Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017 - Cork County Council Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017 - Cork County Council Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017
Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

      Cork County Council
Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017
Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017 - Cork County Council Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017
Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017


Chief Executive’s Introduction            P3

Annual Service Delivery Plan Objectives   P5

Organisation Chart                        P37

Performance Indicators                    P38

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017


Dear Member
Welcome to Cork County Council’s Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017 (ASDP). This Plan’s purpose is to provide a corporate document that sets out service
delivery objectives and performance standards for 2017.

In particular this ASDP is based on the adopted budget provisions for 2017 and also refers to:

  ·   Legislative requirements of the Local Government Reform Act 2014 and other relevant legislation/regulation
  ·   Cork County Council plans/strategies including the Corporate Plan 2015-2019
  ·   National Government Policy
  ·   Existing Service Level Agreements
  ·   Available Resources (both staff and financial)
  ·   The preceding years ASDP

For 2017, we have identified 165 key objectives in contrast with 111 objectives in 2016. A Directorate is assigned to each objective along with a desired
performance standard In particular, for 2017 we are emphasising that performance standards be reflected in verifiable metrics such as

  · Delivery dates
  · % Completion
  · Numerical targets

We have also placed a greater emphasis on our national performance particularly vis a vis other Local Authorities and have referenced objectives with National
performance indicators where relevant thus underlining the impact that objectives have on our sectoral standing. Our 2015/2014 performance outcomes are
illustrated on P.38 for your information.

A high level risk assessment has also been undertaken which indicates the following key ASDP relevant risks in priority order.

  1. External stakeholder co-operation
  2. Internal stakeholder co-operation
  3. Staff Resources
Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

To mitigate these risks we aim to ensure that all external stakeholders are fully engaged and provided with information in a timely manner. Our recent corporate
restructuring and new management forums are also intended to improve partnership and communication between relevant Directorates. However, Staff
Resources are still a significant issue r as hiring has not yet been mandated at a level that would increase our workforce. Nevertheless we aim to make full use of
our existing resources and of course new platforms such as “Your” to mitigate this shortfall.

In summary I consider this plan provides a clear focus to enable Cork County Council’s elected members and staff to work together to develop and improve the
services we deliver to our citizens.

Tim Lucey
Chief Executive

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

Annual Service Delivery Plan Objectives 2017

Item        Directorate          Principal Service   ASDP Objective             Performance Standard      Performance Indicator     PI Ranking (2014)   PI Ranking (2015)

1           Corporate Services   Audit Committee     Support the efficient      Approval of Annual                                         0                   0
                                 Meetings Agent      working of Cork County     Audit Committee
                                                     Council's Audit            Report & Work
                                                     Committee                  Programme by Council

2           Corporate Services   Communications      Develop a                  Communications Action     C3 (B) Total # of                16                  16
                                                     Communications Action      Plan implemented.         Followers at end of
                                                     Plan having regard to      Increased usage of        201X of the LA's Social
                                                     the recently approved      social media. Review of   Media Accounts
                                                     Corporate                  knowledge
                                                     Communications             management in CCC.
                                                     Strategy.                  Branding/Marketing
                                                                                exercise undertaken.

3           Corporate Services   Communications      Implement an Action        Record and number the     C3 (B) Total # of                16                  16
                                                     Plan for 2017 which        amount of Press           Followers at end of
                                                     supports the               releases                  201X of the LA's Social
                                                     implementation of the      requested/issued.         Media Accounts
                                                     Council’s                  Develop & improve
                                                     Communications and         internal communication
                                                     Marketing Strategy.        systems Ensure that the
                                                     Particular emphasis will   Mayors support &
                                                     be placed on developing    attendance at
                                                     press releases around      organised events is
                                                     positive news stories,     promoted.
                                                     promoting the role of
                                                     Mayor of the County of
                                                     Cork, and growing public
                                                     awareness around the
                                                     role and remit of the
                                                     Municipal Districts.

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

4   Corporate Services   Corporate Contracts     Review existing            Review all corporate                                   0          0
                                                 corporate contracts and    contracts. Re-tender for
                                                 arrange to retender in     Expired contracts. Enter
                                                 order of greatest          into new contracts.

5   Corporate Services   Corporate Plan 2014 -   Monitor Corporate Plan     Issue 2016 Service                                     0          0
                         2019 Co-ordination      implementation.            Delivery Plan Review
                                                 Monitor Cork County        Report to Council and
                                                 Council's Annual Service   approve by Q2 2017
                                                 Delivery Plan

6   Corporate Services   Customer Services       Review Customer            Update Customer                                        0          0
                                                 Services Policy and        Services Policy and
                                                 Procedures                 Procedures and
                                                                            circulate across the

7   Corporate Services   Customer Website        Develop a new Website      Develop and maintain       C3 (A) No. of page visits   17         17
                                                 to provide citizens with   new Website                to LA website in 201X
                                                 a modern, user friendly
                                                 means of engaging with
                                                 Cork County Council

8   Corporate Services   Develop the democratic Continue to develop the     Enhance the profile of
                         role of the Elected    democratic role of the      the County Mayor and
                         Members                elected members of          Municipal District
                                                Council                     Chairpersons through
                                                                            enhanced event
                                                                            management and
                                                                            increased media
                                                                            exposure at both local
                                                                            & county events.

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

9    Corporate Services      Franchise and Electoral   Ensure that the Electoral   Review, update and
                             Register application      Register for County Cork    maintain the Electoral
                             processing                is up to date and correct   register to the highest
                                                       and enable all entitled     standard possible by
                                                       voters to exercise their    reviewing and updating
                                                       democratic mandate.         existing recording
                                                                                   systems/processes and
                                                                                   by greater interaction
                                                                                   with the potential

10   Corporate Services      On line Customer          Develop a range of          Self-service Portal                                  0           0
                             Services                  online customer services    launched, Range of on-
                                                       to facilitate citizen       line services developed
                                                       interaction with the        and expanded, Internal
                                                       Council                     self-service Portal
                                                                                   developed for staff and

11   County Solicitors                                 Maximise conveyancing       1. Ensure effective                                  0           0
                                                       efficiencies                usage of the
                                                                                   workflow to maximise
                                                                                   efficiency in the
                                                                                   acquisition of
                                                                                   properties. 2. To
                                                                                   continue the process of
                                                                                   storing acquisition-
                                                                                   related title documents

12   Economic Development,   Community and Rural       Maximise the potential      1. Promote the profile    Y2 (A) % of                17          16
     Enterprise & Tourism    Development               of community/voluntary      of the PPN through        Organisations on the
                                                       groups through              linkage groups 2.         County Register at
                                                       successfully supporting     Support a programme       31/12/201X that Opted
                                                       the operations of the       of work for the PPN in    to be Part of the Social
                                                       PPN                         2017 3. Support and       Inclusion College
                                                                                   develop a relevant work

