Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School

Page created by John Cobb
Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School
Encourage & Expect
Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School
January 2018          Page 2


From the Principal       3-5            Meat & Greet                       12
Congratulations          6-7            Notices                            13
From the School Office   8
Curriculum               9
Careers                  10
Sports                   11

KEY DATES FOR YOUR DIARY                Friday 27 September—End of Term 3

Monday 23 September—Freyberg House      Friday 27 September—Year 11 Semi Formal
Awards Evening                          Monday 14 October—Start of Term 4
Tuesday 24 September—Rutherford House
Awards Evening
Wednesday 25 September—Halberg House
Awards Evening
Thursday 26 September—Hillary House
Awards Evening


START DATE                               END DATE
Thursday 30 January –                    Thursday 9 April
Year 7 and 13 only

Friday 31 February –
Full School

Thursday 6 February—Waitangi Day
Friday 7 February—School Closed
Monday 27 April                          Friday 3 July

Monday 20 July                           Friday 25 September

Monday 12 October                        Friday 4 December
Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School
As we wait for the outcome of the Tomorrow’s Schools Review, I thought that it would be timely to
report back on the key points of the outcome of the NCEA Review so that you all have an understanding
of the changes to NCEA and how they might affect your son(s).

There are 7 key points in the change package:

1.   Make NCEA more accessible

            NCEA fees will be removed from this year (including scholarship)
            Where possible, Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) will be made available and easily
             accessible to anyone. Students with disabilities and learning support needs will be
             provided with equal opportunities to achieve.
            The application process for more specialised SAC is simplified.
            Achievement standards will be accessible and inclusive by design so that everyone has an
             equal opportunity to achieve, and the need to apply for a SAC is reduced.

2.     Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori

            There will be equal status, support and resourcing for matauranga Maori in NCEA, and
             greater opportunities for students to follow matauranga Maori pathways will be
            Te ao Maori and matauranga Maori are built into the outcome statements as part of the
             new ‘graduate profile’ for NCEA and in the design of achievement standards.
            New Achievement Standards and assessment resources derived from Te Marautanga o
             Aotearoa will be developed.
            The Ministry will work closely with Maori – in both Maori medium and English medium
             education and in the wider community, including iwi, hapu, and whanau – to design what
             this looks like in practice.

3.     Strengthen literacy and numeracy requirements

            NCEA literacy and numeracy requirements will be replaced with a package of new
             external standards (10 credits for literacy, 10 for numeracy) set to a standardised
             benchmark, which must be met to gain any level of NCEA.
            The 20 credit literacy and numeracy requirement does not contribute towards the 60
             credits needed for each level of NCEA (it’s a co-requisite).
            It has been proposed that students will be able to meet the standard whenever they are
             ready. You may have heard through the media that this may be as early as Year 7.
             However, it is likely that HIBS will cover the literacy and numeracy requirements over
             Years 9 and 10.
            Existing tools will be used to help teachers make good, valid judgement on literacy and
             numeracy, to assess students whenever they are ready. These standards will be assessed
Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School
4.   Have fewer, larger standards

     The standards in each subject are rebuilt so there are fewer of them, but each covers a broader
     range of knowledge and skills:

          Each standard will be worth between 4 to 6 credits with around 20 credits per subject.
          The number of credits available from internally and externally assessed standards (not
           necessarily assessed by examinations) will be rebalanced to a 50:50 split, with some
          When creating courses, schools and Tertiary Education Organisations will still have
           freedom of choice and will not be required to use specific Standards.

     The Review of Achievement Standards (RAS) will deliver most of this.

     Review of Achievement Standards timeline (Indicative)
Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School
5.     Simplify NCEA’s structure

             The ability to ‘carry-over’ 20 credits from a lower level NCEA will be removed. This will
              make each level of NCEA a 60 credit qualification.
             As a guideline, the number of credits that a student should enter each year will be: 120
              credits at Levels 1 and 2, and 100 credits at Level 3.
             Resubmissions will be limited to taking students from ‘Not Achieved’ to ‘Achieved’.

6.     Show clearer pathways to further education and employment

             A Vocational Entrance (VE) Award will be developed
             The industry-derived Standards will be strengthened
             A clear ‘graduate profile’ will be developed for each level of NCEA
             The Record of Achievement (RoA) will be redesigned to make it clear what the student
              has achieved, including adding course endorsements for ‘Achieved’ grades.
             The Vocational Pathways will be enhanced to improve effectiveness as a navigation and
              planning tool.

