PARISH NEWS St John's Anglican Church Bentleigh - St John's Bentleigh Anglican ...
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St John’s Anglican Church Bentleigh PARISH NEWS May - June 2021 624 Centre Rd, Bentleigh 3204 9557 2226 Vicar: The Revd Dr David Powys, 0491 723 174 Our Purpose: ‘To be a centre of God’s love and hope in Bentleigh & Bentleigh East’
From The Vicar Dear people of St John’s, A parish year goes in ‘waves’, and these ‘waves’ can differ from year to year. Our Parish News tries to ‘catch the waves’ to make sure that you can stay on board. The surfing analogy is probably running out about here! The last Parish News was labelled ‘Easter to May 2021’, and it was issued in mid March. It needed to take in details of Holy Week, the Talent Quest, and the last phase of our Building Appeal. Please see below on how each of these went. This Parish News is labelled ‘May-June 2021’, so the waves have run together just a little. I expect that Parish News will be issued every two months for the rest of 2021. This issue covers our Patronal Festival at the very start of May (this Sunday, 2 May), our delayed Stewardship Review to culminate on Sunday 30 May, news about our building works, the program of our Community Activities Centre in term 2, information about children’s activities at St John’s in term 2, and other matters besides. Services at St John’s have become more and more ‘normal’ since their resumption last November. We are still taking numbers of precautions, but there is no longer anything that we cannot do that we might have wanted to do. Being a relatively small church has made returning close to normal faster than what has been possible for churches with larger numbers and smaller spaces. If you have not yet returned to attending services, may I invite you to do so, because this would encouraging for everyone One of our 2021 Mission Action Plan objectives is to reach an average Sunday attendance of 60 by June and 75 by November. For those who cannot attend services, live streaming will continue, and I know that this is appreciated by numbers of people. For information about accessing the weekly service, as it occurs, or later, please see below. One of the casualties of the lockdown was aspects of our rosters. We are rebuilding a pattern for our rosters, and this is timely given that we have been joined by numbers of new people who will hopefully increasingly take up rostered ministry. The stewardship review will provide a natural opportunity to rebuild rosters, including new participation. The most glaring vacancies are on the technical side, given that we are now live streaming one service each Sunday morning, and that every service now requires someone to operate the sound desk and often also the screens. In Christian fellowship, David Ps. To date the Talent Quest has raised $3,862.
Patronal Festival Hopefully you are already aware, from the Pewsheet or through talking with others that our Patronal Festival is this Sunday 2 May. The focus of the festivities will be at the 10am service and then at a festive morning tea to follow. Our guest preacher will be the Rev’d Kate Jacob, a chaplain from the Caulfield Grammar Caulfield campus. Inviting her is perhaps a departure from the normal pattern, but as a young mother and a member of Gen Y, she should be able to help up look forward in terms of our ministry and mission at St John’s. If you have yet to return to, or commence, regular worship at St John’s, our Patronal Festival would be a great day to do so. Just after the service we hope to get a whole church photograph, to capture the occasion, and the faces of people who currently make up St John’s. Building Appeal On Easter Day, at the potluck luncheon to mark the close of our 6 month Building Appeal, Committee Chair Heather Saba announced that the $130,000 target to raise the additional funds expected to be needed for stage 3 of our building works, had been reached. This has been a marvellous result, especially for an appeal launched during lockdown. The result has been achieved by generous capital donations, ongoing giving and fundraising activities. Praise be to God. Faithful God, you are steadfast and true. Thank you for the faith and facilities passed to us by previous generations at St John’s. Continue to be with us all as we build our faith and service as a church. Thank you for enabling us to raise the extra funds needed for Stage Three. May the new facilities enable and encourage growth now and into the future, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
