The Messenger - West Haven, CT

The Messenger - West Haven, CT
The Messenger
               First & Wesley
          United Methodist Church
               89 Center Street
        West Haven, Connecticut 06516

               January 2021

                         As we begin a new year, we Christians celebrate Epiphany. Its origins are obscure,
                         but the Christian feast of Epiphany may have begun in Egypt as early as the last second
                         century. I           ,       E ,J        6                                  J
                         birth and baptism.

                         On the other hand, the Christians in the West celebrated the Cana miracle when Jesus
                         changed water into wine and the visit of the Magi, distinct from the nativity itself, as a
                         theme of the Epiphany only where and when the festival of the nativity is celebrated on
                   ,D          25.                                      J            ,         C
Rome and elsewhere began to celebrate Epiphany as the festival of the manifestation of God in Jesus Christ to
the Magi, in the baptism of Jesus, and in the first miracle of Jesus at Cana.

Soon after Jesus was born, the wise men who studied the stars came from the East to Bethlehem. When they
saw that the star had stopped, they entered the house, saw the baby Jesus, and knelt and paid homage to him.
Then, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And then, they returned to their country by
another road since God had warned them in a dream not to go back to King Herod.

Traditionally, we emphasize three important lessons. First, the wise men did not simply admire or study the star
but followed it. Second, when they found and worshiped Jesus, they presented precious gifts to him. Third,
they followed God s direction and did not go back to King Herod.

If I add one more important point, I will say, They unexpectedly received the precious reward from God.
They not only had a chance to meet the Messiah, but also encountered God who showed them in the dream
which way they should take to return to their country. They experienced the Father God, the Son Jesus Christ,
and the Holy Spirit who guided them during the long journey. They were blessed by the triune God, which was
the unexpected reward from God.

As we begin the year of 2021, we want to give our precious gifts to the Lord. What do you want to give the
Lord? Let us give the Lord our most precious gifts. That is, our sincere hearts. When we give the Lord our
The Messenger - West Haven, CT
hearts, God will give us the unexpected reward. The reward from God is not a material thing but a spiritual joy
which cannot be exchanged with anything in the world.

On the Epiphany of the Lord, God is incarnated in our hearts. God gives us spiritual joy and precious faith as
rewards. Like the wise men, we will be blessed and guided by God through the whole year of 2021. Happy
New Year!

Sungmu Lee

  Lectionary Readings for January 2021
       January 3, 2021
       Jeremiah 31:7-14 or Sirach 24:1-12 • Psalm 147:12-20 or Wisdom of
       Solomon 10:15-21 • Ephesians 1:3-14 • John 1:(1-9), 10-18
       January 10, 2021
       Genesis 1:1-5 • Psalm 29 • Acts 19:1-7 • Mark 1:4-11
       January 17, 2021
       1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20) • Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 • 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 • John 1:43-51
       January 24, 2021
       Jonah 3:1-5, 10 • Psalm 62:5-12 • 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 • Mark 1:14-20
       January 31, 2021
       Deuteronomy 18:15-20 • Psalm 111 • 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 • Mark 1:21-28

NEW GROUP ~                  BIBLE STUDY

Our zoom study begins on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 7:30pm with ROMANS CHAPTER EIGHT . A
Four Session video-based study by Tom Holladay led by Pastor Lee. We will journey together to greater faith.
The Four sessions will help us clearly see the journey from doubt to faith from discouragement to hope that
God has for us.

                Session 1:   No Condemnation!
                Session 2:   No Frustration!
                Session 3:   No Desperation!
                Session 4:   No Separation!

You are invited to join in and enjoy good discussion and fellowship. Everyone is welcome! If you would like a
book please let Pastor Lee or the church office know so we can arrange to get you a copy.
The Messenger - West Haven, CT
First & Wesley United Methodist Church                                                                                   January                     2021
            Sunday                       Monday                 Tuesday                Wednesday            Thursday               Friday           Saturday

All Worship Services and other church activities will be held only virtually (via Zoom conferencing video & call) until further notice.

