Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School

Page created by Leonard Porter
Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School
Thursday April 01st 2021

Thought of the Week
"Don't ask if your dream is crazy, ask if it's crazy enough."                - Lena Waithe

Virtue of the Week
This week, we explore the virtue of kindness. Kindness is showing that you care and doing
some good to make life better for others. It is being thoughtful about people’s needs.
Kindness is showing love and compassion to someone who is sad or needs our help.
Kindness is treating ourself and others gently. Kindness is also caring about our Earth and
all living things. Please consider taking a few minutes this week to discuss being kind with
your child[ren].

Principal’s Message
Welcome to the last day of learning for Term One and the start of our Autumn Vacation.
This week has been a busy one, with the conclusion of our Face to Face Reporting with
parents and carers, the opening of our second pop up PAWS Shop, our annual Cross
Country and Fun Run on Wednesday, our Assembly of Excellence this morning and our
much anticipated Easter Hat Parade this afternoon. Each of these are great examples
of how we collaborate with others to achieve great outcomes for learners.
Last week, I had the opportunity to work in Emerald with the Central Queensland
Region’s Centre for Learning and Well Being (CLaW) and the Teacher Learning Centre
(TLC) to cofacilitate a professional learning program for the Region’s Lead Mentors, who
lead other mentors to develop the knowledge and skills of our beginning teachers from
all schools across our region. This work is crucial in ensuring every beginning teacher is
inducted and onboarded and have their individual learning needs met to ensure they
have a great start to beginning their teaching career.
On Monday, Staff met to review Term One and preview Term
Two. This process included a detailed analysis of the reading
data collected to ensure, as a school we have a detailed
understanding of where every learner is currently achieving
with their reading to determine the next steps for all classroom
reading programs to cater for the individual, group and whole
class needs of every learner. I would like to take this
opportunity to thank all families for the work you do every night
to assist us in developing your child[ren]’s knowledge and skills
as readers. Thank you !
As the end of Term One comes to a close, it is an opportune time to refocus on our 2021
Theme of ‘What’s Your Impact?’. This simple statement ensures we are always focused
on making a difference every day for every day. Enjoy your upcoming Autumn
Vacation, stay safe, relax and rejuvinate for a busy Term Two of Learning.

Until next term,

Lyle Walker
Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School
2021 Theme for Learning                                   This Week’s Attendance
                2021 is our year of I-M-P-A-C-T. A        96% is our attendance target for every learner.
                year for us all to consider the impact    Learners attaining this target or higher are our
                we have on our own learning, our          Attendance Champions. The attendance of every
                school, community, country, world,        learner is closely monitored; including late arrivals
                ourselves and others. It is also a year   and unexplained absences to ensure every learner
to consider the impact our words, actions and             receives their full learning entitlement. Please assist
gestures may have on others, through being kind,          us to make every day count for your child/ren.
acknowledging others and taking the time to let
others know that their actions or words have made          SCHOOL        91%
a difference to you.                                       PZ            98%
                                                           PH            89%
Each week, we will acknowledge our IMPACT                  PR            95%
Makers of the Week, learners that have made a              1F            90%
difference to others, themselves, our school and the       1M            92%
community. Learners who demonstrate our 5Rs may            1/2M          89%
also be recognised for their IMPACT on others.             2K            87%
                                                           2P            88%
IMPACT Makers of the Week                                  2/3E          92%
Congratulations go out to this week’s ‘IMPACT              3M            92%
Makers’, recognised for making a difference.               3O            94%
PZ      Dylan                                              4G            90%
PH      Oliver Counter                                     4H            90%
PR      Tobias Ward                                        4/5E          88%
1F      Zarron Bowler                                      5W            95%      Every minute of every hour
1M      Addison Taylor                                     5/6B          92%       of every session of every
1/2M    Sasha Challacombe                                  6D            92%        day of learning counts
2K      Eric Roder                                         6F            94%       at Parkhurst State School
2P      Nathanial Marsh
2/3E    Kellin                                             Prep Year     94%
3M      Jamie                                              Year One      90%
3O      Levi Dern                                          Year Two      87%
4G      Chase Toohey                                       Year Three    94%
4H      Brax Titmarsh                                      Year Four     89%
4/5E    Baiden Doyle                                       Year Five     94%     Neighbourhood of the Week
5W      Clay Bohan                                         Year Six      91%             Year 6 – 93%
5/6B    Abbey-Mae Boston
6D      Zenon Guymer
6F      Sally Barsby
CLASS   Year 4G

Week Ten and Holiday Birthdays
Best wishes go out to all learners celebrating their
birthdays from today until the first Thursday back
after the Autumn Break. Have a great birthday!

