THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club

Page created by Judy Reynolds
THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club
Winter Art Deco

Hawke’s Bay Branch Newsletter

august 2021
Official publication of the Hawke’s Bay branch of the vintage car club of New Zealand (inc.)
THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club
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August 2021
THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club

20th of the month (late contributions are accepted if time
allows, please phone to check if this is ok)
Editor:                Kay Elmsly 06 845 0577 or 027 286 6480
                       during work hours 9am - 5pm Monday-Friday
                       11 Claridge Place, Taradale, Napier 4112
                       Please label well, THE MAG HBVCC
Designer: Liv Coleske Ladybug Design 021 474427
          during work hours 9am - 4pm Monday-Thursday

The views expressed here in are those of the authors and do not necessarily express the policy or views of the Editor, the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand
(Inc), the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc) or other publishers. The editor/committee reserves the right to accept, edit, publish, abridge or decline contributions submitted for
publication. All names, dates and times published are checked against the material supplied and the editor/committee can have no responsibilty for mistakes in the copy supplied. Some
material may be held over until there is sufficient space to publish it.

Front page image supplied by Kay Elmsly.

THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club
Chairman:    Ian Elmsly (Kay)                  Club Custodian & Room Hire:
             p. 06 845 0577                                  Steve Donovan
             c. 0274 790 682                                 p. 06 835 9956
                              c. 027 217 7730
Secretary:   Peter Ball (Helen)                              stevedon@xtra
             p. 06 843 6979                    Cruise Ship Co-ordinator
                 & Wednesday Run:
Treasurer:   Paul Eager (Carol)                              Helen Ball (Peter)
             p. 06 845 4779                                  p. 06 8436979
             c. 027231 4304                        
                Mag Editor: Kay Elmsly
Past Chairman: Steve Donovan (Pam)                           p. 06 845 0577
             p. 06 835 9956                                  c. 027 2866 480
             c. 027 217 7730                       
             stevedon@xtra               Spares Manager: Brian Taylor (Margaret)
Committee: Malcolm Blair (Lesley)                            p. 06 844 5982
             p. 06 843 7664                                  c. 027 443 6009
             c. 021 576 360                    Spares Assistant Manager:
                           John Durry (Jenny)
              Doug Dickson (Jan)                             p. 06 843 5798
              c. 027 232 3073                                c. 022 676 9401
            Groundsman: Trevor Charman (Lyn)
              Paul Anderson (Janine)                         p. 06 844 5140
              p. 06 844 2912                                 c. 027 292 6068
              c. 0274 463 908
              Alastair Chalmers (Jean)
              c. 020 4088 4523
Librarian:    Allan Twort (Helen)
              p. 06 845 0438

                                               HB Branch Life Members
                                               Allan Harris   life member
                                               Trevor Charman life member

August 2021
THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club
Volume 100 // Number 08 // August 2021

                                            HB Branch Contacts                    4
                                            Chairman’s Report                     6
                                            Proposed Gannet Beach Tour Event      7
                                            Up & Coming Events                    8
                                            Club Run & Winter Art Deco            9
                                            Daffodil Day                         10
                                            July Mid Week Run                    12
                                            Your Branch Photos                   14
                                            For Sale/Wanted                      17
                                            Fred Chandler Motor Company          18
                                            Spares News                          20
                                            Notice Board                         22
                                            Calendar of Events                   24
                                            Branch Events                        25
                                            Daffodil Rally for Cancer            30

BRANCH DETAILS                                Club night 2nd Wednesday
POSTAL: PO Box 3406, Napier 4142              of month 7.30pm at Clubrooms
Clubrooms: 67 Sandy Road, Meeanee, Napier     supper provided.
Phone: (06) 835 1483                          Clubrooms, library & Spares
email:                   DEPARTMENT OPEN Tuesday morning                              9-11am. Morning Tea available.

THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club
By Ian Elmsly

And another one bites the dust! July ended      Going forward, we have the Mid-Winter
up quite busy with Winter Deco done             Kitchen Night (this will have been and
and dusted. The weather gods looked             gone before you get the MAG) but I know it
favourably upon us with the rain holding        will be a success! Also note your calendars
off for the Show and Shine and Car Rides        for the August Daffodil Day on the 22nd
of which went very well with passers-by         August. Organiser Trevor Charman will
that where encouraged to have a car ride        need a hand with some trusty volunteers so
and contribute happily with a donation to       please get in touch and offer your services.
Napier Community Patrol. A tremendous           So that is really it from me (not bad given
effort and a big thanks to Steve Donovan for    we weren’t supposed to be here for most of
his efforts in putting it together from start   the month –thanks Covid and the Aussie
to finish.                                      bubble open & shutting! But that seems to
The Auto Ramble and High Tea on the             be life these days so let’s just get on with it.
Sunday were equally a success (sadly Kay        (Easy to say eh!!)
& I were unable to make it) but overall         All the best and happy motoring maybe
reports indicated a good turnout and much       a good time for the annual maintenance
enjoyment. So well done to you all.             programme on the old car. You know, the
                                                one you do every year –right. But take this
                                                as a reminder and get the old girl running
                                                on all cylinders!!

August 2021
THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club

   Proposed Gannet Beach Adventures Tour.
             Calling for expressions of interest.
              Saturday the 5th February 2021.
          Departing at 2 pm, returning at 6 pm.
        Cost $46.00 adult, child 4-15 years $22.00
    As a follow up to one of our guest speakers Colin Lindsay from
 Gannet Beach Adventures, there appeared to be a certain number of
  our members who had not visited the Gannets at Cape Kidnappers,
                   or would like to do the trip again.
 To determine how many seats need to be booked could you please
  express your interest and reply as soon as possible by contacting
                      Trevor or Lyn Charman.
 Phone. 8445140, 027 2926068, or Email

THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club
MID WEEK RUN                                  KITCHEN NIGHT - FROM 6PM
Wednesday 4th August                          Friday 27th August

ALWAYS 1st Wednesday of the Month.            THIS MONTH THE KITCHEN
                                              NIGHT IS GOING TO BE RUN BY
• Where: Meet at HB Vintage Club Rooms
                                              STEVE & PAM DONOVAN.
• Time: 10.30am
                                              PLEASE TAKE NOTE: You will
                                              have to contact Steve & Pam direct
                                              details as follows:
                                              FRIDAY KITCHEN DINNER
Wednesday 11th August
                                              Friday August 27th, 6pm

All welcome to come along we will even give   Menu
you a cup of tea/coffee & cake.
                                              • Pea Pie and Spud
                                              • Desert Icecream and Fruit Salad
SUNDAY RUN - DAFFODIL DAY                     • Tea / Coffee and cake.
Sunday 22nd August                            Please put your name on the List in Club
                                              Rooms or contact Steve or Pam Donovan
Details on page 10.                           phone 027 2177730 of 06 8359956 (leave a
                                              message), or email

August 2021
THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club
AUTORAMBLE//                         By Helen & Peter Ball