On line services There is no certain way of advising how to access our YouTube services. The link below should work, assuming you type it in correctly ☺! If it does not, you could search for ‘St John’s Bentleigh’ from within YouTube. You may succeed by doing the same from Google. There has been a service added every week this year, even if some of them have been a bit difficult to identify. If you manage to subscribe to the St John’s YouTube channel, you should receive an email each week once the service is posted. The service is ‘live’ at the actual time of recording, but remains available on YouTube to view at any time that suits. Please use this link for live stream: . Ps. If you are watching via YouTube, please email a greeting, to be read out, to Bentleigh office (email: Service Details and Times until June 2021 ( * On these term time Sundays there will be a separate children’s program in the Narthex for part of the 10am service.) 2 May * Holy Communion Holy Communion - Live streamed Patronal Festival 9 May Praise, Prayer & Proclamation Holy Communion Mothers Day Live streamed - All age service Morning Prayer 16 May * Holy Communion Live streamed 23 May Praise, Prayer & Proclamation Holy Communion Pentecost Live streamed - All age service 30 May * Holy Communion Holy Communion - Live streamed Stewardship Review 6 June * Holy Communion Holy Communion - Live streamed Praise, Prayer & Proclamation 13 June * Holy Communion Live streamed Morning Prayer 20 June Holy Communion Live streamed Praise, Prayer & Proclamation 27 June Holy Communion Live streamed
Coming Recital and Concert The last recital, held on 11 April, thrilled the 52 present. See below details of the second recital. The third event in the series, a concert by Victorian Welsh Choir, will be on Sunday 10 October at 2.30pm. Baroque & Beyond on Organ & Piano (kindly supported by the City of Glen Eira) June 6 at 2.30pm Lachlan Redd Popular works by Bach, Franck, Mendelsohn, Schubert, Brahms, Chopin & others St John’s, cnr Tucker and Centre Rds Bentleigh Tickets $10 ($7 conc, u18 free) at door Lachlan Redd has appeared as recitalist and concerto artist with the Melbourne, Adelaide, Tasmania & Queensland Philharmonic & Symphony orchestras, and is Sub-Organist at St Paul’s Cathedral Melbourne. Confirmation Preparation 2021 David has at least two young people wanting to prepare for confirmation, and is willing to offer a course (5 weeks or so) during this term. He is keen to hear from any who would like to be part of this. One held in late 2019 was enjoyed and appreciated by the three who participated then. If there was need for a preparation group for adults, this could also be offered. Please contact David 0491 723 174, or, either way.
Ministry with Children and Families As indicated previously, our Playgroups Ministry seemed to come to a natural conclusion last year, a process hastened by the COVID 19 lockdowns. St John’s hopes instead to appoint a Children and Families Minister, someone who will focus particularly on developing our ministry with children and families on Sundays. Despite extensive advertising, we have not yet succeeded in making an appointment. As a stop gap measure, Heather Saba has very kindly offered to lead ministry in this space in the meantime. Her availability is quite limited, so her focus will be the 10am service on Sunday ‘inside term’. For term 2 this will be from Sundays 25 April – 20 June. On most of these days she will arrange a program for children to run across about half of the service. On some Sundays, it will involve encouraging all age participation in the 10am service itself. There will be ‘All Age Services’ during term 2 on Mothers’ Day (9 May) and Pentecost Sunday (23 May). Heather is keen to hear from all interested in assisting with this ministry ( Building Program As many will be aware, under lockdown our building works were reimagined in terms of 3 stages. Stages 1 (the worship area and narthex) and 2 (the hall) were largely completed last year, using funds raised over past years for future building works. Stage 3, which will deliver a new entrance at the interface of the hall and narthex on Tucker Road, new toilets, a new and larger kitchen with serveries to both the narthex and the hall, increased visibility into the narthex (‘Activities Centre’) and redeploy the old kitchen for hall storage, gained council and diocesan approval last month. Our architect is now in the advanced stages of preparing documentation to go to tender, and it is hoped to appoint a builder by mid year. There will follow some months of disruption, but the plan is to keep things going as normally as possibly throughout the months of building works. Our hope is to have the works completed well before Christmas.
