Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...

Page created by Wallace Myers
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...
I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me,
just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will
lay down my life for the sheep. –John 10:14‐15

    Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...
Sunday April 25th
Monday April 26th           9am-12pm Adoration (MC) 7:30am-2pm Main Church Open
Tuesday April 27th          10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH)
Wednesday April 28th        7:30am-2pm Main Church Open
Thursday April 29th         7:30am-2pm Main Church Open
Friday April 30th           10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH) 7:30am-2pm Main Church Open
Saturday May 1st            10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH) 7:30am-2pm Main Church Open
Sunday May 2nd
           MC       — Main Church; PC — Parish Center; HO — Hide Out (Youth Room);
                     WC — Welcome Center (Parish Office); CH — Caulfield House

                       PRIESTS                            SCRIPTURE READINGS AND INTENTIONS
            Reverend Roland Nadeau, M.S.              Monday, April 26th, 2021            Acts 11:1-18/Jn 10:1-10
                       Pastor                         8:30am—Andres Hernandez †
           Reverend William J. Slight, M.S.
                   Associate Pastor                   Tuesday, April 27th, 2021 Acts 11:19-26/Jn 10:22-30
                                                      8:30am—Duncan Balbi †
            Reverend Robert Susann, M.S.
           Airport Chaplain (In Residence)            Wednesday, April 28th, 2021               Acts 12:24—13:5/
          Reverend Ronald Beauchemin, M.S.            8:30am—Geo & Senior Class                       Jn 12:44-50
                    In Residence                              of Bishop Moore ♥
            Reverend Richard Landry, M.S.             Thursday, April 29th, 2021 Acts 13:13-25/Jn 13:16-20
                    In Residence                      8:30am—Raquel Perez de Vicenteno †
                 PASTORAL STAFF
Rev. Mr. José González                      Deacon Friday, April 30th, 2021         Acts 13:26-33/Jn 14:1-6
                                                     8:30am—Huan Tran, Bau Naguyen, & Lam Tran †
Rev. Mr. Miguel Pagán                       Deacon
Rev. Mr. Manny Garcia                       Deacon Saturday, May 1st, 2021         Acts 13:44-52/Jn 14:7-14
Bro. Ron Lafleche, M.S.                    Sacristan 8:30am—Roger Burga †
Araceli Cruz            Secretary/Pastoral Assistant 5:00pm—Larry Dolan †
Dennis Beckwith                          Bookkeeper Sunday, May 2nd, 2021
Louis Murgia            Director of Faith Formation Hch 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8
Yliana Soto               Faith Formation Assistant 8:00am—Family Beth & Lou Holtz †
Brandie Akos            Y outh Ministry Coordinator 10:00am—John Fallon †
Cheryl Haney            Director of Liturgy & Music 12:00pm—Angileri Macaluso & Colon Ortiz†
                                                     5:00pm—Esther Redmond †
Nelson Rodriguez          Maintenance Coordinator
Susan Abouchacra Parish Projects/Safe Environment
                                       Coordinator     For the peaceful repose: † For the prayer intention: ♥
Turner Flynn                       Media Specialist
              PARISH OFFICE
 4545 Anderson Road Orlando, Florida 32812
 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm
   Phone: 407-277-1702 | Fax: 407-277-1973
       Parish Website: www.btccor l.or g                           Mass Schedule
         E-mail: ACr uz@btccor l.or g                  Monday — Saturday: 8:30am in the M ain
       Fr. Roland:                    Church (Daily Rosary prayed at 8am)
        Fr. Bill: WSlight@btccor l.or g                   Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm (English)
  Our parish is staffed by the Missionaries of Our       Sunday: 8:00am (English), 10:00am
  Lady of La Salette, Province of Mary Mother of
   Americas, along with our sister church, Good
           Shepherd Parish in Orlando.                    12:00pm (Spanish), 5:00pm (English)
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Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...
Let Your
                   Light Shine

