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SEPTEMBER 26, 2021/ FEAST OF SAINT MATTHEW SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm (English) Sunday: 6:30am (Español) 8:30am (English) 10:00am (English) 11:30am (Español) 5:30pm (Español) WEEKDAY MASSES Monday, Wednesday - Saturday 8:15 am MISAS ENTRE SEMANA Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes 5:00pm CONFESSIONS Thursday & Friday 6:00pm – 7:00pm Confessions are also available by appointment with our priests EUCHARISTIC ADORATION IN THE CHURCH Wednesday 9:00 am- 4:45pm 475 SE Third Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Website: 503-648-1998 | Fax 503-648-4489 | YouTube @smcc_hillsboro | Facebook @stmatthewhillsboro
GOSPEL MEDITATION What are the little ones? They are the poor, the marginalized, the women and men at the well, the Zacchaeus’ looking for Jesus from a tree, those mired in sin, the blind who want to see, and the lame who want to walk. They are the lepers and the different ones who have been told that they are unclean, and the ones who suffer from abuse and grave injus- tices and oppression. They are children who want nothing more than to be loved and enjoy celebrating their innocence. These are all the little ones and they ar all vulnerable. Life already brings them burdens, we don’t need to add to them. St. Oscar Romero said, “When the church hears the cry of the oppressed it can- not but denounce the social structures that give rise to and perpetuate the misery from which the cry arises.” Why are so many people still so gravely hurting? We have the resources and the means to make things better. We choose not to. There are still those things called greed, pride, lust, apathy, jealously, gluttony, and anger that prevent us from seeing each other and people to be loved and not objects to be used. Is this how God intended things to be? God loves what is good and upright. It doesn’t matter who did it or where it came from. In God’s eyes, the end result is always faith, hope, and love. Those will always unite a person with God. We fill our lives with many things that are not good either for ourselves or for others. All of us have to work to discover what it is, exactly, that leads to the world’s brokenness. There are people, sys- tems, and ideologies in place that foster oppression and injustice rather than equity and fairness. Sadly, our complacency can be the greatest evil. Turning a blind eye, ignoring the truth, and believ- ing that we are helpless to fix so great a problem, does little to move us closer to the kingdom of God. As members of the Body of Christ, we cannot condone anything that keeps people in misery. As it is said, charity begins at home. Perhaps a good place to start is with our own households and making sure their foundations are properly laid. ©LPi
MEDITACION DEL EVANGELIO Hoy encontramos en la Liturgia detalles específicos de la paciencia y pedagogía de Dios con su pueblo. La realidad que pasaba el pueblo en la vida del desierto, es algo muy parecido a la existencia humana de la sociedad de hoy. ¿Quién profetiza? ¿Quién tiene la autoridad para hablar del Señor? ¡Celo apostólico, o envidia! Josué pide a Moisés que Eldad y Medad no fueran catequistas, o evangelizadores por decirlo así. Pero el Espíritu de Dios estaba en ellos --- como lo está ahora en todo bautizado. La respuesta de Moisés fue la siguiente: “Ojalá que todo el pueblo de Yavé fuera profeta, que Yavé les diera a todos su es- píritu” (Números 11:29). En una de sus tantas catequesis, el Papa Francisco lo explica así: “De buena fe, con celo, se quisiera proteger la autenticidad de una cierta experiencia, tutelando al fundador o al líder de falsos imitadores. Pero al mismo tiempo está como el temor de la com- petencia, que alguno pueda robar nuevos seguidores, y entonces no se logra apreciar el bien que los otros hacen; no va bien porque no es de los nuestros, se dice (9/30/2018). Por el otro lado, la respuesta de Jesús a Juan es similar a la de Josué y del Papa: “No se lo prohíban, ya que nadie puede hacer un milagro en mi nombre y luego hablar mal de mí. El que no está contra nosotros está con nosotros” (Marcos 9:39- 40). Somos sus Actuar, hacer todo en nombre de Jesús, implica solo una cosa: fidelidad a su mensaje de amor, paz y justi- cia. Todo lo que se ha hecho, en este tiempo de pan- demia, por amor a los demás es ser generosos al esti- Profetas lo de Jesús. ©LPi
