Friday 6th November 2020 - Rainhill High School
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Friday 6th November 2020 Good afternoon, I hope this bulletin finds you safe and well. I am delighted to start this newsletter with news of Jamie Lewis who has been nominated for the Echo’s Young Personality Award. Jamie (Y7) completed a 10k fund raising run to raise a huge £1500 for charity. In addition, he has delivered household essentials for Flowers Food Bank. We are very proud of him and he is a great example to us all. Well done Jamie! Many thanks to all parents for their continued support in maintaining high levels of attendance at school. I understand that this is an anxious time for everyone but the government is clear that attendance at school is compulsory. The only exception is where a doctor has defined a student as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ in accordance with the definition outlined in the link risk-from-coronavirus/ As a school we continue to work with external agencies such as Public Health England and the St Helens Council, both of whom have been extremely complimentary about what is in place to reduce COVID risks and noted some of our approaches as best practice for implementation in other schools. We will continue to seek out best practice and refine our risk assessment where we can. I would like to reiterate to all parents the need to be vigilant for symptoms of coronavirus (outlined clearly at the front of this newsletter). You must not send your child to school if they show symptoms, you must take your child for a test. You must not send your child to school if a household member has tested positive, they must self-isolate for the required time. At school we are trying to keep things as normal as possible, including lessons, homework, LPs and some extra-curricular activities, but acknowledge the current situation is far from normal. The coming 4 weeks are likely to test the best of us. If you develop any concerns about your child’s wellbeing, please get in touch with the pastoral team for your Year group in the first instance. In the event that we have to send your child home to self-isolate, please ensure that they keep up with the work set for them via SMHW and Microsoft Teams. We will be holding a Y11 virtual ‘BASICS Evening’ for some parents to help and support children attain their standard passes (9-4) and strong passes (9-5) in both English and Maths. If you are affected, you should now have received a virtual appointment time via Edulink. This week we will mark Remembrance Day with a 2-minute silence and a focussed tutor period exploring issues of war and those affected by it. We will also see the launch of the Design Technology competition, please encourage your child to get involved - lots of things to think about and enjoy. We are currently working with the Daniel Fox Foundation and will be doing so in the future. Regionally, knife crime is an issue. We are keen to inform and support children to make sensible choices that help them and others stay safe. Mrs Josie Thorogood Headteacher 1
CONTENTS REMOTE EDUCATION Page 3 CORONAVIRUS HELP AND GUIDANCE Page 4-9 UPCOMING EVENTS Page 10-13 Virtual BASICS Evening Daniel Fox Foundation Year 13 Learning Programme & Timetable YPAS Coffee Morning NEWS THIS WEEK Page 14-17 Good News Sixth Form Dance - Zoom Q&A Session Anthony Walker Day Geography Inter-House Competition Connected Creatives: Young Voices Matter Child Trust Fund Account Maths Puzzle of the Week IMPORTANT INFORMATION Page 18-19 Parking Notice Main Reception Office Hours Direct Email Addresses Free School Meals Catering 09/11/2020 Homework Club HELP AND SUPPORT FOR PARENTS Page 20-21 Updating Parent Details Show My Homework Support RHS Instagram Accounts Who to Contact NEXT WEEK FOLLOWS THE WEEK A TIMETABLE KEY EVENTS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Year 11 Virtual Basics Evening 09/11/20 2
Dear Parent/Guardian, REMOTE EDUCATION We do have a number of pupils that have been asked by school to self-isolate for a period of two weeks. Currently, remote education continues to be provided throughout this period. What does Remote Education at Rainhill High School look like? On day one, pupils should be referring to their knowledge organisers and recapping prior learning. Work is set after this point by class teachers with clear instructions as to what to do. What is my child expected to do? Your child is expected to complete the tasks set and send it back, via teams or SMHW. Why is it important for my child to continue to work when they are off school? Our engagement levels are currently very low. Last week, our teachers reported that engagement with the resources or lesson set was as low as 35% in Y 10 and only 46% in Y 11. Whilst Y7, Y8 & Y9 were stronger, the highest percentage engagement was still only around 60%. Clearly, this will lead to further gaps in learning which, after we have all been through lockdown, will prove detrimental to their education. For exam classes, we still do not have confirmation about what next year’s GCSE and A