Page created by Cindy Carter

                    SKATE FACILITIES
                   MANAGEMENT PLAN

    Agenda for the Strategic Directions Committee meeting 9 June 2015 - 7.1 Attachment 1 - Page 3 of 38

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................3
    PURPOSE................................................................................................................... 3
    POLICY STATEMENTS ................................................................................................. 5
    RELATIONSHIPS ........................................................................................................ 5
PRINCIPLES ............................................................................................................5
COUNCIL ROLES ......................................................................................................6
    SERVICE PROVIDER ................................................................................................... 7
    OWNER CUSTODIAN .................................................................................................. 7
    ADVOCATE ................................................................................................................ 7
    INITIATOR/FACILITATOR ........................................................................................... 7
    INFORMATION PROVIDER/PROMOTER ........................................................................ 7
STRATEGIC CONTEXT ..............................................................................................8
    COMMUNITY CAPACITY .............................................................................................. 9
    PLACE MAKING .......................................................................................................... 9
    RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER STRATEGIES ................................................................ 10
    TRENDS & PERCEPTION ........................................................................................... 11
    COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES .................................................................................... 11
INPUT AND ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................12
    HUB ........................................................................................................................ 12
    SATELLITE............................................................................................................... 14
    NEIGHBOURHOOD ................................................................................................... 15
    HALF PIPES ............................................................................................................. 15
    URBAN LANDSCAPES ................................................................................................ 16
    MARKET DRIVEN...................................................................................................... 16
    PROVISION ............................................................................................................. 17
    ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................ 19
    RESOURCING FOR HEALTHY LIFESTYLES .................................................................. 23
GUIDELINES AND RESOURCING ...........................................................................23
OPERATIONAL DIRECTION ...................................................................................24
ATTACHMENT 1 .....................................................................................................28
    DEMAND ................................................................................................................. 28
    SUPPLY ................................................................................................................... 34

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Skateboarding and associated              This combined with the development of
activities such as BMX and                extreme sport competitions, high profile
scooter riding have experienced           professional extreme/adventure athletes and         The Skate Facilities Management Plan (The
resurgence in popularity since the        the accessibility of social media and YouTube,      Plan) responds to Aim four (4) and action 4.6
1990’s.                                   have facilitated the transformation of these        of the Sport and Active Recreation Strategic
                                          activities from ‘fad’ activities to genuine         Management Plan which state:
                                          sports and active recreation pursuits.
                                                                                               Aim 4: The provision of Active Recreation
                                          Skate facilities provide accessible, affordable,       Facilities

                                          friendly spaces for ‘youth’ that contribute to
                                                                                               Action 4.6: Improve the quality, appeal,
                                          the positive wellbeing of young people. They           safety and scope of the BMX, dirt jump and
                                          provide meetings spaces that enable users to           skate facilities through a program or upgrade
                                          build social networks with peers and                   in accordance with hierarchy and condition
                                          positively impact their mental, physical and           audits.
                                          social wellbeing.
                                                                                              The Plan establishes a hierarchy and guides
                                          Skate facilities also provide affordable active     our sustainable provision, development,
                                          recreation opportunities to families with pre-      upgrade and management of skate facilities
                                          school and young children. Access to these          in the City of Onkaparinga.
                                          facilities outside peak times assists children to
                                                                                               The Quarry, Seaford: Due to its age and
                                          develop motor skills such as running, jumping
                                                                                                 hierarchy, improve infrastructure and
                                          and climbing in addition to decision making
                                                                                                 landscaping. Improvements to reflect the
                                          and skills associated with bike riding,
                                                                                                 Seaford District Centre Master Plan,
                                          skateboarding and scootering skills.
                                                                                                 refurbish the existing skate facility and
                                          The City of Onkaparinga currently provides 15          provide opportunities for skill separation.

                                          sites that support skate activates with a
                                                                                               Hurtle John Potter Reserve: Upgrade the
                                          replacement value of $1.67M. The facilities            existing neighborhood skate facility to a
                                          are located throughout the city and range              satellite facility.
                                          from traditional half pipe to larger
                                          satellite/regional facilities that provide a         Removal of poor quality facilities at
                                                                                                 O’Sullivan Beach, Christie Downs, Seaford
                                          destination for extended periods.
                                                                                                 Rise and Morphett Vale.
                                          The evolution of adventure and lifestyle or
                                                                                                 Key actions – new facilities
                                          similar activities utilising equipment such as
                                          BMX, scooters, roller blades, roller skates and      Noarlunga Centre: Advocate for the inclusion
                                          skateboards suggests a trend towards multi-            of a hub facility as part of the Southern
                                          dimensional, flexible spaces including hubs,           Sports/Noarlunga Precinct project. If no hub
                                          plazas, paths and town squares that cater for          committed to by the time the Christie Downs
                                          a variety of activities.                               Regeneration Project commences, then a
                                                                                                 satellite facility to be established at Christie
                                          Given the investment in time and money to              Downs.
                                          develop, manage and maintain these types of
                                                                                                 Review Council’s Development Plan with an
                                          facilities, council must take a strategic
                                                                                                 aim to support private, market driven indoor
                                          approach to provision.
                                                                                                 skate facilities.

                                                                                                 Develop a satellite facility at Aldinga.

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Our policy statements are the
fundamental values that we
believe are necessary to build
healthy active lifestyles. They
underpin all significant
decision-making and assist in
determining the best course of
action. See Sport and Active
Recreation Strategic
Management Plan for more
detail.                                                    Strategic approach
                                                      A strategic approach to the
                                                     provision and development of
                                                     sport and active recreation
                                                     facilities that considers
                                                     hierarchy and community needs
                                                                                                          People first
             Sport and active recreation
             facilities, services and programs                                                 All people in our communities
             should be viable and sustainable                                                  should have opportunities to
                                                                                               participate in sport and active
                                                                                               recreation that contributes to
                                                                                               their health and wellbeing

                    Resourcefulness                           Facilities
            Promoting private sector
            involvement and collaboration                                                      An equitable distribution of
                                                                                               quality and diverse sport and
                                                                                               active recreation facilities,
                                                                                               programs and services across the
                                                                                               City of Onkaparinga

                    Understanding                                                                        Strengths
              Achieving sport and recreation
              objectives and initiatives will                                              Sport and active recreation should
              require a commitment to                                                      contribute to our broader objectives
              community engagement and                                                     of protecting the environment and
              working with a range of groups                                               appropriately responding to climate
              contributors                                                                 change

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The following outlines the key                     Being clear about our roles, and those of        Further to the role, the level to which we
skate facilities stakeholders and                  others, ensures that council stays focused on    ultimately resource particular actions will be
                                                   its responsibilities, avoids duplication of      cognisant of our ability to do so.
their roles.
                                                   services, and encourages productive and
                                                   sustainable partnerships.                        The roles statements below should be read in
                                                                                                    conjunction to the text above and the Skate
                                                   Different issues and circumstances will          Facilities Management Plan principles, in the
                                                   require us to adopt different roles in           previous section.
                                                   contributing to our communities’ objective of
                                                   Healthy Active Lifestyles and our actions and
                                                   responsibilities will differ accordingly.

