Davis Senior Center - City of Davis

Page created by Seth Ortega
Davis Senior Center - City of Davis
Dav i s S en i o r C en t e r

                                                                                         April 2021
 646 A Street, Davis, CA 95616          www.cityofdavis.org/seniorservices
 530-757-5696                           email: seniorservices@cityofdavis.org
 Office hours: Currently closed         Transportation: 530-747-8240                              Volume 47 No. 4

Fe at u r e d t h i s m o n t h
Due to the pandemic, our offices remain closed to the public. Contact the office at 530-757-5696 or email
seniorservices@cityofdavis.org for resources and information on classes. To register online visit
www.cityofdavis.org/seniorservices, and click the “Online Registration” button on the right side of your
screen. An online account will be created for you within two business days if you don’t already have one.

National Gardening Day Chat
                        National Gardening Day on Wednesday, April 14 encourages gardeners and would-be
                        gardeners to pick up a shovel and some seeds to kick off a beautiful year of homegrown
                        bounty. Send in photos of your own garden to seniorservices@cityofdavis.org and join
                        us on Zoom at 11:00 a.m. to celebrate and share your green thumb successes/tips with
                        friends and staff.

A Stable Pelvis Equals Pain-Free Movement
                     Whether you are a channel surfer, avid gardener, dedicated exerciser, grandkid sitter,
                     marathon reader, crossword solver or living room dancer, pelvic stability is important.
                     The pelvis is the foundation of the spine, and when it is stable we are balanced,
                     comfortable and powerful. Come explore basic exercises to develop the muscles needed
                     for a stable pelvis: the transverse abdominus, the multifidus and the muscles of the
pelvic floor. These muscles also help prevent lower back pain and pain in the hips, neck, shoulders, knees
and feet. Debbie Eernisse will be your guide for a 30-minute virtual workshop about the pelvis Wednesday,
April 21, at 4:30 p.m. It, along with the other three workshops in the series, Feet, Neck & Shoulders, and
Glutes, will be recorded and available to those who register ($16). To get the most benefit be prepared to lie
on your back either on a mat or on your bed. If possible have available a yoga strap or belt, tennis/lacrosse
ball, blanket and yoga block.

Thank You!
Donations to the Davis Senior Services Endowment and Improvement Funds support our programs and
services. We’ve recently purchased a new computer for virtual programming and cooling face masks for
participants which we’ll distribute in May to celebrate Older Americans Month.
Davis Senior Center - City of Davis
I n f o r m at i o n & A c t i v i t i e s

 Senior Citizen Commission                                Davis Community Transit
 The Senior Commission will meet via Zoom on                                    This month we have a few
 Thursday, April 8 at 2:30 p.m. The agenda with                                 helpful reminders for our
 directions to log on will be posted by                                         customers. When purchasing a
 April 5 on https://www.cityofdavis.org/city-hall/                              bus ticket from the bus driver all
 commissions-and-committees/senior-citizen-                                     checks must be made payable to
 commission, or call 530-757-5696 for details. To         “City of Davis.” If you are paying with cash when
 contact or send comments to the Senior Citizen           you board the bus, please have exact fare only. DCT
 Commission, email SCC@cityofdavis.org.                   bus drivers do not make change. Please let the
                                                          dispatcher know in advance of your bus ride if you
 Macular Degeneration                                     will have an attendant or a companion traveling
                 Learn about the diagnosis and            with you. In an effort to maintain physical distancing
                 treatment of macular                     we continue to allow no more than three
                 degeneration Wednesday, April            passengers on the bus (not including the bus driver)
                 28, 11:00 a.m. - noon, in a Zoom         at one time. This knowledge helps the dispatcher
                 presentation by Davis                    route buses efficiently in order to not exceed our
 optometrist Julie Helmus. See the box at the             three-person maximum. For more information you
 bottom of the page for details on how to register.       may call the DCT dispatch office at 530-747-8240.

 Shred It!                                                Resources
                       Destroying confidential
                                                          • Friendship Line
                       documents helps prevent
                       identity theft. Recology has
                                                            Provides crisis intervention and check-ins.
                       scheduled a free shred event
 Saturday, April 24, 9:00 a.m. - noon, at the Davis
 Recycling Center, 2727 Second Street. The service        • Information & Referral
 is open to Davis residential customers only. Limit         211 or 833-544-2374
 is four 11” x 14” boxes (or the equivalent). Face          Provides health, social and mental health
 masks must be worn when interacting with                   resources.
 Recology staff at the event. You can watch your
 materials being shredded while maintaining six           • Meals on Wheels
 feet of social distance from all employees.                530-747-5870
                                                            Provides meals to existing customers.

