Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft

Page created by Lisa Barber
Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft
The magazine for meeting professionals |


                                                                 Media Data 2018

             and Print

                                                            Your tool for better meetings
Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft

We give you that extra information advantage and
­orientation aid in print, digital, and …

Magazine               Trendbook          Newsletter             Online media       Magazine
tw tagungswirtschaft   tz       BizTravel
special editions                                       
                                                                 das MICE Portal
Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft
Media Information 2018                                                                                                            Content

The dfv-media for meeting professionals                           4-5   tz tagungszeitung
                                                                        Brief description, publication dates, prices for banners
tw tagungswirtschaft                                                    and online advertorials                                              26-29
Title profile, reader profile                                    6-7
Title portrait, print run and circulation analysis               8-9   Trendbook tp – das MICE-portal
Advertising rates                                              10-11   Brief description                                                    30-31
List of topics, media-mix-ideas                                12-13
Exclusive reports and advertorials in tw                       14-15   Kombi tw tagungswirtschaft und Biz Travel
Advertisement sizes, technical specifications                  16-17   Brief description, Biz Travel, Advertorials in combination           32-33

tr tagungsregionen                                                      Your contact
Brief description18-19                                                 at the publishing company and abroad, General Terms and Conditions   34-35
Prices and combination options                                  20-21
Brief description, prices for banners and online advertorials   22-25
Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft
Media Information 2018 l page 4-5                                     The dfv-media for meeting professionals

                                  The perfect way to interlock...

                                                  The magazine for meeting
                                  Practice-oriented trade magazine and business journal
                                  for MICE deciders


Online portal of tw tagungswirtschaft

                                                                                   Select your media mix:
                                          Social media                             we’re your partner
                         More than 3,000 followers on Facebook
                         and Twitter:
Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft

                               Trendbook tp and
                      – the MICE booking platform

     Trendbook and online portal for searching, finding and online booking of meeting
     venues and service providers on the convention market

                                   Business travel magazine for corporate-travel
                                   and MICE deciders.

                               on a regular basis by
                                                                      The expo magazine m+a report and its
          2x per month the most important news                        online platform
          from the MICE market                                        The experts in the expo industry

Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft
Media Information 2018 l page 6-7                        tw tagungswirtschaft/Titel Profile

Have you got the
tw tagungswirtschaft
on your agenda??

tw tagungswirtschaft is a practice-
minded trade and business magazine
for meeting professionals: convention
and event planners, event venue
operators as well as associations and
service-providers. Readers are inspired
with new ideas, practical tips and
pointers, successful case examples,
topical research and academic projects,
studies and in-depth background reports.

tw narrates stories, opens worlds of
experience, and arouses interest.

Publication frequency: five times per year plus special editions,
predominantly in German.
Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft
Reader Profile

What you should be sure to know about the readers
of tw tagungswirtschaft:

•	 	97.5 % of our readers stage conventions, congresses   •	 	More than 90 % of the respondents are involved in invest-
  and events – and are thus exactly in our focus.             ment and purchasing decisions related to events.
•	 	2/3 of the surveyed businesses have 10 events         •	 	90 % of those surveyed stated that tw tagungswirtschaft
  per year and more.                                          reports comprehensively, profoundly and with a distinct
                                                              orientation towards practical application and that they
•	 		30 % of those questioned plan events with more        can recommend reading the magazine.
   than 100 persons.
•	 	Approx. 50 % of the questioned businesses attend      •	 	40 % do not use any other convention magazine for their
  tradeshows as participants.                                 event planning.

•	 	More than 50 % of tw tagungswirtschaft readers        •	 	2.9 readers per copy*, thus adding to the spread of your
  are business unit managers/                                 advertising message.
  project leaders and owners/co-owners of their
  companies, a highly-qualified target-group.               * According to subscriber statements

                                                              Readers of tw tagungswirtschaft: :

                                                              Convention and event planners and eventlocation operators, associations and service
                                                              providers. The most important results of the readership survey (method CATI) of regular
                                                              recipients of tw tagungs­wirtschaft. (net sample: 122 interviews realised), conducted
                                                              by the independent research institute tele Research Institut für Marktforschung, Mann-
Print run: 15.000                                             heim, Germany (, survey period June 2012
(ABC audited quarters 3/2016 - 2/2017 per average)

Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft
Media Information 2018 l page 8-9
                                                                                                                                                Portrait    1
1 Title:                                                                       		                         tw tagungswirtschaft
tw tagungswirtschaft – The magazine for meeting professionals                   Mailing address:          60264 Frankfurt am Main
2 Brief Description:                                                            Office address:           Mainzer Landstraße 251, 60326 Frankfurt am Main
tw tagungswirtschaft is a practice-minded trade and business magazine for       Phone:                    +49 69 7595-1002 (Switchboard)
meeting professionals: convention and event planners, event venue opera-        Fax:                      +49 69 7595-1280
tors as well as associations and service-providers. There’s new inspiration     Internet:       
to readers, and definite real-life support as well. In addition,                E-Mail:         
tw tagungswirtschaft presents successful case examples, analyses,              11 Publisher:              Gabriele Schulze (+49 30 23137364)
on-going research and university projects, conducts own studies and            12 Advertising:            Sales Director:
provides in-depth background reports. At the same time, it narrates stories,   		                         Volker Schledt (-1883; Fax-1280),
awakens interest and kindles emotions.                                         		                         Advertising Sales Team:
tw is published predominantly in German five times a year plus special         		                         Clementine Assenheimer (-1903),
issues and owing to its strong background and embedment in MICE media          		               
reaches out to more MICE-deciders than any other trade magazine. The           		                         Nina Pfeifer (-1905),
magazine is structured into: titel, technology, planner, international, mee-
ting industry, destination, standard. Never far away: tw tagungs­wirtschaft    13 Editorial department: Editor in chief:
is also available as tw digital at                           				                     Kerstin Wünsch (-1912),
3 Target group:	
                                                                               			 Christian Funk (-1637),
tw tagungswirtschaft is the leading specialized magazine for meeting
professional as well as their partners – event location operators, associa-    14 Volume analysis:                            2016   =   5 issues
tions and service providers.                                                      Total volume:                         524 pages    =   100 %
                                                                                  Text section:                         408 pages    =    78 %
4 Frequency:                 5 issues p.a.
                                                                                  Advertising section:                   116 pages   =    22 %
  Publication dates:         February, May, July, September, November
  Copy deadline:             four weeks before publication
                                                                                  Bound inserts:                           2 items
5 Magazine format:           DIN A 4 (210 mm W x 297 mm H)
6 Volume:                    42th volume 2018                                     Inserts:		                               6 items
7 Subscription:              € 20.– per issue plus postage                        Recruitment- a. Classified ads:                –
		                           Reduced annual subscription price (5 issues):        Publishers own ads:                   12,5 pages
		                           € 90.– within Europe, + delivery and VAT             Publishers own inserts:                        –
		                           € 90.– overseas, + delivery                          Publishers own bound-ins:                      –
		                           ISSN-No. 0342-7951                                15 Content analysis of text section:           unlevied
8 Publication of:            –
9 Membership:                ICCA, GCB, EVVC
10 Publishing company:       Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft
                                                                                                  Analysis of Circulation and Distribution    2
1 Circulation control: ABC                                                             Reader structure*
2 Circulation analysis: Copies per issue per annual average

                                                                                                            6 % 2Others
			                     (1. July 2016 – 30. June 2017)

    Print run:                            15.000
                                                                                              10 %                                           82 %
                                                                                               Organi­                                       Companies
    Total circulation:                    14.581     thereof abroad:           4.162           sations

    Sold circulation:                       908      thereof abroad:             48
    – Subscribed copies:                    908      member copies:              33
    – Sold indivudually:                       0
    – Sold otherwise:                          0
    Free copies:                          13.672

    Remaining, archive and
    specimen copies:                        420                                        Share of total circulation abroad analysed for the
                                                                                       contries Austia, Switzerland and Europe/World*:

3   Geographical distribution analysis:
                                                                                                                                             40 %
Economic region                               Share of total circulation
                                                                                            30 %                                             Europe
                                                                                                                                             and World
			                                           %		                  Copies

    Germany		                                 71		                 10.419
    Total circulation
                                                                                            30 %
                                                                                                                                        *Basis: Sales data

Media Data 2018 - Your tool for better meetings Digital and Print - tw tagungswirtschaft
                                                                                  Advertising                           Total circulation
                                                                         Rate Card valid as of          per annual average 14.581 copies
             Media Information 2018 l page 10-11                              1 January 2018                               (as per AMF)

1   Advertising rates:                                               2   Surcharges:
    For exact sizes please refer to page 16.                             Positions:
                                                                         2nd cover page – 1/1 page 4c                                   € 7,500.–
                                                                         3rd cover page – 1/1 page 4c                                   € 7,070.–
                                                                         4th cover page – 1/1 page 4c                                   € 7,800.–
    Format                                         Basic rate 4c/€
                                                                         Special formats:
                                                                         French Cover                                                   € 9,590.–
		        2/1                                            13,000.–
                                                                         Banderole                                                       on request
		        1/1                                             6,860.–        other special formats                                           on request
		        1/2                                             4,460.–        Colours:
		        1/3                                             3,600.–        Special colours on pages within the magazine
		        1/4                                             3,135.–        are printed in four-colour process!		                              on request

		        1/8                                             2,295.–        Formats:
                                                                          no trimming charges

                                                                     3	Discounts:
    Advertorials                                                     	For publication within 12 months in tw tagungswirtschaft, tw meeting services, tw
    Prices and formats listed on page 15.                               tagungsregionen and tz

                                                                         By frequency By volume
                                                                         2 x = 3 %		 2 pages = 5 %
                                                                         4 x = 8 %		 4 pages = 10 %
                                                                         5 x = 12 %		5 pages = 15 %

                                                                         No discount on technical surcharges.
                                                                         Agency commission 15 %
                                                                                        Advertising                         Total circulation
                                                                               Rate Card valid as of               per annual average 14.581
                                                                                    1 January 2018                             (as per AMF)

