Church of Saint Paul Hamilton-Wenham, MA - Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time Febr ar 12, 2023

Page created by Maria Ruiz
Church of Saint Paul Hamilton-Wenham, MA - Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time Febr ar 12, 2023
Church of Saint Paul
  Hamilton-Wenham, MA

Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time
       Febr ar 12, 2023
Church of Saint Paul Hamilton-Wenham, MA - Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time Febr ar 12, 2023
Mass Schedule                                                             Parish Offices
                                                                                            50 Union Street
          Saturday 4:30 pm                                                               Hamilton, MA 01982
     Sunday 8:00am & 10:15 am
  Weekdays 9:00 am, except Thursdays                                               Email:
                                                                                          Fax: 978-468-6538

                                                                                              Parish Staff
            Eucharistic Adoration
       Every Saturday from 12:00 Noon until 3:00 pm                                                 Pastor
                         in the chapel.                                                Reverend Michael Lawlor
                    (Suspended temporarily)
                                                                                      Welcome to all new parishioners!
                                                                                             Music Director
                       Sacraments                                            Joseph Cipoletta  
                            Baptism:                                                        Parish Secretary
   Baptisms are the Second Sunday of the month at 11:30 AM.                                   Lucy Cronan
          Contact the Rectory to make arrangements.

              Saturday from 3:45 – 4:15 pm in the                                   RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
Reconciliation Room with special times during Advent and Lent.                                 (978) 468-3617
                          Matrimony:                                         P.R.E.P                    Grades 1 - 5
           Contact the Rectory to receive information.                       Kristen Monahan
   A preparation period of at least six months must be allowed.    
    Couples are required to attend a Matrimony Preparation
                    Program during this time.                                S.P.Y.M
                                                                             Debra Brown                                 Grades 6-8
                     Pastoral Visitation:
           The Eucharist and the Anointing of the Sick
   can be brought to our parishioners confined to their homes.
      Also, a friendship visit can be made to parishioners.                  PURPOSE Confirmation Program
                   Kindly contact the Rectory.                               John Cusolito                     Grades 9-10
   Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life:                             Religious Education Office is located in the
    If you feel called to consider a vocation to the priesthood or                            Parish Hall.
religious life, please speak to the pastor. You are invited to see the
         Archdiocesan website:
        We are all asked to support and pray for vocations.

                     Wills and Bequests:
                   They have been very helpful to
Saint Paul’s Parish over the years and we hope they will continue
   to assist the parish in its good works now and in the future.
 Kindly speak to the pastor and/or Parish Office so that we may
 answer any question and provide guidance if you desire. Your                          There is an elevator for handicapped access
consideration of a bequest upon death to the parish is very much
                                                                                     to the church located in the rear of the building.
Church of Saint Paul Hamilton-Wenham, MA - Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time Febr ar 12, 2023

                                                         A Two Way Conversation
                   Dear Friends,

                  Mary Ann Glendon, former United States Ambassador to the Vatican and former law professor at
                  Harvard University, cautions that our assimilation into society has weakened our spiritual identity. She
                  argues that we have allowed ourselves to be evangelized by the culture. She is further on target when
                  she says that the work of each of us, and the Church, is to evangelize the world. At a time of moral
                  relativism it is good to point out that our moral choices do constitute what we become. Allow us to return
                  to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) which addressed this tension between culture and Church as
a framework for our discourse and exchange with one another.

In the Council’s epic work, The Constitution of the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spres), one of the salient
themes is the following: the Church does not look upon the world (culture) which is out there as of no value to its being.
Conversely, the saving mission of Jesus Christ is something the world cannot ignore. Did not Christ teach us that we had
to be leaven for truth and goodness if we are to enter the kingdom? Here the Council was saying that the Church must do
the same in her conversation with the world. It is our duty to share with the world that God created and redeemed us. The
mission of the Church is to be the steward of God’s saving grace. It is a message of personal redemption and responsibility
linked to a divine destiny beyond this life. It is a beautiful message, and in challenging times it is a message that needs to
be echoed. AS the Church opened its window to the world so, too, should the world open its window to the Church. Then
only can a true conversation take place. The Church speaks of us, who are made in the image of God. As we press
forward, together with all people of good will, we understand God has united Himself to each of us. Thus, we hope to
share in the paschal mystery and pass from death to life (Gaudium et Spes.#22). There is a common denominator of a
transcendent dimension to each human life which makes this dialogue between Church and world paramount.

