

              4. At the Course Title screen, press SPACEBAR to continue.
              5. At the Welcome screen, press SPACEBAR to continue.
              6. At the Selecting Classroom Number screen, type the number that
                 corresponds to the IP network number that you specified during the set up of
                 the instructor computer.
              7. At the Computer Identification screen, type the letter that corresponds to
                 the computer name for this student computer.

                 Important As you install Windows XP Professional on the student
                 computers, specify the computer names as provided in the Classroom
                 Configuration section of this guide.
18   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                      8. At the Domain Model screen, select Single Domain Model (option 1).
                      9. At the Single Domain Model screen, select Member of the workgroup
                         WORKGROUP (option 3).

                          Note If any of the settings are incorrect, press N to restart the configuration

                          The Mocset.bat file copies the courseware files to the hard disk, builds an
                          unattended setup answer file, and synchronizes the student computer time
                          with the time on the instructor computer (London).
                      10. When the file-copying process is complete, you will be prompted to enter
                          your Windows XP Professional Product Key. After you have entered your
                          Product Key and have confirmed that it is correct, Setup begins installing
                          Windows XP Professional.
                      11. Remove the network startup disk from the floppy disk drive. An automated
                          setup of Windows XP Professional begins.
                          When the automated setup process is complete, the computer restarts and
                          automatically logs you on as Administrator with a password of
                          P@ssw0rd. After the logon process, a batch file runs and sets the wallpaper
                          for the computer.
                          When all of the items in the checklist are marked as complete, the
                          automated setup of the student computer is complete.

                          Important To verify that a student computer is set up correctly, refer to the
                          Classroom Setup Checklist section of this guide.

                      Post-Installation Tasks for the Student Computers
                      Use the following instructions to complete the setup of the student computers.

                      Ç Install the Microsoft .NET Framework Service Pack 1
                      1. Download the.NET Framework Service Pack 1 (NDP10SP317396.exe)
                         from the following Web address:
                      2. Follow the directions on the page to download the file in the appropriate
                      3. When prompted to download the file, click Open.
                      4. When you are prompted to install the.NET Framework Service Pack 1, click
                      5. When prompted with the license agreement, click I accept.
                      6. When installation is complete, click OK.
                      7. Click Yes when prompted to restart system.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide       19

Classroom Setup Checklist
             The Classroom Setup Checklist enables you to:
             „   Verify that the classroom setup was completed successfully.
             „   Diagnose and correct any problems that may have occurred during the
                 automated setup of the classroom.

             It is recommended that you use the checklist to verify the classroom setup
             before the course begins. Note that separate checklists are provided for the
             instructor computer and the student computers.
20   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

Instructor Computer
                      At the end of the automated setup, use the following checklist to verify that the
                      instructor computer is set up correctly.

                 ‰ Verify that the computer name is London and that the computer is a
                      member of the workgroup named WORKGROUP
                      Ç To verify the computer name and workgroup
                      1. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
                      2. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Computer Name tab, verify
                         that the computer name is London and that the computer is a member of the
                         workgroup named WORKGROUP.

                      Ç To change the computer name or workgroup name
                      1. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
                      2. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Computer Name tab, click
                      3. In the Computer Name Changes dialog box, in the Computer name box,
                         type London
                      4. Verify that the Workgroup option is selected, and then in the Workgroup
                         box, type WORKGROUP
                      5. In the Computer Name Changes dialog box, click OK, and then in the
                         System Properties dialog box, click OK.

                 ‰ Verify that the password for the Instructor account is P@ssw0rd
                      Ç To verify the Instructor password
                      • Log off, and then log on to the local computer as Instructor with a password
                        of P@ssw0rd.

                      Ç To change the password for the Instructor account
                      1. Click on Start, right-click on My Computer and then click on Manage.
                      2. Right-click Instructor, click Set Password, and then click Proceed.
                      3. Type P@ssw0rd in the New password box, type P@ssw0rd in the
                         Confirm password box, and then click OK.
                      4. Close the Computer Management window.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide          21

‰ Verify that Microsoft PowerPoint is installed
    Ç To verify that Microsoft PowerPoint is installed
    • Click Start, point to All Programs, and then verify that Microsoft
      PowerPoint is listed in the menu.

