2018-2019 TEST COORDINATOR'S MANUAL - Grades 3 through 8 and End-of-Course Assessments - airast.org

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2018-2019 TEST COORDINATOR'S MANUAL - Grades 3 through 8 and End-of-Course Assessments - airast.org
         Grades 3 through 8
     End-of-Course Assessments
2018-2019 TEST COORDINATOR'S MANUAL - Grades 3 through 8 and End-of-Course Assessments - airast.org
Copyright © 2018 by State of Indiana Department of Education (IDOE). All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a
database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of IDOE. All brand names found in this
publication are the trademarks of their respective owners.
2018-2019 TEST COORDINATOR'S MANUAL - Grades 3 through 8 and End-of-Course Assessments - airast.org
About This Manual and Important Dates
This Test Coordinator’s Manual is intended to assist Corporation Test Coordinators (CTCs)
and School Test Coordinators (STCs) in the administration of the ILEARN assessments
for Grades 3 through 8, ILEARN Biology End-of-Course Assessment (ECA) and (optional)
U.S. Government End-of-Course Assessment (ECA). It addresses administration of
ILEARN assessments and information regarding test administration policies and procedures
across all ILEARN assessments. Test Administrators should refer to the appropriate Test
Administrator’s Manual (TAM) for the assessment they will be administrating.

                           2018–2019 ILEARN Assessment Windows
                    Assessment                             Window Opens      Window Closes
    ILEARN Biology End-of-Course Assessment           1
                                                          December 4, 2018 December 20, 2018
    ILEARN Biology End-of-Course Assessment2              February 11, 2019 February 28, 2019*
    ILEARN Grades 3–8                                       April 22, 2019    May 17, 2019*
    ILEARN Biology and Optional U.S.
                                                             April 22, 2019            May 24, 2019*
    Government End-of-Course Assessment3
  The December Biology ECA window is designed for students completing the course during the first
trimester or semester.
 The February Biology window is designed for students completing the course during the second trimester.
Students who completed the Biology course prior to this school year and did not fulfill a high school
science assessment requirement (e.g., ISTEP+ Grade 10 Science) should take the ILEARN Biology ECA
during the February or Second Trimester window. Students who need accommodated forms such as large
print, braille, or Spanish should take the Biology test during the February window.
 The April or May Biology and U.S. Government ECA window is designed for students completing either or
both courses at the end of the second semester or third trimester.
* ILEARN paper-and-pencil test windows close one week early to accommodate on-time reporting timelines.
                                            Important Dates

                                                     ILEARN 3–8                    ILEARN ECAs
                                                                                    (Spring only)
    February ILEARN Biology ECA
    Additional Materials Order Window
                                                          N/A                  February 11–21, 2019
    for braille, large print and Spanish
    test materials
    ILEARN 3–8 and ILEARN ECAs
    materials due in district. This
                                                    April 15, 2019                  April 15, 2019
    shipment will include standard
    print materials only.
    Additional Materials Order Window
    for Standard, Accommodated,
    and Shipping Materials (includes           April 16–May 3, 2019            April 16–May 10, 2019
    braille, large print, and Spanish
    testing materials)

                                           ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL                     i
2018-2019 TEST COORDINATOR'S MANUAL - Grades 3 through 8 and End-of-Course Assessments - airast.org
ILEARN 3–8              ILEARN ECAs
                                                                (Spring only)
 Final Day for Corporations to Ship
 Materials for Scoring (must be
 shipped back five business days      May 17, 2019             May 24, 2019
 after the close of the paper-and-
 pencil testing window)
 Individual Student Reports (ISRs)
 and Student Labels Available
 U.S. Government Online Reporting
 System reporting
 ILEARN Online Reporting System
                                                   August 15, 2019

2018-2019 TEST COORDINATOR'S MANUAL - Grades 3 through 8 and End-of-Course Assessments - airast.org
Indiana User Support
Corporation Test Coordinators (CTCs) and School Test Coordinators (STCs) are
encouraged to contact the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and/or the Indiana
Department of Education (IDOE) as issues and questions arise before, during, and after
the ILEARN test administration. Common topics and issues are noted in the table along
with contact information for AIR and IDOE.

        For Assistance with:                   Contact                   Notes
General Information and Policy         Indiana Department       Office hours are 8 a.m.
about ILEARN, including:               of Education (IDOE),     to 4:30 p.m. Eastern
 • test content, timing, interruptions Office of Student        Time (7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
   to testing                          Assessment               Central Time).
 • assigning Student Test Numbers Telephone:
   (STNs) to new students              888-544-7837
 • test security concerns              Email:
Questions about test administration, For test administration    Monday through Friday
packaging, and shipping:               and technology           from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
 • technology issues, error codes, resources, visit the         Eastern Time (7 a.m. to
   managing students in test           Indiana Assessment       5 p.m. Central Time).
   sessions                            Portal: http://ilearn.   The help desk hours
 • packaging and delivery              portal.airast.org        are extended during
 • document processing                                          assessment windows:
                                       For assistance with
 • test materials, missing materials, troubleshooting or        Monday through Friday
   damaged materials                                            from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
                                       questions not covered
 • test procedures, large print        by Portal resources,
                                                                Eastern Time (6 a.m. to
   testing, braille testing                                     6 p.m. Central Time).
                                       contact the AIR
 • shipments, returns, incorrect       Indiana Assessment
                                       Help Desk toll-free at
 • results availability                866-298-4256
                                    Chat support link:
Indiana Assessment Policies,        IDOE                    https://www.doe.
Administration, and Security Manual                         in.gov/assessment/