RESPECT LIFE During the month of October, the Catholic Church in the United States observes Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is designated as Respect Life Sunday. A Prayer to St. Joseph, Defender of Life Dearest St. Joseph, at the word of an angel, you lovingly took Mary into your home. As God’s humble servant, you guided the Holy Family on the road to Bethlehem, welcomed Jesus as your own son in the shelter of a manger, and fled far from your homeland for the safety of both Mother and Child. We praise God that as their faithful protector, you never hesitated to sacri- fice for those entrusted to you. May your exam- ple inspire us also to welcome, cherish, and safeguard God’s most precious gift of life. Help us to faithfully commit ourselves to the service and defense of human life —especially where it is vulnerable or threatened. Obtain for us the grace to do the will of God in all things. Amen. Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Oración a San José, Defensor de la Vida Amadísimo san José: Ante el pedido de un ángel, amorosamente llevaste a María a tu hogar. Como humilde siervo de Dios, guiaste a la Sagrada Fa- milia por el camino hacia Belén, acogiste a Jesús como tu hijo en el refugio de un pesebre, y huiste lejos de tu patria para la seguridad de la Madre y el Hijo. Alabamos a Dios porque tú, siendo su fiel protector, nunca dudaste sacrifi- carte por quienes fueron encomendados a ti. Que tu ejemplo nos inspire también para acoger, atesorar y proteger el más preciado don de la vida que nos regala Dios. Ayúdanos a com- prometernos con fidelidad para servir y defender la vida humana —en especial donde es vulnera- ble o esté amenazada. Obtennos la gracia de hacer la voluntad de Dios en todas las cosas. Amén Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights re- served.
STORIES OF FAITH BY OUR PARISHIONERS Many years ago Sue Unger and Maxine McFeron began a prayer chain for the Saint Matthew communi- ty so people in need of prayer could enlist others to pray for and with them. Saint Matthew Parish now offers a prayer list in the bulletin along with the prayer chain. The List is your loved ones’ name for the community to lift up for their special need; and the Prayer Chain gives a name and what you want prayed for and many people pray for that specific intention. If anyone would like to be a Prayer Warrior and pray for special needs please contact: Maxine McFeron at 503-926-3282 with your email address and you can pray with us. For the Sick and those in need of Prayer: Merciful Jesus, during Your life on earth, You showed great concern for the sick and infirm. Have com- passion now on all those who are sick or in pain. Grant them healing of mind and body, and restore their strength and spirit. Comfort them with the knowledge that we are praying for them, and give them peace with a sense of Your Presence, may they know that in a special way they are united to You, their Suffering Christ. May they contribute to the welfare of the whole people of God, by associat- ing themselves freely with Your Passion and Death, for the Salvation of the World. Bless, too, those who take care of the sick. In their own time of need, bestow on them a hundredfold, the blessing they have given to others. Amen. Sue Unger has a prayer for us as well: "May the Healing Spirit of Light hold each of you in need of God's healing grace and comfort. May He encourage you to follow the Spirit of Love in your heart as you look for healing and hope." Amen. Thank you for enlisting us in your special prayer request for your loved ones. Best wishes to all, Maxine McFeron PRAYERS TO SAINT MATTHEW God of mercy you chose a tax collector, Saint Matthew, to share the dignity of the apostles. By his example and prayers help us to follow Christ and remain faithful in your service. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. O Glorious Saint Matthew, in your Gospel you portray Jesus as the longed-for Messiah who fulfilled the Prophets of the Old Covenant and as the new Lawgiv- er who founded a Church of the New Covenant. Obtain for us the grace to see Jesus living in his Church and to follow his teachings in our lives on earth so that we may live forever with him in heaven. Amen.
