We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions

Page created by Regina Franklin
We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions
Church of the Incarnation
                               240 Main Street, Mantua, NJ 08051
      Parish Office 856-468-1314 * PREP Office 856–468-7566 * Fax Number 856-468-4886
                              Visit us at www.incarnation-church.org

                                      Second Sunday of Easter * April 11, 2021
                    We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ

           PARISH STAFF                          MASS SCHEDULE
Reverend Raymond P. Gormley                      Monday - Friday…………...7 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
  Pastor                                         (No 7 a.m. Mass from June 9 through September 1)
                                                 Saturday……...8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Vigil Mass)
Reverend Anthony Infanti                         Sunday….7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.
 Parochial Vicar
                                                 Holy Days…………………....5 p.m. (Vigil Mass)

Thomas F. O’Brien                                        7 a.m., 8:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Holy Day
Peter Traum                               Baptisms are held every Sunday and some Saturdays at 1:00 pm. Baptism
  Deacon                                  Preparation Sessions are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month via
                                          Zoom. Please call the office for an appointment.
Phil Curran
  Deacon                                  SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION
                                          Confessions are heard Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in church or
Mr. & Mrs. Casey Corigliano               by appointment.
 Directors of Music
                                          CARE OF SICK
Mr. Gerald Voltura                        Arrangements should be made through the parish office for home visits with
 Director of Faith Formation              the Eucharist for the sick and elderly. The office should be contacted for the
                                          Sacrament of the Sick.
Mrs. Patricia Houwen
 Business Manager                         SACRAMENTAL SPONSORSHIP
                                          Sponsors for Baptism or Confirmation must:
PARISH MEMBERSHIP                                Be a registered member of a Catholic parish
Welcome!                                         Be at least 16 years of age
                                                 Received Sacraments of Initiation:
Please register at the parish office or
                                                    Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation
online by visiting our website at
                                                 If married, according to the laws of the Catholic Church
We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions
Sunday, April 11- Divine Mercy Sunday
                                                         John 20:19-31
Jesus appeared to the disciples despite locked doors, breathed on them so that they could receive the Holy Spirit, and gave them
the power to forgive sins in his name. Thomas, who was not present, refused to believe without seeing Jesus for himself. Jesus
appeared again when Thomas was present, and told him, “Blest are they who have not seen and have believed.”

                                                    Mass Intentions

Saturday, April 10                                                  Wednesday, April 14
8:30am Romana Casiano by Mr. & Mrs. Tauscher                        7:00am Ed McCaffrey by John & Kelly Kovaleski
5:00pm All Living & Deceased Members of the Parish                  8:30am Luke Lapofsky by John & Kelly Kovaleski

Sunday, April 11 – Divine Mercy Sunday                              Thursday, April 15
 7:30am Fran & Charles Roats by Mike & Sue Barry                    7:00am George Kinder by Sam & JoAnn Carchidi
 9:30am Joseph & Anna Gandini by daughter Grace                     8:30am Eileen Byrne by John & Kelly Kovaleski
11:30am Joshua Richardson by Kristin Weindel & Family
   Margarita Arena by Carlos & Mony Weber and                       Friday, April 16
     Joseph & Paolo Alacqua                                         7:00am Eleanor Riviello by Rita & Sean Casey
   Dorothy Pastor                                                   8:30am Eleanor Riviello by Casey Goggin & Family
   Dot Bates by John Gormley
   For the Intentions of Rose & Tom Dougherty                       Saturday, April 17
     by Susan & Dave Polniak                                         8:30am Justin “JJ” Niederman by Vankat Family
  5:00pm George C. Flem Jr. by Robert & MaryJo Flem                  8:00pm Thomas Passerello Jr by Dykas Family

Monday, April 12                                                    Sunday, April 18 – Third Sunday of Easter
7:00am Philip Winkie                                                 7:30am Craig Forsman by his Parents
8:30am Donny CcCarron by McCarron Family                             9:30am All Living & Deceased Members of the Parish
                                                                      Ian Thomas Dimitratos by Michelle & Rosario Sorbello
Tuesday, April 13 – St. Martin I                                                    and Family
7:00am Edward Natale by Sam & JoAnn Carchidi                          Phil Bellace & Frank Mami by Chris Bellace
8:30am Mary McGee by Timothy & Kathryn Smith                          Robert Rappo by Family
                                                                      Jane Vankat by Maryanne & Tony Gedaka
                                                                    11:30am Joseph L. Gaffney by Robert & MaryJo Flem

                                           Daily Readings for the Week
    Monday, April 12                          Acts 4:23-31; Jn 3:1-8
    Tuesday, April 13                         Acts 4:32-37; Jn 3:7b-15
    Wednesday, April 14                       Acts 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21
    Thursday, April 15                        Acts 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36
    Friday, April 16                          Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15
    Saturday, April 17                        Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21
    Sunday, April 18                          Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48

    Happy Easter!