*Sunday Worship Service – Link: / Call-in: 1-646-876-9923 *Meeting ID: 147691027#
*Children’s Sunday School – Link: / Call-in: 1-646-876-9923 *Meeting ID: 89213099413#
*Monday Adult School – Link: / Call-in: 1-646-876-9923 *Meeting ID: 88207725653#
*Wednesday Group Study – Link: / Call-in: 1-646-876-9923 *Meeting ID: 81010488582#
*Virtual Koinonia Café – Link: / Call-in: 1-646-876-9923 *Meeting ID: 337822774#

                                                                                                                               1               2
                                                                                                                                    Happy      11-12p Communion
                                                                                                                                   New Year!     Elements Pick-up

3 Epiphany Sunday                   4                   5                          6                    7                     8                9
10:30 Worship & Communion           7p                                                                  10:30-11:30                            10 Worship Committee
Birthday/Anniversary Celebration    Monday Adult School                                                 Virtual Koinonia Café                     Meeting

10 Baptism of the Lord              11                  12                         13                   14                    15               16
10:30 Family Worship Service        7p                  7p Finance Meeting                              10:30-11:30                            6P Virtual Game Night
1p Children’s Sunday School         Monday Adult School                                                 Virtual Koinonia Café                     (Scattergories)

17 Humans Relations Day             18 Martin Luther    19                         20                21                    22                  23
Martin Luther King Jr. Sunday          King Jr. Day     7p Leadership              7:30p Group Study 10:30-11:30
10:30 Family Worship Service        7p                  Committee Meeting          *Messenger        Virtual Koinonia Café
1p Children’s Sunday School         Monday Adult School                             Articles Due

24                                  25                  26                         27                28                    29                  30
10:30 Family Worship Service        7p                  7p Trustees Meeting        7:30p Group Study 10:30-11:30
1p Children’s Sunday School         Monday Adult School                                              Virtual Koinonia Café

10:30 Family Worship Service
1p Children’s Sunday School

* For further updates, visit
The Messenger - West Haven, CT
From the Layleader
I co ldn   ai fo 2019 o be o e af e lo ing o clo e f iend , one         ddenl and one f om panc ea ic
cance and one of m b o he f om l ng and b ain cance . I co ldn          ai fo 2020 o I co ld ee a b igh e
and better year.

Well, 2020 basically said 2019, hold m bee !

We an o h o o he bad b igh no , in keeping i h Pa o Lee e mon on Rejoicing , I am
looking at what has been good this last year. Through everything that has happened this year, I am so
glad to be in ministry at First & Wesley. Because of our missional focus, we have been able to help many
families many times who are experiencing food insecurity. Our prayer shawl ministry continued making
prayer shawls AND they made mittens and hats. We have figured out how to do our church services, our
meetings, bible studies, Sunday school, our virtual VBS, streaming our service, an online choir (kudos to
Chris & Jian Chan), people made masks, we established online giving, and much, much more.

As many of you have said and thought, THIS has been a VERY different year than any I have experienced
  EVER. Through technology, we have managed to stay in contact with each other. That is a positive that
has come out of this pandemic. As I look to 2021, I hope I will NEVER take our in-person gatherings for
granted again. It will be so good when we can meet again.
Happy New Year!
                                Communion Element & Envelope Pickup
                                  Saturday, Jan. 2nd 11 AM – NOON
   When you come to pick up your elements for Sunday, come to the back of the parking lot. We will be
 stationed at the handicap lift to try to stay out of the cold. Also, you may pick up your envelopes for 2021
                                                for your offerings.

Small Group studies:
      Every Sunday (except Jan. 3rd) Child en S nda School 1 PM
      Every Monday Adult Sunday School 7 PM
      Every Wednesday (begins on Jan. 20th) Bible Study

Meeting reminders:
      Worship committee - Saturday, Jan. 9th, 10 AM
      Finance committee - Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 7 PM
      Leadership meeting - Tuesday, January 19th, 7 PM

This is for all who are chairs of committees meet so everyone knows who is doing what, plans for the
upcoming months (as much as we can plan). Please let Helen Smith know if you cannot make it. Trustees
meeting Tuesday, Jan. 26th, 7 PM

                                   Game Night, Saturday, January 16th
                                              6-7:30 PM
                                         Come one, come all!

We will be playing Scattergories on Zoom. You can join by computer, smartphone, or regular phone. You
will need a pad of paper, a pencil, and a brain. Households can work in teams. Below are 12 lists that you
will need to play the game. Each round we use a different list and you will be given a different letter for
each round to come up with answers that start with that letter. I will send out the link two days before that
night and explain the rest when you join.
The Messenger - West Haven, CT
The Messenger - West Haven, CT
Ways to support the Church with no cost to you!

Amazon Smile
The church is now registered on Amazon Smile. Amazon Smile is a way for customers to
support their favorite charitable organization every time they shop with Amazon. For the
church to get the .5% from Amazon, make sure you start your shopping using If you have any questions, please contact Helen

Stop & Shop Fundraiser (gift cards )
I                  &       ,                                       D            (203-415-
6092). O                       5%                                                     &
    . C                          D           .

ShopRite Fundraiser (gift cards )
                                     &               .                  4%
        .I             ,   H               203-444-2362. Checks made payable to
 F     MC .
                               We appreciate your continued support!

