The Brick Presbyterian Church
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welcome to The Brick Presbyterian Church in the city of new york — the order of service for the — Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost All Saints' Day (observed) — eleven o’clock — Lect iona ry scr ip t ur e r e a dings for t he day Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17 Hebrews 9:24-28 Psalm 127:1-5 Mark 12:38-44 Vol. CXXXII November 7, 2021 Number 12
THE GATHERING An asterisk (*) invites all to stand; items in bold Prelude Vater unser im Himmelreich Georg Böhm (1661–1733) typeface indicate that the congregation participates in word or song. Welcome and Invitation to the Life of the Church Nursery is available for Minute for Mission Kevin Greene infants through age four. Drop off and pick Choral Introit Shall we Gather at the River? Robert Lowry (1826–1899) up is located in the in the 2North and 2South Shall we gather at the river, where bright angel feet have trod, With its crystal tide forever classrooms on the second flowing by the throne of God? Yes, we’ll gather at the river, the beautiful, the beautiful floor. river; Gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of God. — Robert Lowry Prelude *Call to Worship From Psalm 89:1–4 Vater unser im Leader: I will sing of Your steadfast love, O LORD, forever; Himmelreich (Our Father People: with my mouth I will proclaim Your faithfulness to all generations. in Heaven) is a hymn by Martin Luther and a Leader: I declare that Your steadfast love is established forever; paraphrase of the Lord's People: your faithfulness is as firm as the heavens. Prayer. Böhm sumptuously Leader: You said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to my adorns the hymn tune with all manner of ornaments. servant David: ‘I will establish Your descendants forever, and build Your throne for all The melismatic melody generations.’” is thrown into greater People: Praise the Lord! relief by the austere accompaniment and is redolent of operatic arias. *Hymn 451 Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones Lasst uns erfreuen Prayer of Confession Congregational Response O Lord, great God, all holy, Father most gracious, filled with mercy and steadfast love, The well-known, vigorous we are embarrassed to come before You, for we have preferred the ways of this world to tune for “How Firm Your ways, for we have rebelled against Your wisdom and we have gotten into trouble, a Foundation” first appeared in 1832, and for we have rejected your fatherly guidance and have gotten lost altogether. To You belongs then found its way into righteousness, O Lord, and to us confusion of face. Forgive us, Lord, in your mercy. the great collections of American folk hymns, Kyrie 574 David N. Johnson (1922–1987) The Sacred Harp (1844) and Southern Harmony Lord, have mercy upon us. (1854). But going back Christ, have mercy upon us. even earlier, one finds Lord, have mercy upon us. that in the early 1800s, these words were usually sung to Adeste fideles (“O Assurance of Forgiveness Come, All ye Faithful”)! Leader: Friends, rejoice in the Good News of the Gospel! The text is presented People: In Jesus Christ we are Forgiven. as a quotation of Jesus’ promises, although the Scriptural allusions *Passing of the Peace are mostly to the Old Leader: The Peace of Christ be with you. Testament, including People: And also with you. Isaiah 41:10 and Deuteronomy 31:6. As in many hymns from the *Congregational Response 361 v. 2 Foundation 1700s, the anonymous Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed, author portrays the Old For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid; and New Testaments as part of a seamless whole I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, of salvation history. Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.
After the singing of the THE WORD Congregational Response, all children are invited to come forward and sit on Children’s Message the chancel steps for the Children's Message. Prayer for Illumination and Immediately following Scripture Lesson Colossians 1:1-14 Deacon Henry Greene the Children’s Message Reader: The Word of the Lord. children K5-7th grade People: Thanks be to God! are welcome to attend Children’s Church. Teachers will escort the Sermon Growing in God: Generous Hearts, Abundant Lives Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Evans children to the 3rd floor, and this is where parents should pick up following THE RESPONSE service. Offertory Anthem O quam gloriosum Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548–1611) O quam gloriosum est regnum, in quo cum Christo gaudent omnes Sancti! Amicti stolis albis, sequuntur Agnum, quocumque ierit. O how glorious is the kingdom in which all the saints rejoice with Christ! Clad in robes of white, they follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Antiphon for All Saints Cathy Leonhardt, Elizabeth Boehmler, Helen Lynch and Lucy SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Phillips are assisting with communion today. Invitation All Saints’ Day Gradual Hymn 519 v.1 Thee We Adore 13th c. Benedictine plainsong is a time to give thanks Thee we adore, O hidden Savior, Thee, Who at this blessed feast art pleased to be; Both for all those who flesh and Spirit in Thy presence fail, Yet here Thy presence we devoutly hail. through the ages have faithfully served the Thomas Aquinas (c.1225–1274) Lord. The day reminds us that we are part of Great Prayer of Thanksgiving one continuing, living Leader: The Lord be with you. communion of saints. In the knowledge that others People: And also with you. have persevered, we are Leader: Lift up your hearts. encouraged to endure People: We lift them up to the Lord. against all odds (Hebrews 12:1-2). Reminded Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. that God was with the People: It is right to give God thanks and praise. faithful of the past, we are reassured that God is Sanctus 580 John Merbecke (c.1510–c.1585) with us today, moving us and all creation toward Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts, Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory: Glory be to God’s end in time. Thee, O Lord most High. Amen. Today, we remember and name our members and *Remembrance of Those Who Have Died loved ones of members who died in the past (The names read today were submitted by Brick Church members and are those of church members, year. As we recall their family members, and friends of members who have died since All Saints’ Day of last year. The witness, let us also pray readers are members of the 2022 Confirmand class.) for comfort for those who love and miss them.