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

                                                                              programme for the           Within the PPN
                                                                              Social Inclusion SPC

13   Economic Development,   Economic Development Co-ordinate and monitor     1. Co-ordinate the                                0                0
     Enterprise & Tourism    & Enterprise Support the delivery of the         completion of bi-annual
                                                  agreed actions under        returns to DJEI in a
                                                  the SW Action Plan for      timely manner 2.
                                                  Jobs including raising      Develop and implement
                                                  the profile of the          external relations
                                                  initiative by focusing on   strategy 3.Establish and
                                                  the agreed set of           support sectoral
                                                  strategic priorities.       working groups to drive
                                                                              the strategic priorities
                                                                              of the region to ensure
                                                                              maximum public fun

14   Economic Development,   Economic Development Work closely with           Assist in the delivery of                         0                0
     Enterprise & Tourism    & Enterprise Support & strategic partners to     the key outputs of the 3
                             Tourism                promote and develop       year Taste Cork
                                                    the concept of Food       Strategy - research the
                                                    Tourism and its support   potential of new
                                                    infrastructure in Cork    european food markets
                                                    through the promotion     in the context of a post
                                                    and devlopment of the     Brexit economy.
                                                    Taste Cork brand

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

15   Economic Development,   Economic Development Continue the                    1. Procure a General                         0                0
     Enterprise & Tourism    & Tourism Supports   development of the              Manager for the Project
                             Service              tourism product that is         2. Appoint Consultant
                                                  Camden Fort Meagher             to commence the
                                                  through the                     drafting of a Master
                                                  establishment of the            Plan for the whole site
                                                  Camden DAC and the              tourism product
                                                  development of an               development.
                                                  infrastructural work

16   Economic Development,   Economic Development     Implement relevant          1. Number of projects                        0                0
     Enterprise & Tourism    and Strategic Policy     Council policies, engage    and initiatives
                             Committee Facilitation   with new and existing       supported by the EDF
                             Agent                    stakeholders and exploit    including the number of
                                                      suitable opportunities to   co-funded initiatives
                                                      facilitate the economic     awarded or in which
                                                      development of the          Cork County Council is
                                                      county in order to makle    an active participant.
                                                      Cork a more attractive
                                                      place to live in, work in
                                                      and visit.

17   Economic Development,   Economic                 Promote , manage and        1. Ensure maximum                            0                0
     Enterprise & Tourism    Development.             develop Cork County         occupancy levels in
                                                      Council's business          industrial units, food
                                                      infrastructure(enterprise   units and incubator
                                                      parks, e-centres, food      kitchens 2. Ensure
                                                      units, incubator kitchens   infrastructure is fully
                                                      and land bank) to           compliant with al
                                                      maximise the                regulatory/national
                                                      opportunity available to    standards by
                                                      Cork based companies        developing annual
                                                      to develop and expand       maintenance
                                                      their job creation          programme

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

18   Economic Development,   Enterprise Support    Promote and further          1. Continued roll out of                          0              0
     Enterprise & Tourism                          develop the Beacon           the Beacon Initiative
                                                   Initiative with strategic    within the County
                                                   partners in the              Towns 2. Develop and
                                                   retail/business sector.      pilot an enhanced and
                                                                                targeted Beacon
                                                                                Accelerator Programme

19   Economic Development,   Enterprise Supports   Promote                      Meet KPIs as outlined in J1 No. of jobs created   2              6
     Enterprise & Tourism                          entrepreneurhip, foster      Appendix 1 of the LEO    with assistance from
                                                   business start-ups and       North & West Local       the LEO during 201X
                                                   develop existing micro       Enterprise
                                                   and small businesses to      Development Plan
                                                   drive job creation,          2017-2020 i.e. Measure
                                                   provide accessible high      1 - Employment in LEO
                                                   quality supports for         client companies 1300
                                                   business ideas               Jobs Created 350
                                                                                Grants approved 32

20   Economic Development,   Tourism Development   Facilitate the delivery of   1.Develop defined                                 0              0
     Enterprise & Tourism    Strategy              tourism product as           relationships with
                                                   outlined                     strategic partners to
                                                   national/regional/local      maximise Cork's
                                                   strategies as follows;       potential as a "must
                                                   People Place & Policy -      see" destination for
                                                   Growing Tourism to           domestic and
                                                   2025 Realising our           international visitors
                                                   Rural Potential - Action     within the framework
                                                   Plan for Rural               of Failte Ireland's
                                                   Development South            national tourism brands
                                                   West Action Plan for         (WAW/IAE) 2. Continue
                                                   Jobs Growing Tourism         to work with st
                                                   in Cork - A Collective
                                                   Strategy Cork County
                                                   Council Tourism
                                                   Statement of Strategy
                                                   2017 - 2022

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

21   Environment/Climate        Agriculture Inspection   Meet the targets           Inspection Plan targets                             0              0
     Change/Broadband/Emergency Program                  specified in the Annual    as individually listed in
     Services                                            (RMCEI) Inspection Plan    section team plan fully
                                                         2017                       met.

22   Environment/Climate        Building Control         Promote compliance         12-15% of new               P1 New Buildings        23             18
     Change/Broadband/Emergency                          with Building              buildings inspected.        Inspected as % of New
     Services                                            Regulations through                                    buildings notified to
                                                         prioritised inspections,                               the LA
                                                         with a county-wide
                                                         target of 12% to 15% of
                                                         new buildings inspected

23   Environment/Climate        Civil Defence            Support the frontline      Provide response as                                 0              0
     Change/Broadband/Emergency Operations               services in carrying out   requested
     Services                                            land and water searches
                                                         for missing persons,
                                                         responding to flooding
                                                         and severe weather
                                                         crises and providing
                                                         ambulance, first aid and
                                                         welfare services

24   Environment/Climate        Climate Change           Develop Climate Change     National targets and                                0              0
     Change/Broadband/Emergency Adaptation Strategies    Adaptation Strategy in     timelines as listed in
     Services                                            accordance with            section team plan met
                                                         statutory obligations
                                                         and national guidance

25   Environment/Climate        Commencement Notice      Process all             Complete 100% within                                   0              0
     Change/Broadband/Emergency Application processing   commencement notices, statutory deadlines.
     Services                   and report               7 day notices and
                                                         Certificates of
                                                         Compliance on
                                                         Completion in line with
                                                         Building Control

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

26   Environment/Climate        Environmental              Implementation of         Targets and timelines as                             0             0
     Change/Broadband/Emergency education information      Environmental             specified in strategy
     Services                   and advice and             Awareness Strategy        document met
                                awareness(general          2016-2021