St John’s Community Activities Centre Under our renewed Mission Action Plan we are continuing to develop the Narthex space as a Community Activities Centre. Term 1 saw life returning to the Activity Centre. The program for term 2 is more ambitious and is out now. It is Tutoring on Thursday, the photo was available in pamphlet form. It is as follows. taken on the last day of Term 1 Term 2 2021 Program – all activities are free Weekly Wednesdays 11am Drop in Cuppa & Chat Thursdays 10am – 12.30pm, starting 6 May Sewing (beginners +) – bring your machine & project to learn new skills (enquiries Jill 0413 048 238) Thursdays 3.30pm – 5pm, Tutoring, secondary (Maths & English) & primary levels Occasional Last Tuesday of the month (May onwards), at 7.30pm, Garden Club – open to all Fourth Saturday of the month, 9.30am – 1pm, Kids & Craft Market Arranging Flowers Mondays 10 & 17 May, 10am – noon (book with Shirley 0412 457 725) Overseas Trips Revisited – Mondays 10 May (Canada) and 7 June (Scandinavia) Setting up 3 Shared Community Garden Plots along Centre Rd, 9.30am Saturday 15 May What about Consent? Fourth Sunday at Four Forums, Sun 23 May, 4pm What’s that squiggle? – a basic introduction to reading music, Tuesdays 25 May & 1 Jun, 7.30pm How credible is the church in light of Institutional Abuse & Coverups Fourth Sunday at Four Forums, Sun 27 June, 4pm School Holiday Screen Free Activities Thursday 1 July, 10am – 1pm This Centre is designed not to make existing St John’s members busier, but to build bridges to our community. Please do all that you can to promote the Centre and its activities beyond the membership of St John’s.
Fourth Sunday at Four An initiative of the Mission Action Group working on ‘growth’, these forums have been added to the Community Activities Centre program. Three forums have been planned as a pilot, and there will be further forums in the second half of 2021 if the pilot is well received by the wider community. These gatherings may well attract those not drawn to our regular services, but interested in the big issues of our day, and in whether Christianity is relevant to these issues. The first three Fourth Sunday at Four Forums will be on the following topics. Sunday 23 May, 4-5pm, What about consent? Sunday 27 June, 4-5pm, How credible is the church in light of its recent history of institutional abuse and coverups Sunday 25 July, 4-5pm, Can we believe in life after death? On arrival participants will be served a drink as they take their seats. Two short presentations, one reflecting current prevalent views, and another offering a deliberately Christian perspective, will be offered, followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion. The time of 4pm has been chosen as one where many people may have the spare hour required to participate in this new venture. Stewardship Review This month at St John’s will be partly taken up with a Stewardship Review. It will culmininate on Sunday 30 May when our guest preachers will be our link missionaries, Derek and Rosemary Snibson. A letter will be sent in the coming couple of weeks to all who will or may be interested, from the Chair of our Stewardship Subcommittee, Wendy Leggett. Sundays 16 and 23 May will include short presentations introducing the approach to stewardship being taken this year. Commitments this time will be for 12 months, and will most importantly have strong emphases on harnessing people’s willingness to commit their time and abilities, as well as making a financial commitment. Response form will be ready for collection on 23 May, and you are asked to return them on Commitment Sunday, 30 May. Stewardship Reviews are not popular with everyone, but they are important within ministry and mission as a way of drawing commitment and building momentum. They are a great way of ‘moving toward the centre’ of a church’s life, especially for those who are new or those who want to renew and deepen their commitment.
