DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando

Page created by Joel Meyer
DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando

Montecito Clubhouse ● 500 Del Webb Boulevard, Davenport, FL 33837 ● (863) 424-5050
DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando
2   March 2022
DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando
In This Issue
                                                     MONTECITO CLUBHOUSE
Lifestyle                                               500 Del Webb Blvd.
2       Car Parade & Show                               Davenport, FL 33837
4       Byrne Brothers                                 (863) 424-5050 phone
9       Message from Lori                                (863) 424-5033 fax
10      Spring Craft Fair
                                                  MONTECITO CLUBHOUSE HOURS:
11      DWO Cares
                                                        Monday: 7am-9pm
12      Self Defense Classes
                                                        Tuesday: 7am-9pm
14      Sincerely, Three
                                                       Wednesday: 7am-9pm
16      Tom Nabbe — Disney Legend                       Thursday: 7am-9pm
21      CPR & D-FIB+ Training                            Friday: 7am-10pm
26      Bok Tower Gardens                               Saturday: 7am-9pm
33-35   Fitness Classes                                  Sunday: 7am-9pm

HOA                                                    GUEST POOL HOURS
                                                         (Includes Children)
5       Welcome to the Neighborhood
                                                     Outdoor: 2 pm to sunset daily
5       Contact List
7       News from the BOD                               Community Manager
9       Message from Stephanie                         Stephanie Ackley-Taylor
13      Committee News                            Stephanie.Taylor@fsresidential.com

Tavern                                                     Lifestyle Director
                                                               Lori Blake
31      Tavern News

Clubs & Groups
                                                      Millennium Landscaping
18      Bowling Interest Group Events                 millenniumservicesfl.com
19      Fairwayers Golf Schedule
20      Wandering Webbers Destinations                 Warranty for your Home
22      Stepp’n Out                                         Delwebb.com
24      Club EXPO 2022
                                                     Garbage/Recycling Pick-up
                                                         Garbage: Tuesday
                                                         Recycling: Monday
8       A Moment with Millennium                        Yard Waste: Monday
15      Bess Lindberg Photos                              (863) 284-4319
17      Pigs—They’re Back!
18      Book Club Corner                           Ridgewood Lakes Master Assoc.
27      Polk County Happenings                    189 South Orange Ave, Suite 1420 B
31      Del Webb Orlando Advertising                       Orlando, FL 32801
                                                       (407) 872-7608 (business)
                                                          (863) 226-8308 (fax)
The deadline for the April Breeze is March 20th
                                   March 2022                                          3
DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando
4   March 2022
DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando
Welcome to The Neighborhood!
A big THANK YOU to everyone who came out to the recent Club Expo
sponsored by the Always Welcome Club. And an even bigger thank you to Jim
Douglas for pulling us all together for a fun morning. Finally all the residents
had a chance to come out to explore opportunities for fun, entertainment and
learning!!! There were 50 groups present to talk about what they do, when they
do it and who to contact for more information! In case you missed it, you can
seek out information on the current website’s home page. Just look for the link
for the Club & Special Interest Group Booklet. Look for a group with something
that interests you.
                                                                                      Please Follow us on
Speaking of websites, there was also an opportunity to see the new HUB coming
to a computer near you soon. This will replace our current website with new and           Facebook at
improved functionality. Be watching for more news in the future.                       Facebook.com/
I hope everyone had a chance to stop by the Always Welcome table. Karla Allan        DelWebbOrlandoHoa
(Secretary/Treasurer) and I were busy spreading the word that our March Social
is going to be moved to Wednesday to allow for a great concert. So mark your
calendar for Wednesday, March 16th at 6:30pm to come hear Richard
Palazzo, a Master Gardner for Florida. He’ll talk about plants which will
successfully grow in this area. Bring your questions!! Ask the Gardenator!!
No need to register, just come to Ballroom!
The Always Welcome Club will continue to offer speakers with information
concerning life in Florida. We also give everyone the opportunity to introduce
themselves so networking can take place. We will continue to bring together new
residents with residents who have been here for years. This is a great way for the
community to strengthen.                                                                       and on our
Beginning in April, we will return to our third Tuesday of the Month schedule         YouTube Channel at
and future topics include Disney Parks for Floridians (April 19th) and Prepare for
Hurricane Season (May 17th). We hope you will join us in the Ballroom!!! See             Del Webb Orlando
you on March 16th at 6:30 (or join us at 5:30pm if you would like to be part of            HOA Official
our Steering Committee).
Thank you,
Jean Morgan, Vice President

