St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526

Page created by Gabriel Robinson
St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526
St. Pius X Catholic Community

1025 E. Madison Street  Lombard, IL 60148  630-627-4526 
St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526
W                   T

                 S .P                 XC                                C
                      1025 E. M                   S         ■L                  , IL 60148

                                            D                   J
                  S                     C                                   R

                                         MISSION STATEMENT
         We the people of St. Pius X Church, a faith community in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet,
Illinois, accept the challenge to restore all things in Christ through the use of our gifts and ministry. Guided by
the Father, nourished by the Eucharist, and inspired by the Holy Spirit we embrace all through our
commitment to worship, education, service, and stewardship.

                                    LEMA DE NUESTRA MISIÓN

         Nosotros las personas de la Iglesia de San Pío X, una comunidad de fe Católica de la Diócesis de Joliet,
Illinois, aceptamos los desafíos de restaurar todas las cosas en Cristo, por medio de nuestros talentos y
ministerios. Guiados por el Padre, nutridos por la Eucaristía, e inspirados por el Espíritu Santo; unidos y
comprometidos todos nosotros por medio de nuestros dones, educación y servicio.

                      Pastor:                                        Business Manager: Donna Cooper
             Father George Zieba, CR                                  Office Manager: Margaret Noah
                     Deacons:                                        Campus Manager: Sallie McGinn
           John Chan, Armando Herrera,                             Pastoral Council, Chair: David Poirier
          Larry Lissak, Tom Rachubinski
                                                                    Finance Council, Chair: Frank Enda
       Hispanic Ministry Pastoral Assistant:
             Fr. Firmo Mantovani, CS                            Stewardship Council, Chair: Sharon DeFalco
           School Principal: Toni Miller                                 Parish Office: 630-627-4526
           Religious Education Director:                                      Fax: 630-495-5926
                  Elizabeth Becerra                           
        Hispanic Ministry Coordinator and
          Rel. Ed. Director: Laura Mora                                     School: 630-627-2353
                                                                              Fax: 630-627-1810
       Youth Ministry Director: Mary Koykar
        Religious Education: 630-627-1551

                                                       PAGE 2
St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526
                         MASSES                                                PARISH OFFICE HOURS AND
Saturday: 5:00 PM Anticipation of Sunday                                         CONTACT INFORMATION
Misa en Espanol: Sabado 7:00 PM                                          Summer Hours — Monday through Thursday:
Sunday: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM                                                9:00 AM – Noon; 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Holy Days: 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM                                                    Friday: 9:00 AM– Noon
Weekdays: 8:30 AM Monday through Friday
Saturday: 8:30 AM First Saturday each month                                  parishof
           SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                                                630-627-4526
Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 PM or by appointment                                        FAX: 630-495-5926
                  SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM                                              SCHOOL OFFICE
Please call Parish Of ice for information.                                   Information: Call 630-627-2353
                 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE                                       RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE
Please call the Parish Of ice at least 6 months before your                  Information: Call 630-627-1551
desired wedding date to check availability.                                           NEW PARISHIONERS
                        FUNERALS                                  Welcome! You are invited to come or to call the Parish Of ice
Arrangements should be made at the Parish Of ice before           to register. Forms also available on parish website.
publication in the newspaper.                                                     MINISTRIES – GET INVOLVED
                 PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL                          If you are interested in one of our many ministries or wish to
To add a name to the Prayers of the Faithful, contact the         become involved by sharing your time or talent, please
Parish Of ice. Before a name can be added, you should have        contact the Parish Of ice or see our website for details.
the approval of the affected individual or of a family member.                         BULLETIN ARTICLES
                          *SICK CALLS                             Articles are due at the Parish Of ice TEN days prior to the
If you or a loved one is homebound, in a nursing home or          bulletin date. Attach a Word ile to an email. Send it to
hospitalized because of sickness or age, contact the Parish Please include a contact
Of ice to arrange for a Priest or Minister of Care.               name and phone number on each article. Indicate the
  *ANOINTING OF THOSE FACING SURGERY OR OTHER                     date(s) you would like the article to run. Every effort will be
                   MEDICAL CONDITIONS                             made to see that your request is granted. As a general rule,
To arrange for the anointing of a loved one facing surgery,       we encourage using “bulletin space” instead of a separate
other medical conditions or complications from pregnancy,         insert whenever possible. This saves the cost of printing.
contact the Parish Of ice.                                                    VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD
                                                                                     AND RELIGIOUS LIFE
             *ANOINTING OF THE GRAVELY ILL                                 Call 815-221-6171 or
To arrange for the anointing of the gravely ill, contact the
Parish Of ice at 630-627-4526, press 1.                                      PREGNANT? CONFUSED? NEED HELP?
*Because of HIPPA regulations, hospitals and nursing homes             Call Waterleaf Women’s Services at 888-98WEHELP
are not permitted to contact the parish directly.
            SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT dePAUL                                      REPORTING SEXUAL ABUSE
            ASSISTANCE AND PANTRY HOURS                       Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect the sexual
Mondays 9:30-11:30 AM. Service only to residents of           abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy or other Church
Lombard and Villa Park for pre-bagged food & assistance.      personnel is urged to report the matter immediately. To
Fridays 9:30-11:30 AM. Service only to PADS/homeless          inform the Diocese of Joliet, call Leah McCluskey Heffernan,
clients.                                                      MSW, LSW, Director of Child and Youth Protection at
                                                              815-221-6116 or write the Diocese of Joliet, 16555 Weber
If you know of anyone who needs assistance from the           Road, Crest Hill, IL. Contact DCFS at 1-800-252-2873 or call
Society, please have them call 630-300-4353 to leave a clear, the local County States Attorney.
detailed message. A society member is checking for calls
periodically. All calls for assistance will be handled                FREE MINISTRY TO TRAVELING CATHOLICS
con identially, as is our usual practice.                                For nationwide Mass times and locations:

