CELTIC & GAELIC STUDIES - Undergraduate Studies 2021

Page created by Gail Sparks
CELTIC & GAELIC STUDIES - Undergraduate Studies 2021
Undergraduate Studies

Cùrsaichean Fo-cheum
CELTIC & GAELIC STUDIES - Undergraduate Studies 2021
ONE OF THE     29,000        IN THE TOP
TOP 100        STUDENTS      5 OF THE
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                                            See ucas.com.
CELTIC & GAELIC STUDIES - Undergraduate Studies 2021
CELTIC CIVILISATION                                                                                                           CELTIC STUDIES
Celtic Civilisation immerses you in the history of                                                                            Celtic Studies provides the opportunity to combine
the Celts, the development of their societies, their                                                                          language study with a range of courses on the
literature, material culture, art and religion, from                                                                          medieval and modern Celtic cultures of the
earliest times on the European continent to the                                                                               British Isles.
present-day British Isles.
                                                                                                                                     CELTIC STUDIES                   STUDY
       CELTIC STUDIES                                                                                                         100% (NON SPECIFIC)                     ABROAD
                                     STUDY                                                                                           STUDENTS SATISFIED *
100% (NON SPECIFIC)                  ABROAD

                                                                                                                                MA (Hons) (Q504): Four years
 MA (Hons)/MA (SocSci) (Hons): Four years
                                                                                                                                Joint Honours available, see glasgow.ac.uk/ug/
 Celtic Civilisation can only be taken as a Joint                                                                               celticstudies.
 Honours degrees. See glasgow.ac.uk/ug/
 celticcivilisation for details.                                                                                                Note
                                                                                                                                No prior knowledge of a Celtic language is required.
 No prior knowledge of a Celtic language is required              Entry requirements                                                                                                            Entry requirements
 and all reading materials will be studied in English.            Our programme webpages advertise the most                                                                                     Our programme webpages advertise the most
                                                                                                                              Years 1 and 2
                                                                  up-to-date detail on our entry requirements for                                                                               up-to-date detail on our entry requirements for
                                                                  2021-22 entry at glasgow.ac.uk/undergraduate.               In the first two years you will take courses from the             2021-22 entry at glasgow.ac.uk/undergraduate.
Year 1                                                                                                                        Celtic Civilisation and/or Gaelic programmes.
                                                                  Due to the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic                                                                                  Due to the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic
You will explore the history, culture and religious beliefs       has had on grades certified in 2020, we are                 You will also study other subjects in years 1 and 2.              has had on grades certified in 2020, we are
of the ancient Celts who, at their maximum extent,                currently assessing the flexibility that we can                                                                               currently assessing the flexibility that we can
                                                                                                                              Years 3 and 4
occupied much of Western and Central Europe, from                 offer in the consideration of academic entry                                                                                  offer in the consideration of academic entry
Britain and Ireland in the west, to Asia Minor in the east.       requirements. We will publish any changes on                If you successfully complete the courses in first and             requirements. We will publish any changes on
You will also examine the society, art and literature of the      our webpages.                                               second years, you may move on to Honours Celtic                   our webpages.
early Christian Celts of Britain and Ireland.                                                                                 Studies, where you will study various aspects of Celtic
                                                                                                                              societies in their historical and cultural contexts.
You will also study other subjects in years 1 and 2.
                                                                                                                              You will study at least one language:
Year 2                                                                                                                        • Early Gaelic
                                                                Our international links                                                                                                       Our international links