4	Classified advertisements:                                                 Mailing address:
   Recruitment and classified ads:                                             Westdeutsche Verlags- und Druckerei GmbH
   90 mm column with per mm                              €   9.10              Warenannahme Akzidenz
   Jobs wanted less 20 % discount                                              Packsaal zur Weiterverarbeitung tw tagungswirtschaft (indicate issue)
   Job offers / sales / bids / real estates                                    Kurhessenstr. 4-6
   less 10 % discount                                                          64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf
   Min. format 90 mm w x 25 mm h (Production of printing material 		will       Delivery memo: tw tagungswirtschaft issue no.: ...
   be billed at cost price.)                                                   Kindly deliver the inserts carriage paid.
   Box number fee                                        € 25.–
   Box number ads are liable to German VAT.                                6 –

5	Special inserts:                                                        7	Terms of payment:
   Bound-in inserts:                                                          30 days from date of invoice without discount. 3% discount for payment
   2-pages (paperweight 80–150 g/sqm)                                        in advance. Furthermore our general business terms are applicable.
		          Format: DIN A4 plus 4 mm bleed on                                 Casual advertisements against advance payment only.
		          each side (218 x 305 mm)                       € 5,890.–
   4-pages (paperweight 80–150 g/qm)                                         Accounts:
            Format: DIN A4. Delivery folded.                                  Frankfurter Sparkasse:
            3 mm margin in the gutter.                                        IBAN DE56 5005 0201 0000 0349 26, S.W.I.F.T. BIC: HELADEF1822
            Page 1–4 plus 4 mm bleed
            at the upper, lower and right side.            € 8,100.–
   Each plus charges for binding                           € 250.–

   Max. size 210 x 297 mm
   rate per 1000, up to 25 g           ‰                    € 300.–
   rate per 1000, up to 50 g           ‰                    € 360.–
   Glued-on post cards, samples, etc.: Rate on request

Media Information 2018 l page 12-13                                                                                 Dates and topics        T
                 Planners, Meeting Industry             Training, Technology             Venue, Destination                 Congresses/Expos

 Tw1             Main topic: associations prior to      Sustainability at events         Convention hotels – more than      ITB, 07.-11.03.18, Berlin
 ET: 28.02.      association congress                   (climate conference              just rooms for rent                16. Deutscher Verbändekongress am 12.-13.03.18, Berlin
 AS: 09.02.      Series: My customer and I              in Bonn 2017)                    Ships, clubs and theme parks       Prolight + Sound 10.-13.04.18, Frankfurt
                                                        Safety/Security                  Eastern Europe                     ICCA CEC

                                                          Special issue on technology; tw tagungswirtschaft + m+a report

 Tw2             Associations after association         Data protection versus           Convening in GCB core              IMEX 15.-17.5.18, Frankfurt
 ET: 09.05.      congress                               personalization                  competency fields in Germany       Mexcon 20.-21.06.18, Wiesbaden
 AS: 13.04.      Design Thinking                        GED18 – Global Exhibitions       Middle East                        ICCA Central European Chapter, 20.-21.06.18, Wiesbaden
                 Series: My customer and I              Day: expos as export platforms                                      AIPC 01.-04.07.18, London
                                                        or globalization

                                                  Special issue on women in the event industry; tw tagungswirtschaft + m+a report

 Tw3             Main topic: Congress centers – from Augmented/Virtual Reality           Congress destination Russia,       EVVC Management Fachtagung , 16.-18.09.18,
 ET: 20.07.      facility operator to format advisor Promote Diversity – Diversity       World Cup 2018                     Regensburg
 AS: 29.06.      Festivalization - Cebit festival of Day 2018                            Great Britain – two years after
                 digital innovations                                                     the Brexit vote
                 Series: My customer and I                                               Convening in Benelux
                                                                                         Special Locations

 Tw4             Demographic change, War for            Artificial Intelligence          Convening in France                IMEX America 16.-18.10.18, Las Vegas
 ET: 14.09.      Talent. Employer Branding              Agile Management                 Austria                            57th ICCA Congress 11.-14.11.18, Dubai
 AS: 24.08.      Series: My customer and I

                                                          Special issue on hospitality; tw tagungswirtschaft + m+a report

 Tw5             Business travel meets convention       Conference technology            Southern Europe; Spain,            IBTM World 27.-29.11.18, Barcelona
 ET: 20.11       management                             Leadership does not equal        Portugal, Italy                    Best of Events 2019, Dortmund
 AS: 30.10.      Series: My customer and I              management                       Switzerland                        Deutscher Hotelkongress 2019

                                                         Special issue on sustainability; tw tagungswirtschaft + m+a report

 The latest developments in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, neighbouring European countries and throughout the world are covered regularly and just-in-time
 in all sections. Supplements to further more topics are planned. More informations on request.

Pd = Publishing date     Ed = Editorial deadline      Ad = Ad closing date
This is how your media-mix could look

tw tagungswirtschaft provides deciders in the meeting                  Combine the attention-catching abilities of
and event industry with information at high frequency                  tw tagungswirtschaft with further dfv-media
through its diverse communication channels. Other                      to meet your specific needs.
dfv-media for meeting professionals are also utilized here.            We will be happy to advise you!