Pie Jesu Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem Anthem Pie Jesu, from Requiem, Op. 48 Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924) is a departure from Hannah Goodman, soloist previous Requiem Masses, Pie Jesu Domine, dona eis requiem sempiternam. including Mozart, Cherubini, Berlioz, and Blessed Lord Jesus, grant them rest eternal. Verdi. Fauré did not include the dramatic, The Lord’s Prayer terrifying Last Judgment Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will scenes of the “Dies irae”. Instead, he focused on be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our comforting the bereaved, debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from most notably in the evil, for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. radiant “Pie Jesu.” The soprano soloist takes up the prayer of the Words of Institution whole congregation in a heartfelt, personal appeal Holy Communion to a God who is not far away, but close enough to be addressed as a dear Communion Anthem Draw us in the Spirit’s Tether Harold Friedell (1905–1958) friend. Draw us in the Spirit's tether, For when humbly, in Thy name Two or three are met together, Thou art in the midst of them; Alleluia! Alleluia! Touch we now Thy garment’s hem. As the brethren used to gather In the name of Christ to sup, Then with thanks to God the Hymn 526 Father Break the bread and bless the cup, Alleluia! Alleluia! So knit thou our friendship up. The name of this hymn tune is “Sine nomine,” which literally means All our meals and all our living Make as sacraments of thee, That by caring, helping, giving, “without a name”! The We may true disciples be. Alleluia! Alleluia! We will serve Thee faithfully. composer, Ralph Vaughan Percy Dearmer (1867–1936) Williams, was probably thinking of Ecclesiasticus 44, which in his day was Prayer after Communion one of the appointed readings for All Saints: “And some there be which have no memorial; who THE SENDING are perished, as though they had never been. Their bodies are buried *Hymn 526 For All the Saints Sine nomine in peace; but their name liveth for ever more.” Benediction and Choral Response The Postlude Postlude Chaconne in G Georg Böhm The congregation is invited to continue worshiping through the postlude, which is offered as a thanksgiving to God. the flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Edgar Hurst by Sara Hurst Jenoure. 1 next sunday ’ s preacher will be Rev. Adam D. Gorman. The Brick Church cover photo, courtesy of Wade Zimmerman.
— All Saints' Day (obs.) — November 7, 2021 Daniel Glen Albert Dr. Mary Jeanne Kreek Wesley Barton Linda Dovey Lampe Earl Bleile Carmen Livoti John Atwater Bradley Mark Mannion Lucy Jacqueline Bruno Trevor Matthews Max Burkhart Martha Elizabeth McCrary Mankin Timothy Carter Timothy McIvor Joseph Aloysius Corcoran S. Warren Metcalf Diane S. Courtney Melissa Chapman Moore Carla Michelle Cox Spencer Morton Arthur James Curley Mary Rose Murray Gene DeRutte Peter D. Oram Howland Donaldson Murphy Jeffrey Paley John Howard Edson Dr. Gideon G. Panter Patricia Ann Edwards Valdur Pratkav Henry Eubank Mia Ross John K. Faulkner III Celeste Sant' Angelo Paul Michael Frank Carol D. Sears Debbie Frost David P. Sloterbeck Jr. Patricia Gleason Ian Somerville Matthew J. Harris Diane Howe Strock Cecily Henderson Pennoyer Bernice Martin Strock Michaelyn S. Hood Bryant A. Toth Marilyn Coe Hunting Nell Wall Otto James Keller Ruth Gullyes Watermulder John Hugo Kliegl II Jay Wehrle Peggy Wiltrout Theron O. Worth Jr.