                      Peak bodies
                                                                      Users Players                                     Council
           Peak bodies/associations such as
           Skateboarding Australia coordinate              Users access skate facilities and
           and lobby for their activity based on           consequently develop skills and                Service provider, Owner/Custodian
           members. They also provide                      networks                                       Advocate, Initiator/Facilitator,
           education and training courses                                                                 Information Provider/Promoter
           E Skateboarding Australia
           coordinates and lobby for their
           activity-based members. The also
           provide education and training
                                                                                                          State & Federal Government

                   Private sector                                                                          The Office of Recreation and Sport
          Adventure lifestyle businesses such                                                              leads and/or contributes to state and
          as MV2, The little Black Bike and                                                                regional facilities and the
          Oxygen Cycles support/sponsor local                                                              development of sporting and active
          participants and provide event                                                                   recreation eg. Sports complexes such
          sponsorship and mentoring.                                                                       as the Southern Sporting Complex,
                                                                        Skate                              Noarlunga and training courses for
          Generation Y are keen to start up                                                                officials and volunteers
          new business linked to their pursuits
          eg. Filth Life Australia

         Schools are a major congregation area.
         They provide social networking                                                                   Print media eg. Southern Times,
         mentoring and skill development                                                                  Messenger provided a voice to local
         opportunities                                                                                    needs and promotional mechanism
                                                                     Not for Profits                      for athletes, events and facilities.
                                                                                                          Social media also provides a quick,
                                                           Organisations such as the Volt and Re-
                                                                                                          easy and low cost mechanism for
                                                           Engage provide focused community
                                                                                                          youth to undertake promotion
                                                           development services and funding.
                                                                                                          and/or voice concerns
                                                           Skate facilities and associated events
                                                           are used by these organisations to
                                                           engage this group

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SERVICE PROVIDER                                    ADVOCATE
                              Council responsible and providing full or           Council seeking support from others (eg.
                              majority resources for a service.                   state/federal government, NGO, private
                                                                                  sector, community groups, individuals) who
                                                                                  are able to apply influence to an issue or
                              Council will plan for, provide and manage           funding/investment/resources to a service,
                              skate facility opportunities, services and          project or area.
                              programs that are not commercially viable for
                                                                                  Council will advocate to any or all of the
                              the private sector to provide and/or not the
                                                                                  stakeholders shown above to provide or
                              responsibility of state government.
                                                                                  contribute to skate facility opportunities and
                              Council contributing minority/part resourcing       services.
                              to a service for which others have
                              responsibility.                                     INITIATOR/FACILITATOR

                              Part                                                Council bringing together or connecting
                                                                                  stakeholders to pursue an issue, opportunity
                              Council will contribute funds and/or in-kind        or shared interest and determine appropriate
                              resources for skate facility opportunities that     action.
                              are the responsibility of state or federal
                              government, or the private sector, such as          Council will take a proactive
                              major sporting venues. This will often involve      initiator/facilitator role, as outlined
                              partnering agreements.                              immediately above, as it relates to matters in
                                                                                  contributing to skate facilities and Healthy
                              Council providing a service on behalf of and        Active Lifestyles.
                              funded by others that involves ‘hosting’ or
                              other in-kind use of council resources.             INFORMATION
                                                                                  Council providing information on or
                              Council will act as an agent for community
                                                                                  strategically promoting, community services,
                              healthy active lifestyles and development
                                                                                  opportunities, events, people and places.
                              programs, which are often funded by federal
                              government.                                         Council will provide information and promote
                                                                                  our own skate facility opportunities and
                              OWNER CUSTODIAN                                     services, or those we are contributing to and
                              Council owning or managing infrastructure,          those of state and federal government,
                              facilities, reserves and natural areas. This is a   community bodies and NGOs. We will also
                              supporting role to ‘Service Provider’ and will      promote individual or team efforts or
                              appear together with one of these provider          initiatives of particular merit to encourage
                              roles, and has particular public liability          further action towards skate facilities and
                              responsibilities.                                   Healthy Active Lifestyles.

                              Council will provide and be responsible for
                              infrastructure and facilities associated with
                              the above Direct Service Provider role.

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The SARSMP is a chapter of the             The SARSMP was endorsed in May 2014 and
City of Onkaparinga Healthy                guides the provision, enhancement and
Active Lifestyles Strategy. The            management of sport and active recreation
                                           facilities, services and programs across the
Skate Facilities Management Plan
                                           seven Planning Areas illustrated below.
builds on the SARSMP.

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COMMUNITY CAPACITY                                 PLACE MAKING
                               The Community Capacity and Cultural                Our Placemaking Strategy focuses on building
                               Strategy is one of nine plans that together        strength amongst our community and
                               contribute to our community. Building              creating interesting and profitable centers
                               community capacity includes working                and urban areas. While ‘youth’ are not
                               alongside our communities to provide               specifically mentioned in the Placemaking
                               programs that offer people opportunities to        Strategy, it is important that we provide
                               make connections, develop friendships and          ‘places’ that appeal to all demographics
                               networks and to build their skills to create       through good planning. Moreover, it focuses
                               long-term outcomes improving quality of life.      on inclusivity and encouraging diversity
                                                                                  through mixing uses, creating a ‘people scale’
                               Councils Youth Strategic Management Plan
                                                                                  through more intimate environments, and
                               2013–2018 is part of our Community Capacity
                                                                                  creating activity by not spreading uses and
                               and Cultural Strategy and provides the
                                                                                  activities too thin in a given area.
                               strategic context and direction for our youth
                               activities for a five year period. Within the      The incorporation of skate facilities will
                               Youth Strategic Management Plan we classify        create ‘places’ in our city where youth (and
                               ‘youth’ as being young people between the          others) will want to be and gather with
                               ages of 8–25 years old, and we focus               others; places that people are drawn to and
                               particularly on the 10–18 years age group as       will want to invite others to share.
                               these are critical times in young people’s lives
                                                                                  The Skate Facilities Management Plan
                               when important transitions are occurring,
                                                                                  recognises that youth are a significant
                               challenges are often being faced, and the
                                                                                  population group who have a positive and
                               deliberate building of social networks and
                                                                                  substantial role in activating our public
                               skills is crucial to a high quality of life.
                                                                                  places. Moreover, it acknowledges that youth
                                                                                  will congregate in key locations throughout
                                                                                  the city and that this is not only an
                                                                                  acceptable, but also positively impacts their
                                                                                  physical, mental and social wellbeing in
                                                                                  addition to activating these spaces and
                                                                                  providing an economic boost for the local

