St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church

Page created by Ray Chavez
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augustine Church
6481 Faussett Road        Founded 1843
Howell, Michigan 48855   (517) 546-9807
Sunday May 9, 2021

                          Cover Art
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Date                                 Time                       Intention                                          Req'ed by
       Saturday, May 8, 2021                          5:00                  Nathan Diamond                                        Mom & Dad
        Sunday, May 9, 2021                           8:00        Intentions of Melissa & Mark Freel                          Ed & Camille Wickman
        Sunday, May 9, 2021                          10:30             Intentions of Colleen Asher                                Bible Buddies
                                                                 No Mass Monday & Tuesday
    Wednesday, May 12, 2021                           8:30                 Fr Thomas Dieter
    Thursday, May 13, 2021                            8:30                Fr Kevin A. Devine
      Friday, May 14, 2021                            8:30                Fr Robert G Galinac
     Saturday, May 15, 2021                           5:00                 John Chamberlain                                  Pat & Karen Schroeder
      Sunday, May 16, 2021                            8:00               Jim & Jean Leithauser                                 Leithauser Family
      Sunday, May 16, 2021                           10:30         Intentions of Larry & Mary Quinn                             Jim & Carole May
PLEASE NOTE:                                           Online & Television Mass for Sunday, May 9 , 2021 and beyond
                                                 and online spiritual
Bishop Boyea has discontinued the dispensation of the                             resources
obligation of Sunday Mass for all Catholics in the          EWTN has daily and weekend Mass on television—
Diocese of Lansing effective May 22-23, 2021.                         check your cable/satellite listings.
We are excited to welcome you home.                   As you  aim  to keep your household safe, please know that your

           May 15 - May 16                                             Server                                                   Lector
                                                                   Carisa Hall                                               Joan Wirkner
          Saturday 5:00 PM                                          Scott Hall                                                Bea Niester
                                                                  Reegan Kruzel
                                                                   Jacob Nester                                             Dennis Dinser
           Sunday 8:00 AM                                         Kristine Golsch                                           Robert Kehn
                                                                   Sarah Golsch
                                                                    Ben Zeppa                                              Tim Southerland
          Sunday 10:30 AM                                          Olivia Zeppa                                            Devin Schaefer
                                                                  Brayden Steele

                                                                                       WEEKLY READINGS AND OBSERVANCES
                                 Parish Directory                                      Readings for the week of May 9, 2021
Fr Gregg A Pleiness ................................................. Pastor           Sunday:             Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10
Parish House .................................................. 810-750-0354                               /Jn 15:9-17
  8011 Faussett Rd, Fenton, MI 48430                                                   Monday:             Acts 16:11-15/Jn 15:26—16:4a
Parish Office ................................................. 517-546-9807           Tuesday:            Acts 16:22-34/Jn 16:5-11
  ................................................          Wednesday:          Acts 17:15, 22—18:1/Jn 16:12-15
Deacon Bill Sirl............................................. 810-750-2669             Thursday:           Acts 18:1-8/Jn 16:16-20
Deacon Jeff Southerland ............................. 810-730-9444                     Friday:             Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Jn 15:9-17       Saturday:           Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:23b-28
Family Faith Formation                                                                 Next Sunday:        Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Eph 1:17-23
Shannon Scherba.............                                                 /Mk 16:15-20
  Pastoral Associate ...................................... 810-588-7665               Observances for the week of May 9, 2021
Tim Asher ...............................                    Sunday:             6th Sunday of Easter; Mother’s Day
  Coordinator of Youth Ministries                                                      Monday:             St. Damien de Veuster, Priest
Robert Kehn ................................................... 517-546-9807           Tuesday:
  Bookkeeper .............                            Wednesday:          Sts. Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs;
                                                                                                           St. Pancras, Martyr
Carole May
                                                                                       Thursday:           The Ascension of the Lord Our Lady of Fatima
  Bulletin Editor                        Friday:             St. Matthias, Apostle
Christinna Masters RN, MSN, FP-C .............. 517-545-4902                           Saturday:           St. Isidore; Armed Forces Day
  Parish Health Ministry                                                               Next Sunday:        The Ascension of the Lord; 7th Sunday of
St. Vincent de Paul......................................... 810-220-9741                                  Easter; World Communications Day
Martha Ministry ....................................................................                                                  ©LPi