level examinations will look like. There may be an element of school assessed work considered… if this is the case, it is more important than ever that we have a range of evidence for your child to support a grade. This cannot happen if your child is not engaging with the work set. It is therefore essential that your child completes work set and lets their teacher know, via Teams or SMHW, that they have completed the work – sending it back to them when it is done if possible. My child does not understand what has been set. What do I do? If your child does not understand what has been set, they must message their class teacher. This can be done on SMHW or on Teams. As your child’s teacher will be teaching during the day, it may be later on that they receive a reply – but we do expect our teachers to reply at the earliest possible time. Are there any plans for remote lessons? We are trialling live lessons with some Y11 and KS5 classes at the moment. This is where your child will remote in to a lesson being taught to their class in school. This will become more widely used over the next week. We will have to prioritise GCSE and A level classes with this initiative and I will let you know if we plan to change this at any point. If I, as a parent, have a question – where should this be directed to? In the first instance, your question should be directed to the class teacher. They will be best placed to answer any questions that arise. Mrs Segal, Deputy Headteacher. 3
Dear Parents As you may be aware, we currently have cohorts of pupils who are self-isolating and teachers are setting work to ensure that learning continues remotely. Can you please read the attached booklet about how we will be doing this from Monday, 9th November please. It contains important information about what to do, how to do it and who to contact when pupils are learning remotely. Many thanks Mrs Segal, Deputy Headteacher IMPORTANT UPDATE ON FACE MASKS Dear Parent/Guardians, We have updated our guidance on face coverings in school to reflect national lockdown alert levels. From Tuesday 20th October, it is a mandatory requirement for all pupils and members of staff to wear face masks (unless exempt), in all indoor spaces (except in lessons) and when moving around the premises. For example moving between classrooms, in break and lunch queues for dining rooms and communal areas where social distancing cannot easily be maintained. It should be noted that masks are not mandatory when in lessons. All students have been given reusable, washable facemasks. Please click here to watch a video on the BBC that would be useful to view. WHAT IS A ‘CONTACT’ A ‘contact’, according The Public Health England definition, is: • People who spend significant time in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. • A person who has had face-to-face contact (within one metre), with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, including: being coughed on having a face-to-face conversation within one metre having skin-to-skin physical contact, or contact within one metre for one minute or longer without face-to-face contact • A person who has been within 2 metres of someone who has tested positive for COVID- 19 for more than 15 minutes. • A person who has travelled in a small vehicle with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or in a large vehicle near someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Just because somebody is in the same year group as you does not mean that you will be sent home if they test positive for COVID-19. Only ‘contacts’ will be sent home. The school or NHS Test and Trace team will tell you if you have been identified as a ‘contact’ so please do not listen to rumours from others! If you do get sent home, your parents/carers will receive a letter explaining the situation and work will be set for you via SMHW so that you don’t fall behind, Remember… transmission rates from children (those aged under 18) to children are low compared with those from adults to adults, so try not to worry! 5
SELF-ISOLATING GUIDANCE If your child is identified as a contact and are told to self-isolate for 14 days, they must isolate for the full 14 days regardless if they have a test which is negative. Please do not send your child into school, they must remain at home for the full 14 days. You will be given a letter when you collect your child giving dates on when they can return. If your child is sent home from school and a test is recommended due to them presenting with symptoms and they test negative, your child can return to school providing they are well and showing no symptoms. Please do not send your child into school whilst awaiting results, even if they are feeling better. You must get them tested if we advise you to do so. We assess every child individually in accordance with Public Health England / NHS / Department for Education guidance Further guidance can be found by clicking this link. ENDING SELF-ISOLATION If you have had symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive test, then you may end your self-isolation