     Remember you would be spending money at these stores anyway and now the church can receive a
                  percentage. Share with your family and friends this opportunity.

Thanks to Your Generosity!

Your generosity helped to fulfill the Christmas wishes of 21 children and young adults in DCF. After being
blessed on 3rd Sunday of Advent, the gifts were delivered to our Covenant to Care social worker for distribution.

We also provided            C            G        G    C                   C          H                    39
community families in need.

Ble ing of Ch i ma Wi h Li gif & Ha & Mi en kni ed b P a e Sha l Mini                         membe      on 3rd
Sunday of Advent (December 13, 2020)
The Messenger - West Haven, CT
January Birthdays
          1 - Neil Thomas
              Macie Franson
              Frank Osei-Sarpong
          3 - Emma Franson
          7 - Christine Latham                              Join us for Sunday School each Sunday at 1:00 on
              Walter Clinton                                                      G          .
         10 - Paul Franson                                  stories, make art projects, and spend time together on
              Israel Young                                  Zoom. Materials will be ready for you to pick up
         14 - Lauren Simone                                 each Saturday.
         16 - Melissa Santamauro
              Marissa deNicolo                              E-mail or call Gail Bartozzi (
              Julianna deNicolo                             or text (203)747-6039) to sign up for Sunday School
         19 - Mary Ann Hawkes                               or to find out more information.
         24 - Jen Werle
         27 - Eleanna Ormazabal
         30 - Elizabeth (Liz) Levy
                                                                               The Craft Corner
    January Anniversaries
          9 - Walter and Myrna Clinton                      We have some Get Well and Thinking of You cards.
         23 - Richard & Wendy Memmott                       Contact Gail if you would like a card sent to
                                                            someone or have questions about the group. You can
If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed       call the church office or e-mail Gail at
please let the church office know so we can update .
our list and make sure you are not missed.

If you would like to include someone for birthdays or
anniversaries, please see below. Example- name              Native American Pennies Collection
change, address change, marriage, birth, death, etc.
Email: or send to church                                $180       N      A
office.                                                     mission. Thank you to the donor who gave up their
                                                            penny collection! Thank you, Walt & Myrna, for
                                                            rolling up all those pennies! Thank you and keep
                                                            collecting those pennies!
Pastors Discretionary
P                          L     O            P
discretionary fund. You may place your gift in the                Have you visited our Church Website lately?
container on the back table of the sanctuary. If you wish
                                                                      It is truly beautiful and informative.
to write check to the        ,              P
                                                                   The Church calendar is updated as needed
Disc           F                          .
                                                                    and you can check on dates and times of
Tell us if you have a member information change:
                                                                               meetings and events.
example-name change, address change, marriage, birth,
death, etc. Email: or send to                   Website is
the Church office.
                                                                                  Check it out!
The Messenger - West Haven, CT
First & Wesley United Methodist Church
                               Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development
                                             Elected November 12, 2020

                                                MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH COUNCIL
Chairperson                                  Peggy Jerrell
Secretary                                    Chris Latham
Lay Leader                                   Helen Smith
Annual Conference Lay Members                Mary Rolfe, Helen Smith
Trustees Chair                               To be elected by Trustees in January 2021
Finance Chair                                Mary Rolfe
Financial Secretary                          David Smith
Church Treasurer                             Jim Jerrell
Staff-Parish Relations Chair                 Josephine Amos
Worship Committee Chair                      Christine Chan
Missions & Outreach Chair                    Stephanie Wilson
Music Director                               Christine Chan
Church School Superintendent                 Gail Bartozzi
Assistant Church School Super.               Jenny Werle
Youth Representative                         Cecilia Amos, Hanna Werle
Members at Large
Nathaniel Amos            Will Arhin         Myrna Clinton              Walter Clinton             Kathy Hulse
Judy Juzwiakowski         Ruth Kreyoh        Abe McKim                  Jacki McKim                Edith Mulligan
Richard Memmott           Jim Stuhlman       Thurmon Whitley            Nana Amos

         The following 3 committees are divided into classes. One class is elected for one year, one class for two years, and one
         class for 3 years. Each class will begin on January 1, 2020 and end December 31st of the class year.

