Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School

Page created by Alexander Barrett
Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School
Pros p e c t u s
Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School
Welcome to Blatch
                                     Our efforts are rooted in the fact        We judge ourselves, as we must, on
                                     that we believe, above all else,          the results that our students achieve
                                     that education is a transformative        but also on their wellbeing and
                                     force for good. Learning prepares         happiness, their tolerance and
                                     students for later life, including        respect for one another and the
                                     employment, and equips them to            world, and the future they go onto
                                     thrive in an ever- changing world -       when their journey at Blatch is
                                     but it is also much more important        complete. On all of these measures,
                                     than that.                                we do extremely well and we will
                                                                               continue to strive to do better. I
                                     Learning changes who we are and
                                                                               hope that our reputation in the
                                     what we can become. It changes
                                                                               local community, our online Open
Welcome to the prospectus            how we view others, and it changes
                                                                               Evening and the opportunity to
                                     how we interact with the world. It
for Blatchington Mill School.                                                  talk to us on the phone all help
                                     reveals our potential and helps us
I hope that this snapshot                                                      you to feel confident in choosing
                                     discover our passions. Learning is
of the school helps to give                                                    Blatchington Mill for your child’s
                                     beautiful and often messy. We don’t
you an idea of what we are                                                     education at this critical and vital
                                     learn in straight lines, it’s a complex
about, and the educational           process and that’s what makes our
excellence we offer. We are          school such a dynamic and vibrant
so disappointed to not be            place to be.
able to hold our usual open
                                     In order to learn well, we must
events this year but hope that
you will join us for our online
                                     all feel safe and secure. As such,
                                     we have unapologetically high
                                                                               “S chool is a
Open Evening and take                standards for behaviour and               place to find
advantage of our telephone
appointments to find out
                                     conduct and no tolerance for
                                                                               yourself – to
                                     bullying or discrimination. Our
more about our incredible            students support this. We are             lear n at the ver y
school.                              graded by Ofsted as ‘Outstanding’         limits of your
                                     for behaviour and safety.
The past year has shaken education
immeasurably. Young people are
                                                                               pote ntial
                                     At Blatchington Mill School, we are
aware, more than ever, of the        committed to exceptional success
                                                                               and in doing so
importance of attending school, of   for every student. With the right         discover who
learning and of the joy that comes   support and challenge we ensure
from our shared endeavour. At        that all students achieve their
                                                                               you really are.”
Blatchington Mill we have acted      incredible potential. We focus on
quickly, creatively and with huge    the very best teaching, and create        As h l e y H a r ro l d
determination to protect education   a love of learning that will inspire      H e a d te a c h e r
during this challenging period -     further study and success.
and as a result our students have
continued learning throughout.
Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School
High aspirations,                                                                                                      Nurturing a
     high expectations                                                                                                      learning culture
     We know that every parent/             This was an extremely hard working       In Drama and Music students            Our core business is learning.           what educational research suggests      schools nationwide to be awarded
     carer has high hopes for               and dedicated year group that had       excelled, with a phenomenal             The majority of our effort and           makes the most impact upon              MFL Lead Hub status. As part of
     their children; for them to            made exceptional progress over          number of students leaving with         endeavour is spent on                    student learning. Teachers work         the scheme we are recorgnised as
     be successful, happy and               their time at Blatch and so we were     a grade 7 or higher, indeed 22%         ensuring that lessons are                collaboratively within teams to         experts in language teaching and
                                            delighted to be able to put forward     and 43% more than the national                                                   plan learning utilising and adapting    we support schools around the city
     fulfilled. At Blatch, we share                                                                                         vibrant and engaging; and that
                                            grades that enabled our students to     average from grade 7 respectively.                                               current pedagogical research to         to develop teaching and learning
     those hopes for all students.                                                                                          learning is secure and
                                            go onto the next exciting steps in      In language, students of Spanish                                                 inform and develop our practice.        of Modern Foreign Languages. We
     2019/20 was an unusual year -                                                                                          embedded.
02                                          their education.                        achieved well above national                                                                                             will share best practice in order        03
                                                                                                                                                                     During the enforced school
     schools were asked to provide                                                  average in every key grade              Teachers support and guide                                                       to further develop the excellent
                                            There were success stories across                                                                                        closure in 2020, our teachers
     ‘centre assessed grades’ for all                                               bracket. There were also superb         students’ learning with the highest                                              opportunities available for students
                                            the range of subjects, with students                                                                                     worked tirelessly to provide a high
     departing year 11 students as                                                  performances in Biology, Chemistry      expectations for behaviour,                                                      studying languages in Brighton
                                            attending Blatch being awarded                                                                                           quality online learning experience
     nationally students were not                                                   and Physics, with 100% of students      progress and enjoyment.                                                          and Hove. Our MFL team have
                                            grades significantly higher than                                                                                         for our students. They adapted
     able to sit exams with school                                                  achieving strong passes and the         Students understand what they are                                                also created a number of lessons
                                            national averages. In Combined                                                                                           swiftly to utilising technology
     partially closed. These grades                                                 majority doing so with a grade 7 or     learning and why it is important.                                                for the Oak National Academy, an
                                            Science, for example, 13% more                                                                                           and online learning tools to
     were judgements of the likely                                                  better.                                 Students learn to work                                                           online learning resource launched
                                            students achieved a pass grade 4                                                                                         ensure our students were able to
     grade each student would have                                                                                          collaboratively and cooperatively,                                               in response to the coronavirus
                                            than the national average. Similarly,   These outcomes were very much                                                    continue learning from home. As of