    We wish one another this joyful greeting on Easter Sunday, and yet, for Catholics, Easter is so much more
    than a single celebration. Easter is so important that we cannot celebrate it in one day. To fully celebrate
    the Easter season it takes 50 days, or a Pentecost (the Greek word for 50). And each one of these 50 days, in
    fact, is Easter. That is why the Church speaks of the Sundays of Easter, rather than the Sundays after Easter.

    Why are we so joyful at Eastertime? What are some ways we can celebrate the Easter season as a family?
    How can we spread the good news of Jesus’ resurrection every day?

Like us on Facebook – Incarnation, Mantua                                               Visit us at www.incarnation-church.org
We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions
To everything there is a season and a time for
every purpose under heaven.
                                     Ecclesiastes 3:1
               “…a time to be born…”
             “…a time to be married…”
                                                                          STEWARDSHIP SHARING
        Robert McClernan and Christina Elko
       Edward Pushkarewicz and Gina Toscano                   “The community of believers was of one heart and
              “…a time to welcome…”                               mind, and no one claimed that any of his
                                                                        possessions was his own...”
         Fathemah Gutierrez, DiNovi Family                                                          - ACTS 4:32
               Gantz/Chakov Family
              …a time to be healed…”                         All that we are and all that we have is a gift from God!
                                                             Think of your family, your friends, your life, your
Dolores Alba, Arabella, Kevin Andreas, Baby Jaxon,
                                                             talents and your money – these are all gifts from God!
Baby Olivia, John Bachman, Joyce Bailey, Francis &
                                                             We aren’t really owners of anything, we are merely
June Barbone, Anthony Battista, Chase Bell, Lucille
                                                             “Stewards” of the gifts God has blessed us with. We
Buffington, Erin Briggs, Grace Brokenshire, Courtney
                                                             are called to be grateful and generous with all of our
Burlew, Toni Carroll, Michele Copeland, Marie
                                                             gifts for the benefit of others.
Corcoran, Louise Cori, Bernadette Couwels, Jerrolyn
Covely, George Crew Jr., Fred Cristaudo, Ann Marie
                                                             Online Giving and Offertory - Will resume next week
Donofrio, Beth Donofrio, Thomas Dougherty, William
Dove, Maria Doyle, William Eisemann, Linda Ferrano,
Galasso, Mary Galetto, Paul Gatta, Toni Gayzik, Irene                     DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY
Giordano, Ron Grabowski, Cass Grant, Diane Gubbei,
Bob Hale, Rachel Hall, Joanne Halscheid, Olivia                Sunday, April 11 is Divine Mercy Sunday - Church
Harte, Jesse Hartnett,       Kathy Heisinger, Natalie                         1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Houwen, Logan Hutson, Kenneth Johnston, Fr. Bill                 Confessions, Exposition and Solemn Blessing
Kelly, Charles Kramer, Carol Krass, Jerome Krefski,                       Of the Divine Mercy Image
Ida Lenoci, Helen Leonhardt,           Nina Lopes, Joe                3:00 PM - Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Lumpkin, Jeff Lyons, Anita Martin, Jace Mayer, Susan
Mazza, Hannah McStay, Eleanor Melfi, Cathy Noakes,
Danielle P, Steve Palestini, Don Pappernek, Lee Peters,                 STEPHEN MINISTRY CORNER
Joann Piermatteo, John Poloney, Helen Powell,
Margaret Preisler, Gianna Quinton, Mylie Quinton,                          “Pull Yourself Together.”
Janet Rainier, Marlene Reid, Joan Reilly, Mary Reilly,       You’ve heard it a million times. But things just aren’t
Frank Riedl, Luis Rivera, Mary Ellen Rizzo, Stacey           coming together. You’re still hurting. You need
Rodemar, Audrey Sadlowski, Vincent Salvatore, Faith          someone to listen and to care, without judging or
Schwartz, Jason Shipman, Bill & Louis Simonini, John         pushing you to get better. A Stephen Minister can be
Sirolli, Alfina Smith, Frank Smith, Chris Stalker, Jason     this person for you. To request a Stephen Minister,
Tallarida, William Taylor, John Tombleson, Barbara           please call 856-468-5536.
Traum, Margaret Valentine, Rosemarie Villari, Darlene
& John Voll, Donna Walker, William Walsh, Kathleen              CARING FOR OTHERS DURING COVID?
Reese Walzer, Fr. John Ward, John Werner, Michael
Wexler, Jean Wiebalk, Saylor Wilgus, Nancy Taylor-           The pandemic has changed our lives tremendously, and
Williams, Danny Woerner, Gary Woods, Theresa                 for some of us, it’s been overwhelming. Do you have
Woods, Joan Woolbert, Lori Wotypka, Lois Wunsch,             the gifts of being a good listener, empathy,
Maria Wyzykowski, Catherine Zabrodski, Francesco             encouragement and compassion? If so, we’d love to
Zarzycki, their caregivers, all afflicted with Covid and     have you join our Stephen Ministry. A training class
all others in need of our prayers.                           will start in the Spring of 2021, and both the training
                  “…a time to die…”                          and eventual meetings with care receivers will be
                 Mary Ann Maloney                            conducted in an appropriately safe and health-
                                                             conscious manner for all. Please let us know if you’d
                                                             like to help! Call 856 341-0778 and leave your name
                                                             and number, and we’ll be in touch!