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RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER                       We have nine other strategies that               the Skate Facilities Management Plan. These
                                              encompass all activity and their contributions   are summarised below.
STRATEGIES                                    to and intersections with our Healthy Active
                                              Lifestyle Strategy, Sport and Active
                                              Recreation Strategic Management Plan and

                                                                            Community Safety                      Community Capacity
     Placemaking                                                                                                  and Cultural
                                        Land Use
                                                                           Safety and emergency                   Development
     Vibrancy of our centres
     and the recognition of            Our Development Plan                planning for skate
     youth as a significant            outlines legal                      facilities participants,
                                       development                         spectators and                       Social capital such as
     population group who
                                       guidelines that direct              neighbours ensures a                 mentoring, teamwork,
     have a positive and
                                       the development of                  safe environment for all             experimentation,
     substantial role in
                                       skate facilities                                                         participation,
                                                                                                                leadership, coaching,
                                                                                                                learning, training and
                                                                                                                perseverance are at the
                                                                                                                heart of healthy clubs
     Transport                                                                                                  and interest groups and
                                                                                                                personal wellbeing
     Public and private
     transport networks
     are essential for youth                                 SKATE FACILITIES
     to access skate
                                                                                                                 Economic Growth and
     facilities. There is a
     close link with
     walking, cycling and                                                                                         There is an
     trails use                                                                                                   increasing range of
                                                                                                                  for-profit adventure
                                                                                                                  lifestyle businesses.
                                                                                                                  These businesses are
      Corporate Services                                                     Environment                          embedded in the
                                        Financial Sustainability
                                                                                                                  culture and in
     Appropriate                                                            Our reserves which
                                       Financial resources for                                                    conjunction with
     organization skills,                                                   encompass skate
                                       skate facilities                                                           events and media
     culture, technology,                                                   facilities are popular
                                                                                                                  articles can positively
     processes for                                                          places and provide
                                                                                                                  impact tourism
     planning,                                                              diverse experiences
     development and                                                        for a variety of users
     management of skate

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                                The Future of Australian Sport 2013 report       Skate facilities attract users from varying
                                was undertaken by the CSIRO for the              locations as they seek unique experiences
                                Australian Sports Commission and identifies      and characteristics associated with each
                                six megatrends likely to shape the Australian    facility. While it is acknowledged that some
                                sports sector over the next 30 years. In         users travel large distances to master a trick
                                relation to skateboarding it states:             or to learn new skills, not everyone has easy
                                                                                 access to private transport and consequently
                                ‘This megatrend captures the rise of
                                                                                 public transport is a significant factor in
                                adventure, lifestyle, extreme and alternative
                                                                                 ensuring accessibility.
                                sports, which are proving particularly popular
                                with younger generations. These sports           Councils youth team provides a variety of
                                typically involve complex and advanced skills    services that enhance and add value to our
                                and often have some element of inherent          skate facilities including events and school
                                danger and thrill seeking. Examples include      holiday skate, scooter and BMX tours. Tour
                                skateboarding, kite surfing, inline skating,     participants visit facilities in the City of
                                freestyle BMX and rock-climbing. These           Onkaparinga and further abroad. They
                                sports are also characterised by a strong        develop positive experiences and build new
                                lifestyle element and participants often         relationships with participants and riders at
                                obtain cultural self-identity and self-          the varying parks in addition to sharing skills
                                expression through their involvement’ and        and advice through positive communion of
                                ‘Skateboarding is a lifestyle sport              the varying riding sub-cultures.
                                experiencing a rapid surge in popularity. In
                                                                                 Our youth team through provision of portable
                                May 2002 a ‘teen’ marketing firm in the USA
                                                                                 skate ramps also provides beginner skate
                                asked Generation Y who was the ‘coolest big-
                                                                                 opportunities through events where built
                                time athlete’. They placed skateboarding star
                                                                                 facilities are not available as well as
                                Tony Hawk ahead of mega sporting
                                                                                 community centers and/or schools where
                                celebrities Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods
                                                                                 young people express a desire to engage in
                                (Wheaton, 2004). There are more than 990
                                                                                 skate and scootering. This initial experience
                                skate parks throughout Australia and on
                                                                                 helps builds confidence prior to attending
                                average two skate parks per week have been
                                                                                 bigger, populated facilities.
                                built in Australia since 2005.’
                                                                                 They also support healthy active lifestyles by
                                The above suggests that adventure, lifestyle
                                                                                 encouraging individuals to embrace their
                                activities including skateboarding have
                                                                                 passion for skate, scoot and BMX more
                                evolved from fad activities to genuine sports
                                                                                 generally through skating to and from school,
                                and active recreation pursuits.
                                                                                 friends’ houses in addition to positive
                                Further a study by Wood, Carter and Martin       wellbeing and development programs.
                                into skate park stereotypes and behaviour
                                found that concerns about undesirable social
                                behaviour often underlie opposition to skate
                                parks or provision for skaters and that pro-
                                social behaviour were far more commonly
                                observed than anti-social behaviour.

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The following defines and                   HUB
outlines our skate facilities
hierarchy. It reflects a range of           A purpose built facility with ample space and      Infrastructure supporting daily use and
                                                                                               events is also required. This may include:
skill levels, challenges and                components to enable a variety of skill levels
experiences in addition to our              and user groups to frequent the space on a          Adequate event/competition space
                                            daily basis. Generally there is only one Hub in
strategic framework and                                                                         Judging areas
                                            a municipality and the hub becomes the main
estimated construction costs.                                                                   Seating and viewing options
                                            focus of skate or similar activities in the area
                                            complimented by satellite facilities. It needs      Power
                                            to be easily accessible by personal transport       Lighting for suitable for events
                                            (ie: bicycle, scooter, skateboard etc), public      Car parking
                                            transport and private cars driven by users,
                                                                                                Entry and exit areas
                                            family members (ie: parents) and/or
                                            spectators.                                         Toilets
                                                                                                Safety signage
                                            Hub facilities are commonly in high
                                            profile/visible locations and present the           Refuge areas
                                            opportunity to create a destination                 Shade
                                            connecting a variety of recreational and social     Bins
                                            functions which engage the broader
                                                                                                Drinking fountains
                                            community. Examples of complementary
                                                                                                Bike racks
                                            activities may include performance spaces,
                                            multimedia capabilities, basketball courts,         Storage lockers
                                            parkour, bouldering/rock climbing and refuge        Landscaping to integrate /complement its
                                            areas. Due to their accessibility, location and       surroundings.
                                            multi-dimensional nature, Hub facilities also
                                            have the ability to cater to regional
                                            competitions in addition to national and
                                            international events.