Estrel Berlin                                                          Grand Hall Zollverein
                        Halfsize-banner in
 Mega banner in         tz                                      Full page in                                                                     tagungsregionen and
                                                                                  trendbook tp
                                                                                    45141 ESSEn / noRdRHEin-WESTfALEn

                                                                                    GRAnd HALL ZoLLVEREin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3 km      5 km     37 km

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4th cover page on

                                                                                    45141 Essen
                                                                                    Telefon: +49 201 83081-840
                                                                                    Ansprechpartner: Eva Maria Huntgeburth

                                                                                  G     rand Hall Zollverein – erste und einzige
                                                                                        Location auf dem Welterbe für 50–2.500
                                                                                  Personen. Die Grand Hall Zollverein GmbH ver-
                                                                                  marktet und betreibt die zur multifunktionalen
                                                                                  Veranstaltungshalle umgebaute, ehemalige                                                                                                                                                                                                                        eInZIge lOCaTIOn aUF deM UneSCO welTerBe FÜr BIS ZU 2.500 PaX
                                                                                  Sauger-und Kompressorenhalle nebst dazugehö-
                                                                                  rigem Schalthaus. Die Location ist auf dem Ge-
                                                                                  lände der ehemaligen Kokerei Zollverein in Essen,
                                                                                  Deutschland angesiedelt.
                                                                                  Mit der Grand Hall Zollverein steht in Essen ab An-
                                                                                  fang 2017 ein Veranstaltungszentrum zur Verfü-
                                                                                  gung, das allen Ansprüchen an eine hochmoderne
                                                                                  Special Event Location gerecht wird. Die Gäste der
                                                                                  Grand Hall Zollverein dürfen sich dann auf tages-
                                                                                  licht-durchflutete, barrierefrei zugängliche Räu-
                                                                                  me freuen, die zur Zeit unter den Aspekten nach-
                                                                                  haltiger Bauweise behutsam und denkmalgerecht
                                                                                  saniert werden. Nutzerorientiert mit modernster,
                                                                                  digitaler Veranstaltungs- und Tagungstechnik
                                                                                  ausgestattete Veranstaltungsräume von insge-

                                                     French Cover in
                                                                                  samt 5.000 qm zusammenhängender Nutzfläche
                                                                                  stehen nach der Fertigstellung zur Verfügung.
                                                                                  Durch Zusammenlegungen und Teilungen können
                                                                                  Räume ab 50 qm Fläche variabel untereinander
                                                                                  kombiniert oder separat genutzt werden.

                                               tw tagungswirtschaft
                                                                                  Über den Betrieb als Veranstaltunglocation hi-
                                                                                  naus bietet die Grand Hall Zollverein GmbH ein
                                                                                  umfangreiches Dienstleistungssortiment an, das
                                                                                  sämtliche veranstaltungsrelevanten Bedürfnisse
                                                                                  bedient (One-Stop-Location-Prinzip).

                                                                                  Lage: Zollverein, Stadtzentrum

                                                                                  Besonders geeignet für: Ball, Firmen-/Vereins-
                                                                                  feier, Galaveranstaltung, Kongress, Kongress mit
                                                                                  Ausstellung, Konzert, Kundenevent, Messe, Mo-
                                                                                  tivationsveranstaltung, Seminar, Sport, Tagung,
                                                                                  Teambuilding, Theater – Ihre „One Stop Location“
                                                                                                                                        gungsbüro, Telefon, Wasser, WC, WLAN, weiteres    ten/Terrasse, ebenerdig, EDV-Schulungsraum,        Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten:
                                                                                  Ausstattung: 1.000 Parkplätze, Abstellraum,           Dienstleistungssortiment                          Fliesenboden, Kfz-befahrbar, Klimaanlage, kom-     Im Umkreis vom Gelände Zollverein befinden
                                                                                  barrierefrei, EDV-Schulungsraum, Fahrstuhl, Gar-                                                        binierbar, Marmor-/Steinboden, öffentlicher In-    sich viele Hotels für Übernachtungsmöglich-
                                                                                  derobe, Heizung, Kfz-befahrbar, Küche, Künstler-      12 Veranstaltungsräume                            ternetzugang, Teppichboden                         keiten. Fragen Sie nach unseren Full Service
                                                                                  garderobe, Licht, Lkw-Rampe, Messebau, Miet-          Alle: barrierefrei, dimmbare Beleuchtung, Fens-                                                      Dienstleistungen.
                                                                                  mobiliar, Presseraum, Raucherbereich, Räume           terlüftung möglich, Tageslicht, verdunkelbar,     Technik: Beamer, Breitband-Internet (z. B.
                                                                                  bewirtschaftet, Referentenzimmer, Strom, Ta-          WLAN Einige: Bodentanks, direkter Zugang Gar-     DSL), Bühne, Diaprojektor, Dolmetscheranlage,      Wissenswertes:
                                                                                                                                                                                          DVD-Anlage, Farbdrucker, Faxgerät, Fernse-         Leistungen aus einer Hand:
                                                                                    Veranstaltungsräume                                                                                   her, Flipchart, Kopierer, Laserpointer, LCD-TV,    Catering // Non Food Catering // Konzeption und
                                                                                    Raumname/Kombination                                                                                  Leinwand, Magnettafel, Metaplanwand, Mikro-        Umsetzung von Bühnenset, Messe- und ausstel-
                                                                                                                                                                                          fonanlage, Mischpult, mobile Bühnenelemente,       lungsbau // Konzeption, Vermietung und Betrieb
                                                                                    Grand Hall                      1.800      8,00      720      1.200    1.000      v                   mobile Lampen, Moderatorenkoffer, Notebook,        von Veranstaltungstechnik // Vermietung und
                                                                                    Club Bereich                     460       5,00      195       250      200       v                   Overheadprojektor, Pinnwand, Rednerpult, Regie-    Handling von Veranstaltungsausstattungen //
                                                                                    Foyer                            360       5,00       30       60        100      v                   pult, schnurloses Telefon, Schwerhörigenanlage,    Location-Signage und Branding // Parking und
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Starnberg bei München (Seite 365)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GRAND HALL ZOLLVEREIN
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum 1 + 2 + 3        545         -         -        -         -       v                   Soundsystem/PA, Trenn-/Stellwände, Treppen-        Valet Parking Services // Shuttle Services //
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum 1                                                                                     elemente, Videokamera, Videokonferenz, Video-      Hotelbuchungs- und Teilnehmermanagement //                                                                                                            KONTAKT
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum A-1               55         -         -        -         -       v                   rückprojektor, Whiteboard, WLAN, vollständige      Ticketing und Ticketportal // Booking und Regie
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum A-2               25         -         -        -         -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Grand Hall Zollverein GmbH
                                                                                                                                                                      v                   Technik buchbar                                    von Servicepersonal // Veranstaltungskonzeption
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum A-3               25         -         -        -         -       v                                                                      und -management // Konzeption, Herstellung und
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wilhelm-Beckmann-Straße 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 360° Full-Service – die GRAND HALL ZOLLVEREIN® ist mehr als nur Veranstaltungslocation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   45307 Essen