    Ç To install PowerPoint
    1. Insert the Office XP Professional with FrontPage disc 1 into the CD-ROM
    2. Click Start, and then click Run.
    3. Type x:\Setup.exe where x is the letter of your CD-ROM drive.
    4. In the Office XP Setup window, type the Product Key and then click Next.
    5. Click I accept the terms in the License Agreement, and then click Next.
    6. Select the Custom install type, and click Next.
    7. Clear the check boxes for all applications except Microsoft PowerPoint,
       and then click Next.
    8. Click Install.
    9. After the install has completed, click OK.

‰ Verify that the PowerPoint slides are installed in C:\Program Files\
    Ç To verify that the PowerPoint slides are installed
    1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to C:\Program Files\
    2. Verify that a PowerPoint presentation exists for each of the modules in the

    Ç To install the PowerPoint slides
    1. Insert the Trainer Materials compact disc into the CD-ROM drive.
    2. Open the Tools folder on the Trainer Materials compact disc.
    3. Double-click 2310_Ppt.msi, which is a self-extracting file.
22   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                 ‰ Verify that Start menu shortcuts exist for each of the PowerPoint
                      Ç To verify that Start menu shortcuts exist for each of the PowerPoint
                      1. Click Start, point to All Programs, and then point to 2310B Slides.
                      2. Verify that shortcuts exist for each module that is taught in the course.

                      Ç To create Start menu shortcuts
                      1. Right-click Start, and then click Explore All Users.
                      2. Double-click Programs.
                      3. In the details pane, right-click an empty area, point to New, and then click
                      4. When the new folder icon appears, type 2310B Slides and then press
                      5. Double-click the 2310B Slides folder.
                      6. In the details pane, right-click an empty area, point to New, and then click
                      7. In the Create Shortcut Wizard, click Browse.
                      8. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, expand My Computer, expand Local
                         Disk (C:), expand Program Files, expand Msdntrain, expand 2310, and
                         then click Powerpnt.
                      9. Click 2310B_00.ppt, and then click OK.
                      10. In the Create Shortcut Wizard, click Next.
                      11. On the Select a Title for the Program page, in the Type a name for this
                          shortcut box, type Module 0 and then click Finish.
                      12. Repeat the process until you have created shortcuts to the PowerPoint
                          presentation for each module.

                 ‰ Verify that when you are logged on as Instructor the London computer
                      has dark green wallpaper with the computer name in the upper right
                      Ç To verify wallpaper and computer name
                      • Log on as Instructor, and verify that the correct wallpaper and computer
                        name appear.

                      Ç To set the wallpaper for the London computer
                      1. Log on as Instructor.
                      2. Right-click the desktop, and then click Properties.
                      3. In the Display Properties dialog box, on the Desktop tab, click Browse.
                      4. In the Browse dialog box, open the C:\Setup\Images folder, click
                          LON.BMP, and then click Open.
                      5. In the Display Properties dialog box, click OK.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide       23

‰ Verify that the screen resolution is set to 800x600
    Ç To verify that the screen resolution is set to 800x600
    1. Right-click the Desktop and select Properties.
    2. Click the Settings tab.
    3. Verify that the screen resolution is set to 800 by 600 pixels.

       Note The instructor computer resolution must be set to 800 by 600 for the
       courseware slides to display properly.

    Ç To change the screen resolution to 800x600
    1. In the Display Properties dialog box, on the Settings tab, set the screen
       resolution to 800 by 600 pixels.
    2. Click OK.
    3. In the Monitor Settings dialog box, click Yes.

‰ Verify that Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is installed properly
    Ç Verify Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installation
    1. The SQL Server Service Manager should be running in the System Tray,
       indicated by an icon showing a server and a green arrow.
    2. To verify that the SQL Server Enterprise Manager is installed, click
       Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then
       click Enterprise Manager. Expand the Microsoft SQL Servers tree. Then
       expand the SQL Server Group tree and you should see a server icon with a
       green arrow labeled (Local)(Windows NT).