                                            Hubs are not necessarily area/size
                                            dependent, but they will draw large daily user
                                            numbers and consequently the facility needs
                                            to provide a significant amount of wheelable
                                            terrain for a range of users from beginner to
                                            advanced level. Specific zones for different
                                            skill levels and/or user types is required to
                                            minimise conflict (eg: plaza area, transition

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It should be noted that council does not         The following provides an estimate
                                currently have a hub facility. The analysis
                                                                                 construction costs for a Hub facility:
                                indicates that if a hub was to be developed it
                                should be located in our central business
                                                                                  $700,000-$1.3M
                                district. Council does not have the ability to
                                fund the development of a Hub outright.
                                Subsequently, the development of an
                                Onkaparinga Hub is aspirational with future
                                development of this kind highly contingent on
                                strategic partnerships which may include
                                Federal and/or State Government in addition
                                to private enterprise.

                                                                                 Image of Fremantle Youth Plaza

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                                                                                      Analysis also suggested that:
                                A satellite skate facility is a public space that
                                focuses primarily on one particular                    That The Quarry, Seaford skate facility will
                                experience. The intention of this                         need to be improved and/or refurbished
                                management plan is to provide a better                    to provide opportunities for skill
                                spread of unique experiences and valued                   development and separation
                                skate facilities, rather than replicating the
                                same facility and experience in several                A satellite facility will be required in
                                locations. Satellite facilities support the user          Planning Area 5 and specifically the
                                to improve and develop their skills through               Aldinga area
                                practice (participation) and events,
                                                                                       The facility at Woodcroft will need to be
                                competitions and/or demonstrations.
                                                                                          upgrade to a satellite facility in line with its
                                The Quarry Seaford and Minkara Park                       design life.
                                Flagstaff Hill skate facilities. These spaces
                                                                                      If there is no commitment to develop a hub
                                provide different user experiences.
                                                                                          by the time the Christie Downs
                                Satellite facilities have the capacity to host            Regeneration Precinct commences, then a
                                events, competitions or demonstrations.                   satellite facility is to be established at
                                Consequently, it is highly recommended that               Christie Downs.
                                seating options and viewing areas are
                                                                                      The following provides an estimate of
                                provided in addition to toilets, power and
                                                                                      construction costs for a Satellite facility:
                                lighting. Other elements which also need to
                                be included are:                                       $400,000 - $550,000.

                                 Entry and safety signage
                                 Refuge areas with seating and shade
                                 Bins
                                 Drinking fountains
                                 Bike racks.

                               SATELLITE SKATE FACILTIES

                                         Purpose & Function                                         Location

                                   Deep bowl(s) and transition            Minkara Park, Flagstaff Hill

                                  Small to medium bowl(s) and             The Quarry, Seaford
                                         transition facility

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NEIGHBOURHOOD                                      HALF PIPES
                                Neighbourhood skate facilities provide access      We provide four (4) half pipes throughout the
                                for surrounding neighbourhood/suburbs.             city. While these facilities generally have
                                They provide a lower level facility where          access limitations and are not large enough to
                                individuals can learn and refine basic skills in   host events, they do provide a specific
                                addition to building social networks. This level   experience.
                                of facility will typically not have lighting,
                                                                                   On average councils half pipes are 15.2 years
                                toilets and power. It should have:
                                                                                   of age which suggests that their provision
                                 Entry and safety signage                         does not need to be assessed in the near
                                                                                   future. However, noting that these facilities
                                 Refuge areas, with seating and shade             have at least 10 years design life remaining,
                                                                                   links to adjoining infrastructure such as BMX
                                 Bins                                             tracks, shared use trails and youth based
                                                                                   centres should be considered and improved
                                 Drinking fountains
                                                                                   where appropriate.
                                 Bike racks.

                                On average councils neighbourhood facilities       The following provides an estimate of
                                are 14.25 years old. The facilities at Hastings    construction costs for a half pipe facility:
                                Avenue reserve, Sellicks Beach and Symonds          $60,000 – 100,000
                                Reserve, Aldinga are the oldest facilities in
                                the category at 18 and 17 years respectively.
                                Upgrades and new builds at Karingal Reserve
                                (also known as Cliff Avenue), Port Noarlunga
                                and Hurtle John Potter Reserve, Woodcroft
                                respectively have also occurred in the last ten
                                years and increased district accessibility.

                                While the analysis indicates that no new
                                neighbourhood developments and/or
                                upgrades are required, as noted above, a
                                satellite facility will be required at Aldinga
                                and the classification of the Woodcroft facility
                                will need to be upgraded at the end of its
                                design life.

                                The following provides an estimate of
                                construction costs for a Neighbourhood

                                •         $250,000 - $300,000

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URBAN LANDSCAPES                                                                                   MARKET DRIVEN
Urban landscapes are presented as a design        Larger urban landscapes could include civic      The above hierarchy is underpinned by the
principle. They provide opportunities to          spaces such as plazas, event areas and town      premise that council is a key stakeholder and
active spaces through active recreation by                                                         major project funder. While this is true in the
                                                  squares in addition to community art. The
                                                                                                   majority of situations, there is an opportunity
acknowledging that these areas will be ridden     image below illustrates a permanent art piece    for the private market to invest in indoor
and/or skated and subsequently the initial        was unveiled at Jefferson Park, Seattle, USA     skate facilities as has occurred in eastern
design should reflect this. Due to the broad      on International Go Skateboarding Day and        states. This market driven model would be
nature of urban landscapes it is difficult to     was designed to combine Seattle's passions:      able to respond quicker to user demand and
develop estimated construction costs for all      art and skateboarding.                           trends in addition to supporting economic
                                                                                                   growth within the city.
applications. However, it is estimated that the
                                                  Council would need to engage and work with       The market driven model does require
early incorporation of urban landscapes at
                                                  the Mutual Liability Scheme to ensure an         council to examine its existing planning
the design phase may increase construction
                                                  appropriate risk management framework is         regulations to identify possible areas for
costs by 5-20% with the lower amount
                                                  applied to the urban landscapes and              amendments and thereby after undertake
affiliated with sourcing stronger more robust
                                                                                                   the amendments.
                                                  consequently council is not unduly exposed
materials and the higher estimates associated
                                                  to liability.
with lighting and possible focus areas
                                                                                                   Image of Jefferson Park, Seattle, USA

