The Utility of CBM Written Language Indices: An Investigation of Production-Dependent, Production-Independent, and Accurate-Production Scores
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School Psychology Review, 2005, Volume 34, No. 1, pp. 27-44 The Utility of CBM Written Language Indices: An Investigation of Production-Dependent, Production- Independent, and Accurate-Production Scores Jennifer Jewell Woodford County Special Education Association Christine Kerres Malecki Northern Illinois University Abstract. This study examined the utility of three categories of CBM written lan- guage indices including production-dependent indices (Total Words Written, Words Spelled Correctly, and Correct Writing Sequences), production-independent indi- ces (Percentage of Words Spelled Correctly and Percentage of Correct Writing Sequences), and an accurate-production indicator (Correct Minus Incorrect Writ- ing Sequences) and was designed to answer three research questions. First, how do these categories of CBM written language scores relate to criterion measures, thus providing evidence for their valid use in assessing written language? Second, how do the three categories of CBM written language scores compare to one an- other across grade levels? Finally, are there gender differences in CBM writing scores? Predictions were tested using a sample of 203 second-, fourth-, and sixth- grade students from an Illinois school district. Results indicated grade level differ- ences in how measures of written language related to students’ scores on a pub- lished standardized achievement test, their Language Arts grade, and an analytic rating. Specifically, with older students, the production-independent and accurate- production measures were more related to standardized achievement scores, an analytic rating, and classroom grades than measures of writing fluency. Implica- tions were made regarding the appropriateness of using each type of CBM written language index for different age levels, gender, and assessment purposes. Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) (Shinn, 1995) to gather information for instruc- is an established procedure used to directly tional decision making (Deno, Fuchs, Marston, measure student performance in the general & Shin, 2001; Fuchs, Fuchs, & Hamlett, 1990), education curriculum. CBM can be used to eligibility decisions (Fuchs & Fuchs, 1997; create norms, measure students’ achievement, Shinn, Ysseldyke, Deno, & Tindal, 1982), and monitor progress in the academic areas of progress monitoring (Deno et al., 2001; reading, written expression, spelling, and math- Marston, Fuchs, & Deno, 1986), and other al- ematics. An increasing number of educators ternative uses (Deno et al., 2001; Elliott & and support personnel are turning toward the Fuchs, 1997; Espin et al., 2000). The current use of CBM within a problem-solving process study defines CBM (focusing on written lan- Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Christine Malecki, PhD, Northern Illinois University, Department of Psychology, DeKalb, IL 60115; E-mail: Copyright 2005 by the National Association of School Psychologists, ISSN 0279-6015 27
School Psychology Review, 2005, Volume 34, No. 1 guage) as a standardized, short-duration flu- within the context of the phrase to a native ency measure of students’ writing skills gath- speaker of the English language” (p. 11). CWS ered in the context of Shinn’s (1995) problem- not only addresses fluency, as in Total Words solving model. Written, or a single skill, as in Words Spelled Correctly, but many components of written Research on the Reliability and Validity expression, such as grammar, capitalization, of CBM Writing Measures punctuation, and spelling. Videen et al. (1982) The reliability and validity evidence for found that a high percentage of interrater agree- uses of CBM in reading and mathematics is ment was attained when scoring for CWS, and well-documented (Fuchs & Fuchs, 1997; that the average number of CWS in students’ Marston, 1989; Tindal & Parker, 1989). How- writing samples more than doubled from third ever, there is a need for more research on the to sixth grade. The strongest correlations were reliability and validity of CBM in the area of found between CWS and Words Spelled Cor- written language. Previous research has exam- rectly (r = .92), Total Words Written (r = .91), ined the reliability and validity evidence for holistic ratings (r = .85), and the raw score to- three types of CBM writing indices; produc- tal on the Test of Written Language (TOWL; r tion-dependent indices, production-indepen- = .69). This study provided evidence for the dent indices, and an accurate-production index. reliability and validity of counting the number Research investigating the reliability and va- of Correct Writing Sequences to assess student lidity of these three types of CBM writing in- proficiency in written expression. dices is summarized below. Production-independent (accuracy) Production-dependent (fluency) in- indices. Production-independent indices such dices. Production-dependent indices are mea- as Percentage of Words Spelled Correctly are sures of writing fluency because they depend “percentage indices” and measures of writing upon how much a student writes. Deno, Mirkin, accuracy because they are independent of the and Marston (1980) and Deno, Marston, and length of the writing sample. Tindal and Parker Mirkin (1982) found that Total Words Writ- (1989) examined a number of writing and spell- ten, Words Spelled Correctly, Correct Let- ing indices; however, only three indices repre- ter Sequences, and Mature Words were all sent production-independent (accuracy) mea- significantly correlated with written lan- sures because the scores are independent of the guage criterion measures such as the Test length of the writing sample. Percentage of of Written Language (Hammill & Larsen, Legible Words, Percentage of Words Correctly 1978) and the Stanford Achievement Test Spelled, and Percentage of Words Correctly (Madden, Gardner, Rudman, Karlsen, & Sequenced communicate the level of accuracy Merwin, 1978; r = .41 to .88). These studies of the writing rather than just the amount of, provided evidence that these scoring measures or fluency of the writing. were closely related to other commonly ac- The results of the Tindal and Parker cepted outcome measures. Additionally, (1989) study indicated that the three produc- Marston and Deno (1981) found strong evi- tion-dependent indices were only weakly cor- dence for the reliability of Total Words Writ- related to teachers’ holistic ratings of middle ten, Words Spelled Correctly, and Correct Let- school students’ writing (rs = .10, .24, and .31, ter Sequences. Specifically, the test-retest re- respectively). The two measures of Correct liability coefficients, parallel-test correlations, Writing Sequences and the Percentage of Leg- split-half reliability coefficients, and interrater ible Words were moderately related to holistic correlations were all moderate to high (r = .57 ratings (rs = .45 and .42, respectively). The two to .99). Videen, Deno, and Marston (1982) remaining production-independent measures were the first to examine “Correct Writing (Percentage of Words Correctly Spelled and Sequences” (CWS) defined as “two adjacent, Percentage of Words Correctly Sequenced) correctly spelled words that are acceptable were very strongly correlated to the holistic 28
