THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School

Page created by Lance Reese
THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School
                   ANCHOR                            ISSUE 5, VOL 7

                                                                      JANUARY 2021
                    M                   T                   W                    T                   F

                           4                    5                 6                    7                  8

                          11                    12                13                  14                  15

                    18                          19           20                       21                  22
              MLK DAY                                  MARITIME
                NO                                                                                SEA
                                                       SPEAKER                                   CADET
              SCHOOL                                                                             DRILL

                          25                    26                27                  28               29
                                                                                                  Q2 END
                                   HS: PSAT                                                        SEA
                          1                   2                   3                   4                   5

                               ▪            ▪
Maritime Academy Charter ES 2275 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19137
2700 E Huntingdon St. Philadelphia, PA 19125
                                                                      Phone: 215.535.4555 I Maritime Academy Charter HS    ▪
                                             Phone: 215.427.3090 I Maritime Academy is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization.
All donations are tax exempt.
THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School
Elementary School
Holiday Raffle                                          1st Grade: Joseph Matos
                                                        2nd Grade: Brian Gladden
On Friday, December 18th, the Elementary                3rd Grade: Amari Davis
School held a raffle on Instagram Live. One             4th Grade: Edson Lopez
cadet from each grade was randomly selected to          5th Grade: John Weston Jr.
win a $150 Target gift card. Teachers nominated         6th Grade: Clarissa Nuesi
students who have shown consistent attendance           7th Grade: Kylee Padilla
and participation this year. We hope to hold            8th Grade: Tiffany Taylor
another raffle in Spring 2021!                          Ms. Lerner and Ms. Giacino: Willmer Colon

In-Person School                       Holiday Giving               MACS PALS
Ms. Giacino’s class made             MACS partenered with Home      Maritime PALS discovered what
gingerbread houses after they        Association to help families   it meant to be "Purple People."
learned about balance through        within our school              The students read The World
a STEM activity. They also           community. The Holiday         Needs More Purple People by
completed an artic challenge         Giving Drive provided winter   Kristen Bell and then made
after learning about animal          gear, toys, food products,     vision boards of what makes
adaptations.                         and more to 9 families. An     them happy and how they can
                                     additional partnership with    spread kindness in their
                                     the National Giving Alliance   communities.
                                     provided families with
                                     winter coats, gloves, and
                                     other clothing. We thank
                                     everyone involved in making
                                     this a huge success!

Virtual Instruction
Mrs. Purcell’s third grade class
conducted a science
experiment on leaves and color
change. students learned that
all of the colors in the fall are                                           Holiday Fun
always in the leaves but when                                       To bring
the leaves stop making                                              more
chlorophyll, the green color                                        holiday
disappears and the rest of the
colors appear.
                                   CLC "Girls Club"                 cheer to the
                                 The CLC                            Miss. Sissy
                                 “Girls Club”                       made her
                                 got into the                       hair look
                                 holiday spirit                     like a
                                 with holiday                       Christmas
                                 crafts and                         tree. The
                                 some hot                           kids loved
                                 chocolate.                         her hair!
THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School
High School
           Ugly Holiday Sweater                                   Virtual Concert
 The high school teachers, staff, and students got into     Mr. Killian gathered students and
 the holiday spirit and held a virtual "Ugly Sweater"       teachers to put together a wonderful
 dress-down day. Students and teachers had a blast          virtual holiday music concert. Teachers
 getting creative with their sweaters.                      and students participated and had a
                                                            wonderful time!

 The Pineapple Enzyme Lab
Ms. Neel conducted a "Pineapple Enzyme Lab" for
10th grade biology! Pineapple has an enzyme
called bromelain which breaks down collagen, and
collagen is what makes gelatin thicken up and
solidify. Students learned that if they make Jell-O
with fresh pineapple, it will never solidify because
the bromelain breaks down the collagen. However,
if they boil the pineapple first, the enzyme
becomes denatured and can no longer break down
the collagen. In the lab, students compared the
consistency of Jello-O after it was mixed with
fresh, canned, frozen, and boiled pineapple.

      Virtual Art Show                                             Maritime Chat
Under the leadership of                                           Alumni of MACS, Estreya,
Mr. Lint 41 cadets                                                Adiyah, and Kristen are
participated in an Art                                            currently attending Maritime
Contest sponsored by the                                          Colleges. On December 11th,
Philadelphia Water                                                they hosted a virtual
Department. Students                                              conversation with two of our
created 4 thumbnail                                               seniors.
sketches that showed the
importance of keeping our
rivers and streams clean
from pollution. Judges Mr.             Winners
Mattioni, Mr. Wilson and
Mr. Feria had a really         1st place winner - Arianna Ortiz
difficult time selecting the   $100.00
winners. The cadets did an     2nd place winner - Miguel
extraordinary job with         Martinez $75.00
their art work and             3rd place winner - Elyjah Floyd
messages. Initially, there     $50.00
were three prized to be        Honorable Mention - Mariah Ortiz
awarded but then got           $15.00
expanded to five.              Honorable Mention - Emma
                               Simmons $15.00
THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School
A New Building, A New MACS!
In December, the MACS Administration applied for a new location for our school, a
new building, and to increase enrollment. Here, Ms. Harvey is sending our
Electronic Application to the Charter School Office. This is the first step in a long
process before a shovel goes into the ground. Many hours of work went into the
preparation of our application. The application went out on December 30, 2020.

                                              As part of this long and difficult
                                              process, Mr. Mattioni presented all
                                              supporting documentation for the

A Holiday Gift
Elementary students
created a gratitude poster
for Mr. Mattioni as a gift for
the holidays.
THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School THE MARITIME ANCHOR - Maritime Academy Charter School
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