SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2022 - Parishes Online

Page created by Laurie Johnston
SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2022 - Parishes Online
SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2022 - Parishes Online
2022 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA)
                                                           Today begins the annual Catholic Ministries Appeal throughout the archdiocese.
                                                           The CMA provides vital funding to six local ministries. These ministries include:
                Mass Times                                   • St. Rita School for the Deaf;
                                                             • Our Retired Archdiocesan Priests;
                                                             • Campus, Hospital, and Prison Ministries;
                                                             • Our Seminary and Vocations work at the Athenaeum of Ohio;
                                                             • Catholic Charities & Social Services; and
              Tuesday - Friday:
                                                             • New Evangelization programming.
                                                           More information about the CMA will be arriving in the mail over the next week. We
                                                           invite you to prayerfully consider making a gift to this year’s CMA. Thank you for your
              8:15 am | 4:30 pm
       8:30am* | 11:00am | 5:30pm

*Mass is Livestreamed watch via YouTube:

Notice of Filming and Photography
In order to offer Mass online, we will be live streaming
during the 8:30 Sunday Mass. This means there is a
possibility your image and likeness may appear on

 The Sacrament of Reconciliation is
 available at our scheduled time or
          by appointment.

          Fr. Bedel | 513.697.3101
         Fr. Pasala | 513.697.3102

     Scheduled Confession Times

              8:45am - 9:15am*
              3:00pm - 4:00pm
                                                           Pope Francis Wants to Hear From You!
                                                           The Holy Father is asking for as many of the baptized as possible to participate in
   * Or until last Confession is heard                     archdiocese-wide meetings taking place in January and February, 2022, to discuss
                                                           how we can collectively better advance the message of salvation. Please consider
                                                           participating in one the 12 scheduled meetings. To learn more and to sign up, please

                                                           New Music: Mass of St. Kilian
                                                           To start off the new year, SMOY will be learning Curtis Stephan’s “Mass of St. Kilian”
                                                           throughout the Winter Ordinary Time Season. We look forward to teaching the SMOY
                                                           congregation this engaging and spiritually uplifting setting. Ttype “Mass of St. Kilian
                                                           by Curtis Stephan,” to find it on YouTube.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2022 - Parishes Online
From the Pastor’s Desk                        CLERGY & STAFF
                       Fr. Bedel                                     Priests
                                                                     Fr. Jason Bedel             Fr. Maria Raju Pasala
                                                                     Pastor                      Parochial Vicar
                                                                     513.697.3101                513.697.3102
Beloved in Christ,
Today, we are in the midst of the Week of Prayer for Christian
                                                                     Paul Blessing               Mike Muse
Unity. In the United States, it is observed from January 18th        Deacon                      Deacon
to 24th, leading up to the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul
on January 25th. How important is Christian unity? In His                                        513.504.8442
great priestly prayer at the Last Supper, recorded in St. John’s     Mike Huffman
                                                                     Deacon                      Jeff Perkins
Gospel, Our Lord Jesus prays to the Father that we may be            Deacon
one as He and the Father are one. So, yes, it is important to        513.313.1121      
the Lord and thus a scandal that there is so much division in                                    513.226.6665
His Mystical Body, the Church. But this is nothing new. Jesus
founded one Church upon the foundation of the Apostles in the        Parish Staff
first century. And even in that same century some individuals        Michael Ott                 Courtney Brown
and groups went out on their own, without being sent, and            Director, Administration    Director of Evangelization
taught things contrary to the teachings of the Apostles. Pope        & Finance                   & Discipleship
Leo XIII inaugurated the observance of the Week of Prayer for        513.697.3103                513.697.3113
Christian Unity in 1897, then in 1910, Pope St. Pius X moved it to
the current week. Unitatis Redintegratio #24 from the Second         Kathy McGaughy              Melissa Capella
Vatican Ecumenical Council urged the faithful to unite in prayer     Office Manager              Director of Youth Ministry
for this intention: “this holy objective—the reconciliation of all   513.697.3108                513.697.3105
Christians in the unity in the one and only Church of Christ—
transcends human powers and gifts.”                                  Jacilyn Jackson             Birgitt Hacker
                                                                     Administrative Assistant    Pastoral Associate of
                                                                      Adult Faith Formation
On weekdays when other feasts are not observed, we have the          513.697.3109                & Ministries
option of offering the Mass for the Unity of Christians, among                         
several others. “In his motu proprio of 30 September 2019,           Tony Arnold                 513.697.3114
Aperuit Illis, Pope Francis has declared that the Third Sunday       Pastoral Associate
                                                                     of Liturgical Music         Michelle Manczyk
in Ordinary Time is to be devoted to the celebration, study, and            Communications
dissemination of the word of God. This Sunday of the Word of         513.697.3107                Coordinator
God will thus be a fitting part of that time of year when we are                       
encouraged to strengthen our bonds with the Jewish people                                        513.697.3111
and to pray for Christian unity.” (Paulist Press Ordo) The full
text of Aperuit Illis can be found at with an internet
search.                                                              School Office Staff
                                                                     Kristin Penley              Amy Eisele
                                                                     Principal                   Admissions
As the Archbishop says in his homily today: We baptized    
Christians, are called to be active in making Jesus present in       513.697.3123                513.697.3122
the world. The annual CMA is one of the ways we can answer
that call. As usual, I gave 1% of my annual income to the CMA.       Natalie Cohen               Megan Phelan
                                                                     Assistant Principal         Advancement / Alumni
Last year we at St. Margaret of York responded with great         Relations
generosity. I thank you for your generous witness then; and          513.697.3124      
I thank you in advance for what we will do together in 2022.                                     513.697.5000
More information is in this bulletin.                                Stacy Brandel
                                                                     Office Manager
This Friday, January 28th, I will present some photographs           513.697.3121
and stories from my sabbatical in Spain. We are planning to
meet in Fr. James Brooks Hall. All are welcome.