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL HERTEL CENTER Together with Christ we serve those in need God continues to bless our St. Vincent de Paul Hertel Center with money, food donations, and volunteer time, through our generous St. Matthew’s, St. Alexander’s and St. Edward’s communities. The Hertel Center is open from 9 to 11:30 Monday through Friday. We serve those in need in Hillsboro, North Plains and Cornelius. If you or someone you know are facing financial troubles, please come for food or financial help with rent or utilities. We have been blessed with produce from farmers and home garden- ers. Thank you so much! We also have regular food donations from our area stores. In the month of August we were able to pro- vide 307 food boxes for families or individuals. We also made 800 lunches for the homeless that are now distributed by our community partners as the Salvation Army and the city of Hillsboro, to name just a few. In August we helped 46 families with rent and 26 with utility assistance. Thus far this past fiscal year, we have helped 100 more families than the same time as the previous fiscal year. We could not do so without your generous financial assistance. Also this past month, we provided 75 backpacks of school supplies to families. We are still doing so and contributions of school supplies are welcome. In addition, you can help St. Vincent de Paul with food donations--produce from your gardens or canned/packaged foods-and personal care items. We need egg cartons, paper and plastic shopping bags for distribution of fresh produce, and of course financial assistance is always needed! Perhaps most importantly, we ask for your prayers so that “through Him, with Him and in Him,” we can continue to serve our neigh- bors facing very rough times with a twinkle in our eyes that shows the smiles under our masks. Junto con Cristo servimos a los necesitados Dios continúa bendiciendo nuestro Centro Hertel de San Vicente de Paúl con dinero, donaciones de ali- mentos y tiempo de voluntariado, a través de nuestras generosas comunidades de San Mateo, San Alejandro y San Eduardo. El Centro Hertel está abierto de 9 a 11:30 de lunes a viernes. Servimos a los necesitados en Hillsboro, North Plains y Cornelius. Si usted o alguien que conoce tiene problemas económicos, venga a buscar comida o ayuda económica con el alquiler o los servicios públicos. Hemos sido bendecidos con productos de agricultores y jardineros domésticos. ¡Muchas gracias! También contamos con donaciones regulares de alimentos de las tiendas de nuestra zona. En el mes de agosto pudimos entregar 307 cajas de comida para familias o individuos. También preparamos 800 al- muerzos para las personas sin casa que ahora son distribuidos por nuestros socios comunitarios como el Ejército de Salvación y la ciudad de Hillsboro, por nombrar solo algunos. En agosto, ayudamos a 46 familias con la renta y a 26 con los servicios públicos. En lo que va del año fiscal pasado, hemos ayudado a 100 familias más que en el mismo período del año fiscal anterior. No podríamos hacerlo sin su generosa ayuda financiera. También el mes pasado, entregamos 75 mochilas de útiles escolares a las familias. Todavía lo estamos haciendo y las contribuciones de útiles escolares son bienvenidas. Además, puede ayudar a St. Vincent de Paul con donaciones de alimentos (productos de sus huertos o alimentos enlatados / envasados) y artículos de cuidado personal. Necesitamos car- tones de huevos, bolsas de papel y plástico para la distribución de productos frescos y, por supuesto, ¡siempre se necesita ayuda financiera! Quizás lo más importante es que les pedimos sus oraciones para que “a través de Él, con Él y en Él” podamos seguir sirviendo a nuestros vecinos que enfrentan tiempos muy difíciles con un brillo en nuestros ojos que muestre las sonrisas bajo nuestras mascaras.
WELCOME AND FAREWELL We welcomed Fr. Juan Jose Gonzalez, MSpS Fr. Agustin Rodriguez, MSpS has finished his last Wednesday September 22, 2021. May his assignment as associate pastor and has been leadership and service to our community en- reassigned. We thank him for these years of rich us in many ways. Make sure you offer service to our faith community and we wish him a warm welcome. him the best in his next assignment. Dimos la bienvenida al P. Juan José González, El P. Agustín Rodríguez, MSpS ha terminado MSpS el pasado miércoles 22 de septiembre su asignación como pastor asociado y ha sido de 2021. Que su liderazgo y servicio a nues- reasignado. Le agradecemos estos años de tra comunidad nos enriquezca de muchas ma- servicio a nuestra comunidad de fe y le neras. Asegúrese de darle una cálida bienve- deseamos lo mejor en su próxima asignación. nida. 1ST COMMUNION MANDATORY MEETING Parents have a mandatory meeting (Child Pro- Los Padres de familia que registraron a sus tection Training) today, September 26, 2021 in hijos para la Primera Comunión tendrán una the Parish Hall from 11:30am –1:30 pm junta obligatoria en el Salón Parroquial, hoy 26 de septiembre, 2021 de 2pm - 4pm. PLEASE BE THERE ON TIME FAVOR DE LLEGAR A TIEMPO
MAGNIFICAT Last opportunity to subscribe September 27, 2021 It’s time to renew your subscription for the Es hora de pedir o renovar su suscripción a la Magnificat booklet for the year 2022. revista Magnificat en español para el año 2021 Anyone who is interested in renewing their -2022. current subscription or subscribing for the Si ya recibe la revista actualmente y desea ren- first time ovar su suscripción o si desea solicitar el Mag- nificat en español por primera vez, This is the time. Right now! ¡AHORA ES CUANDO! The normal subscription price is $47.00/yr; and St. Matthew’s discounted bulk rate for Tasa anual normal: $39.95 / año 100 copies or more is only $26.00/yr Tarifa al por mayor con descuento de San That’s right!! A savings of $21.00/year! Mateo (10 suscripciones o más): $29.95 / año Para renovar su suscripción para el año (2021- Currently, our bulk order price ($26.00/yr) 2022) -O para solicitar su suscripción por pri- applies to an order of 100 copies or more. mera vez. Subscribe now and protect our bulk rate pricing again by ordering or reordering Comuníquese con Ana al (971) 867-3019. your subscription of the year 2022. Recuerde ahora es el tiempo. No se podrán To renew your current subscription, or to tomar pedidos después del lunes 27 de sep- order for the first time, contact Denise tiembre, 2021. Bouska at 503-648-9549. ¡Aproveche de los ahorros ahora! Renew before September 27, 2021 or miss your chance to save!