                                         Fourth Sunday of Easter
                                (Acts 4:8-12; 1 John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18)
  The Lord is my...—Most of us, if asked to finish the above title phrase, would say: Shepherd. We might
  even be surprised that today, often called “Good Shepherd Sunday,” we do not have the Twenty-third
  Psalm as our responsorial. However, while the Gospel focuses on Jesus as Shepherd, the other readings
  and the Psalm provide other images or titles.
  For example, Jesus is the stone rejected. St. Peter, continuing his discourse which we began reading last
  week, applies Psalm 118 to the people gathered around him in the Temple: “The stone rejected by you the
  builders,” reflecting the hostile relationship on the part of some of the people and their leaders.
  At La Salette, the Blessed Virgin gave examples of the ways in which her people had rejected her Son.
  Have we, personally, ever deserved her reproaches? As we contemplate the crucifix on her breast, do we
  hear Peter’s words, speaking of “Jesus Christ the Nazorean whom you crucified”? If so, let us approach
  the Lord with humble repentance.
  Jesus is the cornerstone, the foundation of our faith and of the Church. This image is very close to what
  we find in Psalm 18, where David calls the Lord “my strength, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer.” Here
  we stand before our God in a relationship of trust.
  It is the same with the Good Shepherd, of course, even though sometimes we are tempted by pride to
  strike out on our own, and finding only the sinful path by ourselves. Since we would never want the
  Shepherd to abandon us—remember Mary’s words, “If I want my Son not to abandon you”—why would
  we ever abandon him? We need him to guide us, to nourish us (especially in the Eucharist), to protect us.
  Stone rejected, Cornerstone, Good Shepherd: see how these are not just names but relationships with God
  the Son.
  Some might say, “The Lord is my friend,” not as an equal, of course, but as one who truly cares about us.
  This is part of the La Salette message.
  Think about it. Who is Jesus for you? Who are you for him? Most importantly, do you feel how deeply
  you are loved? And do you respond in kind?
  Wayne Vanasse, and Fr. René Butler, M.S.

             Sacrificial Giving
       Fostering stewardship as a way of life for
            Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
            Weekend of April 17th & 18th
           Offertory: $10,878 EFT: $4,968
          Debt Reduction: $3,922 EFT: $458
   Please continue to donate to Blessed Trinity and
 Our Catholic Appeal during Covid-19. You can make
   a secure online donation through our website at

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Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...

               Daily Mass and Sunday Mass have resumed in the Main Church
            Per Diocesan and Governmental restric ons, only 50% of our church
                        capacity will be admi ed at any one me.
                        Maintaining physical social distance is required.
                          Wearing your personal mask is required.
                                     Mass Schedule
                    Monday — Saturday: 8:30am in the Main Church
                              Saturday Vigil: 5pm (English)
           Sunday: 8am (English), 10am (English), 12pm (Spanish), 5pm (English)

         Faith Formation                                               Travelers Mass
               April 2021                                          The travelers Mass takes
                                                             place at 12pm on Sunday’s at
 Faith Formation: 25th                                      the Hyatt Hotel at Orlando
                                                             International Airport with
 SURGE: 28th
                                                          Fr. Robert Susann. Mass takes
 RCIA: 25th                                                   place at the lobby hotel.
                                                            No boarding pass
                                                          All are welcome!!!

                                 OUR PRAYER INTENTIONS
Please pray for/Oremos por: Sister Rosemarie Hickman — Joanna Wood — Raymond Bawal — Matthew Lohse —
Jeanne Talty — Noreen Buckley — Steve Stachowski — Kerry Sheffield — Thomas Lowe — Janet Weikel — Mishael
Duarte — Bebi Jiménez — Baby Orlando — Dennise Kennedy — Luis R. Viera — Betty Thomas — Pauline Mensi —
Joey — Ray & Marie Heurtin — Melissa Cavida — Rosa Minanda — Vernon Mattson — Luis Leone — Asia Jenkins
— Marie Blackford — Armando Mendez — Thomas Campbell — Jeanie Hudson — Curt Hudson — Emily DiFazio —
Natalie DiFazio — Sr. Cecilia Franco — Sr. Joanne Bierl — Sr. Kathie Shea — Paul McDonough — Laura & Russell
Foss — Linda Foss — Bar & Ed Hierholzer — Laura Schipper — Frank & Brenda Carbo — Christina Phillips — Su-
san Miranti — James Matthews — Mary Rose — Maria Pagara — Barbara Varrieur — Jennie Prefontaine — Andrew
Varrieur —Alfonse Kusters — Janine Kusters — Barbara Pan-         Mary Hensel — 04/05/2021
ner — Deborah Birke — Joyce Porter — Ruthanne Tresnan             Mary Roddy — 04/11/2021
Keymont — Eddie Antinossi — Conley & Karen Sarber —              Please pray for those who have
Lori Sawannah Porter — Juan Reyes Salgado — Juan Alberto               entered eternal life.
Reyes — Carol & Leo Rollam — Vern Matteson — Caleb             Por favor oren por aquellos que han pasado
Gutman — Sean Burman — Trevor Fowler                                          a la vida eterna.
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Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...