27   Environment/Climate        Fire Safety Inspection     Continued                 100% Completion             F1 Cost per Capita of    9             16
     Change/Broadband/Emergency and Enforcement            implementation of a                                   the Fire Service
     Services                                              programme to inspect
                                                           nursing homes and
                                                           other residential care

28   Environment/Climate        Major Emergency Plan       Review, update, exercise Meet National                                         0             0
     Change/Broadband/Emergency                            and test Cork County     Framework
     Services                                              Councils Major           requirements
                                                           Emergency Plan in
                                                           accordance with the
                                                           national Framework for
                                                           Major Emergency

29   Environment/Climate        Noise Pollution            Corporate Noise           End Q2 2017                                          0             0
     Change/Broadband/Emergency Complaint investigation    Complaint Management
     Services                   and enforcement            Policy agreed at SPC

30   Environment/Climate        Private Group Water        Meet the targets          Inspection Plan targets     W1 % Drinking water in   25            25
     Change/Broadband/Emergency Scheme and Small           specified in the Annual   as individually listed in   private schemes in
     Services                   Private supplies testing   (RMCEI) Inspection Plan   section team plan fully     compliance with
                                and Monitoring             2017                      met.                        statutory requirements

31   Environment/Climate        Veterinary Food Safety     Implementation of         SLA targets as                                       0             0
     Change/Broadband/Emergency Laboratory operations      Service Level Agreement   individually listed in
     Services                                              with FSAI.                section team plan fully

32   Environment/Climate        Waste Regulations          Meet Statutory            Number of Permit                                     0             0
     Change/Broadband/Emergency application permit         Timelines for permit      Applications processed
     Services                   processing and report      applications              withn statutory
                                                                                     timelines as a % of total

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

                                                                  permit applications

33   Finance                          Maximise recoupment      Enhance Debtor               M1 Revenue Account    4                2
                                      of Debtors /Grant Claims reporting and                Balance
                                                               Directorate review

34   Finance   Annual Financial       Prepare & Publish                                                           0                0
               Statements (AFS)       Annual Financial
               report                 Statements

35   Finance   Budget Revenue &       Prepare and Manage                                                          0                0
               Capital                Annual Statutory Budget
                                      for 2018

36   Finance   Budget Revenue &       Prepare and Manage 3                                                        0                0
               Capital                Year Capital Programme

37   Finance   Collection             Maximize Collection                                   M2 (a) Collection     5                5
                                      Levels                                                Levels - Commercial

38   Finance   Debtor Billing &       Maximize Collection         Implement effective       M1 Revenue Account    4                2
               Management             Levels & continue           arrears management to     Balance
                                      reduce arrears              reduce housing loan
                                                                  arrears at 31.12.17

39   Finance   Insurance - Policies   Management of               Review Claims                                   0                0
               Management             insurance claims in a       Management process in
                                      cost efficient and timely   order to expedite the
                                      manner                      close out of claims.

40   Finance   Management of non      Manage the metering         Contractor work                                 0                0
               domestic water         contract as agents of       managed issues closed
               metering O&M           Irish Water                 out in a timely manner.

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

41   Finance   Motor Taxation Service   Provide an efficent        Processing of all Motor     R3 % of motor tax         4            1
                                        Counter and Postal         Tax transactions in         transactions conducted
                                        Motor Tax service          accordance with             online
                                                                   legislation and circulars
                                                                   and in a timely manner.

42   Finance   Non domestic water       Manage successful          Migration completed                                   0            0
               billing                  migration of Water
                                        Billing to Irish Water

43   Finance   Procurement              Resource and renew         Assign staff, drive the                               0            0
                                        Procurement Unit           procurement agenda
                                                                   across the organisation

44   Finance   Rates                    Maximise Effective                                     M2 (a) Collection         5            5
                                        Rateable Valuation Base                                Levels - Commercial

45   Housing   Capital Programme        Progress the delivery of   Planning Stage - 304        H1 (b1). No. of           6            13
                                        the Housing Capital        Units           Tender      Dwellings Constructed
                                        Programme 2017             Stage     - 56 Units        by the LA in the Period
                                                                   Construction Stage -
                                                                   117 Units
                                                                   Completion Stage -
                                                                   121 Units

46   Housing   Capital Programme        Social Housing             Acquisitions completed      H1 (b2) No. of            25           5
                                        Acquisitions               - 118       Keys            Dwellings purchased by
                                                                   received -100               the LA in 201X
                                                                   Dwellings let - 60

47   Housing   CAS                      Progress the delivery of   Planning Stage - 12         H1 (b1). No. of           6            13
                                        approved Developments      Units ,                     Dwellings Constructed
                                        under previous CAS calls   Tender Stage - 15,          by the LA in the Period
                                                                   Construction Stage - 37
                                                                   ,       Completion
                                                                   Stage - 1

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

48   Housing   HAP                  Continue the               No. to be specified by   H1 (d) # of Units         3            1
                                    implementation of the      Dept. 1040 in 2016       provided under HAP
                                    Housing Assistance                                  Scheme in Period
                                    Programme and achieve
                                    the DHPCLG Housing
                                    Assistance Payment
                                    annual target

49   Housing   Housing Assessment   Undertake an Annual        To be undertaken by Q                              0            0
                                    Housing Needs              4 2017
                                    Assessment in 2017,
                                    once Departmental
                                    Guidelines issue

50   Housing   Housing Grants       Continue to provide        Valid applications                                 0            0
                                    grants to private houses   processed as a 100% of
                                    subject to departmental    valid applications
                                    approval                   received

51   Housing   Housing Provision    Continue to progress       Deliver a minimum of     H1 (b) No. of Dwellings   19           5
                                    delivery of social         446 units to meet the    Directly Provided i.e.
                                    housing supports, in       2015 - 2017 target of    constructed or
                                    accordance with the        1217.                    purchased by the LA in
                                    objectives of the Social                            the Period
                                    Housing Strategy 2020,
                                    using the full range of
                                    delivery mechanisms
                                    available and working
                                    with Approved Housing
                                    Bodies to maximise
                                    delivery options

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

52   Housing   Housing Rents      Rent Review will         Complete Review and                                    0            0
                                  commence on 1st March Adopt single scheme.
                                  2017 and a single
                                  differential rent scheme
                                  will be developed during
                                  2017 to be implemented
                                  in February 2018.
                                  Annual reviews will be
                                  carried out thereafter.