     achieved had they actually sat                                                                                         working alongside others                                                         outbreak. These lessons are used
                                            in English Language 18% more            in line with what we would have                                                  September 2020 all our teachers are
     the exams in the summer. These                                                                                         effectively in teams.                                                            nationally by staff and students to
                                            students were awarded a pass grade      expected from Blatch students and                                                creating pre-recorded versions of all
     professional judgements were based                                                                                     Students develop their skills in order                                           support online learning.
                                            4 and 7% more achieved a grade          it is fair to say that we continue to                                            lessons, and providing live support,
     on coursework, classwork, home                                                                                         to reflect on their own learning and
                                            7 than the national average. In         be a school where students thrive                                                to ensure that whether students are     We work collaboratively with all
     work and any internal assessments                                                                                      progress, become resilient, and
                                            maths 18% more students enjoyed         academically and achieve brilliant                                               learning in school or at home, the      Brighton & Hove secondary schools
     already taken, such as mocks. As a                                                                                     commit to their own independent
                                            a strong pass grade 5 than the          outcomes.                                                                        quality of education they receive       to share best practice and play
     school we spent a great deal of time                                                                                   learning and enquiry. These same
                                            average across the country.                                                                                              is consistently high and never          our part in raising standards for all
     on these to make sure every student                                                                                    principles underpin our staff
                                                                                                                                                                     disrupted.                              learners across the city.
     received a set of grades that they                                                                                     development.
     deserved, reflecting their hard work                                                                                                                            Blatch is also a founding member        All staff contribute to this culture
                                                                                                                            Teachers identify themselves as
     over their school career.                                                                                                                                       of the Pavilion & Downs Teaching        of learning and development, and
                                                                                                                            learners too, with an unswerving
                                                                                                                                                                     School Alliance - delivering            every member of staff, from the
                                                                                                                            commitment to reflecting upon,
                                                                                                                                                                     teacher training and professional       facilities manager to the IT support
                                                                                                                            refining and enhancing their
                                                                                                                                                                     development to other schools            team, know that their primary role is
                                                                                                                            classroom craft. Teachers work
                                                                                                                                                                     through our Specialist Leaders in       to maximise student learning. This
                                                                                                                            collaboratively to plan, assess and
                                                                                                                                                                     Education (SLEs).                       ethos, above all else, is at the heart
                                                                                                                            trial new approaches or techniques
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of our school.
                                                                                                                            within their lessons, based on           Blatchington Mill has also been
                                                                                                                                                                     selected as one of only nine
Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School
Expression &
     We focus on developing the           Our music department has              on to play for professional football
     whole child at Blatch.               professional standard music           teams, as well as having students
                                          equipment for every student.          in the Harlequins Rugby Academy,
     We value the educational benefits
                                                                                Ealing Trailfinders Rugby Academy
     of the Arts as a source of           This proficiency in the Performing
04                                                                              and the Sussex Netball and Cricket     05
     individuality, expression and        Arts has led our staff and students
     creativity, and have a legacy of     to take their expertise into the
     specialisation in Performing Arts.   wider school community, working
     Students’ confidence in their own    alongside local primary-school
     articulation and expression, and     children in a number of exciting      “Blatch is a great
     the subsequent development of        Arts projects.                        school because
     their sense of identity through      Students have numerous                it has amazing
     performance, is a major reason       opportunities to experience           drama lessons
     for their success in other aspects   Performing Arts, both within the      and br illiant
     of school life. Our reputation for
     delivering jaw-dropping student
                                          classroom and in our range of
                                                                                oppor tunities
                                          extra-curricular activities. Our
     productions in our professional      highly successful PE department
                                                                                to per for m at
     standard Windmill Theatre, as well   aims to promote lifelong              the Windmill
     as our extensive involvement in      participation in physical activity    theatre.”
     local community projects, is a       alongside leading healthy,
     source of great pride.               active lifestyles and develop         Year 8
     We have a thriving music             student confidence, teamwork
     department – our bands and           and leadership in and outside
     orchestras frequently perform        of lessons. We have students
     beyond school.                       competing at international level in
                                          football and dance, with students
                                          currently training with the England
                                          U15 squad, and students at
                                          Brighton & Hove Albion’s Football
                                          Academy. We also have a number
                                          of former students who have gone
Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School
     Student academic success is             It fits our ethos that learning is
                                             carried out for its own reward
                                                                                     “ Th e te a c h e r s
     balanced across a range of
     subjects – we value holistic            and its own beauty. Students            re a l l y c a re
     learning and offer a broad              learn fewer topics, in greater          a b o u t h ow
                                             depth. We spend a long time
                                             deepening understanding, rather         m u c h yo u a re
     Within this, we have a set of
     subjects that are the foundation of
                                             than accelerating through topics.       l e a r n i n g.”
06                                           Problem solving is both how and                                                                                                                                                    07
     students’ knowledge and skill base.     why we learn mathematics. This          Year 11
     Known as core subjects, these           approach improves enjoyment
     include English, Maths,                 of maths and builds deep
     Science and Computing. Students         understanding.
     focus on these subjects with
                                             We work to ensure that students