after 10 days and return to your normal routine if you do not have symptoms other than cough or loss of sense of smell or taste. If you still have a high temperature, keep self-isolating until your temperature returns to normal and seek medical advice. After 10 days, if you just have a cough or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia), you do not need to continue to self-isolate. This is because a cough or anosmia can last for several weeks once the infection has gone. The 10-day period starts from the day when you first became ill. If you continue to feel unwell and have not already sought medical advice, you should use the NHS 111 online COVID-19 service. If you do not have internet access, call NHS 111. For a medical emergency dial 999. If you have been identified as a ‘contact’ of someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus then you will need to self-isolate for 14 days from the when that person first had symptoms or, in the absence of symptoms, the date of their COVID test. If, after 14 days you do not have any symptoms then you may end your self-isolation. Further Information Mr Owens, Chief Operating Officer. SURVEY Dear Parent/Carer, We are currently investigating what IT provision and internet access students have at home in order to effectively contingency plan should they have to self-isolate and temporarily have to access their learning from home. When the survey refers to available IT provision for the student, this refers to IT provision that they would have the use of for the duration of the school day (8:50am to 3:10pm) and not shared provision that they may only be able to access for limited periods of the day. We would be grateful if you could complete this survey by 6pm on Monday 9th November. Please click here to complete the survey 6
Someone you live with has COVID symptoms The person who has symptoms is sent home and gets a COVID test. Anybody who lives with the person also needs to self-isolate until the test result is received. If the person gets a positive test If the person gets a negative If the person who has result test result symptoms cannot get a test They need to isolate for 10 x Everybody in the household The household should isolate as days from when their symptom can return to normal. if the person had tested started or, if they didn’t have positive on the day they first symptoms, from the date of the had symptoms. COVID test. Other household members need to isolate for 14 x days from when the person who test positive first had symptoms or, if they didn’t have symptoms, from the date of the COVID test. Someone you do not live with has COVID symptoms (for example a friend) The person who has symptoms is sent home and gets a COVID test. If you do not live with the person then you do NOT need to isolate. If the person gets a positive test If the person gets a negative If the person who has result test result symptoms cannot get a They need to isolate for 10 x days They can return to school and test from when their symptom those in their household can The household should started or, if they didn’t have return to normal. isolate as if the person had symptoms, from the date of the tested positive on the day COVID test. ‘Contacts’ need to they first had symptoms isolate for 14 x days from when but nobody else needs to the person who test positive first isolate. had symptoms or, if they didn’t have symptoms, from the date of the COVID test. 7
ST HELENS BOROUGH COUNCIL STATEMENT REGARDING SCHOOLS An open letter to all pupils, parents and carers, teachers, school staff, and Governors in St Helens borough: “Every school in our borough has worked tirelessly to keep children and young people safe in education throughout the period of the Covid pandemic. Schools remained open during the first national lockdown for vulnerable children and those of keyworkers, and since September they have worked tirelessly to open fully, as safely as possible, for the benefit of all pupils, staff and the wider community. This has not been easy and has required a huge commitment from all those involved, and they must be commended for their commitment and loyalty to maintaining ongoing learning for children. Headteachers, school staff and the council have worked together to ensure our schools continue to deliver high quality learning experiences in these unprecedented times. Where a positive case has been identified in a pupil or member of school staff, swift action has been taken to identify close contacts and ask them to self-isolate. All of the national and local evidence, including the strong and clear advice of our Director of Public Health, tells us that it is better for children to remain in schools and there is a much greater risk to their long-term welfare if they are unable to do so. Our children and young people have already lost so much learning and social contact this year, and for their sake it is vitally important that wherever possible we continue to keep our schools open. We support calls for additional Covid funding for schools in areas with high rates of infection to support them with the additional costs of PPE, cleaning and supply staff, and to provide effective remote and catch-up learning. The Council will continue to support Headteachers, Governors and our colleagues in the trade unions to help make school environments as safe as possible, ensuring that our children can continue to access quality education.” Councillor Kate Groucutt Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Business Councillor Nova Charlton Cabinet Member for Children and Young People Jim Leivers Director of Young People and Children’s Services 3rd November 2020 8