Continued on next page
SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2022 - Parishes Online
Continued from previous page
    Parish Financial Support
                                              Thanks for your prayers. Be assured of my daily prayers for you.
            Sunday Offerings
             (January 2022)                   God bless,
                                              Fr. Bedel
       January 02       $7,332
             EFT        $14,263
       January 09       $14,419
       January 16       $-
             EFT        $-
       January 23       $-
       January 30       $-                    Food Pantry Ministry
          WeShare Offering $17,355            January Item of the Month: Toothbrushes, Paste, Floss, & Denture Tabs
    Total for current month to date $53,369   Oral care items are ineligible for purchase using SNAP benefits. In Jan-
                                              uary pantries strive to provide clients with a brush/paste. We advertised
         Sunday Offerings (YTD)               the same in Jan 2021 and toothpaste was subsequently donated every
         (July 2021 - June 2022)              month last year. Thank you!
                 YTD Actual:
                  $875,453                    Baptism Prep Classes
                                              All sacraments require preparation. Baptism Prep Class is for expectant
               Fiscal Budget:
                $ 1,400,000                   parents who want to have their child baptized. (If your child is already
                                              here, congrats. We will still help you prepare for their Baptism with this
                 Difference:                  class.) Once you have completed the paperwork from the class, you will
                 ($524,527)                   be able to set the date for your child’s Baptism. Baptism prep is required
                                              for additional children if it’s been 4 or more years since your last class or
    Special & Designated Collections          there is a change in pastor. Contact: to sign up for a
             (January 2022)                   class. Please provide your phone number when signing up. You can regis-
                                              ter for the class anytime during your pregnancy.
     Debt Reduction (Close the Gap):
       School Tuition Assistance
            Retired Religious

                                              Save the Date
             Tornado Relief

         Total for Current Month:
                   $2,928                     UPCOMING EVENTS
         Mortgage Indebtedness

     Principal balance on mortgage:              1
    Number of Months left until payoff:
        Amount of last payment:

                                                           Join Fr. Bedel in Fr. James Brooks Hall where he will share
                                                           some pictures, stories and other interesting things from his
                                                           90 day sabbatical in Pamplona, Spain.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2022 - Parishes Online
January 29, 2022
                     SMOY Prays is an evening where Christ is fully present. Join us for
                     an evening of Eucharistic exposition, praise and worship music, a
                            talk, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and among us.
                                                              Event Schedule

                                                              Praise & Worship
                                                              exposition & benediction

                                                              Prayer Teams
                                                              located in the Holy Hallway

                                                              join us for a refreshment
                                                              following adoration

