The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons

Page created by Regina Taylor
The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons
America’s Boating club
                     of Northeast Florida
                      United States Power Squadrons, inc.®

                                    JUNE 2022

                  The Skipper

                                                                   Photo by Jim Spencer

•   Beware E-15 Fuel, Flare Gun Warning, USCG Documentation
•   Annual Southern Cruise Itinerary and Reservation Information
•   District 23 Picnic at Bing’s Landing—June 4th
•   Bridge Officer Reports, Birthdays and Minutes
•   Safe Harbor Redfish Tournament
•   68th Annual Mug Race
The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons
Volume 2022 Issue 6

Inside this issue:                                               Bridge Officers
                                  Commander                Gary Callahan, N     904-629-8310
Commander’s                       Executive Officer        Jim Suber, AP        904-509-0588
Message                   3
                                  Education Officer        Tom Anderson, SN 904-704-2746
                                  Assistant SEO            Dave Gillum, S      720-935-8669
Bridge Officers
Articles,               4-6       Admin Officer            Buddy Poe, S        770-722-9289

Redfish Tournament 7              Asst. Admin Officer      Andrea Reichard, S 570-406-4958
                                  Secretary                Robert DeComo, AP 317-847-0584
Birthdays                     9   Asst. Secretary          Jan Spencer, JN      904-679-3990
                                  Treasurer                Elmo Bailey, AP     904-599-3851
JSPS Activities , D23
Picnic, Southern Cruise

Special Articles,                             Executive Committee Members at Large
Minutes        16-24              Name                        Grade           Phone                Email Address
                                  P/D/C Mark Adams              SN         904-731-4609
Calendar, and                     P/C Cal Ray                   SN         904-771-5934
Sponsors             25-28        P/C Jon Vanatta               AP         904-859-1724
The Skipper, published            P/C Pete Foster               SN         904-797-6707
monthly, is the official
publication of the Jacksonville   Lt. Linda Newton              AP         904-619-2917
Sail and Power Squadron. It
is mailed to members, district
                                  Lt. Tiphanie Mattis            S         904-662-6289
and national officers and our
supporters. Opinions are
those expressed by the writer                                          Chaplain
and do not necessarily reflect
the policy of nor imply           Name                         Grade   Phone                    Email Address
agreement with The Skipper        P/C John E. Hugus, III         P 904-744-7416 
Staff, Jacksonville Sail and
Power Squadron, D/23 or
USPS®. At the discretion of
The Skipper Staff, articles                                          Skipper Staff
submitted may be printed in
all, or in part or may be
                                  Name                            Grade       Phone                Email Address
rewritten. Advertisements         Editor/Publisher
appearing in The Skipper are      P/C Jannette Spencer               JN 904-679-3990
supplied by our supporters
and no endorsement is
                                  Assistant Editor
expressed or implied. The         P/D/C James Spencer                SN 904-679-3990
address of The Skipper :          Photographers
Jan Spencer                       P/D/Lt/C Edward H. Newton SN 904-619-2917
176 E New England Drive           Lt. Linda Newton          AP 904-619-2917
Elkton, Florida 32033                                            2
The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons
Cmdr. Jim Suber, AP
                                     CDR GARY CALLAHAN, N

