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APRIL 5TH, 2020 - PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD We continue to serve our parish family during the current Coronavirus restrictions. Although the Church facilities, including Adoration Chapel are not open to the public at this time, we will live-stream all our Masses. See www.stpatricklaredo.org for details. Also join us online as we live-stream Adoration hours for all our needs: Monday - Friday at 8 pm. For Confessions: please call the office at (956)722-6215 in order to set up an appointment. The church office will continue to have staff answering the phone during regular office hours, but the office will be closed to the public. Sunday bulletins will be available in a box in front of the church, or online at our website. Please monitor our website www.stpatricklaredo.org for more announcements. Let us take to heart these beautiful words of St. Padre Pio: "Pray, hope and don't worry." God is good all the time. Continuamos sirviendo a nuestra familia parroquial durante las recientes restricciones debido al Coronavirus. Aunque por ahora, las instalaciones de la iglesia y la Capilla de Adoración no están abiertas al público, transmitiremos en vivo todas nuestras misas. Visite nuestro sitio web para más detalles: www.stpatricklaredo.org. También, únase a nosotros en línea mientras transmitimos en vivo las horas de adoración para todas nuestras necesidades de lunes a viernes a las 8 pm. Confesiones: para programar una cita para confesarse, por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia al (956)722-6215. La iglesia continuará teniendo personal contestando el teléfono durante el horario regular de oficina, pero la oficina estará cerrada al público. Los boletines dominicales estarán disponibles en una caja al frente de la iglesia, o en línea en nuestro sitio web. Por favor, para que este al tanto de los avisos, busque nuestro sitio web www.stpatricklaredo.org. Tomemos en serio estas hermosas palabras del Santo Padre Pío: “Reza, espera y no te preocupes. Dios es bueno todo el tiempo.”
STAFF OFFICE PH# 956-722-6215 www.stpatricklaredo.org ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE DIRECTOR Viridiana Nevarez Mellado ext. 221 SATURDAY, APRIL 4TH, 2020 aom@stpatricklaredo.org 8:00 AM + Alfonso & Raul Casso RECEPTIONIST 5:00 PM + Enrique Serna, Jr. Cristina Garza ext. 210 SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH 2020 reception@stpatricklaredo.org PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD SECRETARY Karla Xiomara Fernandez ext. 220 8:00 AM + María Elena Castaño sec@stpatricklaredo.org 10:00 AM MINISTRIES DIRECTOR Sandy & Homero Ramírez - Special Intention Lilia L. Salinas ext. 216 + José & + Guadalupe Alvarado + María C. Molina ministries@stpatricklaredo.org + Francisco Rafael López CCD COORDINATOR 12:00 PM For all Parishioners Javier Compean ext. 215 2:00 PM Por la salud del niño, Adam Hernández cre@stpatricklaredo.org 4:00 PM CONFIRMATION COORDINATOR + Deborah Gaytán Sylvia Herrera ext. 214 + Hipólito Chaires + Alejandro Arce creconfirmation@stpatricklaredo.org + Rebeca López FACILITIES & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 6:00 PM + Alberto Taboada Vicente Salinas maintenance@stpatricklaredo.org MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK, April 6, 2020 7:00 AM José & Libby Lava 6:00 PM + Dorothy N. Kowalski - Birthday in Heaven & + Dorothy Kowalski Longoria TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK, April 7, 2020 7:00 AM Inez Soria - Por su salud 6:00 PM Dalila Raesch - For her health WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK, April 8, 2020 7:00 AM + Miguel Villarreal 6:00 PM + Deroza C. Treviño - 2nd Anniversary THURSDAY OF HOLY WEEK, April 9, 2020 7:00 PM Holy Mass of the Lord’s Supper FRIDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD, April 10, 2020 12:00 PM The Passion of the Lord (English) Mass Intentions 3:00 PM + Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor (español) Consider having a Mass said for a 7:00 PM Las Siete Palabras birthday, anniversary, or memorial or someone special. There are Masses available for the 2020 calendar. Please HOLY SATURDAY, April 11, 2020 come by the parish office during regular business hours to reserve your date and 8:00 PM EASTER VIGIL MASS time for a Mass intention. 2 | St. Patrick Catholic Church