Summer-Lilly Watson        Cruz Drake                            Absence = Lost Opportunity
Valeenah Tekii             Abbey
Abigail Young              Jacinta Williams
                                                          Student Absence Line
Mila Flint                 Ty Bierton                                    Parents and carers are encouraged
Colby                      Grace McCulloch                               to report student absences on the
Cooper Northfield          Thomas Goody                                  school’s Student Absence Line on 07
Jacob Hansen               Juddson                                       4924 6566. Messages can be left
Nahliaa-Jaide Williams     Jahzara Tekii                                 24/7/365.
Sorren Armitage            Oscar                          Keep Updated With the Latest
Emerson Ruebe              Meleaha May
Bowie                      Cohen Stones
Maleah Gracey              Archie
Sophia Gunder              Tobias Ward                    Like us on FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram.
Noah Laurie                                               Download the QParents and QSchools apps.
Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School
Enrol for Prep in 2021 and Beyond                            Are you Registered with Flexischools ?
Preparatory Year Enrolment Packages are available            FlexiSchools, an online ordering system for the
from our Office. If your child[ren] turn five by June 30th   Tuckshop, Uniform Shop, Events and Fundraising
2021, he/she is eligible to enrol in 2021. The table         Events is now available. If you have any questions
below is a guide to assist families to determine Prep        about the online services we have introduced,
eligibility.                                                 please contact our Office for more information.

Are You Set for Prep ?
  Birthday      2021     2022    2023     2024     2025
  01/07/15      Prep     Year     Year     Year    Year
 to 30/06/16    Year     One      Two     Three    Four
  01/07/16               Prep     Year     Year    Year      P&C Uniform Shop
                Kindy                                        The P&C’s Uniform Shop opens every Friday before
 to 30/06/17             Year     One      Two    Three
 01/07/17 to                      Prep     Year    Year      Assembly from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Uniform Sales
                        Kindy                                can be made by FLEXISCHOOLS, CASH, EFTPOS or
 30/06/2018                       Year     One     Two
 01/07/18 to                               Prep    Year      CHEQUE. A full price list of all items is outlined below.
                                 Kindy                       A small collection of second-hand items is available
 30/06/2019                               Year     One
 01/07/19 to                                       Prep      and more are always sought. At the current time,
                                          Kindy              Michelle Welfare is the Uniform Shop Convenor and
 30/06/2020                                       Year
 01/07/20 to                                                 can be contacted on 0447 383 265. If you have any
                                                   Kindy     preloved school uniforms in good condition you no
                                                             longer have use for, our Uniform Shop would love to
As per Parkhurst State School’s Enrolment                    hear from you.
Management Plan, only learners whose principal
place of residence is within the school’s catchment          Uniform Price List
area will be eligible for enrolment at the school.           Polo Shirts                                     $25.00
Learners who are siblings of current learners at the         Prep Polo Shirts                                $20.00
school are eligible for enrolment. We are requesting         Sports House Shirts                             $20.00
that younger siblings of learners who are eligible for       Mesh Shorts                                     $15.00
Prep in 2021 to complete an Enrolment Package                Skorts                                          $20.00
and lodge with the Office as soon as possible.               ‘A’ Line Skirts                                 $15.00
                                                             Reversible ‘Bucket’ Hats                        $15.00
For an Enrolment Package and information, please             Winter Jackets                                  $40.00
visit or call our Office on 07 4924 6555 or click on the     Micro Pants                                     $27.00
‘Enrol Now’ tab on our website. An Out of                    Fleecy Pants                                    $18.00
Catchment Waiting List is in place for enrolments
across all year levels based on capacity.                    Sports Shirts available from the
               Parkhurst P&C Meeting                                Uniform Shop
                     Next Monthly Meeting                         Worn on Wednesdays!
                     Tuesday April 20th 2021
                     In Zone 21 at 6:00 p.m.                 Smart Moves Program
                                                             Jump Jam occurs every morning from 8:40 a.m. to
Tuckshop News                                                8:55 a.m. Jump Jam ensures every learner has an
              The Parkhurst State School Tuckshop            opportunity to participate in moderate physical
              operates every Wednesday, Thursday             activity that raises their heart rates. There is a
              and Friday at First Break only. Second         requirement that at least 30 minutes of physical
              Break orders are stored in Classroom           activity is provided for every learner every day
Refrigerators. A Menu and Pricelist is available, with       through Physical Education Lessons, Sport and
online ordering through Flexischools being the               Smart Moves. Jump Jam is in the Assembly Area for
preferred payment method to minimise the                     our P-3s and on the Handball Court near the Music
exchange and onsite storage of cash.                         Centre for our 4-6s. Thank you to all Staff who
                                                             regularly assist. Great job and thank you !
This is the link to the current Menu Tuckshop Menu,
which is also available in this Newsletter, the              Contacting your Class Teacher/s
QSchools app, Social Media and our Website.                               Every Parkhurst State School Staff
Volunteers are always sought, so please see our                           Member has an email address and can
Convenor, Kathy or Marika if you are available.                           be used to make contact using this
Marika can be contacted directly on 0409 844 508.                         mode. These email addresses are on
The Tuckshop’s direct phone line is 07 49246 536.                         our school website at Staff Contacts
Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School
Student Banking                                           Flexischools Uniforms
                    Student Banking is every Friday.                 Uniform purchasing is available through
                    This program provides all                        Flexischools from a Uniform Menu.
                    learners with an opportunity to                  Orders      close    each     week     on
                    regularly deposit funds to their                 Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. with orders
                    DollarMite Accounts. For every        available for collection from the school each Friday
                    deposit, the school receives a        morning. Online and cashless transactions are now
                    small    commission.     If your      the school’s preferred payment method.
                    child[ren] wish to start banking
                    this Term, please contact the
                    Office for information.