CBM Written Language ratings (rs = .73 and .75), providing evidence municating results and making comparisons for their valid use in evaluating students’ writ- between students on the accuracy of writing, ing skills. production-independent indices (percentage Accurate-production indices. The ac- scores) may be most understandable to teach- curate-production index (Correct Minus Incor- ers, parents, and the students themselves. How- rect Writing Sequences) is a measure of both ever, the production-independent indices do not writing fluency and accuracy. A recent study communicate any information about the by Espin and colleagues (2000) revealed a rela- amount of writing a student has produced. Fi- tively new indicator for use in CBM written nally, research has examined the issue of us- language assessment: Correct Minus Incorrect ing various CBM written language scoring in- Writing Sequences (CMIWS). Using a sample dices for making eligibility decisions (e.g., of sixth and seventh grade students, they found Parker, Tindal, & Hasbrouck, 1991; Watkinson internal consistency coefficients ranging from & Lee, 1992). The results of the Watkinson and .72 to .78 for CMIWS. As evidence for valid- Lee (1992) and Parker et al. (1991) studies ity, Espin et al. compared CMIWS scores to support the use of accuracy-based (production- teachers’ ratings of student writing proficiency independent) curriculum-based writing mea- and found moderately strong correlations when sures to distinguish between students in regu- examining 3-minute writing samples on story lar and special education, particularly for sec- writing (r = .66) and descriptive writing ondary level students. samples (r = .67). Correlations between the A second consideration when determin- CMIWS and students’ district writing test ing what index is most valid for a particular scores were identical (r = .69) when looking use may be the age of the students. Deno and at descriptive and story writing CBM samples. colleagues (1980, 1982) and Videen et al. These results suggest that the CMIWS index (1982) found results indicating that production- may be a valid score to use, particularly with dependent indices are reliable and valid mea- middle school students. sures in assessing elementary school children’s writing skills. Tindal and Parker (1989), Summary of Research Findings Watkinson and Lee (1992), and Parker et al. (1991) found that measures of writing accu- Some limitations are evident in the afore- racy (production-independent) were more ap- mentioned studies such as only one or two cri- propriate measures of older students’ writing terion measures being used, and those mea- skills (e.g., sixth through eighth grades) than sures represented either direct or indirect writ- measures of writing fluency. ing measures (Marston, 1989; Moran, 1987; Another factor that may need to be taken Stiggins, 1982) and not both. The research pre- into consideration when deciding upon which sented above also indicates that there is evi- CBM scoring index to use is the student’s gen- dence for the reliability of all three categories der. Within the CBM reading literature, re- of CBM written language scores. Furthermore, search results have been mixed as to whether there is adequate validity evidence for the de- gender contributes to differences in students’ signed purposes of the scores. The task that performance. A study by Kranzler, Miller, and remains is to determine for what specific use(s) Jordan (1999) suggested that fifth-grade stu- and for whom each index is suitable. In prac- dents’ reading performance differed signifi- tice, each type of scoring index may be more cantly between boys and girls. However, con- appropriate to use for certain assessment pur- tradictory evidence was presented by Knoff poses, or with students of certain age and gen- and Dean (1994), in which first-grade students’ der. For example, during individual student scores showed significant gender differences, progress monitoring, production-dependent but older students’ scores did not. Similar stud- measures, or the relatively new accurate-pro- ies have not been conducted in the CBM area duction measure (i.e., CMIWS) may be best of written expression. Given the implications for communicating student progress. For com- that these findings might have regarding nor- 29
School Psychology Review, 2005, Volume 34, No. 1 mative data and decision making for boys and pendent scores (Total Words Written, Words girls in the area of written language, further Spelled Correctly, and Correct Writing Se- research in this area is needed. quences) based on the work of Tindal and Parker (1989) and Espin et al. (2000). Finally, Research Questions and Predictions it was predicted that gender differences would The present study attempts to add to the be found on some of the CBM measures with literature on CBM in the area of written lan- girls outperforming boys (Knoff & Dean, 1994; guage. Specifically, the present study is an in- Kranzler et al., 1999; Malecki & Jewell, 2003). vestigation of the utility of three categories of Method CBM written language indices including pro- duction-dependent indices (Total Words Writ- Participants ten, Words Spelled Correctly, Correct Writing Sequences), production-independent indices The participants in this study were 203 (Percentage of Words Spelled Correctly and second- (n = 87), fourth- (n = 59), and sixth- Percentage of Correct Writing Sequences), and grade (n = 57) students from three schools in an accurate-production indicator (Correct one rural northern Illinois school district. The Minus Incorrect Writing Sequences). This in- schools were recruited by contacting the prin- vestigation extends the literature by compar- cipals and giving them a brief description of ing students’ CBM scores to both direct (ana- the study’s procedure. Participation by the stu- lytical scoring) and indirect criterion measures dents was voluntary and required parental con- of writing ability (standardized achievement sent. test, and Language Arts