    Ç Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition
    • To manually install SQL Server, refer to the Manual Classroom Setup

‰ Verify that SQL Server Service Pack 2 has been installed
    Ç To verify SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 is installed
    1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and
       then click Enterprise Manager.
    2. Expand the Microsoft SQL Servers tree and then expand the SQL Server
       Group node. Right-click on (Local)(Windows NT) and then click on
    3. The Product Version should be (SP2).
24   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                      Ç To install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2
                      1. Insert the SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 disc in the CD-ROM drive and
                         run setup.bat.
                      2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
                      3. On the Software License Agreement screen, click Yes to accept the terms
                         of the agreement.
                      4. On the Instance Name screen, click Next.
                      5. On the Connect to Server screen, click Next.
                      6. On the Start Copying Files screen, click Next.
                      7. On the Setup Complete screen, click Finish.

                 ‰ Verify the SQL Server 2000 lab databases have been installed
                      Ç To verify the databases
                      1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and
                         then click Enterprise Manager.
                      2. Expand the Microsoft SQL Servers tree. Expand the SQL Server Group
                         node, expand the (Local)(Windows NT) node, and then expand the
                         Databases folder.
                      3. Verify the following databases are installed:
                          • Coho
                          • dentists
                          • doctors
                          • master
                          • model
                          • msdb
                          • Northwind
                          • pubs

                      Ç To manually install the lab databases
                      1. On the Start menu, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server, and
                         then click Enterprise Manager.
                      2. On the toolbar, click Tools, and then click SQL Query Analyzer.
                      3. In the Connect to SQL Server dialog box, type (local) in the SQL Server
                         box, click Start SQL Server if it is stopped, click Windows
                         Authentication, and then click OK.
                      4. On the toolbar, click File, and then click Open.
                      5. In the Open Query File dialog box, in the File name box, type
                         C:\Program Files\Msdntrain\2310\Labfiles\Database\restore2310DB.sql
                         and then click Open.
                      6. On the toolbar, click Query, and then click Execute.
                      7. Close SQL Query Analyzer.
                      8. Close SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide       25

‰ Verify that Windows Component Update is installed
    Ç To verify that Windows Component Update is installed
    1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
    2. In Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs.
    3. Verify that the Microsoft .NET Framework (English) v1.0.3705 is listed
       under Currently installed programs.

    Ç To install Windows Component Update
    1. Insert the Visual Studio .NET compact disc 1 into the CD-ROM drive.
    2. Click Start and then click Run.
    3. Type x:\Setup.exe, where x is the letter of your CD-ROM drive.
    4. In the Visual Studio .NET Setup dialog box, click Windows Component
    5. When prompted, type the CD-ROM drive letter. Remove compact disc 1
       and insert the Windows Component Update disc into the CD-ROM drive.
       Click OK.
    6. When prompted, click I accept the agreement, and then click Continue.
    7. In the Visual Studio .NET Windows Component Update Setup dialog
       box, click Install Now.
    8. After Windows Update Component has been installed, click Done.

‰ Verify that Visual Studio .NET is installed
    Ç To verify that Visual Studio .NET is installed
    1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio
       .NET, and then click Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
    2. Verify that the Microsoft Development Environment window opens.

    Ç To install Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
    1. In the Visual Studio .NET Setup dialog box, click Visual Studio .NET.
    2. When prompted, type the CD-ROM drive letter. Remove the Windows
       Component Update compact disc, insert the Visual Studio .NET compact
       disc 1, and then click OK.
    3. When prompted, select I accept the agreement, type the Product Key, and
       then click Continue.
    4. On the Options Page, click Documentation and then in the right side of the
       dialog box, change Run from Source to Path. This will install the
       documentation on the local computer. Click Install Now.
    5. When prompted, remove compact disc 1, insert the Visual Studio .NET
       compact disc 2, and then click OK.
    6. When prompted, remove compact disc 2, insert the Visual Studio .NET
       compact disc 3, and then click OK.
26   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                      7. When prompted, remove compact disc 3, insert the Visual Studio .NET
                         compact disc 4, and then click OK.
                      8. In the Setup is complete dialog box, click Done.
                      9. In the Visual Studio .NET Setup dialog box, click Exit.

