The year 2009 marked the Centennial

Page created by Yolanda Murphy
The year 2009 marked the Centennial
T     he year 2009 marked the Centennial
anniversary of Quetico Provincial Park and its
American counterpart Superior National Forest. In
celebration of this special anniversary, Quetico
launched its Q100 Stewardship Project and we
would like to invite your business or group to

The Q100 Stewardship Project is a cooperative
promotional effort, designed to reward and celebrate
outfitters and businesses who promote best service and
environmental practices to visitors. Participation in the
Q100 Stewardship Project will demonstrate your
business’ support for innovation and stewardship within
Quetico to ensure ecological integrity, tourism
sustainability and positive visitor experiences.

By becoming a member of the Q100 Stewardship
Project, your business will be offered unique marketing
and promotional benefits, providing your business with
increased exposure to thousands of potential customers.
The project runs from April-March on an annual basis
with registration applications due by late April.
Promotional opportunities will be offered for this
project through our two-tiered membership benefits

The year 2009 marked the Centennial
Option 1: Q100 Stewardship Partner
                      For Outfitters & Guides

Partners are guides and/or outfitters who
provide information, equipment, support         Partner designation benefits include:
and advice to visitors so that they may         • Official designation as a Q100 Stewardship
                                                  Project Partner
appropriately enjoy the park. Outfitters
                                                • Certificate of Partner designation for feature in
and guides use their knowledge, skills            your place of business
and experience to prepare visitors for          • Promotional decals for feature in your place of
                                                  business, vehicles, canoes etc.
their travel in Quetico.
                                                • Promotion of your business on the Q100
                                                  Stewardship Project website to include business
They are recognized for their innovation,         listing with logo, web link, and opportunities for
                                                  testimonials and photography submissions
reliability, and commitment to customer
                                                • Recognition and appreciation for support,
service and environmental responsibility.         assistance or donations related to park projects

                                                • Provision of visitor orientation wilderness
                                                  etiquette binder and other useful resource
   Partners are expected to
                                                • Ability to pick up party permits in advance.
   benefit Quetico by providing:
                                                • Access to additional features on the Q100
   • Enhanced customer service                    website
     and support environmental
     responsibility                             • Reduced waiting times for your guests at entry
   • Adherence to park regulations
     and policies                               • Listing of your business at park entry stations.

   • Support and promotion of some
     park projects                              • Business is permitted to promote and market
                                                  their business using the Partner designation
   • Attend annual meeting/
     information session                        • Quetico Provincial Park will promote the
                                                  project and website during tradeshows and
                                                  other events

Partner Annual Fee: $150.00 per annum
The year 2009 marked the Centennial
Option 2: Q100 Stewardship Supporter
                     For Regional Businesses & Organization
  pr annum
  New Partner

                                                   Supporters are recognized as businesses and

  Supporter designation benefits include:          organizations that su pport the developm ent

  • Official designation as a Q100 Stewardship     of leading-edge customer service, safety and
    Project Supporter
                                                   environmental      practice within Quetico
  • Certificate and Decals of Supporter
    designation for feature in your place of       Provincial Park.

  • Your business listed under the Supporter       They are committed to providing superior
    designation on the Q100 Stewardship
    Project website                                visitor experiences in the surrounding

  • Business link on the Q100 website option       area through their businesses.

  • Business is permitted to promote and
    market their business using the Supporter

  • Business will benefit from increased
    consumer confidence and profile building by
    association with the project.

  • Listing at park entry stations.

     Supporter Membership Criteria:
     • You and your staff seek better
       awareness of the park’s purpose, its
       projects and events
     • You and your staff support and
       promote park projects.

Fee: $50.00 per annum or $100 for web link
The year 2009 marked the Centennial
Businesses choosing to pursue membership should
have direct or indirect involvement with park
Please complete in full and return to:
Jason Blier
Quetico Assistant Park Superintendent
Box 2430
108 Saturn Ave.
Atikokan, Ontario
P0T 1C0

Terms and Conditions
Membership Registration
Quetico Park reserves the right to refuse or   withdraw membership registration in the Quetico 100
Stewardship Project to any     member or business found to be acting in contravention of park
regulations, guidelines and policies, or expected standards of behavior. Partners are required to
present the Visitor Orientation Wilderness Etiquette Guide to all clients entering Quetico Provincial

Payment Requirements
Applications received without payment will not be processed. A business wishi ng to participate must
provide payment in full on or before the annual deadline in order to benefit from membership promotional
opportunities. The fee paid covers the costs of t he stated benefits under each membership tier. Please
ensure that the membership registration form is submitted by the annual deadline.

Quetico Provincial Park does not endorse any specific commercial business, products or services.
Therefore the member may not state or imply, either verbally or in printed materials, that its business,
products or services are approved or endorsed by Quetico Provincial Park. Members may however state
verbally or in printed materials that they are a Q100 Stewardship Project member at the appropriate
designation level.

I                                    authorized representative of

                                    have read, understand and agree to the above conditions.

Signature                                                 Date
Registration Form
     Please complete in full and return to:
     Jason Blier, Quetico Assistant Park Superintendent
     Box 2430 / 108 Saturn Ave. Atikokan, Ontario P0T 1C0

       BUSINESS NAME:                                             BUSINESS TYPE:

       CONTACT NAME:                                              POSITION:


       TELEPHONE                                                  FAX

       E-MAIL                                                     WEBSITE

       SIGNATURE                                                  DATE

     We wish to be considered for the following membership:

     Designation:                                     Amount due:

      Partner                                         $200.00

       Partner                                        $150.00 (For those who already have a copy of the Wilderness Etiquette Binder)

       Supporter                                      $ 50.00 or $100.00 ($100.00 For those who wish to have their link on the website)

For Partners and Supporters that choose to have a link on the website please forward your logo and basic
information (contact / services max 60 words) to
       Visa      MasterCard    Cheque/Money Order CND Funds made payable to: Minister of Finance

     Card #                            Expiry Date:      |                             Memberships are valid from
                                                                                        April 1 to March 31 each year
     Cardholder’s signature:
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