                       Subscribe to our YouTube Channel – Church of the Incarnation, Mantua
We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions
                                                              In the 1930s, Our Lord Jesus requested through Saint
                                                              Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun, that a Feast of Mercy
                                                              be established and solemnly celebrated in His Church
                                                              on the First Sunday after Easter, every year. The Lord
                                                              said that this feast would be the “last hope of
        LIVING AS MISSIONARY DISCIPLES                        Divine Mercy Sunday is perhaps God’s greatest gift
         “Blessed are those who have not seen                 for our time. The promise of this day is nothing less
                  and have believed.”                         than the forgiveness of all sins and punishment due
                                                              to sin for anyone who would go to Confession and
This beatitude is both consoling and challenging. It is       receive Jesus in Holy Communion on this very special
consoling because it assures us that Christians of            feast.
subsequent generations are at no disadvantage when it
comes to faith. Rather, Jesus cares for us without limit      St. Pope John Paul II the Great officially established
and our faith can be just as great if not greater than that   the Feast of Divine Mercy in the year 2000, after many
of the disciples in the upper room. Each of Jesus’            years of study by the Catholic Church. The Pope was
closest disciples required some sign to confirm their         not only beatified on May 1, 2011, Divine Mercy
faith. Not only can our faith be as great as that of the      Sunday, but he also died on the vigil day of that same
early disciples, but John is also telling us that our faith   feast.
can be even greater than theirs! That may surprise us,
but throughout the Gospel of John we have been called         Why would Jesus offer humanity such a magnanimous
to believe in Jesus’ Word rather than demanding signs         gift at this time in history? Jesus told St. Faustina that
to convince us. We encounter the Word of Jesus in             she was to prepare the world for His Second Coming
Scripture and prayer as well as in the living experience      and that He would be pouring out His Mercy in great
of faith passed on through the centuries (Tradition).         abundance before He comes again as the Just Judge.
When our hearts are attuned to the voice of God then
we can hear the Lord guiding and challenging our              From the Diary of St. Faustina, 699, Jesus said of
lives. John wants us to do more that hear Jesus; John         Divine Mercy Sunday: “On that day, the very depths of
wants us to listen, to believe, and to do whatever the        My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of
Lord tells us (see Jn 2:5). When God does bless us            graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My
with signs or external confirmation of our faith, it is       mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive
not because we are somehow privileged or more                 Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of
special than others. Rather, it is because our faith is       sins and punishment. On that day all the divine
weaker than others and Jesus is caring for us as the          floodgates through which grace flow are opened. Let
Good Shepherd who is helping His wayward sheep!               no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be
More blessed than those who have received external            as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of
confirmation of their faith are those who have faith          man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all
without having received external confirmation.                eternity.”
Think about it: What would my life be like if I acted
on every inspiration in prayer without requiring              The Church of the Incarnation will celebrate Divine
confirming signs of God’s direction?                          Mercy Sunday – April 11 beginning at 1:30 PM.
                                                              Please see previous page for schedule.

