LOCAL PLANNING PANEL - The Hills Shire - Wednesday, 16 June 2021 - The Hills Shire Council
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LOCAL PLANNING PANEL – The Hills Shire Wednesday, 16 June 2021 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE ITEM-1 DA 909/2021/ZE - SMALL LOT HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND SUBDIVISION CREATING TWO RESIDENTIAL LOTS/ SEMI-DETACHED DWELLINGS - LOT 36 DP 1233988, 1 DRESSAGE STREET, BOX HILL THEME: Valuing our Surroundings 5 Well planned and liveable neighbourhoods that meets OUTCOME: growth targets and maintains amenity. 9.3 Manage new and existing development with a robust STRATEGY: framework of policies, plans and processes that is in accordance with community needs and expectations. 16 JUNE 2021 MEETING DATE: LOCAL PLANNING PANEL SUBDIVISION PLANNER AUTHOR: ALEXANDRA HOPKINS MANAGER – SUBDIVISION & DEVELOPMENT RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: CERTIFICATION BEN HAWKINS Applicant Universal Property Group Consultants Universal Property Group – Planning Universal Property Group – Architecture Universal Property Group – Landscaping SDG Land Development Solutions – Survey Mr M. J. Aslan – Stormwater Notification 21 days Number Advised Four Number of Submissions 18 Zoning R2 Low Density Residential Site Area 500.1m2 List of all relevant Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment s4.15(1)(a) matters Act 1979 – Satisfactory SEPP (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 – Appendix 11 The Hills Growth Centre Precincts Plan – Satisfactory SEPP 55 – Remediation of Land – Satisfactory SEPP (Building Sustainability Index: BASIX) 2004 – Satisfactory SREP 20 – Hawkesbury-Nepean River (No 2 – 1997) – Satisfactory North West Priority Growth Area Land Use And Infrastructure Plan – Satisfactory Box Hill Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan – Satisfactory PAGE 3 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE Section 7.11 Contribution – $49,206.77 Political Donation None disclosed Reason for Referral to LPP 18 unique submissions received Recommendation Approval EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The development application is for a small lot housing development and subdivision creating two residential lots and an associated semi-detached dwelling on each lot. The lots are proposed to have areas of 250m2 and 250.1m2. Both dwellings face Dressage Street and have frontages of 9.9m and 14.5m. The development complies with State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 – Appendix 11 The Hills Growth Centre Precincts Plan and includes variations to the Box Hill Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan relating to the upper level site coverage and upper level window location for proposed lot/ dwelling 362. The proposed variation to site coverage is minor and will not have a significant adverse impact on streetscape and amenity or the solar access and privacy of adjoining properties to the north and east. The variation to the upper level window location will not significantly adversely impact on the privacy of those adjoining properties either. The development application also includes minor subdivision works relating to stormwater, earthworks and servicing. The development application was notified and 18 unique submissions from the owners and/ or occupiers of 14 adjoining properties were received. The issues raised primarily relate to expectations around development in the R2 Low Density Residential zone, traffic, impacts on street trees, noise, privacy, overshadowing, streetscape, lack of parking provided on site/ on-street parking impacts, driveway locations, orientation of the dwellings, compliance with the Development Control Plan, stormwater impacts, adequacy of services, amenity, impacts on the planned park opposite and impacts on property value. These concerns have addressed in the report and do not warrant further amendment or refusal of the development application. The development application is recommended for approval subject to conditions. BACKGROUND The subdivision that created this site as one of 72 residential lots on the corner of George Street/ Terry Road was approved on 31 May 2016. On 18 December 2020, the subject development application was lodged. The development application was notified between 11 January and 2 February 2021. A total of 18 unique submissions were received in response which is why the matter is being reported to the Local Planning Panel for determination. On 21 January 2021, Council staff issued a request for information letter seeking additional information relating to dwelling orientation, stormwater, earthworks and waste management. On 15 February 2021, Council staff issued a further request for information letter relating to landscaping and earthworks/ retaining walls. PAGE 4 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE On 18 February 2021, the applicant provided a preliminary response to the request for information addressing the landscaping concerns. On 8 March 2021, the applicant submitted a further response to the request for information. On 12 May 2021, a further request for information was issues relating to stormwater management. On 17 May 2021, the applicant provided a response to the stormwater management concerns raised. PROPOSAL The development application is for a small lot housing development and subdivision creating two residential lots with a semi-detached dwelling on each from one existing vacant lot. The proposed plan of subdivision is provided in Attachment 6. The subject site has an area of 500.1m2 and is located on land zoned R2 Low Density Residential by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 – Appendix 11 The Hills Growth Centre Precincts Plan (Growth Centres SEPP). Subdivision is permitted with consent in accordance with Clause 2.6 of the Growth Centres SEPP. The proposed lots are 250m2 and 250.1m2 in size. There is no minimum lot size based on the Lot Size Map included with the Growth Centres SEPP however applicable minimum lot sizes for various forms of development are specified in Clause 4.1A of the Growth Centres SEPP. For a subdivision in the R2 Low Density Residential zone with semi-detached dwellings included the applicable minimum lot size is 200m2. Both lots comply in this respect. ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION 1. State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 – Appendix 11 The Hills Growth Centre Precincts Plan (i) Permissibility The subject site is zoned R2 Low Density Residential under the Growth Centres SEPP. Subdivision is permissible under Clause 2.6 of the Growth Centres SEPP. (ii) Zone Objectives The subject site is zoned R2 Low Density Residential. The zone objectives are as follows. To provide for the housing needs of the community within a low density residential environment. To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents. To allow people to carry out a reasonable range of activities from their homes, where such activities are not likely to adversely affect the living environment of neighbours. To support the well-being of the community, by enabling educational, recreational, community, religious and other activities where compatible with the amenity of a low density residential environment. PAGE 5 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE The development application is consistent with the objectives of the R2 Low Density Residential zone. The proposal creates two residential lots of a size permitted by the Growth Centres SEPP and commensurate with lot sizes delivered as part of similar corner lot developments nearby. A semi-detached dwelling generally compliant with the Growth Centres SEPP and the Box Hill Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP) has been provided on each lot providing a variety of housing types. (iii) Development Standards The following development standards (or applicable clauses) from the Growth Centres SEPP apply to the site/ development. Clause 4.1A establishes the minimum lot size applying to the site in conjunction with the associated minimum density map. The minimum lot size applying to the site/ development (given a semi-detached dwelling is also proposed on each lot) is 200m2. The proposed lots are 250m2 and 250.1m2. Clause 4.1B establishes the minimum density applying to the site in conjunction with the associated residential density map. The minimum density applying to the site/ development is 15 dwellings per hectare (refer to Attachment 4). The residential net developable area of the subdivision block is 1.1 hectares providing for a minimum resultant density of 16 lots/ dwellings. This development results in a total of 19 lots/ dwellings over the street block and so the development application complies with the minimum density required. The proposed development is considered satisfactory with respect to the above development standards (or applicable clauses) from the Growth Centres SEPP. 2. State Environmental Planning Policy 55 – Remediation of Land State Environmental Planning Policy 55 – Remediation of Land contains guidelines and prescriptive measures with regard to site contamination and remediation requirements for all land-based development across the State. In considering a development application for new development the consent authority is to have regard for the prescriptive requirements of Clause 7 of the SEPP provided below: A consent authority must not consent to the carrying out of any development on land unless: (a) it has considered whether the land is contaminated, and (b) if the land is contaminated, it is satisfied that the land is suitable in its contaminated state (or will be suitable, after remediation) for the purpose for which the development is proposed to be carried out, and (c) if the land requires remediation to be made suitable for the purpose for which the development is proposed to be carried out, it is satisfied that the land will be remediated before the land is used for that purpose. The contamination status of the site was considered under the parent subdivision development application in 2016 referred to earlier. A Stage 2 Detailed Site Investigation Report prepared by Geotest Services concluded that the site was considered suitable for future residential land uses from a contamination perspective. Soils at the subject site contain concentration of contaminants at less than the relevant guidelines and the site is suitable for the proposed residential subdivision. Council’s Environmental Health team reviewed this reporting and raised no objection subject to conditions that were complied with PAGE 6 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE at the time. The majority of the surrounding lots within the parent subdivision have been developed for residential purposes since. Issues with potential contamination for this site have been considered. Given the contamination status of the site has been addressed previously as above the site is considered suitable for the proposed development and future residential uses. Council’s Environment Health team have reviewed this development application and raise no objection from a contamination perspective. 3. North West Priority Growth Area Land Use And Infrastructure Plan Section 117 Ministerial Directions were amended on 22 May 2017 to add: 7.4 Implementation of North West Priority Growth Area Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan The development application was lodged after 22 May 2017 and so needed to consider the new 117 Direction (relating to maximum density primarily). The draft amendments to the SEPP propose to amend Clause 4.1B and the associated density maps to include both a minimum and maximum density for residential zoned land as below. R2 Low Density Residential (minimum 15 dwellings per hectare currently): Proposed minimum: 15 dwellings per hectare Proposed maximum: 20 dwellings per hectare The residential net developable area is 1.1 hectares providing for a minimum resultant density of 16 dwellings as above (and a maximum of 22 dwellings based on the draft SEPP). 19 residential lots are proposed as above complying with this clause. The draft amendments to the SEPP propose to amend Clause 4.1 and the associated lot size map to include a minimum lot size for residential zoned land. The minimum lot size applying to the site as shown on the draft lot size map is 300m2, which the proposed lots do not comply with. However the same exceptions included in Clause 4.1A of the Growth Centres SEPP now are retained meaning the proposal complies with respect to minimum lot size as above. The proposed development is considered satisfactory with respect to the above development standards (or applicable clauses) from the draft SEPP. 4. Box Hill Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan The development application has been assessed against the provisions of the DCP. The proposed development does not comply with the following requirements of the DCP. Control Comment Compliance Site coverage Lot 361: No, variation considered acceptable > 9m and < 15m Ground floor: 39.8% First floor: 37.1% PAGE 7 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE Single storey dwellings: 60% Lot 362: Lots < 375m2, upper level no more than 40% of lot area Ground floor: 47.8% First floor: 44.6% The upper floor of lot 362 is 111.5m2 which equates to a site coverage of 44.6%. This minor increase in floor area of 11.5m2 is comparable to the size of a small bedroom. The proposed dwelling complies with the setback and landscaped area controls of the DCP and meets the objectives of the zone. There are no significant solar access impacts on adjoining properties to the north or east as demonstrated by Attachment 7. The minor variation to the upper floor site coverage of lot 362 is considered acceptable. Visual and acoustic privacy The window located in the No, variation considered centre of the second storey acceptable Habitable room windows northern (side) setback of lot with a direct sightline to the 362 is a bedroom window. habitable room windows in Bedrooms are considered an adjacent dwelling within 9 low use/ activity rooms metres are to: during daylight hours. The potential for overlooking is be obscured by fencing, minimal and the location and screens or appropriate size of the windows are landscaping; or considered appropriate (see Attachment 7). The sill be offset from the edge height of the window is of one window to the above the ceiling height of edge of the other by a the adjoining single storey distance