grades) and by inves- The three schools consisted of an early tigating students’ scores from three grade lev- elementary, an elementary, and a middle els. The present study was designed to answer school. The sample comprised 44% males (n the following three research questions: (a) How = 90) and 56% females (n = 113). In addition, do these categories of CBM written language 6.4% of the sample was enrolled in special scores relate to criterion measures, thus pro- education (n = 13). Of the 13 students in spe- viding evidence for validity in assessing writ- cial education, 8 were male and 5 were female, ten language? (b) How do the three categories 5 were receiving services for a learning dis- of CBM written language scores compare to ability in reading, 3 for a learning disability in one another across grade levels? and (c) What writing, 4 for a learning disability in math, and gender differences are there in the three cat- 6 were receiving speech/language services. The egories of CBM scores? racial make-up of the participating school dis- It was predicted that adequate validity trict was 94% Caucasian, 5% Hispanic, and evidence would be obtained for all six CBM 1% other (African American or Asian). Within scoring indices in the form of moderate to the school district, 11% of the families were strong correlations between scores on curricu- classified as low income and 89% as non-low lum-based measures, the Tindal and Hasbrouck income. Furthermore, 97% of the district was (1991) Analytic Scoring System (THASS), the English speaking and 3% had limited English Stanford Achievement Test (SAT; Harcourt proficiency. Racial and SES data were not Brace Educational Measurement, 1997), and available for the participating students. students’ Language Arts classroom grades. It Measures was also predicted that scores on the two pro- duction-independent measures (Percentage of The measures included in this study were Words Spelled Correctly and Percentage of a curriculum-based measure of written expres- Correct Writing Sequences) and the accurate- sion, an analytic scoring system, the Stanford production measure (Correct Minus Incorrect Achievement Test (SAT; Harcourt Brace Edu- Writing Sequences) would more closely relate cational Measurement, 1997), and students’ to scores on the SAT, THASS, and the students’ classroom Language Arts grades from the fall Language Arts grades than the production-de- semester. 30
CBM Written Language Curriculum-based measures (CBM) Stanford Achievement Test (SAT; in written expression. One 3-minute CBM Harcourt Brace Educational Measure- writing probe was collected from participat- ment, 1997). The SAT measures school ing students. The students were given a lined achievement for students in Kindergarten sheet of paper with a story starter typed at through Grade 12. The SAT is a paper-and- the top. Per typical CBM writing probe pro- pencil test in multiple-choice format. The stan- cedures the students were given 1-minute dardized battery consists of 11 different to think about the story starter and 3 min- subtests including: Total Reading, Word Study utes to write. The writing samples were Skills, Word Reading, Reading Comprehen- scored using the following six procedures: sion, Total Math, Problem Solving, Math Pro- Total Words Written (TWW), Words Spelled cedures, Language, Spelling, Environment, and Correctly (WSC), Correct Writing Se- Listening. quences (CWS), Percentage of Words For the present study, there were two Spelled Correctly (%WSC), Percentage of particular subtests of interest within the SAT, Correct Writing Sequences (%CWS), and Language and Spelling. The Language Correct Minus Incorrect Writing Sequences subtest measures proficiency in mechanics (CMIWS). Table 1 provides the definitions of and expression. This subtest also looks at each procedure. content, organization, and sentence structure. Tindal and Hasbrouck analytic scor- The Spelling subtest requires students to iden- ing system (THASS). An analytic scoring tify the correct spelling of words. All analyses system described by Tindal and Hasbrouck including these two subtests used their National (1991) was used as an external criterion mea- Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) scores based sure of students’ writing abilities. Using this on grade level. system, students’ writing samples are scored Language Arts grade. Students’ quar- on three dimensions of writing: story-idea, or- terly report card grades for Language Arts were ganization-cohesion, and conventions-mechan- recorded for the fourth- and sixth-grade stu- ics. On each dimension, a scoring rubric is used dents. The second-grade students did not re- to rate students’ writing samples on a scale ceive letter grades and therefore were excluded from 1 to 5, with a “5” representing the high- from any analyses using letter grades. The let- est quality. According to Tindal and Hasbrouck ter grades from the students’ report cards were (1991), story-idea represents the “extent to converted to a 4-point scale. Students’ grades which the composition has a cogent plot and a included plusses and minuses; however, any theme that is unique and captures the reader’s “A” (A+, A, or A-) was converted to a 4.0, any interest” (p. 238). Organization-cohesion ad- “B” to a 3.0, and so on. In order to best reflect dresses the “degree to which the story has an students’ grades during the time the CBM overall structure and progresses systematically, samples were collected, the first and second with well-defined transitions” (p. 238). Finally, quarter grades were averaged to form a “fall conventions-mechanics focuses on “syntax, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and semester” grade. handwriting” (p. 238). Specific guidelines Procedure for rating a writing sample on these three dimensions using a 5-point scale can be Each school was sent copies of the cur- found in Tindal and Hasbrouck (1991). This riculum-based writing probes to be distributed particular rating system was chosen for use to the participants. The teachers in the students’ in the present study because of its similar- primary classrooms administered the curricu- ity to state-wide standardized writing assess- lum-based measures. Verbally and in writing, ment techniques. Interrater reliability coef- the teachers were provided with specific oral ficients for the three writing components and written directions for proper administra- within the THASS have ranged from .73 to .79 tion of the writing probes. First, the teachers (Tindal & Parker, 1991). handed out a single sheet of lined paper to each 31