You will study the most important aspects of the                                                                              • Medieval Welsh
histories, institutions, cultures and literatures of Scottish   There are opportunities open for you to study in an           • Modern Scottish Gaelic                                        There are opportunities open to you to study in an
Gaelic, Irish and Welsh societies in two courses:               institution outside the UK. The University has active         • Modern Irish.                                                 institution outside the UK. The University has active
                                                                study abroad relationships with universities such as the                                                                      study abroad relationships with universities such as the
• Celtic societies, 1066 – 1603 is mainly concerned
                                                                National University of Ireland, Galway, and universities in   If you studied Celtic Civilisation in the first two years you   National University of Ireland, Galway, and universities in
    with the period of conquest and cultural change in
                                                                North America and Australia offering Celtic courses.          may begin to study Scottish Gaelic; or you may wish to          North America and Australia offering Celtic courses.
    the Middle Ages.
• Celtic societies and the modern world traces the              Career prospects                                              combine studying medieval Celtic history with learning
                                                                                                                              one of the medieval Celtic languages.                           Career prospects
    relationship between Celtic languages and countries         Recent graduates have entered a range of careers
    and the British state from 1750 to the present day.                                                                       You can also choose from a range of courses on                  Recent graduates have entered a range of careers
                                                                including primary and secondary teaching; work with                                                                           including primary and secondary teaching; work with
Years 3 and 4                                                   museums and government heritage bodies; publishing            specific aspects of Celtic culture and literature, such as
                                                                                                                              belief and culture in early medieval Ireland and Gaelic         museums and government heritage bodies; publishing
If you progress to Honours (years 3 and 4) you will             and book marketing. Others have gone on to further                                                                            and book marketing; music; entrepreneurship. Others
                                                                study and to successfully pursue a career in research         Scotland, language policy and planning in Scotland,
have the opportunity to deepen your understanding                                                                                                                                             have gone on to further study and to pursue successfully
                                                                and academic work.                                            Gaelic folklore, early Gaelic literature, medieval Welsh
of specific aspects of Celtic history, literatures and                                                                                                                                        a career in research and academic work.
                                                                                                                              literature and Celtic art.
cultures, such as belief and culture in early medieval
Ireland and Gaelic Scotland, Celtic place-names of                                                                            Honours students on this programme also have access
Scotland, early Gaelic literature, Celtic art, medieval                                                                       to a series of courses on Celtic history and culture on
                                                                  Why choose Glasgow?                                                                                                          Why choose Glasgow?
Welsh literature and Gaelic folklore.                                                                                         topics such as medieval Ireland, the Northern Britons
                                                                  You will have the opportunity to study the                  and the Picts.                                                   You will have the opportunity to study the medieval
You will have access to a series of courses on Celtic             medieval and modern cultures of the Celtic-
history and culture on topics such as medieval Ireland,                                                                       You will also write a dissertation, allowing you to              and modern cultures of the Celtic-speaking peoples,
                                                                  speaking peoples, with scholars at the cutting                                                                               with scholars at the cutting edge of research – and
the Northern Britons and the Picts.                                                                                           research a relevant topic of your own choosing and to
                                                                  edge of research – as part of a joint degree, with                                                                           learn a Celtic language of the British Isles.
                                                                                                                              develop a capacity to work independently.
You will also write a dissertation, allowing you to               no requirement to learn a Celtic language.
research a relevant topic of your own choosing and to
develop a capacity to work independently.