                                                        Additional boats from the Rudder Club arrived with
                                                        extra lines. Two hours later they had the boat towed
                                                        back home.
                                                        This Saturday will start Safe Boating week. We, along
                                                        with three Coast Guard Auxiliary flotillas, will be at
                                                        Jim King Boat Ramp on Sisters Creek. Our Vessel
                                                        Safety Examiners will team with the Auxiliary doing
                                                        inspections. Additionally we will have a tent set up
                                                        displaying our educational material. Hands on
                                                        demonstration of fire extinguishers and pyrotechnics
                                                        (flares) will be available and qualify us for some of
The first third of the year has blown by. We’ve had     our classroom and on the water safety requirements.
several trips to Metro Park for dinners and breakfast
on the dock, the Blessing of the Fleet, almost 200      This summer will be filled with land and water
Vessel Safety checks, meetings back at the Rudder       activities. June 2nd we will be at the Rudder Club for
Club with Big Dog Catering, and this past week we       our monthly membership meeting followed on the
had a large number of volunteers helping with the       4th with our District 23 picnic at Bings landing. Five
Redfish Roundup supporting Safe Harbor Boys Home.       other squadrons will join us for games and social;
                                                        catering will be Captain’s BBQ. Next up will be the
Speaking of blowing by, last Saturday we had 7 boats    Southern Cruise. The boaters will be joined by some
                                   with crews (one a    driving to Corky Bell’s in Palatka. This year we may
                                   set on with          have a new twist, where members without boats and
                                   handlebars) and      members with too big of a boat can join us on the
                                   some dock hands      waters of Crescent Lake. The biggest event of the
                                   out to support the   summer is quickly approaching. The Greater
                                   68th annual Mug      Jacksonville Kingfish Tournament is mid-July. Our
                                   Race. A steady wind  Power Squadron members contribute over a
of 18kts gusting into high 20s had all boats in by      thousand hours each year to this valuable charity
1700. There were several groundings and one cat         event. Much more is happening as the summer
went over and partially sank when one hull filled with  progresses. Watch the squadron calendar and emails
water. Always a little scary when you hear a Coast      for opportunities to get out and enjoy one another’s
Guard helicopter call in a sailboat on its side with twocompany.
in the water south of the Buckman. We had a
support boat arrive along with one from the Rudder Be safe
Club. All were safe, but definitely out of the race.     Gary

The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons
Cmdr. Jim Suber, AP
                             EXECUTIVE OFFICER
                                         P/D/C JIM SUBER, AP

                                 Greetings,              We will be partnering with the United States Coast
                                                         Guard Auxiliary with the Kickoff of Safe Boating week
                                    Our Squadron or
                                                         around the publishing of this newsletter on May 21
                                    Club, whichever
                                    word you want to     from 8:00A to 2:00p at Jim King Park and Boat Ramp.
                                                         We are doing vessel safety inspections and letting the
                                    use has been very
                                    active this past     boating community know about America’s Boating
                                    month. We assisted Club of Northeast Florida. The CG Auxiliary will be
                                                         coordinating flare demonstrations and the Coast
                                    the Rudder Club
                                                         Guard, JSO and JFRD will have vessels on site for you
                                    with an extremely
                                                         to get a close look. Remember, our function is to
                                    windy day with
                                                         promote safe boating 365 days a year not just the
                                    small craft warnings
                                                         week of May 21 to May 27! Keep up the good work.
in the river. It was like the beginning of the United
States Power Squadron where the USPS vessels went The City of Jacksonville will be celebrating the 200th
out to save the sailboats! The race had a near record birthday of the City on June 11. They will have a fun
breaking finish, but all did not make it to the          event on the waterfront with fireworks, concert and
Buckman Bridge finish line. We served mostly as          possibly a boat parade. If they decide to do a parade
communication support but as we always do when           our squadron will be called upon to assist so stay
there is a high wind race, we used our vessels to        tuned!
assist the sailboats that overturned with crew in the
                                                         With our education program and our improvements
water or just disabled boats with broken masts or        on meeting agenda and meals our numbers are
torn sails. We assisted towing to the closest ramp       improving so we want to continue to move forward.
and insured all came back safe. IT WAS A GREAT DAY Any of our events or meetings are great
FOR JSPS!                                                opportunities to come and bring a boating friend or
The squadron served as volunteers for the                 family!
Jacksonville Marine Charities Red Fish Roundup Spot       Be safe and keep washing those hands!
Tournament at Jim King Park and Boat Ramp. Our
squadron plays a major part in the success of this        Jim
event that supports Safe Harbor Boys Home and
Maritime Academy. A ten-spot fish won the
tournament and thanks to all of the sponsors and
anglers JMC plans to again monetarily support to
Safe Harbor!

The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons
                                       LT/C WILLIAM POE, S

                                                     banana pudding for dessert. I want to thank
                                                     everyone for RSVP-ing. This helps us a lot.

                                                     On June 3rd, the Friday after our general member
                                                     meeting, is Boater’s Skip Day. Who doesn’t need an
                                                     excuse to take a day off of work or chores around
                                                     the house? I heard that this will be at Bayard’s

                                                     Also, in June is a planned Southern Cruise from
                                                     Jacksonville to Sanford with dinner at Corky Bell’s in
                                                     Palatka on the 18th. Even if you can’t make the
                                                     cruise, come for dinner.