                                Contact List
Resident Services, Brenda Colin-Cabrera
Resident Services, Chris O’Neill
                                                                                           Central Florida
                                                                                       Visitor Information
Ridgewood Lakes Master Association for gate access Viviana
Hernandez                                                                                          Center
PULTE WARRANTY                                                                       101 Adventure Ct., Davenport
For any concerns with your new home www.delwebb.com                                            (863) 420-2586

                                                     March 2022                                                              5
DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando
New & Improved Website

    THE HUB appears on 10 other pages — can you find them all?

6                          March 2022
DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando
News from the Board
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller.
Del Webb Orlando has many positive efforts underway with residents working together for the benefit
of the community. The Board guides priorities and encourages individuals to work together to identify
and recommend solutions to improve where we all call home.
Recent and ongoing efforts for both physical improvements and guideline updates used to manage our
community are a continuous work in progress. Collaborative efforts underway include:
        An intensive clean-up on the roads that border the back gate was self-initiated and
         directed by a group of residents. The Board corresponded with the County
         Commissioner to also get assistance in these areas.
        A new and improved web site for communication, information, and engagement is
         under development and a sneak peek was shown at the Club Expo. The team has put
         hours into customizing the tool, adding content, and developing a rollout plan for the
        The streetlights along Del Webb Boulevard were recently upgraded to LED, and
         additional streetlight contracts as well as a contract to move the streetlight at the Vista
         Bella entrance have been approved to improve the community lighting situation.
        Projects which were not completed by Pulte are being researched and evaluated with
         management’s assistance such as concrete repairs throughout the community, lighting
         on the pier, dog park entrance and water fountain, full HVAC assessment and plan.
        Update to the Design Guidelines once Pulte had left was led by the Architectural
         Review Committee. This included gathering input from all community members and
         hours of discussion, debate, and finalizing the governing document.
        Review and draft for an update to the Rules & Regulations document is underway by
         the Community Guidelines Committee. The entire community will have opportunity for
         input. Together we can have the necessary discussions and debates on the recommended
Each of these efforts take time and expertise and we appreciate everyone who works together for the
good of the whole. Through all these changes, the board spends time to ensure our HOA is in alignment
with national and state laws and ensuring thorough review and consistent execution.
We encourage you to be involved because as Helen Keller said “… together we can do so much”!

This is to inform all homeowners, residents and guests that the official social media sites for Del Webb
Orlando Homeowners Association are:
       •   Facebook: “Del Webb Orlando Homeowners Association” page
       •   YouTube: “Del Webb Orlando HOA Official” channel
       •   Web Site: “DelWebbOrlandoInfo.Com” (Note: Will soon become: “DelWebbOrlando.Com”)

Beware: Any other social media sites that contain the words or labels “Del Webb” or “DWO” are not
supported by the Del Webb Homeowners Association or its Board of Directors. Those sites are not officially
affiliated with the Board of Directors nor its property management company. Statements, promotions,
comments or opinions made on those sites contain personal opinions and are not necessarily factual.