w glasgow.ac.uk/ug/celticcivilisation e humanities-enquiries@glasgow.ac.uk                                                    w glasgow.ac.uk/ug/celticstudies e humanities-enquiries@glasgow.ac.uk

* Discover Uni (discoveruni.gov.uk), January 2020                                                                             * Discover Uni (discoveruni.gov.uk), January 2020
CELTIC & GAELIC STUDIES - Undergraduate Studies 2021
Explore Scottish Gaelic language and culture
through the centuries to the present day, and
develop your Gaelic language skills for the
contemporary job market.
Ionnsaich mu chultar na Gàidhlig tro na linntean,
agus leasaich do sgilean cànain airson chothroman
cosnaidh nas fheàrr.                                                                                                          Taigh na Gàidhlig
                                                                                                                              A bheil Gàidhlig agad? An còrdadh e riut
                                                                                                                              fuireach còmhla ri daoine eile aig a bheil
                                                                                                                              Gàidhlig? Tha sinn a’ toirt cothrom do
  MA (Hons) (Q530): Four years                                                                                                dh’oileanaich aig a bheil Gàidhlig,
  Joint Honours available, see glasgow.ac.uk/ug/gaelic.                                                                       fuireach ann am flat ri chèile airson na
                                                                                                                              bliadhna acadaimigich. ’S e cothrom air
  Note                                                           Entry requirements                                           leth a tha seo do luchd-labhairt na
  No prior knowledge of Scottish Gaelic is required.             Our programme webpages advertise the most                    Gàidhlig a bhith stèidhichte ann an
                                                                 up-to-date detail on our entry requirements for              àrainneachd Ghàidhlig fad bliadhna air
                                                                 2021-22 entry at glasgow.ac.uk/undergraduate.
Year 1                                                                                                                        àrainn an Oilthighe.
                                                                 Due to the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic
There are three courses: Advanced 1 for students with a                                                                       Airson barrachd fios air Taigh na
                                                                 has had on grades certified in 2020, we are
good pass in Higher Gàidhlig; Intermediate 1 for those                                                                        Gàidhlig, sgrìobh gu Fiona Dunn,
                                                                 currently assessing the flexibility that we can
with a good pass in Higher Gaelic; and Beginners 1 for                                                                        manaidsear leasachaidh na Gàidhlig:
                                                                 offer in the consideration of academic entry
absolute/near beginners.                                                                                                      fiona.dunn@glasgow.ac.uk.
                                                                 requirements. We will publish any changes on
Each course develops appropriate language skills, and            our webpages.
offers differentiated study of modern literary texts as well
as an overview of Gaelic society and culture in Scotland
from earliest times to the present.                                                                                           Gaelic Language
You will also study other subjects in years 1 and 2.                                                                          Residency Scheme
                                                               a Gaelic immersion year in Glasgow and South Uist
Year 2                                                         after year 2, to develop advanced language skills and          Do you speak Gaelic? Would you like to
You will continue to develop your language skills and          experience Gaelic community environments before                live on-campus with other Gaelic
knowledge of Gaelic culture, including aspects of              entering Junior Honours. This is a skills development          speakers? Taigh na Gàidhlig is a unique
contemporary sociolinguistics, through either of two           opportunity, not an Honours requirement.                       residency scheme offering Gaelic
courses:                                                                                                                      speaking students the opportunity to live
                                                               Our international links
Advanced 2 (taught in Gaelic) – if you progress from                                                                          together on-campus in a Gaelic
Advanced 1 or Intermediate 1, you will study modern            In your Honours years you will have the opportunity to         environment for the academic year.
prose writing and post-1600 song and poetry on a               spend one semester or two studying Irish at the National
variety of themes, as well as aspects of linguistics           University of Ireland, Galway, or at various universities in   To find out more contact Fiona Dunn,
including the use of Gaelic in contemporary Scotland.;         North America and Australia.                                   fiona.dunn@glasgow.ac.uk.
Intermediate 2 (taught in English and Gaelic) – if you         Career prospects
progress from Beginners 1, you will continue to practise       Recent developments in support of Gaelic mean
and develop your language skills and you will study a          that Gaelic is a language with expanding career
range of modern Gaelic fiction, poetry and song.               opportunities. Our graduates have gone on to a wide
Years 3 and 4                                                  range of careers in the media, publishing, the arts,
                                                               teaching, academia, librarianship and law. Others
If you progress to Honours (years 3 and 4), you will           find careers in the Civil Service, language planning/
concentrate on modern Scottish Gaelic language and             development with local authorities and Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
literature, as well as studying Irish and the development
and varieties of the Gaelic languages. Most of your
courses will be taught through the medium of Gaelic.
You will also write a dissertation in Gaelic, researching a      Why choose Glasgow?
relevant topic of your own choosing.                             You can study Gaelic folklore, song, modern
For a broader Celtic curriculum incorporating Gaelic             poetry, autobiography and contemporary fiction
language skills, please see Celtic Studies.                      all through Gaelic, while the University’s Gaelic
                                                                 initiative and the city’s vibrant Gaelic community
Gaelic immersion year                                            also provide opportunities to use Gaelic outside
If your Level 1 Gaelic course was Beginners or                   the classroom.
Intermediate, you will have the option of completing

w glasgow.ac.uk/ug/gaelic e humanities-enquiries@glasgow.ac.ukgaelic
* Discover Uni (discoveruni.gov.uk), January 2020
CELTIC & GAELIC STUDIES - Undergraduate Studies 2021
                                                                           WITH US
                                                                           For information on upcoming
                                                                           Open Days, please see:





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Produced by External Relations, University of Glasgow.
Photography by the University Photographic Unit, Shutterstock.com.
© University of Glasgow May 2020
The University of Glasgow,charity number: SC004401
CELTIC & GAELIC STUDIES - Undergraduate Studies 2021
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