32 Table 1 Scoring Procedures, Definitions, and Computations Index Definition Computation Production-Dependent Indices Total Words Written TWW A count of the number of words written. A word is TWW defined as any letter or group of letters separated by a space, even if the word is misspelled or is a nonsense word. Words Spelled Correctly WSC A count of the number of words that are spelled WSC correctly. A word is spelled correctly if it can stand alone as a word in the English language. Correct Writing Sequences CWS A count of the correct writing sequences found in the School Psychology Review, 2005, Volume 34, No. 1 CWS or sample. A correct writing sequence is defined as two Possible Writing Sequences minus adjacent writing units (i.e., word-word or word-punctuation) Incorrect Writing Sequences that are acceptable within the context of what is written. Correct writing sequences take into account correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, syntax, and semantics. Production-Dependent Composite PDC Average of students’ raw scores on the measures of TWW, . (TWW + WSC + CWS) / 3 WSC, and CWS Production-Independent Indices Percentage of Words Spelled %WSC The percentage of words in the sample that are spelled correctly. WSC/TWW Correctly Percentage of Correct Writing %CWS The percentage of correct writing sequences in the sample. CWS/Possible Writing Sequences Sequences Production-Independent Composite PIC Average of students’ scores on the measures of %WSC (%WSC + %CWS) / 2 and %CWS. (Table 1 continues)
(Table 1 continued) Index Definition Computation Accurate Production Index Correct Minus Incorrect Writing CMIWS This measure subtracts the number of incorrect writing CWS–Incorrect Writing Sequences Sequences sequences in the sample from the total number of correct or CWS– (Possible Writing writing sequences. The number of incorrect writing sequences Sequences– CWS) was calculated by subtracting the number of correct writing sequences in the sample from the total number of possible writing sequences. Criterion Measure in Current Study THASSS Writing samples are scored on three dimensions; story-idea, Story-idea + Organization-Cohesion organization-cohesion, and conventions-mechanics, each on + Conventions-Mechanics a 5-point scale. A single THASS score was calculated by summing students’ scores for story-idea, organization-cohesion, and conventions-mechanics. CBM Written Language 33
School Psychology Review, 2005, Volume 34, No. 1 participant that had the story starter, “Write a ing indices. The coefficients were extremely story about your talking dog.” typed at the top. high (all above .98) for Total Words Written, Next, the teacher read aloud the following di- Words Spelled Correctly, and Correct Writing rections: Sequences. Once it was known that interrater You are going to write a story. First I will reliability was more than adequate, the group read the story starter at the top of your page of raters scored the writing samples for the and you will write a story about it. You will present study. Regarding the THASS, two re- have one minute to think about what you will write, and three minutes to write your story. searchers scored the writing samples (one-third Remember to do your best work. If you don’t of the samples were scored by both raters). The know how to spell a word, you should guess. interrater reliability coefficients between the Are there any questions? (Pause – respond two raters ranged from .78 to .88 on the three to questions.) Put your pencils down and lis- ten. For the next minute, think about… (in- subscale scores and was .88 for the Total score. sert story starter and let the students think For scores that did not match, a consensus score for one minute). Now please begin writing. was determined by the two raters and that score (Students write for three minutes.) Please was used in the final database. stop and put your pencils down. After administration, the writing samples Analyses for each student were masked (any identifying information was removed) and scored on the To test predictions, analyses included: (a) five CBM scoring indices and the THASS scor- conducting MANOVAs to investigate grade ing system. level and gender differences in scores; (b) com- All students took the Stanford Achieve- puting correlations between scores on the Lan- ment Test in the same month as the curricu- guage and Spelling subtests of the SAT, stu- lum-based measure. This test was given over dents’ Language Arts grades, scores on the the course of 6 school days. Testing times Tindal and Hasbrouck (1991) Analytic Scor- ranged from 50 to 80 minutes on those days. ing System (THASS), and scores on the cur- The test was administered by the classroom riculum-based measures TWW, WSC, CWS, teachers and took place in the students’ regu- CMIWS, %WSC, %CWS, PDC, and PIC; and lar classrooms. The students marked their (c) conducting regression analyses in which answers to the multiple-choice questions in students’ scores on the PDC, PIC, and CMIWS test booklets. The testing materials were then and students’ grade level were used as predic- sent back to the publisher to be scored by com- tors of students’ scores on the analytic scoring puter. system (THASS). Overall, due to the number One graduate and seven undergraduate of analyses conducted and a desire to reduce students were taught the proper procedure for Type I error, a more conservative critical value scoring the writing samples using the measures (p < .01) was set as the criterion for signifi- described above. This group of students then cance for all analyses. practiced scoring on 20 writing samples per Results grade for Grades 1-8 (160 samples). Follow- ing their scoring, interrater reliabilities were The predictions investigated in this study calculated for the scoring indices of Total were tested using a series of MANOVAs, cor- Words Written, Words Spelled Correctly, and relational, and regression analyses. The de- Correct Writing Sequences. These indices were scriptive results including the students’ perfor- based on scores obtained from scoring entire mance on the six curriculum-based measures writing passages. Reliability coefficients were (TWW, WSC, CWS, CMIWS, %WSC, and not calculated for Correct Minus Incorrect %CWS), the CBM composites (production- Writing Sequences, Percentage of Words dependent and production-independent), the Spelled Correctly, or Percentage of Correct SAT Language and Spelling subtest scores, fall Writing Sequences because each of these scor- semester Language Arts grades, and Total ing indices is imbedded in the other three scor- THASS scores are presented in Table 2. 34