                   Guide Book & Directory Adver sing Opportunity
We are in the process of upda ng our annual Guide Book for the church. This book will contain everything
per nent to our church: the various ministries, organiza ons, commi ees, ac vi es, func ons and events.
This book is being provided and direct‐mailed to each family at no cost to our church, and it is again being
subsidized by local businesses that adver se. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out
about adver sing in our book, please call the Church Office.

Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a Guide
Book & Directory adver ser over a non‐adver ser. It “will pay” to adver se in our new Guide Book &

                             Update Membership Informa on
Does our Church database have YOUR family membership record correct?

Here is your chance to update YOUR record for our annual Guide Book (if you haven’t already done so).

It is me for us to update our database with any changes, addi ons, or dele ons that may have occurred in
YOUR family over the past year.

Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your
children s ll at home and are they all included in your membership record?

If you have not already informed the Church Office about changes to your record, please let us know now so
that the Guide Book will be sent to your correct address. The Church Office number is 407‐277‐1702.

                                          Thank you for your help!

   Easter Reflec ons for the Family Available on our Website—Weekly
       Easter reflec ons can be found on the homepage of our website for download or to print. These are a great resource to
          have for the en re family at home during the Easter season.
April 25th, 2021     Blessed Trinity Catholic Church —      Page 5
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...
               Knights of Columbus are kicking off there annual Baby Bo le
               Drive the weekend of May 2nd. In support of the JMJ
               Pregnancy Center. Please take a bo le a er Mass and return it
with whatever change you can spare. Bo les can be returned to the Parish Office or to a Knights of
Columbus member at any Mass and please return the bo les by the weekend of June 5th/6th. Thank
you for your support of the sanc ty of life for all God’s children. Vivat Jesus!

Dear Faith Forma on Parents,

     Congratula ons! We raised $427.00 for Catholic Relief Services with our Rice Bowl collec ons. Thank
you for your efforts to help the poor during the Lenten season.

God Bless,

Louie Murgia
Brandie Weidner
Yliana Soto

We have begun to pray the Rosary before the 10 am Mass every
Sunday. Please join us in prayer at 9:30 AM in the Church. If you or your
family is interested in leading a Rosary or would like more informa on,
please contact Alana Malechuk via email at or
call/text 919‐924‐7598.

                                                              Our Catholic Appeal 2021
                                                      Thanks to you, Blessed Trinity is off to a
                                                     good start for Our Catholic Appeal 2021.
  However, only 21% of Blessed Trinity parishioners, which means only 1 out of 5
     families, is contribu ng to Our Catholic Appeal. We encourage everyone to
  prayerfully consider contribu ng. Any amount helps us reach our goal, which is
     mandatory. Be sure to indicate that your contribu on is for Blessed Trinity
 ORLANDO. This insures that we get the credit for your dona on. If you need help
               making your dona on call our parish office at 407‐277‐1702.

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Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...

                                                  Monthly voca ons mee ng first
                                                  Sunday of the month for seniors
                                                 and college students at 4pm and
                                                  second Sunday of the month for
                                                 9th, 10th & 11th graders at 3pm.
                                                  Space is limited. Please call Nel‐
                                                 son at 407‐277‐1702 or 407‐277‐

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Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...

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Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...

