Junior Preparatory - Pretoria Chinese School

Page created by Marion King
Junior Preparatory - Pretoria Chinese School

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Junior Preparatory - Pretoria Chinese School
Overview                                                                                                                                                 Overview
                                                                                                                                                                                    WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR GOD’S FAVOUR AND GRACE TOWARDS US.

Principal’s                                                                                                                                         Our JP Phase
                                                                                                                                                    teachers are devoted
Report                                                                                                                                              and passionate in
                                                                                                                                                    everything they do.
                                                                                                                                                    Each Bible teacher was surprised by a gift as     The Grade 1 to 3 Prize giving was another
                                                                                                                                                    well as thank you cards made by the children      glamourous event, where every child
                                                                                                                                                    they had ministered to throughout the year.       received certificates for their diligent efforts
                                                                                                                                                                                                      during 2017.
                                                                                                                                                    We appreciate and highly value the work they
                                                                                                                                                    are doing here at PCS.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Reflecting back on 2017, we
                                                                                                                                                    Carols by Candlelight was one of the
                                                                                                                                                    highlights of the JP Phase this year. Mrs
                                                                                                                                                                                                      must acknowledge another
                                                                                                                                                    Strydom took the lead and put a delightful        fruitful and successful year.
                                                                                                                                                    nativity play together, which included the
                                                                                                                                                    whole JP Phase. Some were dressed as              We are grateful for God’s favour and grace
                                                                                                                                                    angels, some were kings and queens. There         towards us.
                                                                                                                                                    were shepherds, cattle and sheep and many

                                                                                                                                                    Our little actors did a superb job in their       Mrs Riana Janse van Rensburg
                                                                                                                                                    roleplays and the wonderful message of            - Deputy Principal – Junior Preparatory
                                                                                                                                                    God’s love and grace for mankind was              Phase
                                                                                                                                                    successfully conveyed to the audience.
TWO THOUSAND AND SEVENTEEN                                                                                                                          Lovely carols were sung in between, and the
                                                                                                                                                    parents heartily joined in.
EVENTS.                                                                                                                                             The end of year visit to the Children’s Theatre
                                                                                                                                                    in Johannesburg is always a highlight in
                                                                                                                                                    the Junior Preparatory Phase. This year we
We started the year with our usual Bonding       Throughout the rest of the year, the teachers     The children, as well as their teachers, were    watched Shrek, and it was once again a
Days.                                            organized theme related excursions per            always well prepared and awaited their turn      privilege to let our children be exposed to a
                                                 grade, which includes visits and educational      with excitement.                                 highly professional show. The songs, acting
An excellent programme was planned and           talks from different organizations, as well as                                                     and décor were beautiful and we all enjoyed
organized by our Junior Prep teachers, which     visits to the Cullinan Mine, the Taxidermy, the   This year, the theme for our Art exhibition      it thoroughly.
included Country sports, art activities, a       Animal Hospital, the Fire Brigade and many        focused on our children. Lovely self-
movie in the hall, an outing to the Willow       more.                                             portraits, future dreams and aspirations and     The Grade 00 Prize Giving and the Grade 0
Feather Farm, story time and classroom                                                             descriptions of self were illustrated through    Graduation, organized by Mrs Pohl and Mrs
preparations.                                    At our weekly assemblies, every class got         colourful paintings. The children were so        Nicolaides was a lovely event.
                                                 a turn to open with Bible reading and             excited about their efforts, and couldn’t wait
This gave the children the opportunity to        prayer, as well as to present enriching and       for mom and dad to see the display.              The little ones entertained their parents with
get acquainted with their new teachers and       entertaining messages to the rest of the                                                           songs and proudly received their certificates
peers in a relaxed, yet exciting atmosphere.     phase.                                            The Bible Teachers’ Thank You Tea was            from Mr Gelling.
                                                                                                   organized by the JP Phase this year.