53   Housing   Leasing            Progress the delivery of   158 units leased           H1 (a) Overall # no of    4            1
                                  the Social Leasing         through AHB's              Dwellings provided in
                                  Programme 2017                                        the Period

54   Housing   Renewal and        Continue energy            Complete Phase 1 of        H4 (a) Expenditure        28           28
               Refurbishment of   efficiency retro fitting   the Energy Efficiency      During 201X on Repair
               Housing Stock      works programme Local      programme and              and Maintenance of
                                  Authority owned            recoupment claim           Housing Bought or
                                  properties                 submitted by Q4 2017.      Built by the LA divided
                                                                                        by the # of directly
                                                                                        provided dwellings in
                                                                                        the LA stock at end of
                                                                                        period (H1G)

55   Housing   Renewal and        Continue Boiler            Procure and Complete       H4 (a) Expenditure        28           28
               Refurbishment of   Inspection programme       Gas Servicing to all Gas   During 201X on Repair
               Housing Stock                                 Systems in Council         and Maintenance of
                                                             Owned Stock by Q4          Housing Bought or
                                                             2017. Procure and          Built by the LA divided
                                                             complete Oil Boiler        by the # of directly
                                                             Servicing in 50% of        provided dwellings in
                                                             Stock by Q4 2017           the LA stock at end of
                                                                                        period (H1G)

56   Housing   Renewal and        Continue programme of      Complete & Claim for                                 0            0
               Refurbishment of   Housing Grants,            recoupment of Minor
               Housing Stock      Adaptations and            DPG program and DPG
                                  Extensions                 Extensions program by
                                                             Q4 2017

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

57   Housing   Renewal and              Implement a planned       Prepare and implement     H4 (a) Expenditure        28           28
               Refurbishment of         maintenance               a Planned Maintenance     During 201X on Repair
               Housing Stock            Programme                 Program for County        and Maintenance of
                                                                  Housing Stock. Works      Housing Bought or
                                                                  program to be             Built by the LA divided
                                                                  complete by Q4 2017.      by the # of directly
                                                                                            provided dwellings in
                                                                                            the LA stock at end of
                                                                                            period (H1G)

58   Housing   Renewal and              Implement a re-           Complete                  H3 (b) Average Cost       28           7
               Refurbishment of         letting/voids             refurbishment of 84       Expended on Getting
               Housing Stock            Programme                 void and derelict voids   the Units Re-tenanted
                                                                  and submit recoupment     Ready for Re-letting
                                                                  claims by Q4 2017.
                                                                  Ensure a quick and
                                                                  efficient return of
                                                                  vacant units to
                                                                  productive use
                                                                  throughout the year.

59   Housing   Repair and Leasing       Develop a policy around   Policy in place by Q4                               0            0
                                        the Repair and Leasing    2017

60   Housing   Social Housing Support   Implement Choice Based All applicants can           H3 (a) The time taken     29           6
                                        letting in South and   access CBL by end Q1         from the date of
                                        West Cork              2017                         vacation of a dwelling
                                                                                            to the date in 201X

61   Housing   Tenant (Incremental)     Implement the             Valid applications                                  0            0
               Purchase Scheme          Incremental Tenant        processed as a 100% of
                                        Purchase Scheme           valid applications

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

62   Human Resources   Child Safeguarding       Compliance with            Complete by Q4 2017                           0              0
                                                relevant Child
                                                Protection and Garda
                                                Vetting Legislation to
                                                include staff training &
                                                staff vetting.

63   Human Resources   Projects / Core System   Engage with                Complete by Q4 2017                           0              0
                                                stakeholders, both
                                                intenal and external, to
                                                implement significant
                                                changes and enhance
                                                performance including
                                                applying the most
                                                modern technologies to
                                                County Council
                                                operations to assist all
                                                other sections and users
                                                in meeting their

64   Human Resources   Staff Relations          To support Management Complete by Q4 2017                                0              0
                                                and Staff to ensure the
                                                organisation is best
                                                placed to meet current
                                                workloads, deadlines,
                                                change management
                                                and future challenges.

65   Human Resources   Staff Relations          Address the levels of     Improve performance    C2 (a) % Working Days   29             29
                                                absenteeism through       on 2016.               lost to medically
                                                continued monitoring                             certified Sickness
                                                and continued roll out of
                                                welfare initiatives and
                                                work towards the
                                                national PI target

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

66   ICT                           Communications and        Support WAN/LAN/IPT         Downtime across the        C4 Overall cost of ICT   1             15
                                   Security                  infrastructure across all   wide area network less     provision per WTE
                                                             council sites.              than 5%

67   ICT                           Communications and        Support the Councils IPT    New IPT maintenance        C4 Overall cost of ICT   1             15
                                   Security                  service                     contract in place before   provision per WTE
                                                                                         year end

68   ICT                           Corporate Digital Data    Respond to CCC's            Management reports         C4 Overall cost of ICT   1             15
                                                             ongoing Business            and dashboards             provision per WTE
                                                             Intelligence                available

69   ICT                           Infrastructure Platform   Support and develop the     Downtime across the        C4 Overall cost of ICT   1             15
                                                             cloud, virtual and          supported                  provision per WTE
                                                             physical server and         infrastructure less than
                                                             service infrastructure.     5%

70   ICT                           Service delivery          Increase the number of      50 public facing services C4 Overall cost of ICT    1             15
                                   platforms                 digital services being      online by Q3 2017 and     provision per WTE
                                                             delivered.                  10 internal services
                                                                                         online by Q4 2017

71   Municipal District           Co-Ordination of           Assisting the elected       Reply to Members                                    0             0
     Operations/Rural Development Municipal District         members in the              Queries within 3
                                  Functions                  performance of their        working days
                                                             role & Provide Timely
                                                             Responses to their

72   Municipal District           Environmental Services     Monitor derelict sites      Enforce Derelict Sites                              0             0
     Operations/Rural Development                            and ensure compliance       Legislation
                                                             with requirements of
                                                             Derelict Sites Acts

73   Municipal District           Environmental Services     Maintain Blue Flag &        Attain Blue Flag &                                  0             0
     Operations/Rural Development                            Green Coast Beaches         Green Coast Status for

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

74   Municipal District           Finance                    Introduce & Implement        Bring byelaws to Full                              0           0
     Operations/Rural Development                            County Wide Casual           Council for approval
                                                             Trading Bye Laws

75   Municipal District           Finance                    Administer Community         Ensure all claimed                                 0           0
     Operations/Rural Development                            Fund Scheme 2017             Grants are drawn down
                                                                                          and paid by 31
                                                                                          December 2017

76   Municipal District           Finance                    Complete 2016 Projects       Draw Down                                          0           0
     Operations/Rural Development                            and Develop Projects for     Department Grants in
                                                             2017                         Full for 2016 Scheme.
                                                                                          Prepare list of 2017

77   Municipal District           Maintain and develop       Implement the national       Implementation by Q2    L2 (A) Cost of operating   11          5
     Operations/Rural Development online library services    library management           2017                    Library Service per
                                  and the IT                 system.                                              capita
                                  infrastructure in branch
                                  and mobile libraries.