     significant curriculum time, in order
                                             experience a wide range of subjects
     to support the development of
                                             at both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.
     their literacy, numeracy, enquiry
     and digital fluency. In these           Full details of our curriculum can be
     areas, we strive to innovate and        found on our website.                                           Although we are currently            the opportunity to study our own       enable us to reach and support
                                                                                                             hampered by the ongoing              fine city. We’ve been hill-walking     more disadvantaged young people
     Blatch specialises in curriculum
                                                                                                             pandemic, at Blatchington            and skiing, and organised foreign      who want to undertake their
     development to ensure students are
                                                                                                             Mill School we endeavour to          exchanges. We’ve studied European      award.
     equipped for lifelong learning.
                                                                                                                                                  art, visited galleries and music
     As an example, we follow a
                                                                                                             run a whole variety of study                                                We have an extra-curricular offer
                                                                                                                                                  workshops locally, nationally and
     programme of Maths Mastery in Key                                                                       trips. In recent years we’ve                                                that spans every year and every
                                                                                                                                                  across the world.
     Stage 3 (Years 7-9) for all students.                                                                   visited America, Belgium,                                                   curriculum area, so that students
                                                                                                             Zanzibar, France, Andorra,           Blatchington Mill is also a provider   can identify subjects within the
     This approach serves two purposes:
                                                                                                             Austria and Spain.                   of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
     firstly to ensure that every student                                                                                                                                                curriculum that they enjoy, and
                                                                                                                                                  Last year our students completed
     becomes able to succeed in maths                                                                        The History department takes                                                skills they want to develop further.
                                                                                                                                                  832 hours of voluntary work in our
     and, secondly, that naturally                                                                           students to Poland and France,                                              These extra-curricular clubs are
                                                                                                                                                  local community and carried out
     talented mathematicians have a                                                                          the Music staff have organised for                                          organised and run by our own
                                                                                                                                                  a number of expeditions. We were
     better understanding of the                                                                             students to play at Disneyland and                                          specialist subject staff, and are
                                                                                                                                                  also delighted to have received a
     principles of maths;                                                                                    in Parisian parks, our Geographers                                          designed to be inclusive while
                                                                                                                                                  grant from the Duke of Edinburgh’s
     the ‘why’ rather than the ‘how’.                                                                        have experienced school in Brazil,
                                                                                                                                                  Award’s Diamond fund which will        inspiring enthusiasm and curiosity.
                                                                                                             Naples and Iceland, and all have
Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School
Student                                                                         Student
08   voice                                                                           leadership                                                                                                           09