St. Margaret of York
9499 Columbia Rd.
Loveland, OH 45140
SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2022 - Parishes Online
Eucharistic Exposition                     3        Knights of Columbus Euchre Party
            Weekly Adoration
                                                          February 5 | 7:00pm -10:00pm
                   Saturday                               The annual Euchre Party is hosted by the St. Margaret of York
               9:00am - 4:00pm                            Knights of Columbus Council 13429. All proceeds will ben-
            (Benediction @ 4:00pm)                        efit the Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids campaign. $20
                                                          per player which includes 2 drink tickets. Pre-registration is
             24hrs Adoration
                                                          required. The Euchre Party will be held in Fr. James Brooks
          3rd Saturday into Sunday                        Hall located on the lower level of the church and is open to
              8:45am - 7:00am                             parishioners, friends, and family. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Prizes
       (reposed 4:00 - 5:30pm for Mass)                   plus food, drinks, 50/50 Split the Pot! Need A Refresher? Join
            Benediction at 6:50am
                                                          us for a pre-party “learn to play” session from 6:30-7:00pm!
                    Church                                Pre-register:

    The Church is open whenever Mass isn’t
    in progress for adoration. For access to
      building after hours, please contact:

                Jacilyn Jackson
                                               Help Needed/Get Involved
                                               Save the Date & Volunteer for Fish Fry
                                               Friday Evenings in Lent
          Morning Prayer                       It’s that time of year and we are having fish fry! We are looking for volun-
          from Liturgy of the Hours
                                               teers who are willing to help be on the planning/leadership committee,
              Tuesday - Saturday               kitchen leaders, and take out areas. Please contact Kami Bachman at
                                      if interested. We will share the Sign Up Genius
                                               link for Fish Frys in future bulletins.

                  Rosary                       Save the Date & Volunteer for Vacation Bible School
              Tuesday - Saturday
                   8:45am                      May 31 - June 3 | 9:00am -12:00pm
                                               VBS is Back! Save the date! VBS 2022 will be May 31st-June 3rd from 9am
                                               to noon. Volunteer information will be coming out soon so be on the look-
                                               out as this event can’t take place without adult teachers. As a teacher you
                                               secure a spot for your own campers. Lastly, this will be our last year as
                                               coordinators of this event so if you are interested in taking on this minis-
                                               try please reach out to one of us. We’re happy to have you shadow us so
                                               we can show you the ropes. Blessings, Kim Meyrose and Crista Ward. If
                                               interested in becoming the coordinator or a teacher please email: vbs.

                                               Knights of Columbus - Social Meeting
                                               We are excited to let everyone know Bob Billot has been confirmed as
                                               our speaker at our January 24th social meeting. Mr. Billot is a partner in
                                               the Taft law firm in Cincinnati. Most of you have probably never heard of
                                               this gentleman, so here is a quick overview: Mr. Billott won a court case
                                               against DuPont in West Virginia and the largest settlement in U.S. History
                                               to date. We encourage everyone to watch the movie “Dark Waters” prior
                                               to the meeting. It is a good one.

                                               The Knights Social Meeting is open to all men of the parish. Please come
                                               and enjoy Christian fellowship, exciting guest speakers, refreshments,
                                               and new friendships. We meet in the Fr. James Brooks Hall in the lower
                                               level of the church. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM on Monday, January
                                               24, 2022.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2022 - Parishes Online
Mass Intentions
                                                                                       Monday, January 24
                                                                                       6:00PM Mass
                                                                                       + Colleen Thomas
                                Interested in a                                        req by Marilyn Jacoby

                                Catholic Education?                                    Tuesday, January 25
                                                                                       8:15AM Mass
                                                                                       Beth Brink req by
                                                                                       Kim Lukens
  Open Enrollment                          Open House                                  Wednesday, January 26
  February 1-15, 2022                      Sunday, January 30, 2022 | 12:00 -          8:15AM Mass
  Open enrollment is from February         2:00pm                                      Jared Molas req by
  1-15. The online application can be      Join us after the 11:00am Mass for          Ella Molas
  found by visiting         our open house from 12:00 - 2:00pm.
                                           Come and see if St. Margaret of York        Thursday, January 27
                                           is the right educational choice for         8:15AM Mass
  Prospective Parent Meeting               your children.                              + Leo Depinet req by
                                                                                       Mary Depinet
  + Open House
  Thursday, January 20, 2022 | 5:30pm
                                           Prospective Parent Meeting                  Friday, January 28
                                                                                       8:15AM Mass
  Discover the Catholic difference in      Thursday, February 10, 2022 | 9:00am        + Jack Kolhoff req by
  education. Join us for our prospective   Join us for our prospective parents         Deacon Paul & Mary Blessing
  parents meeting and stay for our         meeting and learn what a Catholic
  open house from 6:00-7:00pm.             education can provide for your              Saturday, January 29
                                           children.                                   8:15AM Mass
                                                                                       + Intentions of the Celebrant
                                                                                       4:30PM Mass
                                                      St. Margaret of York School
  RSVP:                                               is an EdChoice Scholarship
                                                                                       SMOY Parish