PAWS Home Reading
Our PAWS Reading Program
is well underway. Please
contact Ms Dianne Stace if
you have any specific
questions regarding PAWS.
Don’t forget to email PAWS if
you have any questions or
would like to share a photo
of you reading at home.

PAWS’ email is
                                                          Rebel Sports Loyalty Program
              Consider making Saturday Night              Parkhurst State School is a member of the Rebel
               Nit Detection Night                        Sports Loyalty Rewards Program. If you shop at Rebel
                                                          Sports and nominate Parkhurst State School 5% of
                                                          your sale will be credited to the school. Last year,
Are Your Details Current ?                                over $1000 in goods were redeemed by our Physical
           All families are encouraged to make            Education Specialist Teacher, Mr David Johnson to
           contact with the school to update their        support the school’s Physical Education and Sports
           current    contact    details, including       Program across the school.
           Telephone Numbers, Email Addresses
and Emergency Contacts. Please consider taking a
few minutes to check that your details are current
and up to date on our system. A Contact Update
Form is included in this newsletter to assist with this
process and is also available from Administration.

                   Learning starts at 8:55 a.m.
                    at Parkhurst State School
                       Make every minute
                      of every day count !
Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School
Medications                                             School Holiday Activities
If your child[ren] require any form of medication to    The Scottvale Park Squash Club are conducting a
be administered whilst at school, please see our        School Holiday Squash Camp and Tournament.
Administration Officers. Health Care Plans must be      They are also holding Term Two SquashFit Programs.
in place for learners with medical conditions. Our      For more information, please contact the centre on
Department of Education Nurse will assist with this     the numbers below..
process if it has not already been done.

Containers for Change
This year, the Parkhurst State School Student Council
has assumed responsibility for the collection and
sorting of containers as part of the Queensland
Government’s Containers for Change Program. In
the past the funds from this Program have
supported our school Music and Physical Education
Programs. There are coloured collection bins across
the school for each of our three Sports Houses to
keep tally of the funds raised. If you have any
containers at home you wish to donate, they can
be placed in any of these bins across the school.
Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School
Young Engineer’s Program                            Assembly of Excellence
The Young Engineers STEM Holiday Activities will    This morning, we joined together to recognise a
be held on the campus of Central Queensland         Term of excellence and effort through our Term One
University at the Advanced Technology and           Assembly of Excellence. Special Certificates were
Innovation Centre. To register, visit this link …   presented by Class and Specialist Teachers for                    learners who have:
                                                    –  consistently demonstrated the school’s 5Rs
                                                    –  achieved a Bronze Behaviour Certificate for
                                                       consistent and exemplary behaviour
                                                    –  attended at a rate of 100%
                                                    –  attended at a rate of 95% or more
                                                    –  been awarded an Aussie of the Month for March
                                                    –  been recognised as avid readers

                                                    Thank you again to all parents and carers who took
                                                    the time to attend and celebrate the amazing
                                                    achievements of our learners. Congratulations are
                                                    extended to the Lomas Family, the recipients of the
                                                    Parkhurst State School Parents and Citizens’
                                                    Associations Term One Voluntary Contribution Prize
                                                    of a 5.5L Air Fryer. Congratulations!

