4th Sunday of Lent Catholic Parish of Napier Administration and Mission Centre

Page created by Phillip Johnson
4th Sunday of Lent Catholic Parish of Napier Administration and Mission Centre
14th March 2021
                               4th Sunday of Lent

  Catholic Parish of Napier Administration and Mission Centre
The detailed design of the new Parish Administration and Mission Centre is well
underway. It is expected to be completed in the next few weeks.
After Easter we will begin a fundraising campaign to secure the remaining
funding for the project. However, some parishioners have indicated they would
like to make contributions to the new building before 31 March so that they can
claim a tax refund for their donation in this tax year.
If you would like to make a donation to this project before 31 March you are able
to do so and obtain a receipt for tax purposes. Please contact Carmel at the Parish
Office for details.

                    Napier Inner City Churches (NICC)
During Lent we gather each Wednesday evening at 7:00pm with our Inner City
Covenant Churches for an ecumenical liturgy. Details as follows:
March 17th:         St Thomas More Catholic Church
March 24th:         St Paul’s Presbyterian Church
I hope that many parishioners will attend these liturgies in solidarity with our
fellow Christians in Napier.

                             Easter Timetable
The Easter timetable is included as an insert in the newsletter today. It will also
be available on the website and on the Parish ChurchApp. Please ensure that you
have the information readily available as we prepare for our Easter liturgies.

                             Rite of Election
The Rite of Election for the Adult Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) will be held
next Sunday at the 10am Mass. This important step for our catechumens and
candidates was scheduled to be held a couple of weeks ago but that was not
possible because of Level 2 restrictions.

Father Barry Scannell s.m.
Parish Priest
4th Sunday of Lent Catholic Parish of Napier Administration and Mission Centre
St John’s College, Hastings                           Volunteers Needed Please
        This week the College held its annual swimming sports       The CPoN in conjunction with the Napier
        at Frimley Pool. The event was postponed last week due      Inner City Covenant Churches (NICC) are supporting the
to us going into Level 2, so it was wonderful that we were back     Anne Frank Exhibition: Let Me Be Myself to be held at
at Level 1 and the swimming sports could go ahead. A great day      St Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Napier from March 11th
was had by all and it was good to see so many students              until June 12th 2021. 15-year old Anne Frank has become
participating. On Monday 15th March we have the College’s           a worldwide symbol for the millions of Jewish victims of
annual work-day where students traditionally work for the day       the Holocaust. As well as exploring Anne’s life against
                                                                    the backdrop of Nazi occupation, this exhibition invites
and donate a portion of their earnings to the College. The
                                                                    young people to consider topical issues, such as identity,
College will be closed for teaching on this day with the teachers
                                                                    exclusion, and discrimination in today’s world.
using the day as a Teachers-only-day.
                                                                    The CPoN have been allocated one “shift” each Friday
                      Reignier Catholic School                      from 12pm-2pm. A training day on Friday March 19th
                                                                    from 10am-2.30pm will provide valuable information
         On Friday our school Walk-a-thon was postponed due         and support. Volunteers are needed from March 26th
         to the weather. This Friday 19th March we will             through to June 11th. Please help our Parish play its part
celebrate Mass together as we celebrate St Joseph. At school, we    in the promotion of this valuable exhibition. This is not
will revisit our Charism so the students understand the link        an onerous task Please contact the Parish Office.
between St Joseph and our school. We will finish the day with
tabloid activities. We welcome our parish community to join us
for the celebrations. You can follow us on Facebook. https://       On Wednesday 17th March, Marian Mother's prayer
www.facebook.com/Reignier-Catholic-School-115115200209335           group will meet at 7 Tukes Place Greenmeadows at
                                                                    10:00am. All mothers of young children are welcome.
                    Sacred Heart College, Napier                    Contact Rebecca 0211443753
         Monday sees a number of our school leaders and
         Mrs Airey attend the Launching Leaders Conference at
         Scots College in Wellington. The conference involves       A meeting will be held on Thursday 18 March at 1:30pm
several addresses from proven leaders together with student         at Heavey Hall St Thomas More to discuss the new group
workshops. Our active and energetic PTA will hold their             for women. All women of the parish are invited and we
monthly meeting in the staff room at SHC on Monday at               would like to hear your ideas of how you would like it to
7:00pm. We thank them for their continued support. The East         function and what would you like to do. We will also
Coast Schools Athletics competition will be held on Wednesday       need a name for the group. If you are unable to come on
17th March at the Hastings Sports Park.                             Thursday but are interested please contact Mary King 844
                                                                    1779 or 027 6080477 and we will get the decision to you.
It is with delight that I inform you that the Board of Trustees
have appointed Rachel Read as our new Deputy Principal.
Rachel is currently on the Senior Leadership team at Napier
Girls High School. Rachel comes to us with expertise in many
areas including pastoral care, curriculum development,
motivating, and engaging students and supporting teachers in
ensuring optimal learning outcomes for all students. She has
also worked as a specialist classroom teacher focusing on
e-learning. Her qualifications include; Masters of Education,
Post Grad in Applied Practice, Advanced Growth Coaching and
Level 2 Tē Reo Māori. We look forward to welcoming Rachel
into the Sacred Heart College community at the beginning of
Term 2.
4th Sunday of Lent Catholic Parish of Napier Administration and Mission Centre
LENTEN EVENING REFLECTIONS                                                     Join the Beach Clean on
           “Noticing our blindness, seeing differently”                                        St Patrick’s Day
Thursday 18th March and Tuesday 23rd March                                         The next Parish Beach Clean is on
                                                                                   St Patrick's Day this Wednesday 17th March,
7:00pm – 8:30pm St Mary’s Parish Centre, Taradale.                                 at 5:00pm. Come with your family, friends,
Thursday 18th: Pondering on my relationship with God               or by yourself, and wear something green if you like. We
Tuesday 23rd: Pondering on my relationship to others               meet as usual at the Fish Bike Rentals near the Marine
                                                                   Parade car park. Bring gloves and an old bag or bucket.
The simple hope is to create some personal space for you to be
with God. The medium will be power-point incorporating             You are welcome to join in the shared picnic on the beach
short scripture quotes, art and easily digestible poetry. Having   afterwards and encouraged to attend the ecumenical Lenten
a notebook and a pen will help. Father David Ke nnerley SM         service at St Thomas More at 7:00pm.
                                                                   The Beach Clean is jointly organised by the Parish Care of
                                                                   Creation group and the Anglican EJP. It will be cancelled in
                 Passionist Family Groups’ Picnic                  the event of high seas or heavy rain, but will go ahead if at
         The Passionist Family Groups invite you to a picnic       level 2, as the beach allows for social distancing. Contact
         at the Puketapu Domain on Sunday 21st March at            027 3383591
         midday. Bring your own food and sports gear. All
Parishioners are welcome. Contact: Peter and Ann                                 Care of Creation - Tip of the Month
ph: 845 1246 or Brian and Colleen ph: 844-8797.                             Reuse containers – refills for dozens of products
                                                                            are available at Eco-Kiosk
        St Vincent de Paul Taradale Conference
During these uncertain times unexpected expenses can be                     The Linden Singers of Hawke’s Bay
a cause of concern to some. University Students also have          The Linden Singers of Hawke's Bay and the Choir of
demands to be met which often can be quite significant. If         Waiapu Cathedral will present ‘Music we like to sing’
there are any Students who are unsure of which way to turn         today, Sunday 14th March at 2:30pm at Waiapu Cathedral,
then Saint Vincent de Paul may be in a position to assist. For     28 Browning St, Napier. For full details see the poster on
more information please contact St Vincent de Paul Taradale        Church Noticeboard.
Conference through the Parish office 06 844 2224.

