Jiaoke BC Program 2020-2021 - Course Selection Book - START WITH THE END IN MIND

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Jiaoke BC Program 2020-2021 - Course Selection Book - START WITH THE END IN MIND
Shanghai United International School
Jiaoke BC Program
    Course Selection Book

              IN MIND
Jiaoke BC Program 2020-2021 - Course Selection Book - START WITH THE END IN MIND

Principal’s Message                                                       Table of Contents
                                                        Principal’s Introduction                      1

                                                        Graduation Requirements                       2

                                                        Course List 2020-21                           3-13

                                                               Chinese                                4

                                                               Maths                                  4

                                                               Science                                5

                                                               English Language Arts                  7

Welcome to Jiaoke BC Program.                                  Arts & Fine Arts                       8

     Start with the “end” in mind – when you                   Humanities & Business                  11
graduate from SUIS-Jiaoke, where do you want to                Physical Education                     12
go? What college or university would you like to
                                                               Career & Life Education                13
attend? What program of study would you like to
pursue? What are your strengths, weaknesses, and        Sample Timetable                              14
areas of interest?
                                                        Route Planner: Engineering/Maths              15

      These are all questions you should be             Route Planner: Business                       15
thinking about as you prepare for course                Route Planner: Science                        16
selections, and the Course Selection Guidebook
will be a useful tool in helping you answer these       Route Planner: Arts                           16
questions. Academic advisors and teachers can
help you answer questions about programs and
                                                        As a student, it is important to ensure you have
pathways, and the information included in this
                                                        the things you need to graduate and realize your
booklet should help you make good decisions
                                                        post-secondary pathway goals; use this booklet,
about the courses you need to get you to the
                                                        and the variety of other resources available, to
                                                        help yourself along the way. Jiaoke staff are
                                                        caring, competent, and motivated– we’ll help
      A carefully chosen balance of required,
                                                        you get to the “end,” but it’s up to you to walk the
academic, and elective courses will help you
secure the knowledge and skills you need to
graduate and realize your post-secondary goals,
                                                        Brett Syer
while at the same time allowing you opportunity
to explore subjects you are interested in. The BC
Dogwood Diploma is internationally recognized as
                                                        B.C. Program Principal
a quality education, and the courses you select will
                                                        SUIS Jiaoke Secondary BC Campus
reflect that. The “perfect” timetable is the one that
                                                        55 Wan Yuan Road
works for you, and helps you meet your
                                                        Minhang District
requirements as a student while allowing you to
explore opportunities to broaden your knowledge,
experience growth, and contribute to our school
community in a positive way.
                                                        (86) 021-64807218
Jiaoke BC Program 2020-2021 - Course Selection Book - START WITH THE END IN MIND
The B.C. Certificate of Graduation or "Dogwood Diploma" is awarded to students who successfully complete the
provincial graduation requirements.

                                   SUIS JIAOKE 2020-2021 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW
         G10 - 2020-2021                                  G11 – 2020-2021                                     G12 - 2020-2021
    Course Requirements                    Cr         Course Requirements                    Cr           Course Requirements                   Cr

          English 10: Composition(S1)      2            English 11: Literary Studies (S1)    4           English 12: English Studies (S1-S2)    4

      English 10: Literary Studies (S2)    2               English 11: Composition (S2)      4                                    Elective 1    4

 Math Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10
                                           4                        Pre-Calculus 11 (S1)     4                                    Elective 2    4

                       Science 10 (S2)     4                    Canadian Social Studies      4                                    Elective 3    4

Physical & Health Education 10(S1-S2)      4              Science 11 (Choice - required)     4                                    Elective 4    4

        Computer Studies 10 (1 Term)       2        Pre-Calculus 12 (S2; recommended)        4                                    Elective 5    4

                                                                                                             Elective 6 (Humanities Choice;
                       Drama 10 (1 T)      2                                   Elective 1    4                                                  4
                                                                                                          required if not completed in G11)

                    Art Studio 10 (1 T)    2                                   Elective 2    4

Entrepreneurship & Marketing 10 (1T)       2            Elective 3 (if no Pre-Calculus 12)   4

     Other Requirements                                Other Requirements                                  Other Requirements

                         Mandarin 10       4                                 Mandarin 11     4                                Mandarin 12       4

   Chinese Social Studies 10 – History,               Chinese Social Studies 11: History,
                                          (REQ)                                              2
                   Geography, Politics                                           Politics

        Career Planning                                  Career Planning                                     Career Planning

                                                                Career-Life Education        4                  Career Life Connections         4

                                                                                                                        Capstone Project       (REQ)

   Provincial Assessments                            Provincial Assessments                              Provincial Assessments

       Provincial Literacy Assessment     (REQ)                                                       Provincial Literacy Assessment           (REQ)