                                                    100% Attenders
                                                    Sakura Britos            Jayden
                                                    Emily Green              Cohen Stones
                                                    Christine Alagano        Eric Myers
                                                    Aurora Poihipi           Levi Russell
                                                    Marshall Swanson         Emilie Jones
                                                    Jacob Brown              Lorelei Young
                                                    Caden                    Eric Roder
                                                    Mikaela Titmarsh         Emmett Adams
                                                    Isabella Flower          Isabella Forster
                                                    Levi Laurie              Saxon Waterton
                                                    Kaden                    Kadence Hindley
                                                    Jamie                    Kyle Lovegrove
                                                    Cooper Northfield        Darcy
                                                    Grace Swanepoel          Amelia Green
                                                    Cienna Minto             Violet Swanson
                                                    Elea Waterton            Angelina Forster
                                                    Lucas Green              Archer Howkins
                                                    Savannah O’Rourke        Mae
                                                    Lily Russell             Alyrah Wright
                                                    Redson Cubby             Harper Heckels
                                                    Phoebe Nelson            Harrison Styles
                                                    Abigail Young            Christopher Alagano
                                                    Hannah Gunder            Jacob Jose
                                                    Connor Offord            Sebastian
                                                    William Sheridan         Makayla Green
                                                    Taiah Guymer             Ella Stevens
                                                    Riley Upham              James Wang
                                                    Zenon Guymer             Fletcher Heckels
                                                    Orlando Macchia          Tyce Pryke
                                                    Charlotte Richardson     Elle Thomasson
                                                    Cohen Black              Gabby Bray
                                                    Stephanie Clein          Isaac Dodd
                                                    Holly Field              Harrison Fitchen
                                                    Chrysler Jay Tadlas      Sophie Thulin
                                                    Emma Watterson           Abbey Wright
                                                    Austin Adams             Tyson Davis
                                                    Summer                   Bailey Kidston
Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School
95% and Up Club                                   Theresa Bierton      Hollie Edwards
Jakob Baker              Oliver Counter           Corbin Geiszler      Kylah Greenhalgh
Sophia Gunder            Naiya Ham                Krystal Kuzmenko     Pranav
Savannah                 Summer Shields           Jaxson               Lucas Moore
Archie Beazley           Noah Laurie              Maycee Pryke         Monique Smith
Matilda Lumme            Jack Roder               Ashlee Arthur        Jayden Dalton
Elise Smith              George Swanepoel         Abagail Holland      Angela Kelly
Adley                    Thea Files               Claire Lomas         Ryder Pearce
Archie                   Ryker Olive              Logan Rodier         Summer-Lilly Watson
David Roots              Charlotte Watson         Maddison Bohan       Frank Cavanagh
Audrey Weeks             Sorren Armitage          Ryan Northfield      Paige Rideout
Chloe Arthur             Ayden Berry              Lily Shields         Declan Swanson
Blake Casten             Aveline Davis
William Hart             Meleaha May              Bronze Certificate Recipients
Erek Offord              Mackenzie O’Mara         Georgia              Dylan
Lilah Bierton            Alexander Davies         Bailey Kidston       Ruebie Zielke
Trey Minto               Nishal                   Kaiden               Jack Barber
Leo Toohey               Kaiden Wright            Jax Broadhurst       Emi Gilshenen
Ava Baynton              Bentley Boulton          Jade Reindl          Levi Smith
Maleah Gracey            Liam Green               Ameliah McIlveen     Thea
Zephyr Hickson           Perry                    Tyson Davis          Sophia Gunder
Matilda Stenhouse        Reuben Wagner            Summer Shields       Mason
Zoey Walker              Richard                  Lulu                 Archer Bundesen
Sebastian                Charlie-Jane Counter     Shane                Mila Flint
Aaliyah Greenhalgh       Samuel Kalff             Summer               Noah Laurie
Riley McCulloch          Tyler Van Der Linde      Matilda Lumme        Hope Roberts
Xzavyr Von Doom          Cooper Boyd              Sophie Smith-Watts   George Swanepoel
Hamish Bundesen          Baileigh Green           Parker Torr          Ainsley Wallenhoffer
Jesse Hoad               Eva Moravek              Elise Smith          Christine Alagano
Maddison Stevens         Liam Bennett             Myah Baker           Lilah Bierton
Mannix Brosnan           Sofie Callaghan          Alexander Davies     Evie Fox
Hannah Cavanagh          Hayden Heckels           Bowie                Avah Larcombe
Kayla McFadzen           Oscar                    Gia Macchia          Isla Nolan
Emerson Ruebe            Seth Shields             Aubree-Jane          Aurora Poihipi
Oliver Beazley           Zoey Cavanagh            Leo Sullivan         Nishal
Thomas Goody             Harmony Ham              Harriet Swanson      Siarna Turner
Jacob Hansen             Mikayla                  Bentley Boulton      Akayla Goody
Brodie Janson            Ethan Kelly              Lachlan Hargreaves   Olive Howkins
Maddison Davies          Logan                    LJ Little            Settarae Peri
