Yale Elementary A united community that grows all students academically, socially, and emotionally to inspire successful, global leaders of ...

Yale Elementary A united community that grows all students academically, socially, and emotionally to inspire successful, global leaders of ...
April 13, 2021

              Yale Elementary
   A united community that grows all students academically, socially, and
       emotionally to inspire successful, global leaders of tomorrow.

Great things are happening at       RISD Bond 2021
Yale! Follow us on Twitter          Based on the recommendations of a community bond
@yaleroadrunners for the latest     steering committee, RISD trustees voted to place two bond
updates, classroom                  propositions before voters as part of the May 1 election.
happenings, and reminders.          The total of both propositions is $750 million. If approved
                                    by voters, Bond 2021 will not increase RISD’s tax rate.
Upcoming dates:
April 13- 4th grade Writing STAAR
                                    RISD community members are invited to join district
                                    administrators in four public forums in April designed to
April 14- Early Release 1:00
                                    provide information and answer stakeholder questions
                                    about Bond 2021. On Monday, April 12, the first in-person
April 16- Family game night
                                    forum was held.
(virtual event) 6:30 pm
                                    Another in-person forum is scheduled for 6 p.m. on
April 19- PTA- Panda Express        Tuesday, April 20, in the auditorium of the Admin Bldg. at
Night                               400 S. Greenville Ave. The virtual forums are set for 6 p.m.
                                    on Thursday, April 15, and Wednesday, April 21. Links to the
April 20- 4th grade Writing STAAR   virtual forums will be available at the RISD Bond 2021
make-up day                         information website: RISD.org/Bond2021.

April 30- No school- Snow Day       Family Game Night
                                    Who doesn’t love a good game of Bingo? Join us this Friday
Helpful Yale Contacts:              for a fun filled evening at the Yale PTA Virtual Bingo Night.
Carrie Greer - Principal            The evening will start at PTA meeting at 6:30 pm followed
                                    by a brief Bond 2021 presentation. Then the fun will begin.
                                    There will be fun prizes from Tiff ’s Treats, Raising Cane’s,
Holly Gordon- Assistant Principal   Chuck-E-Cheese, and much, much more.The zoom can be
(469)593-8335                       accessed at
                                                     Meeting ID: 843 7724 851
Megan Ayitey-Adjin
Counselor- Yale Elementary                             Passcode: 024060
megan.ayitey-adjin@risd.org         For information on how to access a Bingo card, see the
                                    attached flyer. Only one Bingo card per household, please.

Be sure to join the Yale PTA!

Yale Elementary A united community that grows all students academically, socially, and emotionally to inspire successful, global leaders of ...
April 13, 2021

Yale Online STAAR Dates
STAAR assessments will be taken online beginning this school year. All assessments can only be
taken on campus at Yale. Assessments will not be offered in the virtual setting. More information
will be released as we get closer to the assessment dates. Please mark your calendars for the
following online test dates and online make-up dates:
                                     April 13 Writing 4th grade
                              April 20 4th grade writing make-up day
                                     May 11 Math 5th/6th grade
                                     May 12 Math 3rd/4th grade
                               May 13 Math make-ups 3rd-6th grade
                                    May 18 Reading 5th/6th grade
                                May 19 5th grade reading make-ups
                                   May 19 Reading 3rd/4th grade
                                      May 20 Science 5th grade
                         May 21 3rd, 4th, 6th Reading & 5th science make-up

Messages from the School Nurse
Each day it is imperative that parents monitor and screen their child’s health prior to sending
them to school. Please look for new, unexpected or worsening symptoms that include: feeling feverish,
a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, loss of taste or smell,
coughing, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, chills, congestion/
runny nose (not related to seasonal allergies), muscle or body aches, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, or
diarrhea. If your child has any of these symptoms (even just one symptom) please keep them
home and complete the Student Health Screener so that the school nurse can contact you
regarding return-to-school criteria. Please be aware that readmission guidelines are different this school
year so your child may need to stay home longer even if they are feeling better. Thank you for your
cooperation with this as we seek to keep Yale as safe and healthy as possible.The RISD student
screener must be filled out for all students both face to face AND virtual. Student Google login
information is being sent home to all families. Please keep this information in a safe place as you
need your child(ren)’s Google login information to complete the health screener.

       *RISD requires a weekly student screener to be completed each Tuesday*

April 13, 2021

April 13, 2021



Berkner Learning Community
• Technology device updates for all PreK-12 students, teachers
  and staff
• Safety and security system upgrades including cameras, card
  access systems and AEDs
• Repair and/or replacement of elementary HVAC, plumbing
  and pavement
• Teaching and learning support
  including instructional
  materials, digital teaching
  applications, Career and
  Technical Education curriculum
  materials, Fine Arts and Athletics
  equipment, including baseball/softball
  turf at Berkner High School

 Begin Early Election Day     Remember to

    Monday     Saturday
  Apr 19 May 1
April 13, 2021

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     Enter      in the promo code bo                      o r smartphone

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