                                                   There are a couple of other items we are starting to
                                                   plan for including the Christmas Party. If you know
                                                   of a place you would like us to check out, please let
In April and May, the email/phone committee
                                                   Andrea Reichard know about it. The other early
headed by Anita Ray sent out 83 emails and made 4
                                                   item we are planning for is the Change of Watch.
phone calls to our friends that have been inactive
                                                   Next year would you be more inclined to attend if it
for a while. They will continue to do this.
                                                   is held in the late afternoon or the evening? We
                                                   need your feedback.
June is just around the corner, but we still have
events here in May. We spent some time down at
Jim King Park and Boat Ramp counting the number
of spots on Red Fish that the anglers caught. This
tournament provides support for Safe Harbor Home
for Boys.

Towards the end of May is National Safe Boating
Week with events going on at Jim King Park on
Sisters Creek. More information will be coming

In June, we will have a couple of people from St.
John’s RiverKeepers to talk about the algae              Next General Member Dinner Meeting is
affecting the St. John River and other boating           Thursday, June 2nd. We hope you can join
topics. Again, Big Dawg Catering will be fixing          us for the evening. See the flyer in this issue
dinner for us. Pork Chops are on the schedule with       for details and reservations.

The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons
                                   LT/C TOM ANDERSON, SN-CN

                                                            The Jacksonville Marine Charities Redfish Roundup
                                                            Spots Tournament benefitting Safe Harbor Boys
                                                            Home is in the books for 2022. The tournament was
Greetings from the Educational Department:                  a success and we had great weather.

We are getting into the Summer slow months for our          I would like to thank everyone that assisted with the
Education Department. I have had a couple of                bag stuffing and the Captains Meeting. A special
                                                            thanks to everyone that came out to Sisters Creek at
requests for classes but only a few……Take a few
                                                            7am to assist with the setup. It was a slow morning,
minutes and look over our Education Page on our             with the first fish coming in after 1pm. Then business
web site. There is a complete list of courses. We are       picked up until 2pm!
planning on an Advanced Education Course and Boat
Handling after the summer vacations.                        The winner was 10 spots and the next 3 fish had 9
                                                            spots. We had a total of 27 fish in the general
There is one more ABC3 course set up for Saturday           Tournament. The Ladies Angler winner had 7 Spots
28 May. We have a few open seats if you know of             with 10 ladies bringing in fish. Jr. Angler winner was
anyone interested.                                          7 Spots with 6 Jr.’s bringing in Fish.

                                                            See the photos of the tournament on the next page .
Live you’re Dreams
                                                                 Thanks again to everyone that assisted!!!!
Tom Anderson
District 23 and JSPS Educational Officer                                        Tom Anderson
904.704.2746 cell/text                                      JMC Redfish Roundup Tournament Chairman

The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons
See the Squadron’s webpage for pictures of the
tournament participants and their fish caught at
JSPS Photos (
The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons
Safe Boating is a Choice
                                 Gain Boating Confidence
         Learn or refresh your knowledge from Certified NASBLA Instructors of the
                              Jacksonville Sail & Power Squadron.

                             America’s Boating Course
                                   May28: One-day class 8am to 5pm
                  Lambs Yacht Center (second floor) 3376 Lake Shore Blvd
                                      Jacksonville, FL 32210
Topics covered include: boat & PWC handling, docking, anchoring, trailering, knots,
navigation aids & rules, VHF radio, adverse conditions and emergencies.
The $15 course fee includes a 244-page illustrated book & proctored exam ($5 for each
additional family member sharing a book).
Per Florida Law: Anyone born after 1 January 1988 must have an approved Safe
Boating Course. This course is approved by Florida and the USCG, after passing the
course you will receive your State of Florida Certification Card.

 Price Reduction: This course is usually $40 we received a grant from the Jacksonville Marine Charities/
                Greater Jacksonville Kingfish Tournament to assist in reducing the cost.

Information contact:
D/Lt/C Tom Anderson, SN-CN                      P/D/C Dick Leatherman, SN-CN
Squadron Educational Officer                    ABC3 Course Administrator                   
904-704-2746                                     904-461-5225

The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons
Karen Poe              1
Cody Davenport         4
John Farah             4
Vernon Gottel          5
Jeanette Poland        5
Jan Spencer            5
Vance Stallings        11
Richelle Stevens       13
Jim Suber              19
Paul Kirkland          24
Diana Stallings        29
Barbara Kneece-Hogle   29
Grant Trevor           30

The Skipper - United States Power Squadrons
Join us for our General Membership Dinner
     Meetings held on the first Thursday of the
     month. We are now back at the Rudder
     Club for the near future. Recently we
     celebrated our Squadron’s 72nd Anniver-
     sary! Our next dinner meeting is June 2nd.
     Join us if you can—we really do have a
     good time!