PARISH AND MINISTRY NEWS M I N I S T R I E S ACTS CORE PASTOR Alexandra Agüero (956)235-4058 Very Rev. Anthony Mendoza ADORATION Ariel Gómez (956)740-9567 franthonym@dioceseoflaredo.org agomez_63@yahoo.com ALTAR SERVERS PAROCHIAL VICAR Marilú Gorecki (956) 722-6215 Fr. Francisco Hernandez ALTAR SOCIETY FrFranciscoJH@dioceseoflaredo.org Karla Torres artwelltesting02@ymail.com APOSTOLES DE FATIMA PAROCHIAL VICAR Ivonne Aguirre (956) 744-8737 Fr. Pedro Mercado BEREAVEMENT frpedromercadojr@dioceseoflaredo.org Lucy Cárdenas (956) 763-9145 CABALLEROS DE JESUS Priest in Residence Guillermo Abboud (956) 237– 3876 Fr. Jacinto Olguín CHALLENGE & CONQUEST Frolguin@dioceseoflaredo.org Rosalba Montalvo (956) 286-5997 CHOICE WINE DEACONS Javier Compean (956) 722-6215 Rev. Deacon Joe Longoria COMUNIDADES DE EVANGELIZACION Rosalinda Reyes (956)337-3163 Rev. Deacon Miguel Robles rsreyes618@gmail.com DISCOVER THE BIBLE Carlos Guzmán (210) 316-5950 ENCUENTRO DE NUESTRA SEÑORA Reynaldo Guajardo (956) 237-4795 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Dody Foster (956)723-6119 GEO JAIL MINISTRY Polo Ramírez (965) 237-3290 GOOD SHEPHERD Patty Verduzco pattyjverduzco@gmail.com HOSPITAL E. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Ángeles Guajardo (956) 436-2540 JAIL MINISTRY Eduardo/ Gina De la Miyar - (956) 237-3226 Rodolfo/ Maru Portillo (956) 235-4382 LECTORS (English) Victor Ordoñez (956) 236-4598 LECTORS (Spanish) Chelly De la Garza (956) 206-1531 LIFETEEN & EDGE Gwen Garza (956) 729-7090 LORD TEACH ME TO PRAY Cynthia Snyder (956) 763-5065 MARRIAGE COUNSELING Velma Martínez (956) 744-2679 MEN’S CLUB Narciso Castro (956) 740-2226 MUSIC Lupita Chapa (956) 763-6724 NAZARENOS CATOLICOS Julio Bautista (956)740-6848 Julio.bautista@nazarenos.us STA. TERESITA Karla Torres artwelltesting02@ymail.com March 29th & Sandra Hernández (956) 242-9332 March 30th, 2020 USHERS (English) Narciso Castro (956) 740-2226 Online Giving:$1997.50 USHERS (Spanish) Lupe Solís (956) 337-0519 3 | St. Patrick Catholic Church
By Sister Yanina Dear brothers and sisters, as we approach the celebration of Easter, because of the events of the last few weeks perhaps we had wondered if this year will we celebrate it? God has also allowed us to live the season of Lent differently and we have realized that "He walks with us" and we can always celebrate. Even if the ways we will celebrate it changes, our faith must be the same and even stronger. I encourage you to give a new meaning to this experience of Holy Week 2020; It is time to witness our love for the Lord, from the family, the Domestic Church and from there, join the Universal Church, through social networks. It is true that it is a time of much pain and suffering, but it is a time to approach the Crucified Jesus and find in Him "the breath and the relief", from Him who says "Come to me all of you who are tired and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11, 28). Holy Week is an eight-day period that begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday. For this reason, the Eucharist on Palm Sunday has two important moments. The first is the procession of the palms and the blessing of the palms by the priest. The second is the reading of the word that evokes the Passion of the Lord. So Palm Sunday has a double character, of glory and suffering, that is why we can also call it Passion Sunday. Holy Week is a time to dedicate to prayer and reflect on Jesus Christ, who with his infinite mercy, decides to take the place of men and receive punishment to free humanity from sin. Furthermore, it is the ideal time for human beings to meditate on their actions and the changes they must make in their lives to draw closer to God and do his will. What is the Easter Triduum? The Easter Triduum are the three most important days of the Christian liturgy, which mark the end of Lent: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at the beginning of the great Easter Vigil. On these three days the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ are commemorated. The expression Easter Triduum is recent and has been used since approximately 1930 until today. However, in the fourth century both Saint Ambrose and Saint Augustine already spoke of Triduum Sacrum, to refer to the three days in which the suffering and glory of Jesus Christ take place. Holy Thursday, is the first day of the Easter Triduum, the evening Mass is celebrated in which the Last Supper is remembered, in which the institution of the Eucharist, the Priestly Order is commemorated and the washing of the feet is performed as a gesture of fraternal love, humility and service to others, as Jesus did to his apostles. Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence in which the Passion and Death of Jesus is remembered. For this reason, the Eucharist is not celebrated. Holy Saturday, no Mass is celebrated in the daytime because the death of Jesus is still remembered. Then, on the night of Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil is held to commemorate the joy of the Resurrection of Jesus and the Paschal Candle is lit, anticipating Easter Sunday, where Christ overcame death and appeared to the disciples to give the Good news that he is alive. HAPPY HOLY WEEK, PREPARING TO LIVE THE PASSOVER OF THE RISEN LORD! www.stpatricklaredo.org| 4
PARISH & MINISTRY NEWS This is a difficult and unprecedented time for all of us. St. Patrick’s Ministry: Comunidades de Evangelización As Catholics, we are suddenly faced with our parish doors being locked and limited access to the sacraments. This can is now selling Paschal Candles. be very disheartening. Now more than ever, we must hold To place an order please call fast to the great virtue of Hope. In the words of Pope St. John Paul II “Do not be afraid. Open Rosalinda Reyes at wide the doors for Christ.” We must open the doors of our (956)337-3163. They only have a hearts to Christ and trust in the Lord who will give us everything we need. limited amount available. In an effort to assist Catholics everywhere, we are opening Thank you! our doors to make the FORMED platform free to everyone for the next 40 days. Sign up today and get immediate access to the best Catholic movies, faith formation videos, audio talks, and great children’s videos: El ministerio: Comunidades de https://watch.formed.org/browse Evangelización esta vendiendo los Cirios Pascuales. Para hacer un pedido llame a Rosalinda Reyes al (956)337-3163. ¡cantidades limitadas! ¡Gracias!
MINISTRY & DIOCESE NEWS *Confirmation Date: June 6, 2020 Last names A-H: 9 am ceremony Last names L-Z: 12 noon ceremony NOTE: Please bring your sponsor forms to Mrs. Herrera if you have not already done so. Also, Please make plans to attend the MANDATORY Confirmation Conference/Practice on Saturday, May 23 From 9 am - 12 noon. (inside the church) All 2nd yr. Candidates, parents, and their sponsor must attend. Attention Parents! Until further notice, there will be NO CCD and NO Good Shepherd classes. Please be checking our bulletin for updates, or by logging into our website: www.stpatricklaredo.org ¡Atención padres de familia! NO habrá clases de CCD, y tampóco clases de la Catequesis del Buen Pastor hasta nuevo aviso. Para más información, favor de checar el boletín o visitar nuestra página web: www.stpatricklaredo.org
FROM THE PASTOR, ANTHONY MENDOZA Keep Holy Week Well, Even at Your Home! Today, Palm Sunday, we begin the holiest week of the year, when we commemorate the final events in the earthly life of Jesus: His entry into Jerusalem, His terrible suffering and death, and His glorious resurrection. This week is NOT simply to remember those events, but to become part of them in some way. Holy Week is not just for us to be spectators to the Passion of Jesus, but in a real sense active participants. “Then Jesus said to all, ‘If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’” (Luke 9:23) When we participate well in the liturgies of Holy Week, we not only grow in our love for Jesus, but His love also grows within us! Even though we cannot at this time come to the church during this current health crisis, you can participate online (www.stpatricklaredo.org), especially in the most important part of Holy Week, called the Holy Triduum: Thursday evening through Easter Sunday. Your devout participation means standing, sitting, kneeling and responding at the proper times as you are viewing the liturgies online, as far as you are able to do so. See the schedule for Holy Triduum below. Let us actively re-live the events of Holy