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Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25th, 2021 - I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the ...

       h ps://‐your‐soul.html

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         Interest Mee ng Dates: April 29th at 6pm & May 15th at 1pm
           Please call the office for more informa on: 407‐277‐1702
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 Day 1 ‐ Saturday September 25th
 Evening check‐in at Orlando airport for flight to Dublin.

 Day 2 ‐ Sunday September 26th
 Arrive in Dublin airport and meet our guide and coach before ge ng some breakfast. As part of our arrival to this
 historical city, that dates back to 988AD our coach will take us on a panoramic city sightseeing tour of the highlights
 of Dublins fair City OConnell Street, Trinity College, Georgian Squares, Government Buildings, Dublin Castle, Christ‐
 church & St Patricks Cathedrals, Guinness Brewery, Phoenix Park, and Kilmainham Jail A er our gentle introduc on
 we will visit the Shrine of St Valen ne for Mass. A er mass we will check into our hotel for 1 night, A ernoon free to
 rest, or for personal visits to places of interest. Meals ‐ B, D

 Day 3 ‐ Monday September 27th
 Depart Dublin for Croa a, on arrival, you will be met by our guides and your coach for your transfer to the Blessed
 village of Medjugorje. As we drive into Medjugorje, with the steeple of St. James Church first gree ng us, we will ar‐
 rive at our hotel where we check in and have Lunch. Each evening, we will a end the parish evening program. It be‐
 gins with the rosary followed by Holy Mass and depending on the day, we finish with adora on. Meals ‐ B, D

 Day 4 ‐ Tuesday September 28th
 A er breakfast we will a end the 10:00am English Mass in the Church of St. James. Following Mass, there will be an
 opening mee ng where the guides will share with us the history of the village, introduce us to the shrine and take us
 through the week. In the a ernoon we will visit the Blue Cross, a place of many appari ons of Our Lady. We also will
 walk to Vickas old family home, to see and to pray in the room where she had appari ons over a long period of me.
 A er dinner, a end the evening prayer program. Meals ‐ B, D

 Day 5 ‐ Wednesday September 29th
 A er breakfast, we gather at the statue of Our Lady to walk through the vineyards, to the Hill of Appari ons
 (Podbrdo). We climb, in prayer, to the place where Our Lady first appeared to six frightened children in June of 1981.
 This a ernoon there is an op onal tour to Cenacolo, which is a community for recovering drug addicts. A er dinner,
 we a end the evening program. Meals ‐ B, D

 Day 6 ‐Thursday September 30th
 Our day begins with breakfast and we then meet at the base of Cross Mountain (Krizevac) to start our ascent. We
 pray the Sta ons of the Cross as we make our way to the summit. Our journey is rewarded by taking me for reflec‐
  on and prayer by the cross located at the top of the mountain. We make our descent in me for holy Mass. In the
 a ernoon, following our climb, we will have some free me. This evening we have a special treat as our program di‐
 rector, David Parkes, performs for us in concert with an Evening of prayer through song. David is an interna onally
 acclaimed singer and o en travels worldwide singing the word of Our Lord. Meals ‐ B, D

 Day 7 ‐Friday October 1st
 Enjoy breakfast in the Hotel a er enjoy a free day in Medjugorje for personal prayer and reflec on. Return for our
 final dinner in the hotel. Meals ‐ B, D

 Day 8 ‐ Saturday October 2nd
 We meet as a group to join in the closing mee ng on the church grounds. David and the guides conclude the week
 with prayer and a short follow up on the week. A er our good byes, take our transfer to the Importanne Resort hotel
 in the Lapad area of Dubrovnik, located in gardens of mature pines, cypress trees and oleander flowers. A short walk
 through the hotel gardens leads to the promenade with an excellent choice of restaurants, bars and cafes. The old
 city of Dubrovnik is 4 km away by public bus or taxi. Following our arrival we will enjoy dinner in the hotel. Meals ‐ B,