                                                 March 2022                                                7
DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando
A Moment with Millennium

Hello Del Webb Residents!
A quick riddle before we get started: There are 5 frogs sitting on a log, 4 frogs decide to jump off,
how many frogs are on the log? Let that sink in a moment. If you answered 1, that is what most
people think. The answer is 5. Deciding to do something doesn't make it happen, we must actually
Springtime is almost upon us. This was a particularly cold winter, considering our more recent milder
winters. There has been some damage from frost. We will be removing some of the dead in the
plant material during our trimming schedules. The turf should be pushing out some new growth, and
we should be checking our irrigation for coverage and any operational issues there may be. There
will be some fertilizer being applied to promote growth and feed the landscape, which is all coming
out of hibernation. We are still in our dry season and the temperatures will continue to rise, don't be
afraid to add some run times to your personal lawns to the zones with full sun. Don't forget the water
restrictions if you do so. No more than 1 hour at a time on a particular zone on the prescribed water
days. It is better to run shorter times a few times a day. With the longer run times, the water tends to
run through the root zone becoming non affective for the plants and turf.
Well I hope this has been helpful and as always don't hesitate to ask questions. Have a great
Spring! And get to jumping!

Eddie Duvall
Director of Irrigation
Millennium Services of Florida

8                                             March 2022
DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando
Messages from Stephanie & Lori

Hello Del Webbers!                                      Happy March Del Webbers!
Here we are in March already! We can finally say        Can you believe we are in the third month of 2022
goodbye to the dreary Florida winter months (it was     already?! I can’t believe March is here! Well, I kind
colder than normal this year!) and say hello to         of can because my allergies are reminding me on a
Spring time. March not only brings us Spring, but       daily basis that Spring has Sprung! The chilly
daylight savings as well! We will be “springing         weather seems to have passed for the most part and
forward” this month on March 13th and that means        warmer days are ahead!
we will have light longer in the evenings again
                                                        February was a busy month here at the Clubhouse.
finally – woohoo!                                       We had a Superbowl Party hosted by the Tailgaters,
We have a few new faces on the management team I        a very successful Save Your Sweethearts event, Cliff
would like to introduce to you! First, we have          Erickson in concert, the Murder Mystery Dinner
Stefanie (not me, different spelling!) who has joined   Theater (which was super cool!), and we were finally
us part time as an addition to our resident services    able to have our Club Expo for the first time in two
team. She has been here for a few weeks now so stop     years!
by and say hello if you haven’t already done so. You    We also have so many fun things planned this
can catch her at the front desk on weekend mornings     month! I hope all of you will find something to join
as well as a few of the weekday evenings.               in on! It’s such a great way to get to know your
We also have Erin who has joined us as our new          neighbors! Coming up this month: 2nd Annual Car
Tavern Coordinator. She is the newest team member       Show/Parade, Spring Craft Fair, The Byrne Brothers
and has had a nice warm welcome already! She is         in concert, Self Defense classes, Sincerely Three in
going to be working closely with the Tavern             concert, an off-site outing to Bok Tower Gardens,
Committee and our volunteers to help keep our           CPR training and several seminars to check out!
Tavern the success it is!                               I hope everyone has a wonderful March! If you are
I will be hosting my Community Manager’s Update         traveling, safe travels and we will see you when you
on Friday, March 25th at 10:00am so make sure to        return to Del Webb!!
join me in the Riviera Ballroom. I will be talking
about all of our accomplishments from the 1st quarter   Lori Blake,
(holy moly, how are we already that far into the        Lifestyle Director
year?!) and what to look forward to for the rest of
the year.
Have a great March, Del Webb and Happy Spring!

Stephanie Ackley Taylor, LCAM
Community Association Manager

                                                 March 2022                                                     9
DWO BREEZE - Del Webb Orlando
10   March 2022
Supporting Our Community

