Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...

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Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...
Understanding oceans in change: Engineering
science and technological tools for distributed
              real-time sensing
      Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR and University of Bergen
      Anne A Hageberg, CMR
Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...
Christian Michelsen Research’s main markets

         Oil & Gas        Environment and Marine

                                            Illustration by ESA

     Renewable Energy               Space
Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...
Observing the marine environment

Environmental Observations
Develop solutions for reliable operation in extreme environments, including
- Buoys, Autonomous measurement platforms and sensors
- Low power consumption  Long term operation

Marine Resources
In collaboration with Institute of Marine
Reserach (Norway), develop advanced scientific software and analysis tools for
mapping pelagic and demersal resources

Aquaculture and Fisheries
- Sensors for fish welfare, water quality and biomass
- Decision support for fishing vessels and marine spatial planning
Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...
Fish stock detection

Advanced software and analysis tools
    -   Mapping the pelagic and demersal resources

LSSS                                          SEAT
- For marine stock assessment / research       - Real-time system for fishing vessels
- Post-processing of acoustic data             - Decision support during search/capture
- Designed for experts in underwater acoustics
Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...
Real-time data of ice drift and weather

• Yearly deployment of the ICEX buoy since 1995
• Part of an international programme (IABP) for collection of real-time
  data of weather observations and movement of ice in the Arctic
• Air pressure, temperature and position
• Air deployable
Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...
From drifting buoys to planned cruises: ‘SailBuoy’

•   2m long, 15kg payload
•   Precise temporal & spatial sampling rate
•   Dynamic cruise planning
•   On-line, < 1 minute round trip communication
•   Tested in North Sea and the Barents Sea, Mexico Gulf
•   Commercially available www.sailbuoy.no
Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...
The Sailbuoy

The Sailbuoy – Autonomous surface vehicle / platform
   -   Developed by CMR. Commercial available through Offshore Sensing AS
   -   A wind driven platform (use wind for propulsion, behaves much like a sailboat)
   -   Power for electronics and actuators (battery and solar panels)
   -   Data communication and control (real time using Iridium satellite)

Target – offer new services:
   -   Measurement and data collection
   -   Subsea communication
   -   Surveillance and warning

Target – reduced costs
   -   Reduce needs for vessels
       with high rates
Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...
Wave mission at Ekofisk
    Deployed by R/V Håkon Mosby 30 October 2015 for 3 weeks.   SB Wave track
    Wind 3-22 m/s Waves 2-13m

                                              Waverider buoy    Ekofisk oil field
Courtesy: Met.no/Offshore Sensing
Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...
Waverider/SB Wave comparison

Courtesy: Met.no/Offshore Sensing
Understanding oceans in change: Engineering science and technological tools for distributed real-time sensing - Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, CMR ...
‘SailBuoy’: Use of autonomous
                             • 81°N, north of arctic archipelago of
                               Spitzbergen (2013)
                             • Waveheight measurements (SailBuoy)
                               close to ice edge
                             • NERSC (ice waves vs. ocean waves)
                             • Improvement of forecast models (MET)

                             • Gulf of Mexico: Surface temperature,
                               salinity and oxygen (SailBuoy)
                             • Example w/Deep-C
                             • Data input to models predicting surface
                               conditions (outlet of Missisippi)
                             • Model parameters corrected!
Courtesy: Offshore Sensing
Summer Ice Edge Cruise 2016
                                              • In the summer of 2016, two Sailbuoys will be deployed in
                                                the area around the ice edge

                                              • In a collaboration project between Offshore Sensing,
                                                Aanderaa, CMR and Nansen Environmental and Remote
                                                Sensing Center (NERSC), the vessels will be utilized to
                                                look at the processes around the ice – ocean interface

                                              • One Sailbuoy will be mounted with O2, pH, pCO2,
                                                Conductivity and temperature sensors

 Sailbuoy routes will be planned              • The other Sailbuoy will utilize a mounted ecco sounder to
 Using satellite data from the area             collect back scatter data
 close to the ice-edge
                                              • Satellite data will be utilized for navigation purposes to
                                                ensure the vessels are guided to the most scientific
                                                interesting areas

                                              • Scientific analysis will be done by NERSC

Sailbuoy with ecco sounder and sailbuoy with Aanderaa Water Quality Sensors
   11                                                                                 Courtesy: Aanderaa
Sailbuoy with Aanderaa Sensor Pack
• Sailbuoy offers a unique method to gather
  data in remote locations
• In the Iskantseilas (Ice Edge) project, we
  wanted to utilize this platform to test out
  Aanderaa’s new range of sensors: optical pH
  and optical pCO2
• The Sailbuoy with the Aanderaa sensor pack
  utilizes a bulb mounted design
• The sensor pack can include: O2, pH, pCO2,
  Conductivity, Temperature and turbidity
  from Aanderaa
• Fouling is avoided using a UV light              Sailbuoy with Aanderaa sensors
                                                   and UV light in kiel
• A wide range of sensors from other vendors
  can be fitted by mounting them in the vessel

                                                 Courtesy: Aanderaa/Offshore Sensing
Norwegian Atlantic Current Observatory (NACO)
    National research infrastructure facility since 2011
              Hosted by University of Bergen

Operation central

        Data centre                    Models, ...

                                                             NACO launch, minister Tora Aasland


               20-40 km/day horisontally

                                                      Courtesy: Peter M Haugan, UoB

1. A real time
mooring at Svinøy

2. A national
facility for gliders
to provide services
also outside
NACO area. Build-
up funded by
Research Council,
use by projects.

                                 Run by GFI/UiB with IMR and
                       Runde Environmental Centre as partners
                                         Courtesy: Peter M Haugan, UoB
NACO: 6 Seagliders and 3 Slocums, > 40 000 km since 2012
 No loss of equipment
 Applied to projects in Norwegian Sea, Faroe-Shetland,
 fresh water, coastal and fjord areas, Svalbard, Iceland

Piloting tool: Gliderpage developed at
Geophysical Insitute, UiB
• Web client based on Google Maps API v.3
• Integration between Google Maps and open wms
  map data from statkart.no/geonorge.no, weather
  data from met.no/yr.no etc.
• Integration between map application and technical
  matlab plots, communication with base station for
  editing of cmdfile/science/target, copy of data- and
  logfiles, monitoring of technical condition of glider.
                                        Courtesy: Peter M Haugan, UoB
Courtesy: Peter M Haugan, UoB
Typical standard section data

Courtesy: Peter M Haugan, UoB
More information

•   Christian Michelsen Research: www.cmr.no
•   Sailbuoy: www.sailbuoy.no
•   Aanderaa: www.aanderaa.com
•   Peter M Haugan’s presentation of gliders:

    – http://www.asuf.no/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/S1_3_Peter_Haugan.pdf

• NACO - Norwegian Atlantic Current Observatory
    – http://naco.gfi.uib.no/

• Contact information: kristin@cmr.no
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