This week at The Brick Church Complete details at Join us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Welcome! The Brick Church Fair If you are visiting with us today, you (Nov. 9-10) are our honored guest! Please fill out The Brick Church Fair returns to in-person this fall! This year will feature the the Fellowship Pad in your pew so 78th Brick Church Fair, a long-standing tradition. This year's Fair is a two-day that we may contact you. event, on Tuesday, Nov. 9 and Wednesday, Nov. 10, in Watson Hall, and online through Dec. 1. Find great holiday gifts and help raise money to support the Member Notifications Brick Church Women's Association's outreach ministries! Please send any notification or updates about births, deaths, Children’s Christmas Pageant Registration or other happenings to Chanel On December 24th, at 4:00 p.m., Children 4-years-old through 7th grade Robertson (crobertson@brickchurch. are invited to celebrate Advent and Christmas by participating in the 2021 org), or at 212-289-4400 ext. 240. Brick Church Christmas Pageant. The pageant is an opportunity for children to offer worship leadership and be our Christmas storytellers. To learn more, Weekly Mailing List and participate in one of the many roles offered, please visit Brickchurch. Learn more about events at The org/Pageant2021. Registration is due Monday, November 22nd. Casting is Brick Church! Visit us online at decided on a first come basis, with older children receiving preference. to subscribe and receive our weekly Men's Bible Study emails. Men's Bible study, taught by Rev. Evans, meets weekly on Thursday mornings. This will be a hybrid event; please join us in the Session Room or via Zoom at Social Media 7:45 am. Keep up with Brick Church news Zoom Meeting ID: 840 2566 4636 | Passcode: biblestudy and events through our social media channels. Like us on Facebook (Brick Women's Bible Study Presbyterian Church), and follow us Women's Bible study, taught by Rev. Unzaga, meets weekly on Thursday on Twitter (@BrickChurchNYC) and mornings. Please join this in-person study in the Session Room at 9:15 am. Instagram (@brickchurchnyc). When you are here at The Brick Church, The Brick Church Book Club tag us in your events and spread the The Club’s next meeting will be held at 7:00 pm as follows: word about our community! December 6 | “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath (Modern Class Novel) Coffee Hour At the home of Marilyn Dikkers, You are invited to join us immediately Everyone is invited to attend, whether you have finished the book or not. after worship for Coffee Hour in the However, please contact the respective hostess for each meeting you plan to Brick Church Garden. If you are a attend. Given current health concerns, the Book Club asks that everyone who visitor, please wear your name tag so attends its meetings be fully vaccinated. that we can welcome you by name.
Sunday Childcare Worship Online Nursery childcare is available for infants and children up to age four before Not in town this week? You can still 11 a.m. worship. Weekly registration required. For more information and to join us this Sunday for worship online. register, please visit us online at Go to and click the “Watch Live” button in the upper Giving right-hand corner of our home page to These programs are only possible with your contributions. Online donations view our Livestream feed. may be made at Children's Sunday School Prayer Partners Children K5-7th grade are invited to participate in Children's Sunday School. Please email us at any time if you or Children will start in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. and will be someone you know is in need of prayer guided to their rooms following the Children’s Message or Baptisms. Teachers ( A will escort K5 – 3rd grade to the third floor, and this is where parents should member of the Prayer Partners Team pick up following service. Registration is required (https://www.brickchurch. is available each Sunday at the front org/learn/children/scs-registration/). of the church after the 11 a.m. service to pray personally with anyone who Adult Education would like to be strengthened by the power of praying together to our ever- Adult Education returns to in-person discussions on Sundays at 9:30am in the listening, gracious God. 3rd Floor Living Room. For those who cannot join us in person, we will have the same Zoom link running so you can view the discussion. We look forward to seeing you all there. Creative Volunteers! Zoom Meeting ID: 889 6544 7290 | Zoom Dial-in: (929) 205-6099 Do you work in marketing, social media, or digital media? Are you Join us as we get to know the student ministers in Adult Education over the next interested in putting your skills to few weeks! We are excited to