After a wet start to the Winter Deco           There are always going to be hiccups and
celebrations the sun came out enough for       one question asked for the full name on
people to enjoy a warm but still windy         a sign outside a church building, except
Sunday.                                        between our checking a couple of days ago,
26 vehicles, a mix of mainly vintage, a few    the sign had been removed, Grrrr, so we
classics and a couple of modern, were on       gave everyone on the run that point.
display in the Sound Shell from 12:30pm        The questions were in two parts, walking
and a steady stream of visitors took           Tour and Car run plus memory test, (10
advantage of getting photo shots before the    items on a tray to remember and write
cars headed out on the run.                    down). The memory test was the area that
The first part was a short walking tour with   decided who the winners were.
questions to answer before the drivers took    Three people only got all the walking tour
to the road.                                   questions correct so the winner was done
A short stop at the National Tobacco           on a draw from the hat.
Company building for a memory test before      Winner of the Autoramble was
travelling on through Napier's suburban        CRAIG PRICE.
areas.                                         Winner of the walking tour was
The route then took everyone to Clive          KEVIN MARSH.
weaving through rural areas to the outskirts   A special wee prize for 13 answers (8
of Havelock Nth and on through the             correct) and giving the organisers a good
country at the back of Hastings. Then          laugh,in the memory test by including the
heading back into Hastings briefly before      tray everything was on, the blutac holding
making their way to our club rooms for a       items in place and the black napkin that
delicious High Tea.                            covered the 10 items, went to, Paul Coe's
                                               team. Many thanks to all who participated.
THE MAG Winter Art Deco - august 2021 - Hawke's Bay Vintage Car Club

If you would like to make a donation to the
Cancer Society for daffodil day, especially if
you’re not going on our daffodil day run on 22
August. Our branch of the VCC have
registered for you to do so.
Go directly to this website

All the details are there to make it easy for
you in one easy step.
Help this great charity event be successful
Your Donation will be very much appreciated.

Come an
                                                                                join the f
                                                                                 All ages
                                                                                        s ty
                                                                                are welc pes
                             VCC                                        VCC

   Daffodil Rally for Cancer
                        SUNDAY 22 AUGUST 2021
   It’s the Vintage Car Club’s
   National Day and across
                                             Winery Picnic Run
   New Zealand, hundreds              Depart 10.30 from VCC Hawke’s Bay Clubrooms
   of vehicles will be on the                 67 Sandy Rd, Meeanee, Napier
   road or on display to             Join our run to a local winery for a picnic lunch. Bring your picnic chairs
                                               and picnic lunch. (Limited food available at the venue.)
   raise money for your local                     No BYO drinks to be brought onto the property.
   Cancer Society                    A full range of wines, beers, coffee and refreshments will be available to
                                                               purchase at the venue.

                          No dogs.
                                            Enquiries: Trevor Charman         06 844 5140 or 027 292 6068

    per pers
      entry fe
                   d         To find out more about your local
 all fees
   to  th e C a cer
                       Daffodil Rally for Cancer, visit

August 2021
By Dick Clark

The day dawned wet and dreary but 6         we all sat around the table,eating our lunch,
cars turned up, with 12 keen members for    and discussed the worlds problems and
a club run on this cold winters day.        the best resolution came from Mark who
The original run plan was canned as we      told us his achievements on cornering the
did not want to sit around in a cold wet    market with Guinea Pig sales as a young
park trying to look happy!!!                entrepreneur.

It was decided to have a quick little run   Another good little get together for the club.
around the block to Puketapu and back       See you next time.
to the club rooms.

*Refers to 136LiL & 136LiHD45

            See Ron or Paul
JYOUNG MOTORS | 590 Main Road, Bay View
  Ph: 836 6126 |


August 2021

Phone 06 835 7490
      56 Thames Street Napier

August 2021
FOR SALE: CLOTHING TAPE Mend your furs in time for Winter Art Deco
Festival 2021.
$4 per metre. Phone Carolyn on 06 844 3323 or email
a 1929 chev roadstar. Ideal for protecting your beloved vintage car. The cover is
clean and in great condition. Surplus to my requirements. Offers please. Phone
Lee-anne Freeman
on 027 611 9714.
FOR SALE: 1942 Willys Jeep in going order, Feb WOF, $25,000. Phone Bill Reilly
on 021 245 2456.
FOR SALE: Early 1920s Atco lawn mower for restoration. Is complete with catcher
and engine turns. Has skeleton style cast frame, brass tank and alloy mag cover,
early and attractive in appearance when restored. Also early hit and miss horizontal
single cylinder stationary engine for restoration again an attractive machine but
piston is stuck. Haven’t noticed a maker’s name yet. Great winter shed projects.
Phone Kim 027 446 1986 to view and make an offer.
FOR SALE: 1980 Escort Van 1300cc excellent condition, tow bar,
original condition. For any genuine enquiries phone 06 838 7377 or

up to a complete derelict considered. Particularly looking for gearbox and clutch.
David 06 835 9492 or
WANTED Partner to participate in Wednesday and/or Sunday car runs, either
drive or navigate. Please call Geoff Santer 021 702 556.