sufficient to limit dwelling and will not have an views into the adjacent adverse privacy impact. The window; or location of the upper storey window is therefore have a sill height of 1.7 considered acceptable metres above floor level; despite the non-compliance. or have fixed obscure glazing in any part of the window below 1.7 PAGE 8 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE metres above floor level; or Second storey windows on side elevations are only to be located at the rear or front of the dwelling. The DCP also includes a control relating to the orientation of corner lots/ dwellings which is considered below. Control Comment 3.1.3 Corner Lots The subject application proposes two semi- detached dwellings with both entrances and Garages on corner lots are encouraged to garages oriented towards Dressage Street. be accessed from the secondary street or Whilst the DCP encourages corner lots to be rear lane accessed from the secondary street the most suitable outcome of this development is to orient both garages and entry points towards Dressage Street. Due to the lot depth and shape proposed lot 361 would not be able to provide for a garage with complying front and rear setbacks if it was orientated towards George Street sufficiently clear of the intersection as required by AS 2890.1. The garage fronting Dressage Street is able to comply with all DCP controls and Australian Standards relating to garages. Lastly, George Street is a collector road whilst Dressage Street is a local road. The garage location is therefore considered acceptable for the reasons above. 5. Issues Raised in Submissions The proposal was notified to nearby and adjoining properties between 11 January 2021 and 1 February 2021. A total of 18 submissions were received in response to the notification period. Due to the number of submissions received and similar concerns raised in those submissions, the issues/ concerns raised are summarised below. Issue/ Objection Comment Concern is raised from an infrastructure Sydney Water will be notified of the perspective with the following comments determination of this development provided: application Sydney Water would be required for sewer and water services to be upgraded Current infrastructure will not have the if and where required. capacity to manage stormwater runoff as well as electricity, Sydney Water, NBN and The site is zoned for residential development gas services. The proposed dwelling may which was considered as part of the broader affect the delivery of services to houses zoning of the Box Hill area and associated PAGE 9 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE Issue/ Objection Comment already existing on the street. lot servicing. The development of this site was considered at that time and the number Having two properties on a block that was of lots/ dwellings would have been designed for one singular dwelling will create considered at that time by each service nuisance flooding. The rainwater tank size provider. should be increased to manage this. Stormwater runoff and associated nuisance Objector wishes to ensure the protection of flooding has been addressed through the footpaths, stormwater systems and streets/ assessment of the application which is vehicles during construction works. required to drain to the temporary basin located at 17 Dressage Street and 16 Brindle Parkway which was created for the purposes of Stormwater Management of the parent site until the regional basin is complete. The design of stormwater runoff is to be in accordance with Council’s requirements and will not cause any increased flood impacts. Conditions of consent have been imposed to ensure to protection of public assets during construction. Concern is raised from a zoning perspective The subject site forms part of the Box Hill with the following comments provided in a growth centres area which was established number of submissions: in December 2012. Land purchased in a low residential area The development of the land for residential where lots cannot be subdivided below properties over the site began at the end of 300m2. Result is two small blocks with high2016 following the approval of the parent density housing. residential subdivision in May 2016. The proposed subdivision and construction of Does not meet R2 zoning objectives. semi-detached dwellings are a permissible uses in the R2 zone which applies to the Does not meet zoning requirements of the subject site. area. The zoning of land and permissible uses Understanding of the area to have a mix of within Box Hill are based on extensive medium density houses on one side of the studies and planning which identifies that the street and high density dwellings on the R2 zoned land can accommodate for semi- other which the development is not in line detached and dual occupancy dwellings and with. meet all the requirements of the R2 zone without compromising the intended low density character. It is agreed that there is little difference in the controls that apply to this form of development in the R2 and R3 zones in Section 4 of the Growth Centres SEPP. Concern is raised from a traffic and parking Clause 3.1.4 of the DCP requires each perspective with the following comments dwelling to address each street frontage but PAGE 10 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE Issue/ Objection Comment provided in a number of submissions: does not require dwellings to be oriented towards each frontage. Proposed lot/ Clause 3.1.4 of the DCP requires corner lots dwelling 361 is able to positively address to address both street frontages. The George street through the use of colours, application does not address this. Each finishes and architectural features. dwelling should be oriented towards a different street. This will minimise traffic and The additional dwellings proposed on the will allow cars and pedestrians to proceed street block will not result in the exceedance with safety through reduced crossovers and of the draft maximum density requirement as maximise on street car parking spaces. per the draft SEPP and has been detailed above. One additional dwelling will create a Adding a duplex to the street will result in negligible impact on traffic generation in the higher density and more traffic, making it area and is not expected to create any unsafe for children and families living on the increased safety risk. Driveways are not able street and those using Equinox Reserve. to be oriented towards George Street Driveways should face George street where without varying setback controls and the road is wider and allows for more traffic. creating privacy impacts. Both driveways oriented towards Dressage Street which is People will use their garage for storage and considered the most suitable outcome for park in the driveway/ on the street. The this form of proposed development on this proposed development will bring an site. additional four cars to the street. Council is unable to enforce that garages be The proposal only allows for a single car used to park cars. Each dwelling is provided garage, this is not seen on Dressage Street, with adequate space to park two cars which there will be cars on the street, making the comply with the DCP parking requirements. parking situation worse than already