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HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL INSTITUTE SUMMER RESEARCH EXPERIENCE fo r Hi g h S c ho o l S tud e nt s I nte nsiv e Fiv e W e e k P r o g ra m at California State University, Fullerton J uly 2 & J uly 6 – A ug ust 7 , 2 0 1 5 PROGRAM GOAL AND DESCRIPTION A major goal of this HHMI supported program is to engage high school students and science teachers in research experiences that we expect will excite them and add to their depth of knowledge of basic chemistry, biology and mathematics. The objectives are to promote interest among students in biomedical research (including organic chemistry and mathematics) and to refresh their teachers in these disciplines by directly participating in actual research projects, working with individual faculty at Cal State Fullerton. Teachers and pairs of students will experience what it is like to break new ground and investigate new areas in the sciences (and mathematics) that underlie and support biomedical research. To learn more about individual faculty research interests, go to the HHMI website ( Pairs of students (together with a high school science teacher) will be expected to work full time (at least 40 hours per week) in the laboratory for the 5 week period. Depending on the project, work time could be flexible and vary from day to day. Time inbetween is devoted to reading about background, making plans, analyzing data, preparing oral and written reports, and the like. [You are apprenticing with an individual faculty member to carry out original research on questions the faculty member is trying to answer.] In addition, participants will have a weekly one hour seminar with Dr. Barbara Gonzalez, to discuss how what is learned in the laboratory can be applied to high school science learning. FACULTY RESEARCH PROJECTS A list of the research interests of the HHMI faculty at Cal State Fullerton can be found on the CSUF HHMI website ( ELIGIBILITY, APPLICATION, AND COMPENSATION Students in Orange County high schools who have taken junior or senior level science and math are eligible for the program and can apply by filling out the appropriate (high school student) application form, available on the CSUF-HHMI website. W e are particularly looking for students who are under-represented in STEM disciplines or those with educational and/or financial disadvantages. Six students will be selected by a subcommittee of the HHMI Research Scholars Program Steering Committee. High School students will receive a $1,000 stipend and course credit (free course registration is included). Deadline for applications is March 2, 2015 Selections will be made by early April. For questions, please contact Dr. Barbara Gonzalez ( or Dr. Maria Linder ( Supported by a Grant from the Howard Hughes M edical Institute to Cal State Fullerton
HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL INSTITUTE — CSUF S U M M E R R E S E A R CH E X P E R I E N CE APPLICATION FORM for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS J uly 2 & J uly 6 – A ug ust 7 , 2 0 1 5 Application Deadline: March 2, 2015 Submit applications to Mary Flores at Cal State Fullerton ( APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: Last First Middle Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY): Gender: Female Male U.S. Citizenship: Yes No (Permanent Resident No.: ____________________) Current Address: Permanent Address: Same as Current Address Telephone Home: Mobile: Email address: Ethnicity: American Indian/Alaskan/Native American African-American/Black. Asian-American European-American Filipino/Filipino-American Latin/Other Spanish American Mexican/Mexican American Mid Eastern-American Pacific Islander PuertoRican Other: Primary language spoken at home: Parent’s Education (Highest level completed) Father Some H.S. H.S. Diploma/GED Some College Bachelor’s Some graduate school Masters Doctorate Mother Some H.S. H.S. Diploma/GED Some College Bachelor’s Some graduate school Masters Doctorate
ACADEMIC INFORMATION High School: District: Year (Check One): Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Overall GPA: Science GPA: Expected graduation date: (Check One): June 2015 June 2016 June 2017 Select ALL science and mathematics courses completed: Biology Chemistry Physics Integrated/Physical Science Other Algebra Geometry Algebra II Precalculus AP Calculus Other SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Please indicate whether you are: An under-represented minority (NIH defines this category as African American, Pacific Islander, Hispanic American, or Native American.) Applying as a financially-disadvantaged student (Federal School Lunch Program). The first generation in your family who will attend a four-year college/university. Enrolled at a high school that does not send a high percentage of students to four-year colleges. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION Obtain the Letter of Recommendation from the CSUF HHMI website, under “Apply.” List the names of at least two individuals (preferably math or science teachers) who will submit letters of recommendation on your behalf. Letters must be received by Mary Flores ( no later than March 2. Name: E-mail (required): Title/Affiliation: Telephone: Name: E-mail (required): Title/Affiliation: Telephone: HHMI PROGRAM INFORMATION How did you learn about the HHMI-CSUF Program? (Check all that apply) Teacher or advisor at your school (name) Past HHMI Scholar (name) Other (specify) APPLICANT and PARENT SIGNATURES Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date Parent Name Parent Contact Info
ESSAY Explain briefly why are you interested in participating in this HHMI Summer Research Experience and in doing biomedical research.
APPLICATION CHECKLIST Filled out application form (to which this is attached). All parts must be filled out. A copy of your most recent high school transcript Your signature (student applying) Parent signature and contact information Arrange to have two letters of recommendation (download forms from the CSUF HHMI website, under “Apply.”) Send application as a pdf file to Mary Flores: Or mail to: HHMI Program c/o Mary Flores Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry California State University Fullerton, CA 92834-6866 Or bring to: McCarthy Hall 580 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry California State University, Fullerton
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