                                                   COMMITTEES & COMMISSIONS
Board of Trustees Chair: To be elected in January 2020
Class of 2021                                Will Arhin, Judy Jennette
Class of 2022                                Kathy Hulse, Laurie Simone, Jim Stuhlman
Class of 2023                                Abe McKim , Shelby Poe, Helen Smith

Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development Chair: Pastor Lee
Lay Leader, ex officio
Class of 2021                          Ruth Kreyoh, Kathy Hulse, Keisha Hammond
Class of 2022                          Peggy Jerrell, Jacki McKim
Class of 2023                          Myrna Clinton, David Smith

Staff Pastor Parish Relations Chair: Josephine Amos
Lay Leader, ex officio, Lay Delegates, ex officio
Class of 2021                                  Jacki McKim, Jenny Werle
Class of 2022                                  Josephine Amos, Walter Clinton, Peggy Jerrell
Class of 2023                                  Thurmon Whitley, Nana Amos
Finance Chair: Mary Rolfe
Treasurer: Jim Jerrell                         Assistant Treasurer: Judy Juzwiakowski
Reporting Financial Secretary                  David Smith
Members                                        Nana Amos, Helen Smith (Lay Leader), Peggy Jerrell (Council Chair), Jacki McKim, Jim
                                               Stuhlman, Josephine Amos (SPR Chair)

Stewardship                                  Committee Chairs

Lead Counters                                Kathy Hulse, Jacki McKim, Jim Stuhlman, Thurmon Whitley
Assistant Counters                           Peggy Jerrell, Judy Juzwiakowski, Laurie Simone
                                             Mary Rolfe, Stephanie Wilson
The Messenger - West Haven, CT
Youth Group Advisors            Pastor Sungmu Lee, Helen Smith, Jim Stuhlman, Jenny Werle

Lay Servants                    Nana Amos, Nathaniel Amos, PaaKow Amos, Christine Chan, Myrna Clinton, Walter
                                Clinton, Cynthia Geissler, Peggy Jerrell, Jim Stuhlman, Wendy Memmott, Helen Smith

Worship Committee               Josephine Amos, Paakow Amos, Gail Bartozzi, Myrna Clinton, Rev. Cynthia Dodd
Chair: Christine Chan           MaryAnne Hawkes, Peggy Jerrell, Hyeonjin Kim, Helen Smith (Lay Leader)
                                Mary Levy, Laurie Simone, Jim Stuhlman

Hospitality & Nurture           Myrna Clinton, Walter Clinton, Edith Mulligan

Altar Guild/ Flowers            MaryAnne Hawkes, Shirley Pyrdol

Ushers                          Will Arhin, PaaKow Amos, Doris Hunter (alternate), Judy Juzwiakowski, Richard
                                Memmott (alternate), Thurmon Whitley

Communion Stewards              Myrna Clinton, Walter Clinton, MaryAnne Hawkes

Memorial Committee              Doris Hunter, Linda Kopec, Abe McKim, MaryAnne Hawkes
Chair: Judy Juzwiakowski

Safe Sanctuary Committee         Gail Bartozzi, Peggy Jerrell, Chris Latham, Helen Smith, Jen Werle
Chair: Pastor Lee

Missions & Outreach Committee   Nana Amos, Gail Bartozzi, Myrna Clinton, Rev. Cynthia Dodd, Peggy Jerrell
Chair: Stephanie Wilson         Judy Jennette, Christine Latham, Mary Levy

Membership Committee            Kathy Hulse, Edith Mulligan
Chair: Peggy Jerrell

Prayer Shawl Ministry            Shelby Poe, Sharon Ewen, Susan Hackett, MaryAnne Hawkes
Leader: Linda Kopec             Sue McMillian, Edith Mulligan, Amy Sablone, Joan Sablone

Audio Visual Team               Cecilia Amos, Nana Amos, Gail Bartozzi, Catherine Gigola, Marissa deNicolo
Chair: Helen Smith               Rev. Cynthia Dodd, Peggy Jerrell, Hyeonjin Kim, Abe McKim, Andrew Nevin
                                Laurie Simone, Julia Werle

Archives Committee              Nana Amos, Kathy Hulse, Peggy Jerrell, Jackie McKim, Edith Mulligan,
Chair: Peggy Jerrell

Communications                  Myrna Clinton, Bill Hunt, Peggy Jerrell, Kathy Hulse, Hyeonjin Kim
Webmaster                       Hyeonjin Kim
The Messenger - West Haven, CT
Nativity Scene on the Church Ground
15 figures have been added to the Nativity scene over time to illustrate the Christmas story.
Special thanks to our talented volunteers who built, painted, and set up the beautiful scene:
Jim Jerrell, Jen Werle, Peggy Jerrell, Helen Smith, David Smith, Kathy Hulse, and Sungmu Lee.
The Messenger
First & Wesley United Methodist Church
89 Center Street West Haven, CT 06516
Phone (203) 933-8795

Reverend Sungmu Lee
 S da W hi Time: 10:30am (               li e only)"

The January Newsletter
You can also read