St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -

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St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
St. Augustine
                        Catholic Church & School
                        Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition

3850 Jasmine Ave, Culver City   (310) 838 -2477         
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
January 9, 2022                                                                        The Baptism of the Lord
                                         Living Out the Gift of Our Baptism
         Today marks the official end of the Christmas season, and we find ourselves still adjusting to a New Year.
This is a time of new beginnings, new dreams and hopes. What will this year bring? What surprises? What joys?
What challenges? What changes? How will we cope with all of these things? Many would resort to self-help blogs
or books to give them pointers about how to change themselves, how to meet the challenges and deal with the sur-
prises that are surely to come. And self-help blogs and books abound, don’t they? There are self-help blogs and
books that help us deal with low self-esteem; that guarantee that if we follow their advice, we’ll all be billionaires
by year’s end; that assure us that if we practice a few simple tricks, we’ll become better lovers; that promise that if
we are faithful to the regimens they suggest, we will be successful, popular, beautiful (handsome) and powerful.
There seems to be a self-help blog or book for everyone and for every situation.
         Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord. This solemnity marks at once the end of the
Christmas Season and the beginning of Ordinary Time. It is yet another manifestation (or epiphany) of who Jesus
really is – Son of Mary, but also Son of God. The Church places this solemnity at the end of one season and at the
beginning of another as a guide and help for us. But unlike the self-help blogs and books to which we are tempted
to turn, as we try to face the challenges and changes of a new year, this solemnity is a different type of help. This
solemnity reminds us that everything we have and are and hope to be comes not from ourselves, but as a gratuitous
gift from the God who loves us. At Christmas, we celebrated the Incarnation, the great mystery of God becoming
one of us, flesh and blood, taking on our weaknesses and fulfilling in himself all of our hopes and dreams. At
Epiphany we celebrated the great mystery of God-With-Us, this God who comes as the light to all the world and to
walk with us, dispelling the darkness that often envelops us and misdirects us, especially when we rely on our-
selves alone. This is the light that assures us that we, too, like the Wise Men, are loved and forgiven; we, too, are
part of God’s chosen people; we, too, are meant to spread the good news of Jesus Christ – true God and true Man,
Liberator and Savior – to all the world. We, too, are redeemed from sin and rescued from death, not by self-help,
but by God’s love and mercy.
         As we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan River, we recognize that unlike us, Jesus the Messi-
ah, the Son of God, needed no forgiveness of sin, for he was without sin. Rather, his baptism sanctifies the waters
of our baptism so that we might be washed clean of sin and made holy, so that just as he became one of us, we
might become more like him. This is the reason for our own baptisms – we begin a great and wonderful, but often
challenging and difficult, journey to become who we truly are, who God created us to be – his adopted daughters
and sons, brothers and sisters of Christ. We don’t need self-help blogs or books for this journey. What we need is
to reflect often on the baptismal promises we made (or that our godparents and parents made on our behalf and that
we affirmed on the day of our Confirmation): to renounce sin and the lure of evil and all the empty works of Satan;
and to believe in the one God – Father/Creator, Son/Redeemer, and Spirit/Sanctifier. What we need is a humble
heart open to God’s grace and providential love, his mercy and forgiveness. We need to do what Jesus does, the
Word-made-flesh, the only Begotten Son of God: to love our enemies as ourselves, to forgive and ask forgiveness,
to serve those in need. We need to follow the Spirit’s guidance and use and share the gifts God has given us to
build up his reign on earth so that we and those with whom we share our gifts might be welcomed to the great wed-
ding banquet at the end of time.
        So let’s make a promise to one another. Let’s promise to celebrate our baptisms each year – to really live
out our baptismal promises and not just pay lip service to them. Instead of focusing only on self-help, let’s find
ways to help others and to be the light of Christ for one another. It can be as simple as volunteering to be a Hospi-
tality Minister, a Eucharistic Minister or a Lector at one of our Masses. Maybe you like to sing – why not join one
of our choirs? Is social justice your passion? Why not help out at S.A.V.E.S., the Parish food bank, or become a
member of our St. Vincent de Paul Society for some hands-on outreach to the disadvantaged of our larger commu-