“Spring will be here before we know it” they are saying up north, but we here in Florida know that can mean tomorrow! If
you are a DWO resident artist, crafter, or approved vendor, you are invited to participate in the upcoming outdoor show
which will be open to the public.
The show will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2022, with a rain date of Sunday, March 13th. Due to the lingering virus
situation and the fact that it will be open to the public it will be held in the Montecito Clubhouse parking lot. Hours will be
from 9 am – 2 pm. Participants will have their choice of either a 10 x10 foot space or the equivalent of two 10 x10 foot
spaces. The larger spaces are limited. You are required to supply your own tables, chairs, and tents (optional). Since this is
an outdoor event electricity will not be available.
Handmade items and approved vendor items only. No flea market or garage sale items.
There will be a charge of $20 per space with the proceeds going to Sunshine Foundation which is in Davenport. Sunshine
Foundation’s sole purpose is to answer the dreams of chronically ill, seriously ill, physically challenged, and abused children
ages three to eighteen whose families cannot fulfill their requests due to financial strain that the child’s illness may cause.
For more information on this worthy organization please visit their website at sunshinefoundation.org.
In addition, we will be holding a raffle with items donated by our crafters. The proceeds of the raffle will also be going to
Sunshine Foundation.
The Tailgaters club will be selling lunches, and the Creative Stitches club will be holding a bake sale. So, you can shop, eat,
enjoy seeing old friends and meeting new friends.
If you would like to participate you may pick up a registration form at the front desk. Once it is filled out bring it, with your
check, made out to Sunshine Foundation, to the front desk and you will be registered to participate.
If you have any questions, you may contact craft show committee member Maureen Frahm at mpfrahm71@gmail.com

                                                         March 2022                                                          11
12   March 2022
Committee News
                                  E-Lifestyle Committee
Welcome to March DWO! We hope you enjoyed our February activities. This month is by far the
busiest month that E Lifestyle has been able to organize since before the pandemic began. We
hope the community takes advantage of all the events and activities that are listed below.
       •   3/1       E Lifestyle Committee Community Meeting 10:00 AM in the Ballroom.
       •   3/5       2nd Annual Car Show
       •   3/15      Byrne Brothers St Patrick’s Day Concert
       •   3/21      Women’s Self Defense Class 10:00 AM Ballroom
       •   3/23      Women’s/Men’s Self Defense Class 6:00 PM Ballroom
       •   3/26      Sincerely Three Concert3/27
       •   3/27      Tom Nabbe — Disney Legend
       •   3/29      Bok Tower
       •   3/30      CPR Class
As you can see there is something for everyone this month.
The E-Lifestyle Committee Community Meeting will be focused on providing more information on our
upcoming events, report on what has been accomplished in our first year and looking to you our
community as to what you would like in the Lifestyle Program as we plan for the future. We hope
many of you will come out and provide us with your ideas, suggestions or concerns as we begin our
second year as a committee.
The self-defense and CPR classes are some of the suggestions we heard from some of you. They
should be very beneficial to our residents looking to improve their security and learn or recertify their
CPR training.
We have two super performing ensembles this month
with the Byrne Brothers and Sincerely Three. Both of
these ensembles have long associations with Disney,
Universal and Sea World. These events will likely sell
out quickly so make sure you register on the portal early.
After a very successful Beer Tasting event in January,
we will be doing a Wine Tasting event in the Tavern on a
date to be announced in April. Attendance is limited to
the space in the Tavern. The Beer Tasting event sold out
in a couple days and we expect this event to do likewise.
Again, don’t procrastinate!
We hope you enjoy the month of March.

                                               March 2022                                              13
14   March 2022
Committee News

                               Finance Review Committee
Financial Fundamentals Sessions
At the request of our HOA Board Treasurer, the Finance Review Committee will be holding a series of four
sessions focused on Financial Fundamentals for the DWO HOA. The sessions will be presented LIVE, in the
ballroom, and will also be recorded to post on our community website. Following the presentation, there will
be time for attendees to ask questions.
The sessions will cover the following topics:
       1. Roles and Responsibilities: This will cover WHO is responsible for the various financial tasks that
          need to be performed by our HOA, including the Board Treasurer, the Board, the Management
          Company, the Finance Review Committee, and the homeowners.
       2. Financial Reporting: Many residents are not familiar with reading accounting reports so we want to
          help you know where to find information you might be looking for. In this session, we will review
          the line items found on the Balance Sheet and Income Statement for the entire HOA, as well as
          those for the LaTapenade Tavern and Lifestyle areas.
       3. Budget: This will help you understand the process of creating the Budget, as well as the
          assumptions and thought process behind the numbers. Our Budget process begins in early
          summer so this session will help you know what is going on behind the scenes.
       4. Reserves: This session will provide information about Florida Reserve Funding Laws, the current
          status of our reserve fund, how reserve studies work, and how the Board reviews and authorizes
          reserve spending.
Save the date for these informative sessions!
       •   March 23-Roles & Responsibilities (1-3 pm)
       •   April 27-Financial Reporting (1-3 pm)
       •   May 25-Budget (1-3 pm)
       •   June 29-Reserves (1-3 pm)

Bess Lindberg Photos

                                                   March 2022                                               15
16   March 2022
They’re back!