Natasha Knipler          Darcy Montague-Elliott   Perry                Matilda Stenhouse
Jaxson Robinson          Alexia Stevens           Marshall Swanson     Addison Taylor
Max Upham                Charlee Welfare          Zoey Walker          Layla Burgess
Briella Barnett          Eloise Baynton           Zephyr Hickson       Paige
Jake Bennett             Aylakia-lewis Bourke     Cadence              Sakura Britos
Breeze Chin-Poy          Kobi Dalton              Emily Green          Ineka Guymer
Kiah Hansen              Lailah Hinds             Meleaha May          Chloe Arthur
Xander Kidston           Rachael Leaver           Charlie Geritz       Erek Offord
Jarvis McDonald          Hudson Ruebe             Mackenzie O’Mara     Isabelle Rafferty
Jayden Buckton           Anya Larcombe            Seaira Turner        Nakyiaa-Rose Williams
Grace McCulloch          Amelia Moravek           Abby Barber          Brock Barber
Lincoln Taylor           Chase Toohey             Laicee Bertwistle    Cooper Boyd
Emma Witham              Ty Bierton               Hamish Bundesen      Caden Isla
Harriet Davis            Colter Hickson           Saxon                Makayla Kelly
Miley Johannesen         Lawan McVeigh            Eva Moravek          Larissa Murphy
Braxton Mitchell-Anyon   Abbey                    Anna Rideout         Madden Sculley
Arielle Roberts          Roark Sheridan           Cooper Sheridan      Maddison Stevens
Emerson Stenhouse        John Thomasson           Evelyn Thomasson     Mikaela Titmarsh
Brax Titmarsh            Amity Brown              Eric Roder           Emmett Adams
Lilly Busby              Ethan Kalff              Jaya                 Liam Bennett
James Leaver             Rylan Pearce             Mannix Brosnan       Sofie Callaghan
Nandana                  John Berry               Hannah Cavanagh      Will Cruden
Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School
Isabella Flower          Isabella Forster          John Berry             Theresa Bierton
Hayden Heckels           Jack                      Ruby Close             Heidi Dolinski
Maharlia Pressey         Oscar                     Hollie Edwards         Makayla Green
Seth Shields             Cohen Spark               Kylah Greenhalgh       Taiah Guymer
Millie Stagg             Saxon Waterton            Krystal Kuzmenko       Jessica Maier
Ziggy Weatherall         Richard                   Pranav                 Jaxson
April Arnold             Juddson                   Lucas Moore            Maycee Pryke
Sebastian                Mia Donaldson             Elijah Renton          Amelia Seeney
Norah                    Kellin Hogan              Monique Smith          Ella Stevens
Samuel Kalff             Riley McCulloch           Valeenah Tekii         Riley Upham
Alivia Page              Gemma Reid                James Wang             Christopher Alagano
Sophie Spreadborough     Zahli                     Abbey-Mae Boston       Amity Brown
Nahliaa-Jaide Williams   Lorelei Young             Oliver Fox             Hannah Gunder
Kaden Ashton             Oliver Beazley            Jacob Jose             Ethan Kalff
Zoey Cavanagh            Jakobe Costelloe          Sienna Morcom          Nakeesha Mower
Thomas Goody             Harmony Ham               Connor Offord          Bella Olive
Jacob Hansen             Kadence Hindley           Elexis Richards        William Sheridan
Mikayla                  Jamie                     Sienna Stagg           Joe Whitfield
Brodie Janson            Pippa Johannesen          Jewel Roberts          Nandana
Isaac                    Blake Kelly               Skye Armstrong         Ashlee Arthur
Ethan Kelly              Kyle Lovegrove            Emmy Bray              Jayden Dalton
Elizabeth McCabe         Cooper Northfield         Brooklyn Eldridge      Zenon Guymer
Arlee Olive              Darcy                     Fletcher Heckels       Abagail Holland
Grace Swanepoel          Logan                     Grace Jones            Angela Kelly
Eden Ford                Joey Gilshenen            Claire Lomas           Orlando Macchia
Amelia Green             Flynt                     Rubie Peterson         Tyce Pryke
Kalen                    Deforest Johnson          Charlotte Richardson   Lucas Rogers
Noah Kertesz             Natasha Knipler           Elle Thomasson         Abbey
Cienna Minto             Darcy Montague-Elliott    Summer-Lilly Watson    Sally Barsby
Charleigh Sanders        Alexia Stevens            Cohen Black            Gabby Bray
Violet Swanson           Elea Waterton             Frank Cavanagh         Stephanie Clein
Charlee Welfare          Anastasia Thomas          Brooklyn Close         Max Daly
Archer Howkins           Jayden Buckton            Holly Field            Harrison Fitchen
Harper Daly              Angelina Forster          Zane Keiler            Mackenzie Lawn
Charlotte Fuller         Lucas Green               Rebekah Lomas          Ryan Northfield
Jesse Howard             Sebastian Keiler          Paige Rideout          Lily Shields
Anya Larcombe            Grace McCulloch           Declan Swanson         Chrysler Jay Tadlas
Amelia Moravek           Eli Nolan                 Sophie Thulin          Emma Watterson
Colby                    Mae                       Abbey Wright
Lily Russell             Luke Stock                Matilda Lee-Spreadborough
Lincoln Taylor           Chase Toohey
Hunter Ward              Jacinta Williams          Respect Certificate Recipients
Emma Witham              Alyrah Wright             Audrey Weeks          Levi Smith
Harriet Davis            Levi                      Hope Roberts          Avah Larcombe
Michael                  Leela Hart                Marshall Swanson      Chloe Arthur
Harper Heckels           Miley Johannesen          Abby Barber           Emmett Adams
Lawan McVeigh            Braxton Mitchell-Anyon    Juddson               Ethan Kelly
Abbey                    Lila-Grace Penhallurick   Natasha Knipler       Archer Howkins
Emerson Stenhouse        Elijah                    Abbey                 Paiten Geritz
Brax Titmarsh            Mahalie Wilson            Krystal Kuzmenko      Nandana
Abigail Young            John Thomasson            Claire Lomas          Cohen Black
Briella Barnett          Eloise Baynton            Sally Barsby          Jacob Jose
Jett                     Jake Bennett              Jessica Maier         April Arnold
Aylakia-lewis Bourke     Breeze Chin-Poy
Kobi Dalton              Lily-Rose Kertesz         Responsibility Certificate Recipients
Freyah                   Kiah Hansen               Dylan                 Jax Broadhurst