                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum A-4               70         -         -        -         -       v                   Gastronomie: Bar, Biokost, Club Bereich für Ver-   Management von Contents // Bereitstellung und
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum 2                                                                                     anstaltungen, Diätküche, Erlebnisgastronomie,      Betrieb digitaler Services für Hybridevents sowie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Als „One Stop Location“ bieten wir Ihnen ein umfangreiches Leistungssortiment an, das sämtliche   Fon +49 201 830 818 40
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum B-1               50         -         -        -         -       v                   Exklusivcatering, externes Catering möglich, ka-   speziell auf Kundenbedürfnisse zugeschnittene       veranstaltungsrelevanten Bedürfnisse bedient. Wir übernehmen die komplette Konzeption,  
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum B-2               25         -         -        -         -       v                   lorienreduzierte Küche, Programme für gesunde      Webportale & Webspecials                            Vorbereitung und Durchführung – während Sie sich ganz entspannt um Ihre Gäste kümmern.  
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum B-3               25         -         -        -         -       v                   Ernährung, Raucherbereich, Spezialitäten für
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum B-4               55         -         -        -         -       v                   Tagungsgruppen, Trennkost                          Referenzen/Auszeichnungen:
                                                                                    Schalthaus Raum 3                215         -         -        -         -       v                                                                      LK-AG Essen                                                                                                                                           LOCATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TageslichT – helle, lichTdurchfluTeTe räumlichkeiTen – auf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kokerei Zollverein
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Wunsch kompleTT verdunkelbar                                                                                                                 Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl (Seite 365)                 Schmelmer Hof Hotel & Resort (Seite 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   45141 Essen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         digiTale Technologien – hochmoderne aussTaTTung, opTimierT für
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         dezenTrale und inTerakTive veransTalTungsformaTe – hybridevenTs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         barrierefreiheiT – über aufzüge barrierefreier
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ISBN 978-3-86641-871-4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         zugang zu allen bereichen

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tagungshotels · Kongresszentren · Eventlocations · Rah
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         nachhalTigkeiTsmanagemenT – miTarbeiTerqualifizierung
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         „nachhalTigkeiTsberaTer in der veransTalTungsbranche“


Media Information 2018 l page 14-15                                                         Exclusive report

                                                             We present your destination
                                                             with the many options of
                                                             a special report or as advertorial.

                                                             Put the focus on your destination/product with
                                                             a tw tagungs wirtschaft special report!
                                                             We will gladly advise you to find just the solution meeting
                                                             your needs and requirements!*

special report
in magazine.

                                                             * Advertorials as well as texts which must be submitted for review prior to
                 Special report in form of a bound insert.      publishing for legal reasons must be marked as advertisement.
and advertorial in tw

                               Delivered (ready for printig)       Basic rate 4c/€

                               1/1, 2/1 or more than 2 pages       on request
                               Designed/edited and
                               translated by tw                    plus surcharge

                                    For legal reasons advertorials are indicated
                                    as such.