16                                                                                                                     CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
                       Agenda for the Strategic Directions Committee meeting 9 June 2015 - 7.1 Attachment 1 - Page 18 of 38
                                The City of Onkaparinga currently provides 15     This notion is supported by online user
                                sites that supports skate activities ranging      forums that rank these facilities as 1 out of 5
                                from the poor quality isolated single element     (1 being low/poor and 5 being high).
                                facilities to larger facilities with supporting   Consequently, in an attempt to minimise data
                                infrastructure such as lights and toilets.        bias/skewing, these facilities have been
                                Anecdotal evidence suggests that the              excluded from the following analysis.
                                facilities at Hazeltine Drive, Seaford; Morton    Consequently, the analysis includes the
                                Reserve, Christies Downs; Taylors Avenue          following 11 sites that support skate activities
                                Skate Ramp, Morphett Vale and DJ Lean             which are also illustrated on the map.
                                Reserve (also known as Yangara Reserve),
                                O’Sullivan Beach have low use due to their
                                angular design and slippery metal surfaces.

17                                                                                                     CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
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The following population based analysis            below, the analysis suggests that
                                provides a relative, per capita comparison         Onkaparinga provides one (1) skate facility for
                                across SA metropolitan councils. Lower per         every 1,189 individuals aged between 12 – 17
                                capita scores represent a higher level of          years. This level of provision is the third
                                provision; in other words less people              highest level of per capita provision behind
                                competing to access each facility.                 Adelaide City (1:444) and City of Unley
                                Research has identified that participation
                                increases between 12 – 17 years of age with
                                peak participation occurring around the age
                                of 14. The 2011 Census identified that there
                                are 13,078 individuals aged between 12 – 17
                                years within the City of Onkaparinga which
                                equates to just over 8% of Onkaparinga’s
                                total population and 31.5% of the city’s Youth
                                population. As demonstrated in the table

                                 SOUTH AUSTRALIA METROPOLITAN SKATE FACILITIES – 12 – 17 YEARS

                                                                Total Population          No Skate           Per Capita Provision
                                                                     12-17 years          Facilities              12-17 years

                                         Adelaide                        444                    1                      444

                                           Unley                        2314                    2                     1157

                                      Onkaparinga                       13078                   11                    1189

                                  Port Adelaide/Enfield                 7742                    4                     1936

                                       Holdfast Bay                     2092                    1                     2092

                                         Mitcham                        4776                    2                     2388

                                       Charles Sturt                    7041                    3                     2347

                                          Marion                        5649                    2                     2825

                                         Salisbury                      10465                   3                     3488

                                       Cambeltown                       3540                    1                     3540

                                       West Torrens                     3253                    1                     3253

                                         Playford                       7131                    1                     7131

                                            TTG                         7595                    1                     7595

                                         Burnside                       3376                    0

18                                                                                                      CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
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ANALYSIS                                   PLANNING AREA 1:.                                 PLANNING AREA 2:

The following summarises                   As of 2011 Census, Planning Area 1 had            Planning Area 2 has the largest number of
residential data and demographic           10,584 people aged between 5 – 24 years.          individuals aged between 5 – 24 years as of
and predictive population growth           Only Planning Area 2 has more individuals of      the 2011 Census (11,900) and 15,544 aged
                                                                                             between 0-24 years.
information in addition to                 this age.
congregation elements such as                                                                Morphett Vale and Woodcroft encompass
school enrolments, libraries,              Planning Area 1 demonstrates approximately        15.25% (6,286) of Onkaparinga’s youth
                                           4,900 school enrolments with Aberfoyle Park       residential population (41,217).
                                           containing more than 1,800 individuals of
centers, shopping centers and                                                                Planning Area 2 demonstrate the highest
public transport in the Planning                                                             number of school enrolment with over 8,000
Areas. This information is also            Majority of residential population is located     individuals enrolled in addition to one of the
illustrated in the following map           east of the reservoir. Congregation elements      largest primary schools in South Australia.
                                           for this group include district shopping
(overleaf). The information has                                                              Congregation factors include district shopping
                                           centre, regional sports complex and an
informed the planning area                                                                   centres located in Morphett Vale and
                                           existing high quality skate facility located at
directions which inform the                Minkara Park, Flagstaff Hill. Improvements to
                                                                                             Woodcroft in addition to structured and
action plan (p24) and establish            this satellite facility were undertaken in 2011
                                                                                             unstructured recreation facilities such as
our service level. Further                                                                   Wilfred Taylor Reserve.
                                           and it is rated four (4) by
information regarding the                                                                    Planning Area 2 is also easily accessed by car
                                           The O’Halloran Hill community is bound by
analysis can be found in                                                                     and/or personal transport (ie: bike,
                                           the reservoir on the east and main South
Attachment 1.                              Road on the west. Consequently, it is
                                                                                             skateboard, scooter) due to the Coast to
                                                                                             Vines Rail Trail and the Christie Creek Trail
                                           foreseeable that youth and specifically
                                                                                             traversing it.
                                           younger youth may have difficulty accessing
                                           the Minkara Park skate facility. A half pipe is   SEFIA data suggests that Morphett Vale is one
                                           located at Serpentine Reserve, O’Halloran Hill    of the most disadvantaged communities in
                                           adjacent a large reserve, beginner BMX and        Onkaparinga.
                                           recreation centre (other side of Candy Road).
                                                                                             Population growth of approximately 6,013
                                           The original metal half pipe was upgraded in
                                                                                             residents by 2032, of which it is estimated to
                                           2006 and is rated one (1) by
                                                                                             be 1,563 will be youth. It should be noted
                                                                                             that the majority of this will be within
                                           Direction                                         Hackham South.
                                            Retain and maintain existing two facilities     Four (4) existing skate facilities located in
                                              to meet community demand and                   Planning Area 2:
                                              residential population areas.                   Hurtle John Potter Reserve, Woodcroft:

                                            A refurbishment of the satellite at                 neighbourhood facility rated three (3)
                                              Flagstaff Hill will be required. Timing of           by
                                              this is to reflect its age and design life.
                                                                                                 relatively young facility with 16 years
                                                                                                   till it reaches it design life.