Lailah Hinds             Maddison Jones            Lulu                  Isla Nolan
William Fitchen          Xander Kidston            Abby                  Seaira Turner
Rachael Leaver           Jarvis McDonald           Eva Moravek           Cohen Spark
Paiten Geritz            Liam Murphy               Sebastian             Jamie
Hudson Ruebe             Ethan Wisley              Joey Gilshenen         Angelina Forster
Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School
Lawan McVeigh             Eloise Baynton               Term One Highest Attending Class
Jaxson                    Sienna Stagg                 Congratulations to Year 6F, our highest attending
Fletcher Heckels          Abbey Wright                 Class for the whole of Term One on an attendance
Archer Howkins            Christopher Alagano          rate of 97%. Well done Year 6F, you are our Term
Rachael Leaver            Harriet Swanson              One Attendance Champions.
Rigour Certificate Recipients                          Cross Country Champions
Kaiden                   Emi Gilshenen
                                                       On Wednesday, our annual Cross Country and Fun
Matilda Lumme            Christine Alagano
                                                       Run was held. Participation and effort was the
Zoey Walker              Emily Green
                                                       emphasis, with a high percentage of learners taking
Caden                    Hannah Cavanagh
                                                       part. A big thank you is extended to all families who
Alivia Page              Mikayla
                                                       supported the fundraising component that
Flynt                    Harper Daly
                                                       contributes a significant amount of money each
Leela Hart               Kobi Dalton
                                                       year towards physical education resources, events
Kylah Greenhalgh         Connor Offord
                                                       and activities. A big thank you is extended to our
Tyce Pryke               Mackenzie Lawn
                                                       Health and Physical Education Specialist Teacher,
William Sheridan         Maddison Davies
                                                       Mr David Johnson who planned this popular annual
Marcus Robson            Christopher Alagano
                                                       event and to the entire Parkhurst State School Staff
Resilience Certificate Recipients                      for their support.
Ruebie Zielke          Jade Reindl                     Jason Mareko              Charlotte Richardson
Archer Bundesen        Leo Sullivan                    Harrison Fitchen          Abbey
Cadence                Ineka Guymer                    Ryan Northfield           Sally Barsby
Evelyn Thomasson       Liam Bennett                    Jarvis McDonald           Summer-Lilly Watson
Samuel Kalff           Elizabeth McCabe                James Wang                Gabby Bray
Cienna Minto           Lincoln Taylor                  Orlando Macchia           Claire Lomas
Braxton Mitchell-Anyon Jett                            Lincoln Taylor            Heidi Dolinski
Pranav                 Joe Whitfield                   Chase Toohey              Jacinta Williams
Brooklyn Close         Jayden Dalton                   William Fitchen           Rachael Leaver
Sebastian              Monique Smith
Archer Howkins
Matilda Lee-Spreadborough
                                                       March Aussies of the Month Awards
                                                                    Congratulations are extended to our
                                                                    four March recipients of Aussie of the
Relationships Certificate Recipients                                Month Awards for demonstrating
Olivia Boyd              Tyson Davis                   mateship, a fair go, respect and inclusion.
Mila Flint               Aubree-Jane
Paige                    Charlie Geritz                P/1 Neighbourhood            Marshall Swanson
Saxon                    Jaya                          2/3 Neighbourhood            Juddson
Nahliaa-Jaide Williams   Brodie Janson                 4/5 Neighbourhood            Jessica Maier
Deforest Johnson         Jayden Buckton                Year 6 Neighbourhood         Amity Brown
Levi                     Rachael Leaver
Valeenah Tekii           Amity Brown                   Anzac Day 2021
Angela Kelly             Chrysler Jay Tadlas                        Anzac Day occurs towards the start of
Hannah Gunder            Bentley Boulton                            Term Two each year. In 2020, due to
Jippa Kenny              Dylan                                      COVID-19 restrictions, our school
                                                                    Anzac Day Commemoration Service
Term One PAWS Reading Awards                                        was a virtual one, shared via our
Reading is our 2021 school                                          YouTube Channel.
improvement focus at Parkhurst
State School. Each Term, at our                        In 2021, our school Anzac Day Commemoration
Assembly of Excellence, we                             Service will be held on the front lawns near the
recognise learners across the                          Administration Building on Friday April 23rd 2021,
school who are improving with their                    commencing at 8:55 a.m. Our learners will
reading, achieving key milestones and have             contribute to the service, with each class laying a
generally developed a love and enjoyment of            wreath on our Garden of Remembrance. Parents
reading. Congratulations to our Term One recipients.   and Carers are invited to attend, remembering that
                                                       social distancing is required.
Matilda Lumme            Kaiden Wright
Cohen Spark              Natasha Knipler               Parkhurst State School has been invited to
Lucas Green              Freyah                        participate in the annual Rockhampton Anzac Day
Sophie Thulin                                          Community March on Monday April 26th 2021, the
Thought of the Week - Parkhurst State School
public holiday, following Anzac Day. A special note
has gone home this week to all families to indicate
if their child[ren] is/are participating in the March. A
big thank you is extended to Ms Krystal Hardin who
is overseeing this event. Thankyou Ms Hardin.