Confession: Saturday 4:00 pm                                                                                  Our Parish Support
   and Upon Request                                                                    Adult Envelopes (82) .................................. $10406.00
Baptism: Call Parish House
Anointing of the Sick: As Requested                                                    Electronic Giving (40) .................................. $1395.00
Marriage: Call Parish House For                                                        Loose Collection ............................................. $232.00
   Preparation Before Setting a Firm Date                                              Total ............................................................ $12033.00
AA meets Sundays 7:00 pm
                                                                                       St. Vincent de Paul (6) .................................. $1350.00
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
From the Pastor                                                                Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle B
I think I finally found a new doctor who’s a real doctor. Over the                  Sunday, May 9, 2021
last couple of weeks he’s had me go for all kinds of tests so he                        John 15:9-17
will have a baseline for future diagnoses. Last Wednesday was a
four+ hour stress test. Mostly I sat and read, waiting for their              Jesus commands his disciples to
drugs to work in my body. Really boring. Growing up when us                           love one another.
old people did, sunscreen was unknown when we were little so         Today’s Gospel follows immediately after the
he sent me to a dermatologist to look for skin cancer. He found
none. So now I wait another month for my first physical in five      Gospel proclaimed last week, in which Jesus
years to see if I might live yet one more year.                      taught that he was the vine and that his disciples
Next Sunday we’ll celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of our        were the branches. In the example of the vine and
Lord. The week after is Pentecost when everyone will be
expected back to our Sunday gatherings. Until the restaurants are
                                                                     the branches, we learned that our union with
open to 100% we’ll continue to gather in the Hall and/or after       Jesus will lead to fruitful service. Today’s
Memorial Day in the cemetery like we did                             reading extends this teaching to describe the kind
last summer, weather permitting. I look                              of service that Christians are called upon to offer
forward to seeing you at the Welcome Home
picnic after 10:30 Mass on Pentecost.                                to others.
                         ST. VINCENT de PAUL
                   In the Gospel today, Jesus says to us,
               "This is my commandment: love one
               another as I have loved you...You are my
               friends if you do what I command you."
With your gift to our Society of St. Vincent de Paul you
fulfill this commandment.
   Our next meeting is Thursday May 20 at 7 PM.
To our St. Augustine Family/Parishioners: During this
Covid 19 Pandemic your St. Vincent de Paul is here to
assist you! If you have loss of income or any other need
we are here to help you. All calls/information from you
will be kept confidential. Call Deacon Bill/Pat Sirl
(810 750-2669) for our SVDP care, support and love.