Example of doublepage

                        Find out more about design, schedules and prices
                        of the advertorial combination or the exclusive report
                        by calling 069-7595-1885 or -1903

Media Information 2018 l page 16-17                                                                                 Advertisement Sizes

2/1 page                                          1/1 page                 1/2 page                 1/2 page                 1/2 page Junior Page     1/3 page
T: W 385 mm x H 266 mm                            T: W 184 mm x H 266 mm   T: W 184 mm x H 131 mm   T: W 90 mm x H 266 mm    T: W 122 mm x H 194 mm   T: W 184 mm x H 86 mm
B: W 420 mm x H 297 mm                            B: W 210 mm x H 297 mm   B: W 210 mm x H 148 mm   B: W 106 mm x H 297 mm   B: W 138 mm x H 211 mm   B: W 210 mm x H 103 mm

1/3 page                 1/4 page                 1/4 page                 1/4 page                 1/8 page                 1/8 page
T: W 58 mm x H 266 mm    T: W 184 mm x H 63 mm    T: W 90 mm x H 131 mm    T: W 43 mm x H 266 mm    T: W 184 mm x H 30 mm    T: W 90 mm x H 66 mm oder
B: W 74 mm x H 297 mm    B: W 210 mm x H 80 mm                             B: W 59 mm x H 297 mm    B: W 210 mm x H 47 mm    B: W 58 mm x H 99 mm

                                                                                                                                            W = width
                                                                                                                                            H = height

                                                                                                                                            T = Type area
                                                                                                                                            B = bleed size
                                                                                                                                            + 4 mm bleed difference on
                                  French Cover                                                                                              each side
                                  B: B 460 mm x H 297 mm
Formats and technical specifications            F
1   Magazine format:                                                  6	Proof:
    210 mm wide, 297 mm high                                          	Colour-binding digital or reference proof (paper simulation print run
    Bleed difference: 4 mm on each side                                  paper tagungswirtschaft) with according measuring elements.
    Type area: 184 mm wide, 266 mm high
                                                                      7	Data archiving:
2   Printing process and binding method:                                 Data will be archived. Unchanged repetitions are therefore generally
    Jobbing web offset with drying (heatset), adhesive binding           possible. A guarantee could not be furnished.
    Paper quality:
    Cover: 250g/sqm, woodfree, white, glossy, art paper               8	Warranty:
    Content: 70g/sqm, woodfree, white, matt, art paper                	We assume no liability for the printing result, when the data is
                                                                         delivered incomplete or differing (text, colours, drawings). Incorrect
    Dot gain:
                                                                         exposure caused from incomplete or incorrect files, wrong calibration
    40% field: 14% (allowance +/- 3%)
                                                                         or incomplete specifications will be billed. This applies accordingly for
    80% field: 11% (allowance +/- 2%)
                                                                         additional typesetting and litho as well as for creation of new proofs.
    Marginal tonal value deviations are caused in the tolerance
    range of the Jobbing web offset.
                                                                         Author‘s corrections:
3	Data transmission:                                                    in supplied data will be billed at cost price.
   FTP, E-Mail or CD-ROM
                                                                      9	Contacts:
4	Data formats:                                                         Central Ad management
	Required are digital data created in PDF/X-3 data, profile PSO,        Phone: +49 69 7595-2962
   LWC improved. Editable files should be avoided. Embed all fonts.      Fax:      +49 69 7595-2960
   Continuous-tone pictures require a resolution of 250 dpi.             Email:

5	Colours: Euroscale
   Colour sequence: Black, cyan, magenta, yellow

Media Information 2018 l page 18-19                                           tr tagungsregionen

                                                  tagungsregionen                 ●
                                                                                  6   informiert 5 x im Jahr über
                                                                                      Tagungsdestinationen in Deutschland,
                                                                                      Österreich, Luxemburg und der Schweiz

                                                                                  6   auf 1⁄1 Seiten oder 1⁄2 Seiten präsentieren sich
                                                                                      Anbieter mit ihren Neuigkeiten über
                                                                                      Destinationen, Sonderangebote und

                                                                                  6   parallel zum Printeintrag finden Sie den
                                                                                      Online-Eintrag auf

                                                                                  6   dies ist der kurze Weg zwischen Anbietern
                                                                                      und Tagungsplanern

tr tagungsregionen –
The platform for your
attractive meeting venue
                                         ©GETTY IMAGES FÜR ADC NIGHT OF HONOUR
tr tagungsregionen

tr tagungsregionen in five editions per year
as regular feature of tw tagungswirtschaft
will inform its readers about convention
and meeting destinations in Germany,
Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland and
other neighboring countries. Next to the
print edition, the insert will also be published
at In
addition, combinations with

and m+a messeplaner are also an option.

We will grant a 10 % discount on the
applicable single price on title combinations
for your ad.

                                                   online entry

                                                                  full page entry    half page entry

Media Information 2018 l page 20-21                                                                      tr tagungsregionen

We will grant a 10 % discount on the applicable
single price on title combinations for your ad.

                                               tw tagungswirtschaft/
                                               section tr tagungsregionen
                                               Print run: 15,000 issues                          Rates for tr tagungsregionen: 
                                               Online (                            1/1 page 4c             € 1,610.-
                                               more than 7,000 page impressions per month        1/2 page 4c             € 830.-

                                               Trendbook tp                     Rates for
                                                Print:                                           1/1 page 4c            € 1,849.-
                                                Print run: 38,000 issues                         1/2 page 4c            € 1,350.-
                                               more than 150,000 page impressions of ­database
                                               contents per month (public portal and closed
                                               ­Corporate Portals)
tr tagungsregionen

     m+a messeplaner                         Rates for m+a messeplaner:
     Print:                                  1/1 page 4c           € 1,080.-
     Print run: 2,300 issues                 1/2 page 4c           €    725.-

                               More information about the package combinations is
                               available by telephone at +49 69 7595-3180 or
                               by e-mail at

Media Information 2018 l page 22-23        

                                              information at the push
                                              of a button.