                                                        June 13, 2021
                                                              PAGE 3
St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526
             Liturgical Calendar
Monday       June 14 — Weekday
2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2b, 3-4; Mt 5:38-42
 8:30 am     Heather Atiyoshi by Carol Corsini
             Edward Napora by Marjorie Ortiz
             Bernice Gall by Son
Tuesday      June 15 — Weekday
2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2, 5-9a; Mt 5:43-48
 8:30 am     Joseph Jablonsky & Michael Brickley by
             Jablonsky Family
Wednesday June 16 — Weekday
2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1bc-4, 9; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
 8:30 am     For God’s Blessings on Mary Lynn Brown by
             Dorie Gruss
Thursday June 17 — Weekday
2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1b-4, 7-8; Mt 6:7-15
 8:30 am     Betty Bobolia by Stoffel Family
                                                                                   During Construction
Friday       June 18 — Weekday
2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34:2-7; Mt 6:19-23                                          When entering and exiting the church,
 8:30 am     Evalynn & Edward Jantos                                              you may use any door, except the door
                                                                                   under construction (Door #7 Madison
Saturday June 19 — Saint Romuald                                                   Street side.)
2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:24-34
 3:30-4:30 pm Reconciliation
                                                                                   The current ADA door will be accessible
    Vigil—Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                          for all Masses.
5:00 pm   St. Pius X Parish Family
7:00 pm   Misa en español                                                          Thank you
Sunday       June 20
2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:24-34
 8:00 am     All Fathers Living and Deceased
10:00 am     All Fathers Living and Deceased

                                                                     Tyler Anthony Segroves & Jane Michele Jemmi — III

                                                  St. Pius X Catholic Community Welcomes
                                                         our newly Baptized members:
                                                                    Luca Anthony
                                                                     Camila Rose
                                                                    Nicolas Cruz

                                            Elizabeth McNicholas          Mary Koykar               George Czaplicki
                                               Kelly Lanzarotta            Bill Aguirre             Sarah Giovenco
                                                 Judy Curtin           Michelle Carnagio              Connie Earl
                                              Dorothy Seranko               Don Lucas                Theresa Brown
                                                 Brad Benes              Luke Commare               Owen Kingsbury
                                                Laura Biagini           Jan & Tim Bartels            Marv Schulgen
                                               Benjamin Mauro        Celeste & Mike McHugh         Robert Connell, Jr.
                                             Bernadette Resner             Gerry Cvach
          the following parishioners             John Rossi             Antoinette Ferjak
           and friends who are ill:          Phyllis Lanzarotta        Rodrigo Francisco

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St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526
June 13, 2021
   PAGE 5
St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526

                                                 Our Stewardship of Sharing
 Weekly Offering Report
 Weekly Offering Contributions — June 2021
 First Sunday Offering                 8,504                          
 Electronic Giving (6/1 — 6/8)        11,774
                                                                                    Year to Date Sunday Offering Budget
 Budgeted Income for June*                        $52,925                              July 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021
 Amount Needed for June                           $32,647                       Budget                                $625,075
 *Budgeted offering income needed to meet monthly budgeted                      Revenue                                620,843
 expenses                                                                       Over (under) Budget for year            (4,232)

                                                                              Golden Touch Donations 7/1/20-6/8/21:          $18,814
   Close the Gap Monies Received through 6/8:           $10,719

  These Close the Gap contributions are also included in the                   Thank you for your continued support of our
  Weekly Offering Report when they are made.                                         ministries to the people of God.