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Grade 00 & 0                                                                                              Grade 00 & 0
                                                                                                      Visit by the Paramedics                         Faerie Glen Animal farm Veterinary
                                                                                                                                                      Hospital visit
                                                                                                      On the 7th March, the paramedics under
                                                                                                      Gareth’s guidance visited our preschool.        On the 14th March, the Grade 0 and 00’s
                                                                                                      Gareth explained the role of the paramedics,    boarded the school buses with such
                                                                                                      the equipment and its uses and their            excitement and went to visit the vet.
                                                                                                      protective gear. He explained which piece
                                                                                                      of equipment was used for each emergency        Each group toured the shop and then onto
                                                                                                      situation.                                      the clinic part of the vet. This was a most
                                                                                                                                                      informative occasion as we got to observe
                                                                                                      Learning the emergency number was               operations and recuperation of very sick
                                                                                                      emphasised and practised should the need        animals.
                                                                                                      ever arise. They learnt about stethoscopes,
                                                                                                      oxygen masks and protection when dealing        The x-ray equipment seemed to spark their
                                                                                                      with blood. We had many volunteers among        attention as they did not realise that animals
                                                                                                      our pre-schoolers. As a final highlight, each   also need x-rays.
                                                                                                      pre-schooler got the opportunity to climb

Grade 00
                                                                                                      into the ambulance and observe all the          Most of them wanted to adopt an animal
                                                                                                      equipment inside.                               immediately and a lot of restraining was
                                                                                                      Driving off blasting the siren would have                                                        Willow Valley Dairy Farm
                                                                                                      been such a joy, but unfortunately, our         Once again this was a successful trip.
                                                                                                      Matriculants were writing examinations.                                                          With great excitement, the Preschool went
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to visit the Willow valley dairy farm on the

                                                                                                                                                                                                       way to Bronkhorstspriut. For many this was
                                                                                                                                                                                                       their first experience of a farm and seeing
                                                                                                                                                                                                       how cows live, what they eat and how they
                                                                                                                                                                                                       are milked. Watching the cows milked at
                                                                                                                                                                                                       such close proximity definitely left a lifetime
                                                                                                                                                                                                       memory. Some cows were so fruitful filling
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the container with over 20 l of milk while
                                                                                                                                                                                                       others could only produce 5l. The next
                                                                                                                                                                                                       step of the tour was to see how the milk is
                                                                                                                                                                                                       sterilised and poured into sachets and 2l
                                                                                                                                                                                                       jugs so that they can now realise how the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       milk is processed and sold.
Bonding Days
                                                                                                                                                                                                       But the highlight of the day was a blessing.
The Preschool started the year off with much
                                                                                                                                                                                                       A cow gave birth to a calf and we were able
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to watch her clean her calf. This was such
                                                                                                                                                                                                       a rare and magical moment. Besides cows,
After a brief assembly in the Hall, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the farm boasts goats, pigs, springboks and
boarded the buses and travelled to Willow
                                                                                                                                                                                                       horses. During winter when the snakes are
Feather Farm.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       hibernating, there is an interesting tortoise
                                                                                                                                                                                                       trail that can be hiked. The pre-schoolers
For some this was the first time ever
                                                                                                                                                                                                       were treated to a juice also packed at the
travelling in a bus. Upon arriving, we were
                                                                                                                                                                                                       farm and delicious biscuits.
taken on an informative tour to look at the
animals. The potbelly pigs and the lamas
                                                                                                                                                                                                       This was an experience never to be forgotten.
were the hit with the pre-schoolers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Visit by Gordon the Fireman
Where else could one play on the jungle
gyms and have geese and peacocks walk
                                                                                                                                                                                                       What a wonderful surprise for all the pre-
right past? Prior to returning to school,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       schoolers on the 14th June as Fireman
every pupil was presented with a tree as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Gordon came to visit. He spent a long time
gift with the intention of nurturing future
                                                                                                                                                                                                       reinforcing the fire number 10177 in contrast
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to 10111. He discussed the drill to when
                                                                                                                                                                                                       there is a fire in your home. Stop, drop and
The rest of the two days was spent making
                                                                                                                                                                                                       roll were practised by all. He explained
new friends and becoming familiar with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       what his equipment is used for and how he
                                                                                                                                                                                                       operates during a fire. He was very thorough
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and they learnt a tremendous amount. We
The week ended with a movie in the hall and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       were very grateful for his input.
naturally with lots of popcorn.

