Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...

Page created by Sean Willis
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi!
           April 25, 2021

  C o n c e t t a ( Te r e s a ) B i o n d o
 Michael (Anthony) Biondo
   Pe t e r ( A n t h o n y ) D i L o l l o
  R o s a r i o ( Pe t e r ) D i M a g g i o
 Elisa (Elizabeth) Lo Monaco
  Daniel (Michael) Maksym
   Jaiden (Francis) Mannott
    R o c c o ( Pa t r i c k ) M a n n o t t
 Brianna (Gabriella) Milano
 Marco (Michael) Norwoods
 Mia (Maria Goretti) Raffin
      Ashley (Gloria) Rasic
  S a l va t o r e ( A n t h o n y ) R e i n a
  Raul (Christopher ) Roldan
 Zachary (Anthony) Roudies
  Daniella (Gianna) Ruffolo
      A b i g a i l ( R i t a ) Wi b e r g
 K a i t l y n ( P h i l o m e n a ) Wi t n i k
    A l e x a n d e r ( Pa u l ) Ye f s k y
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...
Our Lady, Mother of the Church                                                                                   Page Two

                     Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ,

                    The Fourth Sunday of Easter leads us to discover our Risen Lord as a Good Shepherd. At the beginning of
                    the Easter Season, we were amazed at victory over death. In the following weeks, we focused on
                    Jesus leading us on the pastures of life. Where the victorious shepherd came, those who belong to
                    Him were also going. Jesus now meets, not only with a few disciples or even with a crowd gathered
                    in one place, He leads all faithful around the world who belong to Him as one flock. His salva-
                    tion is universal, not limited to one place, to one nation, to one generation, nor to people of one
                    culture. Apostles proclaimed this truth from the very beginning of the Church. We hear Peter’s
words in today first reading: “There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven
given to the human race by which we are to be saved.”

Jesus is the only shepherd leading to eternal life. He gave up his life as a ransom for us, and cares for the flock constantly.
His sheep know they belong to him; they recognize his voice; they follow him. Many times, listening to words of the
gospels or other Bible books, we have an experience similar to the disciples who realized: were not our hearts burn-
ing at listening to His words? There is some ability, some sensitivity in our hearts to recognize words of truth. When
we accept the truth, we accept Jesus himself.

Jesus cares for His flock and calls many people to help Him to care for His flock. Jesus is the only shepherd. Others
whom we call shepherds in the Church are to extend Jesus’ care. On the Fourth Easter Sunday called Good Shepherd’s
Sunday, we pray for special vocations in the Church. We pray for young people who can dedicate their whole life to
work with the Good Shepherd. In many areas of the world multiple vocations are a sign of vitality of the local
Church. We pray today for many new vocations, for young people who like Saint Peter, will accept such responsibility.
Peter was not perfect. What was important for Jesus when He asked Peter three times ‘do you love me?’ and finally
entrusted mission on him to ‘feed my sheep’ was Peter’s readiness to care about Jesus’ flock. We really need multiple
and good vocations at this time and at this place. Let us pray for those who are called to respond like Peter did:
‘Lord, you know I love you.’

This Sunday afternoon nineteen students from our Religious Education
Program will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is one of the
sacraments of Christian Initiation making us adults in faith, and this is
a sacrament which we receive once in our life. Once - it means that this
is a task for our whole life. Congratulations to our Confirmandi, their
families, catechists who dedicated a lot of time, love, and energy to
prepare our youth for this special Gift of the Holy Spirit, and to our
Religious Education Interim Committee: Sandy, Barb, and Pat, who
took care that none of the sheep would be lost.

Next Sunday, the first weekend of May we will restore our regular
schedule of Sunday Masses. i.e. our Masses will be celebrated again –
on Saturday at 5pm, and on Sunday at 9am & 11am. Limits of 100 people,
registration on the parish web, and streaming on-line remain in action.
In fact, for those who participate remotely in the Eucharist there also
will be the one more Mass since all our liturgies are available by
on-line streaming.
                                                                               National Archaeological Museum,
May God bless you,                                                             Athens, Greece
                                                                               photo by AB
Father Andrew
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...
Our Lady, Mother of the Church                                                                  Page Three