Construction Update
This week, it was exciting to see the roof craned into
position on our new General Learning Area. Last
week, our fulltime Technical Officer, Mr Jeff Tan used
our school drone to capture some images of the
construction. With the images provided by the
Project Managers and Construction Team each
week, construction has been well documented.
Cross Country and Fun Run Highlights
Well done to the Staff who captured highlights from
our annual Cross Country and Fun Run.
Congratulations to everyone who participated,
including our Mums and Dads. All learners who
participated received a Certificate and small gifts
of appreciation, including sunglasses, sweatbands
or wristbands. Our 2021 Age Champions were all
recognised this morning for their great achievement.
Stay connected via our social media for more Cross
Country and Fun Run highlights, Assembly of
Excellence Awards and our Easter Hat Parade.

                  Term Two Learning
                       resumes on
                   Monday April 19th 2021
Rockhampton District Sports Trials

Aussie Rules                    Trial Date:       Tuesday February 23rd 2021
10 -12 Years Boys and Girls     Venue:            Rockhampton State High School
                                Time:             4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Cricket Trials                  Trial Date:       Monday August 09th 2021
10 -12 Years Boys and Girls     Venue:            Victoria Park
                                Time:             4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Softball Trials                 Trial Date:       Wednesday May 12th 2021
10 -12 Years Boys and Girls     2nd Trial Date:   Wednesday May 19th 2021
                                Venue:            Kele Park
                                Time:             4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Touch Football Trials           Trial Date:       Wednesday March 24th 2021
10 -12 Years Boys and Girls     Venue:            North Rockhampton Touch Fields
                                Time:             4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
                                If Shortlisted    Second Trial – Friday March 26th 2021
Soccer Trials                   Trial Date:       Monday March 22nd 2021
10 -12 Years Boys               Venue:            TBA
                                Time:             4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Soccer Trials                   Trial Date:       Monday March 22nd 2021
10 -12 Years Girls              Venue:            Bouldercombe State School
                                Time:             4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Rugby League Trials             Trial Date:       Wednesday March 31st 2021
11 -12 Years Girls              Venue:            Frenchville State School Oval
                                Time:             4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Basketball Trials               Trial Date:       Monday February 22nd 2021
10 -12 Years Boys and Girls     Venue:            St Mary’s Primary School, Nobbs Street
                                Time:             Girls at 4:00 p.m.     Boys at 5:00 p.m.
Hockey Trials                   Trial Date:       Tuesday March 09th 2021
10 -12 Years Boys and Girls     Venue:            Kalka Shades, North Rockhampton
                                Time:             4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tennis Trials                   Trial Date:       Tuesday March 30th 2021
10 -12 Years Boys and Girls     Venue:            Rockhampton Tennis Centre
                                Time:             9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Rugby League Trials             Trial Date:       Sunday March 07th 2021
10 -12 Years Boys               Venue:            Rockhampton State High School
                                Time:             9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Netball Trials                  Trial Date:       Sunday March 07th 2021
10 -12 Years Girls              Venue:            Emmaus College, Yaamba Road
                                Time:             9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Rugby Union Trials              Trial Date:       Wednesday April 28th 2021
11 -12 Years Boys               Venue:            TBA
                                Time:             4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Chairperson :        Clark Fisher        Glenmore State School
Secretary :          Trudy Landsberg     Emmaus College
                                         Mobile: 0419331392
Term Two Calendar of Events
WEEK           DATE             ACTIVITY/EVENT          WEEK             DATE                          ACTIVITY/EVENT
                    19                                                          07
                    20      P&C MEETING AT 6:00 P.M.                            08             P&C MEETING AT 6:00 P.M.