Week, those acts of love by which Jesus made possible our salvation. May our devout participation in these liturgies, even online, help us to also carry our crosses with great love, knowing that as Jesus overcame every evil, so by our union with Him we can also overcome every evil and join in His Resurrection victory! Holy Triduum Schedule [All liturgies will be live-streamed at www.stpatricklaredo.org] Holy Thursday, April 9, 7:00 pm - Mass of the Last Supper, followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. (bilingual) Good Friday, April 10 12:00 Noon - Good Friday Service (English) 3:00 pm – Good Friday Service (Spanish), 7:00 pm - The Seven Last Words of Jesus (Spanish) Holy Saturday, April 11 8:00 pm - Easter Vigil (bilingual) Easter Sunday, April 12 All Easter Sunday Mass times: (the same as on a regular Sunday) 8 am (Spanish), 10 am (English), 12:00 Noon (English), 2 pm (Spanish, 4 pm (Spanish) and 6 pm (English)
POR LA HERMANA YANINA ¿QUIEN DIJO QUE NO HAY SEMANA SANTA? Queridos hermanos y hermanas, llegamos ya a la Semana Santa y por los acontecimientos de las últimas semanas, quizá nos habíamos preguntado si este año, la ¿celebraríamos o no? Dios nos ha permitido también vivir diferente el tiempo de la Cuaresma y nos hemos dado cuenta que “Él camina con nosotros” y siempre podemos celebrar. Aunque la forma cambie, nuestra fe debe ser la misma e incluso más fuerte. Les animo a darle un nuevo sentido a esta vivencia de la Semana Santa 2020; es tiempo de testimoniar nuestro amor por el Señor, desde la familia, la Iglesia Doméstica y desde allí unirnos a la Iglesia Universal, a través de las redes sociales. Cierto que es un tiempo de mucho dolor y sufrimiento, pero es un momento para acercarnos al Crucificado y encontrar en Él “el respiro y alivio”, de quien nos dice “Vengan a mí todos ustedes que están cansados y agobiados, y yo les daré descanso” (Mateo 11, 28) La Semana Santa, es un período de ocho días que comienza con el Domingo de Ramos y culmina con el Domingo de Resurrección. Por esta razón, la Eucaristía del Domingo de Ramos tiene dos momentos importantes. El primero es la procesión de las palmas y la bendición de las mismas por parte del sacerdote. El segundo es la lectura de la palabra que evoca la Pasión del Señor. Así este Domingo tiene un doble carácter, de gloria y de sufrimiento, por eso le podemos llamar Domingo de la Pasión. Toda la Semana Santa es un tiempo para dedicarse a la oración y reflexionar sobre Jesucristo, que con su infinita misericordia, decide tomar el lugar de los hombres y recibir el castigo para liberar a la humanidad del pecado. Además, es el tiempo ideal para que el ser humano medite sobre sus acciones y los cambios que debe realizar en su vida para acercarse más a Dios y hacer su voluntad. Qué es Triduo Pascual Triduo Pascual son los tres días más importantes de la liturgia cristiana, que marcan el fin de la Cuaresma, jueves, viernes y sábado, al empezar la gran Vigilia Pascual, en estos tres días se conmemora la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Jesucristo. La expresión Triduo Pascual es reciente y se ha empleado desde, aproximadamente, el año 1930 hasta la actualidad. No obstante, en el siglo IV tanto San Ambrosio como San Agustín ya hablaban de Triduum Sacrum, para referirse a los tres días en los que transcurren el sufrimiento y la gloria de Jesucristo. Jueves Santo, es el primer día del Triduo Pascual, se celebra la Misa vespertina en la cual se recuerda la Última cena, en la cual se conmemora la institución de la Eucarística, el Orden Sacerdotal y se realiza el Lavatorio de los pies, un gesto de amor fraterno, de humildad y de servicio a los demás, como lo hizo Jesús a sus apóstoles. Viernes Santo, es un día de ayuno y abstinencia en el que se recuerda la Pasión y Muerte de Jesús. Por esta razón no se celebra la Eucaristía. Sábado Santo, no se celebra ninguna misa porque se sigue recordando la muerte de Jesús. Luego, en la noche de ese día, se realiza la Vigilia Pascual para conmemorar la alegría de la Resurrección de Jesús y se enciende el Cirio Pascual, anticipando el Domingo de Pascua, donde Cristo venció la muerte y se apareció a los discípulos para dar la Buena Noticia de que está vivo. ¡FELIZ SEMANA SANTA, PREPARÁNDONOS PARA VIVIR LA PASCUA DEL SEÑOR RESUCITADO!