     Provincial Numeracy Assessment       (REQ)

Highlights–Shanghai Education Bureau Requirements for Zhongkao & Huikao Preparation          Humanities 12 – requirement may be met in G11 or G12

Jiaoke BC Program 2020-2021 - Course Selection Book - START WITH THE END IN MIND
In order to graduate, students must acquire 80 credits and pass certain REQUIRED courses. Credits will be gained
from a combination of required courses, elective courses, and the Career & Life Education program.
         Course name                          Status    Credits       Course name                        Status      Credits

                             Mandarin 10       REQ         4                             Art Studio 10    REQ          2

                             Mandarin 11       REQ         4                                Drama 10      REQ          2

                             Mandarin 12       REQ         4                      Computer Studies 10     REQ          2

                 Chinese Social Studies 10     REQ         -                             Art Studio 11    ELECT        4

                 Chinese Social Studies 11     REQ         2               Computer Programming 11        ELECT        4

    Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10      REQ         4                            Media Arts 11     ELECT        4

                           Pre-Calculus 11     REQ         4                               Textiles 11    ELECT        4

                           Pre-Calculus 12     ELECT       4                             Art Studio 12    ELECT        4

                           AP Calculus AB      ELECT       4               Computer Programming 12        ELECT        4

                            AP Calculus BC     ELECT       4                            Media Arts 12     ELECT        4

                                Science 10     REQ         4               Drama 12: Film & Television    ELECT        4

                Environmental Science 11 REQ/CHOICE        4                               Textiles 12    ELECT        4

                Environmental Science 12       ELECT       4                   Canadian Social Studies    REQ          4

                Anatomy & Physiology 12        ELECT       4          Marketing & Entrepreneurship 10     REQ          2

                             Chemistry 11 REQ/CHOICE       4                            Psychology 12     ELECT        4

                             Chemistry 12      ELECT       4                   20th Century History 12 REQ/CHOICE      4

                                Physics 11 REQ/CHOICE      4                  Comparative Cultures 12 REQ/CHOICE       4

                                Physics 12     ELECT       4                    Physical Geography 12 REQ/CHOICE       4

                 English 10 - Composition      REQ         2              Canadian Political Studies 12 REQ/CHOICE     4

              English 10 – Literary Studies    REQ         2                      Travel & Tourism 12     ELECT        4

                 English 11– Composition       REQ         4                            Accounting 11     ELECT        4

              English 11 – Literary Studies    REQ         4                            Accounting 12     ELECT        4

               English 12 – English Studies    REQ         4                            Economics 12      ELECT        4

                                                                            Marketing & Promotion 12      ELECT        4

                     Career Life Education     REQ         4                            Leadership 12     ELECT        4

                  Career Life Connections      REQ         4                     Physical Education 10    REQ          4

                         Capstone Project      REQ         -                 Fitness & Conditioning 12    ELECT        4

Jiaoke BC Program 2020-2021 - Course Selection Book - START WITH THE END IN MIND
century, students can better recognize their Chinese
                 COURSE                                        identity and inherit the legacy of Chinese traditional

        DESCRIPTIONS                                           Chinese Social Studies 10
                                                               Required course
 PLEASE NOTE: not all courses will be offered each year.       Chinese Social Studies 10 consists of Chinese
 Courses described as ”Academic” have an increased level       Geography and Politics. Chinese Geography
of challenge and may require more commitment to obtain
                                                               includes physical geography, human geography,
                       a top grade
                                                               and regional geography, which aims to develop
                                                               students' geographical practice ability and establish
                                                               a harmonious view of people and places. Chinese
                                                               Politics includes Economics, Marxist philosophy,
                                                               and basic principles of political science, which help
                                                               students to analyze different social events and
                                                               behaviors based on different values and from
                                                               different perspectives.

                                                               Chinese Social Studies 11
                                                               Required course
                                                               Chinese History and Politics are taught in the
                                                               Chinese Social Studies 11. Chinese History will teach
                                                               Chinese and world history. It is designed to help
Chinese                                                        students to understand Chinese history and
                                                               cultivate a national spirit. Chinese politics includes
Mandarin 10                                                    Economics, Marxist philosophy, and basic principles
                                                               of political science. Students are expected to
Required course                                                analyze different social events and behaviors based
Mandarin 10 is a yearlong course. It reinforces                on different values and from different perspectives.
students’ reading and communication abilities
through learning classical Chinese works, modern
Chinese poems and comparative reading of plays                 Mathematics
from the east and the west.
                                                               Foundations of Math & Pre-
Mandarin 11                                                    Calculus 10
                                                               Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10 is a required
Required course                                                course for Grade 10 students. It introduces students
Mandarin 11 continues the study of Mandarin 10. To             to basic mathematical concepts in preparation for
cultivate critical thinking, students will read more           Grade 11, 12 and Calculus. There are five big ideas or
ancient Chinese prose and translated foreign                   concepts covered in this course. The first concept
classics.                                                      looks at algebra, while the second looks at
                                                               polynomials and powers. The third concept
Mandarin 12                                                    examines constant rate of change and linear
                                                               functions, relations and general functions. Concept
Required course                                                four studies trigonometry and concept five looks at
                                                               mathematical relationships including financial
Through reading and analyzing ancient classical
Chinese works and Chinese literature of the 20th