The online portal tw tagungswirtschaft:

The online portal provides topical          Target group:
reports from the MICE industry about the sectors Agencies,   Event planners and top deciders in the MICE industry who
Association Meetings, Corporate Meetings, Destinations,      want more information than provided in print media to stay
Education + Young Professionals, Hotels, Congress Centers,   abreast of industry events.
Locations + Incentives, People News, Transfer + Logistics,
Web Tools + Apps. You will find these on the homepage and
the subpages:                                                Usage data*:
                                                             average 7,372 page impressions per month
                                                             average 2,849 visits per month
Infoworld, tw media, dates and career center
                                                             average 1,876 Unique visits per month

                                                             * Average acc. to Google Analytics September 2017

                                                  tw digital
Media Information 2018 l page 24-25                                                                 
                                             1. Hockey-Stick | Wallpaper
    1. Hockey Stick | Wallpaper                 Placement: Home page
                                                Rotation: no
                                                Size pic top: max. 960 pixel (w) x 200 pixel (h) |
                                                pic right: max. 250 pixel (w) x max. 800 pixel (h)
                                                Data formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF | HTML, SWF (for animated banners)
                                                Other specifics: color coding to colorize the image background Price
                                                Price: € 1,895.- a month

                                             2. Mega banner
                                                Placement: Home page
    2. Mega banner                              Rotation: Maximum of 2 banners (in case of rotation: price = half of the regular price)
                                                Size: 920 pixel max. 150 pixel
                                                Data formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF | HTML, SWF (for animated banners)
                                                Price: € 1,690.- a month

                                             3. Right column banner
                                                Placement: Homepage
                                                Rotation: Maximum of 2 banners (in case of rotation: price = half of the regular price)
                                                Size: 300 x 300 pixel
                                  3. Right      Data formats: Data formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF | HTML, SWF (for animated banners)
                                  column        Price: € 1,420.- a month
                                             4. Halfsize banner
                                                Placement: on the homepage after every 3rd news item
                                                Rotation: Maximum of 2 banners (in case of rotation: price = half of the regular price)
                                                Size: 610 pixel x max. 80 pixel
                                                Data formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF | HTML, SWF (for animated banners)
                                                Price: € 1,420.- a month

4. Halfsize banner
                                                Reports on display and click statistics for image files may be provided, except for HTML,
                                                Flash and JavaScript files.

5. Advertorials
   Advertorials are denoted as „advertisement“.
 Placement: On the homepage between news, placed fixedly

		Rotation: No
		Text: Up to 5,000 characters
		Bilder: Up to 10 pictures| PNG, JPEG, GIF
		Size: minimum of 620 x 350 pixel (width x height)
		Verlinkungen: Up to 10 links
		Price: € 940.- for two weeks

                                                                                  5. Advertorial
                                                                                  on homepage

               Advertorial on subpage

                                                       tw digital
Media Information 2018 l page 26-27                    tz

                                      tz –
                                      the newsline for
                                      meeting professionals

The e-mail-newsletter provides more than 21,000 recipients in the German-speaking
convention and event-staging industry with MICE-relevant information and news:

Which current trends and developments are there in the segment for meeting
professionals and business travel?
Which are the trendy locations?
Which topical studies are relevant to me?
In which direction is the personnel carousel turning?
Which new trade literature must I know?
Which important events are coming up?

Publication frequency: twice per month

Media Information 2018 l page 28-29                                                tz

Publishing dates 2018

Publication date             Special topics                   Publication date      Special topics
  (1) 11. January            Innovative convention breaks –    (13)   5. July       Certifications in the
                             a close look at caterers                               meetings market
 (2) 25. January                                               (14) 19. July
 (3) 8. February                                               (15)   2. August     Team-building &
 (4) 22. February                                                                   social programs
 (5) 8. March                Diversity/women                   (16) 16. August
 (6) 22. March                                                 (17) 30. August
 (7) 5. April                                                  (18) 13. September
 (8) 19. April                                                 (19) 27. September New event formats
 (9) 3. May                  IMEX                             (20) 11. October
(10) 24. May                                                   (21) 25. October     Convening in Austria
 (11)   7. June                                                (22)   8. November
(12) 21. June                Digitalization                    (23) 22. November
                                                               (24)   6. December   CSR/Sustainability

(subject to modifications)
1. HockeyStick
   Size (width x height): pic top: 800 x 100 pixel, pic right: 160 x 600 pixel                                         1. HockeyStick top
   Data formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF | no animation* Price: € 950,– per edition (incl. linking)

                                                                                                                                                         1. HockeyStick right
2. Mega banner tz
   Size (width x height): 800 x 100 pixel, Data formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF | no animation*
   Price: € 749.- per edition (incl. linking)

3. Halfsize banner tz                                                                                                   2. Mega banner tz
   Size (width x height): 468 x 60 pixel, Data formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF | no animation*
   Price: € 499.- per edition (incl. linking)

4. Video
   Size (width x height): 260 x 260 pixel, Price: € 550.- per edition (incl. linking on video)

5. Right column banner tz
   Size (width x height): 260 x 260 pixel, Data formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF | no animation*
   Price: € 499.- per edition (incl. linking)                                                                                                4. Video