is. Several existing dwellings within the locality No visitor parking – parking for children if have single garages such as those on density is increased. numbers 4, 6 and 12 Dressage Street. The proposed dwellings allow for adequate Most driveways cannot fit cars so cars will driveway space to accommodate for a park on the street. stacked parking arrangement. In addition to the development on 71 George Separate/ specific visitor parking is not Street, the street will become dangerous and required to be provided for semi-detached cluttered, creating blind spots for vehicles. dwelling houses. Fence to be constructed (lapped and capped The proposed driveways have been or colourbond) may be issue when reversing designed to Australian Standards and are car out of driveway creating a blind spot. able to accommodate for the parking of cars. The development application at 71 George street is currently under assessment and has not been approved. The application has been assessed against Australian Standard 2890.1. Specifically Section 3.2.4 Sight Distance at Access Driveway and the sight distance from a car reversing from 67 George Street is adequate. Timber slatted decorative fencing PAGE 11 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE Issue/ Objection Comment has been recommended as per Condition 1 below. Concern is raised from a residential amenity The window referred to in the submission is perspective with the following comments a bedroom window. Bedrooms are provided in a number of submissions: considered low use/ activity rooms during daylight hours. The potential for overlooking Windows north east – privacy issue into is minimal and the location and size of the single storey house. windows are considered appropriate (see Attachment 7). The proposed double storey Noise pollution will be created by the dwellings are located adjacent to single development. storey dwellings at 3 Dressage Street and 67 George Street. Therefore all upper storey Duplex developments bring down the windows do not allow for overlooking into the aesthetic of the area and increase feel of living spaces of the adjoining dwellings. All overcrowding. ground floor windows facing neighbouring properties are obscured by a 1.8m high The development will have unacceptable fence. overshadowing and privacy impacts. Two additional dwellings are not expected to The rear and side fencing will block the create an unreasonable amount of noise street view of 67 George Street. pollution in an R2 zoned area. Concern is raised from a DCP compliance The applicant has corrected the description perspective with the following comments from Liverpool to Box Hill. The application is provided in a number of submissions: compliant with the requirements of the Box Hill DCP with the exception of first floor site Reference is made to Liverpool DCP and not coverage and window location. Box Hill. The applicant is trying to get around the requirements of our Council. The applicant has indicated that 59m is a typo and has been corrected to 5.9m. Page 2 of SEE indicates a rear setback of 59m. Proposed lot 362 has a minor variation to the site coverage as discussed above. This Thought that both lots will not be compliant variation is considered minor in nature. with site coverage. Retaining wall details have been provided on Proposed retaining wall details not provided. the submitted elevations (refer to Attachment 7). Street trees not shown on landscape plan. All setbacks are compliant with the Box Hill It is thought the setbacks are non-compliant DCP. with the DCP. The FFL and GFL has been assessed and FFL and GFL need to be checked with the do not create unacceptable building heights. requirements of the DCP. The application is subject to the controls of Does not comply with the requirements of the Box Hill DCP rather than The Hills DCP. the fact sheet for dual occupancy The fact sheet for dual occupancy development in the hills, requiring 600m2 development in The Hills is not applicable to blocks. 250m2 block are small and do not this site. Both lots comply with the minimum comply with the requirements of the R2 lot size as discussed in prior sections of this PAGE 12 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE Issue/ Objection Comment zone. report. Concern is raised from a streetscape Dwellings houses are permitted in the R2 perspective with the following comments zone and semi-detached dwelling houses provided in a number of submissions: are permitted as per the Box Hill DCP, providing the same visual outcome as an Site is not suitable for dual occupancy as it is attached dual occupancy, permissible in the not in line with the streetscape. Separation R2 zone under the Growth Centres SEPP. between buildings should be provided. Landscaped/ pervious areas are provided for I know this is an R2 approved dwelling and both proposed dwellings in excess of the the streetscape will suffer if a dual minimum requirement of the Box Hill DCP. occupancy is permitted. No existing approvals are present over the Having both entrances on dressage street site. not supported. If this is approved the developer will do the same on the opposite There are numerous attached dual lot and there will be 4 houses in a small area. occupancies within the locality that are located on corner blocks. Such as 2 Brindle The development does not conform with the Parkway located 14m east of the subject surrounding neighbourhood, I don’t agree to site. have any shared driveway in my neighbourhood. The two abutting single car driveways proposed provide the same outcome as a The streetscape will be compromised with double car driveway. There are several minimal landscaped area on the property, examples of driveways of a similar width filled with brick and concrete. such as numbers 9, 13 and 15 Dressage Street. Not keeping with the plan of the surrounding area, surrounding streets all single titled The each lot created under the subject homes, the master plan has accommodated application is individually titled and complies for higher density housing options. with the minimum lot size requirement. The R2 zone permits semi-detached dwellings/ dual occupancies. Concern is raised from a financial There is no mechanism for Council to perspective with the following comments substantiate, quantify or consider perceived provided in a number of submissions: financial impacts on property values arising from the development of surrounding land The value of property will be reduced in the nor is this a planning issue. locality as a result of this development. Real estate agents will not sell these houses because of how bad their work is. Concern is raised that the block was The lot was created under the parent designed to have two houses facing towards application free from any restriction George Street. precluding the lot being further subdivided or restricting the orientation/ entry of dwellings towards George Street. The reasoning behind the proposed orientation and access arrangements have been considered in the PAGE 13 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE Issue/ Objection Comment report. Concern is raised by multiple objectors that The lot was created under the parent the development should be a single dwelling application free from any restriction facing George Street as the site is only pertaining to future subdivision or suitable for this form of development and development otherwise permitted by the dual occupancies on corner blocks should Growth Centres SEPP. not be approved. It is it unfair for those moving into the area expecting it to be a Dual occupancies and semi-detached single residential dwelling area to have a mix dwellings are permissible in the R2 zone and of dual occupancy dwellings. have been since the gazettal of the Growth Centres SEPP in December 2012 prior to any residential development occurring. Concern is raised that a 4 to 5 year old street The street tree proposed to be removed tree will be removed where the driveway is must be replaced. Refer to recommended proposed. Condition 15 below. 