                                  ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL             iii
2018-2019 TEST COORDINATOR'S MANUAL - Grades 3 through 8 and End-of-Course Assessments - airast.org
2018-2019 TEST COORDINATOR'S MANUAL - Grades 3 through 8 and End-of-Course Assessments - airast.org
Table of Contents
About This Manual and Important Dates                                          i
Indiana User Support                                                         iii
Chapter 1 Test Administration Policies and Procedures                         1
  Students to Be Tested                                                       1
     The Testing Program for Grades 3 through 8 and ILEARN End-of-Course
     Assessments (ECAs)                                                       1
  Calculator Policy                                                           1
  Managing Student Demographic Information                                    2
  ILEARN 3–8                                                                  2
  ILEARN ECAs: Biology and U.S. Government                                    2
Chapter 2 Before Test Administration                                          4
  Test Administrator Certification                                            4
  Timing Guidance                                                             4
     ILEARN Assessment Structure                                              4
     Anticipated Average Testing Times                                        5
     Scheduling Tests                                                         5
     Pause Rules                                                              7
     During a Computer-Adaptive Test or Fixed-Form Test Segment               7
     Test Timeout (Due to Inactivity)                                         7
     Test Expiration for Online Assessments                                   8
     Students Absent During Test Administration / Make-up Testing             8
     Additional Scheduling / Timing Notes                                     8
  General Information                                                         9
     Test Security                                                            9
  Test Irregularities and Security                                           10
     Interruptions to Testing                                                10
     Test Irregularities                                                     11
     Test Invalidation                                                       11
  Online Testing                                                             12
     Computer and Device Preparation                                         12
     Online Practice Test                                                    12
     Paper-and-Pencil Practice Test                                          12
     Roles and Responsibilities                                              13
Chapter 3 During Test Administration                                         16
  Support During Testing                                                     16
  Online Test Administration                                                 16
     TA Interface: Login and Test Setup                                      16
Chapter 4 After Test Administration                                          20
Appendix A: Scribed Response Directions                                      21

                                ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL    v
2018-2019 TEST COORDINATOR'S MANUAL - Grades 3 through 8 and End-of-Course Assessments - airast.org
Appendix B: Large Print and Braille Editions                          22
Appendix C: Paper-and-Pencil Testing – For Test Coordinators          23
  General Rules for Paper-and-Pencil Testing                          23
  Before Testing                                                      23
    Pre-ID Labels and Blank Student Labels for Assessment Books       23
  Instructions for Administering Braille and Large Print Tests        24
    Student Identification                                            24
    Transcription Guidelines                                          25
    Returning Test Materials                                          25
  After Testing                                                       26
    Handling Contaminated and Damaged Materials                       26
    Returning Materials for Scoring                                   26
    Packing Scorable Materials                                        27
    Packing Non-Scorable Secure Materials                             27
    Non-Secure Materials                                              27
    Do Not Score Labels                                               28
    Instructions for Returning Materials                              28
    Arranging Test Materials Pickup                                   28
    Security Check-In Process                                         29
Appendix D: ILEARN 3–8 and ECA Test Coordinator’s Manual Change Log   31

2018-2019 TEST COORDINATOR'S MANUAL - Grades 3 through 8 and End-of-Course Assessments - airast.org
Chapter 1 Test Administration Policies and Procedures
Students to Be Tested
The Testing Program for Grades 3 through 8 and ILEARN End-of-Course
Assessments (ECAs)
Each ILEARN assessment contains standards-based multiple-choice, constructed-response,
and technology-enhanced items (online format only) developed to measure Indiana
Academic Standards. Technology-enhanced items are only available on the online test
delivery system platform.

ILEARN assessments will be administered online to all students. The online assessments
for English/Language Arts and Mathematics have a computer-adaptive segment and
a Performance Task segment. Science and Biology have a fixed-form segment and
Performance Task segment. Social Studies and U.S. Government assessments each
consist of one fixed-form test segment. The Science assessment will be computer-adaptive
beginning with the 2019–2020 school year.

NOTE: A small quantity of paper-and-pencil test forms are available for students with
documented paper-and-pencil testing accommodations and students who, for religious
reasons, object to the use of such technology. Paper-and-pencil assessment books for
all content areas contain fixed test forms.

Subject                                    Test Type             Grade(s)
ILEARN English/Language Arts               Computer-Adaptive     Grades 3–8
ILEARN Mathematics                         Computer-Adaptive     Grades 3–8
ILEARN Science                             Fixed-Form (Year 1)   Grades 4 and 6
ILEARN Social Studies                      Fixed-Form            Grade 5
ILEARN Biology ECA                         Fixed-Form
                                                                 Assessment (ECA)
ILEARN U.S. Government ECA                                       End-of-Course
(optional)                                                       Assessment (ECA)

Calculator Policy
Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 may NOT use a calculator on the ILEARN Mathematics
assessment. Students in grade 6 may use the embedded online Desmos Four Function
calculator provided during calculator segments only. Students in grades 7 and 8 may use
the embedded online Desmos Scientific calculator provided during calculator segments
only. Approval to move from the non-calculator segment to the calculator segment
requires approval by the Test Administrator. Please reference the Calculator Policy at
https://www.doe.in.gov/assessment/ilearn-policy-and-guidance for more information
about the policy and allowable accommodations. The same calculator tool is used on
both practice and operational assessments. Students may receive additional experience
with this calculator tool by accessing the Released Items Repository on the Indiana
Assessment Portal.

                                  ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL            1
Managing Student Demographic Information
Student data will be reported to AIR from IDOE via nightly data files submitted into TIDE.
All student data must be accurate in TIDE prior to student testing. Changes to student
data, including accommodations updates may take up to 24 hours to update. Please note
roles and responsibilities required of both IDOE and corporations and nonpublic schools.

IDOE will:

    ■■ Extract student data from schools’ DOE-RT or DOE-EM submissions and Indiana IEP.
    ■■ Submit names of participating students and demographic information to AIR via a
       nightly data exchange with student data submitted to TIDE.

Corporations and Nonpublic Schools must:

    ■■ Report student accommodations formally documented in a Section 504 Plan,
       Individual Learning Plan, or Service Plan (non-public or Choice) via the DOE-TA
       collection throughout the data exchange window, as needed.
    ■■ Report newly enrolled students and/or update accommodations, as needed and in a
       timely manner, via RT/EM, Indiana IEP, and/or a DOE-TA submission.

NOTE: If these updates occur during the test window, the student will be unable to test
until the day following the data update or submission.

ILEARN ECAs: Biology and U.S. Government
Corporations and Nonpublic Schools must report names of participating students and
demographic information, including accommodations formally documented in a 504 Plan,
ILP, or Service Plan, to IDOE via the DOE-TL collection.