RESPECT LIFE MONTH 2021: REFLECTION St. Joseph: Faithful Protector of Mother and Child The infant Christ “came into our world in a state of great vulnerability. He needed to be defended, protected, cared for and raised by Joseph” (PC 5). The humble and often hidden carpenter of Naza- reth accompanied Mary in her pregnancy, assisted at the birth of the Messiah in a stable, presented Jesus in the Temple, fled with his family far from their homeland to protect them, and lovingly raised Jesus as his own son in the years to come. While the angel of the Lord appeared to Mary to announce that she would bring forth the Savior of the world, it was revealed to Joseph in a series of dreams how God’s plans would be brought to ful- fillment. As Pope Francis highlights, “God trusted Joseph, as did Mary, who found in him someone who would not only save her life, but would al- ways provide for her and her child” (PC 5). Dear St. Joseph, help us to Like every other human family, the Holy Family had to confront real and concrete challenges. Yet, “in every situation, Joseph de- imitate your faithful trust clared his own ‘fiat’” (PC 3). His “yes” to the Lord meant that re- and courage. gardless of the hardship and personal sacrifice to himself, he con- sistently chose to put the needs of Mary and Jesus before his own. Joseph’s devotion helps reveal to us our own call to show special care for the lives of those whom God has entrusted to us. During this Year of St. Joseph, each of us can find in him “an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble” (PC, Intro). Joseph shows us how to say “yes” to life, despite our own fears, frail- ties, and weaknesses. For it is Joseph who was “chosen by God to guide the beginnings of the his- tory of redemption. He was the true ‘miracle’ by which God saves the child and his mother” (PC 5). May we, too, be miracles in the lives of those who are most in need, especially at the beginning and end of life. Dear St. Joseph, you who were “able to turn a problem into a possibility by trusting al- ways in divine providence” (PC 5), help us to imitate your faithful trust and courage. Excerpts from Patris corde, © 2020, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.
SAINT MATTHEW PRAYER LIST Zenaida Abarca Gail Moore MILITARY Bruce Aberth Scott Moore Michelle Amos Ana Moreno Verna Bassett Patricia Moreno MAJ Justin Aberth Louise Bernards Tom & Barbara Nelson Angelica Aguilar George Bernert The Pacheco Family MAJ Mark Brodie Pamela Boon Yu Xiao Palafox Trevor Buck Lt. Nancy Boyer Maria Pascual Mark Boyer Bob Puncochar David Clitheroe, Lt. USN Theodore Henry Bruns Bailey Reeves PV2 Sean Dugan Josue, Luis, & Vivian Jose Calderon Paula Rowe Hernandez-Davila Amanda Campbell Jorge Scott Armando Garfias, USAF Cpt. Marilyn Carter Wayne Smith Patrick Hunt Jose Castañeda Rafaela Sanchez Ron King Chad Chisolm Charles Schmucker Jan Costas Jayson Strayer MAJ Thomas Lanigan Gilbert Couttouw Antonia Sterling Patric Margiotta Araceli Cuenca Fran Teeter Brenda Martinez Myron Dennis Jack Valvo Lt. Zach Marsh Rebecca Diaz Genevieve Vanier Maria De Guzman Rosemarie Ward MAJ Richard Park Leonila Ebuen Kathleen White Joshua Shaw Josie Elmers George & Catherine Vanderzanden Steven Walliman Delora Evans Philip Zmolek, USN Louise Gang Juanita Garcia Mario Garcia Alcala Grant Gard Marie Gordy Cassandra Grigsby Gwen Hampsten Jim Hart Hernandez Family Ruth Holland Jon Huettl Stephen Huettl To all the world Marco Jaime David Jurhs John & Jean Krautscheid Jorgenson Family Josephine Linville Ellen Meeuwsen Shane McCord Declan McNulty PRAYER LIST / PRAYER CHAIN Please call to let us know if you would like to add your loved one's name to the prayer list. Also, we have a prayer chain for specific prayer requests. Please let us know if you would prefer to be included in the prayers of the St. Matthew prayer chain. Call Maxine McFeron at 503-926-3282 or email Si quisiera añadir/remover a alguien a esta lista, comuníquese con la secretaria, 503-684-1998 ext. 245