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Junior Preparatory - Pretoria Chinese School
Grade 00 & 0                                                                                                                                            Grade 00 & 0
Grade 00 & 0                                                                                      Heritage day
                                                                                                                                                   Grade 00 & 0
                                                                                                                                                   R5 Shop                                            which the neonate uses to break open its            Chess
                                                                                                                                                                                                      egg when it is time to hatch. Versace was the
                                                                                                  Heritage day was celebrated on Friday the        Finally, to all the pre-schoolers excitement,      star of the show. He was a very large Purple        To further challenge our Grade 0’s, some
                                                                                                  22nd September. A wonderful day to make          the “shop” day arrived on the 13th October.        Tiger python who is actually yellow.                have started learning to play chess. At this
                                                                                                  children aware of so many cultures within                                                                                                               stage, Dylan and Emily are our champions
                                                                                                  the microcosm of our school. The entire          The owl class had brought sweets and               He totally filled up his box and is still a baby.   but this may not remain permanent.
                                                                                                  preschool dressed up in their heritage and       goodies to school prior to the day and made        Imagine when he is fully grown. After all the
                                                                                                  poised for so many photographs, including        decorated biscuits, jelly and custard, cones,      excitement with snakes, the last animal to          Great strives will be made to ensure all get a
                                                                                                  the main one held in the quad with the           butterflies and cars all out of delicious          be shown was not a reptile but one who              fair chance.
                                                                                                  entire school. An important day which is         ingredients. Very proudly they stood behind        eats snakes, Basil the Pole cat. Pole cats
                                                                                                  celebrated every year to reinforce differences   their tables selling their wares.                  have extremely sharp teeth which slice
                                                                                                  and unity.                                                                                          right through a snake in seconds. Denekah           Mrs Stacey Nicolaides
                                                                                                                                                   Grade 0’s decided with mom what they were          explained that she got basil as a tiny baby
                                                                                                  Grandparents Tea                                 going to make from home and brought their          and he has never been fed snakes.
                                                                                                                                                   stock to school. All items were sold for R5.
                                                                                                  The theme of the Grandparents tea concert        Break arrived and the pre-schoolers soon           A most informative show to be repeated next
                                                                                                  was seeking love around South Africa. Two        discovered that those who call the clients to      year.
                                                                                                  little snails, Rusta and Farain, are sad as      their tables sell their items the fastest.
                                                                                                  nobody loves snails in their gardens. They
                                                                                                  undertake a journey seeking love.                The preschool soon became a mecca for
                                                                                                                                                   bartering and convincing that not to buy
                                                                                                  The first place is Cape Town with the parade     would be a major loss.
                                                                                                  and where they are given a gift of a musical
                                                                                                  instrument to confirm their love. The snails     This was a valuable lesson and a fun day.
                                                                                                  visit Durban where surfers and fishermen
                                                                                                  and even a shark present the snails with gifts   Reptile Show
                                                                                                  and love.
                                                                                                                                                   On the 7th November, Denekah came with a
                                                                                                  And by no means are the Zulu Girl dancers        collection of amazing reptiles. She explained
                                                                                                  to be forgotten with their moves and gifts       the definition of a reptile and a few basic
                                                                                                  of beads. A visit to the Kruger park, brings     facts about reptiles.
                                                                                                  out the elephants who were having a bath
                                                                                                  and the lions who had become so lazy. All        The first interesting reptile on display was
                                                                                                  of whom give the snails gifts to express their   a lizard from Argentina. A feisty lizard who
Walkathon                                        Art Expo held on the 2nd August                  love.                                            wanted to escape from her box and explore.
                                                                                                                                                   Next on display was a yellow rat snake who
Preschool once again participated in the         The theme for this years’ Art Expo was Me,       Gauteng is the next place on their tour. Here    has extremely strong muscles to help it
Walkathon held on the 29th July with             now, yesterday and tomorrow, an evening of       they greeted by the gumboot dancers of the       swing from trees and not to fall when the
enthusiasm.                                      a thousand artists.                              Gold mines who present them with a bar of        wind blows.
                                                                                                  Gold as a gift.
The Owl class dressed up as Jungle Animals       The Junior phase decided to paint on                                                              Sammy the snake had the most interesting
and prowled around the course with glee.         Canvases using acrylic paint.                    They are now all most convinced that             scales and patterns who helped the pre-
Costumes and make up did not hamper                                                               there are people who love them. As a final       schoolers understand that snakes have a
their spirits. All complete the course and we    To express themselves the Grade 00’s used        confirmation of this love, they arrive at the    backbone and bones.
were so proud of them.                           geometric lines and their names as a focal       Pretoria Chinese School where they find the
                                                 point. A very interesting project.               most love and care. The Chinese dancers          Kept safely locked up in its box was the Black
The Grade 0’s dressed up as the future me                                                         present them with gifts and affirmation that     Mexican King snake. This snake eats snakes
and there were soccer players, doctors,          The Grade 0’s who had been doing self-           they are so welcome to live there. There is      and even if the other snake bites it or spits at
princesses and pirates and a future president    portraits throughout the year decided to         only one thing missing from young Ratsa’s        it, no poison will contaminate its blood.
to name a few. Waiting for their turn to walk    paint their portraits as the “future me”.        life ……. a granny. Luckily for him, there
required a lot of patience, but finally they                                                      are many grannies to choose from in the          They learnt that snakes have a “language”
were set off. They seemed to fly around          A variety of doctors, soccer players and even    audience.                                        and warn the victim by hissing. Tiny was
the course and were soon back at school          a D.J. were expressed.                                                                            the next snake on display. It was a neonate,
collecting their medals and rushing off to the                                                    The concert was a success as the pre-            meaning a baby snake. This was a python
inflatables.                                     Their canvasses gained many compliments          schoolers enjoyed every second of the            who loved sleeping and had to be tickled
                                                 from parents and older pupils.                   concert and made our grandparents feel           to wake up. After verifying that snakes hatch
A winner day for all who participated.                                                            spoilt and welcome.                              from eggs, they learnt about an Egg Tooth