The DOE-TL collection window for ILEARN ECA test administrations will remain open
until the day before the test window closes.

Note for Winter 2018 ONLY: IDOE reported student accommodations from the Indiana
IEP on October 15 in preparation for the Winter 2018 ILEARN Biology ECA. Schools
must update the Indiana IEP to reflect any changes approved by a student’s Case
Conference Committee after October 15. The school must then contact IDOE to ensure
that such changes are also reflected in TIDE.

The nightly data exchange from the Indiana IEP will go into effect ahead of the Spring
2019 ILEARN assessments in April.

Reference this table when planning for student data collections ahead of each ILEARN
assessment window:

                           IDOE Student Data Collections
 Assessment        Data           Collection Window(s)             Data Collected
    Biology                   November 19–December 19, 2018
End-of-Course                  January 14–February 27, 2019
  Assessment                                                     • Students
                                 February 22–May 23, 2019          participating in
                  DOE-TL                                           the assessment
                                                                 • Required testing
  Government                                                       accommodations
End-of-Course                    February 22–May 23, 2019
(Optional ECA)
                                                                 • Section 504, ILP,
                                                                   and Service Plan
 ILEARN 3–8       DOE-TA         February 22–May 16, 2019          accommodations
                                                                   and designated

                                 ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL            3
Chapter 2 Before Test Administration
Test Administrator Certification
All Test Administrators are required to complete the Test Administrator Certification
Course, available on the Indiana Assessment Portal. Test Administrators who have not
completed this course will not be allowed to initiate sessions.

Timing Guidance
The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) defined scheduling guidance for all
ILEARN assessments (ILEARN 3–8 and Biology and U.S. Government End-of-Course
Assessments) beginning with the 2018–2019 school year. Schools and corporations
should consider this information when creating local test schedules. Contact IDOE with
questions (INassessments@doe.in.gov).
ILEARN Assessment Structure
Each ILEARN assessment is comprised of test “segments.”

     ■■ Mathematics and English/Language Arts (Grades 3–8)
        ●● Mathematics: One computer-adaptive test (CAT) segment and one Performance
           Task (PT)
        ●● English/Language Arts (ELA): One CAT segment and one PT consisting of two
           segments for a total of three segments
     ■■ Science (Grades 4 and 6) and Biology ECA
        ●● One fixed-form test segment and one PT
     ■■ Social Studies (Grade 5) and U.S. Government ECA
        ●● One fixed-form test segment

                                            Number of Test Segments          TOTAL
         Content Area                                                         Test
         (Grade Level)            Computer-Adaptive Fixed Form Performance
                                     Test (CAT)                   Task (PT) Segments
    Mathematics (3–8)                    1*              N/A         1         2
    English/                                  1                    N/A                2                 3
    Language Arts (3–8)
    Science (4 and 6)                        N/A                    1                 1                 2
    Social Studies (5)                       N/A                    1                N/A                1
    Biology ECA                              N/A                    1                 1                 2
    U.S. Government ECA                      N/A                    1                N/A                1
    Grades 6–8 ONLY: Test segment presents non-calculator items, then calculator-allowed items. Once the
     student proceeds to the calculator items, he or she will not be able to return to the non-calculator items.
     Test Administrators approve all requests to move from non-calculator to the calculator segment.

Anticipated Average Testing Times
Untimed practice tests are available via AIR’s Secure Browser beginning October 1.
Corporations and schools must administer each online content-specific ILEARN practice
test to students at least once before students participate in the operational assessment.
Please review IDOE’s Practice Test Guidance for more details.

While all ILEARN assessments are untimed, IDOE defined this guidance to help schools
plan their local testing schedules. The table outlines the number of test segments per
tested content area and the anticipated average testing times for administering each test
segment. All testing times are approximate and reflect estimated time students will
likely need to respond to both operational and embedded field test items.

        2018–2019 ILEARN Assessment Anticipated Average Testing Times
                             Average Testing Times Per Segment                 Total
   Content Area and                       (minutes)                        Anticipated
    Grade Level(s)          CAT or Fixed Form       Performance           Testing Times
                          (Non-Performance Task)     Task (PT)              (minutes)
Mathematics (3–8)                 90–100               50–70                 140–170
English/                           90–100                 110–130            200–230
Language Arts (3–8)
Science (4 and 6)                 100–120                  15–25             115–145
Social Studies (5)                 85–95                    N/A               85–95
Biology ECA                       125–145                  15–25             140–170
U.S. Government ECA                75–85                    N/A               75–85

Scheduling Tests
How much time will students have to complete the ILEARN assessments?
All ILEARN assessments are untimed and students will proceed at their own pace. AIR
and IDOE set forth suggested testing times to assist corporations and schools when
defining local testing schedules (see Anticipated Average Testing Times, above).

Students must complete all grade-level assessments by the last day of the established
four-week assessment window.

Does it matter which content area assessments schools administer first?
Schools may administer the content area assessments in any order, but students should
complete all content area test segments before moving onto a different content area
(e.g., Students complete all Mathematics test segments before beginning any Science
test segments).

What flexibility exists for corporations and schools to schedule assessments?
The degree of flexibility is dependent on the test segment(s) students must complete.
The following guidance outlines specific considerations for specific test segments when
planning local schedules.

                                   ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL             5
■■ Computer-Adaptive Tests and Fixed-Form Tests in the Non-Performance Task
       Segments (All content areas)
      ●● Students may start and finish a test segment in a single day; or
      ●● Students may start and finish a test segment over the course of multiple days (see
        • The Test Administrator (TA) may have students begin a test segment on Day 1,
          and allow students to finish test segment on Day 2 (see Pause Rules on the
          next page).
      ●● Students may start and finish the Grade 5 Social Studies and U.S. Government
         ECA within a single day.
      ●● A student can enter and exit a test with the TA’s approval an unlimited number of
         times while the student’s test is active.
    ■■ Performance Tasks (Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science)
      ●● Students must complete the CAT/fixed-form test segment (Non-Performance Task)
         and Performance Task (PT) for a given content area on at least two separate days.
         Students should complete the CAT/fixed-form test segment first (example, below).
        • Day 1: Students complete the Mathematics CAT segment.
        • Day 2: Students complete the Mathematics PT.