                 ‰ Verify that the Windows Component Update installation files have been
                      copied to C:\WCU
                      Ç To verify installation of the Windows Component Update files
                      1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, open C:\WCU.
                      2. Verify that the Bootstrap.msi file exists.

                      Ç To copy the installation files for Windows Component Update to
                      1. Insert the Windows Component Updates compact disc into the CD-ROM
                      2. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Run dialog box, in the Open box,
                         type xcopy x:\*.* c:\wcu\*.* /h /e (where x represents the drive letter of the
                         CD-ROM drive), and then press ENTER.

                 ‰ Verify that C:\WCU has been shared as WCU
                      Ç To verify that C:\WCU has been shared as WCU
                      1. Click Start, click My Computer, and then double-click Local Disk (C:).
                      2. Right-click the WCU folder, and then click Sharing and Security.
                      3. Verify that Share this folder is selected and that the share name is WCU.

                      Ç To share the C:\WCU folder
                      1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to C:\.
                      2. Right-click the WCU folder, and then click Sharing and Security.
                      3. In the WCU Properties dialog box, click Share this folder, and then click

                 ‰ Verify that the Visual Studio .NET installation files have been copied to
                      Ç To verify that the Visual Studio .NET installation files have been copied
                          to C:\VSNET
                      1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to C:\VSNET.
                      2. Verify that the Setup.exe file exists.

                      Ç To copy the installation files for Visual Studio .NET to C:\VSNET
                      1. Insert the Visual Studio .NET compact disc 1 into the CD-ROM drive.
                      2. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Run dialog box, in the Open box,
                         type xcopy x:\*.* c:\vsnet\*.* /h /e (where x represents the drive letter of
                         the CD-ROM drive), and then press ENTER.
                      3. Insert the Visual Studio .NET compact disc 2 into the CD-ROM drive.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide          27

    4. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Run dialog box, in the Open box,
       type xcopy x:\*.* c:\vsnet\*.* /h /e (where x represents the drive letter of
       the CD-ROM drive), and then press ENTER.
    5. Insert the Visual Studio .NET compact disc 3 into the CD-ROM drive.
    6. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Run dialog box, in the Open box,
       type xcopy x:\*.* c:\vsnet\*.* /h /e (where x represents the drive letter of
       the CD-ROM drive), and then press ENTER.
    7. Insert the Visual Studio compact disc 4 into the CD-ROM drive.
    8. Click Start, and then click Run. In Run dialog box, in the Open box, type
       xcopy x:\*.* c:\vsnet\*.* /h /e (where x represents the drive letter of the
       CD-ROM drive), and then press ENTER.

‰ Verify that C:\VSNET has been shared as VSNET
    Ç To verify that C:\VSNET has been shared as VSNET
    1. Click Start, click My Computer, and then double-click Local Disk (C:).
    2. Right-click the VSNET folder, and then click Sharing and Security.
    3. Verify that Share this folder is selected and that the share name is VSNET.

    Ç To share the C:\VSNET folder
    1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to C:\.
    2. Right-click the VSNET folder, and then click Sharing and Security.
    3. In the VSNET Properties dialog box, click Share this folder, and then
       click OK.

‰ Verify that the C:\Setup folder has been shared as Setup
    Ç To verify that the C:\Setup folder has been shared as Setup
    1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to C:\.
    2. Right-click the Setup folder, and then click Sharing and Security.
    3. Verify that Share this folder is selected and that the share name is Setup.

    Ç To share the C:\Setup folder as Setup
    1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to C:\.
    2. Right-click the Setup folder, and then click Sharing and Security.
    3. In the Setup Properties dialog box, click Share this folder, and then click

‰ Verify that the Flash plug-in is installed
    Ç To verify that the Flash plug-in is installed
    1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to C:\windows\System32\
    2. Verify that the swflash.ocx file exists.
28   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                      Ç To install the Flash plug-in
                      1. Click Start, and then click Run.
                      2. In the Run dialog box, in the Open box, type C:\Setup\Flash5A.exe and
                         then click OK.
                      3. Click Yes to install the Flash 5 Microsoft ActiveX® control.
                      4. When installation is complete, click OK.