April 25th, 2021       Blessed Trinity Catholic Church —                Page 12

 Day 9 ‐ Sunday October 3rd
 A er breakfast, we will take our bus in to the Old Town of Dubrovnik for Holy Mass. A er Mass, we will take a guid‐
 ed tour of this speculator city. Dubrovniks tempestuous past dates all the way back to ancient mes which has
 wrote a history filled with thrilling adventures, legends and ba les. A er our tour we will have free me in the Old
 town to get some lunch and do a li le personal shopping or sight seeing. Dinner will be back in the hotel. Meals ‐ B,

 Day 10 ‐ Monday, October 4rd
 Today will be free to enjoy the facili es of the hotel, or wander into the old town of Dubrovnik. A er an early dinner
 in the hotel we will take a transfer into Gruz Harbor in Dubrovnik to board our over night ferry to Bari, Italy ‐ arriv‐
 ing at approximately 7am the following morning. Meals ‐ B, D

 Day 11 ‐ Tuesday October 5th
 Upon arrival at the port of Bari we will meet our guide and drive to its quaint historical town where we will cele‐
 brate Mass in the famous Basilica of St. Nicholas of Bari. Originally constructed to house the relics of St Nicholas, His
 remains which are said to emanate a miraculous manna liquid with special powers, are ensconced in a shrine in the
 beau ful vaulted crypt. A er lunch in a typical Italian restaurant we will drive to San Giovanni Rotondo, enjoying
 the magical landscape of Puglia with its combina on of wonderful coastline and century‐old olive trees. We will
 check into the four‐star San Giovanni Rotondo Palace Hotel and have the evening at leisure. Meals ‐ B, L, D

 Day 12 ‐ Wednesday October 6th
 We will celebrate morning Mass in the ancient church of Our Lady of Grace where Padre Pio celebrated Mass, heard
 confessions and received the gi of the s gmata. A erwards we will visit the English Office as we learn more of the
 life of St. Pio and receive a blessing with the glove and crucifix used by the friar. In the a ernoon we will visit the
 Capuchin Friary where the humble friar lived and died and have me for prayer before the crucifix before which He
 received the gi of the s gmata. We will end our day with a visit to the Church of St. Pio of Pietrelcina where, a er
 seeing the wonderful mosaics of Marko Ivan Rupnik, we will arrive at the crypt of St. Pio and have me for prayer
 before the mortal remains of this great saint of our me. Meals ‐ B, L, D

 Day 13 ‐ Thursday October 7th
 This morning we will drive to the town of Monte SantAngelo and celebrate Mass at the Shrine of St. Michael the
 Archangel, the oldest shrine in Western Europe dedicated to the Archangel Michael. We will have me at leisure in
 this wonderful town before returning to our hotel for lunch. In the a ernoon we will visit the hospital, Casa Sollievo
 della Sofferenza, considered Padre Pios greatest crea on. We will enjoy a tour of the hospital and hear how Padre
 Pios great dream has now become one of the most important hospitals in southern Italy. Meals B, L, D

 Day 14 ‐ Friday October 8th
 A er breakfast we will depart San Giovanni Rotondo and will enjoy wonderful views of the Adria c Coast as we
 drive to the town of Lanciano, site of the First Eucharis c Miracle of the Catholic Church. We will celebrate Mass
 and a erwards venerate the relics of the Eucharis c Miracle. A er free me for lunch we drive to the town of Man‐
 oppello. We visit the Basilica of the Holy Face which is home to the mysterious cloth displaying the true image of
 Our Lords Face imprinted on the Veil of Veronica. Learn more of the history behind the arrival of the veil in the
 town of Manoppello and have me for private prayer. A erwards we will check into the House of the Pilgrim, born
 from the will of the Capuchin friars, located next to the sanctuary. Meals B, D

 Day 15 ‐ Saturday October 9th
 This morning we will depart Manoppello and enjoy our last glimpses of the Italian countryside as we drive to Fium‐
 icino airport for our return flight to Orlando. Meals B

April 25th, 2021       Blessed Trinity Catholic Church —                 Page 13

   Second Blessings Thrift
        Shoppe & Boutique
         Open Tuesdays, Fridays &
           Saturdays 10 am ‐ 2 pm

    We accept Knick‐Knacks, Ladies/Men’s/Children’s Clothing &
    Shoes, Purses, Books, Religious Ar cles, & Jewelry Gi Items.
        Sorry, No Electronics, Furniture, Appliances or Bedding
              Dona ons only accepted during opera ng hours.
             Please do not leave dona ons outside of building.