The Church says to the world that the human person was made for God in His image and likeness and has an immortal
value. Often, the world talks back and says your opinion is only as good as our opinion; your bishops’ teachings are only
as good as our different levels of professional opinions. This is why clarity must be given to the situation. Our bishops are
not just a group among groups, or our Church an organization amidst many other organizations each of which can decide
what is right and what is wrong. We cannot forget there is an objective truth, a divine law, and a natural law. The Church
is the sign of Jesus Christ, and the Church teaches and guides us in matters of faith and morals. The bishops are the
successors to the apostles, and in unity with the pope lead us to understand the truth and to live a virtuous and moral life.
There are important and timely moral issues such as abortion, euthanasia, same sex unions, and embryonic stem cell
research which need clarity and articulation so that we do not lose our moral grounding.

When Pope St. John Paul II gave us The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) in 1991, it was with the clear vision that we all
have a divine destiny. The encyclical has a simple, but a profound, message as we navigate the moral challenges of the
day. Human life is a divine gift from God. This life, which is a gift, has an eternal future. Every person is sacred and we
must value that sacredness within ourselves as well as the unborn, disabled, and the sick and elderly of every social
standing. No one of us should be, and can be, reduced to useless objects instead of persons striving to become closer to
God. It is then that we find our true humanity through our Christian faith which is liberating. To see the human person as
object is to deny true freedom to the individual. This only cheapens life as true freedom is snuffed out and the violence of
tyranny enslaves all of us. The concentration camps of Auschwitz and Dachau are only too fresh in our memories, and
profoundly sad reminders of what happens when human life is made cheap and God is forgotten.

The great gift of the Council was to give the Church and the world the teaching that the human person can reach Christ.
This is possible because Jesus Christ first came to us to restore our human dignity and to make possible eternal salvation.
The Church must always remain true to her identity. She must be the leaven of truth and articulate the following message
to the world:
     1. All life is a gift from God.
     2. Each person has a transcendent dimension.
     3. The human person needs to hear the story of redemption and responsibility.

It could be a great conversation between the Church and the world. The conversation begins by our witness to the faith.

                                                    Father Michael Lawlor
Church of Saint Paul Hamilton-Wenham, MA - Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time Febr ar 12, 2023
FEBRUARY 12, 2023
       MASS INTENTIONS                                                              Ash Wednesday Schedule
Saturday, February 11                                                           Wednesday, February 22
4:30 PM: Jacqueline Manning                                                  Mass and Distribution of Ashes
Sunday, February 12                                                                        9:00 AM
8:00 AM: Parishioners of St. Paul                                      Liturgy of the Word & Distribution of Ashes
10:15 AM: Mary Bonney
                                                                                      3:15 PM & 7:00 PM
Monday, February 13
                                                                                   Ash Wednesday is a day of
                                                                                    Fasting and Abstinence
9:00: Philp and Martha Kirby
                                                                         LENTEN REGULATIONS
Tuesday, February 14                        FRIDAYS OF LENT are days of abstinence.
Saints Cyril, Monk and Methodius,
                                            FASTING is to be observed by all 18 years of age and older, who have not yet
      Bishop                                celebrated their 59th birthday. On a fast day, one full meal is allowed. Two other meals,
9:00: Mulcahy and Driscoll Family           sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but
                                            together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not
Wednesday, February 15                      permitted, but liquids, including mild and juices, are allowed.
Weekday                                     ABSTINENCE is observed by all 14 years of age and older. On days of abstinence, no
9:00: Msgr. Laurence McGrath                meat is allowed. Note that when health or ability to work would be seriously affected,
                                            the law does not oblige. When in doubt concerning fast and abstinence, the parish
Friday, February 17                         priest should be consulted.
The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite
                                            Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the three traditional disciplines of Lent. The faithful
      Order                                 and catechumens should undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance of
9:00: June ad Anthony Passaretti and        preparation for baptism or of renewal of baptism at Easter.
       John Driscoll

