Valley Hi-Florin Family Resource Center - Sacramento Children's Home

Page created by Neil Nelson
Valley Hi-Florin Family Resource Center - Sacramento Children's Home
Valley Hi-Florin Family Resource Center
         7000 Franklin Blvd. Suite #820, Sacramento, CA 95823
                     Mon-Fri 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
                           (916) 290-8281
Valley Hi-Florin Family Resource Center - Sacramento Children's Home
Valley Hi Family Resource Center                                                                  April 2019 • abril 2019

            Real Talk                                                                           Housing Advice
                                                     Apoyo de Mujeres
      A Nurturing Parenting
Program curriculum facilitated by                                                            Come learn about the housing
    the Village is a 16 session                    Todas las mujeres son bienveni-            market with a professional!
 education workshop centered on                    das. Si tiene un tema en cual le
  techniques to nurture children.                   gustaria obtener informacion ,          Aprenda información de como
   CPS/Family Court approved.                         esta es la clase para usted!           alquilar y navegar el sistema
                                                                                           inmobiliario con un professional
        Starts April 15th                                     Tuesdays
          MW 2-4 PM                                                                              Friday April 12th
                                                           11AM-12:30PM                         Appointments Only

  Health Topic                                                             This Month’s
  of the Month                                                              Free Event
Asthma/Allergies Asthma/Alergias
Allergies, as well as the most    Las alergias, así como los tipos            Curtis Park Egg Hunt
common type of asthma, are        más comunes de asma, son desen-
triggered by year-round inhaled
allergens such as dust mites,
                                  cadenadas por alérgenos inhala-
                                  dos durante todo el año como áca-            & Pajama Parade
pet dander and mold.              ros del polvo, la caspa de las mas-
                                  cotas y el moho.                           SCNA’s annual Spring Egg Hunt will be held
Tips for Reducing Allergies                                               Saturday, April 20. It will begin with the traditional
                                  Consejos para reducir las alergias
-Enclose pillows and mattress-                                             pajama parade at 9:30 a.m. at the north end of
es in allergen-impermeable        -Utilice fundas impermeables a los
covers, or wash your pillows      alérgenos en colchones y almoha-                        William Curtis Park.
every week in hot water.          das o lave las almohadas todas las      Parade goes will wind the streets to Curtis Hall at
-Use a dehumidifier to maintain
                                  semanas con agua caliente.               the Sierra 2 Center where children can enjoy a
the relative humidity in your    -Utilizar un deshumidificador para                 variety of crafts and activities.
home below 50 percent.           mantener una humedad relative en
                                 el hogar debajo del 50%.
-Limit opportunities for mold to                                            Bunny photos will be available with suggested
grow by removing carpeting       -Reduzca las oportunidades de
                                 crecimiento de moho al quitar al-
                                                                                          donation of $5.
and wallpaper in basements
and bathrooms.                   fombras y empapelados de
-Keep cockroaches at bay by
                                 sótanos y baños.                             The Egg Hunt will follow on Sierra 2 Green
plugging up crevices around      -Mantenga las cucarachas alejadas       at 10:30 a.m. The hunt will be divided into four age
the house, storing food and      tapando las grietas en su hogar,           groups and will be conducted simultaneously.
garbage in closed containers     guardando los alimentos y la bas-
and mopping the kitchen floor    ura en recipientes cerrados y limpi-
at least once a week.            ando el piso al menos una vez por
                                 semana.                                       2791 24th St, Sacramento,
              For more info/ para más información:                                 California 95818
               Medical: 1-800-541-5555
Monday            Tuesday          Wednesday               Thursday            Friday/Sat
      1                 2                    3                    4                   5
 Tiny Learners     Fitness Class    Music & Movement        Fitness Class
10:30-11:30 AM        9-10 AM           10-11 AM               9-10 AM
                 Apoyo de Mujeres       Lego Club          Sistah to Sistah
                   11 AM-12 PM           4-5 PM             11 AM-12 PM
                     MPAP (5)        Father’s Inc. (10)       MPAP (6)
                      3-5 PM            5:30-7 PM              3-5 PM

      8                 9                   10                   11           12
 Tiny Learners      MPAP (7/8)      Music & Movement       Sistah to Sistah   Housing Advice
10:30-11:30 AM       3-5 PM             10-11 AM            11 AM-12 PM       (Appointments
                                    Father’s Inc. (11)
                                       5:30-7 PM                                        Shabazz
                                                                                        Safety &
                                                                                        Fun Day
                                                                                     11 AM-4 PM