78   Municipal District           Maintain and improve       Launch new mobile            In place by Q2 2017     L2 (A) Cost of operating   11          5
     Operations/Rural Development the physical               library for West Cork.                               Library Service per
                                  infrastructure of                                                               capita
                                  libraries through which
                                  Cork County Library’s
                                  services are delivered.

79   Municipal District           Maintain and improve       Apply for planning           Planning permission     L2 (A) Cost of operating   11          5
     Operations/Rural Development the physical               permission to develop        lodged by Q 3 2017      Library Service per
                                  infrastructure of          the Collins Bakery site at                           capita
                                  libraries through which    Youghal as a state-of-
                                  Cork County Library’s      the-art library. Explore
                                  services are delivered.    the possibility of other
                                                             sources of funding
                                                             besides the Library
                                                             Capital Programme for
                                                             progressing this project.

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

80   Municipal District           Maintain and improve        Explore funding options      Review complete by Q4        L2 (A) Cost of operating   11          5
     Operations/Rural Development the physical                for a library and housing    2017                         Library Service per
                                  infrastructure of           development at the Old                                    capita
                                  libraries through which     Mill in Kinsale
                                  Cork County Library’s
                                  services are delivered.

81   Municipal District           Maintain and improve        Continue to work with        Lease negotiations     L2 (A) Cost of operating         11          5
     Operations/Rural Development the physical                Property and Housing to      progressed by Q 4 2017 Library Service per
                                  infrastructure of           get agreement on a                                  capita
                                  libraries through which     lease for a new library
                                  Cork County Library’s       premises for Kanturk
                                  services are delivered.

82   Municipal District           Maintain and improve        Work with the Sherkin    Negotiations held and            L2 (A) Cost of operating   11          5
     Operations/Rural Development the physical                Island Development       progress made by Q4              Library Service per
                                  infrastructure of           Officer and Property and 2017                             capita
                                  libraries through which     Housing to secure a
                                  Cork County Library’s       lease of the old
                                  services are delivered.     schoolhouse for library

83   Municipal District           Maintain and improve        Re-evaluate options for      Options evaluated by         L2 (A) Cost of operating   11          5
     Operations/Rural Development the physical                an alternative location      Q4 2017                      Library Service per
                                  infrastructure of           for the library service in                                capita
                                  libraries through which     Bandon.
                                  Cork County Library’s
                                  services are delivered.

84   Municipal District           Preserve and promote        Advance the Local            Carry out all planned        L1 (A) No. of Library      9           7
     Operations/Rural Development the local heritage and      Studies online resources     digitisation activities by   Visits per Head of
                                  history of County Cork,     by continuing the            Q4 2017                      Population (2016
                                  through the library’s       digitization of the                                       census)
                                  local studies               departments
                                  collections, digitisation   photographic
                                  programme and               collections,
                                  outreach activities.        revolutionary years
                                                              related material and
                                                              exhibition material.

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

85   Municipal District           Preserve and promote         Research, compile and       Put exhibitions in place   L1 (A) No. of Library    9             7
     Operations/Rural Development the local heritage and       curate a series of          by Q3 2017                 Visits per Head of
                                  history of County Cork,      exhibitions reflecting                                 Population (2016
                                  through the library’s        relevant anniversaries                                 census)
                                  local studies                occurring during 2017.
                                  collections, digitisation
                                  programme and
                                  outreach activities.

86   Municipal District           Preserve and promote         Research and prepare a      Talk developed and         L1 (A) No. of Library    9             7
     Operations/Rural Development the local heritage and       talk in the area of         lecture given by Q4        Visits per Head of
                                  history of County Cork,      Genealogy for delivery      2017                       Population (2016
                                  through the library’s        at library events such as                              census)
                                  local studies                Heritage Week and also
                                  collections, digitisation    at community events.
                                  programme and
                                  outreach activities.

87   Municipal District           Promote the library as       Continue to support the Model supported                L1 (A) No. of Library    9             7
     Operations/Rural Development a centre of culture and      storytime best practice    training and resources      Visits per Head of
                                  community, through           model in library           provided by Q4 of 2017      Population (2016
                                  the library’s collections,   branches, as piloted in                                census)
                                  publications and events      2016, and provide
                                  programmes, with a           training and resources
                                  focus on literature and      as required. Build on
                                  reading.                     progress to date and
                                                               where possible roll it out
                                                               to additional branches.

88   Municipal District           Promote the library as       Expand bibliotherapy        Roll out to 3 branches     L1 (B) No. of Items      2             2
     Operations/Rural Development a centre of culture and      programme, “Your Good       by Q3 2017                 issued to Borrowers in
                                  community, through           Self” to another 3                                     201X
                                  the library’s collections,   libraries, bringing the
                                  publications and events      total number to 16.
                                  programmes, with a
                                  focus on literature and

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

89   Municipal District           Promote the library as       Maintain vital links with    Continue links with        L1 (B) No. of Items      2             2
     Operations/Rural Development a centre of culture and      schools through class        300+ schools through       issued to Borrowers in
                                  community, through           novels, talks and            2017                       201X
                                  the library’s collections,   outreach in the
                                  publications and events      continuing absence of a
                                  programmes, with a           dedicated school library
                                  focus on literature and      service supported by
                                  reading.                     Dept of education and

90   Municipal District           Promote the library as       Enrich the public            Carry out all aspects of   L1 (B) No. of Items      2             2
     Operations/Rural Development a centre of culture and      experience of using the      "Hooked on Books"          issued to Borrowers in
                                  community, through           service by promoting         plan by Q4 2017            201X
                                  the library’s collections,   varied forms and
                                  publications and events      formats of literature
                                  programmes, with a           under the theme of
                                  focus on literature and      "Hooked on Books".

91   Municipal District           Promote the library as       Actively participate in      Carry out all relevent     L1 (A) No. of Library    9             7
     Operations/Rural Development a centre of culture and      National Poetry Day by       aspects of "National       Visits per Head of
                                  community, through           scheduling events all        Poetry Day" plan by Q2     Population (2016
                                  the library’s collections,   across the County.           2017                       census)
                                  publications and events
                                  programmes, with a
                                  focus on literature and

92   Municipal District           Promote the library as       Liaise with the scientific   Carry out all relevant     L1 (A) No. of Library    9             7
     Operations/Rural Development a centre of culture and      community to promote         aspects of "Space          Visits per Head of
                                  community, through           exploration and learning     Studies Programme"         Population (2016
                                  the library’s collections,   in the areas of science,     plan by Q4 2017            census)
                                  publications and events      particularly in light of
                                  programmes, with a           the forthcoming ISU
                                  focus on literature and      Space Studies
                                  reading.                     Programme in the
                                                               Summer of 2017.