Jiaoke BC Program 2020-2021 - Course Selection Book - START WITH THE END IN MIND
Pre-Calculus 11                                               college admission officers that students have
                                                              sought out the most rigorous course work available
Dogwood Diploma Required Course                               to them. College credit and/or advanced course
Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Mathematics is designed for             placement will be determined by their performance
students who intend to deepen their mathematical              on the AP Exam, the worldwide standardized exam
understanding. It builds on the topics studied in             for students taking AP courses.
Grade 10 Mathematics and provides background
knowledge and skills for Pre-Calculus 12. The course          AP Calculus AB
comprises, primarily, a high level study of
theoretical mathematics with an emphasis on real              Pre-requisite: 80% in Pre-Calculus 12 OR
world applications. Students will learn how to solve          teacher’s recommendation
complex equations through algebra and a graphing              This course consists of a full high school academic
calculator, work with quadratics, and develop                 year of work and is comparable to a first-semester
knowledge of graphing related mathematics.                    calculus course in colleges and universities. In this
                                                              course, Students will learn the concept of limits,
                                                              derivatives, integrals and the Fundamental
                                                              Theorems of Calculus that establish the relationship
                                                              between integration and differentiation. Students
                                                              will be able to apply the concepts to solve various
                                                              problems graphically, numerically and analytically.

                                                              AP Calculus BC
                                                              Pre-requisite: “A” in Pre-Calculus 12 AND
                                                              teacher’s recommendation
                                                              This course consists of a full high school academic
                                                              year of work and is comparable to first and second
Pre-Calculus 12                                               semester calculus courses in colleges and
                                                              universities. AP Calculus BC is an extension of AB
Pre-requisite: >60% in PC11                                   rather than an enhancement. It covers all topics
Grade 12 Pre-Calculus Mathematics is designed for             from AP Calculus AB, extends the content learned in
students who intend to deepen their mathematical              AB to different types of equations, and introduces
understanding. It builds on the topics studied in             the topic of infinite series.
Grade 11 Pre-Calculus and provides background
knowledge and skills for AP Calculus. The course
comprises, primarily, a high-level study of                   Science
theoretical mathematics with an emphasis on real-
world applications. Students will learn how to solve
                                                              Science 10
complex equations through algebra and a graphing              Dogwood Diploma Required Course
calculator, work with quadratics, and develop
                                                              Science and scientific literacy play a key role in
knowledge of graphing related mathematics.
                                                              educating citizens of today for the world of
                                                              tomorrow. Science 10 explores important big ideas
                                                              including DNA as the basis for the diversity of living
AP Calculus
                                                              things, energy change is required as atoms
The College Board’s Advance Placement Program                 rearrange in chemical processes, energy is
(AP) enables students to pursue college-level                 conserved and its transformation can affect living
studies while still in high school. AP provides willing       things and the environment, and the formation of
and academically prepared students with the                   the universe can be explained by the big bang
opportunity to earn college credit and/or advanced            theory. Investigating these topics provides
placement. Taking AP courses also demonstrates to

opportunities for students to better understand the          Anatomy & Physiology 12 is an academic science
natural world.                                               course that focuses on cells, biochemical processes,
                                                             and human biology systems. There will be some
Environmental Science 11                                     dissection of organs and specimens in this course.
                                                             Anatomy & Physiology 12 is often a requirement for
Pre-requisite: Science 10                                    medical post-secondary programs or for those
                                                             requiring a biology background. This is an academic
Environmental Science 11 investigates the complex
                                                             course with lots of vocabulary to be learned.
roles and relationships which contribute to the
diversity of ecosystems. It explores how changing
ecosystems are maintained by natural processes               Chemistry 11
and how human practices affect the sustainability of
ecosystems. Environmental Science also cultivates
                                                             Pre-requisite: Science 10
how humans can play a role in stewardship and                Chemistry 11 is a course that examines the
restoration of ecosystems. It aims to increase               principles, laws, and theories of Chemistry through
students’ knowledge of the environmental                     scientific inquiry. It is composed of five units: Atoms
challenges of today, while continuing to cultivate           and Molecules, Chemical Naming and Reactions,
scientific critical thinking skills.                         Moles and Stoichiometry, Solutions Chemistry, and
                                                             Organic Chemistry. It teaches skills and attitudes
                                                             that assist students in developing sound problem-
                                                             solving and decision-making. It provides various
                                                             ways for students to demonstrate their
                                                             understanding of scientific concepts such as
                                                             performing experiments, graphing results, and
                                                             creating displays and models.