Pigs. We got’em here, again.
Trappers have been hired. But they
breed like crazy. The pigs, not the
trappers. The folks bordering the
conservation area are aware of
these pigs because of sightings and
lawn damage. Some refer to the
pigs as wild boars. They are feral
pigs, feral hogs. Actually, just a
plain old ordinary barnyard pig. A
boar is actually an uncastrated
male pig. A female is a sow. And
can they breed! Starting at 6
months old, a female can have 4
litters a year of about 8-12 piglets.
They can live 15-20 years.
Tame pigs can reach 800 pounds (rarely); wild pigs generally go 150 pounds or so but can reach
300 pounds. They travel in a small family group called a sounder. Normally shy and easily
frightened, they can be dangerous if cornered or wounded. They can run 30 mph. Their home range
is about 500 acres. Predators in Florida include Florida panthers (mountain lions), coyotes, bobcats,
black bears, and alligators.
Wild pigs (feral hogs) originally escaped from domestication. Highly invasive, they occur in all 67
counties of Florida and at least 39 states and southern Canada, and have become one of the most
serious wildlife problems in North America. We’ve had wild pigs in Florida at least since 1539 when
Hernando de Soto introduced them. We’ve got an estimated 500,000 feral hogs in this state alone!
And are they a nuisance. The estimated 6 million feral hogs in the United States cause billions of
dollars in damage every year, and severe declines in endemic plants and animals. Wild hogs are
omnivorous and eat a variety of plants and animals by rooting with their broad snouts, disturbing soil
and ground cover vegetation that leaves an area looking like a plowed field. Hunting is encouraged
any time of year except during spring turkey hunting season. Eat more pork. –Neil Payne

                                                          From a Vista Bella trail cam last year.

                                             March 2022                                             17
Book Club Corner
                     Rock Paper Scissors
                         Alice Feeney

Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney, is a thriller with so many
twists and turns, you might have to read it twice. That is
exactly what I am doing, just to see what I missed before I
actually go to our monthly book club. This page-turner has so
many clues, you could miss them. There is already talk of this
novel being made into a TV series on Netflix.
Feeney, weaves the story of the three main characters perspective in their own chapters. The main
couple, Amelia and Adam, live in London and travel to a remote area of Scotland for a 'free' weekend
getaway. Can this weekend away save their marriage? That seems to be the question of Amelia. So
many secrets and outside forces seem to get in the way of their success.
Where does the title of this book fit in with all the suspense? Whenever an important decision is to be
made, Amelia and Adam resort to the childhood hand game. They usually know what the results will be,
but still play the game.
Find yourself some alone time and curl up with this amazing story and see if you can sort it all out.

                                                                                 By Terry Miller

18                                              March 2022
Club News

Fairwayers Golf Schedule

Road Trip
Feb 28 afternoon Victoria Hills Mon 1 pm
Mar 1 LPGA International Tues 7:30 am (Jones)
Mar 1 LPGA International Tues 1 pm (Hills)
Mar 2 Red Tail Wed 7:30 am
Mar 2 Deltona Club Wed 1 pm

Mar 2 White Heron Wed 9:30 am
Mar 3 Legends of Clermont Thurs 9:10 am
Mar 7 Providence Mon 8:30 am
Mar 9 Spring Scramble Wed
      White Heron 8:30 am
Mar 10 Lake Wales CC Thurs 9:30 am
Mar 14 OMNI National Mon 8:30 am
Mar 16 White Heron Wed 9:30 am
Mar 21 Dubsdread Mon 9:30 am
Mar 23 White Heron Wed 9:30 am
Mar 25 Solivita Oaks Fri 8:30 am
Mar 28 Solivita Cypress Mon 8:30 am
Mar 30 White Heron Wed 9:30 am
Mar 31 Highlands Reserve 8:30 am