                                                                                 Altar Server Training: A Rewarding Experience
                                                                                              For 4th Graders and older
                                                                                       A Brief training session will be held on
                                                                                    THIS WEEKEND: Sunday, February 12
                                                                                           9:50—10:10 AM in the church
  SECOND COLLECTION                                    If your child would like to participate, please email John Cusolito at
   NEXT WEEKEND FOR                                                
 This collection benefits the Catholic                                   KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOCK DRIVE
 Charities of the Archdiocese of                                       The Knights of Columbus are collecting new
 Boston which serve nearly 200,000                                     socks that have never been worn and they
 families and individuals annually,                                    can be any type of socks. Socks will be
 helping them towards a path to self-                                  distributed in the coming weeks at Boston
 sustainability. On behalf of those                                    Common to the homeless.         Your kind
 we serve, thank you in advance for                                    donation can be dropped in the specially
 your generosity.                                                      marked boxes at the church entrances.
                                                                       Thank you!

                                             Bible Study on the Gospel of Matthew
                          Most of the Sunday Gospel readings in the current liturgical year will be taken from the Gospel of
                        Matthew. The current edition of The Bible Today periodical includes articles on four major themes in
                        Matthew’s gospel. The themes are “Inheritance in Matthew and the Jewish Tradition”, ”Women in the
                        Gospel of Matthew”, “Matthew’s Jesus and the Pharisees” and “Jesus and the Temple in Matthew”. A
                         bible study will be held on 6 Tuesday mornings from 9:45 to 11:15 in the church hall, starting on
                       Feb. 21, and will use these articles to gain a deeper understanding of Jesus through Matthew’s Gospel.
Church of Saint Paul Hamilton-Wenham, MA - Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time Febr ar 12, 2023
FEBRUARY 12, 2023
                                  EDGE CLASS SUMMARY—GRADES 6-8
Dear EDGE Families:

Coming up this week is our annual EDGE tour of the Church. This is always a highlight for our students to go through our
beautiful church and learn about many of the symbols and sacred spaces of our Church.

This week at Edge, we discussed how we were created out of the goodness and love of God and only in Him will they find
purpose and meaning for their lives. The Edge Night began with everyone sharing a highlight of their holiday break. The
teaching discussed how the creation of the human person was the great idea of God and how we were created to know God,
love God, and serve God. We had a game about how God created the world in six days and the order of creation. We
discussed how God loves to work through young people - to teach all about the power of prayer. A short video on Saint Terese
(her little way) highlighted a young person finding the "heart of the gospel."           

After the teaching, they worked to create an app that would alleviate some large-scale problems. One group decided on an app
to collect blankets for the homeless; another an app for finding a friend; and another to bring the internet to places without
internet. They discussed how things are created with intention and purpose and were reminded that they were created with
intention and purpose by God. The Edge Night ended with students' reflecting on the story of creation along with scientific
facts that reveal how all of creation works for the good of God’s greatest idea, human beings. Your child’s challenge this week
is to think of one good way to show someone they love them and then make it happen.

Main Ideas
· God created humanity out of love to know Him, love Him, serve Him, and one day be with Him in heaven.
· God reveals His love and plan for humanity through Jesus.
· Only in God, who created us, will we find meaning for our lives and purpose for our existence.
Over the break I had the opportunity to go to Medjugorje in Bosnia Herzovania and I brought back rosary beads for our
students. My mission in going there was to pray for them and to experience a pilgrimage in one of the most sacred places in
the world. The Blessed Mother's message on the day arrived in Medjugorje was this:

Dear children! The Most High has sent me to you to teach you prayer. Prayer opens hearts and gives hope, and faith is born
and strengthened. Little children, with love I am calling you: return to God, because God is love and your hope. You do not
have a future if you do not decide for God; and that is why I am with you to guide you to decide for conversion and life, and
not for death. Thank you for having responded to my call. (November 25, 2022)

I hope that these special beads from Medjugorje will lead your children to try to say the rosary and encourage all of you to try
saying the rosary as a family. When more than one says the rosary you can take turns with the first part of the Hail
Mary. They may also want to give them to someone who needs healing as many believe in the great healing miracles that take
place in Medjugorje. A neighbor of mine told me a story of when she was battling cancer (She fully recovered) a colleague of
hers gave her a rosary from Medjugorje. She is not a Catholic but told me she always held on to them. I wrote a short book
called the Middle School Miracle from Medjugorje and if any of you would like a copy I can send that to you. Right now it
is a manuscript that has been submitted to a publisher. The most important message is that prayer is essential for life.