      Terrific Tuesday occurs on the first Tuesday of each month with
                         new sales and savings!
April 25th, 2021   Blessed Trinity Catholic Church —   Page 14
                                                El Señor es mi…
                   Cuarto Domingo de Pascua: Hechos 4:8‐12; 1 Juan 3:1‐2; Juan 10:11‐18
La mayoría de nosotros, si se nos pidiera terminar la frase del tulo, diríamos: Pastor. Pudiera sorprendernos
el hecho de que hoy, a menudo llamado “Domingo del Buen Pastor”, no tengamos el Salmo vein trés como
nuestro responsorial. Sin embargo, mientras el Evangelio se enfoca sobre Jesús como el buen Pastor, las
otras lecturas y el Salmo proveen otras imágenes o tulos.
Por ejemplo, Jesús es la piedra rechazada. San Pedro, con nuando su discurso, el que había comenzado la
semana pasada, aplica el Salmo 118 al pueblo reunido en torno a él en el Templo: “la piedra que ustedes, los
constructores, han rechazado”, reflejando la relación hos l de parte de algunos del pueblo y de sus líderes.
En La Sale e, la San sima Virgen dio ejemplos de cómo su pueblo había rechazado a su Hijo. ¿Hemos sido
nosotros, personalmente, merecedores de sus reproches? Al contemplar el crucifijo sobre su pecho,
¿escuchamos las palabras de San Pedro, hablando de “Jesucristo de Nazaret, al que ustedes crucificaron”? Si
es así, acerquémonos al Señor con humilde arrepen miento.
Jesús es la piedra angular, el cimiento de nuestra fe y de la fe de la Iglesia. Esta imagen es muy cercana a lo
que encontramos en el Salmo 18, donde David llama al Señor “mi fuerza, mi Roca, mi fortaleza y mi liberta‐
dor”. Henos aquí, frente a nuestro Dios en una relación de confianza.
Ocurre lo mismo con el Buen Pastor, por supuesto, aunque a veces el orgullo nos enta querer caminar por
nuestra cuenta y resulta que nos encontramos andando la senda del pecado por nosotros mismos. Ya que
queremos que el Pastor nunca nos abandone – hay que recordar las palabras de María, “Si quiero que mi
Hijo no los abandone” ¿por qué entonces nosotros lo abandonaríamos? Necesitamos que nos guíe, que nos
nutra (especialmente en la Eucaris a), que nos proteja.
Piedra rechazada, Piedra Angular, Buen Pastor: vemos que no son sólo nombres sino relaciones con Dios Hi‐
Algunos podrán decir, “El Señor es mi amigo”, no como un igual, por supuesto, sino como aquel que verda‐
deramente se interesa por nosotros. Eso forma parte del mensaje de La Sale e.
Pensémoslo. ¿Quién es Jesús para ? ¿Quién eres tú para él? Más importante aún. ¿Sientes cuán profunda‐
mente eres amado? Y ¿respondes de la misma manera?
Traducción: Hno. Moisés Rueda, M.S.

Segunda Lectura
Mientras que en la Misa Dominical la primera lectura siempre está relacionada con el Evangelio, la segunda
lectura sigue su propio ritmo. Aun así, sin forzar la situación, parece obvia la vinculación o relación que ésta
tiene con las demás lecturas. La segunda lectura está tomada de los escritos paulinos o de otros escritos apos-
tólicos. La selección de las mismas durante los tiempos litúrgicos específicos es sumamente cuidadosa. A lo
largo del Tiempo Ordinario, siguen su propio ritmo y gran parte de la relación de esta lectura con las demás,
depende de la creatividad del homilista. Puesto que es una lectura diferente, se sugiere siempre un proclama-
dor o proclamadora distinto a quien proclamó la primera lectura. La asamblea litúrgica es capaz en sí misma
de captar que es un mensaje distinto, más no por eso, es ajeno a la centralidad del Evangelio. Durante el Ciclo
Dominical A, la proclamación de la segunda lectura inicia con la 1 Corintios, Romanos, Filipenses y Tesalo-
nicenses; El Ciclo Dominical B: 1 Corintios 6 – 11, 2 Corintios, Efesios, Santiago y Hebreos 2 – 10; el Ciclo
Dominical C: 1 Corintios 12 – 15, Gálatas, Colosenses, Hebreos, Filemón, 1 Timoteo, 2 Timoteo y 2 Tesalo-
nicenses.        ——Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co