                                                                                                 possibility to upgrade to reflect
                                                                                                   Planning Areas youth demand.

                                                                                              Forsyth Reserve, Hackham:

                                                                                                 half pipe rated two (4) by

19                                                                                                                 CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
                Agenda for the Strategic Directions Committee meeting 9 June 2015 - 7.1 Attachment 1 - Page 21 of 38
 approximately ten years to go on its
                                                      PLANNING AREA 3:                                   PLANNING AREA 4:
        design life.
                                                      Planning Area 3 demonstrates the third             2011 census data suggests there are 4,661
      isolated facility due to it being located      largest number of individuals aged between 5       individuals aged between 5 – 24 years.
        on the northern side of the creek.            -24 years with 5,708 individuals recorded in
                                                                                                         School enrolment data demonstrates a
                                                      the 2011 Census
                                                                                                         clustering around the Seaford Area with
 Taylors Avenue Skate Ramp, Morphett
                                                      The Noarlunga Area encompasses Christie            approximately 2,700 students enrolled
                                                      Downs, Noarlunga Centre/Noarlunga Downs,
                                                                                                         Predictive data suggests that population will
                                                      Hackham West, and draws approximately
      quarter pipe concert pad rated one (1)                                                            increase by 7,945 individuals of which 2,066
                                                      5,800 youth for education. The area also has
        by                                                                             will be youth by 2032
                                                      a high youth residential population exceeding
                                                      3,000 individuals.                                 Seaford has a major clustering of
      Young facility, but is isolated and is very
                                                                                                         congregation elements including a district
        poor quality.                                 Major congregation elements include public
                                                                                                         shopping centre, railway station, recreation
                                                      transport node with train and bus station in
                                                                                                         centre, several schools (R-12), library and the
 Southern Youth Exchange, Old Reynella:              addition to regional shopping centre and
                                                                                                         only SA based skate facility rated as a five (5)
                                                      education facilities
      half pipe rated two (2) by                                                                        by located at Quarry
                                                      SEFIA data suggests that Hackham (including        Park, Seaford.
                                                      Hackham West) is one of the most
                                                                                                         In addition to The Quarry skate facility,
                                                      disadvantaged communities in Onkaparinga.
      approximately 15 years to go on its                                                               Planning Area 4 also has the following two
                                                      Data also suggest that the Noarlunga Area
        design life                                                                                      existing skate facilities:
                                                      (inc Christie Downs, Christie Beach, O’Sullivan
                                                      Beach and Noarlunga Downs) also                     Karingal Reserve, Port Noarlunga:
      this facility is adjacent the Reynella
                                                      disadvantage and vulnerability
        Enterprise Youth Centre, Coast to Vines                                                              originally a mini ramp and rated as 1 by
        and existing BMX jumps.                       Population growth of approximately 6,983
                                                      residents is expected to 2032, of which it is
Direction                                             estimated 1,816 will be youth. It should be
                                                                                                             has since been upgraded to a
                                                      noted that the majority of this will be in
 Demand suggests an upgrade to the                                                                            neighbourhood level transition facility.
                                                      Hackham South
     Woodcroft neighbourhood facility is
                                                      Two existing facilities located DJ Lean Reserve     Hazeltine Reserve, Seaford Rise:
     required. However, this facility is relatively
                                                      (also known as Yangara reserve), O’Sullivan
     young. This combined with other priorities
                                                      Beach and Morton Reserve, Christie Downs               concrete drainage area that was
     suggests that the timing of any upgrade          are in Planning Area three (3). These facilities         excluded from the analysis due to the
     should reflect its age and design life.          include metal elements on a concrete pad                 poor condition and one (1) rating by
                                                      and were excluded from the analysis due to     
 The Southern Youth Exchange, Old                    the poor condition and one (1) rating by
     Reynella half pipe is located adjacent to                                  Direction
     the Reynella Enterprise Youth Centre,            Direction                                           Planning Area 4 has the highest quality
     Coast to Vines and existing BMX jumps.
                                                       The existing facilities in this area are            skate facility in Onkaparinga and South
     Connection between these facilities is
                                                         poorly designed and do not meet demand.            Australia according to
     poor and consequently should be
                                                         Consequently, this area is void of any             Demand and congregation data suggests
                                                         quality skate facility that meets current          that it will continue to attract locals and
 The Hackham and Morphett Vale facilities               and future demand. This combined with              visitors. Consequently, upgrades that
     are isolated with the latter being very poor        the major congregation elements indicate           support users and assist in separating
     condition. Consequently, they should be             that Planning Area 3 should be a priority          users via skill levels should be considered
     removed.                                            for a high quality skate facility.                 as a priority.

                                                       The existing facilities at Christie Downs         The existing facility at Hazeltine Reserve
                                                         and O’Sullivan Beach should be removed.            Drive, Seaford Rise should be removed
20                                                                                                                            CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
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PLANNING AREA 5:                                   PLANNING AREA 6:                                 PLANNING AREA 7
Planning Area 5 has a high youth residential       Has no existing skate facilities and small       Has medium school enrolments and 2,165
population with 5,140 individuals aged 5 –24       school enrolments in addition to small           individuals aged between 5 – 24 years as of
years as of the 2011 census.                       numbers individuals aged between 0-24 years      the 2011 Census.
Planning Area 1:

             High school enrolments                                                                       Planning Area 2:

             High residential youth population                                                            Morphett Vale

             Several congregation elements including major sports park, district                               Largest youth residential population
              shopping centre and existing skate facility                                                       Largest individual school enrolments including one of largest
        Key Action                                                                                               primary schools in SA (Woodcroft)

             Maintain existing skate facilities                                                                Structured & unstructured recreation and sport facilities

                                                                                                                Integrated street and trails network
Planning Area 3:
                                                                                                                Congregation elements include district shopping centre and
       Encompasses Christie Downs, Noarlunga                                                                    existing skate facility
        Centre/Noarlunga Downs, Hackham West
                                                                                                           Key Action
       Attracts 5,800 youth for education
                                                                                                                Upgrade existing facility at Woodcroft
       High youth residential population exceeding
        3,000 individuals.                                                                                      Remove poor quality facility at Morphett Vale

       Multiple public transport modes and major
                                                                                                           Planning Area 6:
        shopping centre
                                                                                                                Low youth residential population
Key Action
                                                                                                                Low school enrolments
       Advocate for Hub, if no hub develop new
        satellite facility at Christie Downs                                                                    Small townships

       Remove poor quality facilities at O’Sullivan                                                       Key Action
        Beach and Christie Downs
                                                                                                                No actions identified
Planning Area 4:
                                                                                                  Planning Area 7:
       Major cluster in cognation elements including
        district shopping centre, railway station,                                                    Medium school enrolments and youth residential populations
        recreation centre, several schools and an                                                     Two existing skate facilities including our newest facility at Willunga
        existing skate facility                                                                        (2011)
       Predicted significant population growth to                                                Key Action
                                                                                                      Maintain existing facilities
Key Action

       Improve existing Seaford facility

       Remove poor quality facility at Seaford Rise

    Planning Area 5:

           Aldinga and Aldinga Beach as considered as one due to the remote nature and
            proximity of the suburbs.