Saturday, April 24, 2021                               Thursday, April 29, 2021
5:00 pm                                                8:30 am
Evelyn Rzepka - S. Cafarella                           For Parishioners
Chester, Mary & Richard Raclawski - B. Raclawski
Francis Burzawa - J. Marchwiany                        Friday, April 30, 2021
Dorothy Fahy - 2 year Anniversary -                    8:30 am
                                   M. & T. Marszalek
Sunday, April 25, 2021
                                                       Saturday, May 1, 2021
11:00 am
                                                       5:00 pm
(9:00 am intentions are included in 11:00 am Mass)
Vincent Mallardi - R. & S. Wilson                      Nicola & Rita Scalise - Children
Maureen Mc Mahon                                       Living & Deceased Members of Blaszczak,
Thomas & Elena Pontarelli - Daughter                   Powidzki & Skoskiewicz Families - Family
Joseph Mandile - Wife Isabella                         Edward Kenevan - M. Kenevan & Family
Charles Cimino, Jr. - E. Banka                         Bradley Boffo - In Loving Memory - L. & T. Ostberg
Pietro Pisello - Wife Emma & Family                    Mario Burzawa - J. Marchwiany
Mary M. D’Ouville R.I.P. - J. Rogers                   Ben & Palmina Fiorentino
Charles Cimino, Jr. - T. & M. Marszalek
                                                       Angelina Komperda - B. Jarecki
Salome Castor Balinos - Castor/Aspi Family
                                                       Agnes & Ludwig Komperda - B. Jarecki
For the Soul of Roger Antalan - Castor/Aspi Family
                                                       Joan Cook ( Cousin) -1Year Anniversary - R. Wrobel
Gloria Medalle - Castor/Aspi Family
Mauricia Mariano - Castor/Aspi Family
Anne Deocampo - Castor/Aspi Family                     Sunday, May 2, 2021
Thanksgiving from the Molas Family                     9:00 am
Deacon Sonny - Continued Good Health - T. Kaisling     Dominic & Genevieve Mallardi - R. & S. Wilson
                                                       Emilio & Irma Cosentino - Family
Monday, April 26, 2021
8:30 am                                                11:00 am
John & John, Jr. D’Agostino
                                                       Anne Annoreno - S. & B. Annoreno
Duane Thurber - Family
                                                       Silvio Pontarelli - Tenuta Family
Bronislaw Wiktor - 26th Death Anniversary -
                                   Z. & Z. Wiktor      Pietro Pisello - Wife Emma & Family
Tuesday, April 27, 2021                                John Catanese - Wife Sally & Family
8:30 am                                                Charles Cimino, Jr. - L. & W. Godzicki
                                                       Kathlein Brown - J. Muglia
Wednesday, April 28, 2021                              John & Barbara Hazlett -
8:30 am                                                           - 40th Wedding Anniversary on May 9th.
Ellen Rodriguez - M. & T. Marszalek                    Rosa Abbinanti - Family
                                                       Virginia Franceschi - Husband Reno

All weekday intentions will be prayed for by Fr. Andrew during private Eucharist celebrations.
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...
Our Lady, Mother of the Church                                                                Page Four

        Please                                                       Live Streaming Mass
     scan QR code
                                                                 Saturday 5 pm & Sunday 11 am Masses
    to watch OLMC
                                                                         are available on-line.
      Live Stream
                                                                  The live stream can be found on the
                                                                           YouTube channel:

                                                                      scan QR code
        Our Lady, Mother of the Church                           to visit parish website
              Mission Statement
  We, the members of Our Lady, Mother of the
Church, are drawn together through baptism as a
part of the Body of Christ. We are a caring Catholic
community, working together as instruments through
which Jesus, our risen Lord and Head, continues
His mission. Linked to Christ as His Body, we believe
that the risen Jesus still proclaims God’s word, gives
thanks and praise, welcomes, nurtures, comforts
and reaches out to all people. Using the hands and
hearts of the members of the parish, with a growing
sense that each of us is gifted and has an important
part to play in our Parish, Church and World, we
renew our call:
    to be a Parish diligent about Word and Eucharist,
    the primary source of our nourishment and
    spiritual growth...
    to be “missioned” - sent forth in the person of
    Jesus, to bring His Word and Eucharist to family,
    friends, neighbors and workplace...
    to reach out to the sick, the homebound, the per-
    secuted, the lonely, the poor and the bereaved…
    to find time to share laughter, joy, friendship, at times,
    tears; and always to share the goodness of each other...
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...
Our Lady, Mother of the Church                                                                 Page Five

                  To sign up for Mass, please visit our website at:

