2015 Pier Park Mardi Gras Parade Information Cover Sheet

2015 Pier Park Mardi Gras Parade Information Cover Sheet
Dear Mardi Gras Parade Participants:

The 2015 Panama City Beach Mardi Gras parade is scheduled for Saturday, February
14, 2015 and will start at 5:00 p.m. Staging will take place along Stingray Drive behind
Target & JC Penney in Pier Park and the entrance to the staging area will be in the
same place as last year behind Target just off Powell Adams Road. All units should be
decorated in a Mardi Gras theme and will need to be in the staging area between
noon and 3:00 p.m. See the enclosed maps for childrens and main parade routes.

Application deadline: February 9, 2015

Please review the attached rules and regulations that govern the parade. The parade
marshals and police department will strictly enforce these regulations, and anyone
violating them will be escorted out of the parade. No refunds will be given after the
due date.

The following is a list of the documents/procedures required for participation in
either parade:

______Read the Parade Rules and share them with other group participants.
______Fill out and return the parade application.
______Fill out and sign the Hold Harmless Agreement.
______Verify that you have one wheel walker per axel on BOTH sides of your floats
      (one per side for automobiles). Wheel walkers are an absolute requirement
      for child safety.
______Prepare and return an electronic copy of a brief description of your entry as
      you would like it to be read by media during the TV broadcast of the parade.
______Provide proof of liability insurance for the driver and vehicle towing your
      parade floats.
______Remit your entry fee payment payable to Mardi Gras At The Beach, Inc.

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable experience at the parade. Please drive safely
and pay attention during the parade. Thank you for your support and participation.

Mail to: Mardi Gras At The Beach, Inc.       Email to: ndlandreth@gmail.com
         Attn: Parade Director
         P.O. Box 27262
         Panama City Beach, FL 32411
2015 Pier Park Main Parade Entry Application
Name of Participant:

Affiliate Organization:

                           (First Name, Last Name)

Home Phone:                                  Work Phone:

Email:                                       Mobile Phone:

Mailing Address:
                          Street - Box - Apt./Suite

City                               State                          Zip

Alt. Contact Person:                                  Phone:

Descripton of Entry(ies): Include brief description for each & size (length & width)
Entry Fee - Please check one:
______Krewe: $125 Entry Fee for up to 5 floats
______Commercial with Float: $125 Entry Fee for up to 3 floats
______Commercial without Float Unit: $50 Entry Fee for up to 3 non float units
______Other (including autos, etc.): $50 Entry Fee per group. No maximum if part
      of same group
______Non-profit: No Entry Fee
______Number of cases of beads needed at $55/case

Estimated combined length of all units in group                (Maximum height 13 feet)
Mail ro: Mardi Gras At The Beach, Inc.             Email to: ndlandreth@gmail.com
        P.O. Box 272262
        Panama City Beach, FL 32411
2015 Pier Park Mardi Gras Parade Rules

1. Commercial parade units are permitted to distribute commercial throws; provided, however,
that no loose paper products may be distributed during the parade.

2. All parade entries are required to be decorated in a Mardi Gras theme with the exception that
vintage automobiles need not be decorated provided the drivers are appropriately dressed in
Mardi Gras attire.

3. No throws or beads may be thrown or handed out until your unit reaches Front Beach Road.
We may only distribute throws along the designated parade route. The PCPD said they would
remove any units seen distributing throws along Powell Adams Road.

4. All vehicles and trailers are required to have at least 1 spotter or wheel walker on each side.
Longer floats must have two on each side.

5. Drivers and wheel walkers are not permitted to throw beads due to safety concerns. The primary
purpose of the wheel walkers is to ensure that no spectators put themselves in harm’s way. Please
keep a close eye on children.

6. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed on parade units during the parade. Once the procession
moves onto Powell Adams Road, please refrain from drinking until the end of the parade.

7. Please ask your driver to not stop along the route just to allow participants to distribute throws
or wave to family members and friends. We would like to maintain a steady slow walking pace and
avoid unusual spaces between units. If unusual spacing does occur, please do not speed up to more
than a normal walking pace to catch up.

WHEREAS the Mardi Gras At The Beach, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “MGATB”) sponsoring
a Mardi Gras Festival (hereinafter referred to as “the Festival”) to be held on February 14th and
15th, 2015 at Pier Park in Panama City Beach, Florida and;
WHEREAS the undersigned individual, business entity, or organization (hereinafter referred to
as the “Participant”) desires to participate in the Festival by renting a vendor booth space or by
participating in the Main Parade or Children’s Parade during the Festival.

              NOW THEREFORE,
                                                    Name of Participant

By and thru its authorized respresentative, does hereby agree to, and does hereby, indemnify and
save the MGATB, its officers and directors, members and all affiliates, organizations or persons
sponsoring, managing, or in any other way participating in the Festival; against all claims for
damages to persons, or property, or any other claim of any sort, by reason of its participation and
the participation of its members and other participants in said Festival, and all expenses incurred
by the MGATB as a consequence thereof, including but not limited to attorney’s fees and court
costs. The Participant shall be liable for and shall hold the MGATB harmless in connection with
any damage or injury to the MGATB and any persons or property of other Festival participants,
spectators, or any other persons, arising from the negligence or intentional conduct of the
Participant or any of its members or participants.

I/WE have read the above Release, Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement as well as the
rules and regulations governing participation in the Festival and agree to be bound by and abide
by them.

Name of Participant

______________________________________                    ____________________
Signature of Authorized Representative                    Date

Print Name of Authorized Representative
Do you need help with BEADS?

    Where do I buy them? How many should I get?
  What kind? What about shipping? What do they cost?
If you have a good source for beads and other throws, that’s great. However, if
you don’t want to hassle with rounding up beads, getting them shipped, storing
them and that kind of thing we can help.

The beads we will have available are a mix of styles, from 33” to 48” long. Our
Krewe members will throw 1 - 2 cases in our parade, but some folks will throw
only a few dozen.....depends on how you pace yourself.

If you want us to get your beads for you, we will. The catch is that you’ll need
to send in your paid order with your parade registration. Just fill in what you
want on the registration form. Obviously, we don’t have an unlimited number,
so it’s first ordered, first served. Hopefully, we will have enough to go around
and make everyone happy, and no matter what, we’ll let you know if we run
out WAY ahead of time.

The cost to you is $55 per case, including tax. Your beads will be set aside
specifically for you and will be waiting for you when you check in for the

Questions? Email David at ndlandreth@gmail.com
2015 Pier Park Parade Entry Bio
Please provide a description of your Krewe and/or entry to be read from the viewing stand
over the public address system during the parade. This narrative will become part of the
television and radio broadcast of the event. If possible, we would prefer that you provide
a bio in electronic form using Microsoft Word. If not, write it below and we will have
someone copy it into Word. Keep in mind that the bio may be edited as required by time
constraints. Please do not exceed 100 words.

Wheel Walker Sign Up Sheet

You must have one walker on per axel on each side of the float.

Wheel Walkers are for safety only and will not throw beads and trinkets


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