Including St John’s in your will We reached our building appeal goal, but there will still be a considerable loan associated with the stage 3 works. One way to lessen this burden would be by providing for St John’s in your will. You may like to suggest this wording to your solicitor I give to St John’s Anglican Church Bentleigh Victoria the sum of $_____, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer thereof shall be a complete discharge to my Executors for the legacy, and that my Executors shall not be bound to see the application thereof. Morning Prayers Each Tuesday and Thursday morning since the lockdown David and two others have been meeting via Zoom early on these mornings (now 8.30am) to say the ‘daily office’. This is the morning prayers for the day from the Prayer Book, and it includes reading a psalm and two other bible readings. Others would be most welcome to join in, and Zoom details, allowing video connection by computer or device, or voice connection by phone, can be made available. Please contact David or Glynis or Rosemary. Hymns Revival Another Hymns Revival (our fourth) is proposed for 27 June, and after that, to mix things up a bit, a Songs of Praise with some solo items is a possibility for July 18. Messy Church It has been five terms since our last Messy Church. We plan to resume this monthly service, following the pattern that was working well in late 2019 and early 2020, on Sunday 20 June. The theme will be ‘winter’. There will be thematic activities from 4.30pm, a short a simple service in the Chapel at 5pm, and then a shared finger food meal. The second Messy Church for 2021 is proposed for July 18. Help will be needed particularly with arranging the themed activities and supplying and serving the food.
Holy Week and Easter It was great being able to keep these days with relaxed restrictions. Here are some photos Image [Stephanie Hogg] Good Friday 2021 Morning Service Image [Stephanie Hogg] Lighting of the Easter Fire 2021 and Renewal of Baptism Promises Image [l: Stephanie Hogg; r: Alexander Scutt] Easter 2021 - (left) 8.30am and (right) 10am Service
Easter from Thurgoona by Jean Phibbs On Good Friday I took off to Thurgoona to see Robyn, Geno and family in their new home. Lily and Lucy were excitedly awaiting my arrival from the station, where I was met by Robyn. They are very happy in their new home. I was introduced to a rabbit, guinea pig and three pet chickens. The garden is enclosed, so the pets can run freely as can the children. Their home is walking distance from their church, the school, the park and supermarket. They are very happy to have joined the local community church, which is very family orientated, so they are happy to attend as a family. We all went on Easter Sunday, so I was happy. Easter Monday came too quickly and my weekend with it. The family waved me off from the station. I had a good trip home and hope they will get back to Melbourne before too long. Image [Wikipedia] Thurgoona Primary School, Lily and Lucy’s school Thank you for my happy Easter. Ladies Guild meets after Holy Communion, on the third Wednesday each month. We support Shelemew, a World Vision student living in Ethiopia. New members are welcome to our friendly group supporting work towards helping others. We are meeting in Covid-safe times, so some of our focus has changed. Currently, we are bringing our own lunch sandwich. Perhaps you would like to join us, once a month? Just turn up or contact Rosemary via the parish office. Bentleigh Kids & Craft Market Saturday 22 May 2021 from 9.30am - 1pm New & pre-loved items, Crafts, Plants and much more Sausage sizzle, Coffee, Tea & co
May and June at St John’s (see elsewhere for Community Centre Activities) 2 May, 10am: Patronal Festival followed by festive morning tea 9 May, 10am: All Age Service for Mother’s Day 23 May, 10am: All Age Service for Pentecost (wear red) 23 May, 4pm: Fourth Sunday at Four Forum ‘What about Consent?’ 30 May, Stewardship Sunday and visit by Derek & Rosemary Snibson 6 June, 2.30pm: Organ and Piano Recital with Lachlan Redd 20 June, 4.30pm: Messy Church on ‘Winter’ 27 June, 2.30pm: Hymns Revival 27 June, 4pm: Fourth Sunday at Four Forum ‘How credible is the church in light of its recent history of institutional abuse and coverups?’ Regular Worship Services: Sunday morning services are at 8.30am and 10.00am Wednesday Holy Communion Service 10.30am Online Giving: St John’s Anglican Church Bentleigh BSB 083 337 Acc. No. 51 5 354 967 St John’s Services On Line You can access our weekly service as it occurs, or at any time afterwards, by going to . An easy way of accessing the services would be to subscribe to the St John’s Bentleigh YouTube channel Vicar - The Revd Dr David Powys 0491 723 174 Administration Assistant - Children & Families’ Minister - Heather Saba Cindy Utari - 9557 2226 Tue, Thurs, Fri Parish Musician - Alex Scutt 9.30am-12pm, 12:30pm - 4:00pm
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