                 ‰ Verify that the Democode, Labfiles, and Practices folder exist
                      Ç To verify that the lab and demonstration files are installed
                      1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to C:\Program Files\
                      2. Verify that the Democode, Labfiles, and Practices folders exist.

                      Ç To install the lab and demonstration files
                      1. Click Start, and then click Run.
                      2. In the Open box of the Run dialog box, type \\London\Setup\Allfiles.exe
                      3. In the WinZip Self-Extractor dialog box, in the Unzip to folder box,
                         verify that C:\Program Files\Msdntrain\2310 appears, and then click Unzip.
                      4. In the WinZip Self-Extractor dialog box, click OK, and then click Close.

                          Note By default, student files are installed to the following locations:
                          • Democode files are installed to
                          • Labfiles files are installed to C:\Program Files\Msdntrain\2310\Labfiles.
                          • Practices files are installed to C:\Program

                 ‰ Verify that the Folder Options are Set to Show Operating System Files
                      and Hidden Files
                      Ç To verify that the folder options are set
                      1. Log on as Instructor with a password of P@ssw0rd (0 is a zero).
                      2. Click the Start button, and click My Computer.
                      3. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
                      4. In the Folder Options dialog box, click the View tab.
                      5. Under Advanced settings, in the Hidden files and folders branch, verify
                         that Show hidden files and folders is selected and that Hide extensions for
                         known file types and Hide protected operating system files are
Automated Classroom Setup Guide      29

Ç To set the folder options
1. Click the Start button, and then click My Computer.
2. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
3. In the Folder Options dialog box, click the View tab.
4. Under Advanced settings, in the Hidden files and folders branch, click
   Show hidden files and folders.
5. Clear the Hide extensions for known file types check box.
6. Clear the Hide protected operating system files check box. When
   prompted, click Yes.
7. Click the Apply to All Folders button. When prompted, click Yes.
8. To close the Folder Options dialog box, click OK.
9. Close the My Computer window.
30   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

Student Computers
                      At the end of the automated setup, use the following checklist to verify that
                      each student computer is set up correctly.

                 ‰ Verify that the computer name is correct and that the computer is a
                      member of the workgroup named WORKGROUP
                      Ç To verify the computer name and workgroup
                      1. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
                      2. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Computer Name tab, verify
                         that the computer name is correct and that the computer is a member of the
                         workgroup named WORKGROUP.

                      Ç To change the computer name or workgroup name
                      1. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
                      2. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Computer Name tab, click
                      3. In the Identification Changes dialog box, in the Computer name box, type
                         the student computer name.
                      4. Verify that the Workgroup option is selected, and then in the Workgroup
                         box, type WORKGROUP
                      5. In the Computer Name Changes dialog box, click OK, and then in the
                         System Properties dialog box, click OK.

                 ‰ Verify that the password for the Student account is P@ssw0rd
                      Ç To verify the Student account password
                      • Log off, and then log on to the local computer as Student with a password of

                      Ç To change the password for the Student account
                      1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and
                         then click Computer Management.
                      2. Expand Local Users and Groups, click Users, and then click
                      3. Right-click Student, click Set Password, and then click Proceed.
                      4. In the New password box, type P@ssw0rd. In the Confirm password box,
                         type P@ssw0rd and then click OK.
                      5. Close the Computer Management window.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide         31

‰ Verify that when you are logged on as Student the student computer
    has dark green wallpaper with the computer name in the upper-right
    Ç To verify the wallpaper and computer name
    • Log on as Student, and verify that the correct wallpaper and computer name

    Ç To set the wallpaper for the student computer
    1. Log on as Student.
    2. Right-click the Desktop, and then click Properties.
    3. In the Display Properties dialog box, on the Desktop tab, click Browse.
       Image file names are based on the first three letters of the computer name;
       for example, the Bangalore computer uses the BAN.BMP image file.
    4. Click Open.
    5. In the Display Properties dialog box, click OK.