                                                             Chemistry 12
                                                             Pre-requisite: Chemistry 11
                                                             Chemistry 12 examines the basic concepts,
                                                             principles, laws, and theories of Chemistry through
                                                             scientific inquiry. It is expected that students will be
Environmental Science 12                                     able to apply this framework as a tool for explaining
                                                             and predicting the outcome of chemical reactions
Pre-requisite: Environmental Science 11                      and the factors affecting them. This course focuses
Environmental Science 12 explores how human                  on the reaction kinetics of equilibrium systems as
actions affect the quality of water and its ability to       applied to precipitation, acid-base, and redox
sustain life and how human activities cause changes          reactions.
in the global climate system. It investigates how            Through knowledge acquisition and skill
sustainable land use is essential to meet the needs          development students will be encouraged to reflect
of a growing population. Environmental Science               on their habits and attitudes as related to
also cultivates how living sustainably supports the          Chemistry, encouraging sound and ethical problem
well-being of self, community, and Earth. It aims to         solving and decision making. Students will be
increase students’ knowledge of the environmental            expected to make informed and responsible
challenges of today, while continuing to cultivate           decisions about themselves, their homes, their
scientific critical thinking skills.                         workplaces, and the global community, as they
                                                             learn what Chemistry is and how it affects their daily
Anatomy & Physiology 12
Pre-requisite: Science 10

Physics 11                                                   English Language Arts
Pre-requisite: Science 10; 73% or above in                   English 10: Composition
Math Foundations 10
                                                             Composition 10 is designed to support a community
Physics 11 gives students the opportunity to explore         of blossoming writers. Students will create coherent
some of the main principles and concepts in physics.         and purposeful compositions both individually and
Big ideas of study for this course include motion,           collaboratively. This course introduces students to
forces, energy and waves. Content includes                   varied structures, forms, and styles of compositions.
projectile motion, Newton’s laws, electricity, and           Students will improve their written communication
power and efficiency. Students will be able to               by questioning, sampling, drafting and revising their
comprehend laboratory and problem assignments,               written work.
and communicate their knowledge in clear, concise
English. This course meets the requirements for
entrance to Physics 12.

Physics 12
Pre-requisite: Physics 11; 73% or above in
Pre-Calculus 11
Physics 12 covers similar topics with Physics 11 but
in more detail. Big ideas of study for this course
include measurement of motion, linear and circular
motion, fields, and momentum. Content includes 2-
dimensional analysis of; kinematics, dynamics,
equilibrium, work and power, as well gravitation,
electrostatics and electric circuits. Students will be
able to comprehend laboratory and problem
assignments, and communicate their knowledge in
clear, concise English. This course may be required          English 10: Literary Studies
for students pursuing careers in science or
                                                             This course is for students who are interested in the
                                                             exploration of literature. They will explore and
                                                             discover genre through a combination of short-
                                                             stories, novels, and First Nations texts. Lit Studies 10
                                                             is a glorious opportunity for students to enrich their
                                                             vocabulary, deepen their understanding of themes,
                                                             and demonstrate their knowledge of author’s craft.
                                                             As both critical thinkers and global citizens,
                                                             students will develop core competencies required to
                                                             effectively analyze, discuss and write about

                                                             English 11: Composition
                                                             Pre-requisite: English 10
                                                             Composition 11 is designed to support a community
                                                             of independent and confident writers. Students will
                                                             refine their written communication by questioning,
                                                             sampling, drafting and revising their written work.
                                                             This course will empower students to communicate
                                                             their ideas in different formats to varied audiences.

In preparation for university, students will be taught        The English Studies 12 course is designed to provide
how to properly cite and evaluate the credibility of          students with opportunities to critically engage with
sources. Students will expand their core                      and explore a variety of texts. Throughout this
competencies through drafting, citation and                   course, students will gain insight on diverse
revision to demonstrate their critical thinking.              worldviews and concepts of identity. This course will
                                                              challenge students to consider the past, the present,
                                                              and the future through literary genres, including
                                                              First Nations literature, while developing essential
                                                              skills. Students will develop communication and
                                                              problem-solving strategies transferrable to their
                                                              post-secondary studies. Students will expand their
                                                              understanding of what it means to be educated
                                                              global citizens in an ever-changing world.