  As of June 8, we need $36,879 to make the budget for the                    Prayerfully consider giving a gift to St. Pius X Parish
  fiscal year. ($32,647 + $4,232)                                                 in your Estate Planning or Planned Giving.

                                                                                            Restore All Things in Christ
                     Father’s Day Collection for                                          Stewardship of Treasure Appeal
                       Diocesan Infirmed and
                                                                          Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and
                           Elderly Priests                                submitted your Commitment Card to the church. It is important
                                                                          that all parishioners complete a Commitment Card so we may
                    “The heart of Christ’s priests knows only             budget appropriately in order to carry on our parish mission.
                    two directions: the Lord and His people.”             For those parishioners who have not yet had the opportunity to
  -- Pope Francis, Jubilee of Mercy for Priests, June 3, 2016             submit their card, please do so within the next week. Our goal
These words of Pope Francis strike a chord as we approach the             is 100% participation! Can we do it? It’s up to you. We hope
Father’s Day Collection for Diocesan Infirmed and Elderly                 and pray the answer will be a resounding YES!
Priests on June 19-20 in parishes throughout the diocese. This
annual collection helps meet the needs of our elderly, infirmed           We also encourage all parishioners to consider our electronic
and retired diocesan priests, especially those who have                   giving method and to setup your recurring offertory gifts
extraordinary medical expenses beyond what insurance can                  electronically. If you have any questions, please contact the
cover.                                                                    parish office.

“It helps out with unusual expenses that a priest might
encounter, like a huge dental bill or a hearing aid,” said Father                       Restaura todas las cosas en Cristo
John Balluff, episcopal vicar for clergy for the diocese.                            Apelación sobre la mayordomía del tesoro
This second collection also helps to pay for repairs at the St.           Gracias a todos los feligreses que han completado y enviado su
John Vianney Villa Priest Retirement Home in Naperville, an               Tarjeta de Compromiso para que podamos hacer un
assisted living facility for retired priests. But we all know that        presupuesto adecuado para llevar a cabo nuestra misión
few priests really retire, as they often fill in for a pastor who         parroquial. Para aquellos feligreses que aún no han tenido la
becomes sick or goes on sabbatical. They also celebrate daily             oportunidad de enviar su tarjeta, hágalo dentro de la próxima
and weekend Masses, hear confessions, perform funerals,                   semana. ¡Nuestro objetivo es el 100% de participación!
celebrate weddings and anoint the sick.                                   ¿Podemos hacerlo? Tú decides. Esperamos y rezamos para que
Let’s give generously to this second collection on Father’s               la respuesta sea un rotundo ¡Sí!
Day weekend:
                                                                          También alentamos a todos los feligreses a considerar nuestro
Donations can also be made through the St. Pius X Online                  método de donación electrónica y configurar electrónicamente
Giving program for the Diocesan Priests Care and Support:                 sus donaciones de ofertorio recurrentes. Si tiene alguna                   pregunta, comuníquese con la oficina parroquial.

                                                                     PAGE 6
St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526
Que Dios Bendiga a nuestros
                          Confirmandos que recibieron el Sacramento de la Confirmación el
                                              1 & 2 de junio, 2021

               Sebastian Almaraz                                                                 Giovanni Olivares
                Ashleyn Andres                                                                     Edgar Orozco
                 Evelyn Barron                                                                   Alejandro Ramirez
               Michelle Cardoso                                                                    Cindy Ramirez
                  Brenda Cruz                                                                      Brian Salgado
                 Jakeline Cruz                                                                   Melanie Sandoval
                 Nathalie Cruz                                                                   Gabriela Sanchez
                Natalie Davalos                                                                Gisselle Santos-Beltran
                  Gael Garcia                                                                      Laila Soreque
                 Emily Guzman                                                                       Edgar Tapia
                 Flor A. Lopez                                                                    Angel Tolentino
                Mario Magaña                                                                        Yazmin Villa