                                             March 2022   19
Club News

20     March 2022
Club News
Wandering Webbers                                     Do you have a trip you’d like to present?
                                                      We are especially looking for trip suggestions
Wandering Webbers will meet on Tuesday,               for locations within Florida, the U.S. and
March 1st at 4:00 pm in the Montecito                 Canada.
Clubhouse ballroom when we’ll have a
representative from Celebrity Cruise Lines at         Just fill out a trip suggestion form (available on
our meeting!                                          the portal under Wandering Webbers) and
                                                      submit it to Cheryl Miller at
Trips with travel dates that are being developed      c3miller@hotmail.com.
for 2022 include:
                                                      For more questions regarding Wandering
•   San Antonio (April 2022)                          Webbers, please ask any of our officers:
•   Greek Isles Cruise (May 2022)
•   Mississippi River Cruise (late June 2022)         •   President – Joe Braun
    (Almost Full!)                                    •   Vice President – Ken Lindberg
•   Northern California bus tour (late June           •   Secretary – Ginny Neely
    2022)                                             •   Treasurer – Lorraine Hansen
•   Switzerland by train (July 2022) (Almost
•   Rocky Mountaineer – Vancouver to Calgary                   Come and have fun traveling
    (August 2022)                                                with your DWO friends!
•   Celtic Highlights (September 2022)
•   Iceland and the Northern Lights (late
    September 2022)                                   Pickled Webbers
•   Biltmore Estates (November 2022)
                                                      Have you ever wondered what in the world
Trips planned for 2023 and beyond:                    those people were doing in the fenced area by
•   South America – Chile to Argentina                the clubhouse? Well, now is your chance to find
    (January 2023)                                    out.
•   Spain and Portugal (Spring 2023)                  The Pickled Webbers will be hosting a
•   Great Lakes Cruise – Summer 2023                  Newcomer’s Clinic to teach the basics of
•   Baltic cruise – August 2023                       Pickleball.
•   France – Viking Cruise- September 2023
•   Holiday Markets Cruise on the Rhine River         The clinics will be held March 14-16-18-21 and
    – December 2023                                   23 from 5:00 - 6:30 pm on the Pickleball
•   Egypt and Jordan and Jerusalem Early              courts. The cost will be $10 per person with $5
    2024                                              of that being used to pay your club dues for this
Other trips suggested for 2023 and later
without dates or Trip Coordinators:                   We ask that you wear tennis or court shoes; no
                                                      street shoes, sandals, flip-flops or high heels
•   Cities of Light Paris to Prague                   please.
•   Norwegian Fjords
•   Charleston and Savannah                           The clinics will be taught by Jim and Denise
•   Canadian Maritimes                                Bellew with assistance from our club
•   New England                                       members. Space for this clinic is limited so sign
•   Alaska                                            up quickly to avoid being disappointed.
•   Pacific Coast                                     To sign up, contact Mark Stanley at
•   Galapagos                                         markstanley88@outlook.com.
•   Hawaii
•   Antarctica                                        We hope to see you on the courts!
•   Costa Rica

                                                March 2022                                             21
Club News

22     March 2022
Club News

Pennsylvania Club
The Pennsylvania Club attended the Silver
Spurs Rodeo at the Osceola Fairgrounds in
Kissimmee Saturday, February 19. Twenty Pa
Club members and friends were entertained by
professional rodeo riders in the oldest American
sport. Some members also visited the Osceola
County Fair which was included with the rodeo           LUNCH PROVIDED BY THE TAILGATERS
Joe and Judy Kemler and Jeff and Ginny Neely
hosted the Pa Club table at the Club Expo on
February 26—many thanks to them!!
Due to contract talks within Major League
Baseball, we are not yet scheduled for a spring
training game in Lakeland. Hopefully this
opportunity will present itself soon. If so, we will
attend a Tigers/Pirates and Tigers/Phillies game
in March.
Our next scheduled outing is dinner at Sakura
Japanese Steakhouse in Winter Haven on
Tuesday, March 15 at 5pm. Contact Bill
Spencer at wxspencer@icloud.com as soon as
possible if you want to attend—members and
prospective members are welcome. We will
have a brief meeting at Sakura.
Our next regular monthly meeting is Tuesday,
April 19 at 4pm at the Clubhouse.