           Combined the Aldinga Area has a high youth residential population area

           Several congregation elements including district shopping centre, sports facilities
            and existing skate facility

           Predictive data suggests the population will undertake significant growth to 2032

    Key Action

           Develop new satellite facility

    22                                                                                                                                         CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
                               Agenda for the Strategic Directions Committee meeting 9 June 2015 - 7.1 Attachment 1 - Page 24 of 38
The City of Onkaparinga Healthy            RESOURCING FOR HEALTHY
Active Lifestyles Strategy
                                           ACTIVE LIFESTYLES
outlines how Council will build
more recreation and sporting               Expenditure
opportunities and capacity within          Based on 2013-14 figures and as shown in the
our communities.                           figure below, Healthy Active Lifestyles
                                           activities comprise around 10% (around
Our Sport & Active Recreation              $14.7m) of Council expenditure. This is the
Strategic Management Plan is               total combined operating and project costs,
chapter of the Healthy Active              excluding depreciation.
Lifestyles Strategy. The SARSMP            These figures are a baseline and subject to
guides the future provisions,              ongoing review, and will be used to inform
enhancement and management of              future planning.
sport and active recreation
                                           The operations directions that follow have
facilities, services and programs
                                           been informed by this level or resourcing
across the city for the short and
long term.
                                           We receive around $2.1m in grants and other
The Skate Facilities Management            funding associated with Healthy Active
responds to Aim four (4) and               Lifestyles that offsets expenditure.
action 4.6 of the SARSMP and
establishes a hierarchy and
guides our sustainable provision,
development, upgrade and
management of skate facilities in
the City.

There are no relevant guidelines.

23                                                                                                              CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
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    SARSMP                                                                                                                                                                        Timing & Cost1
    Planning         Location      Hierarchy      Direction                                         Action
      Area                                                                                                                                                                        Current          2016-2021   2021-2026

                                                              Council will develop one of the following:
               Noarlunga/                                         Advocate for a hub facility as part of the Southern Sport/Noarlunga Precinct project. Development
       3                        Hub/ Satellite   New               contingent on significant external funding from government and/or private enterprise. Estimated                                 $500,000
               Christie Downs
                                                                   total cost >$1-$1.5M. Councils contribution $500,000
                                                                  If no hub committed to by the time the Christie Downs Regeneration Project commences, then a
                                                                   satellite facility is to be established in Christie Downs.

               The Quarry,      Satellite        Retain/          Ongoing minor refurbishment of infrastructure at existing facility
       4                                                          Development of a trail of area that supports separation of users by skill levels                               $50,000
               Seaford                           Develop

               Minkara Park,    Satellite        Retain           Ongoing minor refurbishment of infrastructure at existing facility
       1                                                                                                                                                                                                       $50,000
               Flagstaff Hill

               Aldinga          Satellite        New              Develop a satellite facility in Aldinga. Site investigations to include, but are not limited to the existing   $15,000          $50,000     $500,000
                                                                   facility at Symonds Reserve

 Implementation is subject to resource availability. Capital cost show is average of hierarchy estimated construction cost range and implementation is subject to
resource availability
24                                                                                                         CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
                                                  Agenda for the Strategic Directions Committee meeting 9 June 2015 - 7.1 Attachment 1 - Page 26 of 38

    SARSMP                                                                                                                                                        Timing & Cost2
    Planning         Location          Hierarchy      Direction                                         Action
      Area                                                                                                                                    Current     2016-2021   2021-2026    2026-2031

                 John Hurtle Potter   Neighbourhood   Retain/         The facility will be upgraded to a satellite facility                                                        $200,000
2                Reserve Woodcroft                    Develop

                 Symonds Reserve,     Neighbourhood   Retain          Maintain existing facilities review at end of useful life
5                Aldinga

                 Hastings Avenue      Neighbourhood   Retain          Maintain existing facilities review at end of useful life
5                reserve, Sellicks

                 Karingal Reserve,    Neighbourhood   Retain          Maintain existing facilities review at end of useful life
4                Port Noarlunga

                 Railway Terrace,     Neighbourhood   Retain          Maintain facilities and supporting infrastructure                                                            $50,000
7                Willunga

     Implementation is subject to resource availability. Capital cost show is average of hierarchy estimated construction cost range and implementation is subject to
    resource availability
    25                                                                                                         CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
                                                       Agenda for the Strategic Directions Committee meeting 9 June 2015 - 7.1 Attachment 1 - Page 27 of 38

 SARSMP                                                                                                                                                             Timing & Cost3
 Planning         Location            Hierarchy   Direction                                         Action
   Area                                                                                                                                            Current   2016-2021    2021-2026   2026-2031

     2        Forsyth Reserve,      Half Pipe     Remove at        Maintain existing facility, remove at end of life
              Hackham                             end of life

     1        Serpentine Reserve,   Half Pipe     Retain           Maintain existing facility review at end of useful life or as demand changes
              O’Halloran Hill

     2        Southern Youth        Half Pipe     Retain           Improve links with BMX jumps, Coast to Vines Trail and Youth Centre
              Exchange, Old                                                                                                                                                $50,000

     7        Gemmel Tassie         Half Pipe     Retain           Maintain existing facility review at end of useful life or as demand changes
              Reserve, McLaren

  TOTALS                                                                                                                                           $65,000   $625,000      $600,000   $250,000

  Implementation is subject to resource availability. Capital cost show is average of hierarchy estimated construction cost range and implementation is subject to
 resource availability
 26                                                                                                         CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
                                                   Agenda for the Strategic Directions Committee meeting 9 June 2015 - 7.1 Attachment 1 - Page 28 of 38

 SARSMP                                                                                                                                                               Timing & Cost4
 Planning         Location         Hierarchy     Direction                                        Action
   Area                                                                                                                                             Current   2016-2021      2021-2026   2026-2031

     4        Hazeltine Drive,    Other          Remove          Notify the that facility will be removed and that the Quarry Park facility will
              Seaford Rise                                        be upgraded