        Non-Performance                                       Performance Task
      ●● TAs may not administer the CAT/fixed-form test segment and PT to students in a
         single day.
      ●● Students must start and finish the Mathematics Performance Task within a single
         day. Students must start and finish the Science Performance Task within a single
      ●● The ELA Performance Task consists of two segments that must be administered to
         students over two consecutive days. The first segment must be administered on
         Day 1 and the second segment must be administered on Day 2:
        • Day 1 (Segment 1): Students complete passage-based items.
        • Day 2 (Segment 2): Students complete a passage-based extended writing item.
        • In the event that a student starts an ELA PT segment but is unable to finish it by
          the end of the day, (e.g., the student becomes ill, the school has a fire alarm, etc.)
          the student should proceed and complete the test segment the next school day.
        • Once the student begins an ELA PT segment, it will expire in three (3) business
          days. If a student is unable to complete the segment within three business days,
          the CTC or STC must submit an Irregularity Request in TIDE, complete and
          submit a Testing Irregularity Report to IDOE, and receive IDOE approval before
          the student will be allowed to complete the remaining items in the segment.

Pause Rules
Corporations and schools may find it necessary to pause a student’s CAT or fixed-form
test segment to accommodate a short break (e.g., student restroom visit) or an unexpected
test irregularity (e.g., sudden illness, weather emergency, unplanned fire alarm).

The pause rule applies only to the CAT or fixed-form (Non-Performance Task) test
segments. There is not a pause rule for Performance Task (PT) test segments. If a
student pauses their PT and logs out, they will be able to log back into the component and
access the PT where they left off before pausing the test as long as the PT is not expired.

During a Computer-Adaptive Test or Fixed-Form Test Segment
 ■■ If the student pauses a Non-Performance Task test segment for less than 20
    minutes, the student may revisit and/or change answers to previous test items
    within the current test segment.
 ■■ If the student pauses a Non-Performance Task test segment for more than 20
    minutes, please note the following:
    ●● The student must log back in to the student interface.
    ●● The student will be presented with the screen in the test delivery system containing
        the item(s) he or she was working on when the test segment was paused (if the
        screen contains at least one unanswered item) OR with the next screen containing
        a new test item (if all items on the previous page were answered by the student
        before the pause).
    ●● The student is NOT permitted to review or change any previously answered items,
        even if they are marked for review (with the exception of items on the screen that
        contain at least one item that was not yet answered by the student).
    ●● The student may change any answers on the screen if the screen contains both
        answered and unanswered items. The student may not go back and return to
        previous screens and cannot change answers to items on previous screens.

       Example: A single test screen in the test delivery system has items 4–10. A
       student answers items 4–7 and pauses the test for more than 20 minutes. When
       the student resumes testing, he or she can change answers to items 4–10 but
       cannot return to items 1–3 on an earlier screen.

       Example: A single test screen in the delivery system contains items 8–11 and
       a student answers all of those items before pausing the test for more than 20
       minutes. When the student resumes testing, he or she will begin on item 12 and
       cannot return to items 1–11.
Test Timeout (Due to Inactivity)
As a test security measure, any student will be logged out of test segment after 20 minutes
of inactivity in either the Non-PT or the PT segments. Activity is defined as selecting an
answer or navigation option in the test segment (e.g., selecting [Next] or [Back] or using
the Mark for Review drop-down list to navigate to another item). Simply moving the
mouse around the screen will not count as test activity. The student must actually select
something on the screen.

                                    ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL            7
■■ The student will receive a warning message 60 seconds before timeout occurs.
    ■■ The student must log back in to resume testing.
    ■■ The student may not revisit items on a previous screen in the current test segment
       after a timeout.
    ■■ The student who logs back in after a test timeout must complete the unfinished test
       segment he or she was working on before starting the next test segment in same
       content area.

Test Expiration for Online Assessments
All assessments (Performance Task and Non-Performance Tasks) must be
completed before the end of the established test window.

A student’s Non-Performance Task segment remains active until the student completes
and submits the test or until the established test window elapses. It is recommended
that students complete the Non-Performance Task segment of the test within five days of
starting the designated content area. Students must start and complete the Performance
Task within a single school day. All assessments (Performance Task and Non-Performance
Tasks) must be completed before the end of the established test window.

Students Absent During Test Administration / Make-up Testing
Upon return to school, the student must begin testing with rest of class per the testing
schedule. The school must then administer any remaining test segments in the content
area the student missed while absent before starting a new content area assessment.
The student must complete all his or her grade-level assessments before the end of the
test window.

Additional Scheduling / Timing Notes
    ■■ A constructed-response item is considered answered if the student has taken any
       action within the response area. This includes random keystrokes (e.g., “sdkjfasdgi”),
       one or more spaces using the spacebar, and clicking anywhere on any open-ended
       item (e.g., Short Answer, Table Input, Hot Text).
    ■■ Students who pause their tests for more than 20 minutes will no longer have access
       to the item’s digital notepad. The students will still have access to global notes they
       have recorded in the test delivery system for the test component.
    ■■ In the event of a technical issue (e.g., power outage or network failure), students
       will be logged out and their tests will automatically be paused. The students will
       need to log in again upon resuming their tests.
    ■■ Students must complete a paused test segment before starting the next test
       segment in the same content area (e.g., Mathematics, ELA).
    ■■ A student’s test remains active until the student completes and submits the test or
       until the established test window closes.

General Information
Test Security
All Test Administrators and Proctors must be trained in proper test security procedures,
sign a Testing Security and Integrity Agreement, and adhere to test security procedures.