Tailgaters Club

                                                March 2022                             23
Club & Group EXPO 2022

24           March 2022
Club & Group EXPO 2022

        March 2022       25
26   March 2022
Polk County Happenings

        March 2022       27
Polk County Happenings

28           March 2022
Polk County Happenings

        March 2022       29
30   March 2022
Tavern News

The Tavern weekly entertainment is back in full swing! Check out the weekly schedule of Old School
Bingo, Tap TV Trivia and live entertainment on Friday night. And of course, don’t miss monthly
Team Trivia with Rob.
We are constantly updating the wine and beer
selections in an effort to offer excellent quality at
reasonable prices. Supply issues make that a
challenge; like to trying to do a puzzle where the
pieces keep moving! By the way, the Guinness
tap is flowing just in time for St Patrick’s Day and
the Byrne Brothers concert.
There are many changes to food offerings as we
streamline the kitchen process. This will allow our
volunteer cooks to get the food out quicker, offer
better quality and in the end offer our guests a
better experience.
As always, we can use more volunteers, especially in the kitchen. The streamlined menu makes the
job much easier than in the past. If you are interested in volunteering in the kitchen or the bar,
please contact anyone on the Tavern Committee or stop by and speak with a volunteer. It’s a great
way to meet people and give back to our community.
       Tavern Committee:
          •   Lori Anderson
          •   Maureen Bishop
          •   Claudia Innes
          •   Ed Matejceck
          •   Kathy Worley

                                               March 2022                                      31
Del Webb Orlando Advertising

     Del Webb Orlando is a 55+ Active Adult community in Davenport, Florida and we offer you the
     opportunity to advertise your business in one (or more!) of our available advertising media to reach
     our residents and guests.

     The Breeze
        Our monthly newsletter is published on our website and is available to all homeowners even if
        they are not currently resident in Florida. Printed copies are available, in the Clubhouse, for
        potential homeowners and real estate professionals.

        Our La Tapenade Tavern has the ability to present your advertisement and promote your
        business on a rotating display in conjunction with our streaming trivia service. In addition, A link
        to your business will be added to our website (delwebborlandoinfo.com) that is open to be
        viewed by the public.
     Event Sponsorship
        You will have the choice of upcoming Lifestyle Events within Del Webb Orlando in accordance
        with your chosen level of sponsorship.

            For further information please contact: Lori Blake, Lifestyle Director
                  Lori.Blake1@fsresidential.com                            (863) 424-5050

32                                                March 2022
March 2022   33
34   March 2022
March 2022   35
36   March 2022
March 2022   37
38   March 2022
March 2022   39
40   March 2022
March 2022   41
42   March 2022
March 2022   43
44   March 2022
Set Off the Fireworks
                 Dance workshop at DWO
With a Certified Instructor, Hannah Pickard


     Space is limited, register NOW!

                                       March 2022   45
Del Webb Orlando HOA

Questions about the HOA?                              Contact us today!
   dwo.info@fsresidential.com                                 (863) 424-5050

          Proud to be Professionally Managed by FirstService Residential
                 2950 North 28th Terrace, Hollywood, FL 33020
                    (954) 925-8200    www.fsresidential.com

                                                         GATE ACCESS

                                                             provided by
                                                 Ridgewood Lakes Master Association
                                                and managed by Vesta Property Services
                                                  121 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 1170 A
                                                          Orlando, FL 32801

                                                 Gatehouse: (863) 420-0145
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