6. Internal Referrals The development application was assessed by Council staff with respect to the following. Engineering Building Landscaping Waste Management No objections were raised with the development application (as amended) subject to conditions. 7. External Referrals The application was referred to Sydney Water as the proposal involves development within a growth centre area where development activity/ demand needs to be tracked from a provision of services perspective. A response from Sydney Water dated 1 February 2021 provided comments relating to the servicing needs of the development that are captured by recommended conditions included below. A copy of the response from Sydney Water is provided in Attachment 8. CONCLUSION The development application has been assessed against the relevant heads of consideration under Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 – Appendix 11 The Hills Growth Centre Precincts Plan and the Box Hill Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan and is considered satisfactory subject to conditions. The variations to the Development Control Plan are minor and have been addressed in the report. The development application was notified locally and 18 unique submissions were received. The concerns raised in those submissions have been addressed in the report and do not warrant further amendment or refusal of the development application. PAGE 14 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE IMPACTS Developer Contributions The Forward Planning team have recommended payment of a Section 7.11 contribution. The proposal is also subject to payment of a State Infrastructure Contribution. Relevant recommended conditions relating to Section 7.11 and State Infrastructure Contributions have been imposed (refer to Conditions 16 and 21 below). Financial This matter has no direct financial impact upon Council’s adopted budget or forward estimates. The Hills Future Community Strategic Plan The proposed development is consistent with the planning principles, vision and objectives outlined within Hills 2026 – Looking Towards the Future as the proposed development provides for satisfactory urban growth without adverse environmental or social amenity impacts and ensures a consistent built form is provided with respect to the streetscape and general locality. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the application be approved subject to the following conditions. GENERAL MATTERS 1. Approved Plan The development must be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and other supporting documentation listed below, except where amended by other conditions of consent: Drawing: Description: Prepared: Revision: Date: 8322-36 Plan of Victoria Tester - 24 November Subdivision 2020 A.01 Location Plan The Bathla B 1 March 2021 Site Analysis Group Roof Plan A.02 Site Plan The Bathla B 1 March 2021 Group A.03 Ground Floor The Bathla B 1 March 2021 Plan Group A.04 First Floor Plan The Bathla A 1 March 2021 Group A.05 Elevations 01 The Bathla B 1 March 2021 Group A.06 Elevations 02 The Bathla B 1 March 2021 Group PAGE 15 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE A.07 Sections and The Bathla B 1 March 2021 Window Group Schedule A.08 Sections The Bathla A 1 March 2021 Group LP.01 Landscape Plan The Bathla B 1 March 2021 Group Where a Construction Certificate or Subdivision Works Certificate is required no work is to be undertaken before it has been issued. The following additional requirements apply. a) The secondary street fencing for lot 361 is to be of a decorative style. Decorative style fencing is typically made of high quality materials, such as a timber-slat design between masonry piers or a horizontally slatted fence. Incorporating landscaping into the design of the fence or in front of the fence to screen it is also required. The fencing and landscaping is to be amended in line with this requirement and included on plans submitted with any application for a Construction Certificate. 2. Construction Certificate Prior to construction of the approved development, it is necessary to obtain a Construction Certificate. A Construction Certificate may be issued by Council or a Registered Certifier. Plans submitted with the Construction Certificate are to be amended to incorporate the conditions of the development consent. 3. Subdivision Certificate Preliminary Review Prior to the submission of a Subdivision Certificate application a draft copy of the final plan, administration sheet and Section 88B instrument (where included) must be submitted in order to establish that all conditions have been complied with. Street addresses for the lots within this subdivision will be allocated as part of this preliminary check process, for inclusion on the administration sheet. 4. Process for Council Endorsement of Legal Documentation Where an encumbrance on the title of the property is required to be released or amended and Council is listed as the benefiting authority, the relevant release or amendment documentation must be submitted along with payment of the applicable fee as per Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges. Sufficient time should be allowed for the preparation of a report and the execution of the documents by Council. 5. BCA Compliance All building work must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code of Australia. 6. Management of Construction and/ or Demolition Waste Waste materials must be appropriately stored and secured within a designated waste area onsite at all times, prior to its reuse onsite or being sent offsite. This includes waste materials such as paper and containers which must not litter the site or leave the site onto neighbouring public or private property. A separate dedicated bin must be provided onsite by the builder for the disposal of waste materials such as paper, containers and food scraps generated by all workers. Building waste containers are not permitted to be placed on public property at any time unless a separate application is approved by Council to locate a building waste container in a public place. Any material moved offsite is to be transported in accordance with the requirements of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and only to a place that can lawfully be PAGE 16 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE used as a waste facility. The separation and recycling of the following waste materials is required: metals, timber, masonry products and clean waste plasterboard. This can be achieved by