It is unethical and shall be viewed as a violation of test security for any person to:

 ■■ Capture images of any part of the assessment via any electronic device;
 ■■ Duplicate in any way any part of the assessment;
 ■■ Examine, read, or review the content of any portion of the assessment;
 ■■ Disclose or allow to be disclosed the content of any portion of the assessment
    before, during, or after test administration;
 ■■ Discuss any ILEARN assessment item before, during, or after test administration,
    unless the item has been released by IDOE;
 ■■ Allow students access to any assessment content prior to scheduled test
 ■■ Allow students to share information during or after test administration;
 ■■ Read any parts of the assessment to students except as indicated in the Test
    Administrator’s Manual or as part of an accommodation;
 ■■ Influence students’ responses by making any kind of gestures (for example, pointing
    to items, holding up fingers to signify item numbers or answer options) while
    students are taking the assessment;
 ■■ Instruct students to go back and reread or change responses after they have
    finished their assessments since this instruction may only be given before the
    students take the assessment;
 ■■ Review students’ responses;
 ■■ Read or review students’ scratch paper; or
 ■■ Participate in, direct, aid, counsel, assist in, encourage, or fail to report any
    violations of these test administration security procedures.

Additional security violations for paper-and-pencil testing include the following:

 ■■ Reading or reviewing any assessment book during or after testing;
 ■■ Changing any student’s response in an assessment book;
 ■■ Erasing any student’s response in an assessment book;
 ■■ Failing to return all assessment books and other test materials following each
    scheduled test administration session. Schools and corporations are required
    to maintain documentation of a secure check in and check out process for test

                                    ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL           9
Test Administrators and Proctors may not assist students in answering questions. Test
Administrators and Proctors may not translate, reword, or explain any test content
for students. No test content may ever be discussed, copied, paraphrased, reviewed,
posted, texted, emailed, or photographed before, during, or after test administration.

Maintaining the security of all ILEARN test materials is crucial to obtaining valid and
reliable test results. Therefore, all test materials must be kept in locked storage, except
during the actual test administration. All user account information must be maintained
as secure information. Access to secure materials must be restricted to authorized
individuals only (e.g., Test Administrators and Test Coordinators). Do not photocopy or
duplicate any portion of the assessment books or other secure test materials at any time.

New for 2018–2019: Student Access Cards are comprised of the student’s first and last
name, and his or her 9-digit Student Test Number (STN). When combined, a student’s
name and STN become secure information that must be protected per student privacy
laws. Schools may compile this information locally or download from TIDE in advance
of testing. If using Student Access Cards, Test Administrators must distribute the correct
Student Access Card to each student to access the designated assessments and collect
all Student Access Cards immediately following each test session.

Secure test materials include, but may not be limited to:

 ■■ Student Access Cards containing student names, STNs, and/or birth dates
 ■■ student rosters containing STNs and/or birth dates
 ■■ accommodations reports containing student names, STNs, and/or birth dates
 ■■ paper-and-pencil assessment books (used and unused)
 ■■ read-aloud scripts
 ■■ used scratch paper

Non-Secure test materials include, but may not be limited to:

 ■■ ILEARN Test Coordinator’s Manual (TCM)
 ■■ all ILEARN Test Administrator’s Manuals (TAMs)
 ■■ packing materials (e.g., boxes, shipping labels).

It is the direct responsibility of all individuals who administer the test to follow security
procedures. Test security procedures and ethical testing practices are fully discussed
in the Indiana Assessment Policies, Administration, and Security Manual for the current
school year.

Test Irregularities and Security
Interruptions to Testing
Schools must not schedule an interruption to the school day, such as a fire drill, that will
in any way affect students during any day they are taking the ILEARN assessment.

The Test Administrator must immediately note the circumstances and time if an
interruption in testing occurs due to severe weather, technology failure, a fire alarm, or
any other natural or man-made occurrence.

If several students (i.e., an entire lab, classroom, school) experience a
technology-related issue(s) with the assessment immediately contact the Indiana
Assessment Help Desk at 866-298-4256.

Test Irregularities
TIDE allows Test Coordinators to indicate exceptions as irregularities (i.e., re-open
test, re-open test segment) that occur to the standardized test environment to manage
system access. IDOE is formalizing policy regarding the implementation of the
test irregularities request process. This guidance will be communicated prior to the
operational window to Test Coordinators. Formal documentation is required in addition
to the TIDE submission. Forms are accessible at the following location:

Test Invalidation
Participating in ILEARN is an opportunity provided to every student by Indiana law. Any
decision to invalidate a student’s test denies him or her the right to results and must
be weighed very carefully. Any time that a test is invalidated, it must be discussed with
the student’s parent or guardian. The ILEARN Report of Invalid Test form, located in an
appendix near the end of each Test Administrator’s Manual, provides a line to document
the school’s notification of the parent or guardian.

A test must be invalidated for a variety of reasons, such as when a student cheats, works
in a test segment other than the one being administered, or marks most or all answers
randomly during a given test segment. The Test Administrator must document any
invalidation and report it to the principal or Test Coordinator immediately following the
administration of the affected test segment. Test invalidations must be requested in TIDE.
Please consult the TIDE User Guide for details on how to request a test invalidation.

To invalidate a paper test, follow the instructions for returning scorable paper materials.
Paper tests will need to be invalidated in TIDE following the instructions in the TIDE
User Guide, which can be done 10 days after the paper test has been returned.

If it is determined that a student’s test needs to be invalidated. Look at the Student in
Sessions screen and take note of the test that needs to be invalidated. Once a test
has been invalidated, it cannot be reversed and the test cannot be scored.

Mathematics, English/Language Arts (ELA), and Science assessments each consist of
more than one test segment and therefore have specific invalidation requirements that
must be followed to ensure the entire test is invalidated. Invalidations must be requested
on each test segment – including two test segments for Mathematics and Science and
the three test segments for ELA. The ILEARN Grade 5 Social Studies assessment and
the optional U.S. Government ECA each consist of one test segment and only require
one invalidation request to invalidate the entire test.

                                   ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL                11
Please refer to the TIDE User Guide available on the ILEARN Portal (https://ilearn.
portal.airast.org/resources/ctc-resources/) for more information on how to invalidate
a test.

