South Delta Secondary Grade 9 Course Planning - Ms. Wendy Diomis Counsellor Grade 9s 2018 2019 - Delta School District

Page created by Joseph Hansen
South Delta Secondary Grade 9 Course Planning - Ms. Wendy Diomis Counsellor Grade 9s 2018 2019 - Delta School District
South Delta Secondary

Grade 9 Course Planning

               Ms. Wendy Diomis
               Counsellor Grade 9s
               2018 - 2019
South Delta Secondary Grade 9 Course Planning - Ms. Wendy Diomis Counsellor Grade 9s 2018 2019 - Delta School District
O   Overview of Graduation Requirements
O   Grade 9 courses
O   What about Math?
O   Second Language requirements
O   Grade 9 Electives
O   District Academies
O   External Credits
O   Summer School
O   Resources
O   Questions
South Delta Secondary Grade 9 Course Planning - Ms. Wendy Diomis Counsellor Grade 9s 2018 2019 - Delta School District
Graduation Requirements
ENGLISH              Language Arts 10                                 4
                     Language Arts 11                                 4
                     Language Arts 12                                 4
FRANCAIS LANGUE      Francais Langue 10                               4
                     Francais Langue 11                               4
                     Francais Langue 12                               4
SOCIAL STUDIES       Social Studies 10/ Sciences Humaines 10          4
                     a Social Studies 11/ Sciences Humaines 11        4
SCIENCE              Science 10/Sciences Naturelles 10                4
                     a Science 11                                     4
MATH                 a Math 10                                        4
                     a Math 11                                        4
PE                   Physical Education 10                            4
ART/SKILL            Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12         4
OTHER                Career Life Education                            4
                     Career Life Connections                          4
ELECTIVES            Elective Courses (12 credits must be Grade 12)   28

                                TOTAL                   80 credits
**French Immersion requirements
South Delta Secondary Grade 9 Course Planning - Ms. Wendy Diomis Counsellor Grade 9s 2018 2019 - Delta School District
Grade 9 Courses

That’s Graduation..
Now what do I take in Grade 9?
South Delta Secondary Grade 9 Course Planning - Ms. Wendy Diomis Counsellor Grade 9s 2018 2019 - Delta School District
Grade 9 Courses
English Program
1.   English 9
2.   Socials 9
3.   Mathematics 9 – one of:
     1.   Math 9 Challenge
     2.   Math 9
     3.   Core Math 9
4.   Science 9
5.   Physical Education 9
 Elective Courses:
6. ____________
7. ____________
8. ____________
Grade 9 courses
French Immersion
1.   English 9
2.   Sciences Humaines 9
3.   Mathematics 9 – one of:
     1.   Math 9 Challenge
     2.   Math 9
     3.   Core Math 9
4.   Sciences Naturelles 9
5.   Physical Education 9
6.   Francais Langue 9
Elective Courses:
7. _____________
8. _____________
The math question
Grades 8 & 9
   O Math 8 & 9
   O Math 9 Challenge*
   O Core Math 8 & 9*

Grade 10
  O   Foundations Pre Calculus Math 10
  O   Math 10 Challenge*
  O   Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10

  O   *Requires referral by present math teacher and
      parent/guardian permission.
Math information
The new math curriculum includes 3 available pathways for students. The three pathways available
are: Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics, Foundations of Mathematics, and Pre-Calculus. At
the grade 10 level, a common Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus course is the starting
point for both the Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus pathways. When choosing a
pathway, students should consider their interests, both current and future. Students and parents are
encouraged to research the admission requirements for post-secondary programs of study as they
vary by institution and by year.

                                                MATH 9

           Apprenticeship & Workplace                             Foundations and Pre Calc 10
                Mathematics 10                                               1010
                                                                       Mathematics 10
                                                   Foundations 11                  Pre-Calculus 11
        Apprenticeship & Workplace 11

                                                                                   Pre-Calculus 12
                                                 Foundations 12
       Apprenticeship & Workplace 12
                                                                                Calculus 12
                                                 Post-Secondary                     or
                                             programs not requiring            AP Calculus 12
                                               theoretical calculus
       Entry into the majority of trades
       or direct entry to the workplace
                                                                                programs requiring
                                                                                theoretical calculus
Implications of math
O Any Math 11 course will graduate a student from
  high school with a Dogwood certificate.

O Post-secondary math options will vary. Please
  be informed, and keep viable options open.

O This time next year, students will need to pick a
  stream of math to continue on in. Students in
  Math 9 Core will automatically be placed in Math
  10 AWP.
What about a language?
You DO NOT need a Language to graduate from high school
Some post-secondary institutions do require…

UBC – Language 11 for all faculties

Kwantlen – Language 11 (or equivalent) to
complete a degree program

SFU – Introductory Language 11 for all faculties
UVIC                                      No Language Requirement
Thompson Rivers
Language options
O French 8-12
O French Immersion 8-12
O Spanish 9-12
O Intro Spanish 11

*All courses will be offered based on enrollment*
Language challenge exams
For those students with a background in:

Mandarin                     French
Japanese                     Punjabi
Korean                       German

O You may apply to write a challenge exam to earn Language 11
  and 12 credits.