                                                                                     Students in Year 11 apply to          sports days before building on these     their younger mentee, building up
     Student voice is                       We also have student groups such
                                                                                     become ‘Senior Students’.             skills in Year 10 where they will        a relationship which helps students
     incredibly important.                  as our LGBT+ student group which
                                                                                     They are keen to pay                  also have the opportunity to assist      feel supported and able to share
                                            provides a safe space for students
     We ensure that all students are                                                 something back to the school          teachers and coaches at primary          any feelings they are experiencing.
                                            to talk about a variety of issues with
     represented at all levels of the                                                community by supporting               school extra-curricular clubs. In Year
                                                                                                                                                                    We also run a BAME mentoring
                                            their peers. We have 24 students
     school, including Form Reps,                                                    younger students in their             10 there is also the opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                    programme which runs for six
                                            who have been trained as LGBT+
     Year Reps, Student Council, and                                                 learning, greeting visitors           to be nominated to become part
                                                                                                                                                                    weeks, comprising of 5 weeks
                                            ambassadors. These students help
     student representation on our full                                              to the school, supporting             of the Young Coaches Academy, a
                                                                                                                                                                    mentoring and a final week of
                                            to promote LGBT+ awareness within
     Governing Body. We listen to and                                                decision making and                   county wide sports leader training
                                                                                                                                                                    celebration of the participants’
                                            school and work with staff to ensure
     act upon student feedback in all                                                generally proving to be the           scheme. In Year 11 up to 15 leaders
                                                                                                                                                                    achievements. We are so proud of
                                            that Blatchington Mill is an inclusive
     aspects of school life, with many                                               finest ambassadors for Blatch.        are asked to represent the school
                                                                                                                                                                    this programme and our students
                                            environment for all LGBT+ students.
     improvements coming from student                                                                                      as Blatch Sports Ambassadors.
                                                                                     Our Sports Leaders programme is                                                have benefited hugely.
     suggestions. Our students are          We have students involved in many                                              Our leadership programme
                                                                                     also very popular and allows for
     encouraged to express their views      community events, supporting local                                             gives our students the chance to
                                                                                     our students to gain experience
     directly to the school’s               and national charities and making                                              develop leadership qualities and
                                                                                     working with younger children,
     decision makers.                       sustained commitment to work in                                                independence that many have
                                                                                     as well as their peers and adults.
                                            the local area.                                                                found extremely beneficial when
     Students are involved in interviews                                             The programme has a very good
                                            We also work with our local primary                                            applying for college places.
     for staff vacancies and Curriculum                                              reputation not only in Brighton and
     Teams regularly garner student         schools, involving them in theatre       Hove but county wide. Spanning        At Blatch we are also proud to run a
     feedback on which parts of a scheme    workshops and inviting all Hove          over three years, our Year 9 young    peer to peer mentoring programme
     of lessons worked best, how the        primaries to have practical Science      leaders are firstly given the         which has been hugely beneficial
     learning could be improved and other   lessons in one of our newest labs.       opportunity to help with various      to the students involved. Our older
     areas in which the students are the                                             Blatch inter-form events and some     students work through a stringent
     experts.                                                                        primary school events such as         programme whilst getting to know
Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School
     We are an inclusive school and we encourage
     all members of our community, including
     students and their families, to take an active part
     in their school.
     Parents/carers can contribute through FAB (Friends
     At Blatch, our PTA), and we hold regular forums for
     parents to discuss school improvement. We also hold
     workshops in order for parents and carers to build skills
     and confidence in subjects such as Maths so that they are
     able to support students with their school work.