hear about their individual faith journeys as they good use this summer? Volunteer to discuss their paths to the ministry or other forms of planned Christian vocation. be a part of the Strategic Task Force and help us grow our Brick Church Nov. 14 – Luke Bultena | Nov. 21 – Denise Carrell | Dec. 12 – Richard Davis community in 2021 and beyond. Email us at to Parent's Morning Out get involved. Parent's Morning Out is returning to in-person participation this fall! Moms, dads and grandparents with children ages 3 months to 2 years old are invited to join other parents, grandparents and their children for fellowship Tuesday Keep Fit via Zoom mornings from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the 3rd Floor Living Room. If you are Keep Fit is still meeting after nearly interested in attending, please R.S.V.P. to Katie Lynagh (katie.lynagh@gmail. 50 years! Due to Covid, classes are com) or Anna Bender-Zeckendorf ( held via Zoom. The exercise classes are designed for Brick members and Brick Church Membership non-members to maintain or improve Interested in Brick Church Membership? Three times per year, The Brick their health in a fun, safe way. In Church hosts a series of membership meetings. At these informational addition to a great workout, it’s a meetings, neighbors, visitors and members can learn about Christian faith wonderful way to connect with one and worship, the Presbyterian tradition, and the history and life of The Brick another. For more information go to Church. Anyone who wishes to join the church must attend all three meetings in the series. Our next series will begin on February 6, 2022. Please Sophie registration-2021/ or contact Angie at Carnegie at 212-289-4400 x 246 or by email at if you plan to attend the meetings, or if you would like more information. Mondays from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Tuesdays from 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM Thursdays from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (with some date exceptions)
Min isters The Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Evans, Senior Minister The Rev. Adam D. Gorman, Associate Minister The Rev. Caroline S. Unzaga, Interim Associate Minister The Rev. Michael L. Lindvall, Pastor Emeritus Luke Bultena, Denise Carrell, Richard Davis, Student Ministers Min i st ry of mus i c Dr. Raymond Nagem, Minister of Music Cristina Soto, Interim Director of Children’s Music Isaac Lee, Wilson Family Sacred Music Intern C h a nce l Ch o i r Sopranos: Hirona Amamiya, Hannah Goodman, Christina Kay, Alina Lee, Tonna Miller-Vallés, Elizabeth van Os, Jennifer Wu Altos: Sónia Batten, Annmarie Errico, Karen Heymann, Erica Koehring, Melissa Raymond Tenors: Johnny Maldonado, Remy Martin, Ongama Mhlontlo, Jeffrey Taveras Basses: Anicet Castel, Ned Hanlon, William S. Crutchfield III, Daniel Hoy, Nathaniel Sullivan G ree ters Chris Carroll, Team Leader, Shelby Spears Carroll, Amanda Brickel Bellows, Nick Berry, Melody Cashia, Matt Cashia, Courtney Dolan Leidy, Taylor Moister, Sarah Moister, Stephen Salley, Eric Scuderi, Natasha Wolff, Ann Bender Zeckendorf. U sh ers Christopher Allen, Team Captain, Townsend Baldwin, John Jay Batten, Horace Crary, Officer-in-Charge, Kevin Greene, Charles Higgins, Christopher Mason, Paul Mercurio, Christopher Randall, Jay Steen, Helen Elmiger, Matt Cashia. Se ssi on Bret M. Barasch, S. Michael Barnes, Amanda B. Bellows, Nicholas M. Berry, David M. Blais, Elizabeth Boehmler, Colette O. Bryce, Theodore D. Clement, William S. Crutchfield III, David Darst, Karen Fang, Pamela Ferguson, Mimi Hah, Amanda Heath, Lindsay Higgins, Jill W. Lampe, David Morgan, Oliver T. Moses, Jane K. Muqaddam, Addison E. Nelson (Youth Elder), Caroline C. Pickering (Youth Elder), Margaret D. Stocker, Christopher Thorpe, Conor S. Tochilin, Cynthia Watson, Victor L. Wu, Thomas Robinson, Clerk of Session, Debra N. Seraphim, On- Call Clerk of Session. D eacons Susan B. Appleby, Stephana Bottom, Julie T. Chang, Tenley L. Chepiga, Marilyn T. Dikkers, Mark E. Dingle, Luc M. Dowling, Sylvia A. Gower, Henry Greene, Maxime Guignand, Tiffany Hoke, Amy E. Johnson, Sarah Johnson, Alexander W. King, Loren E. Kittilsen, Christopher Lanning, Marisa Leichtling, John P. Muller, Sam Puopolo, Christopher L. Randall, David R. Rose, Bill Ryckman, Whitney Schwartz, Oscar T. Sloterbeck, Kristin S. Steen, Kate Thorpe (Youth Deacon). Tru stees Charles S. Anderson, President, Kenneth W. Austin, Secretary, Henry C. Barkhorn III, Treasurer, David E. Barrett, Patrick D. Barrett, Jonathan S. Bean, Erik M. W. Caspersen, Kevin R. Greene, Cathy Leonhardt, Elizabeth Philipp, Richard D. Rippe, Katherine E. Stitch, Susan P. Webb. 62 East 92nd Street, New York, NY 10128 212-289-4400
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