UPCOMING EVENTS VIRTUAL ‘BASICS’ EVENING - THURSDAY 12TH NOVEMBER We will be holding a virtual ‘BASICS’ evening on Thursday 12th November. This will be for parents of pupils who are not quite at the threshold of achieving 9-5 in both English and Maths (or 9-4, or 9-7). Following this, we will be having meetings over Zoom with these parents. Mrs Segal, Deputy Headteacher. THE DANIEL FOX FOUNDATION The Daniel Fox Foundation continue working with the school this term delivering presentations on the consequences and impact of knife crime. Many of you will know that Daniel lost his life to a knife crime incident in St Helens in September 2016. The presentations are delivered by family members of Daniel’s family; therefore, their message is both very emotive and real. Knife crime is something that could affect any of us at some point in our lives. As a school, we have a responsibility to ensure that our students are educated around the dangers and the impact of knife crime. Please speak to your child about the presentation, we will actively be encouraging your child to have this dialogue with you. At the end of each presentation, we will advise students that if they feel they need any support following the presentation, that they speak to their Form Tutor, YSM or YPL. Once the presentations are complete, form tutors will spend time going through Knife Crime and its impact with students. Tues 17th November Year 10 & 8 Wed 25th November Year 9 & Sixth Form *Year 11 dates to be confirmed Further information can be found through the following links • • foundation-receives-cash-boost-from-merseyside-police/ Mrs Munro, Deputy Headteacher. 9
YEAR 13 LEARNING PROGRAMME – ASSESSMENT WEEK 1 Monday 9th – Friday 13th November (inclusive) From Monday 9th November to Friday 13th November (inclusive), all students in Year 13 will be undertaking assessments in the subjects they are currently studying. For both A-level and BTEC subjects, these assessments will be based on past paper questions and indeed complete papers and will be taken under exam conditions to best prepare your son/daughter for final examinations in June 2021. Please see below the exam timetable so your son/daughter is aware of when their examinations take place. All morning exams will start as soon as possible at 9:00am. It is vital that your son/daughter is in school and registered at 8:50am with their tutor to allow them to get to the Arts Theatre for a 9:00am start. Afternoon examinations commence at 1:00pm. Your son/daughter should report to the Arts Theatre immediately from lunch. Please could you encourage and support your son/daughter to prepare thoroughly for these exams as they will give them a good indication of the progress they have made to date and what they need to do to improve in order that they can secure fantastic exam results in the summer of 2021. I have included some guidance around revision and preparing effectively for exams. Top 10 Revision Tips 1. Short spurts of revision (20-25 minutes) are most effective. Your concentration lapses after about an hour and you need to take a short break (5-10 minutes). Aim to revise for 2-3 hours per evening and 5-6 hours each day at the weekend. 2. Find a quiet place to revise—your bedroom, school, the local library—and refuse to be interrupted or distracted. 3. Make sure you don’t just revise the subjects and topics you like. Work on your weak ones as well. In fact, start with these first. 4. Make your own revision notes, because you will remember what you have written down more easily. Stick keynotes to a cupboard or doors so you can see them every day! 5. Re-write the key points of your revision notes, read them out loud to yourself. We remember more than twice as much of what we say than of what we merely read. 6. Use different techniques. Make your own learning maps. Use post-it notes to write key words on, create flash cards. Record your notes on your mobile phone and listen to them regularly. Ask friends to test you. Use highlighter pens to mark important points. 7. Practice on past exam papers or revision tests available on the web. Initially do one section at a time and progress to doing the entire paper against the clock. 8. You will need help at some stage; ask parents, teachers, or even friends. Ask your teacher for their work email address so you can clarify points you are unsure of. 9. Don’t get stressed out! Eat properly and get lots of sleep! 10. Believe in yourself and be positive. If you think you can succeed you will! Mr Cunningham, Deputy Head Teacher - Director of Studies. 10