‰ Verify that the screen resolution is set to 1024x768
    Ç To verify that the screen resolution is set to 1024x768
    1. Right-click on the Desktop and select Properties.
    2. Click the Settings tab.
    3. Verify that the screen resolution is set to 1024 by 768 pixels.

    Ç To change the screen resolution to 1024x768
    1. On the Settings tab of the Display Properties dialog box, set the screen
       resolution to 1024 by 768 pixels.
    2. Click OK.
    3. In the Monitor Settings dialog box, click Yes.

‰ Verify that the Democode, Labfiles, and Practices folder exist
    Ç To verify that the lab and demonstration files are installed
    1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to C:\Program Files\
    2. Verify that the Democode, Labfiles, and Practices folders exist.
32   Automated Classroom Setup Guide

                      Ç To install the lab and demonstration files
                      1. Click Start, and then click Run.
                      2. In the Open box of the Run dialog box, type \\London\Setup\Allfiles.exe
                      3. In the WinZip Self-Extractor dialog box, in the Unzip to folder box,
                         verify that C:\Program Files\Msdntrain\2310 appears, and then click Unzip.
                      4. In the WinZip Self-Extractor dialog box, click OK, and then click Close.

                          Note By default, the student files are installed to the following locations:
                          • Democode files are installed to
                          • Labfiles files are installed to C:\Program Files\Msdntrain\2310\Labfiles.
                          • Practices files are installed to C:\Program Files\Msdntrain\

                 ‰ Verify that Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is installed properly
                      Ç Verify Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installation
                      1. The SQL Server Service Manager should be running in the System Tray,
                         indicated by an icon showing a server and a green arrow.
                      2. To verify that the SQL Server Enterprise Manager is installed, click
                         Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then
                         click Enterprise Manager. Expand the Microsoft SQL Servers tree. Then
                         expand the SQL Server Group tree and you should see a server icon with a
                         green arrow labeled (Local)(Windows NT).

                      Ç Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition
                      • To manually install SQL Server, refer to the Manual Classroom Setup

                 ‰ Verify that SQL Server Service Pack 2 has been installed
                      Ç To verify SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 is installed
                      1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and
                         then click Enterprise Manager.
                      2. Expand the Microsoft SQL Servers tree and then expand the SQL Server
                         Group node. Right-click on (Local)(Windows NT) and then click on
                      3. The Product Version should be (SP2).

                      Ç To install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2
                      1. Insert the SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 disc in the CD-ROM drive and
                         run setup.bat.
                      2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
                      3. On the Software License Agreement Screen, click Yes to accept the terms
                         of the agreement.
                      4. On the Instance Name screen, click Next.
Automated Classroom Setup Guide      33

    5. On the Connect to Server screen, click Next.
    6. On the Start Copying Files screen, click Next.
    7. On the Setup Complete screen, click Finish.

‰ Verify the SQL Server 2000 lab databases have been installed
    Ç To verify the databases
    1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and
       then click Enterprise Manager.
    2. Expand the Microsoft SQL Servers tree. Expand the SQL Server Group
       node, expand (Local)(Windows NT) node, and then expand the Databases
    3. Verify the following databases are installed:
       • Coho
       • dentists
       • doctors
       • master
       • model
       • msdb
       • Northwind
       • pubs

    Ç To manually install the lab databases
    1. On the Start menu, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server, and
       then click Enterprise Manager.
    2. On the toolbar, click Tools, and then click SQL Query Analyzer.
    3. In the Connect to SQL Server dialog box, type (local) in the SQL Server
       box, click Start SQL Server if it is stopped, click Windows
       Authentication, and then click OK.
    4. On the toolbar, click File, and then click Open.
    5. In the Open Query File dialog box, in the File name box, type
       C:\Program Files\Msdntrain\2310\Labfiles\Database\restore2310DB.sql
       and then click Open.
    6. On the toolbar, click Query, and then click Execute.
    7. Close SQL Query Analyzer.
    8. Close SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

‰ Verify that Windows Component Update is installed
    Ç To verify that Windows Component Update is installed
    1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
    2. In the Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs.
    3. Under Currently installed programs, verify that the Microsoft .NET
       Framework (English) v1.0.3705 is listed.
You can also read