Ads for Wanted or For Sale that have been in the Club Mag
for 4 months or more will be removed if the editor has not been
notified that you wish to continue with advertising your item.
August 2021
CHANDLER MOTOR COMPANY//                                                         Supplied by John Lees

Frederick born in Cleveland in 1873 to an            Visalia and Fresno, on entering a farm and
English father and Irish mother. Leaving school      realising they could not turn around the driver
at sixteen he went to work for Lozier and            did the only thing he could and drove through a
Company makers of the Cleveland Bicycle and          grove of small orange trees to return to the road.
New Home Sewing machine. Fred Chandler was           The Chandler was ploughing down perfectly
one of the best amateur bicycle racers; in 1892      good orange trees, the two farmers who watched
he beat world champion Arthur Zimmerman.             their potential profits being slashed stood wide
This put Chandler in good standing with his boss     eyed in disbelief. This was not to be the drivers
Henry Lozier. Chandler moved up to become            last detour; they never gave up as they had
vice President and general manager of Lozier         two official observers and a cameraman from
before he left to form the Chandler Motor Car        the Universal Motion Picture Corporation
Company in 1913.                                     accompanying them. Days later they realised
Fred knew his company success was down               the only way from Portland to Vancouver
to his employees in which he took every              were by Ferry or Railroad bridge. To suggest
opportunity to support along with their              that a lone automobile be allowed to tie up
families.                                            five transcontinental railroads while crossing
 Fred loved competition and publicity; he took       a five-million-dollar bridge was laughable.
every opportunity to indulge in both activities.     BUT – Trains were stopped, switches jumped,
Here are some examples of these attributes.          “frogs’ bypassed, and three miles of ties had
Fred staged a publicity event on July 30th, 1913     to have boards laid down to accommodate the
to coincide with the factory opening, at 6pm         car driving over them. Boats on the river had
the first driver was given a car for Boston, three   to be stopped because the drawbridge could
hours later a backup car left followed by a car      not be raised until the Chandler had crossed.
bound for New York. All cars were to be driven       By the time they approached the Canadian
straight through only stopping for fuel and          border on Friday October 1st while the drivers
necessities, a delivery became a challenge. !        looked as though they had never slept or
                                                     shaved, the Chandler looked considerably better
Advertising was paramount with early ads             and its engine purred like a kitten after more
featuring – “Built by Men Who Know” All cars         than eighteen hundred miles and five days of
carried a 90-day guarantee.                          continuous running, its wheels never stopping.
1915 saw a Chandler drive from Mexico to             Fred loved the publicity.
Canada nonstop to generate publicity. A car with
2,000 miles on the clock had new Goodyear cord       Also, in 1915 a Chandler Touring Car was
tires fitted, with two swivelling searchlights the   chosen as the pathfinder car for the Master
springs were taped, a fabricated special funnel      Drivers Contest, (sponsored by the Chicago
for refuelling was fitted; the car was ready. The    Automobile Club).
wheels were never to stop rolling and the engine     The Chandler completed the 470-mile run from
was never to be shut off. Seals were placed on       Chicago to Peoria, Illinois, to Davenport, Iowa
the starter pedal and tires, ensuring the engine     and back to Chicago with a perfect score.
could not be stopped or the tires replaced with      In 1916 at Christmas Fred organised the
out detection. At 8.00am Sunday September 26th       purchase of three truckloads of turkeys.
they left Tijuana, Mexico. Through Los Angeles       Company employees using company cars
they had another Chandler act as a pathfinder to     delivered one to the family of each employee for
not only clear the automobiles, but horse drawn      their Christmas dinner.
vehicles as well. Clearing Los Angeles, they were
on their own and took a wrong turn between           Fred upon hearing some staff were heading to