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

93   Municipal District           Promote the library as       Promote literature and   Carry out all aspects of    L1 (B) No. of Items      2             2
     Operations/Rural Development a centre of culture and      literacy to children     "Summer Reading             issued to Borrowers in
                                  community, through           during the Summer        Project" plan by Q4         201X
                                  the library’s collections,   months by active         2017
                                  publications and events      involvement in the
                                  programmes, with a           Summer Reading
                                  focus on literature and      Project.

94   Municipal District           Promote the library as       Publish a comprehensive Publish booklet by Q3        L1 (A) No. of Library    9             7
     Operations/Rural Development a centre of culture and      booklet detailing the   2017                         Visits per Head of
                                  community, through           wide variety of library                              Population (2016
                                  the library’s collections,   services now available.                              census)
                                  publications and events
                                  programmes, with a
                                  focus on literature and

95   Municipal District           Promote the library as       Promote the art of        Rollout programme          L1 (A) No. of Library    9             7
     Operations/Rural Development a centre of culture and      Creative Writing through across 5 branches by Q2     Visits per Head of
                                  community, through           the rollout of the Writer 2017                       Population (2016
                                  the library’s collections,   in Residence                                         census)
                                  publications and events      programme in five
                                  programmes, with a           branch Libraries in 2017.
                                  focus on literature and

96   Municipal District           Promote the library as       Promote access to the    Rollout Arts in Libraries   L1 (A) No. of Library    9             7
     Operations/Rural Development a centre of culture and      Arts for young people    programme across 28         Visits per Head of
                                  community, through           and senior citizens      branches by Q4 2017         Population (2016
                                  the library’s collections,   through the Arts in                                  census)
                                  publications and events      Libraries programme.
                                  programmes, with a
                                  focus on literature and

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

97    Municipal District           Protection of the          Continue the activity of   Complete two                                0                0
      Operations/Rural Development County’s Heritage:         the preservation of        graveyards in 2017
                                   Provide a service for      existing Mediaeval ruins
                                   the consolidation and      in graveyards
                                   protection of mediaeval    throughout the County
                                   graveyards under the       of Cork focusing mainly
                                   ownership of Cork          on North Cork where
                                   County Council and         there remains a small
                                   provide advice to          working team. Give
                                   heritage groups            advice to Area Engineers
                                   throughout the County      and interest groups so
                                   when required.             that they can carry out
                                                              works in their own areas
                                                              on graveyards to best
                                                              potential practice.

98    Municipal District           Provide a continued        Design Fire Station at     Part VIII Planning for                      0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Architectural Service to   Kanturk,                   Fire Stations plus
                                   the internal                                          working drawings of
                                   Departments within                                    Kanturk by Q4.
                                   Cork County Council

99    Municipal District           Provide a continued        Renovation of the          Completion of the                           0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Architectural Service to   Teagasc Building as the    Teagasc Building by Q4
                                   the internal               new HQ for the Fire
                                   Departments within         service
                                   Cork County Council

100   Municipal District           Provide a continued        Design Fire Station at     Part VIII Planning for                      0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Architectural Service to   Macroom.                   Fire Station
                                   the internal
                                   Departments within
                                   Cork County Council

101   Municipal District           Provide a continued        Design Fire Station at     Part VIII Planning for                      0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Architectural Service to   Clonakilty.                Fire Station
                                   the internal
                                   Departments within
                                   Cork County Council

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

102   Municipal District           Provide a continued        Provide Sketch designs      Completed by Q4 for                          0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Architectural Service to   for Bandon Library          potential funding
                                   the internal                                           applications.
                                   Departments within
                                   Cork County Council

103   Municipal District           Provide a continued        Provide Sketch designs      Completed by Q4 for                          0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Architectural Service to   for Kinsale Library         potential funding
                                   the internal                                           applications.
                                   Departments within
                                   Cork County Council

104   Municipal District           Provide a continued        Provide Sketch designs      Completed by Q4 for                          0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Architectural Service to   for Youghal Library         potential funding
                                   the internal                                           applications.
                                   Departments within
                                   Cork County Council

105   Municipal District           Provide a supporting       Assist the Municipal        Working Drawings for                         0                0
      Operations/Rural Development service to the Municipal   District offices with the   Patricks Quay, Bandon
                                   District Operations and    implementation of:          (Q3)
                                   Rural Development          Streetscape
                                   Directorate                enhancements in

106   Municipal District           Provide a supporting       Assist the Municipal        Midleton (Consultants                        0                0
      Operations/Rural Development service to the Municipal   District offices with the   by Q3)
                                   District Operations and    implementation of:
                                   Rural Development          Streetscape
                                   Directorate                enhancements in

107   Municipal District           Provide a supporting       Assist the Municipal        Ballinspittle(sketch by                      0                0
      Operations/Rural Development service to the Municipal   District offices with the   Q2)
                                   District Operations and    implementation of:
                                   Rural Development          Streetscape
                                   Directorate                enhancements in

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

108   Municipal District           Provide a supporting       Assist the Municipal        Cobh Streetscape                             0                0
      Operations/Rural Development service to the Municipal   District offices with the   sketch (Q3)
                                   District Operations and    implementation of:
                                   Rural Development          Streetscape
                                   Directorate                enhancements in Cobh

109   Municipal District           Provide a supporting       Assist the Municipal        Painting Scheme (Q2)                         0                0
      Operations/Rural Development service to the Municipal   District offices with the   and20 units assessed
                                   District Operations and    implementation of:a         for painting by Q4.
                                   Rural Development          painting schemes at
                                   Directorate                villages throughout the

110   Municipal District           Provide a supporting     Theatre upgrades at           Mallow theatre brief                         0                0
      Operations/Rural Development service to the Municipal Mallow                        agreed with consultants
                                   District Operations and                                by Q2.
                                   Rural Development

111   Municipal District           Provide a supporting     Theatre upgrades at           Skibbereen theatre                           0                0
      Operations/Rural Development service to the Municipal Skibbereen                    drawings by Q4
                                   District Operations and
                                   Rural Development

112   Municipal District           Provide a supporting     Theatre upgrades at           Briery Gap theatre                           0                0
      Operations/Rural Development service to the Municipal Briery Gap                    restoration agreement
                                   District Operations and                                with IPB by Q4
                                   Rural Development

113   Municipal District           Provide an architectural   Provide an ongoing          Completion Q1                                0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Service for the            monitoring Service for
                                   Dunmanway Swimming         the Construction of the
                                   pool project               Dunmanway Swimming

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

114   Municipal District           Provide an                 Provide an ongoing          Completion of the                            0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Architectural Service to   Architectural Service for   Economic Development
                                   the Fire Department        the renovation of the       Building by Q1.
                                   and the Economic           Old Motor Tax Office as
                                   Development Unit on        an office for the
                                   the CCC Campus             Economic development