nity? Do you like to share your faith? Become a Catechist and help our young people grow in the love of Jesus or
prepare for their sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
         These are only a few of the many ways we can celebrate and live out our baptisms this year, but let’s do
something to shift our focus from self-help to service, from consumerism to discipleship. Let’s bring alive that day
when we were reborn into the Body of Christ; that day we began our incredible journey of faith; that day when we
were washed clean of our old sinful ways of pride and hate; that day when we promised always to walk in the light
of Christ. Let us share the Good News of that day by living our baptismal promises faithfully and fully every day
of our lives. Then, as today’s psalmist reminds us, the Lord, our God, who is great indeed, will bless us .
        Blessings, Fr. Chris
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
                                 S READINGS                                       COVID-19 Prayer of Solidarity
                        Firstt Reading - Isaiah speaks of the
                        Servant whom the Lord upholds; he                 For all who have contracted coronavirus,
                        shall bring forth justice to the nations                we pray for care and healing.
                        (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 40:1-5, 9          For those who are par cularly vulnerable,
                        -11.                                                    we pray for safety and protec on.
                        Psalm - The Lord will bless his people            For all who experience fear or anxiety,
                        with peace                                              we pray for peace of mind and spirit.
                        (Psalm 29) or Psalm 104.
                                                                          For affected families who are facing difficult
Secondd Reading - Jesus was anointed by God with the                      decisions between food on the table or public
Holy Spirit; he went out healing and doing good                           safety,
(Acts 10:34-38) or Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7.                                        we pray for policies that recognize their plight.
Gospel - A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus                      For those who do not have adequate health
as the beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased                         insurance,
(Luke 3:15-16, 21-22).
                                                                                we pray that no family will face financial
The English transla on of the Psalm Responses from Lec onary for Mass ©   burdens alone.
1969, 1981, 1997, Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy
Corpora on. All rights reserved.                                          For those who are afraid to access care due to
                                                                          immigra on status,
                                                                                we pray for recogni on of the God-given
                                                                          dignity of all.
            St. Augus ne Mass Schedule                                    For our brothers and sisters around the world,
Sunday Mass (in the Church)                                                     we pray for shared solidarity.
   Mass in English on Sunday @ 9am & 11am                                 For public officials and decisionmakers,
   Mass in Spanish on Sunday @ 1:00pm                                           we pray for wisdom and guidance.
Sunday Mass (in the Parking Lot)                                          Father, during this me may your Church be a sign
                                                                          of hope, comfort and love to all. Grant peace. Grant
   Mass in English on Sunday @ 3:00pm
                                                                          comfort. Grant healing. Be with us, Lord.
Weekday Mass (in the Church)                                              Amen.
   Mass in English on Mon, Tues Wed & Fri @ 5:30 pm
   Mass in English on Wed & Thurs @ 8:00 am
   Mass in Spanish - First Fridays of a month @7:30 pm                        St Augustine Parish Mission Statement
Sacrament of Reconcilia on                                                In following the teachings of Jesus Christ, St
(Held in the St. Ambrose & Our Lady of Guadalupe                          Augus ne Parish lives and radiates the love of God
Rooms in the Parish Center, not in the Church)                            through prayer and ac on. We strive to
         4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Mondays and Wednesdays                       accomplish this mission by fostering our Catholic
         3:30 PM to 4:30 PM, Saturdays.                                   iden ty, joyfully celebra ng the sacraments
For informa on about Bap sms, Weddings, Funerals,                         together as a diverse community, and recognizing
Quinceaneras and other celebra ons, please contact the                    and promo ng social jus ce.
Parish Office (310) 838-2477.