                                                   St. Vincent de Paul Society
                                              We Care – We Share – Drive-Thru Style
                                                   Saturday/June 19 -- 9-11am

   It is time to restock the pantry again! You fill up the shelves, but it does not sit there long. Those groceries are getting onto the
tables of our hungry neighbors.
   The Monthly We Care – We Share Food Drive is a great way for you to support our food pantry. The need for food in our
community is greater than ever, and your generosity continues to meet that need.
   For the health and safety of you and our volunteers, We Care – We Share is a Food Drive-Thru. Donation is easy, fun and
   St. Vincent de Paul will hold the next drive-thru food collection on Saturday, June 19, from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Any packaged, non
-perishable food item is welcome, but the pantry is especially in need of:

                                 Pancake Mix         Pancake Syrup           Cereal             Soup
                                     Jelly           Spaghetti Sauce     Paper Towels       Toilet Paper
                              Cleaning supplies       Canned Beans            Tuna         Canned Fruit
                                 Peanut Butter

   Pack your donations into the trusty family vehicle, pull up to the collection tables in the St. Pius X Madison Street parking lot,
and volunteers will unload it while you stay in the car.
   Questions about the Drive-Thru Food Drive or how to help out with the Food Pantry? Contact our St. Vincent de Paul
Conference President, Leanne Newman at (630)-638-8509 or

                                                             June 13, 2021
                                                                PAGE 7
St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526
Father Boecker Council 6090 Brings Home the Gold

                 Gold Award -                                                   1st Place - Vocations Program
 Illinois In Action Vocations Service Award                                     1st Place - Membership 2nd Quarter
                                                                                2nd Place - Highest Percentage Membership
                                                                                Charities Star Award - All 5 Programs

                           Grand Knight D. Thurman Receiving Vocations Service Award from
                        KOC Vocations Director Ron Zeimba and Illinois State Deputy Frank Schwartz

                          DGK Marco Incrocci GK D.Thurman PKG Albert Treado and Wife Eileen
                                        DGK Marco, GK D. & FS Frank Birner

This past weekend at the KOC State Convention, held at the Westin in Lombard, Father Boecker Council 6090 was awarded 6
recognition awards, including the Illinois In Action Gold Award. Grand Knight D. Thurman attended the convention with Deputy
Grand Knight Marco Incrocci, PGK Albert Treado, and Financial Secretary Frank Birner. The council, which covers both Sacred
Heart and St. Pius X parishes had a remarkable year in spite of the challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. “The
pandemic provided an opportunity for our council to step up and into the breach to answer the many calls to service from our
parish community,” remarked Grand Knight D. Thurman. We were able to provide needed assistance to those in desperate need
of relief. Over the past 16 months we held 6 food drives which helped St. Vincent DePaul Society of both parishes stay stocked
with needed food and non-perishable goods. We also partnered with Versiti Blood Center of Illinois and hosted 5 blood drives
collecting over 100 units of life saving blood. The council also grew in membership and was recognized for its charitable
contribution to vocations.

                                                           PAGE 8
St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526
Misa en Español                    Sábado 7:00 pm                   En la Iglesia no sabemos en estos momentos cómo actuar en esta
Sacerdote                          Firmo Mantovani, CS              situación nueva e inédita, en medio de una sociedad cada vez más
Coordinadora de Ministerio Hispano                                  indiferente y nihilista. Nadie tiene la receta. Nadie sabe
Directora de Educación Religiosa   Laura Mora                       exactamente lo que hay que hacer. Lo que necesitamos es buscar
                                                                    caminos nuevos con la humildad y la confianza de Jesús.
Teléfono          630-627-4526 X203
                                                                    Tarde o temprano, los cristianos sentiremos la necesidad de
Bienvenidos a la Parroquia de San Pío X                             volver a lo esencial. Descubriremos que solo la fuerza de Jesús
Les recordamos que por el momento el número de asistentes está      puede regenerar la fe en la sociedad descristianizada de nuestros
reducido a un máximo de 75 asistentes.                              días. Entonces aprenderemos a sembrar con humildad el
                                                                    Evangelio como inicio de una fe renovada, no transmitida por
Por favor registrese en esta página para su asistencia              nuestros esfuerzos pastorales, sino engendrada por él. o llamando a la oficina. 630-627-4526 o
por mensaje de texto al 630-418-0965 dando la siguiente             Por: José Antonio Pagola
información: Nombre completo, número de asistentes y numero
de telefono correo electronico (si lo tiene).