source separation onsite, that is, a bin for metal waste, a bin for timber, a bin for bricks and so on. Alternatively, mixed waste may be stored in one or more bins and sent to a waste contractor or transfer/sorting station that will sort the waste on their premises for recycling. Receipts of all waste/recycling tipping must be kept onsite at all times and produced in a legible form to any authorised officer of the Council who asks to see them. Transporters of asbestos waste (of any load over 100kg of asbestos waste or 10m2 or more of asbestos sheeting) must provide information to the NSW EPA regarding the movement of waste using their WasteLocate online reporting tool: www.wastelocate.epa.nsw.gov.au 7. Disposal of Surplus Excavated Material The disposal of surplus excavated material, other than to a licenced waste facility, is not permitted without the previous written approval of Council prior to works commencing on site. Any unauthorized disposal of waste, which includes excavated material, is a breach of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and subject to substantial penalties. Receipts of all waste/ recycling tipping must be kept onsite at all times and produced in a legible form to any authorised officer of the Council who asks to see them. 8. Commencement of Domestic Waste Service A domestic waste service must be commenced with Council and its Contractor. The service must be arranged no earlier than two days prior to occupancy and no later than seven days after occupancy of the development. All requirements of Council’s domestic waste management service must be complied with at all times. Contact Council’s Resource Recovery Team on (02) 9843 0310 to commence a domestic waste service. 9. Provision of Kitchen Waste Storage Cupboard Waste storage facility must be provided in each unit/ dwelling to enable source separation of recyclable material from residual garbage. Each unit/ dwelling must have a waste storage cupboard provided in the kitchen with at least two removable indoor bins with a minimum capacity of 15 litres each. The bins provided should allow convenient transportation of waste from the kitchen to the main household bins or waste disposal point. The Principal Certifier must visually confirm in person, or receive photographic evidence validating this requirement prior to the issue of any Occupation Certificate. 10. Provision of Domestic Waste Storage Area/s A bin storage area sized for a minimum of three 240 litre bins must be provided within the lot boundaries. Two areas are required where there is a secondary dwelling. The area/s must be screened from view from public land and neighbouring residential property and are to be located behind the building line in the rear courtyard, side access path or a dedicated area in the garage. A flat or ramped bin transfer path must be provided leading directly from the bin storage area/s to the approved bin collection point along the kerbside. The path must have a minimum clear floor width of 820mm, must not exceed a grade of 7% (1:14), be free of steps and must be external to the dwelling (excludes garage). An associated clear nature strip length of 1.66m must be dedicated along the kerbside for each dwelling for bin presentation. The dimensions of a 240 litre bin are 735mm deep, 580mm wide and 1080mm high. 11. Protection of Public Infrastructure Adequate protection must be provided prior to work commencing and maintained during building operations so that no damage is caused to public infrastructure as a result of the works. Public infrastructure includes the road pavement, kerb and gutter, concrete footpaths, drainage structures, utilities and landscaping fronting the site. The certifier is responsible for inspecting the public infrastructure for compliance with this condition before an Occupation PAGE 17 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE Certificate or Subdivision Certificate is issued. Any damage must be made good in accordance with the requirements of Council and to the satisfaction of Council. 12. Minor Engineering Works The design and construction of the engineering works listed below must be provided for in accordance with Council’s Design Guidelines Subdivisions/ Developments and Works Specifications Subdivisions/ Developments. Works within an existing or proposed public road, or works within an existing or proposed public reserve can only be approved, inspected and certified by Council. The application form for a minor engineering works approval is available on Council’s website and the application and inspection fees payable are included in Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges. a) Driveway Requirements The design, finish, gradient and location of all driveway crossings must comply with the above documents and Council’s Driveway Specifications. The proposed driveway/s must be built to Council’s residential standard. A separate vehicular crossing request fee is payable as per Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges. b) Site Stormwater Drainage The entire site area must be graded, collected and drained by pits and pipes to a suitable point of legal discharge. c) Service Conduits Service conduits to each of the proposed new lots, laid in strict accordance with the relevant service authority’s requirements, are required. Services must be shown on the engineering drawings. A detailed design plan showing full construction details must be prepared by a hydraulic engineer. This plan must be included with the documentation approved as part of any Construction Certificate. 13. Vehicular Crossing Request Each driveway requires the lodgement of a separate vehicular crossing request accompanied by the applicable fee as per Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges. The vehicular crossing request must be lodged before an Occupation Certificate is issued. The vehicular crossing request must nominate a contractor and be accompanied by a copy of their current public liability insurance policy. Do not lodge the vehicular crossing request until the contactor is known and the driveway is going to be constructed. 14. Planting Requirements All trees planted as part of the approved landscape plan are to be minimum 75 litre pot size. All shrubs planted as part of the approved landscape plan are to be minimum 200mm pot size. Groundcovers are to be planted at 5/m2. 