Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church

Page created by Warren Stone
Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church
17 January 2021

Rev Peter Teo

                                         Psalm 91

For int ernal c irc ulat ion onl y
  Mount Carmel BP Church                               1
Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church
It is said that one of the best languages in   the three families.
the world is the love language (cf 1 Cor 13).           The first family we visited was Mr Ahmad
In the love language, there are two visible        (not his real name) who has five children.
ways of demonstrating it. Firstly, it is by        They live in a one-room rental apartment
verbal means. In this way, we say, “I love         with the barest of belongings except for one
you.” Secondly, it is by non-verbal means.         bed and some boxes. We stood at the
In this way, we put love into action by doing      locked gate and introduced ourselves that
good deeds for the benefit of a recipient.         we are from Mt Carmel. We also stated our
In order to demonstrate love, we must first        purpose for the visit. The initial visit was
experience it. Once we have tasted love,           brief as we handed the vouchers and letter
we can then love others. This truth is borne       from Ps Thomas on behalf of Mt Carmel.
in Ephesians 5:1–2 (see also 1 John 4:19)          We asked a few questions in order to get to
when the Apostle Paul writes, “Follow God’s        know them. Ahmad has three school-going
example, therefore, as dearly loved children       children and this allowed us to talk to them
and walk in the way of love, just as Christ        about their interests. At the end the visit,
loved us and gave himself up for us as a           we asked permission to pray to God to
fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”           bless the family which Ahmad consented.
    When God calls us to bear witnesses            We promised we would return next month.
of the gospel, I believe one excellent                  Fast forward to November and for the
method is by showing love to the recipients.       first time, Ahmad unlocked the gate and
Furthermore, the more needy the recipients         invited us into the apartment. This was
are, the greater the impact they will feel         a new level of openness and trust. For
when they receive love from Christians. The        the first time, Ahmad’s wife, Siti (not her
pandemic caused by COVID-19 has left               real name), was present. As usual, we
many Singaporeans and migrant workers              delivered the vouchers but the content of
with great needs. Some have lost their jobs        our conversation became more personal.
and others have scrambled to find alternative      Furthermore, we asked for permission to
accommodation. When a crisis strikes, it           celebrate Christmas with them in December.
gives Christians a great opportunity to return     This involved giving them Christmas gifts
the love they have received from Christ to         and eating a meal together. They agreed
the needy. In this editorial, I would like to      to our proposal. Before the appointed date,
share how some Carmelites have shared              there were many preparations to organize
love with such people through a project            the celebration. Two Care Groups, Ayer
under the Community Relief Fund.                   Rajah and Emmanuel/Ablaze, donated toys
    When Ps Thomas appealed to Carmelites          and presents. Benny Lim donated some
to sign up for voucher distribution to 112         other types of presents. Grace Sim, Puay
families, some 67 Carmelites responded.            Liang and Lee Choon wrapped the presents.
He assigned Kang Jie (who was baptized             We ordered three log cakes and three sets
on 20 Dec 2020) to go with me to visit three       of KFC meals which were to be delivered
families (two in Holland Village and one in        at specific times for the three families.
Ghim Moh). The initial plan was to distribute           On 19 Dec 2020, sister Meei Fang drove
$50 NTUC vouchers per visit for six months.        Kang Jie and I with all the Christmas gifts
Giving monetary aid is one form of expressing      to Holland Drive. We visited Ahmad and
love to the needy. Our purpose is also to          his five children. Like before, we gave out
befriend them so that we may also find             the vouchers. But on this occasion, Ayer
other ways to love them according to their         Rajah CG topped it up with another $50 of
needs. As such, in July 2020, Kang Jie             vouchers. In addition, Mt Carmel gave out
and I met at Holland Village MRT station           $30 worth of Popular Vouchers for each
and walked over to the apartment where             school-going child for purchase of stationery.
the first two families reside. At the void         This was followed by the distribution of
deck, we prayed for God to lead us to say          Christmas gifts. It was such a joy to watch
the right words and show the right action to       as each child and even the adults opened