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Junior Preparatory - Pretoria Chinese School
Grade 1                                                                                                                                            Grade 1
Adventures                                                                                                                                        Pupils’ Work
                                                                                                                                                  Each pirate had to prepare a dish of ‘island
                                                                                                                                                  style’ food for everyone to taste. Tables
                                                                                                                                                  had to be decorated, dishes presented and
                                                                                                                                                  speeches prepared on how the food was
                                                                                                                                                  made. Even Mr Gelling climbed on-board to
                                                                                                                                                  share in the tasty pirate food!

                                                                                                                                                                                                 How creative can you be?? What mode of transport can you make using recycled items? Look
                                                                                                                                                                                                 what the Grade Ones made.

                                                  The ‘all about me’ and ‘pet projects’ were
                                                  also lots of fun. We invited some of the
                                                  children’s furry and feathered friends to visit
                                                  us as we learnt about different pets and how
                                                  to care for them.

The grade ones have had a busy year
filled with learning, growing and fun! They
have learnt to write sentences, read books
independently and have learnt many new
skills in Mathematics. But it wasn’t just all
about work! The circus dress-up day was
filled with fun. After learning about the                                                                                                                                                                                                      Thank you for a special year Grade Ones. We
different circus jobs, the children had to                                                                                                                                                                                                     are proud of you and wish you well in 2018!!
come to school dressed as their favourite                                                           On the 29th of September the playground
circus person and then prepare a speech                                                             and Grade One classrooms were filled with
explaining what job that person does.                                                               excitement as a group of pirates arrived at                                                                                                Mrs Kim Bezuidenhout

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Junior Preparatory - Pretoria Chinese School
Grade 2                                                              Transport Box Construction
                                                                                                                                            Grade 2
                                                                                                      The Grade Two’s have transport as their
                                                                                                      theme in the third term. They learn about
                                                                                                      land, sea and air transport. They look at
                                                                                                      the history of transport and are given the
                                                                                                      opportunity to draw future creations of
                                                                                                      transport. The children complete a box
                                                                                                      construction project. They are allowed to
                                                                                                      plan the mode of transport at home and
                                                                                                      then bring all their boxes to school and
                                                                                                      build their jet, plane, truck, train or car.
                                                                                                      The children had a lot of fun building their
                                                                                                      transport mode as well as helping one
                                                                                                      another and then playing with the things
                                                                                                      they built.