15. Street Tree Removal and Replacement Approval is granted for the removal of one street tree located on the Dressage Street frontage that will be impacted by works associated with the driveway crossovers. To maintain the streetscape a minimum 75L replacement tree of the same species is to be planted on the Council nature strip fronting Dressage Street. An additional street tree of the same size is also to be planted on the George Street frontage (of the same species as the existing street tree on George Street). PAGE 18 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE All tree works are to be undertaken by the owner/ applicant at their cost. Prior to any works commencing on site, the owner/ applicant must provide the following details to Council’s Manager – Environment and Health: Time and date of when the tree works will occur. Full details of the contractor who will be undertaking tree works. Current copy of the contractors Public Liability Insurance (minimum $10,000,000). The owner/ applicant is to keep a photographic record pre and post tree removal works of the tree and surrounding Council infrastructure (concrete footpath, kerb and gutter) and provide these to Council upon request. The grass verge must be reinstated with any holes filled to existing natural ground level. PRIOR TO THE ISSUE OF A CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE/ SUBDIVISION WORKS CERTIFICATE 16. Western Sydney Growth Areas – Payment of Special Infrastructure Contribution A special infrastructure contribution is to be made in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Special Infrastructure Contribution – Western Sydney Growth Areas) Determination 2011, as in force when this consent becomes operative. Information about the special infrastructure contribution can be found on the Department of Planning and Environment website: http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/ Please contact the Department of Planning and Environment regarding arrangements for the making of a payment. 17. Security Bond Requirements A security bond may be submitted in lieu of a cash bond. The security bond must: Be in favour of The Hills Shire Council; Be issued by a financial institution or other accredited underwriter approved by, and in a format acceptable to, Council (for example, a bank guarantee or unconditional insurance undertaking); Have no expiry date; Reference the development application, condition and matter to which it relates; Be equal to the amount required to be paid in accordance with the relevant condition; Be itemised, if a single security bond is used for multiple items. Should Council need to uplift the security bond, notice in writing will be forwarded to the applicant 14 days prior. 18. Security Bond – Road Pavement and Public Asset Protection In accordance with Section 4.17(6) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, a security bond of $10,000.00 is required to be submitted to Council to guarantee the protection of the road pavement and other public assets in the vicinity of the site during construction works. For low scale, low impact residential development a reduced amount based on a rate of $5,000.00 per unit/ dwelling is instead used. The bond must be lodged with Council before a Construction Certificate is issued. The bond is refundable upon written application to Council and is subject to all work being restored to Council’s satisfaction. Should the cost of restoring any damage exceed the value PAGE 19 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE of the bond, Council will undertake the works and issue an invoice for the recovery of these costs. 19. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan The detailed design must be accompanied by an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) prepared in accordance with the Blue Book and Council’s Works Specification Subdivision/ Developments. An ESCP must include the following standard measures along with notes relating to stabilisation and maintenance: Sediment fencing. Barrier fencing and no-go zones. Stabilised access. Waste receptacles. Stockpile site/s. 20. Engineering Works The design and construction of the engineering works listed below must be provided for in accordance with Council’s Design Guidelines Subdivisions/ Developments and Works Specifications Subdivisions/ Developments. Engineering works can be classified as either “subdivision works” or “building works”. Works within an existing or proposed public road, or works within an existing or proposed public reserve can only be approved, inspected and certified by Council. Depending on the development type and nature and location of the work the required certificate or approval type will differ. The application form covering these certificates or approvals is available on Council’s website and the application fees payable are included in Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges. The earthworks plan prepared by Bathla Group Revision B dated 01/03/2021 is for development application purposes only and is not to be used for construction. The design and construction of the engineering works listed below must reflect the concept engineering plan and the conditions of consent. a) Earthworks/ Site Regrading Earthworks and retaining walls are limited to those locations and heights shown on the earthworks plans prepared by Bathla Group Revision B dated 01/03/2021. Where earthworks are not shown on the approved plan the topsoil within lots must not be disturbed. Retaining walls between lots must be located on the high side lot that is being retained, save the need for easements for support on the low side lot adjacent. 21. Section 7.11 Contribution The following monetary contributions must be paid to Council in accordance with Section 7.11 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, to provide for the increased demand for public amenities and services resulting from the development. Payments comprise of the following: PAGE 20 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE Purpose: Purpose: No. of Subdivision Credit No. of Lots: 2 Credits: 1 Total S7.11 Open Space - Land $14,535.20 $14,535.20 $ 29,070.39 $ 14,535.20 $ 14,535.20 Open Space - Capital $8,836.38 $8,836.38 $ 17,672.76 $ 8,836.38 $ 8,836.38 Transport Facilities - Land $3,764.85 $3,764.85 $ 7,529.71 $ 3,764.85 $ 3,764.85 Transport Facilities - Capital $9,492.65 $9,492.65 $ 18,985.29 $ 9,492.65 $ 9,492.65 Administration $363.92 $363.92 $ 727.84 $ 363.92 $ 363.92 Water Management - Land (KCP) $5,782.10 $5,782.10 $ 11,564.19 $ 5,782.10 $ 5,782.10 Water Management - Capital (KCP) $6,431.68 $6,431.68 $ 12,863.35 $ 6,431.68 $ 6,431.68 Total $ 49,206.77 $49,206.77 $ 98,413.53 $ 49,206.77 $ 49,206.77 The contributions above are applicable at the time this consent was issued. Please be aware that Section 7.11 contributions are updated at the time of the actual payment in accordance with the provisions of the applicable plan. Prior to payment of the above contributions, the applicant is advised to contact Council’s Development Contributions Officer on 9843 0555. Payment must be made by cheque or credit/ debit card. Cash payments will not be accepted. This condition has been imposed in accordance with Contributions Plan No 15 – Box Hill (Killarney Chain of Ponds). Council’s Contributions Plans can be viewed at www.thehills.nsw.gov.au or a copy may be inspected or purchased at Council’s Administration Centre. PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCING ON THE SITE 22. Builder and Principal Certifier Details The builders name, address, telephone and fax numbers must be submitted to the Principal Certifier before building works commence. Where Council is not the Principal Certifier, Council must be notified of the Principal Certifier in writing two days before building works commence in accordance with the Regulations. 23. Construction Waste Management Plan Required Prior to the commencement of works, a Waste Management Plan for the construction and/ or demolition phases of the development must be submitted to and approved by the Principal Certifier. The plan should be prepared in accordance with The Hills Development Control Plan 2012 Appendix A. The plan must comply with the waste minimisation requirements in the relevant Development Control Plan. All requirements of the approved plan must be implemented during the construction and/ or demolition phases of the development. 