August 2021
Cedar Point, Ohio an amusement area at Lake          attendees went home feeling enthusiastic about
Erie. Financed the excursion with company            Chandlers.
funds and provided company cars for those who        In July 1922 Fred distributed $200,000 as
did not have transportation. Twelve Cars and 42      employee bonuses, as a result labour problems
people had a day of frivolity which Fred ensured     were never an issue at the Chandler Motor Car
became an annual event.                              Company.
In 1918 a special dividend was declared and          In August 1922 ten cars were shipped to
paid to the American Red Cross to support the        Colorado Springs and a large party of super
War effort.                                          salesmen were invited to climb Pikes Peak
During the War, Chandler purchased a                 mountain where they encountered a severe
large supply of Potatoes from Michigan and           snowstorm. Later they visited the local tourist
distributed them to employees at cost price.         attractions – such was Fred’s enjoyment of life
Company service trucks delivered the potatoes        and cars.
to each individual workers homes.                    In 1923 Ralph Munford drove a stock touring
In August 1919, a convoy of fourteen cars;           car to a world’s record on Mt. Washington
Touring’s, Roadsters, and six unbodied chassis       the highest accessible peak east of the Rocky
left Sydney headed for Brisbane 850 miles to the     Mountains in the event known as “Climb to the
north. A maritime strike was not going to stop       Clouds”. Munford made the eight-mile run in
the deliveries. Once again good publicity.           17 minutes flat, four minutes faster than any
October 1919 Chandler agents staged a speed          previous attempt.
event on the Toll Bar Range ascending into           The 1924 bonus distribution of $200,000 was
Toowoomba, Australia. The transmission was           noted as the ninth consecutive year Chandler
sealed in high gear, the climb taking one minute,    paid out to employees. 1,000 factory and office
and 45 seconds shattering previous records.          workers received a bonus amounting to a
1920 saw W.S.Miller of Khyber Pass Auckland          minimum of 10% of their annual wages.
drive a Chandler from Auckland to Wellington         In 1926 a new touring car travelled the streets of
in 14 hours and 6 minutes a NZ record. Miller        New York without a driver. It was controlled by
made his run nonstop and beat the train by 4         radio signals from another Chandler following
hours and 50 minutes. Days later Miller drove        closely behind.
the same car from Picton to Bluff in 17 hours and    An example of Fred’s promotion.
40 minutes running time, also nonstop.
                                                     Mount St. Helena in California was conquered
Distributor invites to the factory were lavish       by a Chandler in a test to see if the mountain
social events which Fred saw as essential to         could be crossed in high gear. The Chandler not
promote his cars, as were large Shows such as the    only succeeded but did so while carrying four
Chicago and New York Shows.                          passengers. ‘’ The Engine Built to Master
Events lasting three days included grand             a Mountain” ad slogans were here to stay.
entertainment, gala banquets and plentiful           By 1926 Chandler held a total of 18 official
liquid refreshments. Special trains laid on to       records for racing, hill climbing and endurance.
take them to New York for more entertainment
or the auto show at the Grand Central Palace         Fred always the competitor, never missed
were all designed to thank and encourage the         an opportunity to promote the Chandler
distributors and dealers. The 1926 convention        Automobile while looking after his staff and
featured 52 acts, 45 of them by beautiful ladies,    distributors.
a full orchestra and plenty of singers ensured the