                                                                                 WE NEED YOU!
The Seven Sisters Apostolate –
www.sevensistersapostloate.org - is a call to strengthen      PREP – Our Parish Religious Education Program - is
 the Church by ensuring that Holy Hour is prayed each         seeking catechists for Summer 2021 classes. Classes
day of the week for the intentions of a specific priest.      will be held virtually using Zoom. Training and
Any women interested in praying a weekly Holy Hour            materials will be provided. Please visit our new
for the intentions of Fr. Gormley please contact              webpage to      learn    more     about     being a
Geraldine Wilgus at dontcallmegeri@yahoo.com or               catechist https://www.incarnation-church.org/101 or
908-246-4934.                                                 call the PREP office: (856) 468-7566, Ext. 108.

Like us on Facebook – Incarnation, Mantua                                    Visit us at www.incarnation-church.org
We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions
HOAGIE SALE                                        INCARNATION PRIME TIMERS

The Knights of Columbus #6364 will hold a hoagie              The Incarnation Prime Timers – Senior Ministry are
sale after Sunday morning Masses on April 18.                 meeting every other week on Tuesdays for Bingo. The
Hoagies are $7.00 each. As Fr. Bruni always said,             next Bingo gathering will be on Tuesday, April 20 at
“The Breakfast of Champions.”                                 10:00 AM. The space is set up for social distancing
                                                              and all attendees must wear a mask. For more
                                                              information, please contact Flo Curley at 215-432-
                    PLEASE NOTE                               4479.

We have learned that Catholics in the care of a certain
home hospice agency have been connected with a                   UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT
minister who is a former priest of the Camden Diocese,            FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY
excommunicated by the Holy See for joining the Old
Catholic Church. He ambiguously represents himself            In re The Diocese of Camden, New Jersey
as a legitimate priest. While interacting with hospice        Case No. 20-21257 (JNP)
chaplains of other religious is not a problem, when it
                                                              PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT on October 1,
comes to the administration of the Sacraments, you
                                                              2020, The Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, (the
deserve to see a Catholic priest! If you are ever unsure,
                                                              “Diocese”) filed for protection under Chapter 11 of
ask the minister if he is a Catholic priest.
                                                              Title 11 of the United States Code.
Ambiguously-named groups like the Old Catholic
Church, the Polish Catholic Church, and others, are not       The Bankruptcy Court has established June 30,
the same thing as the Catholic Church. Your parish            2021 at 11:59 p.m. (prevailing Eastern time) as the
priests are here to make sure you receive the spiritual       deadline to file proofs of claim against the Diocese
care you need. Call the parish office when you are in         (the “Bar Date”).
need, and please don't wait until the last minute.
                                                              If you have a claim against the Diocese including,
                                                              without limitation, a claim related to sexual abuse
                                                              committed by any person connected with the
                                                              Diocese, you must file a claim on or before the Bar
                                                              Date with Prime Clerk, the appointed Claims
    Court of Blessed Katharine Drexel #2327
       Online Basket Auction                                  Please visit
                                                              https://cases.primeclerk.com/camdendiocese or call
Saturday, April 24 from 6:00                                  877-465-8420 (Toll-Free) or 347-817-4096 (Local) for
                                                              more information on how to file your proof of claim.
              PM to 9:00 PM
                                                              IF YOU DO NOT TIMELY FILE A PROOF OF
         Over 20 Exciting Themed Baskets
                                                              CLAIM, YOU MAY FORFEIT YOUR RIGHT TO
 For more information and to purchase chances please
                                                              VOTE ON ANY PLAN OF REORGANIZATION
                                                              AND TO SHARE IN ANY DISTRIBUTIONS TO
                                                              CREDITORS IN CONNECTION WITH THE
                 Check us out on
                                                              DIOCESE’S CHAPTER 11 CASE.
   CHANCES are 10 for $10.00 or 25 for $20.00

                           Thank you to all who worked so hard to make
             this Lent, Holy Week, Triduum and Easter Sunday sacred and prayerful.
      Thank you to our Ushers, Disinfectors, Musicians, Art & Environment Committee, Techs,
                 AV Committee, Social Media Committee, Readers and Volunteers.
         We are grateful for all you have done especially during this difficult year to make
                  our Masses and Services (both online and in person) beautiful.
           Fr. Gormley, Fr. Infanti, Deacon Tom, Deacon Peter, Deacon Phil & Staff

                        Subscribe to our YouTube Channel – Church of the Incarnation, Mantua
We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions
Like us on Facebook – Incarnation, Mantua   Visit us at www.incarnation-church.org
We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions
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We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions
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We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions We come together as a Christian community to minister the Gospel of Christ - Mass Intentions
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