Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse

Page created by Ralph Leonard
Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse
February, 2021

      February, 2021

                       Welcome Back!
                 Classes Start February 8th

Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse
Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse
Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse

In the event school is closed or dismissed early due to bad weather, the announcement
will be made on the following TV and radio stations:

WLSU               88.99
WIZM               93.3
KCLH               94.7
WRQT               95.7
COW                97
KQ                 98
CLASSIC ROCK       100.1
EAGLE              102.7
MAGIC              104.9
CC                 106.3

WKTY               580
WIZM               1410
WLFN               1490

The announcement will also be listed on the homepage of the school district’s website at
www.lacrosseschools.org. All after school programs and activities will be cancelled
unless otherwise noted. After school programs include Boys & Girls Club, Surround
Care, Park and Rec Programs operated in district schools, and the 21st Century
Community Learning Center After School Programs at Franklin, Hamilton, and North

Exceptions for evening events may be made on a case-by-case basis. If an event is to be
held, it will be posted on the district’s website and cable channel 4 as well as publicized
on the media stations listed above.

                                CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL
                                DIRECT PHONE NUMBERS

                            Activities             789-3009
                            Attendance             789-3008
                            Kitchen                789-3016
                            Main Office            789-7900
                            Student Services       789-3006
                            Go Riteway Bus Service 881-6370

Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse
Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse
Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse
Highly Qualified Teachers
                 2021 SENIOR CLASS
              IMPORTANT INFORMATION                                                The School District of La Crosse takes pride in
                                                                                   hiring only highly qualified teachers. This
                                                                                   means they are fully trained, certified, and often
                                                                                   experienced in the position they teach. Our
                                                                                   faculty consistently has a high percentage of
   If you have not turned in your Diploma Card yet,
   please do so by February 12th. The card can be                                  advanced degrees, and we do a good job of
      found on the front page of Central’s website.                                retaining some of the top staff in the state and
                                                                                   the nation. Life events, such as retirement,
   If you have not ordered your cap/gown unit yet,                                 childbirth, or illness, sometimes cause a need
    please call Jostens at 1-800-567-8367 or order                                 for a long-term substitute teacher. When this
             online at www.jostens.com
                                                                                   happens we always make every effort to hire a
                       April 26th—7:00 PM                                          highly qualified substitute. All are certified
                     Senior Scholarship Night                                      teachers and most are licensed in the area in
                                                                                   which they are substituting. In rare cases it may
                                May 28th                                           be impossible to find a teacher with a particular
                                                                                   certification, such as special education. This
  More information to follow on events when plans                                  may result in the district asking the Wisconsin
                   are finalized.                                                  Department of Public Instruction for an
                                                                                   emergency license for such a teacher.
                                                                                   If you ever have any questions about the
                                                                                   certification of any of our staff, please call me at

                                                                                   Mr. McDonald

    DATES TO MARK ON YOUR CALENDAR                                                                  PARENTS
February 12 & 15 .............................................. NO SCHOOL                      CONFERENCES
March 8 ............................. Parent/Teacher Conferences
12:00—8:00 PM                                                                      Parent-Teacher Conference times will be
March 10 ............................ Parent/Teacher Conferences                   on the following dates:
4:00—8:00 PM
March 12 ................................................ Early Release Day            Monday, 3/8/21, 12:00 to 8:00 PM
March 26 .......................................... End of Third Quarter            Wednesday, 3/10/21, 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
April 1-5 ................................. NO SCHOOL/SPRING BREAK
April 6 ....................................................... Classes Resume
May 7 ..................................................... Early Release Day
May 28 .............................................................. Graduation
May 31 ............................................................... NO SCHOOL

Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse
February 1-19                                  Admissions Coaching
     Registration for Central 9, 10, 11th graders
                     February 5                      Ms. Mac Kiel, High School Admissions
       CHS Scholarship CLOSES at 3:00 PM             Coach from Western Technical
                     February 12                     College, meets with students each
       Deadline to sign up for March SAT Test
                  End of February                    month to provide admissions coaching
             ACT Pre-Registration—TBD                to students. She meets with students
                       March 1                       who want more information about
Start College Now and Early College Credit Program
                deadline for Fall, 2021
                                                     careers, the college application process,
                       March 1                       Accuplacer testing and interpretation,
         HAS Application Due (Sophomores)            financial aid and scholarships, college
                       March 8                       transfer opportunities and career
   Parent/Teacher Conferences—12:00-8:00 PM
                       March 9                       exploration. Below is Mac’s calendar
            ACT Test at Central (Juniors)            where you can sign up to see her
                      March 10                       virtually this semester!
    Parent/Teacher Conferences—4:00-8:00 PM
                      March 12
        Deadline to sign up for April 17th ACT
                      March 13
                      SAT Test
                     April (TBD)                     https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/
         ACT Aspire Testing (Grades 9 & 10)          selfsched?
                     April (TBD)                     sstoken=UU15cHUxcG9pTngtfGRlZmF1bHR8Zm
           WI Forward Testing (Grade 10)             Q1M2JjYzE0NDhhOTBjZjcxYWFmZjg0NGQxZDlk
                       April 8                       MjE
        Deadline to sign up for May SAT Test
                       April 17
                  National ACT Test
                       April 26
       Senior Scholarship Program—7:00 PM
          (For those who received an invite)

                                                                          ACT TESTING
                                                     All juniors will be taking the ACT test on March 9th.
                                                     Students may use their score from the state
                                                     assessment for college admissions. We encourage
                                                     students to take advantage of sending their scores
                                                     for free when they pre-register before the test.
                                                     Scores needing to be sent later will cost $13 each.
                                                     Students can also choose to retake the ACT on
                                                     their own. This registration is on-line at
                                                     www.actstudent.org. Students who qualify for free
                                                     or reduced lunch are entitled to two fee waivers.
                                                     See your counselor for more information.

Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse
Congratulations to the following “Students of the Month”. Students are nominated
by the various departments at Central and voted on by all Central staff.


   Santana Carranza, Lindsay Clark, Richard Cole, Nou Yang

 Grace Blegen, Kate Eubanks, Lara Heiderscheidt, Julia Her, Jada Johnson,
 O’Maryo Krause, Ncaylee Niemann, Shayla Yang

 Jonathan Baumler, Noah Dingel, Ivanna Felts, Ava Herlitzke, Mason Roth, Fox

                     Reporting Data Directory Concerns

We have a responsibility to protect our students’ personally identifiable
 information, and we take that responsibility seriously. As parent(s)/guardian
(s), if at any time you believe information about your student has been shared
that conflicts with your designated preferences—as documented on the
annual Release of Student Directory Data Information—please notify the
school principal to discuss the circumstances.

Welcome Back! Classes Start February 8th - February, 2021 - School District of La Crosse
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