                                                              Fine Arts & Applied Skills
                                                              Art Studio 10
                                                              Art Studio 10 is an introduction to Studio Arts.
English 11: Literary Studies                                  Students will explore different materials and
Pre-requisite: English 10                                     processes to create art that expresses ideas, feelings
                                                              and a sense of identity. Students will use the specific
Literary Studies 11 allows students to delve deeply           vocabulary of art to respond to and discuss art, and
into literature and various types of media, exploring         investigate the role of art in reflecting and shaping
diverse topics, conflicts and themes. Students                culture.
should expect to broaden their understanding of
themselves and the world by engaging with First
Peoples, Canadian and international literature. By            Drama 10
considering author’s purpose and audiences,                   Students will be introduced to the skills and
students will develop their reading skills and critical       techniques of drama in this course. Participating in
thinking. This course enhances students’ receptive            drama games and performances will help students
and expressive abilities as they experience the               to build their confidence, and many other important
interactive nature of literature.                             skills such as creativity, problem solving, active
                                                              listening, reflection and risk taking. Active
                                                              participation in drama will also help students
                                                              develop their English speaking skills. Students in
                                                              Dram 10 will have the opportunity to study and
                                                              perform many elements of drama including tableau,
                                                              mime, improvisation and reader’s theater. Students
                                                              will also be using different types of media, including
                                                              film and music, to create performances,
                                                              presentations and videos in Drama 10.

English 12: English Studies
Dogwood Diploma Required Course

Computer Studies 10
Students will be taken through an overview of
several entry-level computer skills. These include
basic keyboarding, office software, online research,
and computer programming using block-based
code. Many of these skills are immediately
transferrable and important to other classes, not
just future programming classes. There is also a brief       Computer Programming 11
unit on digital citizenship which explores issues
relating to ethics and responsibilities in the online        Pre-requisite: Computer Studies 10
world. Finally, students will have an opportunity to         Students will learn to build and program robots that
do a creative project, such as coding and designing          will prepare them for engineering and computer
an interactive game.                                         programming. Robotics develops a variety of
                                                             technical skills and students enjoy working in teams
Art Studio 11                                                to meet challenges, improving their collaborative
                                                             and communication skills.
Pre-requisite: Art Studio 10
Students will learn basic foundational skills in art         Media Arts 11
through a variety of 2D and 3D activities. Students
will also develop their critical and creative thinking       Students will learn basic media foundational skills
capabilities throughout the course. These skills will        through a variety of hands on activities. Students
help both the beginner and advanced student in all           will also develop their critical and creative thinking
future art and design-related endeavors. The main            capabilities through complex assignments. These
focus areas studied in visual arts are painting,             skills will help both the beginner and advanced
drawing, printmaking, materials and processes, and           student in all future media and design-related
art appreciation.                                            endeavors. The three main focus areas studied in
                                                             media arts are photography, Photoshop, and video

                                                             Textiles 11
                                                             This is a hands-on course that provides students
                                                             with the skills to operate and maintain a portable
                                                             sewing machine. Students will learn the parts of the
                                                             sewing machine and how to safely operate the
                                                             machine, how to decide which type of fabric is
                                                             suitable for certain projects and how to recognize
                                                             and care for different types of fabrics. They will learn

different sewing techniques (sewing buttons and                critical and creative thinking capabilities through
buttonholes, zippers, hems, darts, pleats, etc.) and           complex assignments. These assignments will take
how to read a pattern and follow instructions to               place in and outside of school hours. The three main
construct sewing projects such as crafts (pin                  focus areas studied in media arts are photography,
cushions, pillows) and clothing items (purses,                 Photoshop, and video production.
aprons, shorts and/or dresses).

                                                               Drama 12: Film & Television
Art Studio 12                                                  This course will introduce students to the basics of
Pre-requisite: Art Studio 11                                   preparing, filming, and editing short films. We will
                                                               cover the steps from pre-production to post-
Students will continue to develop their art skills
                                                               production, as well as looking at the career options
through a variety of 2D and 3D activities. They will
                                                               available in this field. Throughout the course, the
continue to refine their critical and creative thinking
                                                               students will work in groups to create short films in
capabilities throughout the course. The main focus
                                                               a variety of genres and styles. Students will learn the
areas studied in Art Studio 12 are painting, drawing,
                                                               analytical skills to breakdown a scene, character, or
printmaking, art appreciation and the role of art in
                                                               entire film (ex: movie reviewer/critique). Students
                                                               will be encouraged to participate in local and city-
                                                               wide art events (Shanghai Student Film Festival).
Computer Programming 12                                        This course is open to grade 11 and grade 12
Pre-requisite: Computer Programming 11
Students learn advanced programming skills using
                                                               Textiles 12
robotics. With the help of robotics, they can
visualize the outcome of their programming in 3D               Pre-requisite: Textiles 11
space. This improves logical thinking skills. When
                                                               This course will build on the skills learned in Textiles
designing robots for the course’s specific
                                                               11. Students will learn to fit clothes to their figure
challenges, they develop problems solving and
                                                               type and choose their own patterns to complement
collaboration skills.
                                                               their present wardrobes. Students will use advanced
                                                               sewing techniques on fitted garments, including
Media Arts 12                                                  pants and a jacket or coat. There may be
                                                               opportunities to visit textile mills and design schools
Pre-requisite: Media Arts 11
                                                               and agencies.
Students will continue to strengthen the skills
previously learned as well as learn new media skills.
This will be done through a variety of hands on
activities. Students will also continue to refine their