America’s Boating Club
  District 23
Summer Picnic
 Bing’s Landing
5862 N Ocean Shore Blvd
Palm Coast

Saturday June 4, 2022

                               Pulled Pork or BBQ Chicken,
                                   Macaroni & Cheese,
                               Baked Beans, Rolls & Butter.

                                 Beer, Wine, Water, Tea.

                                   Cost $15.00/Person

  9:00 Setup
 10:00 Horse Shoes, Ladder Toss, Corn Hole
 12:30 Lunch
   1:30 More games and social

 Please RSVP by May 27
 Gary Callahan 904-629-8310

 Directions: Take 95 South to Exit 305, FL– 206 East
 Drive to Florida A1A S/A1A S/A1A Scenic and Historic Coastal Byway in Flagler County -
 23 min (17.4 mi)

 Bing’s Landing—5862 N Ocean Shore Blvd, Palm Coast, Florida

2022 Welcome to the 27th Annual Osprey Bluff to Palatka Boat Trip
We are going to Crystal Cove Riverfront Resort, and it is booked for June 17-19,2022. Http:// Jessica Bouchez, General Manager, (386) 325-1055. There are 13 poolside
rooms. Two of these rooms are King Suites with roll-out cots. The other rooms have two queen beds.
Rooms have been reserved. Please mention “Jon Vanatta Group” or “Osprey Bluff”.

Friday, June 17:
Depart Doctors Lake Inlet/St. Johns River approximately 10 am. Flotilla travels to south of the Shands Bridge
at Marker 24 to anchor, swim, eat your packed lunch, then on to Crystal Cove Resort. Check in at 3 pm.
Dinner at Corky Bells at Gator Landing for supper by boat and/or automobile at approximately 6:00 pm.

Saturday, June 18:
Breakfast 6 am-10 am. Boat departure just prior to 9 am for Crescent Lake by way of Dunn’s Creek.
(Turn prior to Marker 18). Based on tides/rainfall will determine if we can hang-out at the sandbar on the
east side of the lake. Lunch at “3 Bananas”: They open at 1100 am. After lunch,
hang-out on their huge covered dock pavilion or return to the sand bar. Depart approximately 4:00 pm and
head back north for dinner (optional) at Corky Bells at Gator Landing: Plan
on 6 pm for dinner. While waiting, we can grab a drink, look for manatee and dolphins or just relax with
music overlooking the St. John’s River.

You are welcome to join us for dinner, even if you didn’t go on the trip. After dinner, head back to hotel,
approximately 20 minutes by boat. In the evening, hang-out in the spacious lobby, swim at the pool, or
enjoy live music at the Tiki Bar.

Sunday, June 19:
Breakfast at hotel and then navigate home on your own with a smile on your face after an enjoyable, fun
weekend. Check out at 11 am.

Book your room NOW. As a courtesy, after you have made your reservation, please email: or text (904) 859-1724.

The rooms have been completely remodeled (new carpet, bedding, bathroom, hairdryer, microwaves, and
extra-large TV. Spacious lobby with koi pond. Free hotel breakfast (based on COVID 19 RESTRICTIONS).
River Deck Bar and Grill Café, next to the Marina (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is open. Pool has been
remodeled. New floating concrete docks. Call Kelly, Crystal Cove Marina @ (386) 328-4000 for boat slip
reservations. Cost is $15/night w/o power, $25/night with power. Launching from ramp is an option. Five
18-foot pontoon boat rentals available @ $225.00/day plus gas and tax. This boating trip is NOT limited to
Power Squadron members or Osprey Bluff residents. So, invite your friends to join us; the more the merrier.

Optional Continuation Trip
Depart south to Renegades Restaurant on the water (386) 524-4179 for lunch and return to Crystal Cove for
relaxation by the pool.
Return home at your leisure.