Offertory Informa on during me of limited Masses:
We thank you for the many calls of apprecia on that we can s ll gather together as a parish community as best we can. We are
grateful for your willingness to support St. Augus ne financially during these challenging mes. As we transi on back into the
church, our mass schedule will s ll be limited and we will con nue with our opera onal expenses. With this in mind, let me
offer you a few of op ons on what to do with your offertory envelopes:
1. You may mail your offertory envelopes into St Augus ne Church. The address appears at the bo om of this bulle n. Or you
may drop off your envelopes at the Parish Office.
2. If you feel comfortable, you may move to Online Giving. This may be done on a regular basis by crea ng an on-line account,
or you may do a one me “quick give”. Please visit our parish website or go to: h ps://st-augus
Thank you for your support!
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
Parish Contacts                                          Mass Intentions                             January 8
                                                                                                                       January 16
    Rev. Christopher Fagan
        (310) 838-2477 x203                                         Saturday,, Januaryy 8
Associate Pastor:                                                              No Intentions
    Rev. Esteban Marquez                                            Sunday,, Januaryy 9
        (310) 838-2477 x204                                            9:00 AM - Hermenegildo Calica †, Purificacion Calica †
                                                                     11:00 AM - Margarita Jacobo †
In Residence                                                           1:00 PM - Josefina Miramontes
    Bishop Thomas J. Curry                                             3:00 PM - Ann Paci †
        (310) 838-2477                                              Monday,, Januaryy 10
                                                                      5:30 PM - Nellie Dow †, and Bertha Van Bruyssel †
    Rev. Lawrence Shelton                                           Tuesday,, Januaryy 111
        (310) 838-2477                                                5:30 PM - Jose Almicar Trochez †
Deacon & Business Manager                                           Wednesday,, Januaryy 12
    Rev. Mr. Sonal Seneviratne                                        8:00 AM - Fernando and Librenda Casmiro
        (310) 838-2477 x206                                           5:30 PM - Leonardo Guerrero
                                                                    Thursday,, Januaryy 133
                                                                       8:00 AM - Jose Almicar Trochez †
Business Office                                                        5:30 PM - Loribelle Achacoso                          Friday,, Januaryy 144
Reception/Front desk:                                                  5:30 PM - - Jose Almicar Trochez †
        (310) 838-2477 x201                                         Saturday,, Januaryy 15
                                                                       7:00 PM - For the People
School Principal:
                                                                    Sunday,, Januaryy 16
    Dr. Beate Nguyen,                                                   9:00 AM - Maria Castaneda †, Juan Castaneda †, Ed Jazwa †,
        (310) 838-3144                                                                      Lilli Papenguth †
Faith Formation:                                                       11:00 AM - Luz Enriquez †, Linda Miller †
                                                                        1:00 PM - Josefina Miramontes
        (310) 838-2477 x209                                             3:00 PM - Ann Honenberger
    Marie Brown                                                     Pleasee rememberr thee followingg inn yourr prayers:
        (310) 838-2702                                              Forr thosee whoo havee askedd forr prayers,, forr themselves,, orr forr
                                                                    others,, especially: Sr. Clare Briody, Monique Nestico, Mary
Knights of Columbus                                                 Lewis, Mikey Lewis, Marian Rabidoux, Paul Rabidoux, Raouf
    John Harrison                                                   Salib, Nalin Jayasundera, Joan Cowan Foley, Ana Dow, Susan
        (619) 917-0909 /                       Miramontes, Raymond Elias, Alma Santiago, Rio Villamar, Bertha
                                                                    Soleto, Mark Keefer, Jose Moreno Garcia
Bereavement Ministry
        (310) 838-2477                                              Forr thosee whoo havee died,, thatt Godd willl raisee them
                                                                                                                             m onn thee lastt day,,
                                                                    especially: Sr. Mary Rose Creegan, Patrick Lui, Teodoricio
Society of St. Vincent de Paul                                      “Teddy” Estrada, Carmen G. Vega, Guillermo G. Vega, Gerald
        (424) 209-2050                                              P. Lewis, Mary Jane Lewis, Claud “Barry” Barrett Sherwood
Wedding & Quinceañera Coordinator                                   Jr.,Edgar Cogswell, Josefina Orca Bautista, J. Rosario Raya,
                                                                    Angelic Romeo, Erlinda Diel, Angel Robert Rangel, Eleanor D.
        (310) 838-2477 x211                                         Litonjua, Carlos H. Moreno, Arturo Zamora, Max Reynoza

