What's Happening at MCC - Millersville ...

Page created by Adrian Martinez
What's Happening at MCC - Millersville ...
What’s Happening at MCC                           November 1, 2020

KidZone Open at Hope Campus during Worship. Doors will open at 10:20 AM and
everyone will be expected to wear masks. We will be socially distancing in family
units as we come together in a multi-aged setting. The nursery will also be open from
10:15 AM through the end of service. Please contact Chris Reitnauer via phone or
text at 717-917-4777 with any questions.

Worship Service November 1. Please follow the Worship Gathering guidelines
which were sent out as separate eblasts and is also on our website. This week Pas-
tor Kerry will share a message titled, “Hope Through a Great Ordeal.” Even through
the ordeal of a pandemic, God is transforming us and giving us Hope. Also, today we
will celebrate All Saints Sunday and remember and honor those who are no longer
with us. (see pages 5-8). We pray that the memory of their faith will encourage us
and spur us on to deeper worship and greater service to the Lord.

Keep Your Coat With You in Worship. As cooler temperatures approach, we ask if
you wear a coat to Worship to take it with you into the worship service. Due to Covid,
we are trying to limit the touch points of your belongings.

If you bring your commitment card for our Stewardship Campaign to Worship,
please place it in the offering. If you wish, you may mail your commitment card
to the church office. If you would like a Stewardship packet, there are materials
available at the desk where attendance is taken, or contact the church office at 717-

Veterans Celebration. On Sunday, November 8 we will celebrate and recognize our
Veterans. We will list those from our church family who are serving or have served in
the armed forces in the past. If you have not given us your service information in pre-
vious years, please send the needed information (name, branch of service, past ser-
vice or currently serving) to the church office by Sunday, November 1 to:

Christmas Eve Survey. A brief survey is on our website: mcchurch.net (scroll down
to find the button to take the survey). This survey is to help the Worship Team plan
for multiple services and staffing needs for our upcoming Christmas Eve Services.
Please take the time to fill it out by Sunday, November 8. If you want a hard copy to
fill out, please contact the church office or see Judy Schroeder at Grace Campus or
What's Happening at MCC - Millersville ...

Bill Skelly at Hope Campus. We realize that our circumstances are ever changing, so
any plans indicated now, may have to be changed in the future. Thank you for taking
the time to give us this information so we can start to plan for our Christmas Eve

MCC State of the Church Report is on our Communication page of our website:
mcchurch.net. We hope you are inspired as you read what people are doing in ser-
vice to God’s Kingdom and gain a growing vision for MCC. If you would like a hard
copy mailed to you, please contact the church office.

November 10 Church Charge Conference on Zoom, 6:00 PM. All are welcome to
join. Zoom Information below:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 958 7198 8379

Passcode: 635305

Dial by your location   +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Next MCC Newsletter Articles Due, November 15. The theme for this quarter is
“Discipleship.” In Christianity, disciple primarily refers to a dedicated follower of
Jesus. Discipleship is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and is guided by the
Word of God to daily inform every aspect of our lives. So how does your dedication
as a follower of Jesus play out in your life and ministry?

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Millersville Community Church will be
participating in Operation Christmas Child again this year. You can either prepare a
shoebox for a child, or contribute individual items to be combined with donations from
others. Monetary donations are also welcomed to purchase supplies or help with
shipping. More information can be found at www.samaritanspurse.org. Please re-
member to include $9.00 per box for shipping. Watch this space in upcoming eblasts
for updates, encouragement and weekly challenges until the national collection week
of November 16.

This week’s Shoebox Challenge: Hobby Kits are a fun way to group several smaller
items together. Pre-made kits can be bought, but feel free to combine similar items in
a baggie, pencil box, fabric pouch or plastic container. Some ideas include:
-Fishing kit: fishing line, hooks, small bobber or cork, sinkers, and lures
-Sewing kit: needles, thread, buttons, small scissors, and some fabric
-Beading kit: an assortment of beads, gimp, elastic, small scissors, and charms
-Art kit: assorted paper, glue stick, markers, watercolor palette, brushes, etc.
-Sticker kit: assorted stickers, papers, blank journal, or notebook
-Tool kit: assortment of nails (in container), small hammer, twine, duct tape, screw-
Many hobby kit items and containers can be purchased inexpensively at dollar stores
or bulk items can be found on our amazon OCC@MCC wishlist: https://
Any questions or for more information contact: Chris Reitnauer, OCC@MCC coordi-
nator: 717-917-4777 Information packs can be mailed upon request.