Online Testing
Computer and Device Preparation
Each student workstation (testing device) must meet the specifications and be prepared
according to the instructions provided in the Technology Setup for Online Testing Quick
Guide, available on the ILEARN Assessment Portal (https://ilearn.portal.airast.org/).
An evaluation of device and network readiness may occur through utilization of the
Network Diagnostic Tool and/or an (optional) Infrastructure Trial. An Infrastructure Trial
simulates the loading and processing of an operational test administration. Instructions
for running an Infrastructure Trial and the required Statewide Readiness Test can be
found in the Indiana Technology Readiness Guide for AIR Assessments 2018–2019,
accessed in the Indiana Assessment Portal under Technology Resources located at

Corporation Test Coordinators must confirm with local IT staff that assessment devices
have been configured for online testing ahead of the required Statewide Readiness Test
on January 23, 2019.

Online Practice Test
Schools are required to administer the online practice test to students at least once for
each content area before students take the online assessment. Test Administrators must
allow students with testing accommodations ample time to practice with the appropriate
accommodations, such as Text-to-Speech, before administering the online assessment.

Practice tests are administered using the same Test Administrator interface and student
Secure Browser used to administer the operational tests. Test Administrators should
follow the same processes and testing guidelines for administering practice tests as
they will follow for operational tests.

Before Test Administrators administer the online practice test and the online
assessment, the must refer to the Test Administrator Manual for information regarding
the responsibilities of the Test Administrator and the setup and administration of the
online tests.

Paper-and-Pencil Practice Test
Schools are required to administer the paper-and-pencil practice test to students before
administering the paper-and-pencil test. The paper-and-pencil practice test is located on
the pages immediately leading up to the first test segment in each
paper-and-pencil assessment book. Once students have completed the practice test,
the Test Administrator must administer the first test segment. The Test Administrator
may first provide a short break, but must administer the first segment to students on the
same day as the practice test segment. Any subsequent segments in the assessment
book may be administered to students as time allows throughout the test window.

Roles and Responsibilities
The ILEARN assessment program relies on a system of specific roles and responsibilities
in order to secure data from unauthorized persons. The following roles and responsibilities
apply to corporation and school-level personnel for both IDOE and AIR systems:

Corporation Test Coordinator (CTC) / Non-Public School Test Coordinator (NPSTC)
 ■■ Both Testing Modes
    ooDistribute listserv messages and updates from the Office of Student Assessment
      and testing vendors to relevant corporation and school staff each week.
    ooEnsure all applicable staff complete annual test security training by September 30
      and a refresher training before each administration window.
    ooEnsure documentation (e.g., attendance sign-in sheets, attendance logs, training
      agendas, and other training materials) of required staff trainings is on file locally.
    ooEnsure Test Administrators (TAs) and Proctors complete test administration and
      test accommodation training prior to the beginning of testing. Maintain locally
      documentation of completed staff training.
    ooEnsure all applicable school and corporation staff review and sign the current
      school year’s Indiana Testing Security and Integrity Agreement annually by
      September 30.
    ooFollow procedures outlined in the Code of Ethical Practices and Procedures,
      assessment manuals, and IDOE guidance documents.
    ooAssign permissioned user roles within AIR’s Test Information Distribution Engine
      (TIDE) for other school personnel (e.g., STCs, CITCs, TAs).
    ooDownload the applicable Test Administrator’s Manuals (TAMs) from the Indiana
      Assessment Portal for school personnel to access in advance of the test window(s).
    ooFollow security regulations for distribution, return, and/or destruction of all secure
      assessment materials for online and/or paper-and-pencil testing as directed,
      accounting for all secure assessment materials before, during, and after testing
      (i.e., control and document distribution and collection of secure assessment
      materials at the corporation level).
    ooEnsure accommodations and designated supports are correctly reflected in TIDE
      (Test Information Distribution Engine).
    ooMonitor STCs at each school site during testing to ensure test administration and
      test security protocols are being followed.
    ooDocument any test irregularities and immediately submit Testing Irregularity
      Reports to IDOE.
    ooDocument test security concerns and immediately submit Testing Concerns and
      Security Violations Reports to IDOE.
    ooEnsure STCs provide parents and guardians access to preliminary and final
      student scores as soon as possible.
    ooOversee the rescore process with parents, guardians, and educators.

                                   ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL             13
■■ Paper-and-Pencil Testing
     ooPlace orders for extra assessment materials for one or more schools during the
       Additional Materials Order (AMO) window, as needed.
     ooControl the secure storage, inventory, distribution, administration, and collection
       of assessment materials for the corporation.
     ooReturn all used and unused (including large print and/or braille) assessment
       books to the testing vendor as directed by required deadlines.

Corporation Information Technology Coordinator (CITC)
 ■■ Both Testing Modes
     ooAssign permissioned user roles within TIDE for other school personnel (e.g., STCs,
       TAs), if directed by the CTC or NPSTC.
 ■■ Online Testing
     ooThoroughly review the Technology Setup for Online Testing Quick Guide and
       system-specific configurations documents, as applicable.
     ooDownload and install AIR’s Secure Browser on student testing devices.
     ooUse the Network Diagnostic Tool to confirm device readiness and network capacity.
     ooEnsure compatible school-owned TA devices are available.
     ooManage student testing devices and network bandwidth during testing to ensure
       test security and connectivity.
     ooTroubleshoot technical issues with the AIR Help Desk.

School Test Coordinator (STC) / Non-Public School Testing Coordinator (NPSTC)
 ■■ Both Testing Modes
     ooProvide test security, test administration, and testing accommodations training to
       all applicable staff.
     ooEnsure documentation (e.g., attendance sign-in sheets, attendance logs, training
       agendas, and other training materials) of required staff trainings is on file locally.
     ooFollow security regulations for distribution, return, and/or destruction of all secure
       assessment materials for online and/or paper-and-pencil testing as directed,
       accounting for all secure assessment materials before, during, and after testing
       (i.e., control and document distribution and collection of secure assessment
       materials within the building).
     ooFollow procedures located in assessment manuals and those outlined by IDOE
       relating to accommodations, testing conditions, and general test administration.
     ooProvide the necessary furniture and lighting to allow students to do their best
       work when testing. (All school personnel involved in administering the test are
       responsible for the quality of testing conditions.)

ooMonitor testing (including make-up testing) to ensure staff are administering
      assessments with fidelity in terms of test administration and test security
      protocols or procedures and that staff are appropriately providing students with
      accommodations included in their IEPs, ILPs, Section 504 Plans, or Service Plans.
    ooCreate testing schedules and ensure students who are absent complete make-up
    ooImmediately report to the CTC any missing assessment materials, testing
      irregularities, interruptions, and/or invalidations.