Fridays 7:00pm during Lent. We have two more Fridays –             Due to moving to Covid Alert Level 2 for the week of our
please join us for a half hour session of devotion as              March get-together, we had to cancel at short notice and
preparation for Easter.                                            apologise to those who may not have been notified.
                                                                   Preliminary notice for the April gathering which has been
                                     2021, Round 1,                moved to the second Thursday (8th April) due to Easter.
           Draw 10, No 15, Fiona and Bob McElroy
4th Sunday of Lent Catholic Parish of Napier Administration and Mission Centre
Mass Intentions and Anniversaries
Recently Deceased: Peggy Lynex, Reo Spooner, Betty Brooker,                           The Catholic Parish of Napier now has a mobile app
Melinda (Lindy) Bennett                                                               for communicating important Parish messages. To
                                                                                      download the App go to the App Store on your
Anniversaries: Paddy Donovan (11/03), Ray Miller (15/03),
                                                                                      Apple or Android device and search 'ChurchAppsNZ'
Jim Crarer (21/03)
——————————–————————————————————————————————————————————————————–———-—–——    to download the app onto your device. Then search 'The
Prayers for the Sick: Terry O’Leary, Arapera Riki,                          Catholic Parish of Napier'. Should you have any queries, or
Stephanie Bearsley, Peter Israel, Bill Brown, Paul Diamond,                 require any assistance, please call by the Parish office, or phone the
John Zaloum, Colleen Parker, Richard Frame, Naomi Tong,
                                                                            office on 844-2224.
Lucy Clark, June Brodie, Rosealeen Bradley, Barbara Triska,
William Stacey, Len Gavin, Ann Vaessen, Tom McLean, Mandy Lane,
Marie Stanford, Leo Baltussen                                                    St Vincent de Paul - Taradale Conference
                                                                            The monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th March at
                  A Fresh Look at Lent—2021                                 5pm in the St Mary’s Centre, Osier Road, Greenmeadows.
Fr Don Hornsey, Columban Missionary, with Rex and
Theresa Begley invite you to join them in a Lenten Retreat at
the Magnificat Retreat Centre, Cross Creek Road,                                           Baptism Preparation Course
Featherston, from 6:30pm on Friday 19th March until 4:00pm                  The next course will be held on Sunday 9th May at 11.30am
on Sunday 21st March 2021. Cost $190. Registration required.                in the St Mary’s Centre. Parents wishing to have their first
Contact: rexandtheresabegley@gmail.com                                      child baptized are welcome to attend. Please advise the
Telephone: 027 976 2299                                                     Parish Office if you wish to attend.

                     Last Week’s Collection
                          Total - $8,913

                         Liturgy Readings
This Week: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21
Next Week: Jer 31:31-34; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33

                                  Please note the names of our advertisers & remember to support them.
4th Sunday of Lent Catholic Parish of Napier Administration and Mission Centre
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