MASS INTENTIONS CONTACT INFORMATION Mon, Sept. 27 8:15 am Carlos Navarro + PARISH OFFICE: 503-648-1998 Wed, Sept. 29 8:15 am Thomas Albertine FAX: 503-648-4489 5:00 pm Luis Posadas (Bday) PRIESTS Fr. Juan Gonzalez, Interim Parish Administrator x249 Thu, Sept. 30 8:15 am Katie Albertine Fr. Rito Guzman, Associate x260 5:00pm Consuelo Garcia Cornejo + STAFF Fri, October 1 8:15 am Bob Pranger+ Becky Smith, Business Manager x248 5:00 pm Almas del Purgatorio Wayne Carter, Payroll Clerk x252 Sat, October 2 8:15 am President Joe Biden Efren De Loa, Maintenance x254 5:30 pm Blanche Chapman + Esme Herrera, Youth Ministry Coordinator x258 Sun, October 3 6:30 am Nuestros Parroquianos Maria Wanner, Faith Formation Coordinator x230 8:30 am Pat Mullally + Cecilia Conroy, Parish Secretary x245 10:00 am Children, Youth and Young Adults ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC SCHOOL 11:30 am Noelia Aguirre Diane Ramsperger, Interim School Principal 5:30 pm Gerardo Perez Phone 503-648-2512, Fax 503-648-4518 Website: STAY CONNECTED @smcc_hillsboro @stmatthewhillsboro smcc_hillsboro BULLETIN DEADLINE Parish groups, direct requests to your staff rep. Two weeks prior to Sunday desired. THANKS FOR SPONSORING OUR BULLETIN! We would like to thank the businesses that advertise in our weekly bulletin. It is with their support that we are able to receive our bulletin at no cost from LPi. Should you wish to advertise, please contact Kjirsten Finnegan, at (402) 312-9955 or and George at (630) 319-3672 or
College or Retirement? Find out how to afford both. Brian W Harvey, CRPC® Financial Advisor 1925 N E Stucki Ave Ste 110 Hillsboro, OR 97006-6945 503-430-7942 Quality Denture Center, Inc. Quality Ted K. Denture Dhein, L.D. - Catholic Parishioner FAMILY PRACTICE • URGENT CARE New Center, Inc. 8064 S.E. Harold St. • Portland, OR 503-777-6014 CHIROPRACTIC CARE Patients 900 SE Oak Street, Suite 202, Hillsboro Welcom Ted K. Dhein, LD. e! Parish member • Rock • Pavers • 503-640-3724 • Walls • Patios 8064 S.E. Harold St. Portland, OR 97206 • BARK • SUPER SOILS Hours: M-F 7:30am-6pm • Sat 9-2 • Same Day & Walk-In Appointments 503-777-6014 • BLOWING • RECYCLE CENTER Clip & Save $5.00 503.645.6665 Medicare • Most Commercial Insurance • WC Catholic Owned Auto Liability • Discounts for Uninsured PATRICK CADIZ Attorney at Law 100 SW Baseline St. • Hillsboro, OR 503.858.3261 • Negligence and Accident Law Yo Hablo Español Auto & Work Injury Specialist Massage Therapy & Rehab 503-372-9325 Se Habla Español LIFE is just a little easier here, and a little safer, too. Come for a Tour! Independent Living I Assisted Living I Memory Care 1950 NE 102nd Avenue I Hillsboro 503-629-5500 I Locally Owned & Operated by Aaron & Elizabeth Duyck 503.357.8749 9456 NW Roy Rd. Forest Grove Contact Tom Maakestad to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x5858 For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Matthew, Hillsboro, OR A 4C 05-1076
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