 Please scan QR code
      to register
    to attend Mass

                                                     Offering envelopes - April 18

Saint Quotes About St. Joseph                        Regular Donations
                                                     Building Fund
                                                     Parish Maintenance                          $479
“In human life, Joseph was Jesus’ teacher in their
      daily contact, full of refined affection,      Mother`s Day                                $100
glad to deny himself to take better care of Jesus.   Easter Gift                                 $280
 Isn’t that reason enough for us to consider this
                                                         Please scan QR code
just man, this holy patriarch, in whom the faith
                                                              to donate
   of the Old Covenant comes to full fruition,
             as a master of interior life?                 Thank you for your
Interior life is nothing but continual and direct          continued support.
 conversation with Christ, so as to become one
  with him. And Joseph can tell us many things             You can also donate
                                                                online at:
 about Jesus. Therefore, never neglect devotion
       to him—Ite ad Ioseph: “Go to Joseph”    
    as Christian tradition puts it in the words
         of the Old Testament (Gen 41:55)”                              See what love
                                                                the Father has bestowed on us
                                                          that we may be called the children of God.
              St. Josemaría Escriva
                                                                         — 1 John 3:1
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...
Our Lady, Mother of the Church                                                                   Page Six

             Rectory Hours:                         Want to join our Parish Community?
          The Rectory Office is OPEN                If you are interested in becoming a Parishioner,
              for in-person visits                      please visit
     on Wednesdays from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm         and download New Parishioner Registration Form.
     and on Fridays from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm            Please fill out the form & send it back to us
                                                        by email at
     Monday, Tuesday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm                or by regular mail. If you have any questions,
         & Thursday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm                please contact the Rectory at 773-625-3369
   Parish staff is monitoring and responding
             to voicemail remotely.

                                                                 Ad Multos Annos
                                                                 Many blessings
                                                                 to Deacon Chris Virruso
                                                      on his 35th ordination anniversary
                                                           this Monday, April 26.
 Printed version of parish bulletin is
        available in the front
            of the church.
                                                     Starting in May, we will be
                                                    celebrating two Holy Masses
                                                             on Sundays at
                                                         9: 00 am & 11: 00 am

                                                         Please remember to register
                                                        on line or by calling the rectory
                                                           office during office hours.

                    Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
 Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the
  wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
 And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into
         hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world
                          for the ruin of souls Amen.
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...
Our Lady, Mother of the Church                                                                         Page Seven

                        This week’s                                     This week’s
                    Sanctuary Lamp                                    Bread & Wine
                      Is in memory of                                 Is in memory of
                     Nicola Troiano                                    Parishioners

             Date                                                      Altar Server                 Lector
                                     or Extraordinary Minister
        Saturday, May 1
                                                                                               Mario Balducci
          5:00 pm Mass                  Shirley Schindler            Concetta Biondo
                                                                                               Mary Marszalek
      St. Joseph Devotion

        Sunday, May 2                                                                           Sandy Wilson
                                          Chris Virruso                Danny Flynn
         9:00 am Mass                                                                          Gail Henderson

        Sunday, May 2                                                                            Patty Khadka
                                        Roseann Catalano              Timothy Molas
        11:00 am Mass                                                                            Joanne Molas

                                   World Day of Prayer for Vocations Prayer
                                       O God, Who wish all men to be saved and to come
                                                  to the knowledge of Your truth:
                                          send, we beg You, laborers into Your harvest,
                                   and grant them grace to speak Your word with all boldness;
                                         so that Your word may spread and be glorified,
                                          and all nations may know You, the only God,
                                                  and Him Whom You have sent,
                                                 Jesus Christ Your Son, Our Lord,
                                        Who lives and reigns world without end. Amen.
       Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.

                                                    Year of St. Joseph Prayer
                                  Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Ma-
                                 ry. To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust;
                                        with you Christ became man. Blessed Joseph, to us too,
                                         show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life.
                                               Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage,
                                                and defend us from every evil. Amen.
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...
Our Lady, Mother of the Church   Page Eight
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...
Our Lady, Mother of the Church                                                                      Page Nine

Religious Education News and Reminders:
First Holy Communion Workshop will take place on Saturday, May 1st at 9 AM in Hayes Center.
First Holy Communion Mass is Saturday, May 8th at 11 AM. Families will be notified of pre-registration
First Communicants will participate in the May Crowning at the 11 AM Mass on May 9th .
Registration for RE Year 2021-2022 is ongoing. We anticipate at least one on-site class per month
for each grade level, subject to archdiocesan pandemic guidance. Forms to enroll your students
can be found under “Religious Education” at our website: -registration/
Congratulations to Our Confirmandi! April 25, 2021 - Our Lady ...
Our Lady, Mother of the Church                                                              Page Ten