                                                                                                      Mrs Maureen Raft

Grade 2
Taxidermist Outing

An excited group of Grade 2’s got into
the bus and headed off to find out what
happens at a taxidermist.

When entering the main room, there were
many stuffed animals that fascinated the
children, many whom had never seen so
many wild animals up close. We saw an
elephant, some giraffe, numerous buck and
many other animals-large and small. Each
child found a different animal fascinating.

Our lovely guide took us through the
process of preparing the animal hide for
mounting. The children found each step
more interesting than the last, observing the
people at work and asking many questions.                                                                                                            Animal Books

A wonderful outing was had by all-one the                                                                                                            The Grade Two’s have “Wild Animals” as a theme in the third term. They choose an animal and
children will remember for a long time.                                                                                                              write their own short story on the animal and its adventure. They learn about being an author,
                                                                                                                                                     illustrating books by drawing pictures and the editing process. Once the story is complete, the
                                                                                                                                                     book is bound and displayed for the parents to view.
Mrs Tina Hattingh
                                                                                                                                                     There is great excitement amongst the children once the books are complete as they can read
                                                                                                                                                     them to one another and read them to family members.

                                                                                                                                                     Mrs Maureen Raft

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Junior Preparatory - Pretoria Chinese School
Grade 2                                    I enjoyed having all the special kids in my
                                                                                                                     Grade 2
                                                         class this year.

                                                         Each one of them has a special quality that
                                                         made our classroom such an enjoyable
                                                         and relaxed place. We had some fun and
                                                         exciting classroom activities and we had
                                                         even more fun on our outings.

                                                         Thank you to each one of you for making
                                                         2017 such a wonderful year. Thank you to
                                                         everyone for a great baby shower. We had
                                                         fun changing nappies and opening all the
                                                         cute gifts.
                                                         I wish you all the best for the future and I
                                                         know you will do great things. I will miss you
                                                         all dearly and May every step you take in life
                                                         be successful.

                                                         Remember I am always just a door away.

                                                         Mrs Van Der Walt

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Junior Preparatory - Pretoria Chinese School
Grade 3                                                                                                                   Grade 3
Dinosaurs                                                Dinosaurs
                                                                                                        Robot Building
                                                         During our “extinction and endangered
                                                         animals” theme, the Grade Three’s did
                                                         research about dinosaurs and presented a
                                                         speech on a dinosaur they had selected.

                                                         They then made dinosaurs using clay and it
                                                         was displayed to show off their effort. They
                                                         also learnt the poem Diplodocus.

                                                         Gr Three Teachers

                                                                                                        My Robot

                                                                                                        My robot’s name is Judy
                                                                                                        She’s very very rude
                                                                                                        She never listens to me
                                                                                                        She’s got an attitude.
                                                                                                        She always watches TV
                                                                                                        She never reads a book.
                                                                                                        When I want to watch a movie
                                                                                                        She never lets me look.
                                                                                                        She’s very very lazy.
                                                                                                        I need to entertain myself
                                                                                                        When she acts like a baby.

                                                                                                        by Matheo Motuku

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Junior Preparatory - Pretoria Chinese School
Grade 3                                                                           Grade 3
Outdoor Class                                                                      Rocket Building

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Junior Preparatory - Pretoria Chinese School
Grade 3                                                                                                   Grade 3
Excursions                                                                                             Excursions
                                                                                                       Cullinan Mine Tour