A Jesús le preocupaba que sus seguidores terminaran un día
desalentados al ver que sus esfuerzos por un mundo más humano
y dichoso no obtenían el éxito esperado. ¿Olvidarían el reino de
Dios? ¿Mantendrían su confianza en el Padre? Lo más importante
es que no olviden nunca cómo han de trabajar.

Con ejemplos tomados de la experiencia de los campesinos de
Galilea les anima a trabajar siempre con realismo, con paciencia
y con una confianza grande. No es posible abrir caminos al reino
de Dios de cualquier manera. Se tienen que fijar en cómo trabaja

Lo primero que han de saber es que su tarea es sembrar, no
cosechar. No vivirán pendientes de los resultados. No les ha de
preocupar la eficacia ni el éxito inmediato. Su atención se
centrará en sembrar bien el Evangelio. Los colaboradores de
Jesús han de ser sembradores. Nada más.
Después de siglos de expansión religiosa y gran poder social, los
cristianos hemos de recuperar en la Iglesia el gesto humilde del
sembrador. Olvidar la lógica del cosechador, que sale siempre a
recoger frutos, y entrar en la lógica paciente del que siembra un
futuro mejor.

Los comienzos de toda siembra siempre son humildes. Más                    Favor de usar la puerta # 8 Durante la Construcción
todavía si se trata de sembrar el proyecto de Dios en el ser
humano. La fuerza del Evangelio no es nunca algo espectacular o             La construcción ha comenzado para el proyecto del Toldo
clamoroso. Según Jesús, es como sembrar algo tan pequeño e              de la puerta que comunica a la calle Madison y tomará
insignificante como «un grano de mostaza», que germina                  algunas semanas para completarse.
secretamente en el corazón de las personas.                                 Para entrar y salir de la iglesia, utilice la puerta # 8, que es
                                                                        la puerta en el extremo este del edificio que se usa para la
Por eso el Evangelio solo se puede sembrar con fe. Es lo que            entrada de la capilla. — Gracias
Jesús quiere hacerles ver con sus pequeñas parábolas. El proyecto
de Dios de hacer un mundo más humano lleva dentro una fuerza
salvadora y transformadora que ya no
depende del sembrador. Cuando la Buena                                   El Santísimo Sacramento está expuesto todos los miércoles
Noticia de ese Dios penetra en una persona                                                 de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m.
o en un grupo humano, allí comienza a
crecer algo que a nosotros nos desborda.                                                Entrada por la puerta Hándicap
                                                                                             ¡El Señor te espera!

                                                           June 13, 2021
                                                               PAGE 9
St. Pius X Catholic Community - 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526
           VOCATION PRAYER CALENDAR                                      Director of Youth Ministry, St. Petronille Church
God our Father, You made each of us to use our gifts in the            Saint Petronille Catholic Church, Glen Ellyn is searching
Body of Christ. We ask that you inspire young people whom           for a dynamic authentically Catholic Director of Youth
you call to priesthood and consecrated life to courageously         Ministry. The Director of Youth Ministry is responsible for
follow your will. Send workers into your great harvest so that      providing the vision for youth ministry within the parish,
the Gospel is preached, the poor are served with love, the          designing a vibrant Catholic Youth Ministry program which
suffering are comforted, and Your people are strengthened by        includes liturgical, formational, and liturgical events designed
the sacraments. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen           to bring young people closer to the Lord in the Catholic
                         —Prayer for vocations by Pope Francis      Church.
                                                                       The Director must be a strong practicing Catholic with
Remember these men and women in your daily prayers—                 formal training in theology or catechetics as well as facility
  Priests, Deacons, Seminarians and Religious in the Diocese        with social media and computer skills. This is a full-time
  of Joliet.                                                        benefited position working no less than 37.5 hours per week.
                                                                       For more detailed information, please log onto the Diocese
 13 Fr. Donald Kocher, Fr. Sundar Raj Kocherla                      of Joliet webpage and search the job postings or contact
 14 Fr. Ramon Sida, III, Fr. Christopher Lankford                   Fr. Milota at or 630-469-0404 before
 15 Fr. Jacob T. Kolawole, Fr. Richard Kostelz                      June 15th.
 16 Sr. Laurina Kahne, Sr. Ann Letourneau,
    Sr. Jeanne Oursler CSJ
 17 Sr. Dorothy Randall, Sr. Joanne Vallero CSJ
 18 Fr. Roger Kutzner, Fr. Michael Lane                                       PT Office Secretary, St. Dominic Parish
 19 Sr. Nancy J. Gannon, Sr. Mary Potthast SFCC
                                                                       St. Dominic Parish in Bolingbrook is seeking to hire a part
 Prepared by Diocese of Joliet Vocation Office; Joliet Area         time secretary for its front office. Background or experience in
   Vocation Assoc. (JAVA); Serra Club of DuPage County.             administrative duties, computer literacy, bi-lingual (English
   To receive an electronic version, please request at              and Spanish) written and verbal communication skills, and an                                              ability to deal with the public, are necessary.
                                                                       This is a part time, non-benefited position.
                                                                       If interested, please contact Marianne Treacy, Business
                                                                    Manager at or 630-739-5703.