By John Durry

Hi All,                                          RADIAL ENGINE
A few weeks back a the trailer was backed        Lyn Gentry has had 49 years with the HB
up to the spare parts roller door full of car    Branch of the VCC with many restorations
parts, thanks to Warren Wrigley for the          and great times.
parts which came via Premier Services in         But now its time for a change and what
Hastings. The spares group have spent the        better than chasing all of NZ for an aircraft
last 3 Tuesdays sorting & putting away.          Radial Engine covering from the Bluff to
We also sorted through 2 large tins              Ardmore, every maintenance facility and
weighing approx 50kg of bolts, nuts,             aircraft engineers to finally get one. It’s a
upholstery fittings and all sorts of fittings,   Pratt and Whitney 16 litre supercharged
the story goes they came from the floor          9 cylinder radial with 200 serviceable
sweepings of the Ford Motor Company              hours still on it and it came in knockdown
in Seaview Wellington. Hopefully there is        condition.
something there that can help get a vehicle      Trying to get service data on the mags,
back on the road.                                starter motor and carburetor was impossible
This months resto story is from Lyn              due to all bolts and nuts wired to which only
Gentry.                                          the service agents have access. The starter
                                                 was severely damaged with all the planetary
Until next time.                                 gears and bearings knackered . I did an Ebay
                                                 search and found just the part in the USA .
                                                 Six weeks later with parts in hand and many
                                                 days googling photos and blogs and soon
                                                 assembly was complete.
                                                 Mounting on the frame and fitting the
                                                 auxilaries, ie separate oil tank, petrol tank,
                                                 oil pressure and rev counter gauges, priming
                                                 pump, solenoids etc etc.

For any enquiries phone Brian Taylor on 027 4436009 or contact the Club’s
Spares Dept. on Tuesday mornings between 9am & 11am on 06 835 1483.

August 2021
Timing the mag took forever as the cam lobe    It took 3 weeks full time to make.
for nine cylinders only has 4 lobes ( figure
that out ). The oil I have to get through a    The first start I had many friends around to
company in Wellington. Its dry sump and        hopefully wittness the smoke, fire and noise.
returned to the supply tank. The exhaust       To date I have only taken it to 1500 rpm but
pipes are stainless and only 300mm long as I   I think its max is 2400 rpm.
wanted as much noise as possible.              There was many teething problems but
Then came the propeller. I wanted a three      perfect now with no oil leaks. You can see it
blade and googled how its done, Once again     going on the youtube (radial engine pratt
down to Wellington to get one of 3 types       and whitney first start)
of wood used in propellers and Maple was
chosen which I laminated and machined
on some jigs I made. Each blade is made
individually and bolted to the machined hub.

If you want to add any notices to the notice board please contact the Editor.

                               L U B C A P TA I N ’S T
                NORTH ISLAND C

               L N O RT H ISLAND

          T RA

       O U N
      C tyle T
                  9 - 14 SEPTEMBER
              Day 1     Ta ur an ga

              Day 2     Ca mb ri dg e                   CAMBRIDGE

              Day 3     Ta um ar un ui

               Day 4     Wh an ga mō mo na
               Day 5     Ta um ar un ui
                          Ho me                                Whangamōmona
                Day 6

                                                                    Mobile: 021 66 43 41
         for entry forms                Kaaren Smylie ptain         Email:
                                        North Island Club Ca

August 2021
r C a n c er
Daffodil Rally fo
            N DAY 22 AUGUST 20
                      a b  o u t your local D
             t more            
  To find ou            r, v isit www.v
                a n c e
    Rally for C

            OM        EM B E RS
                       A NG E
         If yo u C H            ESS
                   A IL ADD R
   YOU R EM                    E C LU B
                OT IF Y T H
 PLEASE N                   il addre s
   h r o u g h t h is e m a           z
 t                              rg .n
                   ay@vc c.o
    h aw ke s b

  AUGUST                      SEPTEMBER
  04 MID WEEK RUN             01 MID WEEK RUN

  11 CLUB NIGHT               08 CLUB NIGHT



16-21 JANUARY 2022

August 2021

ART DECO FESTIVAL FOR 2017, 2018, 2019,2020
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