  Email to RSVP for a          provider. Active SMOY
                                                                                       Sunday, January 30
  prospective parent meeting or to schedule a         Parishioners receive a
                                                                                       8:30AM Mass
  private tour.                                       discount on tuition.
                                                                                       + Fran Bruns req by
                                                                                       Sharon Rose
                                                                                       11:00AM Mass
                                                                                       + Cathy Terry req by
                                                                                       Keith & Cathy Johnson
                                                                                       5:30PM Mass
                                                                                       Amy Hittinger req by
                                                                                       Kim Lukens
Become a Bulletin Sponsor
Did you know, our weekly bulletin is paid through our bulletin sponsors and actually
provides extra funds to the parish? Becoming a bulletin sponsor is a great way
to support the parish and get your business in front of your fellow parishioners.
Interested? Contact: Nancy Macmillan | 859.443.2073 |

                   Please support our bulletin sponsors

                      Bulletin Sponsors of the Week
                          The Christy Jones Team
                     United Healthcare - George Nikias

Parish Council                                    Sacramental Prep                               Fathers Team
                                                                                                 Chris Gauche | 513.720.1112
& Commissions                                     Coordinators                         
Education Commission                              Baptism Preparation                            Ken Klaber | 513.368.5714
Crista Ward                                       Charlotte Sharon                                                                       Chris Knueven | 513.314.0226
Finance Commission                                Marriage Preparation                           Food Pantry Ministry
Dave Brandel | 513.677.8963                       Frank & Lisa Hoffman                           Lindsey Galles
Pastoral Council                                                                                 Girl Scouts
John Paxton | 513.403.8839                        RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults   Gabrielle Gray
                                                  Birgitt Hacker | 513.697.3114        
Social Action Commission                                                  Giving Tree
Dave Doel | 513.324.2320                                                                         Stephanie Kemplin | 513.325.8756
                                                  Declarations of Nullity                        Honduras Twinning
Worship Commission                                (Annulments)                                   Tracy McNulty
Tony Arnold | 513.697.3107                                                                                               Deacon Mike Muse | 513.504.8442
                                                                                                 Ignition Youth Ministry
                                                                                                 Melissa Capella
                                                                                                 Knights of Columbus
                                                  Ministries & Faith Formation                   Gary Purdue | 513.266.5483
           Pray for the Sick                      Altar Servers
      Pat Emerson             Kendall Millette    Deacon Mike Muse | 513.504.8442                Dave Alexander
      Jerry Driscoll          Mike O’Brien, Jr.   American Heritage Girls              
      Nick Folkens             Jacquie Scott      Julie Byrne                                    Moms Ministry
     Tristan LaFord               Earl Wall                        Jennifer Bedel
     Mary Sue Loftus          Michael Zegarski    Arts & Environment                   
       Nancy Kern                                 Marilyn Jacoby | 513.470.8573                  Music Ministry
                                                            Tony Arnold | 513.697.3107
                                                  Bereavement & Funeral Ministry       
                                                  Patti Hawkins | 513.505.9755                   PLUS: Prayerful, Loving, Understanding,
             Prayer Request                       Boosters Communications                        Support (For Grieving Parents)
                                                  Suzie Lucke                                    Mary Kuenzig | 513.300.1537
    The St. Margaret Prayer Chain Ministry                 Prayer Chain
    prays for those experiencing a special        Boosters Co-Presidents                         Amy Grogan | 513.646.8911
    need or emergency situation. They are a       Tony Focke & Joe Pirchner            
    great comfort to anyone who feels alone                      Prison Ministry
    when facing a time of crisis. You are         Boy Scouts                                     John Brandenburg
    welcome to be included in this special        Kami Bachman | 513.309.1854          
    ministry, or if you have prayer intentions                           Respect Life
    or requests, our prayers can be offered       Cana Family Ministry                           Erin Flege | 513.774.7147
    for you.                                      April Rongo | 513.258.6764           
                                                                     Sacristans & Mass Coordinators
   Prayer Chain                                   Catechesis of the Good Shepherd                Barb Bonifas | 513.623.4570
   Amy Grogan | 513.646.8911                      Amanda Glenski                                 Marge Parks | 513.766.1598                                   Sports Ministry
                                                  Challenge                                      Jimmy Meerdink | 513.642.1150
                                                  Lori Konkoly | 513.600.1819                    Society of St. Vincent de Paul
                Sacraments                        Tammy O’Rourke | 513.226.1195
                                                  Communion to the Lodge
                                                                                                 David Bedel | 630.842.9394
    Please note all sacraments require            Patti Hawkins | 513.505.9755                   Technology Team
    formational preparation prior to              Conquest                                       Tony Arnold | 513.697.3107
                                                  Dan DeBrosse                         
    the reception of the sacrament.                               True Devotion to Mary
    Please contact the following for              Elizabeth Ministry                             Leslie Bort | 513.398.7999
    more information and to schedule:             Staci Henderson                      
                                                  Emmaus Communities                             Sean Hayes | 513.683.0205
    Baptism:                     Teddy & Mandy Bort | 513.282.3575              Welcome CRHP 2.0
    Marriage:                                  John & Karen Burke | 513.383.0048
                                                  Eucharist for the Homebound          
                Holy Orders:                      Deacon Mike Huffman | 513.313.1121             Welcome New Parishioners
                                                                     Leanne Matthews | 513.587.9517                Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
                                                  Ken & Sue Ann Klaber                           WOW: Wisdom of the Word
                                                                    Birgitt Hacker | 513.697.3112
Catholic Education Foundation (CEF)
Tuition Grants
The Catholic Education Foundation for the Archdiocese of
Cincinnati is now accepting K-8 tuition assistance grant ap-
plications for the 2022-2023 school year. The application pe-
riod will run from now through February 6th, 2022. Please go
to for more information and/or
apply at