                    21                                                          09

 1                                                        8
                    22                                                          10          ROCKHAMPTON SHOW HOLIDAY
                    23       ANZAC DAY ASSEMBLY                                 11              WORLD CLEANERS’ DAY
                   24/25          ANZAC DAY                                   12/13
                    26     ANZAC DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY                             14
                    27                                                          15

                    28                                                          16          SPORTS DAY AND UNDER EIGHTS’

 2                                                        9
                    29                                                          17
                    30                                                          18          COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION
                   01/02    BEEF AUSTRALIA STARTS                           19/20
                    03       LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY                                 21
                    04                                                          22          SEMESTER ONE REPORTS RELEASED
                    05                                                          23


 3                                                       10
                    06                                                          24            PAWS POP UP SHOP OPENS
                    07     P&C’S MOTHERS’ DAY STALL                             25             ASSEMBLY OF EXCELLENCE
                   08/09                                                      26/27
                    10       HEARING TEST REVIEWS
                                NAPLAN TESTING
                                NAPLAN TESTING
                                                          Upcoming Events

                    13          NAPLAN TESTING         Tuesday April 20th 2021                   P&C Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
                    14                                 Tuesday May            11th   2021        P&C Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
                   15/16                               Tuesday June           08th   2021        P&C Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

                    21      PAWS POP UP SHOP OPENS
                                                        2021 Term Dates

                    27                                  January 27th to April 01st                          Term One
                    28          TERM TWO DISCO          April 02nd to April 18th                            Autumn Vacation
                   29/30                                April   19th   to June       25th                   Term Two
                    31                                  June    26th   to July       11th                   Winter Vacation
                    01                                  July 12th to September 17th                         Term Three

                    02                                  September         18th   to October     04th        Spring Vacation
                    03                                  October        05th   to December       10th        Term Four
                    04                                  December 11th to January 26th                       Summer Vacation
                   05/06       QUEENSLAND DAY           January    27th       2022                          Learning Resumes

                           We Leap to Lead !
Tuckshop Menu

‐    FlexiSchools is the preferred ordering and payment method
‐    EFTPOS is available
‐    Please write all orders on a paper bag and hand in by 9:00 a.m.
‐    Please write your child[ren]’s name[s] and class[es] at the top of the bag.
‐    Please indicate which Break[s] the order[s] are for
‐    Paper bags are available for 10 cents

SANDWICHES                                              ICECREAMS AND FROZEN TREATS
☺ Vegemite, Jam or Honey                      $1.00     (First Break Only)
☺ Cheese                                      $2.00     ☺ Quelches                                $0.50
☺ Ham or Chicken                              $3.00     ☺ Lemonade Icy Twist                      $1.00
☺ Ham or Chicken with Cheese                  $3.50      Chocolate Paddle Pop                    $1.50
☺ Ham or Chicken with Salad                   $4.00      Rainbow Paddle Pop                      $1.50
☺ Egg                                         $2.50      Cyclone                                 $1.50
☺ Egg and Lettuce                             $3.00
☺ Ham or Chicken and Salad Wrap               $4.00     DRINKS
                                                        ☺ Water                                   $1.50
EXTRAS                                                  ☺ Flavoured Milk                          $2.00
Gluten Free Bread                             $1.00          Strawberry/Chocolate/Banana
Toasting                                      $0.50     ☺    Juice                                $2.00
☺ Hot Dogs with Tomato/BBQ Sauce              $3.50     ARE YOU AVAILABLE TO ASSIST ?
 Plain Pies                                  $4.00     Volunteers are always sought. If you have any
 Sausage Rolls                               $3.00     questions or are able to assist, please call our
☺ Pizzas                                      $4.00     Tuckshop Convenor, Kathy on 07 4924 6535
      ‐ Ham and Cheese
      ‐ Chicken and Cheese                              ALLERGIES AND FOOD INTOLERANCES
      ‐ Cheese                                          Please advise us of any allergies or
      ‐ Pineapple and Cheese                            intolerances your child[ren] may have. We will
     Chicken Chippees (6)                    $3.50     do our very best to provide suitable items
     Chicken Nuggets (each)                  $0.50     specifically for them.

SNACKS                                                  FLEXISCHOOLS – ORDERING
☺ Apple and Cinnamon Muffin                   $2.00     Download the FlexiSchools app and register
☺ Blueberry Muffin                            $2.00     for online ordering.
☺ Fresh Fruit Cups                            $2.00
☺ Popcorn                                     $1.00
☺ Yoghurt                                     $2.00
☺ Brain Food Fruit                            $1.00

                                      ☺                                                
                                     ALWAYS                  SOMETIMES                  RARELY

    Parkhurst State School proudly provides all learners with Smart Moves and Smart Choices
These businesses are proudly owned and operated by parents, carers and partners of our school
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