STEWARDSHIP CORNER                 Reflec ons on Sunday readings in the context of Stewardship.
The Bap sm of Our Lord
“John answered them all, ‘I bap ze you with water; but he who is migh er than I is
coming…he will bap ze you with the Holy Spirit... ’” (LUKE 3:16)

The Catholic Catechism states that “Jesus’ immersion in the water is a sign for all human
beings of the need to die to themselves to do God’s will.” In other words, as bap zed Catholics there is only one gi that we
need to give to Jesus – the gi of ourselves. Surrender yourself to God, place your trust in Him and allow the Holy Spirit to
work through you for the greater glory of God.                                                                               4
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
                                     Do you have a relationship with Jesus? Do you wish to have a stronger relationship Him?

                                     The rela onship that we have with Jesus can vary greatly from
                                     person to person. For example, for some of us, a rela onship with
                                     Jesus consists of praying to Him and going to church on Sunday. For
                                     others, Jesus is an example to follow, and they try their best to live
                                     as He did. The fact is that you, yourself, decide what rela onship you
                                     want to have with Jesus.
                                      "Knowing" Jesus means having a rela onship with Him. A Chris an
                                      does not only know about Christ, but a Chris an also knows
                                      Christ personally. To know Christ personally means to get to know
Him as you would a friend. In a friendship you spend me with the other person, and you have vulnerable
conversa ons. Talking regularly is an important part of a rela onship. To know Jesus is not just to read
about Him educa onally, but also to spend me understanding who He is
If you are looking for such a rela onship, or wish to in mately deepen your rela onship, you must first
choose to believe that an in mate rela onship with Jesus is possible before you can enter into such a
rela onship. Just as believing in the real presence of Christ is found in the Eucharist, everything –
spiritually speaking – is a product of one’s faith. Just as rela onships with people are dynamic, in that
they o en change with me and can grow deeper, so it is also with having a rela onship with Jesus.
Despite what you may think, Jesus wants to spend me with you. Do you wish to spend me with Jesus?
Let us make 2022 the year we deepen our rela onship with Jesus — the year that we move closer to Jesus
and follow him as devoted disciples.

                                              DID YOU KNOW?
Understanding the dangers of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that is often
undetected. More than 400 people in the U.S. die every year from unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning,
and thousands more are hospitalized. When gas builds up in enclosed spaces, people or animals who breathe it
in can be poisoned. Consider installing a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector, and have your furnace,
water heater, and other gas or coal-burning appliances serviced regularly, along with your chimney. For more
information, visit

  Introducing an additional weekday Mass on Wednesday’s, a return of the
                 Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Daily Adoration
                               on Weekdays
                        Join us on Wednesday’s for Mass at 5:30pm, followed
                        by a Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
                        (including Adoration and Benediction).

                        Beginning the week of January 10th please join us for
                        Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on a daily basis
                        (Monday—Friday) from 12 noon—1pm.