     3        Morton Reserve,     Other          Remove          Through the Christie Downs Regeneration Project notify the community
              Christie Downs                                      that the facility will be removed and that either a central hub or a satellite
                                                                  facility in Christie Downs will be developed

     2        Taylors Avenue      Other          Remove          Through the Taylors Reserve project (2015/16), notify the community that
              Skate Ramp,                                         facility will be removed
              Morphett Vale

     3        DJ Lean Reserve     Other          Remove          Notify the community that facility will be removed and that either a central
              (also known as                                      hub or a satellite facility in Christie Downs will be developed
              Yangara Reserve),
              O’Sullivan Beach

              City Wide                          New             Review of Council planning regulations with an aim to support private,                          X
                                                                  market driven indoor skate facilities

              City Wide                          Review          Review Skate Facility Management Plan in line with Council’s strategic                          X

  Implementation is subject to resource availability. Capital cost show is average of hierarchy estimated construction cost range and implementation is subject to
 resource availability
 27                                                                                                         CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
                                                  Agenda for the Strategic Directions Committee meeting 9 June 2015 - 7.1 Attachment 1 - Page 29 of 38
The following provides further             DEMAND                                             map, the analysis identified high residential
information to support the Input &                                                            youth demand in the Sport and Active
Analysis section above.                    Demographic Analysis                               Recreation planning areas 1, 2 and 5 and
                                                                                              specifically the suburbs of Morphett Vale,
                                           While it is acknowledged that users of these
                                                                                              Aberfoyle Park, Aldinga Beach, Flagstaff Hill,
                                           facilities do range in age, skate parks and
                                                                                              Happy Valley and Woodcroft.
                                           associated facilities have traditionally been
                                           classified as youth spaces by Council(s) and       This suggests that the existing skate facilities
                                           the general population. Subsequently, the          in planning areas 1, 2 and 5 namely, Minkara
                                           following examines demographic data to             Park, Flagstaff Hill, Hurtle John Potter
                                           identify current and future residential youth      Reserve, Woodcroft and Symonds Reserve,
                                           demand.                                            Aldinga are critical in meeting existing user
                                                                                              demand. Consequently, these facilities need
                                           It should be noted that councils Youth
                                                                                              to be retained and/or improved, subject to
                                           Strategic Management Plan 2013–2018
                                                                                              their age and budget resources.
                                           classifies ‘youth’ as being young people
                                           between the ages of 8–25 years old. In             It should also be noted that Planning Area 3
                                           addition to the youth classification, the Youth    and specifically the suburbs surrounding the
                                           Strategic Management Plan also notes a             Noarlunga Centre also exhibited medium
                                           specific focus on the 10–18 years age group        youth residential population. This also
                                           as these are critical times in young people’s      suggests a need for a high quality central
                                           lives. Census data provided through Profile Id     facility.
                                           does not complement the aforementioned
                                                                                              Subsequently, for the purposes of this
                                           council youth definition and focus area. In
                                                                                              management plan youth are classified as
                                           relation to youth, the Profile Id Census data is
                                                                                              young people aged between 5 – 24 years.
                                           reported as per the following age
                                                                                              This management plan will also reflect the
                                                                                              Youth Strategic Management Plan youth
                                            0-4 years                                        focus age range and examine data associated
                                                                                              with individuals aged between 12 – 17 years.
                                            5-11 years
                                                                                              Demographic analysis of Young People (5 – 24
                                            12-17 years
                                                                                              years) and Youth Focus (12 – 17 years) was
                                            18-24 years                                      undertaken. As illustrated in the following
                                                                                              map, the analysis identified high residential
                                            25-34 years.
                                                                                              youth demand in the Sport and Active

                                           Subsequently, for the purposes of this             Recreation planning areas 1, 2 and 5 and
                                           management plan youth are classified as            specifically the suburbs of Morphett Vale,
                                           young people aged between 5 – 24 years.            Aberfoyle Park, Aldinga Beach, Flagstaff Hill,
                                           This management plan will also reflect the         Happy Valley and Woodcroft.
                                           Youth Strategic Management Plan youth
                                           focus age range and examine data associated
                                           with individuals aged between 12 – 17 years.

                                           Demographic analysis of Youth (5 – 24 years)
                                           and Youth Focus (12 – 17 years) was
                                           undertaken. As illustrated in the following
28                                                                                                                 CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
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This suggests that the existing skate facilities   It should also be noted that Planning Area 3
                                in planning areas 1, 2 and 5 namely, Minkara       and specifically the suburbs surrounding the
                                Park, Flagstaff Hill, Hurtle John Potter           Noarlunga Centre also exhibited medium
                                Reserve, Woodcroft and Symonds Reserve,            youth residential population. This also
                                Aldinga are critical in meeting existing user      suggests a need for a high quality central
                                demand. Consequently, these facilities need        facility.
                                to be retained and/or improved, subject to
                                their age and budget resources.

29                                                                                                     CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
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Youth Congregation Areas                         Subsequently, the following youth                  The table below demonstrates the SARSMP
                                                 congregation areas have been assessed              Planning Areas, school enrolment population
The above demographic analysis is based on                                                          and congregation elements. Table 1 provides
                                                 throughout the city:
where youth live; this however may be                                                               an overview of areas with medium to very
                                                                                                    high school enrolments and two or more
different to where youth congregate.              Primary and high school enrolment
                                                                                                    congregation elements in that suburb.
Destinations such as schools, shopping              numbers
centers, recreation centers (in and out door)     District and major shopping centers
and service locations attract youth but may       Regional and district indoor and outdoor
not necessarily correspond with where an            sports and recreation
individual resides.                               Public transport hubs
                                                  Youth centers & service areas.


        SARSMP                                                                                                           Community/Youth &
                                                  School            Shopping            Railway             Sports
        Planning              Suburb                                                                                      Neighbourhood
                                                 Enrolment          Centre(s)          Station(s)          Facilities
          Area                                                                                                                Centres

            2              Morphett Vale          Very High                                                                     

            3             Christie Downs             High                                                                        

            1              Aberfoyle Park          Medium                                                                       

            4                 Seaford              Medium                                                                      

            2              Reynella East             High                                                                        

            3                Noarlunga             Medium
                         Centre/Noarlunga                                                                                       

            5                 Aldinga              Medium                                                                       

            2               Woodcroft              Medium                                                                       

30                                                                                                                      CITY OF ONKAPARINGA
                      Agenda for the Strategic Directions Committee meeting 9 June 2015 - 7.1 Attachment 1 - Page 32 of 38
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