Table 2 Descriptive Data on CBM Scores by Grade and Gender, and Stanford Achievement Test Scores, Language Arts Grades, and Analytic Scoring System Scores by Grade Grade 2 Grade 4 Grade 6 Boys Girls M (SD) N M (SD) N M (SD) N M (SD) N M (SD) N Total Words Written 24.60 (9.16) 87 39.14 (11.38) 59 43.67 (12.96) 57 30.90 (12.83) 90 36.79 (14.11) 113 Words Spelled Correctly 20.83 (8.61) 87 36.80 (11.32) 59 41.86 (12.56) 57 28.10 (12.77) 90 33.98 (14.66) 113 Correct Writing Sequences 15.61 (9.02) 87 34.56 (12.30) 59 40.79 (13.80) 57 25.48 (14.21) 90 30.35 (17.04) 113 Production-Dependent Composite 20.34 (8.46) 87 36.83 (11.40) 59 42.11 (12.62) 57 28.16 (13.02) 90 33.71 (14.91) 113 % Words Spelled Correctly 84.25 (10.20) 86 93.66 (5.24) 59 95.90 (4.32) 56 89.83 (9.21) 88 90.60 (9.26) 113 % Correct Writing Sequences 59.59 (19.78) 86 79.60 (13.23) 59 85.69 (14.33) 56 72.61 (19.11) 88 70.56 (22.56) 113 Production-Independent Composite 70.42 (41.15) 86 86.63 (8.83) 59 90.79 (8.77) 56 81.22 (13.63) 88 80.58 (15.37) 113 Correct Min. Incorrect Writing Seq. 6.62 (13.03) 87 29.98 (15.44) 59 37.91 (18.57) 57 20.06 (17.76) 90 23.90 (22.70) 113 SAT Language subtest 58.91 (18.44) 86 59.66 (17.38) 58 51.79 (20.13) 55 SAT Spelling subtest 56.10 (16.04) 86 52.67 (18.60) 58 48.57 (21.60) 55 Fall Language Arts Grade na 3.37 (.65) 58 3.13 (.90) 55 T & H Analytic Scoring System 5.76 (1.81) 86 8.02 (1.86) 59 8.79 (2.19) 56 CBM Written Language 35
School Psychology Review, 2005, Volume 34, No. 1 Preliminary Analyses level. Thus, results indicated that how much students wrote was not significantly related to The CBM data were examined for po- their writing accuracy. Furthermore, at the old- tential differences in scores for students in sec- est grade level (sixth grade), the number of ond, fourth, and sixth grades and gender. A 2 words students spelled correctly was not sig- (gender) x 3 (grade level) MANOVA was run nificantly related to the production-indepen- to conduct these exploratory analyses. The six dent measures. This result suggests that with CBM scoring indices served as the dependent older students, the spelling measure is not re- variables. There was no significant interaction lated to measures of writing accuracy. The between grade and gender, Wilks’s lambda = CMIWS scores, however, do relate well with .946, p > .05. However, main effects were both the production-dependent and the produc- found for gender [Wilks’s lambda = .870, F tion-independent indices, indicating that in fact (5, 191) = 5.70, p < .001] and grade [Wilks’s the CMIWS score is tapping aspects of both lambda = .435, F (10, 382) = 19.69, p < .001]. fluency and quality. Results of follow-up univariate analyses for the gender main effect indicated that boys’ and Relationships Between CBM Scores, girls’ scores differed significantly on the pro- Published Standardized Scores, Grades, duction-dependent measures, Fs (1, 195) = and the THASS 16.05, 17.96, 10.30, respectively, ps < .01, but not on the production-independent or accurate- Correlational analyses between students’ production indices. For all of the production- scores on the curriculum-based scoring indi- dependent measures, girls had significantly ces and composites (TWW, WSC, CWS, PDC, higher scores than boys. Follow-up univariate %WSC, %CWS, PIC, and CMIWS), subtest analyses on grade level revealed that students scores on the SAT, Language Arts grades, and in different grades had significantly different Total THASS scores were conducted (see Table scores on all six of the CBM scoring indices, 4). When testing for significant differences Fs (2, 195) = 69.61, 90.27, 104.26, 46.41, between correlations, Williams’s (1959) 60.49, and 82.66, respectively, ps < .001. Fol- method of testing two dependent correlations low-up Scheffe contrasts found significant dif- was used. ferences between students at all three grade SAT Language subtest. In the second- levels (second, fourth, and sixth) within the six and fourth-grade samples, positive correlations CBM scoring indices, with two exceptions. No were found between the SAT Language subtest significant difference was found between scores and most of the CBM measures (r = .34 fourth- and sixth-grade students on the two to .67, p < .01). Non-significant correlations production-independent measures (%WSC and with the SAT Language score were with TWW %CWS). Because significant differences were in both Grades 2 and 4, and WSC in Grade 4. found between grade levels using production- Correlations between the SAT Language score dependent, accurate-production, and produc- and the production-independent and accurate- tion-independent CBM scoring indices in the production scores were typically stronger than majority of circumstances, correlational analy- with the production-dependent scores (see ses were run at each grade level and with the Table 4). In addition, when examining the total sample. PDC, PIC, and CMIWS scores, the correlations To investigate the interrelationships between the SAT Language score and the PIC among the six CBM written language indices, and CMIWS were higher than the correlation correlational analyses were conducted (see with the PDC at both levels (Grades 2 and 4). Table 3). Most of the scores were highly re- Using Williams’s (1959) approach to test for lated to one another with a few notable excep- differences between dependent correlations, it tions. The production-independent measures was found that in fourth grade, both the PIC and (%WSC and %CWS) were not significantly CMIWS scores were more significantly related related to Total Words Written at any grade to SAT Language than the PDC (ps < .01). 36
CBM Written Language Table 3 Intercorrelations Among the CBM Indices TWW WSC CWS CMIWS %WSC %CWS TWW Grade 2 .95** .73** .30** .12 .09 Grade 4 .99** .89** .68** .24 .23 Grade 6 .99** .82** .52** -.03 -.12 WSC Grade 2 .86** .53** .41** .33** Grade 4 .93** .76** .40** .36** Grade 6 .88** .62** .16 .02 CWS Grade 2 .88** .59** .72** Grade 4 .94** .53** .63** Grade 6 .92** .40** .50** CMIWS Grade 2 .73** .92** Grade 4 .67** .83** Grade 6 .59** .78** %WSC Grade 2 .76** Grade 4 .79** Grade 6 .68** ** p < .01. For the Grade 6 sample, no significant the two production-independent measures correlations between the SAT Language scores (%WSC and %CWS) and the SAT Spelling and the production-dependent CBM scores subtest scores were positive and significant (r (TWW, WSC, and CWS) were found. How- = .43 to .56, p < .01). The correlations between ever, positive, significant correlations were SAT Spelling and CMIWS were also positive found between the SAT Language scores and and significant at these two levels (rs = .49, p the production-independent and accurate-pro- < .01). In addition, there was a significant re- duction CBM scores (%WSC, %CWS, and lationship between CWS and the SAT Spell- CMIWS) at r = .47, .52, and .41 (p < .01) (see ing subtest at both grade levels (r = .37 and Table 4). Furthermore, the correlations between .39, p < .01) (see Table 4). In addition, the the SAT Language score and the PIC and correlations between SAT Spelling and the two CMIWS were higher than the correlation with CBM composites (PDC and PIC) and CMIWS the PDC. Using Williams’s (1959) approach were examined. The PIC and CMIWS scores to test for differences between the dependent were more strongly related to SAT Spelling correlations, the PIC and CMIWS were found than the PDC scores at both second and fourth to have significantly higher correlations with grades. At both grade levels, CMIWS had sig- SAT Language than the PDC (ps < .001). nificantly higher correlations with SAT Spell- ing than the PDC (ps < .01). In second grade, SAT Spelling subtest. Examining the the PIC had significantly higher correlations Grade 2 and 4 samples, correlations between with SAT Spelling than PDC (p < .01). 37