                         AN EVENING WITH
                           THE ROSARY
                               Wednesday, May 19
                                   7-8:15 pm
                                 St Augustine
                                 Family Center                       Monday May 10
                     Join us at 6:30 pm to pray the Parish Rosary          7:00pm          I Heard God Laugh
                         in person along with those on Zoom                                Book Study
                                                                             7:00pm        Troop 381 Meeting
   Have you ever wanted to know more about the
    Rosary?                                                          Wednesday May 12
   How did the devotion originate?
                                                                          9:15am           Bible Study
                                                                                                   Matthew Part 2
   Is there a step by step way to pray the Rosary?                          6:30pm        Parish Rosary
   What are the mysteries and what does it mean to                          7:00pm        KofC /Church basement
    meditate upon them?                                                      7:00pm        SCW /Family Center
   Does praying the Rosary mean we worship Mary?
   How does it point us to the life of Jesus?                       Thursday May 13
   Do have a story to share about how praying the                         7:00pm          Metanoia
    Rosary has made a difference in your life or the life of
    someone you know?                                                Friday May 14
                                                                            6:00pm         Youth Night
   Come experience the Rosary with a renewed spirit as
Joanne and Andrew help us explore the basics and take us             Saturday May 15
               deeper into the mysteries.                                   7:30am         Men’s Fellowship
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
                     Aaron Denison E1 USA
                   Carolyn Kehn, 1LT, USA
                   Adrian Roedel SrA USAF
                  Mark Lepczyk CPT USAF                              56 Years Walter & Lynda Gerard May 15
               Nicklas Ramljak, CPL USMC                             33 Years Gary & Margaret King May 14
            Anthony J. Diamond ITS3, USN                               32 Years Ivan & Rose Quinn May 13
         Joshua Scheib, MM(SW/AW), USN                               32 Years David & Lori Kashawlic May 13
                                                                 21 Years Edward & Tracey Snow Mierzwa May10
       Benjamin Kehn BM1 (SW/AW), USN
             Jonathan Horwath, CTR1, USN
                 Terry McGowan, SGT USA                                       Sisterhood of Catholic Women
                  Brian Murphy, CS1 USCG                                  invite you to join us for our next meeting
                                                                                    Wednesday, May 12th
                   Mitchell Adams SN USN                                    This month we will be meeting in the
                  Thomas Barz, A1C, USAF                               Family Center. Doors open at 6pm for social
               Nikolas Masters, PFC USMC                          time at 6:30pm SCW will gather in the Church
              Please call or email the office if there are any                   to pray the Rosary
              additions or corrections for our service members    Our meeting will be directly following at 7pm
          PRAY FOR OUR SICK:                                                 NextNext
Brian Carless, Cathy Diamond,                                                Wednesday,
                                                                                               12, 7pm
                                                                                                    12, 7pm
Jacob Hutton, Kelsi Spurlin,                                                      in the
                                                                                         the Basement
Stephanie Taylor, Dolores                                               AprilApril
                                                                                        of theofmonth:
                                                                                                 the month:
                                                                                                        Jim Sievewright
                                                                                                              Jim Sievewright
                                                                                                 of theofmonth:
                                                                                                          the month:
Tuccini, Dolores Dunk, Gregory                                                     Dennis & Rose Duneske
Salinas, LuAnn Burgett, Lareina                                   If you want to find new ways to help this parish and our
DePalma, Barbara Clinsmith, Karen Schroeder,                                 community, please consider joining
                                                                                  the Knights of Columbus.
Wendy Spurlin, Jason Raines, Nick Hiers,                           For information on becoming a Knight please contact
Jared Campbell, Richard Elsarelli, Gloria                                                  Larry Quinn
Bourdon, Carol Tykocki, Kim Narhi, Carolyn                                           Membership Director
Purchase                                                                               C:. (989) 859 5997
                                                                                      H:. (517) 518 8973
                                                                                     Check us out online:
                                                                      Twitter: @KofC13450          Instagram: KofC13450
9 Edward Smith, Scott Skvarenina,
   Hayley Trombley                                                             MEN’S FELLOWSHIP
10 Derrick Webb, William Spencley                                  Please consider joining the men of St. Augustine
11 Jane Miller, Gregory Smith                                           Saturday mornings from 7:30-9:00am
11 Juliann Snurka, Betty Endebrock                                    Please call Deacon Jeff at (810) 730-9444
12 Janice Phillips, Regan Lezotte,                                              for more information.
                                                                                 Join Zoom Meeting
   Connor McCarty                                           
13 Rose Quinn, Dan Molargik,                                      pwd=Y041VEdTaGIxSWthZzczSGZCODdOQT09
   Jacob Duneske                                                              Meeting ID: 709 666 002
                                                                                 Password: 012544
14 Rita Smith, Ernest Good
15 Dennis Donovan, Thomas Plewka,
   Emilia Southerland, Blaise Radzikowski

        Make a friend,
         Be a friend,
   Bring a friend to Church.
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Pentecost Weekend
                                                       Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
  Saturday, May 22 & Sunday, May 23                            If the COVID-19 situation across our part of
                                                       Michigan continues to improve, it is my intention to lift
                                                       the dispensation from attending Sunday Mass as of
        Cake, Coffee & Chocolate Milk                  Pentecost, May 22-23, 2021. The dispensation remains
        after 5:00 pm & 8:00 am Mass                   in place, of course, for those who have serious reasons
                                                       not to attend.
                                                               To welcome you and your loved ones back to
         Picnic after 10:30 am Mass                    Sunday Mass, I am sending each family in the diocese a
  Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Beans, Coleslaw,               blessed candle representing, as it does, the Light of the
                                                       World, Jesus Christ. I am also sending you a prayer
          Chips and Cake provided.                     card to help you pray with the candle in the eight days
 Come join your parish family outdoors for             following Pentecost.
                                                               Veni Sancte Spiritus! Come Holy Spirit!
          food, fun and festivities.
We’ll enjoy kite flying, Pentecost pinwheels,          Assuring you of my prayers,
         GaGa Ball and Horseshoes.                     I am sincerely yours in Christ,
                                                       + Earl
                                                       Bishop of Lansing