  * Depending on the email client, which is used, the display of animated banners
    greatly varies. Therefore we strongly recommend you to supply non-animated
    banners, only. This is because we cannot guarantee for animated banners being
    displayed correctly in all email clients available.                                                   3. Halfsize banner tz
   Advertorial in tz-Newsletter                                                                                                        5. Right column
		Text: Up to 5,000 characters                                                                                                               banner tz
		Picture: Up to 10 pictures | PNG, JPEG, GIF | Size: minimum of 620 x 350 pixel (width x height)
   (images in vertical format: laterals are indicated as black stripes,
    overlapping image sections are blanked out).
		  Links: Up to 5 links
    Price: € 749.- per edition

Musteranzeigen und -advertorials finden Sie unter

Media Information 2018 l page 30-31               tp

                                      The standard directory
                                      for convention planners

Trendbook                                                                Meeting competency always up to date:
tp                                             – the MICE portal

One of the widest-circulated reference books available on the meetings   The meetings and booking portal for medium-sized businesses with an
market with a circulation base of 36,900 copies.                         extensive range of information on suppliers to the meet-

                                                                         ings market and service-providers in the event-staging industry.
The practical directory perfectly showcases hotels, event ­locations,
congress centers, event-service providers and side-­program organizers   Suppliers‘ detailed presentations, topical promotion specials, ­corporate
                                                                         news, and a rate finder will be displayed to users, who will also have
in Germany, Austria and Switzerland – with clearly-structured
                                                                         access to a comprehensive booking tool, if so desired with personalized
information, an array of amenities and all important contact data
at a glance. The presentations are ­elucidated with attractive images.
                                                                         Corporate clients of the MICE Portal GmbH also have access to the data
Publication frequency: annual                                            of These are major DAX corporations with a booking
                                                                         volume in the range of some three-figure millions.

The reference book is forwarded to the industries‘ procurement
databases to assure maximum propagation of the meetings ­offers.

The reference book is forwarded to the
industries‘ procurement databases.

                                                                           Extensive media data on trendbook tp 2018
                                                                           and – the MICE portal at

Media Information 2018 l page 32-33          tw tagungswirtschaft + BizTravel

                                      Together you will
                                      reachall relevant

                                      Place your advertorial in the combination of
                                      tw tagungswirtschaft and BizTravel.
tw tagungswirtschaft + BizTravel

                                                                 BizTravel is the informative business travel
                                                                 magazine published by FVW Medien*; it is
                                                                 directed at decision-makers for corporate
                                                                 traveling and MICE. tw tagungswirtschaft
                                                                 expands the target group by convention and
                                                                 event planners with discretionary competence.
                                                                 No print-combo in this segment will offer
                                                                 this rate of reader coverage. You achieve
                                                                 maximum return, maximum reach and
                                                                 high-potential contacts.

                                                                 Publication frequency: six editions per year

                                                                 * a 100%-subsidiary of dfv media group

Advertorial in tw tagungswirtschaft and BizTravel

                                                    Call us at 069-7595-1885 or -1903 for more information
                                                    on advertorial design, deadlines and prices

Media Information 2018 l page 34-35                                                             Your contact to us

Publishing Director                Editor                       Advertising Market                         Advertising Assistant

Mark A. Cano                       Christian Funk               Clementine Assenheimer                     Zentrales
Tel.: +49 69 7595-1281             Tel: +49 69 7595-1637        Tel.: +49 69 7595-1903                     Anzeigenmanagement                            Tel.: +49 69 7595-2962

Publisher                          Advertising Sales Director   Nina Pfeifer
                                                                Tel.: +49 69 7595-1905
 Gabriele Schulze                  Volker Schledt
Tel.: +49 30 23137364              Tel.: +49 69 7595-1883    


Kerstin Wünsch
Tel: +49 69 7595-1912


                                                                                               tw at Twitter:
                                                                                               tw at Facebook:

Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH · tw tagungswirtschaft · Mainzer Landstraße 251 · 60326 Frankfurt am Main · Germany
Ihre Ansprechpartner im Ausland

China, Hong Kong, Japan,
Thailand, Singapore, India,
Macau                                   Korea                   Taiwan

Leading Media Ltd.                      World Marketing Inc     Advance Media Services Ltd.
Mr. Quentin Chan                        Mr. Sang-gil Park       Paula Liu
Tel.: +852-23661106                     Tel.: +82 2 2205 8300   Tel.: +886-2 2523 8268
Fax: +852-23661107                      Fax: +82 2 2205 3388    Fax: +886-2 2521-4456
mobile: +852-94389577         

Malaysia                                Spain                   Turkey

Mind Sense Sdn. Bhd.                    COMIMAG S.L.            Media Ltd.
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Fax: +60-3-7781 7880                    Fax: +34-93-237 5150    Fax: +90-212-275 9228        

                                                                                                 You will find our General Terms and Conditions for
                                                                                                 inserts and other advertising material in the magazines
                                                                                                 and their electronic editions as well as for advertising
                                                                                                 material in digital media at
Credits: p. 22 and S. 26: © Pixabay, all others: © Fotolia
The media for meeting professionals of
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH · tw tagungswirtschaft · Mainzer Landstraße 251 · 60326 Frankfurt am Main
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