Year 13 LP1 Timetable Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th Friday 13th November November November November November Yr13 – Box M Paper Yr13 – Box J Paper Yr13 – Box L Y13 – Box N Paper Y13 – Box K Paper 1 (Subjects you 1 (Subjects you Paper 1 (Subjects 2 (Subjects you 2 (Subjects you take Monday take Tuesday you take take Thursday take Friday Period Period 2) Period 1) Wednesday Period 1) AND 2) Period Maths (2hours) Biology (2hours) Period 1) Block J English Literature 1 Sociology (1hour Computing (2hours Physics (2hours) Chemistry Paper 1 (3hours) 30mins) 30mins) Geography (2hours) Further Maths Sport (1hour) English Lang (2hours 30mins) French – Writing (1hour 30mins) Media Studies (2hours 30mins) History (2hours (1hour 30 mins) Psychology (1hour (2hours) Law (1hour 30mins) Politics (2hours) 30mins) Spanish Listening, 30mins) Maths (2 Hours) Dance (1hour, Dance (1hour) Reading, Writing Dance (2hours) Health & Social Period 2) All other students (1hour 45 minutes) Economics (2 Care & Y12 (1 Law (1hour to attend lessons hours) hour) 30mins) as normal All other Computing (in All other students All other students students to class) to attend lessons to attend lessons attend lessons as German – Writing as normal as normal normal (1hour 30mins) All other students to attend lessons as normal Period Exams continuing Exams continuing Exams Exams continuing Exams continuing 2 into period 2. into period 2. continuing into into period 2. into period 2. period 2. BREAK Period All students to All students to All students to All students to All students to 3 attend lessons as attend lessons as attend lessons as attend lessons as attend lessons as normal. normal. normal. normal. normal. LUNCH Yr13 – Box N Paper Yr13 – Box K Paper Yr13 – Block J Y13 – Box M Y13 – Box L Paper 1 (Subjects you 1 (Subjects you Paper 2 Paper 2 (Subjects 2 (Subjects you take Monday take Tuesday Economics Paper you take Thursday take Friday Period Period 4) Period 4) 2 (2 hours) Period 5) 5) Chemistry (2hours) English Lit Paper 2 Sociology Paper 2 Maths (1hour) Physics (2hours) Period German– Listening, (2hours 30mins) (1hour 30mins) Spanish –Writing Geography (1hour 4 Reading, Writing Further Maths English Lang (1hour 30 mins) 30mins) (1hour 45 minutes) (1hour 30mins) Paper 2 (2hours History (2hours French – Listening, Psychology (1hour) 30mins) 30mins) Reading, Writing Dance (2hours) Biology (2hours) All other students Maths (1hour) (1hour 45 minutes) to attend lessons Health and Social Criminology (1hour) All other students All other as normal Care & Y12 (1hour) Politics (2hours) to attend lessons students to Applied Science as normal attend lessons as (1hour). Theatre normal All other students Studies (2hours) to attend lessons All other students as normal to attend lessons as normal 11
Period Exams continuing Exams continuing Exams continuing Exams continuing Exams continuing 5 into period 5. into period 5. into period 5. into period 5. into period 5. Remembrance Service The link to our Remembrance service is below Many thanks to Rainhill staff for all their help in putting together the reading of the names from the community. Best wishes Revd Alan Conant The 10:30am Remembrance service is available on YouTube from Sunday 8th November (link below) and is timed to link with the two-minute silence at the cenotaph. However, it can be watched anytime across the week. Click here for the Remembrance Video 12
NEWS THIS WEEK GOOD NEWS A massive well done to James Lewis Y7 who completed a 10km run and ride to raise over £1500 for those less fortunate. James donated around the same value in food and toiletries to the Flowers Food Bank over lock down. James has been nominated for the Young Personality Award in the Echo Awards and has made the finalist shortlist. This is a huge achievement and a fantastic example to everyone in our school. The Year 7 Team will be working with James and his family to assist his goal of making sure more food is donated to the food bank in the hope that everyone eats over Christmas. Mr Wood, Year 7 Progress Leader. SIXTH FORM DANCE - ZOOM Q&A SESSION On Tuesday 3rd November, our Sixth Form students took part in a Zoom Q&A session with American choreographer, Marguerite Derricks. Marguerite gave the students an inspiring insight of the industry and shared her experience of being both a dancer and a choreographer. Some of her credits include: Fame, Austin Powers, Little Miss Sunshine, Mr and Mrs Smith and many more. Our Sixth Formers represented our school professionally and was in ore of Marguerite and her work. All information gained will help students with their Level 3 BTEC qualification as well as their future education as they begin to audition for colleges within the industry. Thanks again to both Marguerite Derricks and our students for dedicating their time after school as well as our IT staff for setting up the meeting. An excellent evening for all! Miss Donovan, Teacher of Dance. ANTHONY WALKER DAY All students enjoyed the Anthony Walker Day this year by celebrating achievements within Black History. Lessons were thriving with various discussions. Students studied the work of Katherine Johnson for NASA, the author Maya Angelou and Stephen Lawrence; the murder that changed the nation. Other activities included the study of the blues music, African art and famous poetry. Year 7 Citizenship students also managed to raise over £400 this year for the Anthony Walker Foundation who support victims of racism. Students sold wristbands and t-shirts to represented diversity across the school. 13