68TH ANNUAL MUG RACE—May 7, 2022
    Hosted by the Rudder Club of Jacksonville and the Palatka Yacht Club
Members of the Jacksonville Sail and Power Squadron pro-
vided Safety Boats for the 68th Annual Mug Race. It was a
beautiful sunny day with high winds which made for a very
fast race. Thank you to all of our members who volunteered
their time and boats for this event.

    May 7, 2022
   Hosted by the
    Rudder Club
of Jacksonville and
Palatka Yacht Club
 Photos by Jim Suber,
 Bud Newton, Dick
 Leatherman and
 Gary Callahan

BoatUS Consumer Alert: Be Wary of Any
Letter Arriving by U.S. Mail Offering U.S.
Coast Guard Documentation Renewal
Official-looking vessel documentation renewal notices can lead to
confusion and higher costs

SPRINGFIELD, Va., May 5, 2022 – Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) is advising boaters
with vessels that have a U.S. Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation to be wary of any letter arriving by
U.S. mail offering renewal.

BoatUS advises that while the Coast Guard does send official annual renewal notices by U.S. mail, other
notices being received by BoatUS members are not from the Coast Guard but rather third-party companies
whose name or return addresses may appear similar to that of the official U.S. Coast Guard National Vessel
Documentation Center (NVDC).
BoatUS members have complained that these letters direct them to websites that may be mistaken for the
actual Coast Guard NVDC located in Falling Waters, West Virginia, and appear to show a significant increase
in the annual fee to renew Coast Guard documentation.
A 2017 Coast Guard issued a bulletin says in part:

“The NVDC is aware that there are commercial entities that offer to manage the certification/renewal
process on behalf of vessel owners for a fee. The Coast Guard does not endorse any of these companies,
and the companies do not operate on behalf of the Coast Guard in any way. Any fees charged or agree-
ments offered by such companies are in no way associated with the NVDC certification process. In addition,
these companies are not authorized to issue any form of documentation, including travel letters and/or
permits that authorize operation of ANY vessel. Customer complaints can be made through the Federal
Trade Commission's (FTC) website at”

While third-party companies may legitimately provide services to assist with vessel documentation
renewals, the Coast Guard’s own renewal process is simple for most vessels and the price ranges from $26
for one year up to $130 for a 5-year expiration, which is often much lower than what third-party services
may charge.

To renew, go to the Coast Guard National Documentation Center website
at and click on “instructions and forms,” then “Certificate of Documentation
Application for Renewal.”

To be documented, a vessel must measure at least five net tons and, with the exception of certain oil-spill
response vessels, owned by a U.S. citizen. Boats about 27 feet in length or longer generally meet the weight
(continued on page 17)

Continued from page 16:
Why do boat owners choose to federally document vessels with the U.S. Coast Guard versus the more
common practice of state registration? The boat was purchased with a bank loan and the lender
required it, or the boat has plans to travel beyond U.S. waters. A Certificate of Documentation is
internationally recognized and makes it easier for American vessels to enter and leave foreign ports.
BoatUS also advises boaters who may have received mail that they believe is misleading or deceptive to
contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at 877-876-2455 or through its web-

                     Beware of E15 Fuel at Roadside Pumps

                                  A Potential Hazard for Boaters
E15 fuels are available for sale this summer as an administration effort to reduce fuel prices.

Boat Owners Association of The United States says the unintended consequence of the waiver could
inadvertently put a harmful fuel prohibited for use in recreational vessels into your boat’s gas tank.

“While we understand the need to save money, we are concerned that fuel retailers may market E15 (15%
ethanol) fuel, such as ‘regular 88’ or ‘regular unleaded’ as a lower cost alternative to E10,” said BoatUS
Manager of Government Affairs David Kennedy. “And therein lies the problem — the majority of
recreational boats are refueled at roadside gas stations and, with almost no safeguards in place, there is a
real chance that boat owners, looking for a bargain will misfuel their boats with E15 fuel.”

Be sure to read the labeling carefully at the pump and know what you are selecting. Try to find non-ethanol
fuel in your area if it's available. ... read more at

During the Osprey Bluff VSC event, one of Jon’s neighbors came to Jon’s dock with a 12ga Flare Gun that
would not break open to be able to load a flare. It seems that I was the only VE that was aware of a
recall for the problem Flare Guns. Knowing of the problem, if a boater has a 12ga Flare Gun, I always
check the gun either by breaking it to load or reading the ID Number on the gun.