                                                                                                       We went to the Cullinan diamond mines. We went on the bus and I
South African Weather Bureau                                                                           sat next to Gemma. It was very noisy on the bus and a lot of people
                                                                                                       were talking. When we go there, we met our tour guide, William, and
The Grade 3 pupils thoroughly enjoyed the                                                              he gave us our helmets. We first went to a room with a lot of replicas
outing to the South African Weather Bureau                                                             of stones that have to do with diamonds.
on the 10th April 2017. Our pupils had the                                                             The second place we went to was huge hole, bigger than the Big
opportunity to see and experience first hand                                                           Hole in Kimberly. This one was not hand dug. Some kids (including
some of the equipment we have learnt                                                                   me) stomped on the ground for the miners to hear us. The third
about during our various related themes.                                                               place we went to, was a museum and we saw real diamonds. We
                                                                                                       also saw a video about the mine and about the founder Thomas
The visit was very well co-ordinated and set                                                           Cullinan.
up for a maximum learning experience for
                                                                                                       After that we had a nice break to eat and play. Then we went home
our younger grade. We divided into 4 groups
                                                                                                       on the bus. I still sat next to Gemma and Leila. When we arrived at
and rotated to ensure we were all able to
                                                                                                       school we all waited for the bell to ring for second break.
enjoy the experience without the group
                                                                                                       And that was my trip to the Cullinan Diamond Mine.
being too big.
                                                                                                       Nina Olivier Gr3D
We visited the engineers’ laboratory where
equipment is set up, calibrated, fixed and
ready for installation into the field offices,
the testing laboratory where samples are
being tested for air quality and then into
the field to see the equipment and how it is
used to gain the actual weather information
and attended a short talk on lightning and

We had the privilege of witnessing the build
up and release of the daily weather balloon.
This is a synchronised event which takes
place at all the weather stations around
South Africa every day at a prescribed time.

This weather balloon will remain in the air
for approximately 1 hour 30 minutes and
will relay various weather information to
a satellite in space which sends it back to

Mrs Caroline Heuer

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Grade 3                                                                                                    Grade 3
PCS Walkathon                                                                                          Pupils’ Work
Walkathon                                                                                              LIMERICK POEMS
On the day of the Walkathon we dressed up
as hip-hop-emojies. I decided what to wear,                                                            A fellow with a cello by Aamani Chetty   A man named Ben by Angela Domoney   The dude bop by Motheo Motuku
and I wore baggy pants, a baggy shirt, a big                                                           There was an old fellow                  There was a young man named Ben     There was a boy named Jude
gold chain, a cap and sunglasses. We brushed                                                           Who liked to play the cello              He was obviously only ten           He called himself a dude
teeth, ate and brushed hair. We got in to the                                                          While in the shower                      He tried to catch a cat             He thought he could bop
car and drove to school.                                                                               Holding a flower                         But instead he caught a mat         While playing hip hop
                                                                                                       The flower was obviously yellow.         The next day he tried again,        But actually played the blues.
When we got to school, I ran to class as fast                                                                                                   but then he just caught a hen.
as I could. When I got to class everyone was                                                           Ronaldo by Mela Mongalo
already there except me. We put our emojie                                                             There is a soccer player Ronaldo         Messy Messi by Boikano Mampuru
bibs on and practised our entrance song a few                                                          His favourite brand is Aldo              There was a guy named Messi
times, then we did our dance in front of the                                                           In a game he hit his head                His clothes were always messy
whole school, even Mr Gelling was there!                                                               Or was it in the gardening shed          He kicked the ball
                                                                                                       Oh the poor soccer player Ronaldo.       When it was fall
After we did the dance we walked on the road.                                                                                                   After he met a girl named Tessi.
I wanted to my bib off but Mrs de Kok, said
no. When we got back to school, I changed
into short sleeve clothes. I went on some rides
                                                                                                       ART EXPO
but some of them had long queues. In the
afternoon, I helped my mom sell food at the

After the Walkathon, James slept over at
my house and my friend came too. What an
exciting and exhausting end to the day.

Liam Trollip Gr3D

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Co-curricular                                                                                                                                         Co-curricular
                                                                                                                                                  IMini Cricket

                                                                                                                                                  Despite only being at school for two weeks,
                                                                                                                                                  our pre-schoolers went to St Paulus to play
                                                                                                                                                  their very first cricket match. For some this
                                                                                                                                                  was a fun morning where keeping to the

                                                                                                                                                  rules of cricket according to some pre-
                                                                                                                                                  schoolers, was not necessary. However,
                                                                                                                                                  there were some very talented and keen
                                                                                                                                                  cricket players who performed really well on
                                                                                                                                                  the day and made us proud.