10   Staff and students organise many clubs                       11
     and specialist groups. Subjects are diverse
     and include Art & Design, Drama, Maths,
     Computing, Photography, Film, Music & Dance,
     Science, Technology and Cycling.
     Departments run focussed revision sessions which
     students can attend to boost their academic
     performance. We also run afterschool homework support
     where students can receive help and guidance with their
     learning. We have two separate venues for KS3 and KS4
     that offer a quiet space, as well as access to Chromebooks
     and a supportive teacher.

     Our school has a strong and effective governing
     body that includes parents/carers,
     teachers, students and members of our
     community who represent a wide range of
     professions and business areas.
Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School
Friends at Blatch                                     (FAB)
     FAB is a lively and effective
     group of parents/carers
     and friends of the school.               “ B l atc h i s a
                                              g o od s c h o o l
     Their twin roles are, first, to assist
     senior staff with self-evaluation
                                              because all
     of the school’s performance              t h e s t u d e nt s
     and, second, to raise thousands
     of pounds every year, through a
                                              a re f r i e n d l y
     number of special events, for the        a n d h e l p f u l,
     benefit of the school. They meet
12   twice a term – all parents/carers
                                              e s p e c i a l l y to t h e   13
     are automatically members. FAB           Ye a r 7 s.”
     welcomes all parents/carers at any
                                               Year 7
     of their meetings and events.

     We welcome the local community
     into our school, which is always a
     hub of activity with many community
     sports clubs – from archery to
     cricket – using our facilities.
     Groups also use the Windmill
     Theatre regularly.
Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School
RIC and OLA                                                                                                               Rewarding excellence
     Our Research & Information             a welcoming and stimulating                allowing them the space to take         Behaviour is excellent at               We also place huge importance
14   Centre (known as the RIC) is           study environment, and is staffed          responsibility for their learning and   Blatch, and we use positive             on fostering indepedence in our     15