Admittingly, today’s finding is only the second one I have ever found since USPS started doing VSC’s in
2000. However, it proves that defective Flare Guns still exist in the hands of the boating public. Finding
a defective Flare Gun on a vessel that requires a VDS, and it being the only source to fill the
requirement, is a reason to fail the VE. In the case of a vessel that does NOT have a VDS requirement,
but has a defective Flare Gun, the VSC can pass.

My personal feeling is that it would haunt me if I passed a VSC on a vessel and that owner had an
emergency, tried to use the gun, and I never warned him of the Flare Gun problem and recall. Above is
the information regarding the Flare Gun. It was published well over 10 years ago.

Pete Foster

Jacksonville Sail and Power Squadron
                                      Executive Committee Meeting
                                              Noura’s Cafe
                                              April 30, 2022

The Executive Committee meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Commanding Officer Gary Callahan,
N. The following members were present: Mark Adams, Buddy Poe, Tom Anderson, David Gillum, Andrea
Reichard, Linda Newton, Cal Ray, Pete Foster and Robert DeComo. JSPS Members Bud Newton, Dave
Reichard, Vicki Anderson and Jen Foster were also present.

Secretary’s Report – Lt/C Robert DeComo, AP
The Secretary reported that the reports from the most recent JSPS Executive Committee and General
Membership Meetings were finalized and published in the May Edition of The Skipper which was
distributed to the members.

Treasurer’s Report - Lt/C Elmo Bailey, AP
On behalf of the Treasurer, the CO reported that the Checking Account and Money Market Funds have
been balanced as of April 28th.

Education Officer Report – D/Lt/C Tom Anderson, SN – CN
The SEO reported that the most recent ABC3 Class was completed on April 23 rd with 7 students and that
the next class is scheduled on May 28th. He also reported that the D23 Weather Course is in testing with
Winnie Crawford as Instructor and that the Marine Navigation course with Instructors Mark Adams and
Tom Anderson is underway with students from Safe Harbor.

Administrative Officer Report – Lt/C Buddy Poe, S
The AO reminded the members that the next General Meeting is scheduled on May 5th at the Rudder
Club. He also reminded the members that the Annual Rudder Club Mug Race is scheduled on May 7 th and
that volunteers are needed for Safety Boat and dock operations. He also reported that planning is
underway for the following JSPS events: the 2022 Christmas party, the 72 nd Anniversary Celebration, and
the 2023 Change of Watch.


Membership/Membership Involvement – No report submitted.

Public Relations/Marketing – No report was submitted.

Rules Committee – There were no matters pending before the Committee at this time.

NEW Business:

Triathlon – The CO reported that this Jacksonville City Event is scheduled on July 16th and that volunteers
for Safety Boats are needed.

Conference – Chairperson Vicki Anderson reminded the members that the District 23 Fall Conference will
be held in Jacksonville in October this year with the location and dates TBD and that volunteers are
needed to staff several Conference Committees.


Tournament: Tom Anderson reminded the members that the Annual Safe Harbor Redfish Tournament is
scheduled on May 14th and volunteers are needed to support the event operations.

The next General Membership Meeting will be held at the Rudder Club on May 5th.

The next JSPS Executive Committee Meeting will be held at Noura’s Café on May 26th.

Commanding Officer Gary Callahan adjourned the meeting at 7:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Lt/C Robert DeComo,

                              Jacksonville Sail and Power Squadron
                                 General Meeting – Rudder Club
                                    May 5, 2022

Members gathered at the Rudder Club for the May General Meeting. Commander Gary Callahan
welcomed the 31 JSPS members and guests. He called the General Meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The
Commander then led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Following the Pledge, JSPS P/C Chaplain John
Hugus delivered the Blessing. Following the Blessing the attendees enjoyed the diner prepared by Big
Dawg Catering as well as a Cake commemorating the 72nd Anniversary of the JSPS.
Following the Dinner, the Commander introduced Guest Speaker Jon Hamilton, Race Official for the
Rudder Club’s 2022 Mug Race who recounted the history of this Annual Event.
Following the presentation, Tom Anderson reminded the members that the Annual Safe Harbor Redfish
Tournament is scheduled on May 14th and volunteers are needed to support tournament operations. The
Commander then reminded the members that the next Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled on
May 26th at Noura’s Café.
Following the announcements the Treasurer reported that the 50/50 Raffle generated $51.00.
The Commander then adjourned the General Meeting at 8:30 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Lt/C Robert DeComo