                                    Rosaries for Vocations
   Sunday, April 25, is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. So, this week our Rosary
              intention will be for vocations. Then he said to his disciples,
   “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few, so ask the master of the harvest to
             send out laborers for his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38, Luke 10:2.
 Thank you to Lori G., John I., Evelyn K., Terri K., Gilda M., Lonnie M., Mary M., Ted M.,
  Josephine N., Emilie P., Stefania P., Jean R., Shirley S., and Milabelle T. for praying the
                       Rosary at least once for the weekly intention.
         Please answer the call to pray the Rosary, and contact the rectory office
                                to add your name to this list.

                            Become a Part of the Living Rosary
  This Good Shepherd Sunday is a good time to start praying one decade of the Rosary
 daily for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and in honor of St. Philomena,
 the patron of the Living Rosary. Thank you to Josephine N., Mary M., Ted M., Barb R.,
           and Karen R. for praying one or more decades of the Joyful Mysteries
      and three Luminous Mysteries each day. Please reach out to the rectory office
           to sign up to pray the fourth Luminous Mystery, the Transfiguration.

                  Please Pray for Our Sick & Homebound
    Alice Baxter, Judy Biala, Donna Brennan, George Capps, Celso Castor, Jerome Compell,
Speranza DiPaolo, Rosa Favia, Mark Gutierrez, Jerry Johnsen, Maureen Keating, Harry Krawczyk,
 Raffaela Loizzo, Thomas Michaels, Paul Masciopinto, Salvatore Modica, Vittoria Nudo, Arlene
  Presta, Jean Pontarelli, Hector Ramos, Michael Ricchio, Dan Staniec, Lavergne Suchor, John
 Toniolo, Hector & Milagros Torres, Fred Tuytens, Ida Vitaro, Rena Walzer, Jim Weaver, Dolores
 Wilk, Paul Wolek, Joyce Wolter, Ken Woods, Lorraine Wuss, Clare Zanatta, Ann Caruso, Eileen
        Grallo, Tom Szczech, Jean Muglia and those in the hospital and nursing homes.

     If you are hospitalized or have additions or updates to the list please contact the rectory.
Our Lady, Mother of the Church                                                          Page Eleven

                     PARISH WEBSITE:

Cardinal Blase Cupich              
Episcopal Vicar: Most Rev. John Manz D.D.
                                             PARISHIONERS DATABASE:
PASTOR: Rev. Andrzej Bartosz       
ASSISTING PRIEST: Rev. James O’Brien         Saturday Evening: 5:00pm
                                             Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00am;
DEACONS:                                     Weekday: 8:30am
Deacon Sonny & Mrs. Barbara Annoreno         Holy Day: 8:30am & 7:00pm
Deacon Ted & Mrs. Mary Marszalek
Deacon Chris Virruso                         DEVOTIONS:
                                             Rosary: Monday - Friday, 8:00am
PARISH SECRETARY/BULLETIN EDITOR:            Perpetual Help Novena: Tuesday , 9:00am
Ms. Marsha Geurtsen                          Healing Prayer Group: Tuesday, following Mass                     Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
                                             First Friday of the Month, 9:00am until 3:00pm
Ms. Monika Wawrzyniak                        RECONCILIATION / CONFESSION:
                                             Saturday: 4:00pm-4:30pm
PARISH NURSE: Ms. Terri Kaisling, RN
773-625-3369 x 28                            BAPTISMS / MARRIAGES / FUNERALS:               Participants are expected to actively participate in
                                             preparation programs. Please make arrangements as
MUSIC MINISTRY:                              far in advance as possible (Please make the church
Dennis Dayson                                arrangements BEFORE setting dates with halls,
773-625-3369 x 33                            caterers, etc.). FUNERAL arrangements are normally               handled by your Funeral Director.

Interim Committee :                          Please call the rectory to arrange a visit to a parish-
Sandra Wilson, Pat Peterson, Barb Annoreno   ioner who is homebound, in the hospital or in a
                                             nursing home.
Mr. Bogusław Krolikowski,                    GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY:
Mrs. Theresa Flynn                           This was formerly the St. Vincent DePaul Society.
                                             If you are in need of assistance, call the rectory.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL:                     A member of the ministry will meet with you to
Ms. Sandra Wilson                            determine what help we can give.

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