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Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church
their presents. At the appointed time, the        he wears a wrist guard due to a fall. This
KFC meal arrived. As we ate the KFC meal          leaves a lot of pressure and responsibility
and log cake together, we sensed a kind           on Fatimah to take care of the family. To
of closeness when we opened up to each            supplement her husband’s meager income,
other. We ended the visit by praying for the      she works in an online business of a friend
family according to their stated needs. We        selling food and crafts. Kang Jie and I
also informed them that the believers at Mt       thought it would be a good idea to buy
Carmel love them and we hope to continue          some food and have it delivered to the
visiting them with vouchers for another six       three families we are visiting each month.
months (January – June 2021). They                In this way, she would derive some income
welcomed this additional help with delight.       through the commission.
    The second family we visited is Madam              With nine children and her husband to
Geetha (not her real name) who lives in the       take care of, it is no wonder Kang Jie
same block. She has three children, one so        observed that Fatimah is suffering from
called “adopted” son (friend of her son who       physical and mental fatigue. With the
was thrown out by his family) and a               help of Elder Siew Yam, who provided
grandson. In addition, there is also a pet        transport to carry the Christmas goodies,
rooster. In our first visit, she welcomed us      we celebrated Christmas with this family
into her home. While some members of              on 19 Dec 2020. For the first time, Fatimah
her family belong to another faith, she herself   opened the gate and invited us into her
has become a follower of Jesus Christ.            humble home. Unfortunately, KFC had
Often at each visit, Geetha rants about what      delivered the meal we had ordered and
she and her family members are going              they had consumed it before our arrival!
through. For examples, someone has run            In any case, we delivered the vouchers,
afoul of the law and another one has              Christmas gifts and log cake to them. This
committed suicide. On the other hand, she         was the first time we were able to stay for
thanked the LORD for answering her prayers.       an hour as we conversed on various topics
    For example, during the visit on 24 Oct       of life in Singapore. We concluded our visit
2020, one of her children expressed a desire      by praying (in Malay) to God to bless them
to have chicken rice for a meal. On this          and help them in the times of their needs.
date, Kang Jie and I bought roasted                    The story of Kang Jie and me is just one
chicken and chicken rice paste for this           of the 67 stories that should be compiled
family. She marveled at how timely God            for the Church to read. I am sure you will
provided for her needs. Nevertheless,             be encouraged by what God is doing
she would tell us each month about the            through our expression of love for the
bickering in her family. So in our visit in       community. Every Carmelite can play a
November, we shared with Geetha that              small part and no love in action is too
unless the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)           insignificant in God’s eyes. The 67
visits this home, she and her family would        Carmelites feel that distributing vouchers
not experience any peace. When we                 over six months is too short to build lasting
visited her again on 19 Dec 2020 for the          friendship with the community. We have
Christmas celebration, she recalled what          proposed another six months of voucher
we had shared. She repeated the name              distribution so that we can strengthen our
Prince of Peace to us and expressed her           connection with them. At our recent ACM
desire that her family would all come to          on 1 Jan 2021, we thank God that Carmelites
know Him. We ended our visit with prayers         have approved this request. Therefore, we
that God would bless this family.                 pray that the Holy Spirit will work through
    The third family we visited is Mr Samad       Carmelites in the coming months to enable
(not his real name) and his wife Fatimah          our community to feel the love of God in
(not her real name). They have nine               Jesus Christ.
children and they live in a two-room rental
apartment in Ghim Moh. As usual, we
greeted and delivered the vouchers to them.
Then we asked how the family members
were doing. Samad told us he could only
work part-time in delivery as he had had                      Ps Peter Teo
surgery to remove a tumour. In addition,
 Mount Carmel BP Church                                                                  3
Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church
Church Renewal: Thank God for the encouraging start to the CR learning groups for
leaders. Pray for humility, perseverance, growth and intimacy as they abide in Christ.
Board of Elders (BOE): Thank God for the re-election of Elders Siew Yam and Kelvin.
Please pray for the BOE to discern God’s direction with regards to the Church Plant,
office space and redevelopment of CBC.
Pray for wisdom and the Lord's leading as the worship and media teams explore live
worship leading and live-streaming of our services in EWS, MWS and Youth. May
more Carmelites step up to meet the logistical and technical needs.
Ladies: 1) The bi-weekly Bible study resumed on Thursday, 14 Jan. This month, we will
take a closer look at The Bread of Life from chapter 3 of the book “Taste & See:
Discovering God among Butchers, Bakers and Fresh Food Makers”. Pray that we will
experience the Bread of Life changing the way we live our lives.
2) An in-person session on Saturday, 30 Jan at 3 pm, “Spaces in My Heart” leads the
ladies on a guided self-examination of our hearts. Pray for Lee Luang who is facilitating
this session open to ladies across all ages.
The Healing Room Equipping Course: Ps Jabez has been leading the sessions since
September 2020. He thanks God for ministering His healing grace to participants
attending on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Pray for God's love and mercy to keep them
anchored in Christ. Pray that each participant will have two faithful friends covering
them in prayers constantly.
VILLIVAKKAM, South India - Ps Kumar
1. Pray that our five newly-baptized members of our Church may be rooted strongly in
   the word of God and walk with Him closely.
2. This year, members of our Church are encouraged to pray for their unsaved members
   of their families. Pray for the salvation of souls.
3. Pray for the 20 of us who are gathering regularly for weekly Bible study and prayer
Nepal – Ps Kiran Das
1. We welcome prayer for the Grace Church Ministry (GCM) leadership team as we
    develop "VISION 2030" for our ministries, including the School of Pastoral Ministry
    (SOPM). I will be presenting this in our board retreat from 1–3 February for
    discussion. Pray that the Lord may give me wisdom as I am working on it.
2. My wife Isha and I will be visiting Ps Khadka Sunar, our new Church planter in
    Chitwan, from 27–30 January. We will be conducting a small training for Church
    planting with some leaders there. Pray for our safe journey and for an effective
    training session.
3. Pray for a stable government in Nepal. Pray for my children's education. All of them
    are in college now. Kanchan (my son) is continuing his M.Div. from this June in
    Dehradun India.
Please continue to pray for those who are ill in body, mind or spirit, that they will
experience the presence and power of God in their lives.