Mission Thrift Shop will begin Winter Hours starting in November. MCC’s Thrift
Shop will not be open Thursdays throughout the winter. Their regular hours will be:
Tuesdays, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM and the first and third Saturdays, 9:00 AM-1:00 PM.

MCC Quilters. The quilter’s small group stopped meeting in March due to Covid-19
concerns for everyone’s health. We will resume quilting together when it is safe to do
so in 2021.

Rich Hill’s Adult Sunday school class at Grace Campus at 8:00 AM is now a
“Zoom Only” class. Please use the following link: https://us04web.zoom.us/
j/854903791 There is no cost to you.

Contact Rich Hill for help downloading the Zoom app in advance of the class at 717-
413-7408. If you wish to join by telephone, simply call 1-929-205-6099 a few minutes
before 8:00 AM. You will be asked for the meeting number—854903 791—and hit
pound (#) key. You may be asked for an Identification Number, but just hit the pound
(#) key again and you should be connected to the class.

Brad Phelan’s Sunday School Class at Hope Campus meets at 9:00 AM in
Room #102; this is an in-person class, so please follow MCC guidelines for social
distancing, using hand sanitizer, and wearing masks.

The Upper Room” devotionals for November/December are available for $1.00/
each. “The Upper Room” is a daily devotional created by The United Methodist
Church. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please contact the church office.

The LOFT Food Collection: for those in Penn Manor area who are in great need.
Thank you MCC for your generosity.
*Monetary Donations: If you would like to donate financially to the LOFT, write all
checks to “Loft Community Partnership” and mail to: Loft Community Partnership, PO
Box 115, Millersville, PA, 17551.
*Food Donations: The LOFT highest needs: cereal, creamy peanut butter, jelly,
canned fruit, canned ravioli, white rice (1-2 pound bags preferred), tuna helper, chick-
en helper, spaghetti, traditional pasta sauce, pork & beans, canned soups, mac &
cheese. For their current needs, please visit the LOFT facebook page at face-
book.com/TheLoftinMillersville. Of course, they accept other food donations as well:
please be sure your donations are within current date. All donations may be dropped
off at Grace Campus in the large outside cooler marked for food donations. If you
have any questions, please call the church office at 717-872-4571.

New Videos Have Been Added to our Online Resources page of our Website.
Take a few moments to check out our growing selection of videos on the Online Re-
sources page of the church website: https://www.mcchurch.net/adultdiscipleship.
We're regularly adding to the selections, so you'll always find something new to
browse. Currently Pastor Bruce is offering a series of videos on the timely subject of
racism. Just click on each icon to view the 8-10 minute offerings. Pastor Bruce will
begin adding some thoughts about giving, designed to help guide our decisions as we
respond to the annual stewardship campaign very soon. We welcome suggestions for
other topics as well.

               For a full calendar go to https://www.mcchurch.net/calendar
                  To reserve a room and/or promote your event go to
    Stay connected through the week with our weekly e-mail blast. Contact the
    church office to subscribe or sign up on the bottom of the church home page.

        This morning we
    remember and honor our
     loved ones who are no
        longer with us.

        Herbert Hibbard
    Member for over 57 years

          Ed Schwar
    Member for over 19 years

       Donald Gurtizen
    Member for over 71 years

      Betty Jane Gurtizen
    Member for over 82 years

          Bob Moore
    Member for over 15 years

        Gladys Mohler
    Member for over 77 years

         Rhoda Miller
    Member for over 51 years

         Hazel Young
    Member for over 5 years

          Wilmer Dick
    Member for over 25 years

        Catherine Ichter
    Member for over 18 years

        Robert Howells
    Member for over 42 years

         Bob Aument
    Member for over 82 years

           Pauline Trumbower
       Member for over 64 years

                 Mary Mertz
       Member for over 15 years

                  Val Beard
        Member for over 3 years

                 Mike Casey
        Member for over 3 years

      "Therefore, since we are surrounded
        by so great a cloud of witnesses,
    let us also lay aside every weight, and sin
     which clings so closely, and let us run
       with endurance the race that is set
         before us, looking to Jesus, the
      founder and perfecter of our faith." Hebrews 12:1-2
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