                                    A major component of a fun filled outing is a reliable boat which has
                                    all the necessary equipment operating properly. A free vessel safety
                                    check (VSC) is an important safe-guard, and our certified examiners
                                    will be happy to perform the check for you. There are no negative
                                    consequences if you don't pass. Our goal is simply to help make
                                    boating as safe as possible for you, your family and your friends,
                                    through education.
                                    The United States Power Squadrons and the U.S. Coast Guard
                                    Auxiliary are partners in this valuable program offered to the boating
                                    public. All examiners are certified and trained on the latest
                                    requirements. The Vessel Safety Check is similar to the review that is
performed by the U.S. Coast Guard if you are boarded, except that it is voluntary, and only you receive
the results. Our Vessel Safety Examiners will perform a 15 point safety check which includes:
   Display of Numbers               Registration/Documentation           Visual Distress Signals (VDS)
   Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) Fire Extinguishers                   Ventilation
   Backfire Flame Control           Sound Producing Devices              Navigation Lights
   Pollution Placard                MARPOL Track Placard                 Marine Sanitation Devices
   Navigation Rules                 State and/or Local Requirements      Overall Vessel Condition

To schedule a Vessel Safety Exam, you may contact any of our Jacksonville Squadron examiners:
   Mark Adams     904-731-4609      Tom Anderson      904-704-2746       Gary Callahan      904-629-8310
   Pete Foster    904-797-6707      Ron Poland        904-885-0638       Jim Spencer       904-679-3990
   Jim Suber      904-509-0588      Jon Vanatta      904-859-1724        Robert DeComo 317-847-0584
   Elmo Bailey    904-599-3851
                                                                                 Jacksonville’s Vessel
                                                                                   Safety Examiners
                                                                                      (left to right):
                                                                              Pete Foster, Mark Adams,
                                                                              Jim Suber, Gary Callahan,
                                                                              Ron Poland, Jon Vanatta,
                                                                              Tom Anderson, Jim
                                                                              Spencer, Robert Decomo .
                                                                              Not shown: Elmo Bailey

                     JSPS 2022 Vessel Safety Checks to Date:                    172
                            OF THE MONTH

      “Cruising has two pleasures. One is to go out in wider
      waters from a sheltered place. The other is to go into a
      sheltered place from wider waters.”

      – Howard Bloomfield

                            Watch your e-mail for details
                            and reservation information.

Please watch your email for event updates and announcements. Also, please mark
your calendar and plan to join us for all of the events scheduled for the coming
year. Your participation will help to make each event a success.

   BURGEES     ……………………….. $30.00

     Pin back ……………………………...$ 8.00
     Standard magnetic back…………….$ 9.50
     Power Magnet……………………….$11.00
                      (New Members receive their first
                              name tag free.)

   Auto Window Decals— Small $6          Large $8

CONTACT: Linda Newton at the next meeting, phone her at 904-619-2917 or
email her at

                             P/C JANNETTE SPENCER, JN

                                As the Editor of this newsletter, I welcome your input on
                                articles included in the newsletter or suggestions for
                                materials that you would like to see included in future issues.
                                This newsletter is one of the primary tools used by the
                                squadron to communicate with its members. Please review
                                the articles and meeting flyers included and join us for
                                classes and events announced.
                                Each of us can play an important role in the success of our
                                squadron. Please feel free to contact me at:
                                I hope to see you at future squadron, district and national
                                                                     Jan Spencer

If you would like to Advertise in our Newsletter
ARTWORK OR BUSINESS CARD ALONG WITH             Business Card $40*
                                                1/8 Page $50 *
Jacksonville Sail & Power Squadron              1/4 Page $90*
               Mail to:                         1/2 Page $170*

       Elmo Bailey, Treasurer                   Full Page $330*
        824 Ashwood Court                       * Ad prices are for 1 Year!!!
       Orange Park, FL 32065