Beyond the Parish Doors
Beyond our parish doors, there is a wealth of events and
opportunities with external Catholic organizations. Visit to see more events
and volunteer opportunities in the greater Catholic community.

E6 Catholic Men’s Conference
Saturday, February 26, 2022 | All Day | East Central High
School, St. Leon, IN
“As iron sharpens iron. So does one man sharpen another.” -
Proverbs 27:17 The E6 Catholic Men’s Conference is designed
to bring men into a deeper relationship with Christ and His
Catholic Church through a worthy celebration of the sacra-
ments, engaging talks to strengthen their faith, opportunities
for true fraternity and exposure to good resources to aid them
in living their faith as disciples of Christ. This year’s speakers
include Matthew Kelly, Gus Lloyd, and Fr. Jonathan Meyer.
Register/More Info: https://www.e6catholicmensconfer-

Cincinnati Mens Conference
Saturday, April 2, 2022 | 6:30am - 2:00pm | Fifth Third Arena,                        Social Media
University of Cincinnati Campus
Actor Jim Caviezel (Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the
Christ), Raymond Arroyo (EWTN/ FOX News), and Bishop John
                                                                              Follow us on Facebook & Twitter
C. Iffert (Diocese of Covington) are coming to Cincinnati on                           @smoyparish
April 2, 2022 to speak at the Cincinnati Men’s Conference. Go
to to get tickets. Come
for a half day of spiritual renewal and fellowship!                  

Receive the Catholic Telegraph
Free of Charge
The Catholic Telegraph is the monthly magazine of the Arch-
diocese of Cincinnati, available to the Catholic faithful free of
charge. For your complimentary monthly subscription, go to
                                                                       Address: 9499 Columbia Rd.
                                                                                Loveland, OH 45140
                                                                         Phone: 513.697.3100
                                                                     Emergency: Call & Follow Prompts

                                                                          Fax: 513.683.7101

L A R RY ’S                                                                                     Eat at Skips!
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                                             Domestic Relations
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