115   Municipal District           Provide and                Provide an ongoing          Inchydoney Beach                             0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Architectural Service to   Architectural Service for   facility: Complete
                                   the Municipal District     the renovation of the       sketch and appoint
                                   Operations and Rural       Toilet facilities at        consultant to carry out
                                   Development                Inchydoney and              the works by Q2.
                                   Directorate to improve     Owenahincha Beach and       Owenahincha Beach:
                                   the coastal public         Life Guard facilities at    design facility and
                                   amenities                  Barleycove                  advertise for Part VIII
                                                                                          Planning by Q3.
                                                                                          Barleycove Life Gu

116   Municipal District           Recreation & Amenity       Maintain Local Authority Standards maintained                            0                0
      Operations/Rural Development                            owned or managed         at 2016 levels
                                                              Leisure Centres

117   Municipal District           Recreation & Amenity       Maintain playgrounds,       Standards maintained                         0                0
      Operations/Rural Development                            outdoor adult gyms and      at 2016 levels
                                                              multi use games areas
                                                              to appropriate standard

118   Municipal District           Recreation & Amenity       Develop New                 Complete new                                 0                0
      Operations/Rural Development                            Playgrounds in line with    Playgrounds outlined in
                                                              Capital Programme           Capital Programme

119   Municipal District           Recreation & Amenity       Develop Major Amenity       Comply with                                  0                0
      Operations/Rural Development                            Projects in Line with       Requirements of Capital
                                                              Capital Programme           Programme

120   Municipal District           Road Transport &           Maintain effective          Maintain, as far as                          0                0
      Operations/Rural Development Safety                     management of Pay           possible, Income at
                                                              Parking Controls            2016 Levels

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

121   Municipal District           Road Transport &           Develop Public Realm        Complete Public Realm                               0             0
      Operations/Rural Development Safety                     Projects identified in      Projects identified in
                                                              Capital Programme           Capital Programme

122   Municipal District           Spike Island: Provide      Continue maintenance        Not possible to quantify                            0             0
      Operations/Rural Development resources to the Spike     of all the infrastructure   in the above
                                   Island Development Co      on the island.              performance standard.
                                   and continue               Provide a safe
                                   maintenance role and       environment for
                                   making the island safe     workers and visitors.
                                   for visitors.              Provide drawings for
                                   Provide an                 future developments on
                                   Architectural Service to   Spike.
                                   investigate further
                                   phases of development.

123   Municipal District           Town & Village             Ensure Delivery of Town     Complete Projects                                   0             0
      Operations/Rural Development Enhancement                Development Fund &          agreed by Elected
                                                              Village Enhancement         Members
                                                              Projects across MDs

124   Municipal District           Water Services             Maintain Public             Standards maintained                                0             0
      Operations/Rural Development                            Conveniences in a Safe      at 2016 levels
                                                              & Hygienic Manner

125   Planning and Development      Development               Continue to provide an      A Development              P2 (b) % of              26            12
                                    Management                accessible and efficient    Management service in      Determinations at A
                                                              Development                 full compliance with       Which Confirmed (With
                                                              Management Services         statutory timelines        or Without Variations)
                                                              which proactively                                      Decision Made by the
                                                              supports economic                                      LA
                                                              growth in the county

126   Planning and Development      Planning Policy           Progress the review of      Local Area Plans                                    0             0
                                                              Local Area Plans.           reviewed and
                                                                                          presented to Council

127   Planning and Development      Planning Policy           Prepare 8 Draft             Public Consultation on                              0             0
                                                              Municipal District Local    Draft Municipal District
                                                              Area Plans for public       LAP’s complete

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017


128   Planning and Development   Unfinished Estates   Manage the resolution       Reduced number of                                  0            0
                                                      of Unfinished Housing       Unfinished Housing
                                                      Developments                Developments

129   Roads and Transportation   Asset Management     Complete the surveying      100% by end Q4 2017      R1 (a) % of Reg roads     16           15
                                                      required by the Dept. of                             that have ever recieved
                                                      Transport Tourism and                                a PSCI condition rating
                                                       on Regional & Local
                                                      roads including
                                                      completion of visual
                                                      condition rating

130   Roads and Transportation   Fleet Management     Complete the Fleet          Replace 32 vehicles                                0            0
                                                      Replacement                 during 2017
                                                      Programme for 2017

131   Roads and Transportation   Public Lighting      Complete the 2016           by end Q2 2017                                     0            0
                                                      approved LED Public
                                                      Lighting conversion

132   Roads and Transportation   Public Lighting      Provide an ongoing          180 No. by end Q4 2017                             0            0
                                                      Architectural Service for
                                                      the renovation of the
                                                      Old Motor Tax Office as
                                                      an office for the
                                                      Economic development

133   Roads and Transportation   Public Lighting      Awared the new              by end Q2 2017                                     0            0
                                                      contract for Opertion
                                                      and Maintenance of
                                                      Public Lighting

134   Roads and Transportation   Road Improvements    Publish Motorway Order      By end Q2 2017                                     0            0
                                                      and EIS for M28 Cork to

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017


135   Roads and Transportation   Road Improvements   Complete feasibility        By end Q2 2017                                 0               0
                                                     study for N72 Mallow
                                                     Northern Reief Road

136   Roads and Transportation   Road Improvements   Complete enabling           By end of Q4 2017                              0               0
                                                     works contracts other
                                                     than the archaeology
                                                     contract on the N22
                                                     Macroom – Baile
                                                     Bhúirne Scheme

137   Roads and Transportation   Road Improvements   Deliver the Pavement &      100% of funded          R1 % of Total Local    16              25
                                                     Minor Works Schemes         projects constructed    Primary Road KM with
                                                     funded by Transport                                 a PSCI rating of 1-4
                                                     Infrastructure Ireland

138   Roads and Transportation   Road Improvements   Award five major            By start Q3 2017        R1 % Total Regional    11              18
                                                     resurfacing contracts for                           Road KM with a PSCI
                                                     Restoration                                         rating of 1-4
                                                     Improvement projects

139   Roads and Transportation   Road Improvements   Resurface Regional &        156 Km resurfaced by    R1 % Total Regional    11              18
                                                     Local Road funded by        end November 2017       Road KM with a PSCI
                                                     the Restoration                                     rating of 1-4
                                                     Improvement Grant

140   Roads and Transportation   Road Improvements   Complete rehabilitation/ 16 No. by end Q4 2017                             0               0
                                                     replacement of bridges
                                                     on Regional & Local

141   Roads and Transportation   Road Improvements   Complete the Low Cost       17 No. by end Q4 2017                          0               0
                                                     Accident Schemes
                                                     funded by the Dept. of
                                                     Transport Tourism and

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

142   Roads and Transportation   Road Improvements   Publish the Part 8 for     by end Q2 2017                                   0            0
                                                     the Clarke's Hill
                                                     improvment scheme