     a centralised resource area            throughout the day. Students can           become familiar with the type of        behaviour management to                 students. We encourage them
     that combines library and IT           come to the RIC before school,             indepedent study that is expected       reward and celebrate the                to take responsibility for their
                                            during break, at lunchtime and after       at sixth form college.                                                          own behaviour and if they make
     facilities to support academic                                                                                            excellent conduct, manners
                                            school for independent study or to                                                                                         mistakes, we ask them to attend
     study across the curriculum.                                                      Under normal circumstances,our          and work ethic of our students.
                                            read. Classes are brought to the RIC                                                                                       a ‘restore and repair’ session at
                                                                                       homework club runs daily until
     A range of magazines, journals         by their teachers for research-based                                               We have a points based reward           the end of the school day where
                                                                                       4:30pm in the RIC and OLA,
     and daily newspapers are always        lessons. All students are given a                                                  system called BMS Passport, where       they are able to have a supported
                                                                                       meaning our students can complete
     available in the RIC. We also have a   comprehensive induction to the RIC                                                 students earn points for their          conversation with their class
                                                                                       additional work in a calm and
     number of Chromebooks in the RIC       facilities during Year 7. Our specialist                                           behaviour, conduct and attendance.      teacher. They apologise and are
                                                                                       supportive environment.
     which are networked for student        staff are always on hand to provide                                                They are also rewarded with points      given a fresh start the next day,
     use.                                   expert guidance and help students                                                  for academic achievement.               This system puts the emphasis
     All Chromebooks provide internet       to develop good research skills.                                                                                           on understanding why positive
                                                                                                                               Students can log in and use their
     access and access to the SIMS app,                                                                                                                                behaviour is important, and
                                            The RIC library contains a wide range                                              points to unlock perks in school
     where homework is set, resources                                                                                                                                  strengthens relationships between
                                            of non-fiction books linked to the                                                 – skipping the lunch queue or a
     shared with students and work                                                                                                                                     staff and students.
                                            National Curriculum. We also have a                                                reward trip at the end of term are
     handed in. Parents/carers can log      broad selection of fiction that caters                                             examples of items that they can
     in to see all homework set for their   for all ages, abilities and interests,                                             choose to ‘spend’ their points on - a
     child.                                 with new books regularly added.                                                    list that is updated constantly. We
     We also have sets of Kindles for                                                                                          believe in rewarding students who
                                            We have also recently introduced
     students and teachers to use in                                                                                           do the right thing consistently and
                                            a brand new Open Learning Area
     lessons. The RIC aims to provide                                                                                          make a huge effort to notice those
                                            for our Key Stage 4 students,
                                                                                                                               who are quietly brilliant every day.
Prospectus - Blatchington Mill School
     Whilst school is primarily a           Education is an important part of
     place of academic learning,            PSHE (Personal, Social and Health
     students need to be happy              Education) and our detailed
     to do their best, and as such          programme includes introducing
                                            students to the roles of helping        Blatchington Mill School is a safe,
     we place great emphasis on                                                                                            The school has recently upgraded         In the summer of 2018 we installed
                                            agencies, such as the police and        secure and happy environment,
     ensuring they feel safe and                                                                                           our fire safety equipment and our        electronic gates at all of our vehicle
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Students are given clear online
                                            health professionals.                   where we all – students and staff
     supported and are able                                                                                                alarms are regularly tested.             entrances, these are controlled by
                                                                                                                                                                                                             safety guidance in PSHE lessons as
                                            Community leaders including those       – look out for each other. We take                                              staff at our two reception desks as
     to flourish.                                                                                                          There is security lighting across the                                             well as in Computing lessons. They
                                            from a variety of faith groups and      personal security extremely                                                     part of our rigorous safeguarding
     We monitor our students’ needs                                                 seriously and have robust              site ensuring no pools of darkness                                                are taught about the impact of
                                            charities regularly come to work                                                                                        procedure for monitoring and
     very carefully. We work in                                                     safeguarding procedures;               around campus.                                                                    their digital footprint and the need
                                            with our students or to speak at                                                                                        managing visitors to the school.
     conjunction with the students’                                                 recognised by Ofsted as                                                                                                  to keep themselves safe. We also
                                            our assemblies. We teach tolerance,                                            Outside of the core school day our
     primary schools during the transfer                                            outstanding.                                                                    Blatchington Mill School follows the     provide guidance for families.
                                            respect for diversity and support the                                          doors are locked and access is via
     period, to ensure that a suitable                                                                                                                              standards of GDPR and is registered
                                            ‘Prevent’ anti-radicalisation agenda.   For some time, we have had highly      key pads only ensuring additional                                                 Any students who make mistakes
     support package is in place for each                                                                                                                           with the Information Commissioners
                                                                                    effective anti-bullying strategies     security for all participants in extra                                            online which may compromise
     new Year 7 student.                    Student Services is often the first                                                                                     Office.
16                                                                                  in place (including anti-cyber         curricular activities.                                                            their safety, or that of others,          17
                                            port of call for parents and carers,
     At Blatchington Mill School, we                                                bullying), so our students can learn                                            Online, students are safeguarded         are supported by the Year Office
                                            as well as students. Our Student                                               The site is covered by CCTV cameras
     make sure that students are                                                    in a secure and calm environment                                                and data is protected by internet        and Safeguarding Office (where
                                            Services staff are responsible for                                             which are used to investigate
     prepared for the world they will                                               in each year group. Our year team                                               content filters at Brighton and Hove     appropriate). Information is regularly
                                            many aspects of day-to-day life at                                             breaches of security. No cameras
     be joining when they leave our                                                 staff are committed to supporting                                               Council, by our own filters onsite,      sent out to all staff from our E-Safety
                                            school, such as attendance and                                                 are placed in toilets or changing
     school. We ensure they are fully                                               the academic and emotional                                                      a Threat Management Gateway              Lead on the latest trends or issues
                                            admissions, student questions and                                              rooms and access to the images is
     informed about issues such as                                                  development of each student                                                     firewall and the Securus network         with online behaviour.
                                            communications. They can pass                                                  restricted to a small number of staff
     drugs – including tobacco – as well                                            in their care.                                                                  activity monitoring system.
                                            on messages from and to home,                                                  whose access is monitored.
     as the broader topics of health and
                                            deal with enquiries and are able to
     relationships. (See our Sex and
                                            answer most questions that home
     Relationship Education Policy).
                                            and students have about the school.
Achievement                                                                                                       Helping Students to Become
     The school is broken into two        Key Stage 3                              Key Stage 4
                                                                                                                       Effective Learners                                                                                   Assessment