Humanities & Business                                        useful in understanding themselves and those
                                                             around them.
Canadian Social Studies
Required Course                                              20th Century History 12
The aim of the Canadian Social Studies curriculum is         Pre-requisite: Canadian Social Studies
to develop thoughtful, active and responsible                History 12 examines the major events of the
citizens who have the necessary skills to critically         twentieth century which have shaped the world that
analyze the complex world we live in today.                  we know today. Emphasis is placed on the world
Students will develop their critical thinking and            powers that influenced the course of history from
perspective taking skills as they examine important          the buildup to World War I to the aftermath of the
Canadian issues in the 20th and 21st century.                Cold War. Topics of study include the end of the age
Students will focus on developing their research,            of imperialism, the rise of totalitarian states, the
communication and analysis skills in this inquiry-           causes and consequences of World War II, the
based and project-based Social Studies course.               impacts of the Cold War around the globe, and the
                                                             development of conflicts in the post-colonial world.
Marketing & Entrepreneurship 10                              History 12 is an academic humanities course which
                                                             requires critical thinking and keen communication
This is a one term course that introduces students to
the basics of both entrepreneurship and marketing.
Some of the topics covered in this course are
characteristics of entrepreneurs, life cycles of             Comparative Cultures 12
products, marketing strategies and concepts and
                                                             Pre-requisite: Canadian Social Studies
ethics in business. Throughout the course, students
will have the opportunity to apply the skills they've        Take an exciting journey through the ages, from
learned in a variety of hands-on activities such as          ancient Egypt to the Islamic Empire. Reflect upon
creating their own small businesses and promoting            the times of men and women – kings and queens,
school events.                                               conquerors and slaves, philosophers and athletes,
                                                             artists and scientists – as they lived in Egypt, Greece,
                                                             Rome, and the Islamic world. How did the gods and
                                                             heroes affect the daily lives of the ancient Greeks
                                                             and Romans? What are the world’s major religions
                                                             and who first practiced them? Ultimately, what is
                                                             ‘civilization’? Through discussion, projects, films,
                                                             games and slide presentations, discover how we
                                                             have evolved from hunter-gatherers into a global

                                                             Physical Geography 12
                                                             Pre-requisite: Canadian Social Studies
                                                             Geography 12 incorporates data from a variety of
Psychology 12
                                                             sources which allows us to better understand our
Psychology 12 is an introductory course in the study         globally connected world. It explores how natural
of human behavior. Among topics studied will be              processes such as plate tectonics, processes of
human development, sleep and dreams, personality             gradation, weather systems and other forces have
development and measurement, principles of                   an impact on human and natural systems.
learning, motivation and emotions, hypnosis,                 Geography 12 also investigates how interactions
frustration and conflict, and abnormalities and              between human activities and the atmosphere
treatment of antisocial behavior, psychosis, and             affect local and global weather and climate.
neurosis. Throughout the course, students will learn
how an understanding of human behavior can be
Canadian Political Studies 12                                Accounting 12
Pre-requisite: Canadian Social Studies                       Pre-requisite: Accounting 11
Students in Political Studies 12 will look at the            This is a practical hands-on accounting course
different theories and political structures that have        building on the knowledge students have attained
helped shaped Canadian politics today. In addition,          through Accounting 11. Students will apply
students will have a chance to look at different             knowledge of accounting through a variety of
competing political ideologies and which ones have           computer-based projects using Simply Accounting
helped shape modern political institutions. The              and Microsoft Excel software. Students will analyze
course will also look at local, regional and                 and solve accounting problems and produce and
international issues, electoral systems, public              present accounting reports for a small business. It is
policies and international systems.                          strongly suggested students achieve 70% or above
                                                             in Accounting 11 and begin this course as soon as
Travel & Tourism 12                                          possible after finishing Accounting 11.