O Some post-secondary institutions (ex. UBC) are no longer
  accepting Challenge exam scores for GPA, but will accept the
  course as the language requirement for admission.
Elective Options
O   Animation & 3D Modeling O     Mechanics
O   Band                      O   Multimedia
O   Ceramics and Sculpture O      Musical Theatre Company
O   Choir                         (after school)
O   Drafting                  O   Musical Theatre
O   Drama                         Company-Pit Band (after
O   Fashion                   O   Spanish
O   Foods and Nutrition       O   Stagecraft (after or during
O   French                        school options)
O   Graphics & Photography O      Technology
O   Guitar                    O   Vocal Jazz (after school)
O   Information Technology O      Woodwork
O   Jazz Band (before school)
District Academies
District academies
The Delta School District offers Academies in the following areas:
-   Hockey (SDSS & Burnsview)
-   Film Acting (DMEC Ladner)
-   Film Production (DMEC Ladner)
-   Film Visual Effects (DMEC Ladner)
-   Dance (DSS)
-   Performance (DMEC Ladner)
-   Baseball (Sands)
-   Softball (Seaquam – Females only)
-   Soccer (SDSS & Sands)
-   Lacrosse (SDSS)
-   Golf (SDSS & Seaquam)

Information available at:
External credits
Students may earn credits towards graduation through
training programs outside of school:

O   Dance (ie. Royal Academy of Dance)
O   Music (ie. Royal Conservatory of Music)
O   Sports (Provincial or National team level)
O   Lifesaving (Bronze Cross, NLS, Instructor)
O   Cadets (National Defense Cadet Certification)
O   Driver Ed (ICBC accredited program)

*Students are asked to bring documentation as proof of
Summer School
           Remedial                        Full-Credit

O For those students who        O For those students who want
    need to repeat a course         to complete courses ahead
O   Must have achieved 40% or       of schedule
    better in their class for   O   6 weeks in July/Aug
    entrance                    O   3 hour class
O   4 weeks in July             O   English 10, Socials 10,
O   1 hr 45 min. class              Science 10, Math 10,
O   English 9, Socials 9,       O   Career Life Education 10
     Math 9, Science 9          O   2 class maximum
O   2 class maximum
When can we sign up for
Parent Connect and Student Connect are open:

           February 5 – February 28

       Course Verification March 5 - 9

O Courses are not first come first serve, until after
  course selection.
O Choose wisely now! Changes may not be possible
Important! - locker
O Before signing up for courses, you must click
  ‘YES’ if you want a locker!
O If you will not use a locker, then do not click
O Course Planning

  O Counsellor
    Ms. W. Diomis (
  O Career and Course Planning
    O Ms. K. Fernandes (

  O Graduation Program Information
Delta Academies
O What is Anxiety?
  O Our bodies reaction to perceived danger or
    important events
  O Like an internal alarm system – alerts us to
    danger and helps our body prepare to deal
    with it
  O Everybody experiences anxiety!
O What’s going on when I’m anxious?
  O Affects our thoughts, body, and behaviours
  O When faced with danger, you will have
    worrisome thoughts about the danger, your
    body will ready to take action to protect
    yourself, and you will take action to get away
    from the danger or fight
  O Anxiety is protective – it’s how we evolved
    and stayed alive as a species!
O The Anxiety Triangle
O Where does anxiety come from?
  O Genetics
  O Life Experiences
What Can I do about anxiety?
O Quick Tips:
  O Be active!
     O Find something you love to do and do it!
     O Try to get some aerobic, strength, and flexibility
     O Exercise 30-60 minutes per day
     O Set realistic goals for yourself
     O Exercise at least two hours before falling asleep
       in order to avoid not being able to sleep
What Can I do about anxiety?
O Eat healthy!
  O Cut back on sugar
  O Avoid caffeine
  O Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day
  O Eat regular meals (six small meals a day or
     three meals and two snacks)
What Can I do about anxiety?
O Get 9 hours of sleep per night
O Go to bed and wake up at the same time
  each day
O Create a relaxing bedtime routine (ex. Warm
  bath or shower, put on pjs, light snack,
  calming music, read a book)
What Can I do about anxiety?
O Drugs & Alcohol
  O Drugs and alcohol are not helpful when trying
    to manage anxiety!
Strategies to Manage anxiety

O Thoughts
Strategies to manage anxiety

O Deep Breathing
Strategies to manage anxiety

O Visualization
  O Dr. Lynn Miller
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