Proposed 2022-2023 Schedule
JANUARY   1       New Year’s Breakfast on the Dock    Metro Park Marina
          6       Membership Meeting                  Noura’s Café, 1533 University Blvd, JAX
          8       Annual Planning Meeting             Vanatta Residence
          27      Executive Committee Meeting         Virtual
          28-30 Boat Show                             Prime Osborn Center
FEBRUARY 12       Change of Watch                     Club Continental 1000-1400
          17      Executive Committee Meeting         Lamb’s Training Center
          19-26   USPS Annual Meeting                 Marriott Sawgrass—Ponte Vedra
MARCH     3       Membership Dinner Meeting           Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
          12      Vessel Safety Check                 Doctor’s Lake
          4/9     Fish Fry Cruise                     Metro Park
          31      Executive Committee Meeting         Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
          25-26   District 23 Spring Conference       Sanford, Florida
APRIL     7       Membership Dinner Meeting           Rudder Club
          9       Fish Fry                            Metro Park, Jacksonville
          10      Breakfast on the Dock               Metro Park Marina
          11      Blessing of the Fleet               Metro Park Marina
          23      VSC Day Osprey Bluff                Doctors Lake (Lunch at Whitey’s)
          28     Executive Committee Meeting          Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
          29-1   Fernandina 8 Flags Shrimp Festival   TBD
MAY       5      Membership Meeting                   Rudder Club
          7      68th Annual Mug Race                 Palatka to Buckman Bridge
          12     Redfish Tournament, Captains Mtg     FOP Building Beach Boulevard
          14+    Redfish Tournament                   Sister’s Creek
          21-27  Safe Boating Week                    Multiple events
          26     Executive Committee Meeting          Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
                 Cancelled—D23 Picnic & Poker Run
JUNE      2      Membership Dinner Meeting            Rudder Club
          3      Boater’s Skip Day                    Bayard Point
          17-20 Southern Cruise                       Jacksonville to Sanford
          18     Cruise Dinner/Social                 Corky Bell’s, Palatka
          30     Executive Committee Meeting          Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
JULY      6/30-5 Independence Day Cruise              Metro Park
          4       Fireworks from the Docks and BBQ Metro Park Marina

          18-24 Greater Jacksonville Kingfish         Jim King Park and Ramp & Sisters Creek
          28      Executive Committee Meeting         Noura’s Café, Jacksonville

Month      Date        Event                           Location
AUGUST     4           Membership Meeting              Rudder Club
           6           Safe Harbor Activities Day      Vanatta Home Osprey Bluff
           TBD         Hot Dog Social                  P-32 Marina
           25          Executive Committee Meeting     Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
           1           Membership Meeting              Rudder Club
           29          Executive Committee Meeting     Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
           TBD         Northern Cruise                 Fernandina/North
OCTOBER    6           Membership Meeting              Noura’s Café, Jacksonville

           15          Erv Dunn Pig Roast              Amelia Island
         22-23         NAS JAXAir Show Raft Up         St. Johns River
         27            Executive Committee Meeting     Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
NOVEMBER 3             Membership Meeting              Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
           12          Al Richardson Memorial Turkey   Metro Park
         17            Executive Committee Meeting     Lamb’s Training Center
         26            JAX Lighted Boat Parade         Metro Park Marina
DECEMBER TBD           Christmas Party                 TBD
         10            Whitey’s Boat Parade            Swimming Pen Creek
           28-Jan. 2   Fireworks New Year’s Eve        Metro Park

           29          Executive Committee Meeting     Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
            1          Breakfast on the Docks          Metro Park Marina
         5             Membership Dinner Meeting       TBD
         26            Executive Committee Meeting     Noura’s Café, Jacksonville
FEBRUARY 11            Change of Watch                 TBD
         23            Executive Committee Meeting     Noura’s Café, Jacksonville

          Watch your email for updates and cancellations of
                  our planned squadron events.

Freedom Boat Club:
Boating Made Simple™

The Skipper Sponsors 2022

                        Mark Adams
                       Robert DeComo
                 Pete and Jennifer Foster
                   Jim and Jan Spencer
                 Don and Gretchen Clark
             Ronald and Jeanette Poland
                       Gary Callahan
                         William Poe
                         Karen Hale
                 Jon and Mary Vanatta
                   Jim and Kathy Suber
                 Tom and Vicki Anderson
                  Elmo and Trish Bailey
                 Bud and Linda Newton

      Become a Skipper Sponsor or Renew Your Skipper Sponsorship;
Send your $10 check for 2022 to the Jacksonville Sail & Power Squadron to:
   Elmo Bailey, Treasurer, 824 Ashwood Court, Orange Park, FL 32065

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