Pre-requisite: Entrepreneurship & Marketing                  Economics 12
                                                             Economics 12 is an introductory course which
Did you know that in 2016, Shanghai attracted                explores the fundamental principles of economics
about 300 million visitors? Tourism 12 students will         and their applications at both a micro- and
identify key economic drivers within our                     macroeconomic scale. Students gain an
community. This course will guide students on local,         understanding of the behaviour of markets and
national, and international tourism issues and help          economic decisions that affect everyday life.
them investigate different sectors of the industry by        Students planning to undertake advanced studies in
evaluating and catering to the needs of travelers.           business will find this an essential course to help
This can be through: managing hotels, restaurants,           understand a variety of economic interactions in
cruise ships, resorts, theme parks, and any other            society.
kind of hospitality you can imagine. Operating busy
tourist locations, creating marketing around the
world of leisure and travel, and planning tailored           Marketing & Promotion 12
events are just a few of the key aspects explored in
                                                             Pre-requisite: Marketing & Entrepreneurship
this course. Using a mix of economics, marketing,
and leadership experience, students should be able
to develop the skills to know how to spot trends and         This course covers the roles and functions of
locate their own career niche in this exciting field.        Marketing. Students will gain a thorough
                                                             understanding of marketing concepts such as
                                                             planning and development, pricing, promotion, and
Accounting 11                                                distribution. Students will evaluate marketing
Accounting 11 is an introductory course in                   methods businesses use to inform the world of their
accounting, providing students with the knowledge            products, describe how governments regulate
of how businesses keep financial records. Students           businesses, and analyze how cultures affect the way
will use a manual system to learn correct                    businesses market their products internationally
bookkeeping techniques based on generally                    and nationally.
accepted accounting principles. Students will
prepare accounting documents such as Trial
Balances, Balance Sheets, Income Statements &
Worksheets for a Service Business. Students will             Physical & Health Education
become familiar with Simply Accounting software
and Excel Spreadsheets.                                      Physical Education 10
                                                             This course introduces students to different sports
                                                             and sport related skills. Students are empowered to
                                                             make good choices and adopt healthy habits

through goal setting and skill building. Healthy             and staging of school events. It is through the
living and the enjoyment of sport are the larger             activities and programs that are run by the class that
goals of the course along with teamwork, leadership          the students will learn and practice the concepts and
and skill development. The course will cover such            skills of leadership.
sports as Ball Hockey, Badminton, Ultimate and
Basketball. In the Dance unit students work
individually and in groups to practice dance moves,          Career & Life Education
choreograph, instruct, and eventually perform their
routines for an audience of peers and teachers.              Career-Life Education & Career-
                                                             Life Connections
                                                             Career-Life Education (CLE) and Career-Life
                                                             Connections (CLC) help students learn how to
                                                             effectively manage their life journey. Through
                                                             purposeful career-life development, students learn
                                                             to recognize their evolving interests and strengths,
                                                             refine their learning goals, and apply this self-
                                                             knowledge to exploring possibilities post-
                                                             graduation, in diverse education, work, and
                                                             personal contexts. In this way, students are able
                                                             recognize who they want to be in the world and how
                                                             progress towards it.

Fitness & Conditioning 12
                                                             Capstone Project
Pre-requisite: PE10
                                                             The capstone is a rigorous learning opportunity for
Students experience a variety of fitness activities          students to reflect and share in personally
designed to improve personal fitness, including              meaningful ways. The purpose of the capstone is for
weight training, hill and stair running, yoga, boot          students to demonstrate the knowledge,
camps, circuit and interval training; as well as             competencies, and passion(s) that they can offer the
various field experiences. They will gain exposure to        world, as they integrate personal interests and
different types of fitness classes in the community.         strengths with preferred future possibilities. It is a
For example hiking, martial arts, spinning, Parkour,         representation of the student’s learning journey and
boxing, and rock climbing.                                   provides an opportunity to reflect and synthesize as
Throughout the course, students will focus on                well as showcase and celebrate.
setting and working towards personal fitness goals.

They will deepen their understanding of the
components of fitness by taking and administering
different tests, including the beep test, step test,
push-ups etc. Personal fitness goals can target any
or all the components of fitness, including
cardiovascular endurance, strength, power, agility,
and flexibility.