                                                                                         Finance Manager
  Associate Director of Family and Youth Evangelization                 Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Naperville,
             and Catechesis for Grades 6-12.
          Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Aurora IL                          The parish finance manager (full-time, exempt) is
                                                                    responsible for managing and directing all financial
Our Lady of Mercy Parish is seeking a full-time Associate           aspects of the parish and school including but not
Director for Family and Youth Catechesis and Evangelization         limited to financial reporting and analysis, accounting,
for Grades 6-12. The Associate Director will work with a            payroll, accounts payable, budgeting, internal controls,
ministry team to develop and grow disciples for Christ and          insurance (working with Catholic Mutual), human
send them on mission. Primary focus will be spent working           resources, and legal matters (working with either the
with high school teens and their families, while providing
                                                                    Diocesan in House Attorney or external attorney when
support for the other catechetical/evangelization ministries of
the parish. An applicant must have experience in youth or           assigned). The finance manager is responsible for
family ministry, rooted in the Catholic faith and have a            managing the finances of the parish and school in
Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Religious Studies, or              accordance with the accounting and reporting policies
Pastoral Ministry or related field. Benefits are offered with       of the Diocese of Joliet, generally accepted accounting
this position.                                                      principles and when applicable, state, and federal laws
                                                                    and related reporting. To view a full job description,
Please submit resume to Dave Miserendino at Our Lady of             visit; The Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet in Illinois
Mercy Parish via email at or mail to:                Interested candidates should send cover letter and resume
701 S. Eola Road, Aurora IL 60504                                   to Tom Boler at

                                                              PAGE 10

    ESSE Adult Day Services has reopened all three of our centers in Warrenville, Wheaton and Glen Ellyn following CDC guidelines
    relating to COVID-19.

    ESSE offers an economic solution to the families of older adults with cognitive and physical limitations in need of daytime
    supervision. In addition, well deserved respite for the caregiver.

    Breakfast, hot lunches, and snacks are served daily to meet nutritional needs. Trained staff provides cognitive, social, and physical
    stimulating activities throughout the day.

    Nurses monitor and meet their medical needs. Management facilitates a monthly support group counseling families and members of
    the community.

                                                                                                  STAFF OPENING—PART-TIME
    ESSE Adult Day Center is seeking an individual to fill our part-time Activity Assistant position. A sincere interest in working with
    older adults is necessary with a background in activities beneficial, training however is available.

                                          For either the Adult Day Services or the Activity Assistant Position, please contact:
                                              Cathy Davit at 630-260-3773 or see their website:

      The St. Pius X bulletins are paid for by these advertisers; please thank them by supporting their businesses.

                                                                                                                    June 13, 2021
                                                                                                                        PAGE 11

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                                                                                                                                                  Spencer Fogle - Funeral Director

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                           Courtesy of J.S. Paluch Company, Inc.
000603 St Pius X Church (B)                                                                                                       For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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                                                                 able to understand English, and be legally able to enter into a contract. The following persons are
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                                                                 immediate family members, previous participants in a Company in-home consultation within the
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                                                                 transferred, or substituted except that Company may substitute a gift of equal or greater value if
                                                                 it deems it necessary. Gift card will be mailed to the participant via first class United States Mail
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                                                                 or e-mailed within 30 days of receipt of the promotion form. Not valid in conjunction with any
                                                                 other promotion or discount of any kind. Offer not sponsored or promoted by Darden and is
                                                                 subject to change without notice prior to reservation. Expires 03/31/21.                                  flimsy attachment                                                                            Thank you for advertising in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            our church bulletin.
           Call today for your FREE estimate and in-home demonstration                                                      *Guaranteed not to clog for as
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000603 St Pius X Church (A)                                                                                                                                                                                                      For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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