During PSHE period 3, students reflected on the life Anthony could have had based on the new BBC drama 'Anthony'. It was a thought-provoking day which revolved around the importance of acceptance and diversity for all. Well done Rainhill, you demonstrated the school’s key values. Miss Bryant - Head of PSHE and Citizenship. GEOGRAPHY INTER-HOUSE COMPETITION This year’s Geography Inter-House Competition was a photograph competition. Students were challenged with taking pictures of anything geographical, leaving our students with lots of possibilities and a wide range of photo opportunities both inside and outside. Entries ranged from human geography such as famous landmarks and buildings to physical landscapes such as limestone pavements. Well done to all the students who submitted an entry, the geography department loved seeing them. Deciding on a winner was a difficult task and those who are mentioned below will need to come to the geography department to collect their prize. 1st Prize: Charlotte Ramsden (9I) 2nd Prize: Amy Harris (8G) CONNECTED CREATIVES: YOUNG VOICES MATTER Connected Creatives: Young Voices Matter is delighted to announce the launch of ‘The 500 Word Malala Yousafzai Competition’ to celebrate International Literacy Day for Key Stage 3 & 4 students. Connected Creatives is an Ed Tech platform working with schools and teachers, to allow young people to be creative, self-publish and share their creative outputs (short stories, graphic novels, poems, journals) in a safe space with teachers, peer groups and the wider online community. The Competition is FREE TO ENTER. We are launching ‘The 500 Word Malala Yousafzai Competition’ to celebrate and empower young people to self-publish their creative writing. This is a unique creative writing competition. Once the competition has closed, pupils will vote for their favourite piece, through an interactive voting system on the Connected Creatives platform. The four pieces with the highest pupil votes will be the competition winners for 2020. Click the link above to get started! 14
CHILD TRUST FUND ACCOUNT Find your lost Child Trust Fund account - for all students aged 16-17 The Share Foundation, is a registered charity established in 2005 which runs the Department for Education’s Child Trust Fund and Junior ISA schemes for looked-after young people throughout the UK, and has worked closely with HM Revenue & Customs to set up a recovery process by which these young people can find their account. There are no fees or charges applied at any stage to the young people or their accounts - the service is entirely voluntary, and one of the major account providers, RBS, is helping to cover costs. If you were born in the United Kingdom, you're almost certain to have a Child Trust Fund - money put into a personal account for you by the Government, which could now be worth £1,000 or more. You can take control of it from your 16th birthday, before getting access to the money at 18. Please click the following link for more information: Gavin Oldham OBE General Synod lay member in the Oxford Diocese & Chair of Trustees, The Share Foundation 15
Puzzle of the Week #4 The numbers represented by question marks are consecutive, ie) they can be written one after another, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. They are not necessarily in order on the picture however. If the numbers add up to 80, what do the numbers in the circle add up to? ? ? ? ? ? Name: ___________________ Year, tutor group and house: __________________________________ 16
IMPORTANT INFORMATION PARKING NOTICE We have had number of complaints from local residents regarding parking when parents collect their children at the end of the school day. This ranges from parking over drive ways, therefore preventing access and parking over the bus stop and creating a build-up of traffic. Can you please be considerate of others when collecting your child from school. MAIN RECEPTION OFFICE HOURS Polite reminder to parents that Main Reception will only be staffed between 8am-4:30pm Monday- Thursday and 8am-4pm Friday. If there are any concerns outside these times, please email the main school account or leave a voicemail on one of our answer machine facilities. DIRECT EMAIL ADDRESSES Ideally, your first point of contact is your child's form teacher. Please email them directly by using the link below and clicking the teacher's name on the list. Please try to avoid phoning the school if possible, this should be only if all other contact methods have been tried first or in the case of a family emergency. COULD YOUR CHILD BE ENTITLED TO FREE SCHOOL MEALS? Your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following: • Income Support • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get) Apply for Free School meals using the following links based on the postcode of your home address: St Helens If you have any questions regarding Free School Meals you need to contact St Helens Council on 01744 676666 Knowsley If you have any questions regarding Free School Meals you need to contact Knowsley Council on 01744 676666 Mrs Aylward, Assistant Headteacher. 17