School Psychology Review, 2005, Volume 34, No. 1 Table 4 Correlations Between Scores on Curriculum-Based Measures, the Stanford Achievement Test, Fall Language Arts Grade, and Analytic Scoring System Scores TWW WSC CWS PDC %WSC %CWS PIC CMIWS SAT Language Grade 2 .24 38** .57** .42** .46** .59** .58** .62** Grade 4 .22 .29 .46** .34** .50** .67** .65** .57** Grade 6 -.14 -.05 .23 .03 .47** .52** .54** .41** SAT Spelling Grade 2 .03 .17 .37** .20 .43** .51** .51** .49** Grade 4 .19 .25 .39** .29 .45** .56** .55** .49** Grade 6 .02 .13 .33 .17 .52** .44** .48** .44** Language Arts Grade Grade 2 —not available— Grade 4 .45** .51** .59** .53** .53** .58** .60** .61** Grade 6 .12 .20 .30 .22 .45** .29 .35 .36** Total THASS Score Grade 2 .36** .45** .58** .49** .34** .47** .46** .54** Grade 4 .44** .49** .55** .51** .35** .40** .41** .56** Grade 6 .16 .24 .46** .31 .39** .49** .50** .56** Note. PDC = production-dependent CBM composite score; PIC = production-independent CBM composite score; CMIWS = correct minus incorrect writing sequences. ** p < .01. In the sixth-grade sample, only the ences between dependent correlations, it was production-independent and accurate-produc- found that CMIWS was significantly more re- tion CBM indices (%WSC, %CWS, and lated to SAT Spelling than PDC (p < .01). CMIWS) were positively and significantly re- Language Arts grades. Within the lated to the SAT Spelling subtest (r = .52, .44, fourth-grade sample, all correlations between and .44, p < .01). The PIC and CMIWS scores the CBM scores and students’ fall semester were also more strongly related to SAT Spell- Language Arts grade were significant (r = .45 ing than the PDC score at this level. Using to .61, p < .01). The strongest correlations with Williams’s (1959) approach to test for differ- the Language Arts grade were found with 38
CBM Written Language CMIWS, PIC, %CWS, and CWS (see Table counted for in the writing criterion by students’ 4). Furthermore, the correlations between stu- scores on the CBM indices ranged from 12% dents’ Language Arts grade and PIC and to 45%. CMIWS were higher than the correlation with Regression analyses. Simultaneous re- PDC, but no significant differences were re- gression analyses were conducted to determine vealed. which type of curriculum-based measure (pro- The sixth-grade sample had only two sig- duction-dependent, production-independent, or nificant correlations between students’ Lan- accurate-production) was most related to stu- guage Arts grade and the CBM indices. dents’ scores on the THASS. Students’ scores CMIWS was significant (r = .36, p < .01), as on the variables PDC, PIC, and CMIWS and was %WSC (r = .45, p < .01). In addition, stu- their grade level were entered simultaneously dents’ Language Arts grades were more as predictors in a series of four regression strongly related to the PIC and CMIWS than analyses that included students’ scores on the the PDC at this level, but these differences were THASS (Total, story-idea, organization-cohe- not significant. sion, and conventions-mechanics) as depen- Tindal and Hasbrouck analytic scor- dent variables. The three writing components ing system. At both grade levels, all of the of the THASS had intercorrelations ranging CBM scoring indices and composites were sig- from .73 to .88. The four predictor variables nificantly related to students’ scores on the collectively accounted for 53% of the variance THASS (r = .34 to .58, p < .01). At the sec- in students’ Total THASS scores (p < .01). ond-grade level, the production-dependent, CMIWS was a significant predictor (β = .48, p production-independent, and accurate-produc- < .01). A total of 35% of the variance in stu- tion measures were all similarly related to the dents’ story-idea scores was accounted for by THASS. At the fourth-grade level, the produc- the four predictor variables (p < .01), with the tion-dependent measures were more strongly PDC being a significant predictor (β = .43, p < related to the THASS than the production-in- .01). Analyses conducted with students’ orga- dependent measures, but not the accurate-pro- nization-cohesion scores indicated that the duction index. Further examining the PDC, PDC, PIC, CMIWS, and students’ grade level PIC, and CMIWS scores, CMIWS was the accounted for 30% of the variance (p < .01), most strongly related to the THASS, and PIC but none of the individual variables were sig- was the least related. No significant differences nificant predictors. The four predictor variables were found. accounted for 62% of the variance in students’ Examining the Grade 6 sample, the only scores on conventions-mechanics (p < .01). production-dependent scoring index signifi- CMIWS (β = .77, p < .001) and students’ grade cantly related to the THASS was CWS (r = level (β = .22, p < .01) were both significant .46, p < .01). Both production-independent predictors. measures (%WSC and %CWS) were signifi- Discussion cantly related to the THASS (r = .39 and .49, p < .01). Furthermore, the accurate-production The results of the preliminary analyses index had the strongest relationship to the indicated grade level and gender differences THASS (r = .56, p < .01). A similar pattern in students’ performance on the CBM written was seen for the PDC, PIC, and CMIWS expression scoring indices. Regarding gender, scores. Using Williams’s (1959) approach, girls significantly outperformed boys on all of CMIWS was found to be significantly more the writing fluency measures, but there were related to the THASS than the PDC at this no gender differences on the production-inde- grade level (p < .01). pendent or accurate-production indices. Thus, Overall, the significant correlations be- girls at all grade levels tended to write more tween the CBM indices and all other writing and produce more correctly spelled words and criterion used in the present study ranged from correct writing sequences than boys. However, .34 to .67. Thus, the amount of variance ac- boys and girls performed similarly on measures 39