Test Administrators (TAs)
 ■■ Both Testing Modes
    ooStudy the TAM ahead of the test window and discuss with the STC any questions
      or concerns.
    ooReview the Code of Ethical Practices and Procedures.
    ooRead all applicable portions of the current Indiana Assessment Policies,
      Administration, and Security Manual.
    ooReview accommodations needed by students in advance of the test
      administration and alert the STC of any discrepancies.
    ooComplete all applicable test administration, test security, and test
      accommodations trainings.
    ooFollow scripted directions outlined in the appropriate TAM to initiate test sessions
      and administer assessments to students.
    ooMonitor students during testing.
    ooEnsure the quality of the test environment is conducive to student testing (i.e., free
      of distractions and noise).
    ooImmediately report to the STC any missing assessment materials, testing
      irregularities, interruptions, and/or invalidations.
    ooFollow security regulations for pick-up and return of secure assessment materials
      for online and/or paper-and-pencil testing as directed, accounting for all secure
      assessment materials before, during, and after testing.

All school personnel involved in administering ILEARN, I AM, and/or IREAD-3
assessments should review the 2018–2019 Indiana Assessment Policies,
Administration, and Security Manual for additional guidance relating to roles and
responsibilities as well as TIDE-specific user roles outlined on pages 4–5 of the TIDE
User Guide ahead of the test window. The TIDE User Guide is located on the Indiana
Assessment Portal.

                                  ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL             15
Chapter 3 During Test Administration
Support During Testing
During testing, a Test Administrator should not attempt to resolve technology issues if
doing so is disruptive to students. The Test Administrator must have a way to contact
the School Test Coordinator or Technology Coordinator without leaving the room

Additional troubleshooting information is available in the TDS User Guide, available on
the Indiana Assessment Portal. If school personnel continue to have difficulty, they may
contact corporation personnel, or they may contact the Indiana Assessment Help Desk
toll-free at 866-298-4256 or by email at airindianahelpdesk@air.org, or by using the
chat feature: https://indiana.portal.airast.org/chat.stml.

In the event of a technical issue (e.g., power outage or network failure), students will
be logged out and the test will automatically be paused. The students will need to log in
again upon resuming the test.

Online Test Administration
The Test Delivery System (TDS) Online Testing System has two components:
 ■■ Test Administrators (TAs) use the TA Interface to create and manage test segments
    for student testing. Test sessions are created for students in a classroom being
    administered a test.
 ■■ Students use the Secure Browser to take the tests included in the test session.
 ■■ Two online testing devices are required for student testing for both practice and
    operational tests; one device is needed for the TA to initiate sessions, and the
    second device is for students.

TA Interface: Login and Test Setup
1. On the ILEARN Assessment Program Portal (http://ilearn.portal.airast.org), select
   your user role.
2. Select the TA Interface card. The login page appears.
                                   TA Interface Card

3. Enter your email address and password.
4. Select Secure Login. The TA Interface appears.

Login Page

5. Start a test session.
   a. In the Test Selection window, select the test(s) to administer.
   b. Select Start Session. The Session ID appears at the top of the page.
                       TA Interface: Select Tests, Start Session

   c. If the Session Attributes window appears, select the required attributes and
      select OK.
6. Display the Session ID on a board in the front of the room so that it is visible to
   students signing in to your test session.
7. Have students sign in to the Student Testing Site using their first name, STN, and the
   Session ID. For more information about the student login process, see the TDS User
                             Student Testing Site: Sign In

                                  ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL          17
8. Approve students for testing. When students select tests, the Approvals box in the
   upper-right corner of the TA Interface shows notifications. Select Approvals to view
   the list of students awaiting approval.
                             TA Interface: Approve Students

     ●● To review and update a student’s test settings and accommodations, select           in
        that student’s row.
     ●● To approve an individual student for testing, select      .
     ●● To deny a student for testing, select     and enter the reason in the box.
     ●● To approve all students for a given test or segment, select Approve All Students
        for that test or segment.
                         TA Interface: Edit Student Test Settings

9. Monitor the students’ progress throughout their tests. Students’ test statuses appear
   in the Student Status column of the Students in Your Test Session table.

     This column also displays the number of test questions the student has answered
     out of the total number of questions in the test.
     ●● Select      to pause an individual student’s test. If a student’s Non-Performance
        Task test is paused for more than 20 minutes, that student cannot review any
        questions completed before the test was paused.
     ●● Select     to view a student’s full information, including current test settings.

TA Interface: Students Currently Testing

10. When it is time to do so, stop the test session and log out.
    a. Select     to stop the session and automatically pause any in-progress tests in
       your session.
    b. Select Log Out to exit the TA Interface.
      After a test session is stopped, it cannot be resumed. If a test session is stopped
      and students need to continue testing, start a new session. The TDS User Guide
      has information on how Test Administrators may transfer a pre-existing test session.
                                TA Interface: Stop Session

                                  ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL             19
Chapter 4 After Test Administration
Test Coordinators primarily handle post-test administration activities for students who
test on paper-and-pencil versus online due to policies surrounding the return of secure
and non-secure testing materials.

When the test administration is complete, the STC prepares all materials for return. To
prepare the materials for return, school personnel use the School Packing List that came
with the original materials to ensure that all materials that were assigned to the school
are returned to the scoring vendor. A school packing list will be sent for all materials.

ALL printed test materials must be returned to the scoring vendor, regardless
of whether they have been used. All materials are delivered to Corporation Test
Coordinators for return to the scoring vendor. The Test Coordinator must verify that
the contents have all been returned and will seal the boxes after confirmation. Test
Administrators will return all test materials to the Test Coordinator after testing has
completed each day. Test Coordinators must return the following test materials to the
scoring vendor within 7 calendar days (5 business days) of the close of the test window
in order for student responses to be scored.