           Next Wednesday (20 January), 7.45 pm                  Attendance:
                                                        Prayer Meeting (13 January): 21
                PWYA—Pray Where You Are
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Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church

  24 Jan Rev Jabez Chia      Joy in Times of Sadness   Psalm 30

  31 Jan Rev Ng Liang Wei    Slaying a Giant           1 Samuel 17:32-50

   7 Feb Rev Oh Boon Leong Faith in Times of Doubt     Psalm 131

  14 Feb Rev Daniel Chua     CNY Message               Selected text

Mount Carmel BP Church                                                     5
Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church
                                                 Livestream                 In-Person
                                         Views        Unique Views           Service

    English                               724                 512              195
    Chinese                               144                 103                -
    Saturday Night Youth Service            -                  -                78
    Rhoda (Zoom)                           19
    SEMS (wechat)                          88

    You may give your tithes and offering via:
    1) PayNow (only for offering).
       UEN No.: 198202752EGEN (If asked for billing ref, enter “NA”)
    2)   Bank Transfer
         OCBC Account No.: 552-051880-001
         Payee: Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd
         (Please state which Fund you’re giving to: General offering/pledge, General
         Missions Fund, Carmel Relief Fund, Development Fund, Church Plant Fund
         Church Plant Loan, Mt Hermon Development Fund)

6                                                                  Mount Carmel BP Church
Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church
Psalm 91
I.     Be alert of the turbulence that might destroy our lives.

II.    Be mindful of the defenses that can deliver us from turbulence.

III.   Be ready to act on the requirement for peace.

IV.    Be receptive to enjoy the peace God will bless us with.

       Questions for Reflection
       Identify one or two times of turbulences you are going through now. Which
       of the 7 images mentioned in Point II is most meaningful to you? Why?

       Which of the 7 actions mentioned in Point III would you like to use to secure
       peace? When God grants you peace, please share whether it fits into one
       of the 16 categories mentioned in Point IV.

Mount Carmel BP Church                                                             7
Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church
A warm welcome to all
newcomers and visitors with
us today. We hope that you
will have a meaningful time
of worship this morning.

Worship Leader
Dn Ben Koh

Rev Peter Teo

Congregational Prayer                   Rejoice, the Lord is King
Rev Jabez Chia

Scripture Reader                        Prayer of Confession
Jodi Lim
                                        Gloria Patri
Thanksgiving Flowers
Tan Hung Khin, Nancy, Benjamin
                                        Psalm 42

                                        It is Well
                                        The Lord is My Salvation


                                        Psalm 91

                                        “5 Psalms Through Tough Times”
For a digital copy of this bulletin:
                                        Peace In Times Of Turbulence

                                        Before the Throne of God Above
content/uploads/2021/01/Weekly-         Three-Fold Amen

For recordings of past sermons, visit
To install myCarmel app, visit             To access the worship service livestream:          
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Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church
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Rev Peter Teo - Mt Carmel BP Church
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