     key stages, KS3 and KS4. We
     structure the curriculum in each
                                          In Key Stage 3 we focus on
                                          providing an inclusive and
                                                                                   KS4 is where students prepare
                                                                                   for their GCSEs or other public
                                                                                                                             1            1
                                                                                                                       At Blatch, learning is at the centre of all that we do.                                                     1
     to support students making           welcoming environment within             examinations. Students from ages
                                                                                                                       Learning                                        Feedback                                          Behaviour
     the best progress. We run KS3        our classrooms, while ensuring           14 to 16 are able to study a wide
     over Years 7-9 and KS4 in Years      that lessons are differentiated, to      range of courses, ranging from      At Blatch we know that the most                 For students to make progress and develop         In lessons all students follow
     10 and 11.                           provide both appropriate support         the traditional classroom based     successful teachers spend more than half        their learning it is vital that they respond to   our Blatch Basics which are the
                                          and challenge for every student. We      ones such as Physics, Latin and     the lesson time modelling and asking            feedback from their teachers. This feedback       minimum expectations we have
                                          believe that it is important to secure   Computing, to the school based      questions. Questioning allows the teacher       could be about how to improve a specific          of all of our students. These
                                          good progress for each and every         practical courses such as Drama,    to determine how well the material has          task, how to develop a particular skill or        basics reflect the principles
                                          student, knowing that this will then     Dance and Design & Technology.      been understood and learned. Teachers           how to become a more effective learner.           behind our school motto of
                                          support the best outcomes at Key                                             at Blatch also provide models of how to                                                           ‘Involvement, Achievement and
                                                                                                                                                                       At Blatch we use a wide range of feedback
                                          Stage 4.                                                                     do something using, for example, worked                                                           Care’.
                                                                                                                                                                       including both verbal and written
                                                                                                                       examples and clear processes to help
                                                                                                                                                                       strategies. Each subject area carefully           B - Be on time, fully equipped
                                                                                                                       ensure students know the steps needed
                                                                                                                                                                       considers how to provide the best feedback        and greet your staff.
                                                                                                                       when completing a task. Teachers will teach
                                                                                                                                                                       in their subject context. This feedback could
                                                                                                                       new materials in small steps, checking                                                            A - Attempt work straight away
                                                                                                                                                                       be provided to the whole class or it could
                                                                                                                       that all students have understood. For                                                            and do your best.
                                                                                                                                                                       be provided to the student as an individual
                                                                                                                       challenging tasks, scaffolds are provided as                                                      S - Sit in the place designated by
                                                                                                                                                                       using numerical or coded systems as well as
                                                                                                                       temporary support to assist teaching until                                                        the member of staff.
                                                                                                                                                                       more in-depth written responses.
18                                                                                                                     students can independently practise new                                                                                                19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I - Involve yourself in the lesson
                                                                                                                       material. Daily, weekly and monthly review
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and focus on your learning and
                                                                                                                       ensures that recently learned material
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         what you need to improve.