Please see Appendix C for additional information about returning paper-and-pencil
testing materials.

Appendix A:
Scribed Response Directions
The student should know the identity of the scribe before the day of testing. The scribe
should be familiar with and have experience scribing for the student. If the scribe is
unfamiliar with the student, the scribe and student should have the opportunity to
practice the scribing process together prior to taking the assessment. A one-on-one
test administration should always be used when a scribe is needed. The scribe should
ask the student to spell out loud any word he or she thinks is not within the range of
the student’s vocabulary or spelling abilities. A scribe should never read the reading
comprehension portions of the assessment to a student, nor should he or she coach a
student or hint to a student the meaning or spelling of a word.

The scribe must write/type exactly what the student dictates, without adding any
capitalization or punctuation unless directed by the student. No presumption is made
about whether a pause is indicative of the use of a comma, a period, or any other

When the student has finished dictating, the Test Administrator must present the
response to the student for review to ensure accuracy and approval before advancing
to the next question (e.g., “Did I write exactly what you said?”). For paper-and-pencil
assessments, the scribe must use a No. 2 pencil if recording student responses in
the student’s assessment book. The scribe must begin each response with the word
“scribe” in the response area for paper-and-pencil or online assessments. Do not write
“scribe” if a student does not respond or test in a given section; just leave it blank. Notify
your School Test Coordinator of any student that has scribed responses to make sure
the document is returned correctly for scoring.

Test Administrators must review the Accessibility and Accommodations Guidance
(https://www.doe.in.gov/assessment) for more information about scribing protocols.

                                    ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL             21
Appendix B:
Large Print and Braille Editions
Refreshable braille is available in the Test Delivery System. Students who are blind or
have low vision may use this online tool for displaying braille characters to read text
output. Students who utilize this accommodation on a regular basis should be assigned
this online tool instead of the braille paper form. Large print and braille paper-and-pencil
materials will be packaged by school and shipped to the corporation for distribution by
the Corporation Test Coordinator. Contact your Corporation Test Coordinator before
requesting any additional large print or braille test materials.

Corporation Test Coordinators should assist schools to ensure that all processing
requirements for large print and braille materials are met. Refer to Appendix C in this
manual for instructions.

Appendix C:
Paper-and-Pencil Testing – For Test Coordinators
General Rules for Paper-and-Pencil Testing
The ILEARN ELA, Mathematics, and Science paper-and-pencil assessment books
contain the following segments:

 ■■ Practice test segment
 ■■ Non-Performance Task segment
 ■■ Performance Task
    ●● ELA will have two Performance Task segments (“Part 1” and “Part 2”) while
       Mathematics and Science will only have one Performance Task segment.
The ILEARN Social Studies and U.S. Government paper-and-pencil assessment books
contain the following segments:

 ■■ Practice test segment
 ■■ Non-Performance Task segment (Note: There are no Performance Task segments
    in the Social Studies and U.S. Government assessment books).

ELA, Mathematics and Science paper-and-pencil assessment books display the
Non-Performance Task segments separately from the Performance Task segments.
Students may not return to a previous segment of the test once it has been completed.

Student standard print and accommodated assessment books and read aloud scripts
are secure test materials. Maintaining the security of all test materials is critical to
obtaining valid and reliable assessment test results. All test materials must always be
maintained in locked storage, except during test administration. All individuals who
administer ILEARN assessments must follow security procedures.

Before Testing
Pre-ID Labels and Blank Student Labels for Assessment Books
Paper-and-pencil materials are sent to corporations for distribution to the schools
within the corporation. CTCs must affix Pre-ID labels on the front covers of students’
assessment books. Students who are pre-identified as needing standard print paper
assessment books prior to January 15 will receive their Pre-ID’ed assessment books
with a label already affixed to the front cover of the assessment book.

Blank student adhesive labels can be used in conjunction with TIDE to print individual
student Pre-ID information for students who were not pre-identified prior to the materials
due in district date, or for students who use accommodated assessment books. For
information on how to print out an individual student Pre-ID label using TIDE, please
refer to the TIDE User Guide, which is posted to the ILEARN Assessment Portal. If a
student is missing their Pre-ID information, Test Administrators should contact their

                                  ILEARN 2018–2019 TEST COORDINATOR’S MANUAL               23
school Test Coordinator. Blank labels are included with all paper-and-pencil materials
shipments. Please contact the AIR Help Desk if additional blank labels are needed.

CTCs will distribute the materials to individual schools upon receipt. Schools should
immediately inventory the materials to confirm that there are enough materials for
all students to test prior to testing. Corporations who need additional standard print
assessment books as well as accommodated assessment books can order these
materials in TIDE using the Additional Materials Orders (AMO) feature. Please let your
Corporation Test Coordinator know if you need to order additional materials for any of
your students.

Please make sure that all boxes are kept so that assessment books can be returned
after testing is completed.

Instructions for Administering Braille and Large Print Tests
Test Administrators must provide users of both braille and large print versions of the test
with sufficient time to complete the test. The STC should provide Test Administrators
with braille and large print kits as appropriate. The following materials are included in
the braille and large print test kits.

                   Braille Test Kits                  Large Print Test Kits
        Cover Sheet                             Cover Sheet
        Copy of the paper-and-pencil receipt    Copy of the paper-and-pencil
        and return instructions                 receipt and return instructions
        Grade-appropriate version of the        Grade-appropriate version of
        following: a regular assessment         the following: a regular print
        book, a braille assessment book,        assessment book, a large print
        a packet of ancillary materials         assessment book, and any
        (transcribers notes) on the inside      administrative materials.
        back cover of the braille assessment
        books, and any administrative

Student Identification
Print the student’s name, 9-digit STN, corporation code and school code on the cover of
the braille or large print assessment book.

If the student has questions concerning test directions, refer to the directions provided
in the standard print assessment book. The Test Administrator must not read or interpret
any test questions for the student. The standard print assessment book is not to be
copied or used for any purpose other than to transcribe the test.

The school security checklist must be used to record the distribution and collection of
the braille, large print, and standard print assessment books.

You can also read