     15                 16                  17                   18                   19
 Tiny Learners     Fitness Class    Music & Movement        Fitness Class
                                        10-11 AM
10:30-11:30 AM
 Dancing Duo
                      9-10 AM
                 Apoyo de Mujeres       Lego Club
                                                               9-10 AM
                                                           Sistah to Sistah
   4-5 PM          11 AM-12 PM           4-5 PM             11 AM-12 PM        CLOSED
                   MPAP (9/10)      Father’s Inc.(12/13)     MPAP (11)
                     3-5 PM             5:30-7 PM             3-5 PM

     22                 23                  24                   25                   26
Tiny Learners                       Music & Movement                            Water Safety &
10:30-11:30AM                           10-11 AM                                 Lifejacket
                                       Father’s Inc.
                                                                                   1-2 PM
                                        5:30-7 PM

     29                 30

 Tiny Learners     Fitness Class
10:30-11:30 AM        9-10 AM
                 Apoyo de Mujeres
                   11 AM-12 PM
                   MPAP (12/13)
                     3-5 PM
This month’s class descriptions · Descripciones de clases de este mes

Make Parenting a Pleasure (MPAP)
A 13 session court-approved parenting group focusing on the topics of self care, stress and anger management, understanding
child development, communication skills and positive discipline. / Una clase para padres de 13 sesiones aprobado por la corte
que se enfoca en los temas de cuidado personal, manejo del estrés y la ira, comprensión del desarrollo infantil, habilidades de
comunicación y disciplina positiva.

Real Talk
Nurturing Parenting Program curriculum facilitated by the Village is a 16 session education workshop centered on support, ad-
vice, and techniques to nurture children. Class is CPS and Family Court Approved.

Housing Advice/Consejo de Vivienda
Come learn about the housing market with a professional! Every second Friday from 10-11 AM in Spanish and 11
AM-12 PM in English. / Aprenda información de como alquilar y navegar el sistema inmobiliario con un profesion-
al. Cada segundo viernes del mes. Sesión en Español 10:00-11:00 am y Sesión en Inglés 11:00 am-12:00 pm.
Fitness Classes/Clases de Gimnasio
Join our Zumba class every Tuesday and Thursday from 9-10 AM! / Ven a nuestra clase de Zumba todos los martes
y jueves de 9-10 AM!
Sistah to Sistah
Join the Village Program to discuss issues that affect us all with other women just like you! Come participate in dis-
cussion topics such as: relationships, health, self image and personal growth.
Father’s Inc.
Curriculum-based, court-approved, parenting education program catered to Fathers.
Apoyo De Mujeres
Todas las mujeres son bienvenidas. Si tiene un tema en cual le gustaria obtener informacion , esta es la clase para
Homework Help
Call 916-290-8165 to schedule a one on one appointment for mentoring and homework support for all grades, K-12. / Llame al
916-290-8165 para hacer una cita cuando necesite ayuda, tutoria y apollo con la tarea. Estudiantes de grado K-12.
Lego Club
Build a lego project and win a prize after attending four classes! Lego club is for school-aged children. / Construye
un proyecto de lego y gana un premio después de asistir a cuatro clases! Lego club es para niños en edad escolar.
Music and Movement/Música y Movimiento
Bring your 0-5 year olds and join us every Wednesday where we will be listening, singing, moving and dancing! / Lo invitamos
a traer a sus hijos a esta clase donde bailaran, cantaran y estaran en movimiento. !Recomendada para niños 0-5 años!
Tiny Learners/ Pequeños Estudiantitos
Bring your child for an hour of fun play with school readiness focused activities, crafts, and games. Great for children 3-5 years
old./ Traiga a sus hijos a una hora de diversion y aprender actividades enfocadas en la escuela, arte y juegos! Excelente clase
para niños 3-5 años!
Dancing Duo
Come sing, count, read books, and learn basic dance skills with your kids. Geared towards parents with children 3-5
years old. / Venga a cantar, contar, leer libros y aprender habilidades básicas de baile con sus hijos. Dirigido a padres
con niños de 3-5 años.
Water Safety & Lifejacket Workshop
Join us to learn about how to prevent drowning and leave with a free lifejacket!/¡Únase a nosotros para aprender
sobre cómo prevenir el ahogamiento y váyase con un chaleco salvavidas gratis!

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