School Psychology Review, 2005, Volume 34, No. 1 of writing accuracy, indicating that even though rate-production) related to external writing cri- boys may be less fluent, they are equally ac- teria. The present study found that as grade curate in their writing. These new findings level increased, fewer of the CBM scoring in- should be considered carefully by users of dices were significantly correlated with the CBM writing data, particularly when only flu- criterion measures of SAT subtest scores, lan- ency indices are being utilized. Because girls guage grades, and scores on the THASS. Spe- are producing more writing, they will have an cifically, with the early elementary-aged chil- advantage if being compared to boys on flu- dren (second grade), most of the production- ency measures. Thus, perhaps separate norms dependent, production-independent, and accu- should be created for boys and girls. rate-production measures were significantly When examining grade level, second, related to the writing criteria. However, when fourth, and sixth graders’ scores were signifi- examining older students’ (sixth grade) scores, cantly different from one another on all CBM in all but one case only the production-inde- indices with the exception of fourth and sixth pendent and accurate-production writing mea- graders not having significantly different sures were significantly related to the other scores on the production-independent indices criteria. The number of correct writing se- (%WSC and %CWS). This is further validity quences continued to be significantly related evidence for these measures in that one would to the criterion measures in sixth grade, but expect the scores to change as students’ skills the other more “pure” fluency measures (e.g., matured, particularly between second and number of words written and words spelled fourth grades. Additionally, results revealed correctly) were not significantly related to the that the pure fluency measure (number of criterion measures at the older grade level. words written) is not related to measures of These findings suggest that as students hit the writing accuracy at any grade level. The late elementary/middle school grades, teach- CMIWS scores, however, do seem to be tap- ers and school psychologists should demon- ping aspects of both writing fluency and accu- strate caution in using CBM to make high racy, as evidenced by significant correlations stakes educational decisions or to influence with the production-dependent and production- instruction if only TWW or WSC are being independent scoring indices. Malecki and used. It appears that examining only the quan- Jewell (2003) also recently found that CMIWS tity of these students’ writing is not assessing was significantly related to measures of both the skills being measured by the criterion mea- writing fluency and accuracy. Thus, as consis- sures. Rather, CWS, %WSC, %CWS, and tent with best practices, educators need to be CMIWS appear to be the more valid indices at clear on the purpose of their assessments be- the sixth grade level. fore choosing which CBM writing indicators A second major finding of the present are appropriate. Fluency and accuracy scores study was that with few exceptions, a stronger will be tapping different abilities, particularly relationship was found between production- at older grade levels. If one wanted a broad independent scoring indices and the writing score that accounted for both fluency and ac- criteria and between CMIWS and the criteria curacy, perhaps the CMIWS score would be than with production-dependent scoring indi- an appropriate choice. ces at all grade levels. This finding suggests Unlike earlier work performed by Deno that at all grade levels, measures of writing et al. (1980) and Deno et al. (1982), the present accuracy (production-independent and accu- study did not find consistent significant rela- rate-production) may be more strongly related tionships between the production-dependent to students’ performance on other types of writ- scoring indices and the other criterion measures ing criteria than measures of writing fluency. for the sixth-grade students. Instead, the present This result is consistent with the work of Tindal study detected grade level differences with how and Parker (1989), which revealed that pro- the three types of CBM scores (production- duction-independent scoring indices were more dependent, production-independent, and accu- closely related to teachers’ holistic ratings than 40
CBM Written Language production-dependent scoring indices. The similarity to state-wide writing assessments present study extends the work of Tindal and currently being used. The current study found Parker by including both direct and indirect that CMIWS was a significant predictor of stu- types of writing criteria, by using three types dents’ Total THASS and conventions-mechan- of CBM writing indices, and by finding a grade ics scores, suggesting that a measure that uti- level trend in how CBM scores relate to the lizes the combination of writing fluency and writing criteria. The results of the present study accuracy best relates to students’ overall writ- indicate that at the older grade levels especially, ing score and their usage of mechanics. This the production-dependent measures may not result is further evidence for the validity of the be significantly related to students’ perfor- CMIWS score. In addition, students’ grade mance on other criteria. level was also a significant predictor of their This grade level trend in how measures score on the conventions-mechanics compo- of writing fluency versus measures of writing nent of the THASS. This finding indicates that accuracy relate to students’ scores on other the grade level of the students affected their writing criteria suggests differences in the va- performance in writing mechanics. In other lidity of the three types of CBM scores at dif- words, as children advance through school, ferent grade levels. For example, it appears that their skills in writing conventions and mechan- the pure measures of writing fluency (number ics also progress. The same is true for students’ of words written and number of words spelled scores on the various CBM indices. correctly) are not appropriate to use at older It should be noted that although the cor- grade levels. On the other hand, at younger relations among the CBM production-indepen- grade levels, these fluency measures are related dent and accurate-production indices for all to writing criteria such as students’ Language grade levels were significantly related to the Arts grade and their