April 25th, 2021     Blessed Trinity Catholic Church —          Page 15
CH — Iglesia; PC — Centro Parroquial; DR — Salón de Despedida; WC — Centro de Bienvenida (Oficina
     Parroquial); PC — Salón de Reuniones; YR — Salón Juvenil; TS — Tienda de Segunda Mano
Domingo, 25 de abril          Misas 8:00am (Ingles), 10:00am(Ingles), 12:00pm (Español), 5:00pm (Ingles) (CH)
Lunes, 26 de abril            8:30am Misa (CH) (Ingles),
Martes, 27 de abril           8:30am Misa (CH) (Ingles), Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am-2pm (TS)
Miércoles, 28 de abril        8:30am Misa (CH) (Ingles)
Jueves, 29 de abril           8:30am Misa (CH) (Ingles)
Viernes, 30 de abril          8:30am Misa (CH) (Ingles), Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am-2pm (TS)
Sábado, 1 de mayo             8:30am Misa (CH) (Ingles), Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am-2pm (TS)
Domingo, 2 de mayo            Misas 8:00am (Ingles), 10:00am(Ingles), 12:00pm (Español), 5:00pm (Ingles) (CH)
                                                           LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES
             Lecturas de la Semana                         Domingo: Cuarto Domingo de Pascua;
              Lunes, Abril 26, 2021                                  Jornada Mundial de Oración por las
               Hch 11:1-18/Jn 10:1-10                                Vocaciones
                                                           Miércoles: San Luis María Grignon de Montfort;
             Martes, Abril 27, 2021                                   San Pedro Chanel
             Hch 11:19-26/Jn 10:22-30                      Jueves: Santa Catalina de Siena
            Miércoles, Abril 28, 2021                      Viernes: San Pio V; Día de Árbol
           Hch 12:24 — 13:5/Jn 12:44-50                    Sábado: San José, obrero; Primer sábado
             Jueves, Abril 29, 2021
             Hch 13:13-25/Jn 13:16-20
             Viernes, Abril 30, 2021                                             Ministerios
              Hch 13:26-33/Jn 14:1-6
                                                                             Servidores del Altar
          Sábado, Mayo 1, 2021                                         Cheryl Sanabia 321-460-2683
           Hch 13:44-52/Jn 14:7-14                                        Ministros de la Eucaristía
          Domingo, Mayo 2, 2021                                         Sara Gonzalez 786-586-5319
   Hch 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8                                              Ujieres
                                                                       Grace Mendoza 321-695-5566
  Grupo de Oración “Paz y Gozo”                                        Oscar Ahumada 321-444-5027
  Transmite todos los viernes a las 7:30pm a                                       Música
      través de la página de                               Joan Sanabia 407-293-4169
              ¡Los esperamos!                                            Ministerio de los Enfermos
                                                                       Nereida Matos 407-600-1742
                                                                       Grupo de Oración Paz y Gozo
                                                                       Marosa Castillo 407-859-6508
                                                                              Sagrada Familia
                                                                      Carmen Alcántara 203-982-6273
                                                                             Divina Misericordia
                                                                       Ruben Marcano 407-446-4224
                                                                       Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
                                                                      Guadalupe Montez 407-773-4479

                                                                              Donación sacrificial
                                                             Por favor, continúe donando a la Santísima Trinidad y
                                                                 Nuestra Campaña Católica durante Covid-19.
                                                             Puede hacer una donación segura en línea a través de
                                                                     nuestro sitio web en

April 25th, 2021         Blessed Trinity Catholic Church —              Page 16
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