24. Property Condition Report – Public Assets A property condition report must be prepared and submitted to Council recording the condition of all public assets in the direct vicinity of the development site. This includes, but is not limited to, the road fronting the site along with any access route used by heavy vehicles. If uncertainty exists with respect to the necessary scope of this report, it must be clarified with Council before works commence. The report must include: Planned construction access and delivery routes; and Dated photographic evidence of the condition of all public assets. 25. Erosion and Sediment Control The approved ESCP measures must be in place prior to works commencing and maintained during construction and until the site is stabilised to ensure their effectiveness. For major works, these measures must be maintained for a minimum period of six months following the completion of all works. PAGE 21 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE DURING CONSTRUCTION 26. Hours of Work Work on the project to be limited to the following hours: Monday to Saturday 7:00am to 5:00pm. No work to be carried out on Sunday or Public Holidays. The builder/ contractor shall be responsible to instruct and control sub-contractors regarding the hours of work. 27. Standard of Works All work must be carried out in accordance with Council’s Works Specification Subdivisions/ Developments and must include any necessary works required to make the construction effective. All works, including public utility relocation, must incur no cost to Council. 28. Compliance with BASIX Certificate Under Clause 97A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, all commitments listed in the following BASIX Certificates (and any subsequent revisions of the same certificate number) submitted with the application must be complied with: Lot/ Dwelling No. BASIX Certificate No. 1 Dressage Street 1157709M PRIOR TO ISSUE OF AN OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE/ SUBDIVISION CERTIFICATE 29. Subdivision Certificate Application When submitted, the Subdivision Certificate application must include: One copy of the final plan. The original administration sheet and Section 88B instrument. All certificates and supplementary information required by this consent. An AutoCAD copy of final plan (GDA2020/ MGA Zone 56). 30. Landscaping The landscaping of the site must be finalised as per the approved plan. Landscaping must be maintained at all times. 31. Satisfactory Final Inspection A final inspection must be carried out before an Occupation Certificate if issued. An Occupation Certificate must be issued before the dwellings are occupied. 32. Maintenance of BASIX Commitments All BASIX requirements must be implemented before an Occupation Certificate is issued and maintained throughout the life of the proposed development in accordance with the approved BASIX Certificates. 33. Property Condition Report – Public Assets Before an Occupation Certificate is issued, an updated property condition report must be prepared and submitted to Council. The updated report must identify any damage to public assets and the means of rectification for the approval of Council. 34. Completion of Engineering Works An Occupation Certificate must not be issued prior to the completion of all engineering works covered by this consent, in accordance with this consent. 35. Section 73 Compliance Certificate PAGE 22 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
LOCAL PLANNING PANEL MEETING 16 JUNE, 2021 THE HILLS SHIRE A Section 73 Compliance Certificate issued under the Sydney Water Act 1994 must be obtained from Sydney Water confirming satisfactory arrangements have been made for the provision of water and sewer services. Application must be made through an authorised Water Servicing Coordinator. The certificate must refer to this development consent and all of the lots created. 36. Provision of Telecommunication Services The developer (whether or not a constitutional corporation) is to provide evidence satisfactory to the Certifying Authority that arrangements have been made for: The installation of fibre-ready facilities to all individual lots and/ or premises in a real estate development project so as to enable fibre to be readily connected to any premises that is being or may be constructed on those lots. Demonstrate that the carrier has confirmed in writing that they are satisfied that the fibre ready facilities are fit for purpose; and The provision of fixed-line telecommunications infrastructure in the fibre-ready facilities to all individual lots and/ or premises in a real estate development project demonstrated through an agreement with a carrier. Real estate development project has the meanings given in Section 372Q of the Telecommunications Act 1978 (Cth). For small developments, NBN Co will issue a Provisioning of Telecommunications Services – Confirmation of Final Payment. For medium and large developments, NBN Co will issue a Certificate of Practical Completion of Developers Activities. For non-fibre ready facilities, either an agreement advice or network infrastructure letter must be issued by Telstra confirming satisfactory arrangements have been made for the provision of telecommunication services. This includes the undergrounding of existing overhead services, except where a specific written exemption has been granted by Council. A copy of the works as executed (WAE) plans for the telecommunications infrastructure must also be submitted. 37. Provision of Electrical Services Submission of a notification of arrangement certificate confirming satisfactory arrangements have been made for the provision of electrical services. This must include the under- grounding of the existing electrical services fronting the site and removal of all redundant poles and cables, unless otherwise approved by Council in writing. The certificate must refer to this development consent and all of the lots created. 38. Site/ Lot Classification Report A site/ lot classification report prepared by a geotechnical engineer must be prepared and submitted following the completion of all subdivision works confirming that all residential lots are compliant with AS 2870 and are suitable for development. The report must be accompanied by a table which summarises the classification of all lots created as part of the subdivision. 39. Landscaping and Street Tree Planting Prior to Issue of any Occupation Certificate Landscaping of the site, including street tree planting, shall be carried out prior to issue of an Occupation Certificate. The street tree planting and landscaping shall be certified to be in accordance with the approved plan and any additional conditions of this consent by an Accredited Landscape Architect. All landscaping is to be maintained at all times in accordance with DCP Part C, Section 3 – Landscaping and the approved landscape plan. THE USE OF THE SITE PAGE 23 Document Set ID: 19523257 Version: 1, Version Date: 09/06/2021
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