Del Rvdo. P. Anthony Mendoza ¡Participe y viva la Semana Santa, aunque sea desde su hogar! Hoy, Domingo de Ramos, comenzamos la semana más sagrada del año, cuando conmemoramos los eventos finales en la vida terrenal de Jesús: Su entrada en Jerusalén, Su terrible sufrimiento y muerte, y Su gloriosa resurrección. Esta semana NO es simplemente recordar esos eventos, sino que hay que ser parte de ellos. La Semana Santa no es solo para nosotros ser espectadores de la Pasión de Jesús, sino, en un sentido real, participantes activos. "Entonces Jesús dijo a todos: “Si alguien quiere venir a mí, debe negarse a sí mismo y tomar su cruz todos los días y seguirme” (Lucas 9:23). Cuando participamos espiritualmente en las liturgias de la Semana Santa, ¡no solo crece nuestro amor por Jesús, sino que su amor también crece dentro de nosotros! Aunque durante esta crisis de salud actual, no puede ir a la iglesia, puede participar en línea (www.stpatricklaredo.org), especialmente en la parte más importante de la Semana Santa, llamada el Triduo Santo: jueves por la noche hasta el domingo de Pascua. Su devota participación significa, en la medida que pueda hacerlo, estar de pie, sentado, arrodillado y respondiendo en el momento adecuado mientras mira las liturgias en línea. A continuación, vea el horario para el Triduo Sagrado. Vivamos activamente los eventos de la Semana Santa, esos actos de amor por los cuales Jesús hizo posible nuestra salvación. ¡Que nuestra devota participación en estas liturgias, incluso en línea, nos ayude a cargar también nuestras cruces con gran amor, sabiendo que, como Jesús venció toda maldad, entonces, mediante nuestra unión con Él, también podemos vencer toda maldad y unirnos a Su victoria de la Resurrección! La Sagrada Familia TRIDUO PASCUAL (Todas las liturgias se transmitirán en vivo en www.stpatricklaredo.org) Jueves Santo, Abril 9 7:00 pm - Misa De La Ultima Cena (seguido por adoración del Santísimo Sacramento) (bilingüe) Viernes Santo, Abril 10 12:00 pm - Servicio de Vieres Santo (inglés) 3:00 pm – Servicio de Viernes Santo (español) 7:00 pm - Las Siete Palabras (español) Sábado Santo, Abril 11 8:00 pm - Vigilia Pascual (bilingüe) Domingo de Pascua, Abril 12 Para el domingo de Pascua, el horario de las misas sera el mismo que el de los domingos: 8 am (español), 10 am (inglés), 12:00 mediodía (inglés), 2 pm (español), 4 pm (español) y 6 pm (inglés) Fr. Ricardo Pineda, CPM
Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illnesses, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen Margaret Verduzco Aidee Juarez Frances Rizo Rogelio Villa Margarita Saenz Martinez Elma Saenz Inéz Soria George W. Kinslow Christopher Contreras Alemán Alaia Isabella Rodriguez Luna Valentina Puente Martha Sanchez Marci Villarreal Priscila Muñoz One Source Facilities Maintenance, Construction and Real Estate 956.724.9083 601 Amistad • Office (956) 712-4701 • Fax (956) 712-4210 4519 San Bernardo Ave. 2nd Floor Laredo, TX 78041 Life, Health, Group Insurance Disability, Annuities, Employee Benefits ROBERT J. LAUREL TINA HOLLIDAY CERDA “Committed to Excellence in Dentistry” BLAS M. MARTINEZ, JR. www.davenportdentalgroup.com Call LPi today for advertising info Matthew D. Davenport, D.D.S. (800) 950-9952 956-516-4093 3402 E. Del Mar Blvd. Ste. 260 drmattd@davenportdentalgroup.com Laredo, TX YOUR LIFE. YOUR GOALS. OUR COMMITTMENT. - Hospice the Serenity Way - Compassion, Dignity, Quality, Comfort Call for a free consultation 956-790-9160 www.serenityhcs.net We service seniors, adults & children 10710 McPherson Rd, Laredo, TX 78045 (956) 718-2770 Fax (956) 718-2786 U.S. CUSTOMS BROKERAGE & FREIGHT FORWARDING Jose Luis Solis, Jr. U.S. Licensed Customs Broker 14214 Atlanta Dr. Laredo, TX 78045 Tel: 956-727-1460 For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Patrick Church, Laredo, TX C 4C 05-1109