At the end of class we all listened to a new music piece from Matt Maher that sings the Our Father and he says that this is a
revolutionary prayer! Also one of our Core Team Members provided lyrics to a new Christian song also on YouTube.

Family Reflection Questions
· What is one great invention you learned about tonight?
· How does the fact that you are God’s greatest idea impact you?
· What is one way you can know, love, or serve God this week?

God Bless You!
Debra and the Core Team

Church of Saint Paul Hamilton-Wenham, MA - Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time Febr ar 12, 2023
FEBRUARY 12, 2023
                                                       ST. FRANCIS HOUSE CLOTHING DRIVE
                                              Cleaning out closets? Please keep St. Francis House in mind!
                                                      Kindly donate gently used clothing, such as:

·     Men and Women’s coats (bigger sizes preferred)                   Business Casual Items:
·     Men and Women’s sneakers, shoes, boots (no high heels)           · Men’s tailored button shirts and polo shirts
·     Men and Women’s jeans, khakis, cargo pants                       · Women’s button blouses (loose and fitted)
·     Men and Women’s sweatshirts, hoodies                             · Short sleeve and long sleeve tops
·     Men and Women’s polos, long sleeve shirts                        · Cardigans and sweaters
·     Men and Women’s t-shirts                                         · Men’s casual sport coat, blazer, and suit jacket
·     Men and Women’s winter hats                                      · Women’s casual long sleeve blazer
·     Men’s belts                                                      · Men’s slacks, dockers, and corduroy’s
·     Backpacks, duffel bags                                           · Women’s slack pants, skirts & business casual
NEW & in original package
                                                                       · Outerwear coats and jackets
Men’s Undershirts (Size Large and up)
                                                                       · Belts and ties
Men’s Underwear (Size Large and up)
                                                                       · Business casual walking shoes
No children’s clothes, no household items,
and no used socks, underwear, undergarments
 will be accepted.
                    Specially marked boxes for your donations are at the doorways of the church.

                        UPCOMING GRADE MASSES
                               Sundays at 10:15 Mass
                     Each grade will assist and sing at the Masses.
     This Weekend: February 12             Grade 2
                       March 19               Grade 1

                                                                                  NEW TO THE PARISH?
    REQUEST FOR PRAYERS...At our parishioners’ request
                                                         PARISH REGISTRATION...If you are new to St.
    or with permission, we list those who are sick or in the
    hospital and wish to be remembered in our prayers. Paul’s, please call the parish office to register.
    Please pray for Kevin T. Coughlin, Catherine Learson Registration can be done over the phone and takes just a
                                                         few minutes to complete.
    and all   our    parishioners   who are     sick, for our
    homebound parishioners and those confined to nursing  PARISH ENVELOPES...Parish envelopes for your
    facilities and hospital, as well as, the sick and the weekly donation allows us to keep a record for your tax
    suffering known only to God.                          purposes. If you would like to receive weekly envelopes,
                                                          please call the parish office.
                                                           ONLINE GIVING...If you prefer the convenience of
    If you wish to add your loved one (with their permission)
    to the Prayer List, please email the parish office at giving your donation online, please call the parish office Please be sure to update us or enroll online at:
    when their name should be removed.

                                                                                    Welcome to St. Paul’s!
                                                                                   Parish Office: 978-468-2337

Church of Saint Paul Hamilton-Wenham, MA - Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time Febr ar 12, 2023
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Church of Saint Paul Hamilton-Wenham, MA - Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time Febr ar 12, 2023 Church of Saint Paul Hamilton-Wenham, MA - Six h Sunday in Ordinar Time Febr ar 12, 2023
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