143   Roads and Transportation   Road Improvements   Complete the Tender        by end Q3 2017                                   0            0
                                                     documents for the
                                                     Carrigaline Western
                                                     Relief Road

144   Roads and Transportation   Road Licensing      Decide on licensing        100% application                                 0            0
                                                     applications e.g. road     timeframe compliance
                                                     openings, temporary
                                                     road closures, abnormal
                                                     load requests within
                                                     statutory timeframe / in
                                                     the timeframe agreed
                                                     with stakeholders

145   Roads and Transportation   Road Maintenance    Deliver approved           100% completion of                               0            0
                                                     programme of verge         approved programmes
                                                     maintenance and town
                                                     improvements as
                                                     provided for in the
                                                     Council’s 2017 Budget

146   Roads and Transportation   Road Maintenance    Surface Dress Regional     298 Km completed by    R1 % Total Regional       11           18
                                                     & Local Road funded by     end October            Road KM with a PSCI
                                                     the Restoration                                   rating of 1-4
                                                     Maintenance Grant

147   Roads and Transportation   Road Maintenance    Deliver approved road      100% completion by                               0            0
                                                     drainage programme in      end of December
                                                     each Municipal District

148   Roads and Transportation   Road Maintenance    Carry out surveys of       90% of inspections     R1 (a) % of Reg roads     16           15
                                                     National Roads as per      completed              that have ever recieved
                                                     Geo App requirements                              a PSCI condition rating
                                                     and record repairs

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

149   Roads and Transportation       Road Maintenance            Review Winter Service        Done by Q3 2017                               0                0

150   Roads and Transportation       Road Maintenance            Put three additional         Available for Q3 2017                         0                0
                                                                 salting routes in place

151   Roads and Transportation       Road Maintenance            Roll out the Map Alerter     Operational by Q2 2017                        0                0
                                                                 severe weather alerts
                                                                 update system

152   Roads and Transportation       Road Safety                 Investigate all fatal        Investigation within six                      0                0
                                                                 accident sites               weeks of notification

153   Roads and Transportation       Road Safety                 Review the                   Reviewed by end Q4                            0                0
                                                                 implementation of the        2017
                                                                 Cork City and County
                                                                 Road Safety Plan 2016-

154   Roads and Transportation       Road Safety                 Complete the Speed           Reviewed by Q2 2017                           0                0
                                                                 Limit Review in
                                                                 accordance the Dept. of
                                                                 Transport Tourism and
                                                                 guidelines and
                                                                 timeframes for
                                                                 completion in April

155   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   Capital Projects Office -   Comply with Service          Comply with Service
      Management                     Water Infrastructure        Level Agreement,             Level Agreement and
                                     Capital Project             Annual Service Plan and      effective delivery of IW
                                     Management                  Irish Water Protocols,       Programme.
                                                                 agreed with Irish Water,
                                                                 for the efficient delivery
                                                                 of cost effective Water
                                                                 Services Capital Projects.

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

156   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   Coastal Management   Flood Projects - Progress   Completion (in                               0                0
      Management                     and Flood Projects   OPW funded major &          cooperation with OPW)
                                     Design and           minor flood schemes         to scheme deadlines, as
                                     Implementation                                   per Steering Group
                                                                                      Meeting programmes;
                                                                                      Expenditure of monies
                                                                                      on above &
                                                                                      recoupment of monies
                                                                                      within guidelines

157   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   Coastal Management   Coastal Projects -          Completion to scheme                         0                0
      Management                     and Flood Projects   Management &                deadlines, as per DAFM
                                     Design and           completion of capital       requirements;
                                     Implementation       schemes funded by           Expenditure of monies
                                                          DAFM, OPW & other           on above &
                                                          Gov. agencies               recoupment of monies
                                                                                      within guidelines

158   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   Coastal Management   Dursey Cable Car:           1. Meeting with ROD to                       0                0
      Management                     and Flood Projects   Technical Maintenance       finalise Schedule of
                                     Design and           & Inpection:                Works for 2017. 2.
                                     Implementation       Implementation of           Procurement of Works,
                                                          Roghan O'Donovan,           including design &
                                                          (ROD), CCC's                specification
                                                          Consultants'                documents, as required.
                                                          Recommendations for         3. Undertaking of
                                                          2017 Works Schedule,        Works, to ROD &
                                                          including recommended       Commission for Railway
                                                          works to facilitate         Safety requirements
                                                          revised Evacuation Plan
                                                          for cable car

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

159   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   Drinking Water            Comply with the Service      Maintain overall rating                              0             0
      Management                     Distribution operations   Level Agreement,             for delivery of the Irish
                                                               Protocols and Annual         Water Annual Service
                                                               Service Plan agreed with     Plan as achieved in
                                                               Irish Water to ensure        2016.
                                                               availability and delivery
                                                               of water to customers as
                                                               prescribed by Irish
                                                               Water in their Customer

160   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   EPA Water reports and     Ensure sufficient            Maintain overall rating                              0             0
      Management                     Point of Contact          sampling and analysis of     for completion of
                                                               samples is undertaken        sampling as obtained in
                                                               at identified locations to   2016. 100% notification
                                                               complete the annual          of incidents.
                                                               water sampling analysis
                                                               plan provided by Irish
                                                               Water. Ensure all
                                                               results are uploaded to
                                                               EPA EDEN website in the
                                                               agreed timeframe.

161   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   Group Schemes funding Continue to support              Equal or exceed grant                                0             0
      Management                     grants                Group Scheme                     support achieved in
                                                           development in the               2016. Follow up with
                                                           county and ensure                Dept. all cases where
                                                           timely application for           funding is not initially
                                                           grant support to                 provided.
                                                           individual group

162   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   Small private schemes     Update of small private  Update Database and             W1 % Drinking water in   25            25
      Management                     Water Quality             schemes database and     increase small private          private schemes in
                                     Supervision and           adoption of a suitable   schemes sampling.               compliance with
                                     monitoring                risk approach to ongoing                                 statutory requirements

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

163   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   Wastewater               Provide timely reports     Assess all applications                        0                0
      Management                     Connection permit        on wastewater              within 6 weeks
                                     Application processing   connection applications
                                     and reports

164   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   Wastewater Networks      Comply with the Service    Maintain overall rating                        0                0
      Management                     Operation and            Level Agreement,           for delivery of the Irish
                                     Maintenance.             Protocols and Annual       Water Annual Service
                                                              Service Plan agreed with   Plan as achieved in
                                                              Irish Water to maintain    2016.
                                                              a safe and effective
                                                              wastewater collection

165   Water Services/Coastal/Flood   Water Connection         Provide timely reports     Assess all applications                        0                0
      Management                     permit Application       on water connection        within 6 weeks.
                                     processing and reports   applications.

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

Annual Service Delivery Plan 2017

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