                                 Family Faith Formation

        Thank you to all the Family Faith Formation
families who participated in person this year. We
had such fun gathering together and learning to live                     June 21 –25, 2021
the gospel.                                                   Monday—Friday 9:30 am—12:30 pm
        Special thanks to our team of volunteers,       Ages 4—Grade 5 are encouraged to come explore
especially Julie Trombley, Hayley Trombley, Dave            the Bible with games, crafts, adventures,
Martens and Lisa Zeppa. We are excited to see you                      music and snacks!
                                                             Middle School, High School and Adult
for VBS and other parish happenings this summer.
                                                                         helpers needed.
        Remain in Christ and you shall be fruitful!
                                                                Watch this spot for more details!
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augustine KofC #13450
           Kids and Teens
        Fishing Tournament
Who: All children and teens ages 5 through 17.

      Coaches can fish in this tournament!

When: Saturday, May 22, 2021

Where: Laier Farm Pond 7416 Argentine Rd,                         Join young adults from across Michigan for a
             Howell Township, MI 48855                         weekend pilgrimage experience of camping, prayer,
                                                             friendship, and hiking to the Shrine of the Cross in the
                                                                           Woods in Indian River, MI.
Entry Fee: Free to all eligible children and teens
accompanied with an adult.                                     COST $45 | REGISTER BY JUNE 18, 2021
Awards: Trophies/Ribbons for the top three in each
age group. Individual award will be given for the
biggest fish.

Schedule of Events:
      Tournament: 7:00am-1:00 pm
      Weigh-In: During Tournament
      Award Ceremony: 1:30pm
  Snacks and water will be provided so
 please RSVP so we will know how much
            will be needed.

  Age groups will be 5-7, 8-10, 11-14 and 15-17
 Coaches CAN fish during the tournament, and
    can only contribute 1 fish to their kid.
                                                                                Check out the new vocations
     This will be a catch and release event.                                              website
       The fish will be released as soon as
              fish have been weighed.
 Artificial lures and live bait will be permitted.
The Laier Farm and KofC are not responsible for accidents.

   Children should wear eye protection and be
            accompanied by an adult.
      Contact Info:
      or call or text 517-234-8141

      (Deadline is Wednesday May 19th)
The KofC Council would like to thank Bill Laier
and Family for allowing access to their pond for
        this fishing tournament event.
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Last call for this opportunity!
                                                                  Scholarship packets are available in the Family
                                                                Center and online at
                                                                 The packet must be returned by May 16, 2021 at
                                                                    11:30 am. US Mail: 6481 Faussett Rd.
                                                                              Howell, MI 48855
                                                                The awards will be presented on June 13, 2021 by
                                                                         Father Gregg at 10:30 am Mass.
   Thursdays at 7:00pm                                            Any questions, call Bob Fey (810) 623-7118 or
                                                                             contact Chris at (810) 423-7838
Come join us in the Family Center
 or via Zoom for this remarkable
    video and discussion series.
       Dinner will be served.

   Reserve your spot today!
  Call the office 517-546-9807
            or email

                Most of us are trying to put together the
                jigsaw puzzle we call life without a very
                important piece. Over time this becomes
                incredibly frustrating. In this extraordinary
                book, Matthew Kelly powerfully
                demonstrates that we cannot live the life we
                have imagined, or experience the joy we
                yearn for, unless we learn to tend the soul.
                From there, with his classic style of
                practical wisdom, he teaches us how to
                remedy this problem.
                Join other women Monday nights at
                7:00pm in the Family Center as we
                explore this book.
                                         2021 DSA Goal:


                                                                New to the Parish? Change of Address?
                                                                Name: ...........................................................
 We are now $2233 away                                          Phone: ..........................................................
    from our goal at                                            Drop in collection basket and we’ll call you.
    95% of the total
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
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