                                                                                                                                                  On the 5th November, our talented cricket
E-Club                                           Gross Motor Skills                                                                               team arrived at St Paulus very early and
                                                                                                                                                  ready to face our opponents. We had
This year our E-Clubs learned about their        The Grade Ones, twos and threes had a lot                                                        practiced intensely and were ready. The
environment and how to take care of it.          of fun in Gross motor this year. Week by                                                         other team opted to bowl first so we
Lessons taught were re-enforced with an          week many skills were learnt in a fun way.                                                       made as many runs as we could. A few
activity. The children had to make a 3D          Different size balls were used in throwing                                                       sixes and fours were hit to the delight of
model of a water scene once they learned         and catching exercises and ball games                                                            our parents. Then we swopped over and
how precious it is to conserve water. Posters    were played. Bean bags, hoola hoops and                                                          it was our turn to bowl and field. Once
were made of Save the Rhino by making a          skipping ropes formed the basis of many                                                          again we demonstrated that eagerness and
collage. This year E-club was enjoyed by all     structured games which taught the children                                                       determination wins. We bowled them out,
and hopefully all learners will remember to      different techniques and skills.                         Every accomplishment                    hit many wickets and caught a few balls.
implement what they’ve learnt on taking                                                                starts with the decision to                Overall a fantastic day.
care of our wonderful Earth.
                                                 Mrs Maureen Raft                                                            try…                 On the 10th November, we arrived bright and
                                                                                                                                                  early, even before the cock had time to crow,
Mrs Ana De Kok                                                                                                                                    to play a cricket match at Waterkloof House
                                                                                                                                                  Preparatory school. Maragon ( Doxa Deo)
                                                                                                 Mini Hockey                                      was to our opponents. With a team of ten we
                                                                                                                                                  went into the match with two aims. To have
                                                                                                 Our Mini Hockey players always played their      fun and do our best and we succeeded in
                                                                                                 hearts out at their Saturday morning fixtures.   both. We made over 40 runs and took a few
                                                                                                 It was great to see them holding their own       wickets and run outs to complete our victory.
                                                                                                 against some of the bigger schools that we
                                                                                                 played against. It was also very encouraging     Mastering the skills required to play cricket
                                                                                                 to see that there were several boys and girls    successfully took a while but those who will
                                                                                                 picking up a hockey stick for the first time     continue with cricket in Grade 1 will be great.
                                                                                                 and getting involved in our Saturday fixtures.

                                                                                                                                                  Mrs Stacey Nicolaides
                                                                                                 Mrs Nicky Futter

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Co-curricular                                                                                             Co-curricular

                                                                                                      Mini Soccer

                                                                                                      Bright and early on Saturday the 25th March,
                                                                                                      our eager Grade 0 soccer team arrived at
                                                                                                      Southdowns College for their very first
                                                                                                      Soccer festival. Our team did exceptionally
                                                                                                      well for their first attempt. We drew the
                                                                                                      first match and won the next four matches.

                                                                                                      More importantly, we had a lot of fun and
                                                                                                      impressed the co-ordinators with our
                                                                                                      dancing. All are looking forward to the next

                                                                                                      Once again, bracing the cool weather,
                                                                                                      our Grade 0 soccer team competed at
Mini Netball
                                                                                                      Southdowns School. The festival took place
                                                                                                      on the 8th of April and our pupils played
Our mini Netball players showed dedication
                                                                                                      with such enthusiasm. Some top class goals
and enthusiasm during practice. We
                                                                                                      were scored and the entire team did their
played in three fixtures this year namely:
                                                                                                      best to play well. Parents and players look
Southdowns College, DSG, and CBC (being
                                                                                                      forward to further matches next term.
cancelled due to rain). Our girls played
their hearts out and it was great to see them
                                                                                                      As a final coaching clinic, the Grade 0’s
show good sportsmanship and enthusiasm.
                                                                                                      arrived at school on the 15th July for a fun
Thank you to all the coaches and parents for
                                                                                                      and amazing morning. Both the coach and
their continued support.
                                                                                                      young T.J, who is destined to perform really
                                                                                                      well and make South Africa proud of him
                                                                                                      worked on skills needed to improve their
Mrs Ana De Kok
                                                                                                      game. Dads, older brothers and friends were
                                                                                                      included in the final game against the Grade
                                                                                                      0’s. All left the field on a high inspired to
                                                                                                      continue playing soccer in Grade One.

                                                                                                      Mrs Stacey Nicolaides

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