St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
El 9 de Enero de 2022                                                                     El Bautismo del Señor
                                              Vivir el don de nuestro bautismo
         Hoy marca el final oficial de la temporada navideña, y nos encontramos todavía adaptándonos a un Año Nuevo.
Este es un momento de nuevos comienzos, nuevos sueños y esperanzas. ¿Qué nos deparará este año? ¿Qué sorpresas?
¿Qué alegrías? ¿Qué retos? ¿Qué cambios? ¿Cómo vamos a hacer frente a todas estas cosas? Muchos recurrirían a blogs
o libros de autoayuda para recibir consejos sobre cómo cambiarse a sí mismos, cómo enfrentar los desafíos y lidiar con
las sorpresas que seguramente vendrán. Y abundan los blogs y libros de autoayuda, ¿no? Hay blogs y libros de autoayu-
da que nos ayudan a lidiar con la baja autoestima; que garantizan que, si seguimos sus consejos, todos seremos multimi-
llonarios a fin del año; que nos aseguran que, si practicamos unos trucos simples, nos convertiremos en mejores aman-
tes; que nos prometen que, si somos fieles a los regímenes que sugieren, seremos exitosos, populares, bellos (o guapos),
y poderosos. Parece que hay un blog o libro de autoayuda para todos y para cada situación.
         Hoy celebramos la solemnidad del Bautismo del Señor. Esta solemnidad marca a la vez el final de la temporada
navideña y el comienzo del Tiempo Ordinario. Es otra manifestación (o epifanía) de quién es Jesús en verdad: Hijo de
María, pero también Hijo de Dios. La Iglesia coloca esta solemnidad al final de una temporada y al comienzo de otra
como guía y ayuda para nosotros. Pero a diferencia de los blogs y libros de autoayuda a los que nos sentimos tentados a
recurrir, mientras tratamos de enfrentar los desafíos y cambios de un nuevo año, esta solemnidad es un tipo de ayuda
diferente. Esta solemnidad nos recuerda que todo lo que tenemos, somos y esperamos ser no proviene de nosotros mis-
mos, sino como un don gratuito del Dios que nos ama. En Navidad, celebramos la Encarnación, el gran misterio de Dios
convirtiéndose en uno de nosotros, de carne y hueso, asumiendo nuestras debilidades y cumpliendo en sí mismo todas
nuestras esperanzas y sueños. En la Epifanía celebramos el gran misterio de Dios-Con-Nosotros, este Dios que viene
como la luz a todo el mundo y camina a nuestro lado, disipando la oscuridad que a menudo nos envuelve y nos desvía,
especialmente cuando confiamos solo en nosotros mismos. Esta es la luz que nos asegura que también nosotros, como
los Reyes Magos, somos amados y perdonados; nosotros también somos parte del pueblo escogido de Dios; nosotros
también estamos destinados a difundir las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo – verdadero Dios y verdadero Hombre, Liberta-
dor y Salvador – a todo el mundo. Nosotros también somos redimidos del pecado y rescatados de la muerte, no por auto-
ayuda, sino por el amor y la misericordia de Dios.
         Al celebrar el Bautismo del Señor en el río Jordán, reconocemos que, a diferencia de nosotros, Jesús el Mesías,
el Hijo de Dios, no necesitaba el perdón de los pecados, porque no tenía pecado. Más bien, su bautismo santifica las
aguas de nuestro bautismo para que podamos ser lavados de pecado y santificados, para que, así como Él se convirtió en
uno de nosotros, podamos llegar a ser más como él. Esta es la razón de nuestros propios bautismos: comenzamos un via-
je grande y maravilloso, pero a menudo desafiante y difícil, para convertirnos en quienes realmente somos, en quienes
Dios nos creó para ser: sus hijas e hijos adoptivos, hermanos y hermanas de Cristo. No necesitamos blogs o libros de
autoayuda para este viaje. Lo que necesitamos es reflexionar a menudo sobre las promesas bautismales que hicimos (o
que nuestros padrinos y padres hicieron en nuestro nombre y que afirmamos en el día de nuestra Confirmación): renun-
ciar al pecado y al señuelo del mal y a todas las obras vacías de Satanás; y creer en el único Dios – Padre/Creador, Hijo/
Redentor, y Espíritu/Santificador. Lo que necesitamos es un corazón humilde abierto a la gracia y al amor providencial
de Dios, a su misericordia y perdón. Necesitamos hacer lo que hace Jesús, la Palabra-hecha--carne, el Hijo Unigénito de
Dios: amar a nuestros enemigos como a nosotros mismos, perdonar y pedir perdón, servir a los necesitados. Necesita-
mos seguir la guía del Espíritu y usar y compartir los dones que Dios nos ha dado para edificar su reinado en la tierra
para que nosotros y aquellos con quienes compartimos nuestros dones podamos ser bienvenidos al gran banquete de bo-
das al final de los tiempos.
         Así que hagámonos una promesa unos a otros. Prometamos celebrar nuestros bautismos todos los años, para
vivir realmente nuestras promesas bautismales y no solo hablarles de dientes para afuera. En lugar de centrarnos única-
mente en la autoayuda, busquemos maneras de ayudar a los demás y de ser la luz de Cristo los unos para los otros. Pue-
de ser tan simple como ofrecerse como voluntario para ser un Ministro de Hospitalidad, un Ministro Eucarístico o un
Lector en una de nuestras Misas. Quizás a usted le guste cantar, ¿por qué no unirse a uno de nuestros coros? ¿Es la justi-
cia social su pasión? ¿Por qué no ayudar en S.A.V.E.S., la dispensa de alimentos de la parroquia, o convertirse en miem-
bro de nuestra Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl para ayudar a los desfavorecidos de nuestra comunidad en general? ¿A
usted le gusta compartir su fe? Conviértase en catequista y ayuda a nuestros jóvenes a crecer en el amor de Jesús o a
prepararse para sus sacramentos de la Primera Comunión y Confirmación.
         Estas son solo algunas de las muchas maneras en que podemos celebrar y vivir nuestros bautismos este año, pe-
ro hagamos algo para cambiar nuestro enfoque de la autoayuda al servicio, del consumismo al discipulado. Démosle
vida a ese día cuando renacimos en el Cuerpo de Cristo; ese día cuando comenzamos nuestro increíble viaje de fe; ese
día cuando fuimos lavados de nuestras viejas maneras pecaminosas de orgullo y odio; ese día en que prometimos cami-
nar siempre a la luz de Cristo. Compartamos la Buena Nueva de ese día viviendo fiel and plenamente nuestras promesas
bautismales todos los días de nuestra vida. Entonces, como nos recuerda el salmista de hoy, el Señor, nuestro Dios, que
en verdad es grande, nos bendecirá.
         Bendiciones, P. Chris                                                                                           8
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
                                            ¿Tienes una relación con Jesús? ¿Deseas tener una relación más fuerte con Él?