CATERING W/C 09/11/20 Please see below the list of practical lessons planned in Catering/Food Preparation and Nutrition - week beginning Monday 9th November: On Thursday period 1, students are making chocolate chip cookies. This is to show the 10M/Cg1 creaming method of cake making. On Thursday period 3, students are making a traybake and have the choice of either 10J/Cg1 chocolate brownies or flapjack to make. This is to show the melting method of cake making. Students are completing a practical research task on biscuits. On Monday period 3, students will make a batch of shortbread. They will bake two thirds of their biscuit dough ready to use in Thursday’s lesson. With the remaining third in Monday’s lesson, 11K/Cg1 they will roll it out and make shaped shortbread biscuits. Then, on Thursday period 2, students will use their baked shortbread dough to make an individual fruit cheesecake and a miniature millionaires chocolate pot. Students are completing a practical research task on biscuits. On Monday period 5, students will make a batch of shortbread. They will bake two thirds of their biscuit dough ready to use in Thursday’s lesson. With the remaining third in Monday’s lesson, 11M/Cg1 they will roll it out and make shaped shortbread biscuits. Then, on Thursday period 5, students will use their baked shortbread dough to make an individual fruit cheesecake and a miniature millionaires chocolate pot. HOMEWORK CLUB 18
HELP AND SUPPORT FOR PARENTS UPDATING PARENT DETAILS A feature is available on the Edulink One App. All parents will have the ability to update their own personal details. The submission will be verified, checked and updated on SIMS. SHOW MY HOMEWORK SUPPORT If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for us, please don't hesitate to get in touch! Our phones are open from 8.30am - 6.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am - 4.30pm on Fridays. Contact Us Phone: 020 7197 9550 Twitter: @showmyhomework Facebook: like us here Skype: showmyhomework Email: Send us an email DT/CONSTRUCTION INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT (Y9/Y10/Y11) The DT/Construction department have set up a dedicated Instagram Account which allows staff, parents and students to find out what has been going on in the department. You can find the account with the username: @Dt_Construction_rhs FOOD TECH INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT (Y9/Y10/Y11) The Food Tech department have set up a dedicated Instagram Account which portrays pupils’ food products in the department and allows staff, parents and students to find out what has been going on. You can find the account with the username: @RHS-FoodTech. RHS PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT The Performing Arts department have set up a dedicated Instagram Account for our private Music lessons. You can find the account with the username: @Rainhillhighmusic MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT (Y9/Y10/Y11) The Modern Foreign Languages department have set up a dedicated Instagram Account which allows staff, parents and students to find out what has been going on in the department. You can find the account with the username: @Rainhilllanguages. 19
CURRICULUM QUERIES Heads of Department English Y7, Y8 & Y9 Miss Lunt Philosophy & Ethics Miss Goss English Y10 Mrs Jones Sociology Mr Jarvis English Y11 Ms Dickman Computer Science Miss Johnson Mathematics Y7, Y8 & Y9 Miss Carson Business Studies Mr Jarvis Mathematics Y10 & Y11 Mr Rimmer Art/DT Mr Bennett Science Miss Robinson Languages Miss D’Anna Biology Dr Gordon Food Mrs Bolland Chemistry Dr Beswick Performing Arts Mrs Renison Physics Mr Hurst PE Mr Rachi History Mr Procter Life Skills Miss Bryant Geography Mrs Parkinson (PSHE/Citizenship) Pastoral Queries Stage 1 Form Tutor Stage 2 Year Student Manager Stage 3 Year Progress Leader Stage 4 Deputy Headteacher Mrs. Munro Stage 5 Headteacher Mrs. Thorogood Pastoral Structure Y7 Student Manager Miss Pilkington Y7 Progress Leader Mr Wood Y8 Student Manager Miss Seddon Y8 Progress Leader Miss West Y9 Student Manager Mrs Martin Y9 Progress Leader Mr Shoebridge Y10 Student Manager Miss Gordon Y10 Progress Leader Miss Williams Y11 Student Manager Mrs Quirk Y11 Progress Leader Mr Giles Formal Complaints If you wish to formally complain, please use the link below to find our complaints procedure. School Complaints Procedure – Click to download 21
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