 To register for a class or activity contact the Senior   • Phone Friends for Seniors
 Center at 530-757-5696 or register online by               530-757-5583
 visiting www.cityofdavis.org/seniorservices, then          Provides resources and check-ins.
 click on the button labeled “Online Registration”
 located on the right side of your screen. New
                                                          •   Project Linus of Yolo County
 online accounts are created 1-2 business days after
 you enter your information on the website.
                                                              Makes/distributes blankets to local non-profit

2 April 2021
Davis Senior Center - City of Davis

 Revised Spring Ukulele Dates                           Virtual Bingo
                        The spring Ukulele courses                    Join us using Zoom Friday, April 9 & 23
                        will run Monday, May 3 - 24                   at 1:00 p.m. Register no later than
                        on Zoom. This four week                       April 8 & 22. Center staff will email you
                        series will include both                      the link and password to join. A dial-in
                        Beginning I and Advanced                      option will also be available for those
 Beginning II levels. Pre-registration is now                         who do not have access to Zoom.
 available online. In the meantime, keep your                         Family and friends of all ages are
 fingers warm by playing your favorite songs from                     invited.
 class or explore new lessons from Cynthia Lin and      How to Play: Print a blank bingo card, which can be
 Ukulenny on YouTube and Facebook.                      found at www.cityofdavis.org/seniorservices. Fill in
                                                        the spaces with your own set of numbers using the
 Watch-Along Wednesday                                  key below, and mark the center square as FREE. The
                Hairspray (PG 1 hr 57 mins)             first person to cover squares in the predetermined
                Wednesday, April 21, 12:30 p.m.         pattern wins! Small prizes will be awarded and
                In 1960s Baltimore, dance-loving        mailed to the winners.
                teen Tracy Turnblad auditions for a     B #1-15 I #16-30 N #31-45 G #46-60
                spot on The Corny Collins Show and      O #61-75         FREE SPACE Center square
                wins. She becomes an overnight
                celebrity, a trendsetter in dance,      Genealogy Breakthroughs
                fun and fashion. Is her new status as                         Join the Davis Genealogy Club for
 a teen sensation enough to topple the show’s                                 our next Zoom meeting Tuesday,
 reigning dance queen and bring racial integration                            April 20, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
 to the show? Join via Zoom to find out.                                      Genealogist and entrepreneur
                                                                              Thomas MacEntee will speak on
 Virtual Fitness/Wellness Classes!                      Brick Wall Breakthroughs. Using actual research
 The Senior Center offers classes for all interests     problems MacEntee will walk participants through a
 and abilities! See the bottom of Page 2 for            step-by-step research methodology process to find
 registration details.                                  clues and possible solutions. Participants will have
                                                        access to research logs, digital images and more
 •   Bocce Ball: Coming soon! Details in May            during and after the webinar. Also included is a
     Scene.                                             “habit recipe” to implement the same techniques
                                                        used in the webinar on your own genealogy
 •   Dynabands: Mondays & Wednesdays, 2:00              research. MacEntee, a genealogy professional, is also
     p.m. April 5-28, $24.                              a blogger, educator, author, social media connector,
 •   Meditation for Stress Relief: Thursdays, 4:30      marketer, network builder and more. To request a
     p.m. April 1-29, $20.                              guest pass, please email Lisa Henderson at
                                                        President@DavisGenealogy.org. Visit https://
 •   Tai Chi: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. April     DavisGenealogy.org for more club information. The
     1-29, $36.                                         club's library is closed until further notice.
 •   Zumba: Fridays, 12:30 p.m. April 2-30, $20

                                                                                              April 2021     3
Davis Senior Center - City of Davis
Dav i s Trav e l a i r e s
646 A Street, Davis, CA 95616 530-753-4159                  Gary Boyce, Executive Director, gboyce_95758@yahoo.com
Tuesday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. www.davistravelaires.org   Sue Barnes, President, suelbarnes@ucla.edu

As the vaccination rate speeds up we are optimistic         We are also hopeful that we will be able to offer our
about starting up travel again as soon as it is safe to     popular Duarte’s Nursery poinsettia trip in
do so. Our return will coincide with the Senior             November 2021.
Center opening. While we cannot accept new                  Information can be found on our website, https://
registrations until we reopen the office, we still          www.davistravelaires.org/. If you do not have access
hope to coordinate with our travel partners to offer        to the internet, call us to get more information or
several longer excursions in 2021 and 2022:                 request trip flyers by mail. We are working remotely
•   Sedona & the Grand Canyon (Friendly                     and can be reached by email at
    Excursions), September 25 – October 1, 2021             DavisTravelaires@gmail.com or by phone at
•   New Mexico (Friendly Excursions), October               530-753-4159.
    2021 (dates TBD)                                        We look forward to getting back on the road again.
•   Mississippi River Cruise (American Cruise Lines),
    rescheduled – departing October 16, 2021                Sincerely,
•   Panama Canal Cruise (Alamo Travel),
    rescheduled to February 25 – March 12, 2022             Davis Travelaires Board of Directors
•   Oberammergau Passion Play (The Travel Store),
    July 2022 (dates TBD)

                                                                             646 A Street, Davis, CA 95616
                                                                             Office hours: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

                                                Davis Senior Center
Davis Senior Center - City of Davis Davis Senior Center - City of Davis Davis Senior Center - City of Davis Davis Senior Center - City of Davis Davis Senior Center - City of Davis Davis Senior Center - City of Davis
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