7.     Keep NCEA Level 1 as an optional level

             NCEA Level 1 is currently optional throughout New Zealand and this won’t change. How-
              ever, at HIBS, we see considerable value in our students studying NCEA Level 1 and they
              will continue to do so.

Teacher-only days

During the recent collective contract negotiations, an Accord was reached between the Ministry of
Education and PPTA Te Wehengarua for eight additional teacher-only days over the next three years.
These days are set aside to support the implementation of NCEA and wider strengthening of
curriculum, progress and achievement practice.

For the secondary school sector, the days will be additional to schools’ existing allocation of teacher-
only days with two days scheduled for 2020, three for 2021 and three for 2022.

The 2020 dates for teacher-only days for all schools in Wellington are Tuesday 4 August and Tuesday
17 November.

Mike Hutchins
Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School
It's the third time HIBS have made the final for the Premier grade but the first time we've won it. Both
Wellington College and HIBS were unbeaten throughout the season. In the final itself both teams won
three matches and 16 games each. We took it out on points - 308 to 302.

                   Sam Merton, Alexander Yan, Hamish Tallon, Hunter Arthur, Jake Naylor

Ashley Boag was       Mitchell Heberley made         Zhi He played in       George Baird and Aryav
2nd in the 50m        the swimming finals in four    the Wellington         Bhawan competed in the
freestyle at the      races at the AIMS Games        Chess Rapid            Tennis Tournament at the
NZSS swimming         and finished 2nd in 200m       Tournament and         AIMS games and won a
championship in       Breaststroke, 3rd in 100m      was first equal in     Bronze medal.
Hamilton.             Butterfly, 4th in Individual   the B grade and
                      Medley 200m and 6th place      second equal in the
                      in the 100m Breaststroke.      Open grade.
Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School
Jake Beare was      Lorenzo Caratori     Rhys Evans was      Theo Potter was      Felix
selected in the     Tontini was          selected in the     selected in the      Middelplaats was
Hutt Valley SNIPS   selected in the      Hutt Valley SNIPS   Hutt Valley SNIPS    selected in the
Rugby Team.         Hutt Valley SNIPS    Rugby Team.         Rugby Team.          Barbarians SNIPS
                    Rugby Team.                                                   Rugby Team.


HIBS Junior 1st XI Football Team won the Vaughan Coveny Cup Final at Rongotai College against
Tawa College. HIBS despite going 1-0 down early on, they came back to win 4-1.
Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School
Page 1 of the Newsletter you will find the start dates for 2020.

Please also note, the school will be closed on Friday 7 February the day after Waitangi Day.

Your son's attendance at his House Awards Evening next week is compulsory and families are also
invited and encouraged to attend the Evening.

The Evenings are a great opportunity to recognise student achievement within the House and
parents will gain a greater insight into the Tutor Group and House system.

Students are required to be dressed in their formal uniform and are expected to present the uniform
to a high standard on this important occasion.

Formal Uniform for Seniors — Blazer, shirt and tie, long trousers, black socks and polished regulation

Formal Uniform for Juniors — Short or long trousers, shirt (can be short sleeve), tie, school socks and
polished regulation shoes. No jersey.

If there is a reason why your son is unable to attend his House Awards Evening, please inform the
school as soon as possible by emailing the Housemaster.

The Evenings start at 7pm and are held in the HIBS Auditorium and should finish around 8/8.30pm.

                Freyberg House Awards Evening             Monday 23 September
                Kent Lawton
                Rutherford House Awards Evening           Tuesday 24 September
                Gareth Walsh

                Halberg House Awards Evening              Wednesday 25 September
                Reta Snelling

                Hillary House Awards Evening              Thursday 26 September
                Patrick Houghton
Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School
With the exception of the following courses which have already been reported on in Week 6 this
term 11/12/13DET, 11/12/13PED, 12/13DES, 11,1213DVC, 12/13GAT, 11MAA, 13MAT, 12/13ARP
and 11/12/13ART, all other senior courses and Tutor Teacher reports will be available on the
Portal Friday evening 27 September.
The final printout of all Internal grades and the results from the Internal Evidence Exams (IEE) will
be on the Portal at the start of Week 4, once the seniors have left to start exam leave in Term 4.