     A model for                                                                                                       embeds in long term memory.

                                                                                                                       Our aim is that all students become
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         C - Contribute to the lesson in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         a positive way so that everyone
     best learning                                                                                                     effective learners. In the classroom teachers
                                                                                                                       work on building the necessary skills so that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         can learn and do well.

                                                                                                                       students are able to:                                                                             S - Speak kindly and respectfully
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to all and look after the
     All of our lessons at Blatch are
     planned using a framework
                                          It won’t matter                                                              Plan - Think about the goal of their learning
                                                                                                                       and consider how they will approach the

     we have developed to ensure          who your teacher                                                             task.
     learning is accessible to all,       is, the quality of                                                           Monitor - Assess the progress they
     is deep and secure, and all          learning will be                                                             are making, and make changes where
     students make progress.
                                          the same.                                                                    necessary.
     The framework allows significant                                                                                  Evaluate their Learning - Appraise
     flexibility for different teaching                                                                                the effectiveness of their plan and its
     styles, so no two lessons will                                                                                    implementation.
     ever feel identical – but ensures
     a consistent approach across the
     school that benefits all students.
Extended classrooms –
     online learning
     We extend the reach of learning with our online learning facilities.
     Lesson content and resources are available to all students from home, the RIC or any
     internet connected device (including smartphones and tablets). Students have access
     to their homework (and the necessary materials), their timetable, forums and school
     news and events. All homework is set electronically. We help students access learning
     at their own pace, revisiting a tricky topic at the end of the school day, getting ahead
     of the class by looking up the next topic in advance, or extending their knowledge
     with optional units and extension work. As of September 2020, our entire curriculum
     is currently available on Google Classroom via online lessons delivered by our staff,
     ensuring that there will be no disruption to learning should school ever need to close

     In addition to this, we are proud to share that we now have capacity to loan a
20   Chromebook to every single student at Blatchington Mill, making it easier than ever
     for students to access their work from outside the classroom, and ensuring that all of
     our students are on a level playing field when it comes to accessing their school work

     For parents and carers, we have rolled out an update to our SIMS parent app which
     provides a convenient and accessible way for the school to communicate with parents,
     and displays information such as attendance data, progress reports, homework, and
     behaviour and achievement information.
Head teacher:                      Blatchington Mill School
Mr A Harrold                       Nevill Avenue
ba pgce npqh                       Hove
                                   East Sussex
Deputy Head teachers:
                                   BN3 7BW
Ms R King
ba pgce ma npqh
                                   t 01273 736244
Mr A Capozzi                       f 01273 739615
ba pgce ma npqsl

Ms K Claydon
ba pgce

More information on our website:

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