Leadership 12
Leadership is designed to instruct students in the
various methods and techniques for planning,
implementing and evaluating projects related to
school activities. Topics include public speaking,
communication, teamwork, management skills,
self-awareness, human relations, and promotion


                        Grade 9                                                            Grade 10
                     Course Name                                                          Course Name
       Semester 1                          Semester 2                        Semester 1                      Semester 2

                            English 09                                  English 10: Composition         English 10: Lit Studies

                                                                    Foundations of Math & Pre-
          Math 09                            Science 09                                                       Science 10
                                                                           Calculus 10

                                                                        Computer Studies 10 & Drama 10 & Art Studio 10 &
                     Social Studies 09
                                                                               Entrepreneurship & Marketing 10

           Physical and Health Education 09                                     Physical and Health Education 10

Mandarin 09 - Chinese Social Studies 09 – Language
                                                                    Mandarin 10 - Chinese Social Studies 10 - Language Studies 10
                   Studies 09

                       Grade 11                                                            Grade 12
                     Course Name                                                          Course Name
     Semester 1                          Semester 2                        Semester 1                      Semester 2

  English 11: Lit Studies            English 11-Composition                         English 12: English Studies

    Pre-Calculus 11                Pre-Calculus 12 OR Elective 3             Elective 1                      Elective 4

Canadian Social Studies                     Elective 2                       Elective 2                      Elective 5

  Science 11 (Choice)                       Elective 1                       Elective 3                      Elective 6

Mandarin 11 – Chinese Social Studies 11 – Language                      Mandarin 12 – Career Life Connections – Capstone
        Studies 11 – Career Life Education                                                  Project

                              “BUILD YOUR OWN” SCHEDULE 2020-2021

             My Schedule One                                                          My Schedule Two

 Semester 1                              Semester 2                         Semester 1                         Semester 2

Engineering / Mathematics / Computer / Architecture Route
                    Competitive Averages                                                      Language Requirements

                 Engineering - mid 80s to low 90s                                                      IELTs 6.5
               Computer & Math - mid 80s to low 90s

Suggested Course Schedules

 University                                                                                                                              Geography 12
                    English 12          Math 12         AP Calculus         Physics 12      Chemistry 12       Programming
 Program                                                                                                            12                    History 12

Engineering           Required           Required         Required           Required           Required           Optional              Recommended

                      Required           Required         Required           Required           Required           Optional              Recommended

                      Required           Required         Required       Recommended         Recommended           Optional              Recommended

                      Required           Required         Required       Recommended            Optional           Optional              Recommended

Mathematics           Required           Required         Required       Recommended            Optional           Optional              Recommended

Business Route
                    Competitive Averages                                                      Language Requirements

                       Arts - mid to high 80s                                                          IELTs 6.5
                   Business – mid 80s to low 90s

Suggested Course Schedules

                                                                                                                           Computer        Marketing 12
University                                                                              Leadership     History 12
                 English 12        Math 12          AP Calculus       Science 12                                         Programming       Accounting 12
program                                                                                     12        Geography 12            12
                                                                                                                                           Economics 12

Economics         Required          Required        Recommended      Recommended         Optional      Recommended            Optional        Optional

Business /
                  Required          Required        Recommended      Recommended         Optional      Recommended            Optional        Optional

Accounting        Required          Required        Recommended      Recommended         Optional      Recommended            Optional        Optional

 Finance          Required          Required        Recommended      Recommended         Optional      Recommended            Optional        Optional

course requirements vary from school to school: research the universities you are interested in and check program requirements online

Science Route
                      Competitive Averages                                                       Language Requirements

                 Science Courses - mid 80s to low 90s                                                      IELTs 6.5

Suggested Course Schedules

  University                                                                                                        Anatomy &           Geography 12
                     English 12           Math 12            AP Calculus        Physics 12     Chemistry 12
  Program                                                                                                          Physiology 12         History 12

                       Required            Required          Recommended        Recommended     Recommended         Recommended            Optional

   Biology             Required            Required          Recommended        Recommended     Recommended         Recommended            Optional

Environment &
                       Required            Required            Required         Recommended       Required          Recommended            Optional

   Physics             Required            Required            Required           Required      Recommended              Optional          Optional

  Chemistry            Required            Required          Recommended        Recommended       Required               Optional          Optional

Health Studies         Required         Recommended            Optional         Recommended       Required               Required          Optional

Arts & Humanities
                       Competitive Averages                                                       Language Requirements

                 Literature, Humanities - mid to high 80s                                                    IELTs 6.5
                 Media, Visual, Design – mid to high 80s

Suggested Course Schedules

                                                                                                  Art Studio 12
  University                                                                                                              History12/    Drama 12: Film
                    English 12          Math 12             AP Calculus          Science 12:      or Media Arts
  Program                                                                                                                Geography 12       & TV

 Humanities           Required        Recommended             Optional             Optional          Optional            Recommended           Optional

Arts (General)        Required        Recommended             Optional             Optional          Optional            Recommended           Optional

Visual Studies        Required        Recommended             Optional             Optional       Recommended              Optional            Optional

Media Studies         Required        Recommended             Optional             Optional       Recommended              Optional       Recommended

   Design             Required           Required             Optional             Optional       Recommended              Optional            Optional

                      Required        Recommended             Optional             Optional          Optional              Optional            Optional

       course requirements vary from school to school: research the universities you are interested in and check program requirements online

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