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Baldemar Garcia, Jr. - Attorney at Law God Bless PAIN CONSULTANTS OF LAREDO Back, Neck and Joint Pain are BOARD CERTIFIED-CIVIL TRIAL & APPELLATE LAW Ramiro & Adriana problems of the past! TEXAS BOARD OF LEGAL SPECIALIZATION Barrera and Family Call for an appointment today! 956.727.4441 • bgarcia@personwhitworth.com Kristian, Daniella, Eliel Nataki , MD • 6801 McPherson Ste 334 www.personwhitworth.com Rebecca 956-727-7246 • www.painless2day.com LULAC Council Smile! Roberto #7 God Loves You! Villegas Jr., M.D. Laredo, Texas José A. Montemayor M. Good Faith - Good Will Neonatology & Pediatrics 10710 McPherson Rd. Auto • Home • Business • Flood • Life • Health Free quote for all your insurance needs! Ste. 204 (956) 795-1440 7718 McPherson, Ste 3 794-9700 Bldg 2, Laredo, TX Laredo, Texas 78045 Fax: (956) 795-0092 BUS LINES, LTD CHARTERS AND CASINO TRIPS LAW OFFICE OF Thinking of buying or selling? O: (956) 726-9978 VICTOR GONZALEZ C: (956) 235-3817 Juan I. Gonzalez M.B.A IMPORT & •REALTOR F: (956) 726-6058 EXPORT LAW 956-235-4096 C www.cougarbuslines.com Toll Free (888) 822-4677 (956) 726-0399 956-729-8442 O juangonzalez@kw.com Direct 956 794 1382 Mall Del Norte Cell 956 229 1012 James A. Notzon james.notzon@bbva.com and HEB Plus Plaza Global Wealth Management SVP / Director Wealth Management Laredo Main Plaza 6910 McPherson Rd #3, Laredo, TX 78041 Border Cities • CWS® 700 San Bernardo Ave., Laredo, TX www.greatamericancookies.com Residential | Commercial | Industrial Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated www.monicahurtado.com LAREDO LAWN INC. Top Hat Limousine 956-722-5466 monica@monicahurtado.com Tree Trimming, Landscaping, Sprinkler System Installation & Repair 740-9084 956.753.5333 Licensed Irrigator #LI7003 Luis Guzman - Owner Fun Limo’s 401 Shioh Dr. Ste. 12 (956) 722-3492 (956) 235-4465 956-787-3824 Charlie San Miguel SANCHEZ Financial Consultants Inc. (956) 324-5678 ursillo • Bookkeeping • Income Tax Preparation • Financial Statements • Life Insurance Small & Large Animal Medicine & Surgery • Financial Planning • Estate Planning Gerardo Sanchez, RFC, CSA Dr. Sandra Leyendecker • Dr. Gaylon Wilmeth Telecommunications Contractor President & CEO “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I 5837 Northgate Ln #100 • Mann Rd at Northgate will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is 7109 North Bartlett, Ste. 205 • Laredo true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me 956-791-0787 753-2988 Emergencies 754-0039 and I in him” Words of Jesus Christ John 6:54-56. sanchezfinancial@accountant.com Contact Tina Watson to place an ad today! www.falconbank.com MEMBER FDIC twatson@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x5850 956-206-5753 “Committed to Excellence in Dentistry” JUAN O. BAUTISTA www.davenportdentalgroup.com Lic. US Customs Broker JOBCO Trade Services Inc • Laredo TX Dick B. Davenport, D.D.S. 956-726-9980 1310 Junction Dr. Ste D COMPLIANCE • INTEGRITY • SERVICE • SECURITY www.jobcotrade.com drdickb@davenportdentalgroup.com Laredo, TX For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Patrick Church, Laredo, TX A 4C 05-1109
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