                                            La relación que tenemos con Jesús puede variar mucho de una perso-
                                            na a otra. Por ejemplo, para algunos de nosotros, una relación con
                                            Jesús consiste en orarle e ir a la iglesia el domingo. Para otros, Jesús
                                            es un ejemplo para seguir, y ellos hacen todo lo posible para vivir
                                            como Él lo hizo. El hecho es que tú, tú mismo, decides qué relación
                                            quieres tener con Jesús.
"Conocer" a Jesús significa tener una relación con Él. Un cristiano no sólo sabe "acerca de” Cristo, sino que
también tiene una relación personal con Cristo. Conocer a Cristo personalmente significa llegar a conocerlo
como lo harías con un amigo. En una amistad, pasas tiempo con la otra persona y tienes conversaciones vulne-
rables. Hablar con regularidad es una parte importante de una relación. Conocer a Jesús no es solo leer acerca
de Él, sino también dedicar tiempo a comprender quién es Él.
Si estás buscando tal relación, o deseas profundizar íntimamente tu relación, primero debes elegir creer que
una relación íntima con Jesús es posible. Así como creer que Cristo está verdadera y realmente presente en la
Eucaristía, todo, espiritualmente hablando, es un producto de la fe. Así como las relaciones con las personas
son dinámicas, en el sentido de que a menudo cambian con el tiempo y pueden profundizarse, también lo es
en nuestra relación con Jesús. A pesar de lo que puedas pensar, Jesús quiere pasar tiempo contigo. ¿Deseas
pasar tiempo con Jesús? Hagamos de 2022 el año en que profundicemos nuestra relación con Jesús, el año en
que nos acerquemos a Jesús y lo sigamos como discípulos devotos.
                                               ¿SABÍA USTED?
Comprender los peligros del monóxido de carbono. El monóxido de carbono es un gas inodoro e incoloro que
a menudo no se detecta. Más de 400 personas en los Estados Unidos mueren cada año por envenenamiento
involuntario por monóxido de carbono y miles más son hospitalizadas. Cuando el gas se acumula en espacios
cerrados, las personas o los animales que lo respiran pueden envenenarse. Considere la instalación de un de-
tector de monóxido de carbono que funcione con baterías y haga revisar su horno, calentador de agua y otros
aparatos que funcionen con gas o carbón con regularidad, junto con su chimenea. Para obtener más informa-
ción, visite

                                                                LOS MINISTERIOS QUE HABLAN ESPAÑOL
                     LECTURAS DE HOY                                         SE REÚNEN EN LÍNEA
                     Primera lectura — Miren a mi             Durante la pandemia, varios de los ministerios de la
                     siervo, en quien tengo mis               Parroquia de San Agustín que hablan español se reúnen
                     complacencias (Isaías 42:1-4, 6-         en línea. Para obtener el enlace Zoom para una reunión
                     7) o Isaías 40:1-5, 9-11.                específica del ministerio, póngase en contacto con los
                                                              coordinadores del ministerio, de la siguiente manera:
                     Salmo — El Señor bendice a su            El grupo de oración
                     pueblo con la paz                           se reúne los viernes de 7:30 pm. a 9:30 pm.
                     (Salmo 29 [28]) o Salmo 104              Contactos a llamar para dar información:
                     (103).                                   Alberto y Rebeca Martínez – (310) 936-0278
                                                              Arturo y Lulú Quintero – (310) 936-2893
 Segunda lectura — Dios ungió con el Espíritu
 Santo a Jesús de Nazaret (Hch 10:34-38) o Tito               Ministerio de matrimonios
 2:11-14; 3:4-7.                                                 se reúne los martes de 7:30 pm. a 9:30pm.
                                                              Contactos a llamar para dar información:
 Evangelio — Después del bautismo de Jesús, el                Sergio y Rocio Vega – (310) 895-3125
 cielo se abrió (Lucas 3:15-16, 21-22).
                                                              Ministerio de jóvenes
 Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano                se reúne los jueves de 8:00 pm. a 9:00 pm.
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