These examination results are valuable for two reasons:
       1. The grades generated through the IEE provide the evidence for decisions about
       Derived Grade applications should this be required, and

       2. Students receive feedback from their teachers about their examination achievement. The
       feedback indicates what they already know and understand and what they still need to revise
       to improve their performance.

The examination timetable has been published on the HIBS website. You can navigate to the
timetable by clicking on Curriculum in the top menu, then on Senior School from the drop-down
box, and open the link Senior Internal Evidence Exams 2019.

The Junior Examination timetable will be published on the HIBS website in Week 1 of next term.
Once published this document can be found by going to the HIBS website, clicking on Curriculum,
then Junior School from the drop-down menu. When the page opens you will be able to click on
the Junior Examination Timetable to open the document. Once published the timetable will also be
emailed out to all parents with a son in the junior school
Encourage & Expect Excellence - Hutt International Boys' School
University Applications

Over this term, the Universities have been visiting HIBS to assist students with course planning. If
any students need additional help with planning for next year, they can arrange a time to see
Ms Moore (this could be done during exam leave) or if the University has a Wellington based office
(Victoria, Canterbury, Otago) there is the opportunity to talk directly to the liaison staff to meet with
them. Contact their offices directly to make an appointment. Victoria has one more evening
Information session on 28 November.

As a general rule, applications for Universities are due before 10 December (some courses vary).

Polytech Applications

These are either open or opening very soon. Our advice is for students to apply as soon as they can,
as places in courses fill up on a first in first served basis.


Ms Moore has been offering information sessions on Student Loans and Allowances and on dealing
with Finances/Tenancy laws this term. Students wishing to apply for a student loan or allowance
need to complete the application by 16 December. There is some work involved with making sure all
the correct documentation is submitted, so I would suggest that they start working on this at the
beginning of November, at the latest.

Student employment

Money Hub has a good guide for getting a job while at school or a tertiary student. https://

For Year 13 students looking to go into tertiary education next year, they can also use student job
search for summer jobs. https://www.sjs.co.nz/

Jeanie Moore
Careers Advisor
Joshua Donohue recently competed in Auckland for a chance at the E30 BMW Race Driver series
scholarship. A car he is new too and has never been on Pukekohe race track. There were 24
competitors plus a panel interview. The BMW team awarded Joshua the BMW Driver Scholarship.
You can still apply for the epic expedition program to Nepal! Applications close 27 September.

This is a completely unique, once-in-a-lifetime, STUDENT-LED expedition. The outcomes are a life-
changing personal development journey and an incredible broadening of understanding of other cul-
tures and communities. Participants will learn how to look after themselves in an unfamiliar environ-
ment, they will trek the Himalayas and they will plan and execute this expedition themselves, run
their own budget and decide what they do in the country.

FIND OUT MORE HERE: https://weareworldchallenge.com/australasia/hibsnepal/

Feel free to contact World Challenge on 0800 456 134 if you have any questions or visit the links

Forever Changed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HranDlRKG0E
Safety: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owlmpXjSdtg
Our Travellers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsqKKXjLZgc

Applications are now open for these summer holidays for the Spirit of Adventure, and they would
love you to join them! You may be eligible to apply for funding to help support your voyage.

You can either book directly on their website https://www.spiritofadventure.org.nz/voyages/
voyage/10-day-development or contact Julia Bryant for more information – 021 55 44 53
Julia.bryant@spiritofadventure.org.nz. Be in quick, strictly one student per school per voyage.

This year, Ben Porter and Sahil Sejpal established a non-profit charitable organisation called Unite. It
was made purely in the hope of benefitting lives. The morals it upholds encourages the youth of New
Zealand to focus on helping citizens in our local communities. Ben and Sahil aspire to make a
prominent impact on hundreds of lives in New Zealand and they wish to give every child an equal
chance at success.

A part of their mission includes delivering baskets full of goodies to those they feel are deserving.
These gift baskets are typically presented to members of the community that are experiencing or
have been through hardship, need a positive boost, or to people who simply deserve some

Ben and Sahil would absolutely love your help! Please visit their
website www.unitecharity.net to nominate someone deserving or
even just to see more about what they do.” - Ben Porter and Sahil
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