scores on an analytic scor- national standardized achievement test scores ing system. Therefore, when working with stu- as well as to the THASS scores, the correla- dents in older grades, using production-inde- tions ranged from .43 to .67 for the SAT scores, pendent and accurate-production measures and from .34 to .56 for the THASSS scores. would provide information that is more closely These correlations are moderate to strong, how- tied to other writing criteria, such as academic ever, they are not overwhelming. In addition, achievement measures, than measures of writ- the correlations are similar in strength between ing fluency. The importance of using measures the CBM indices and SAT scores versus the of writing accuracy with older students could THASS scores, meaning that no conclusions mirror the increased emphasis that both stu- can be drawn about the merits of the SAT ver- dents and teachers place on writing quality as sus the THASS as related to CBM indices. students progress through school. Younger stu- Overall, the results of the current study add to dents are still working on becoming fluent our understanding of CBM writing indices, but writers, whereas older students begin to pay help to emphasize that we should always more attention to the quality of their writing. choose the assessment that most closely relates Thus, measures of writing quality are more to the skills needing to be assessed and that is accurate in their assessment of older students’ most valid for our intended purpose. These writing abilities. decisions should be made on a student-by-stu- The results of the present study indicated dent, and purpose-by-purpose basis. that collectively, the three types of curriculum- Limitations of the Study based measures (production-dependent, pro- duction-independent, and accurate-produc- A limitation of the present study was that tion), were significantly related to the four data regarding procedural integrity were not THASS scores (total, story-idea, organization- collected. Teachers were given explicit direc- cohesion, and conventions-mechanics). This tions on how to administer the CBM writing finding is important because the THASS was probes to their class in both verbal and written selected as a criterion measure because of its formats. However, after the administration of 41
School Psychology Review, 2005, Volume 34, No. 1 the CBM probes, teachers were not asked if In conclusion, examining the relation- the proper procedure was followed. After ex- ship between students’ scores on CBM, a pub- amining the writing samples generated by the lished standardized achievement test, class- students, it appeared as if the standardized pro- room grades, and an analytic scoring system cedure had been followed by all teachers, but revealed consistently stronger relationships this can not be confirmed without procedural between production-independent and accurate- integrity information. production CBM scoring measures with the A second limitation was that none of the other writing criteria than with production- writing samples used in the present study were dependent CBM scoring measures. With stu- scored by more than one rater. The scorers dents in older grades, it was primarily the underwent an intensive training process and production-independent and accurate-produc- practiced scoring on 160 “example” writing tion measures that were significantly related samples from various grade levels. However, to the criterion measures. With the early el- only one person scored each writing sample ementary students, all three types of CBM used in the present study and therefore scores were typically related to the criterion interrater reliability was not calculated for the measures. These results illustrated a grade level actual study’s writing samples. trend in how measures of writing fluency ver- sus measures of writing accuracy related to Future Research Directions other indicators of students’ writing perfor- The three types of curriculum-based mance. measures investigated in the present study (pro- Finally, the results from this study em- duction-dependent, production-independent, phasize the importance of making informed and accurate-production) have been shown to decisions about what types of assessment mea- have adequate evidence for their reliable and sures to use when making educational deci- valid use under typical circumstances (Deno sions for students. The present study, along et al., 1980; Espin et al., 2000; Marston & with previous literature (e.g., Espin et al., 2000; Deno, 1981; Tindal & Parker, 1989; Videen et Tindal & Parker, 1989), suggests that the age, al., 1982). The present study was the first to skill level, and gender of the student, the pur- examine these three types of CBM indices si- pose of the testing (e.g., progress monitoring, multaneously and found a grade level trend in making comparisons across students, com- how these indices relate to external writing municating results with parents, eligibility criteria. Future research needs to elaborate decisions), and the goal(s) of the assessment upon the grade level trend that exists within are all factors that must be taken into ac- the area of CBM writing to further delineate count. If a teacher wants to monitor the in- which type of CBM index is most appropriate crease in the amount of writing a student can to use with different ages of students. Another produce regardless of accuracy, Total Words possible direction for future research is to ex- Written would be suitable. If a teacher wants plore the gender differences found in the cur- to examine only the accuracy of writing in rent study between boys’ and girls’ writing flu- terms of grammar, punctuation, spelling, or ency abilities. If this distinction between the syntax, the percentage indices may be ap- genders is replicated, research could further propriate, especially with older students. examine the practical implications of this dif- Furthermore, the new indicator, Correct Mi- ference. Furthermore, research on the utility nus Incorrect Writing Sequences, may serve of CBM writing measures for a variety of aca- as an appropriate measure of students’ overall demic purposes, such as progress monitoring writing proficiency that has shown convinc- and eligibility decisions, needs to be conducted. ing reliability and validity evidence. Further When research examines the application of research can continue to add to such recom- CBM written expression scoring indices, dif- mendations and make educators’ decision mak- ferent grade levels should be used to further ing in choosing appropriate CBM writing in- investigate possible developmental trends. dices more explicit. 42
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